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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 160 KB, 1656x1963, las-104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2981233 No.2981233 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last Thread >>2975938

>> No.2981234
File: 423 KB, 1915x1765, bjBSE6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.2981235
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x1465, tumblr_opz7z4yDnk1vp6h9ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.2981239

The lemur doesn't give a fuck
Lava, the crippled cuck

>> No.2981243

Where are polar bears of shame?

>> No.2981246
File: 45 KB, 625x415, little-p-is-the-most-adorably-sad-cat-of-instagram-2-8208-1409092938-15_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too lazy to make a compilation.

>> No.2981247

Choob smells like shit.

>> No.2981260

So, you know them IRL. Does they look0 what they smell?

>> No.2981272

join in the "fun"

>> No.2981290

The smell... it's a trace of BO.

>> No.2981308

What are your thoughts of using 3D models as reference?

>> No.2981313

no rules just tools

>> No.2981316
File: 286 KB, 535x573, 1494772753441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For me, it's fine if you don't just paint over them.

But even that seems to be a relatively common thing in the industry, so i don't know.

>> No.2981399


>> No.2981442 [DELETED] 


>> No.2981445 [DELETED] 


>> No.2981446 [DELETED] 


>> No.2981465

I kind of want to do a really ambitious challenge, where everyone's assigned a role and depending on how many join we'll have a bigger project.

For instance, start with a writer, character designer, set designer, costume designer, and visual director.

If we get more than 5 participants we can make a short comic with a layout designer, illustrators, background artist, and finisher(color/tone/details).

More than 10 participants is probably enough for a very very short PV and we can include animators, storyboardists, a sound director and a PV director.

Would anyone be interested in something like that?

>> No.2981470

/las/ can barely get designs done though.

>> No.2981476

Nigga you must be smoking something dank if you think we have the skills and organizational ability for something like that. Might as well make a challenge to herd cats with down syndrome.

>> No.2981479

Finlay isn't allowed to join and there's a director assigned to keep everyone on track?

>> No.2981486

Which LAS'SO do you think is most capable to art direct? I know it's me but I want to see how perceptive you guys are.

>> No.2981487

no bully

>> No.2981496

There is no way the faggots here can organize something like that. Even the character swap was pushing boundaries to what lassies can manage.

>> No.2981497

Lava is a great art director. He got hundreds of people to join his site and draw for 30 minutes a day and set up a community.

>> No.2981514

It wouldn't be much different than the char swap or comic collab as long as it's kept simple.

>writer: it's a story about an alien falling in love with an FBI agent.
>art director: it's gonna be sepia and angular.
>c.designer: design an alien and agent that are sepia and angular.

>comic is maybe 2 pages.
>pv is a few stills and maybe 2 seconds of movement.

I'm not saying we should try to make a comic series or feature length movie. I just think it'd be something useful to try since industry artists usually work in groups.

>> No.2981516

I think it's a pretty neat idea, my only worry is communication/deciding roles and timing.
Also one guy could let the whole team down.

>> No.2981547

The max for challenges is 30 days right? And we can always continue it in the thread if we miss the deadline. Maybe the first day would just be for setting the schedule and deciding who does what.

Not sure about deciding jobs. Maybe everyone can choose what they want, first come first served, and then anyone who doesn't know or have strong feelings can have something assigned. And if we get any dropouts those with lighter jobs can pick up the slack?

I assume the thread is best for communication, and we can make the schedule/job list the first post like in most challenges.

>> No.2981561
File: 10 KB, 250x246, 1476169616494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to draw something I have no experience with for the topic again

I hate this.

>> No.2981563

Kill your darlings, m8. It's a good thing to do stuff you're not comfortable with.

>> No.2981632

Can you guys still make challenges? I'm week 1 And it won't let me make any challenges...

>> No.2981655

Email Lava at lava@lavaflake.com :)

>> No.2981659

...is the snake supposed to be a reference to final fantasy?

>> No.2981665

not really, I just heard from a lot of friend how fun persona 5 was and I like flashy outfits
it just so happened to coincide with the topic, to me at least

>> No.2981669

Also wk1 and no.

>> No.2981712

Papa or Cubeman certainly. Maybe Leo.

>> No.2981749
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, you-can-do-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you, I now you're reading this, I just wanted to say that you're going to make it!

>> No.2981753

>Haven't done anything for four days
I dunno man

>> No.2981757

Tell me something I didn't know.

>> No.2981759

Thanks, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.2981761

what about a challenge where we draw things that scare us or make us uncomfortable? Like spiders or something like that.

>> No.2981762

Like drawing.

>> No.2981764

Or we can just do a "draw a girl" challenge

>> No.2981769

I emailed this company for a freelance job..and they said my portfolio is promising.
Even though they didn't have any jobs it kinda made my day desu
We are all gonna make it

>> No.2981773

jesus christ D:

>> No.2981790

Post your promise

>> No.2981792

Gonna make it.

>> No.2981815

what kind of work anon? It is a good feeling to get some positive feedback/crits from employers.

>> No.2981818

I meant things not related to art, but alright

>> No.2981820

we already did self portrait challenge

>> No.2981823

What kind of work is it, anon? You doing concept art?

>> No.2981837
File: 14 KB, 300x354, 1485748824690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2981843

How about an animation challenge?

Something like make an n frame animation.

>> No.2981844

Was it Atlus

>> No.2981867

Don't use technical limitations like n-frames, or n-seconds.
You can better do something like a short loop, maybe a single action like a character jumping, walking or throwing something.
Heck if there are many beginners, just a bouncing ball challenge will be fine.

>> No.2981871

It doesn't matter what kind of challenges are suggested if they aren't suggested by the three people who can still make challenges.

>> No.2981873

wait what? only 3 people can make challenges?

>> No.2981874

I went to create a challenge and I could open a challenge prompt.
Does that mean I can make a challenge?

>> No.2981875

fix jojo part 4

>> No.2981876

>three people who can still make challenges
I am one of those and it wont let me make them anymore
I can make a prompt too but when I try to submit it to the site it just refreshes and nothing happens

Challenges may be dead, don't know what could of triggered it.

>> No.2981877

try it, you should be able to delete your challenge before it's started

>> No.2981879

I don't know. A lot of lassies can't and it's always the same handful of people that do.

>> No.2981880

Can you find me?


>> No.2981882

>yfw the face of Rover is hidden among these people

>> No.2981884

It doesn't work nothing happens after I press the create button.
What a shame.

>> No.2981886


>> No.2981889

>the death of challenges


>> No.2981892

i cant believe proko's curse killed challenges

>> No.2981895


>> No.2981899




>> No.2981900

I guess we should probably email Lava at lava@lavaflake.com :^(

>> No.2981902

maybe if we all do it, we''ll get his attention!

>> No.2981906

fluff here, I can't either.
>inb4 20 challenges suddenly get made from all the delayed attempts

>> No.2981908

Wouldn't be surprised to be honest, site's so bugged up at this point.

>> No.2981909

Everyone email your portfolio to Lava.

>> No.2981911

first post best post

>> No.2981914

last time he came back it was because we commented on his blog, why don't we just do that?

>> No.2981918

>yfw that's what >>2981769 did

>> No.2981931


>> No.2981933

but he got a reply anon..

>> No.2981936
File: 1.31 MB, 540x400, squirtle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely we could handle challenges in a roundabout way? Like upload submissions to a different site or something.

>> No.2981941

Polar Bear worked just fine.

>> No.2981944

Yeah but it still sucks only two people can make challenges.

>> No.2981950

true, true :(

>> No.2982060

He had to read all comments before because each comment needed approval, but he changed it.

>> No.2982080

kek that fucker

>> No.2982159
File: 43 KB, 325x392, challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, how about a long 30 days challenge. I found this on some facebook page a while ago. Basically you draw an element of an rpg everday for 30 days. Im probably going to do it regardless of it being a challenge or not. Just putting it here if anyone else is interested. If it's gonna be made into a challenge, I'll change the list a bit.

>> No.2982179

I blame choob

>> No.2982194

I blame lava

>> No.2982205

I blame lava's crippling autism

>> No.2982206

see choob, you just copied what I wrote. That's the problem.

>> No.2982232

I'm not choob you retarded spastic.

>> No.2982249

I'M not Choob you retarded spastic.

>> No.2982285

>choobposter goes full retard again

>> No.2982380

I'm wasting time again. I have all the time in the world to draw for the next few months yet I'm not doing what I need to do... pls save me

>> No.2982415

I hope I don't become like you. I have the next few months free and I hope I make it within that time.

>> No.2982437

I'm not a meme anymore!

>> No.2982440
File: 237 KB, 960x960, 1485372934107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Discord link as a submission
what the fuck are you doing, Nessiefynn?

>> No.2982444

D-don't laught at me anon, help me!

>> No.2982446
File: 78 KB, 517x526, 1494547143222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up, should be fixed now

>> No.2982448
File: 479 KB, 1598x1221, IMG_20170517_074641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a landscape challenge?

>> No.2982489

>Nobody can create challenge anymore.
/Las/ on the verge of death.

>> No.2982508


>> No.2982650


>> No.2982673

j-just draw dude
n-no one cares about fostering a fun community or pushing people out of their comfort zones with interesting challenges
LAS is for the week 1ers, n-not any of you newfags!


>> No.2982699

las had a rough life :(

>> No.2982700

Can't we do them here?
Someone with a trip starts a challenge, those interested reply with their names, then the trip user makes an anchor post for submissions after 10 days.

>> No.2982704

so i applied for a job a few weeks ago. then the guy told me that it was gone but i had the opportunity to apply for another position, naturally i agree.
>no interview
>no location
>no phone number
>you're hired!
>3 weeks later they send me a CHECK FOR 1800
see, the fun thing is that i need to cash in the check. technically he purchases something and then if i accept the check in confirming to pay the amount of money he spent, so its a cleverly disguised bill in the shape of money. him and his ilk feed on the hope of others how disgusting.i later received a call of him waiting at a wall mart in cali sounds African, i told him i'm driving in my Zamboni, its been 4 hours and hes furious, im dying of lulz. not even gonna give you the fake routing number. Zamboni lol
you might just be right.

>> No.2982706 [DELETED] 

oh man.

>> No.2982707

we could, might be a bit impromptu and dunno how many participating lasses actually read the threads though

>> No.2982709

i cant post pictures? something is wrong it keeps telling me "upload failed"

>> No.2982710

4chan is getting fucked a bit at the moment

>> No.2982712

by the same hackers that are holding the last pirates of the carrribean for ransom?
how much do you think they will ask for 4chan?

>> No.2982713

jozu - The colour is lovely, you may want to add some atmospheric perspective though, like what they've shown in discord last time. That should add more depth to the painting.

CRT - The outfit's looking good, but the pose seems stiff to me, a good ref will help make it more dynamic

KaranVess - Hatching seems rushed to me, try doing it slower next time, it's ok to take your time

>> No.2982714


>> No.2982724

You've been banned Choobpostah!

>> No.2982745

how can i be banned if i can reply to you?

>> No.2982756

how do you blankpost like this?

>> No.2982792

Find a group of people to draw with. Have fun.

>> No.2982793

yeah that's the good old check cashing scam

It almost got me and my brother once but only because I was at the brink of losing it for not being employed for an entire year.

>> No.2982794

How do I render?

>> No.2982797

Have a nice trip, pijin. The guy with the cigarette looks cool

>> No.2982803

I have the same problem

>can't focus
>start 10 drawing different things
>hate all of them
>delete and take a break

I rarely do finished work but things are getting worse if I can't even finish a sketch.

>> No.2982817

Learn how light works so you know what to look for when observing light and shadows, practice visualizing and understanding 3D form because that dictates the hardness and shape of edges and areas, do value studies to practice identifying and replicating those edges and areas, and do original works with a discrete number of values to practice blocking in with a limited palette

>> No.2982833

put the hours of work in it takes to learn something.

>> No.2982907
File: 250 KB, 1445x2048, __original_drawn_by_ayase_totsuki_and_nashigaya_koyomi__8cd834eb1dc9554fa416a7e593fdd969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2982951

What're you wasting time on?
Something that's worked well for me is to unplug all my distractions (specifically, I unplug the wi-fi USB thingy from my PC) before going to sleep, and then drawing first thing in the morning. The more inconvenient you make it to turn your distractions back on, the better (so for example, I don't just unplug my internet USB thingy, I unplug it and take it to a different part of the house).
It's not infallible and it takes a little bit of willpower, but it's helping me get a few hours more hours of practice every day.

>> No.2982955

How do I stop playing video games for 5 hours a day?

>> No.2982958

Just stop

>> No.2982959

what game?

>> No.2982961

2007 runescape

>> No.2982964

Have you tried >>2982951

>> No.2982966

>not /v/scape

>> No.2982970

Love drawing more than video games. Become the producer, not the consumer.

>> No.2982979

I'm not drawing cus I'm looking at tutorials all day, definitely feels like procrastinating, but I can't stop it.

>> No.2982981

you need to STOP

>> No.2982987

That's because it is procrastinating. Didn't Feng tell you tutorials are useless without putting in the work?

>> No.2982989


Well if the video games are the only downtime you have, dropping them instantly would probably have some negative effects. So, limit you gaming hours and try to find downtime activity that you like and isn't as time consuming.

>> No.2982994

anime, vidya, shitposting, movies, etc. I was really busy during the school year and forced myself to abstain from this stuff but now that I have free time I can't seem to stop.

>> No.2982995

Well, the same principle applies, I think. Download whatever tutorials you want to implement tomorrow, then unplug your internet before bed and don't plug it back in before you've actually practiced what's in the tutorials.

>> No.2982998

I watch people playing video games on a 2nd monitor while I draw instead of playing them, dunno if watching people play runescape would be enjoyable but since it's mostly like listening to the radio it might work out.

>> No.2983010

What games you watch? runescape streams are boring af and the people are cancer.

>> No.2983015


>> No.2983018

Well, here's a few ideas;
A, unplug the internet during the hours you're supposed to be working.
B, if you have a laptop and a stationary PC, try using one for work and one for fun. Depending on where you live, it might be useful to work in a different room than the one you use for vidya (if you don't have a room without distractions, can you make one?).
C, if nothing else works, get out of your home and work somewhere else. For instance, take your laptop and tablet and go to the library.

>> No.2983023


>> No.2983026

If you still play video games and you suck at producing arty goodness, then you are a weakling who sickens me.

>> No.2983032

Having a dedicated place for art/work sounds like a really good idea if you got the space and extra pc. I feel like I procrastinate just out of habit of my usual routine when at pc at home.

Sticking to a schedule would probably have a similar effect too, to just break out of habit.

>> No.2983033

What if I don't play video games and suck.

>> No.2983034

extra special sickening

>> No.2983055

How the fuck do I draw animu? Every time I try drawing some it ends up looking mark crilley tier. When I draw random semi stylized shit on my own it looks fine but whenever I try cartoons or anime it looks sickening. Any resources I should know of? How did you learn? Pls help

>> No.2983059

The resources you should know are of what animu are you talking about? Do you like Asanagi? Togashi? Oda? Mark Crilley is great though for learning the basics of anime that you can't get anywhere else. His stuff applies to even better stuff, it's just different shapes.

>> No.2983070
File: 534 KB, 1357x1408, hVaJdJU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, Whizzard.

>> No.2983074

>no "Fuck you Lava"

>> No.2983079

>Download Toshi animu book

Meme arrows aside, see if you can grab some of those toshi, they are quite handy.

>> No.2983159

Your ass is handy too ;)

>> No.2983170

!! O///O

>> No.2983212

Wittle your way down to 4 hours, then 3, and so on until your satisfied.

>> No.2983215

>Toshi animu book
is it the one in the book thread/is there only one book? It seems to cover a lot of stuff ranging from clothing folds to shading. Looks pretty helpful, thanks.

>> No.2983217

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.2983384

I need a new fucking challenge or I'll die reeeeeeeeeee fuck you lavvvvvvaaaaaaa

>> No.2983386

challenge: save las

>> No.2983395

Start one >>2982700

>> No.2983417

I'm poor but would love to have PS : ( where did you guys get yours?

>> No.2983418

You can probably get it from cgpeers, or common public torrent sites

>> No.2983447

you can download an older version for free from Adobe.

>> No.2983564

I'm still working on it. I wish I had more hours in a day.

>> No.2983567


YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE otherthannicnac SAVE US!

>> No.2983668

>new challenge
>by Naf
I-is there anything he can't do?

>> No.2983691
File: 677 KB, 2316x2115, groundworks1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i play video games a lot too. its really numbing. i picked it up i think around when my parents went through their divorce thing.

i wish drawing made me calmer, id probably do it more. instead of post lazy halfassed pencil drawings into submissions. sorry senpai.

>> No.2983708

I play vidya too, it relaxes me and puts me in a good mood.
It's better to draw and study when you are chill and content.

>> No.2983713

i love you naf

>> No.2983737

Im trying mate, summer is coming and im taking a vacay and working on it when I can during that time. Hopefully, by late July/ early August I can open it up to have a few people try it out with alpha testing. Ill go into more detail when time gets closer

>> No.2983739

>naf can make challenges but I can't

>> No.2983770
File: 95 KB, 1000x680, toshi_animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside, this book looks like >pic
There is at least 5 of them.
It covers basic anatomy, movement, shading, framing, body in all kind of persective, even stylization of water movement.

Good luck to find them.

>> No.2983799

any idea where to look for em?

>> No.2983809
File: 32 KB, 383x497, pirate63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2983811

>instead of post lazy halfassed pencil drawings into submissions
Is there anyone who's entirely happy with their submissions? I think most of us wished we'd spent more time on something regardless of what we post.

>that challenge
I don't think I'm creative enough

>> No.2983919

Madman he actually did it! Wonder how many guys will be able to complete the whole challenge.

>> No.2983942

Will the Choobposter stop when Trump gets impeached?

>> No.2983954

198920 13114 621311 4157

>> No.2983966


>> No.2983970


>> No.2983975
File: 157 KB, 532x465, ChoobsHand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this hand drawn from imagination.

>> No.2983992

hey you you just ran over my hand with an 18 wheeler!

>> No.2984030
File: 13 KB, 207x220, 8835fb2381626fffd5a8020096d14935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984049

; ) got cs6 from a friend but now i gotta learn to use it. This is gonna be rough

>> No.2984052

Years before I could even get my hands on a copy of photoshop I was studying physical books from cover to cover. Get on my level.

>> No.2984085

>studying without being able to practice it
Mostly wasted time to be honest.

>> No.2984092

thats a loser mentality brev.

>> No.2984098


Depends on whether democrats win or lose the house. Even then, it's still unlikely to happen unless if he's accepting bribes like Flynn.

>> No.2984102

At the very least Trump will be a one termer, which is unacceptable to a narcissist like him. he'll step down before this happens. I give him 3-6 months.

>> No.2984103

The language school I go to is holding a design contest for a poster with no prices. I said they were just doing it because they didn't want to pay someone to do it and now I'll probably get kicked out because the professor organizing the contest got upset, how do I fix this guys?

>> No.2984123


The only way it will happen is if his opposition leaves him alone to implement his bad policies. He didn't win on his own hands, he won because of his opponents. They essentially gave him free political ads, a faithful political base, and numerous hitpieces that killed their own credibility.

Don't get me wrong, he's dumb, but his political opponents are even dumber.

>> No.2984128

Apologize and offer your first son.

>> No.2984163

lol Trump supporters already distancing themselves from supporting/voting for him, ye olde he didn't win Hillary lost trope.

>> No.2984167
File: 126 KB, 1190x469, LASfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984172

>when it's not actually 30 minutes
>when you didn't actually draw at all
I don't know those feels you cheating scumbag

>> No.2984174

Don't be intimidated by the sheer number of functions. The software is actually pretty easy.
Just do a bunch of tutorials and you'll be set for the basics and can continue from there.

>> No.2984176


>> No.2984184

call your professor a salty cunt then 360 moonwalk out of there

>> No.2984189


Sorry if I sounded rude earlier, but nothing I said was wrong. They distanced themselves because of his broken promises like Syria and the Border Wall, and not because of Antifa throwing bricks and fireworks at them in a university.

>> No.2984193

When I complain at school they have to change the course curriculum. Get on my level.

>> No.2984228

I hit some dude once in the face, it was rad.

>> No.2984229


That's super awesome. We're all gonna make it regardless of politics homies. We'll make our mark, not with words, but with stylus/pens. We gotta carve our path to victory!

>> No.2984243

Bipartisanship hurts us all, fag.

>> No.2984244

Why would you hit Rad? He seems like an okay guy

>> No.2984245


>> No.2984252

rad seems like he would be fun to bully tbqh

>> No.2984265

it wasn't me I'm sure

>> No.2984287


>> No.2984342
File: 167 KB, 800x739, 0dGyxzI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984345
File: 6 KB, 147x223, 1487939052011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn values without doing greyscale shit?

>> No.2984350

Slowly and uneasily.

>> No.2984367

If you can't do grayscale shit then you can't do colors. It's absolutely necessary.

>> No.2984370
File: 251 KB, 362x502, 1489742779232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like bs the old masters did color on color, and many artists today do so too.

>> No.2984373

How would I (theoretically) go about ruining Lava's life?

>> No.2984375

Values is just light and shadow family. Cooler in the shadows and warmer in the light. All you need to know.

>> No.2984381

email him

>> No.2984382

Many old master could do the grayscale shit super easily.

>> No.2984396
File: 146 KB, 952x944, 1494574891631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's obviously not
>absolutely necessry
like you said, so again, >>2984345

>> No.2984398

Study color photos and works of art and pay attention to the value slider on your color wheel. Whenever you're working on a piece, take a step back and squint your eyes to check the contrast, your change the picture to greyscale to make sure the values are distinct.

>> No.2984400

So if all the values are okay, what about saturation? Is there a way to greyscale saturation like for values?

>> No.2984401

>Wanted to join a challenge
>Kept missing out on them
>Finally a new challenge
>It's a fucking 30 day marathon
f u c k y o u n a f

>> No.2984402

Go hard or go home

>> No.2984403

join it

what are you?

a Fucking PUSSY??

>> No.2984404

First off there's different people responding to you

Second while not actually necessary it makes like entirely easier for you so its recommended.

So, you could try sorting values through colors, look at similar colors and sort them from darkest to lightest in your head I guess. Like if you've ever done those challenges online where you sort the colored bars.

>> No.2984405

You learn values best by removing everything that isn't values and making them your focus.
You don't need to do "greyscale shit" to learn how to paint, but it's like learning to paint without learning to make a nice pencil drawing first - you're skipping fundamentals.

>> No.2984409

No, saturation is dependent on hue and really just have to eyeball it. A general rule for saturation is that usually midtones have the highest saturation on an object, while the shadows and highlights will be more desaturated, though this can vary a lot with lighting. You just gotta look at a lot of art/photos, paint a lot, and try to develop an eye for it.

>> No.2984414

Learn greyscale painting, coloring is just a meme when you realize you can use basically use any grotesque color as long as your values are good.

>> No.2984422

The bible is a good source of values

>> No.2984424

just the old testament tho
the new one is for pussies

>> No.2984459
File: 1.08 MB, 840x564, 1491097844449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Persona 5 is destroying my gains

>> No.2984462

I avoided getting that game for that very reason.

>> No.2984475

Pihori is CUTE


>> No.2984505

Those games are too good mane. I got persona 4 a while back and never finished it because I'd play for like 10 hours a day. I know if I ever pick up a persona game it'll just eat up weeks of my time. Persona's been the only game to do this to me.

>> No.2984529

lassies with best and worst design/aethestics sense?

>> No.2984536

You already know what the answers will be anon...

>your mom
>you're mom
>my mom
>no one

>> No.2984570

thank you kind lassie! i am barely alive atm but i managed to submit from a shitty hotspot. nothing stops this streak

>> No.2984577

literally nothing gonna stop your streak now. I'm out for a while and my streak still the same, tempting for me to come back.

>> No.2984621

>cant make it home to submit
Pray for me for I am lost.

>> No.2984643

I hope you make it home in time anon! (unless your week 1)

>> No.2984656
File: 38 KB, 570x433, 234425641`46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naf just keeps getting better and better
>i keep stagnating
its like everyone has all the answers but me.

>> No.2984668
File: 114 KB, 1000x745, 1483203845034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im with you friend, I've been in the same spot for months. Keep pushing!

>> No.2984676


>> No.2984685

everything that's depressing or self detrimental is linked to the bean, truly a crown of thorns.

>> No.2984687

Can we get a list of stagnating lassies going? I feel like I'm stagnating and wanna know if I'm on it.

>> No.2984690

jerry is number 1 in this list, he either only draws squares or shitty faces. from one comfort zone to another.

>> No.2984704

jellybean had a rough life :(

>> No.2984709

me :\

>> No.2984712

I dont need to see it, I already know i'm on it

>> No.2984715

Well ask yourself what you need to improve on and work on that, keep pushing.

>know exactly what I need to do to improve but don't do it
>have plenty ideas yet find myself clueless on what to draw everyday
Kill me

>> No.2984724
File: 51 KB, 400x485, 1489434182533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Know what I need to improve at
>Don't know how
>Practice and theory doesn't seem to work

>> No.2984726
File: 85 KB, 1002x771, derw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even bondage fairy's tasty thic phallus can save me.

>> No.2984756

Reading a book or doing studies isn't where the actual long-term learning happens in your brain. It comes from accessing the information you dumped into your short term memory later on, whether it's original work, flash cards, or just rattling off things in your head.

>> No.2984765

If the site wont do it and Lava wont bother then I guess I'll have to do it. I see all of you slackers, here are the people who submitted yesterday but not today. Chums is a lie.


I am watching you all.

>> No.2984771

>tearing down the chummy facade
n-nooo!! D:

>> No.2984773

>Haven't posted in a while
>don't have the time to
>"its not like anyone will miss me"

>> No.2984790

I miss you senpai
every time a lassie dies a rover cries

>> No.2984810

I'm going to do the challenge for a 3rd person action game instead of an RPG
Fight me

>> No.2984813

I didn't :(
Aw damn, I thought I was going to get away with it.
But it's supposed to be a token loss so I'm still cool.

>> No.2984841

Choob smells like shit.

>> No.2984854


>> No.2984883

>>know exactly what I need to do to improve but don't do it
>>have plenty ideas yet find myself clueless on what to draw everyday
>Kill me
no, get your ass into gear and save yourself

>> No.2985018

I think Choob smells like peaches.

>> No.2985027

Choob still smells nicer than you.

>> No.2985101

The fuck is going on in this thread even, what's the inside 'joke' that choob is smelly or fuck him?

>> No.2985117

There's no joke, some autist has been spamming this dumb shit for months now. No one finds it funny yet he persists

>> No.2985308

Old LAS user called Choob has far right views, supports Donald Trump and Nigel Farage, also drew them for submissions, and seemed to attracted the attention of an autist when he posted long replies to bait calling him out. Some other anons also picked up on "Choobposting" because of its mild memetic value, Choobposting occasionally spreads into other threads and places where /ic/ anons like to meme.

On Trump's election date the autist declared that, if Trump was elected, he would continue "Choobpost"ing for 20 years. Trump was elected.

Choob later posted work that turned out to heavily reference another artist's piece of work so much so that an overlay of the two pieces hinted strongly that it was traced. The other artist wasn't credited in the post either, and Choob later edited the post. This was picked up on by the autist that likes to spam "Choob" a lot and the autist has since gone through Choob's previous work to point out previous traces and to decry Choob as a plagarist in every thread.

Choob quit LAS a few months ago, although the autist continues to spam threads about Choob.

The autist also seems to think that Choob harbors a hatred for Lava because Lava draws almost entirely from imagination, whereas Choob draws almost entirely from other pieces/reference. Thus, every criticism against Lava stokes the Choobposter into Choobposting.

>> No.2985311

choob was also one of the flawless, and his name sounds fat or something, so that joke was mixed into the choobposting

>> No.2985317
File: 5 KB, 400x400, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not creative enough for the challenge

>> No.2985320

do it you Fucking PUSSY

>> No.2985335

Lol 20 years? that shit is too funny.

>> No.2985338

Oh, figured it was just some banter but being on /ic/ I should've known better, cheers for filling me in mang.

>> No.2985340

fuck man shit dog

>> No.2985341

^ as for THIS longtime shitposter, he shall remain an enigma

>> No.2985357

But I would only be able to draw generic RPG bullshit that I've seen in bullshit generic RPG games.

>> No.2985361

Like everybody else who's participating. Get your shit together the challenge begin soon.

>> No.2985362

read a fantasy novel

>> No.2985370

lol no he's choobposter
they pop up exact same time

>> No.2985397

Yeah, I've noticed they tend to post close to each other very often.

>> No.2985407

I'm not him. I'm just here all day.

>> No.2985411

Why do you do it?

>> No.2985461

I am you, you just haven't accepted it yet.

>> No.2985528

Okie dokie, I'm just really insecure about my own skill.

>> No.2985529

Today will be the last time I post in these threads, I've become too busy and apparently the whole Choob smells like shit thing hasn't caught on like I had hoped.

One love.

>> No.2985537


>> No.2985542

Choob smells like shit.

>> No.2985543


>> No.2985544

The challenge is missing #25. Autism triggered.

>> No.2985545
File: 37 KB, 434x460, 24wrehth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saucy here,

This will be the only post I make
I'm quitting LAS, Life has become too rough
will return July 2018, if I don't, assume I'm dead
Grats to Fluff, someone draw him a cake

See ya

>> No.2985546


>> No.2985548

Please don't drop out yet!
You can make it to 500!

>> No.2985550

Dammit, man. I was expecting you to win this thing!

Hope things work out for you dude.

>> No.2985551



>> No.2985556

We're so close to 500 though. You gotta do at least a few more days.

>> No.2985557
File: 42 KB, 493x387, ef4077d14bd4a6a82030004dea6fd5fb_-with-question-mark-clipart-clipart-question-scratching-head_493-387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certainly explains the autism

>> No.2985559

Okay one more post because this will bother me forever

I'm not Choobposter

>> No.2985560

bye bye

>> No.2985562

Bye bye.

>> No.2985563

Good luck with whatever you're dealing with, hope it gets better soon.

>> No.2985566

If you're really going, godspeed. I think you've made decent progress from the old sanic porn scribbles in the early days and hope you'll continue drawing when you can

>> No.2985582

Grats to fluff, u can take down the site now lava. It's over.

>> No.2985583

didnt mean to reply

>> No.2985588

Hah! This site keeps getting weirder.
I actualy lost my streak for missing yesterday, even as a relatively new member.

Yet the site doesn't list me among it's users, and I had no token warning.

>> No.2985589

las is finally over


free... :')

>> No.2985591

Noo Lava don't close the site, Topic hell isn't over yet!

>> No.2985595

Welcome to LAS, bugs galore

>> No.2985599

I need my competition ;_;

Anyways I hope everything will be fine with you.

>> No.2985600


>> No.2985604
File: 349 KB, 900x549, 1468542076480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2985607

>tfw las ends before Lava comes back
>runnerman and nicnac will still be learning how to program

>> No.2985610

I need to know.
Will you all be participating in a new LAS?

I would miss you guys ;_;

>> No.2985612

Why July 2018?

>> No.2985615

a new las that learns from lava's mistakes?
a second chance to get things right?

yeah, I'd join that

>> No.2985662
File: 161 KB, 451x726, sonw4nZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, sweet prince.

>> No.2985667
File: 1.18 MB, 1600x925, 1465258676060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, bro.
I will.
LAS has been the most helpful thing ever for my self-discipline. After almost 500 days drawing I can't afford to go back to draw like one day a week.

>> No.2985771
File: 47 KB, 398x356, 1489777998721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will always be an unnoticed and insignificant LAS user

>> No.2985779

git gud

>> No.2985780

Join us in the shadows, grow in the shadows. Your time will come if you do.

>> No.2985788

more gain more fame

>> No.2985793

I've been here since the start and it's been nice looking at your work over the past year. You've certainly grown as an artist. I hope you get through whatever's been going on in your life and wish you the best man. Take care

>> No.2985844

Okay I'm legit depressed now that Saucy is kill.

>> No.2985849

we'll all be together again some day

>> No.2985856

same, didn't expect it to happen so soon

>> No.2985861

I don't really mind, he was a degenerate, hopefully he gets help.

>> No.2985868

He just drew vanilla gay porn i bet most of the people here wanks to sicker stuff.

>> No.2985876

lighten up friends! (´ㆁ ᴗ ㆁ`)


>> No.2985880

Sonic is vanilla gay porn? Either way just beat off and get it out of your system, stop edging with a hard on while you draw, its fucking creepy.

>> No.2985902
File: 66 KB, 255x500, see you space dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2985986

So when's the new tier list coming? Any people you think have improved or regressed?

Also can we please have an actual discussion about this instead of needlessly shit posting?

>> No.2985988

tier anon said end of may iirc

>> No.2985994

I think I am regressing, or at least comfort-zoning badly.
I try to stick to topics too but it's only aggrevating me and making me hate drawing.
At the same time, my autism doesn't allow me to stop and ignore the topic.

>> No.2985996

Was topic hell a mistake?

>> No.2986001

I dunno, I guess it does force me to draw things I don't usually think of myself, usually I'd only end up drawing female torsos and breasts.
But damn, it does feel like hell.

>> No.2986003

the tier list was complete bullshit to begin with, m8

>> No.2986007


>> No.2986015

It's nice to get attention.

>> No.2986027

it feels much better to earn it

>> No.2986029

stop being sensible

>> No.2986030

true, but there's nothing else going on in these threads so I still look forward to it. Kinda sad desu. All the crit anons left, anime dude left and even the chums poster left. All we have is the fucking choob posting degenerate and his posts are always grating to read. At least the tier list stirs the pot a little bit even though it is bullshit and most likely made by a shitter.

>> No.2986035

t. "Need more Loomis"

>> No.2986042

>the threads are shit
then what the fuck are you still doing here?

>> No.2986047
File: 1.18 MB, 500x549, 1487616849600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, how do we make this breads more interesting?

>> No.2986048

My life is equally shit. It's only fair that I subject myself to this. You don't honestly think these threads are good do you?

>> No.2986054

Draw and post in the thread instead of on the site.

>> No.2986057

Everyone start posting with your lassie name.

>> No.2986059


>> No.2986062

I love you Pihori!

>> No.2986063
File: 109 KB, 563x364, 1384084566012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night

>> No.2986064

>tfw the threads will never ever be as fun as they were again

>> No.2986065


don't go!



>> No.2986066

that would lead to people abusing each other's names

>> No.2986068

Alright lads heres the DEDAlphav1.02 update:

Site Link: draweveryday.ueuo.com

Ive added a login page, more detailed homepage covering the future of the site, and a 404 page for where construction is going on. After I get the sql tables and php up for user accounts I will begin alpha testing and be taking 5 people to give input and try it out. Around end of July/ early August I will be asking so be on the look out when the time comes. Things have been speeding along faster then expected so I could end up asking for testers a lot earlier, it just depends. All testers will also be given Alpha custom badges for their accounts when it opens up to the public, and maybe other rewards. Its gonna happen lads, get your asses ready.

>> No.2986069

New challenge idea:
say goodbye to las

>> No.2986074

Lava would still keep on posting anyways.

>> No.2986075

>clicks create an account
>page not built yet

>> No.2986077

One hash trips?

>> No.2986078

He says accounts arent built yet so of course it wouldnt work? :/

>> No.2986079

Literally who

>> No.2986080
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 0f5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if we take the site down with us

>> No.2986082
File: 78 KB, 232x185, 1493507972725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined somewhat recently

>> No.2986095

Thanks nicnac, by the way, an old suggestion that was frequently requested when Lava was around: submission thumbnails on profile, so rather than a list of urls, you'd get a list of thumbnails (and optionally urls) like the submissions page. Makes it easier to browse through other LAS users submissions without having to open all of them each individually (especially painful if they use a site which doesn't have a gallery/archive or direct link to images such that you can't find their original account).

>> No.2986116


>> No.2986117

>One hash trips?
like we didn't see that go wrong already

>> No.2986119

neat, looking forward to seeing how it turns out

>> No.2986120

Oh good you're making a new LAS. Please make one, so I don't have to.

>> No.2986121

work with him yo https://github.com/shawsey/TDD

>> No.2986124

probably needs to update that, hasn't been updated since he started

>> No.2986126
File: 2 KB, 382x160, token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;a; it was real

>> No.2986132


>> No.2986158


Yeah, im going to make a new one for it since the name change from The Daily Draw to Draw Every Day, so dont mess with that one, I'll advertise the new github project when I make it

>> No.2986160

Noted, thanks!

>> No.2986172

Feels good to be right that Fluffy would be the last one standing.

>> No.2986175

I bet on fluff cause they're also a topic frontliner on top of being Flawless, a whole other magnitude of autism

>> No.2986180

I guess drawing animu and having a waifu really is the way to making it.

>> No.2986187

furfag: 0

>> No.2986202
File: 36 KB, 700x392, IMG_1137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why is everyone leaving? Don't go saucy. Don't go

>> No.2986204

>broken site
>broken community
>bullying every thread
What reasons are there to not leave?

>> No.2986206

Getting good.
>tfw never bullied

>> No.2986207

You suck!

>> No.2986209

of course I do :3
I wouldn't be here otherwise

>> No.2986211

O-Oh, yeah.


>> No.2986212

I don't know guys, a lot of the lassies are much better than I am. They would have made it if they finished more pieces.

>> No.2986217

picture making is a skill to be learned too

>> No.2986220

What do you know about picture making?

>> No.2986222

nothing aside the importance of composition and calling it done

>> No.2986223

So what do you know about composition and when to call it done?

>> No.2986225

>really is the way to making it
>implying I will
I'll be the autistic little fuck still scribbling topics long after everyone here who will actually make it outgrows and moves on from LAS or whatever replaces it

>> No.2986227
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1491631077062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ my wrists suddenly started to feel like death. And no it's because of drawing, not masturbating.

>> No.2986228

directing the eye of the viewer around the subject(s) of interest, rule of thirds, setting the mood with shape design
it is done when I say it's done

>> No.2986229


>> No.2986230

Both? Unless you draw with both it's probably your neck that's causing the pain, stretch and stuff.

>> No.2986232

Shit, didn't meant to namefag

>> No.2986233

lots of stretches a day keeps your wrist pains at bay

>> No.2986245

Anything you use particularly a lot when you set up your compositions? You must have some default things. Also explain to me rule of thirds, it seems to apply some times but people don't always mention it. Is it really that important? What's it matter if one thing takes like 60% of the composition?

>setting the mood with shape design
I have never heard of this one. Not together at least. Shape design affecting mood makes sense, but I've never heard someone say it like it's important. Angular and curves right?

>> No.2986251

Just your wrist? Not like your forearm or elbow?

>> No.2986258

But you're supposed to, it's the new LAS where discrimination doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.2986259

Yeah I kind of suck at it atm, maybe someone more experienced can tell more. I mostly pay attention to things like branches, legs, etc. directing the viewer inside the picture and not outside of it, also designing nice negative spaces. All I know about the rule of thirds, is that it works, so when in trouble..
>angular and curves
yeah pretty much

>> No.2986278

>gottagitgud stopped submitting
I only just noticed now. Fuck, it sucks that the site doesn't even tell you when people leave anymore.

>> No.2986279

Everyone is at fault for not being fun and nice enough for Lava to stay.

>> No.2986290

He should've joined the discord, they're nice there :)

>> No.2986295

>they're nice there

>> No.2986298

and fun

>> No.2986299

>tfw these threads and even LAS will die but the discord will live on

>> No.2986305

so... this is the power of the discordians... huh... not bad

>> No.2986355
File: 295 KB, 640x343, 1436750898764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all your rivals have already quit
>tfw LAS feels pointless and empty now

>> No.2986397

The Hero's Journey ain't so great now after all.

>> No.2986524

I'm... I'm starting to forget... who is Lava? why do we hate him? It was about some kind of website...

>> No.2986525
File: 5 KB, 170x236, 1280439278345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty nice, I WANT TO SIGN UP ALREADY

>> No.2986540

You can conceive of another robot design, right? You just need to draw another Vorticist robot again

>> No.2986562

I think he was a meerkat?

>> No.2986620
File: 362 KB, 2057x1188, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck on this. It's a lot of work. I've put DED back up at http://doom.moe if you want to have a look for "inspiration" (if it doesnt work the dns record hasnt updated yet, try later). Granted the site never got beyond the point where I was just mashing features in before I burnt out, but it might have some useful things. The code is linked in the footer. The data is just in the state it was when I took it down, feel free to post whatever / test features. The domain dies in about half a month, so it'll probably stay up until then, a bit weird to think it's been a whole year already.

Congrats to fluff on winning and drawing for 497 days.
Included the data on your submission times - 23:30 club won.

Flawless populace graph also included - final edition.
Submission counts really stabilized around 70 submissions for the last 200 days.

>> No.2986623

Your site was really good, I would've stuck with you had you kept going after the database wipe and not taken it down. How on earth did you accidentally wipe the database anyway?

>> No.2986629

I explained it a little bit in a past thread, but basically I had my local version and the production version up at the same time. I was trying to fix a bug with the database structure, so I was constantly deleting the local version and shooting in a new version to see if I had fixed it. I hopped to the production version to check on something and then going back to what I was doing, I forgot I was in the production database and deleted it thinking it was my local version. Dumb mistake, even dumber that I hadn't exported / backed it up.

Data nuke was just the last straw though since I was very burnt out working on it for all my free time after work for many weeks. Taking it down was an overreaction.

>> No.2986631
File: 551 KB, 900x900, 1493214734354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hear that NicNac >>2986629

Your predecessors have left many important lessons for us to learn.

>> No.2986676
File: 21 KB, 516x501, 1488492729649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a new list of the anons that have longest streak.

>> No.2986682

Can't you just look up the leaderboard?

>> No.2986684

There are 4 still in the week system who haven't missed a day since they started. Cath is flawless from day 2, Kirikae from day 4, and Whizzard from day 10.

>> No.2986693
File: 71 KB, 725x539, 1492237766122-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not enough shitposting that way

>> No.2986714
File: 128 KB, 230x211, 1357007761103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2986792

Probably, yeah

>> No.2986802

Fuck your site was so good too, even made Lava return. It's a shame you fucked up.

>> No.2986951

hey nicnac, how're you gonna manage day light savings and timezones, same as LAS?

>> No.2987017

I joined LAS just a few weeks ago - would love to see it continue - thanks to the people trying to save it.

>> No.2987090
File: 85 KB, 328x252, leafsig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need to try and emulate the feel of this old thread

They used to do that it seems. Also: where's tripfag gone?

>> No.2987094

What am I looking at Finlay, I can't tell. Is this a boot or a tree.

>> No.2987113
File: 50 KB, 264x200, leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a contour-only study of this leaf outcrop. I can understand why you though it was a shoe though

>> No.2987131

Thanks w, I'll for sure look into your site and check it out and see what ideas and aesthetics I can merge over that look nice.

>> No.2987167

I don't want all the lassies to know how suicidal I am though. :(

>> No.2987169

There's like at least 10 other suicidal lassies anyways. We're all in this together.

>> No.2987181

Who do you think those 10 suicidal lassies are, las?

>> No.2987182


>> No.2987184

I'm tired as fuck
How do I draw

>> No.2987185

I'm suicidal enough for 10 people at once

>> No.2987189

take a pencil and a piece of paper and just do your thing. Or just work on a WIP until it looks like you actually did something for 30 min

>> No.2987300

I had a /las/ dream. I talked to Saucy, and it turned out he grew tired of bullying, and I convinced him that it's all good, shit's memes, and to come back.

>> No.2987303

>tfw someone remembers your post and dreams of it

>> No.2987314
File: 208 KB, 557x605, just_right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyra, really diggin' those colors.

>> No.2987361

Btw w, I sent you an email at your doom account. I have a few things I wanted to ask you so if you could check it would be appreciated.

>> No.2987434

Dope Ryuko mistwalker!

>> No.2987468

One day you guys will notice me.

>> No.2987476

Me too!

>> No.2987478

I wish I got noticed. I post in a couple different places but always get ignored and no one irl gives a shit about art. It'd be nice to get a little validation every now and then.

>> No.2987549

I love that little detail of running ink on Sasori's cumdumpster.

>> No.2987576
File: 25 KB, 480x365, Screenshot_2017-05-21-02-25-49-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody please, update the photo...

>> No.2987577

every day we get closer to darkness ;_;

>> No.2987581

I'm not ready...

>> No.2987586

>LAS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp02ubGuTIU

>> No.2987590
File: 68 KB, 550x364, 1494873334214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2987600
File: 621 KB, 1024x819, DEATH ROW 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Saucy.

on a side note it looks like people on Death Row actually are getting eliminated from the sides, first Tom and Choob on both corners and now Saucy. Will Naf be the next Death Rower to die?

>> No.2987601

>it really is going from the outside inwards

>> No.2987843

Hey, Im not sure yet, but I likely will sync it to the same zone and time that currentLAS has right now.
Draw Every DayAlphav1.02.5

Site Link: http://draweveryday.ueuo.com/

Another update for you guys who are interested, I realized that some of the elements were off as the screen dimesions of the monitor I was working on distorted the site and I needed to make sure that the site would adapt to the users needs, so I scraped some of the design I had from before. All in a good day's work. Im heading to sleep, if anyone finds any problems please let me know.

>> No.2987941

The page always seems to have a horizontal scroll bar, but there is just empty space on the sides.
Also, you have a stray header tag on line 36 when viewing the source of the page.

I'm keeping an eye on the progress, it's looking pretty sweet.

>> No.2987944

pleaseeeeeeee, who updates the Battle Royale photo?

>> No.2987978

So, how do I boost creativity for the challenge?
I've been doing almost mindless practice for the past months, my creativity seems pretty much gone.

>> No.2987980

>mindless practice for the past months
That's where you fucked up.

>> No.2988001

Rrad fantasy novels and doodle from imagination

>> No.2988004

perhaps they too have passed away ;_;

>> No.2988006

Yeah that's what I realized just now.
I thought that drawing lines, circles cubes and cylinders, some gestures and poses would help me get somewhere but now I find that I haven't bothered using my imagination at all.

I will try that, just need to quickly find some fun fantasy novels.

>> No.2988094

mew thread >>2988088