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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 215 KB, 500x330, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2978798 No.2978798 [Reply] [Original]

how do you get commissions?
I must be a complete retard since I don't get any and I need the money, but I don't wanna write a sob story. I have published my prices and examples on dA, tumblr, twitter, artistnclients and reddit but nothing, In case you're wondering my art is not low level, instead I always get praises, also my prices aren't that high ($10-$40) so what I am doing wrong

>> No.2978800

sorry for venting, I am a bit disappointed and frustrated

>> No.2978803

Post your prices.
Also, where are you posting them in reddit exactly? How big of a following do you have and what do you draw?

>> No.2978811

chibis: $10
headshot: $15
bust: $15
waist up: $30 and full body $40
all in anime full colored style, I deliver it less than one week or two.
And I posted on hungryartists.
I believe I don't have a big following and neither I am popular not matter what I do

>> No.2978817

You charge the same to add the chest, but adding the waist doubles the price? Did you mean to type 20 or so for bust?

>> No.2978820

Could you post your work, please? Or maybe draw something for 4chan so we can't image search it but still have an idea of your capabilities.

>> No.2978845
File: 432 KB, 814x1000, a cat girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops meant to type $20 for bust
I did this two days ago

>> No.2978848

Cute stuff. Maybe you just need more exposure or more content to judge your level from commissioners.

>> No.2978851
File: 506 KB, 653x900, a tsumiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more than 100 pics of my art.
I don't know how to get more exposure, I did the submit my art on groups on dA, hashtag with the artbond on twitter, reblogging on tumblr...
also another example

>> No.2978859

I just moved to a new town, so I went on the local FB page and offered free charcoal portraits.
Took as many as I could before being overwhelmed. Everyone paid in gratuity of some sort, except one but she in turn recommended my services the most through free advertising. Now I've got a few painting commissions but I've decided not to talk money until the picture is done. That way I can walk at any time, but also I don't have the patron breathing down my neck, allowing me more freedom.
I assume if I wanted at this point I'd have a better idea of what I should be charging, but I've got a day job and I just like having an excuse to work. It pays for the supplies, plus I can get my work on as many people's walls as possible.
Got gud at babies and old folks.

>> No.2978867

You gotta network irl and build a social media presence over time. Rome wasnt built in a day, your client list wont be either. There is a guide on how to build subscription box business online that has some great info applicable to basically any niche business/artsy shit. His box was called prospurly.

Also, contact some artists who have youtube followings and ask if theyll feature something of yours, naybe make a commision for them in exchange. Good luck, your work looks nice.

>> No.2978872

This is a good idea. Im gonna steal it. Got any pics of your progress?

>> No.2978874
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 16195543_1918806841736746_6887554658734036205_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides making friends everywhere, try lowering your prices at first, after you get a solid fanbase you can reajust ( and possibily make some discout when you do that so they don't feel scammed )

Or you could even say like, to the first 1000 clients you will receive X% discount

You know, not everyone is a first worlder american with sparing dollars to spend in a cute pic

>> No.2978879

How many followers do you have on your most popular platform?

>> No.2978884

2000+ watchers
also I've been reading your comments, I been thinking on doing requests

>> No.2978886

>this good
>but gets nothing
Will I ever make it, senpai?

>> No.2978893

try furry

>> No.2978895

Okay, so I checked out your gallery and what you need is just to improve you artwork more, it's not what I would call very high quality. You're in the realm between professional and DeviantArt hobby commissioner. You've seen the daily rankings of Pixiv right? You're not there and that's probably what most people are looking for especially in the anime niche.

>> No.2978896


Do you sell stickers? Stamps?

>> No.2978898
File: 220 KB, 768x1024, IMG_5898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2978909
File: 194 KB, 768x1024, IMG_5902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is in oil, just a quick monotone study. Another thing is I don't like to get spend too much time on one picture or else I never finish it.

>> No.2978911

I wish but I don't know how
yeah I've seen the daily rankings, it seems too highly impossible, like a climbing the Everest, but I'll try it or at least improve everyday before I die
these are very good!

>> No.2978919

Seriously not trying to troll or anything. I'm a very popular artist on tumblr and do lots of anime styled art. The thing is your art is not very good, it's not bad but it's just nothing that sticks. Your art style is very generic, your poses are very stiff and nothing that catches the eyes. ( a more polished coloring style will always look better than a muddy one as well as thinner, more cleaned up lines) I would suggest drawing more up to date and popular fandoms rather than irrelevant anime. There are literally thousands of artist at your level and above with similiar prices. You simply do not have enough quality or variety, as well as notoriety to get a steady stream of commissioners.

>> No.2978925

Are you full time? And how much are your rates? Curious, that's all.

>> No.2978932


To be blunt, the quality of your artwork occupies a space that is already near max capacity. It's not beginner but also no where near professional. There is no distinguishing flair in design to separate you from countless other artists at your skill level, nor dedication to a specific theme that would ingratiate you to the hardcore connoisseurs of certain fandoms. There is no shortage of free anime style artwork online, so why would people pay for yours?

There are 3 major motivations for commissioners and patrons. They love your artwork, or they love you, or they want to be you. Either improve your artwork, develop your cult of personality, or make them think they can learn something from you.

>> No.2978939

Not him, but how do you discover or form an art style of your own?

>> No.2978961

Work to your strengths, hide your weaknesses. A style will eventual develop.

>> No.2978962

Brutally shift everything to fit YOUR standard of what looks great and what doesn't, boom, style.
Disclaimer: there is nothing intrinsically good or bad about a style.

>> No.2978966

lol good luck selling yourself with this kind of subject matter. no one really gives a fuck if you can draw babies.

>> No.2978967

I'm curious who are you if you have that vast experience.
I know that my art is not the best and not the "catchiest"one and is rather generic but so are a lot of artist that imitates a certain style of that's a mix of realism and anime, the style the sells more.
I would do more popular fandoms is that's one of the way to get more noticed in a vast sea of artists.
Also I am trying to do less stiff poses by using references and more.
Thanks for your comment.

>> No.2978974

Good shit

>> No.2978976

Style is little bits of your personality that comes out when you do anything, even the way you walk or talk there is a bit of style in it

Of course, if you not like your own style you can train yourself a new one by copy-cat'ing other artist

>> No.2978977

sorry for the question but what do you mean hide your weaknesses?
oh alright

>> No.2978979

Not full time, however I do post at least once a day. I closed my commission prices a while ago and amp them up when there is a large amount of demand. I make lots of money doing things like adoptions, people will auto buy some of them for 500 dollars. If you are even the least bit mediocre at character design and you get popular , you can make money this way. I would suggest what another poster said, try attracting a following. Ways to do this include making a YouTube channel (if you're funny), animating, or try writing a comic, it's easy to get popular if you put in yaoi, love triangles, etc.
Well it depends, do you want to make your own style for you or just to get popular? If you want it for you, study from life as well as getting inspiration from artist you like. If you just want to get popular, rip off very popular artist. For exampy you can try getting into niches like just drawing chibi art. Just do super large eyes with lots of sparkles and large eyelashes.

>> No.2978980
File: 288 KB, 430x798, cmon man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2978982

I was doing a mural commission one time, a real gaudy thing of lions and tigers and bears and shit. The lady kept coming in to interrupt asking things like: "do you know how to draw a zebra?"
"Do you know how to draw a rhino"
I think she thought each subject had to be learned at a time and that there was no overlap. It'd be an interesting world to live in.
You remind me of that lady desu.

>> No.2978983

It's very easy to hide your weaknesses in this industry, it basically means don't draw the stuff you suck at and draw the stuff you aren't, really good. It creates a biased view that you're better than you're really are because people assume if you can draw one thing good, you can draw everything good. Very untrue for artists.

>> No.2978986

is old art (like 3 years old that I upload years later)>>
ok cringy old art but Still I want people to see if I ever do develop skill (do I ever )

>> No.2978988

Those are simply excuses. If there are alot of people just like you as you say than you should realize why I wrote those things. People are not willing to spend there money on slightly overpriced art, you need to bring more to the table. Think of it like this, would you rather go to a hotdog stand that sells storebought hotdogs for 5 dollars, or a mom and pop store who sells home made hotdogs for the same price?

>> No.2978992

oh I see, that's basically a cheap trick, yet the artist is lying indirectly(or directly) to the audience.
Is it good or just meh who cares he is doing what he wants

>> No.2978994

How are cute anime girls doing for demand?

>> No.2979011

Op I'm in your situation but $5 for bust and 20$ full body and 0 request my next test is lower at $5 full body to see if anyone is interested.
But I have a Western style not anime and it's pretty decent at least for receive the test scripts from USA comic book publishers.

>> No.2979022

does anyone sell prints on deviantart? how does that work?

>> No.2979032

I'll be blunt - your work is pretty fucking generic, in a vast ocean of generic artists.

Popularity comes from having a style, or an eye for composition or color, that people like. Your stuff does nothing to stand out from the crowd. There's nothing in them that says "I want that to hang on my wall!"

Also - the face on the second piece is disturbing. I can see why you're not getting any sales from it.

>> No.2979037

Sho pretty blunt are we,
but yeah I get what are you saying, I need to be less of generic, and create a special unique type.
(but there are sort of styles I won't do or touch)
thanks for your comment.

>> No.2979039

That's not really being blunt as it is ignorant of the qualities OP is good at and what their weaknesses are. Generic is a terrible word to use when every artist is essentially different in how they draw. People who don't take notice are either very high leveled or ignorant.

>> No.2979044

It's absolutely not worth selling prints on DeviantArt, even as a popular artist. Just go to cons and rent a booth/table. Or look for another site To sell them.

>> No.2979045

I'll use whatever words I want to in my critique, thanks - and I don't need your word salad moral finger wagging.

tl;dr Who fucking asked you?

>> No.2979052

No, generic is the perfect word.

>> No.2979139

That's pretty good
>Mew-Mew power
Thought only I watched that as a little boy.

>> No.2979219
File: 142 KB, 900x1200, C_qNE4GWAAAixhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill chime in
is this too expensive for traidtional sketches? I cant seem to ever get commissioners

>> No.2979229

Those prices seem okay. You're definitely not trash.

Although, what kind of subjects do you draw and what kind of poses do you do? Your stuff is quite basic in that aspect.

>> No.2979248


>> No.2979255

yeah I guess im not very good at poses and interaction.. i just try to make things look elegant or cute in some aspect. i do bishoujo, bishonen but also jacked dudes, chibis, lolis, shotas, people who do follow me know but they don't commisison me either

>> No.2979257

Just being honest here.

>Those prices seem okay

No they don't. They look like a little schoolgirls first drawings.

>> No.2979259

your vastly overestimating little school girls

>> No.2979260
File: 281 KB, 610x411, 1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked around on deviantart to check the usual comission prices and saw this "adopt" stuff everywhere. What the fuck is this? Saw that pic related sold for 1200$? Is it a money laundering scheme?

>> No.2979263

adopts are designs for sale. the market is oversaturated and its hard to get shit sold though its worth trying. if you have a brand you can totally inflate your prices like that... thing

>> No.2979264

Yeah, I don't understand the concept of adopts, it's pretty much the idea that an artist owns that unique design and therefore you have to buy it to use it which leads to crazy prices since "there's nothing else like it" mindset.

>> No.2979270

No. Those look very similar to some drawing I have seen kids make when they copy art in popular magazines. So full of errors and shitty line work but trying to make up for it by adding cute colors and symbols. From an art quality point of view I don't think they are worth any money. Maybe you can get some sympathy dollars.

>> No.2979274
File: 521 KB, 982x433, trace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder who their target demographic are, I see how a kid could be influenced into buying such things but a kid doesn't have thousands of dollars of disposable income.

If they were actually different but from what I'm seeing, there's usually nothing "unique" about them, they usually have a mold and just use different colors and clothes each time. (like in pic related which seems to sell frequently at >1000$).

>> No.2979282
File: 841 KB, 985x811, _galatier__auction__closed__by_yukibuns-db8sqdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are amazing

>> No.2979285

please elaborate on the errors of these very tiny scribbles

>> No.2979286

Other than the weird hand and lower body perspective that looks pretty alright

>> No.2979290

adopts are more about the design and not the anatomy really, though it does help

>> No.2979295

oh for fuck sake, anon. Stop being so sensitive. I'm not here to pad you on the head. There are plenty of places for that.

Stumpy arms, asymmetrical, chicken scratches, barely any understanding of anatomy except where the most basic features go, "floaty" objects, no understanding of color and just tries to go "let's try to do the same with another color as if it was grey scale", anime anatomy.

Anon, it's bad! I don't care how you take it. Get inspired to improve, think I am just out to get you or something else. Whatever.

>> No.2979306

Feels similar to a mobage gacha, some people do spend similar amount of money to get their limited roll waifu.

Frankly the "design" is not particularly interesting, I mean, it's just random stuff added together, horn, ears, wings, tail... Just lacks tentacles and he'd have everything. But I guess that's taste.

Though it seems the price for those are not as extreme as the copypasted ones, and it's indeed not as lazy so there's that

>> No.2979311

I wonder if illustrators get paid each time their waifu is rolled. It was their help after all.

>> No.2979314

what color even I just took the three pencils I had available

nah im not taking your shitty excuse for critique, its not helpful

>> No.2979316
File: 1.14 MB, 736x994, icant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your art is not worth 10-40 dollars and you probably don't have that big of a fanbase. "Always getting praises" does not mean your art is good, there are a lot of rather shitty artists that get put on pedestals all the time. If you really think you're currently on a level that is marketable for anything higher than a dollar or two a piece, and will so vehemently defend your subpar works on a Somalian catfishing website, you're delusional and literally not gonna make it. Take a step back, really read some of the critiques you've gotten in this thread and try to continue improving

>> No.2979321

Stop demanding money for something that shitty. That is what this is about. Nobody promised you critique you can accept.

There's no way you will improve if you don't even acknowledge your errors. I didn't tell you how to fix them so stop making up bullshit. Your crying is just about you not feeling validated and talked to like a fragile ego.

>> No.2979349

I think you need to push your colors. It looks too bland, like you just added black to shadows.

>> No.2979357

anime equivalent of sparkle dogs

>> No.2979409

I'm of the opinion that people shouldn't offer sketches for commissions because it may encourage people to get the cheapest option you have available. The sketch is the hard part with getting all the proportions and composition down and if you just really quickly make a lineart, you can charge just a little more and you'll have something that is more presentable in your gallery.

>> No.2979431

Furry Vore

You'll either hate me or thank me later

>> No.2979866

thanks for the input!

>> No.2979875

This thread reminds me that there is no future in art and i should just give up.

>> No.2979877

Overdesigned as fuck

>> No.2979892

To reiterate a bunch of shit that's already been said in the thread already:
Your anime style is too generic and as such you're trying to get your foot into a market that's already so over-saturated with thousands of artists at your skill or better.
If you're gonna try to do that style and expect to get paid well you have to be extremely good. You're not bad as you are now, but no where near as good as you need to be.
But really you should develop a more unique style >>2978961 >>2978962
Don't go overboard with trying to have a unique style (don't force it like Sycra) but you want to have enough differentiating your artwork from most generic anime girl drawings so even if you're not the best artist, you have enough unique going for you that when someone has aesthetic taste similar to your own and they want to commission some art, you're one of the only artists they can go to.

>> No.2979932

You are so fucking right, I tried commissions about a year ago and just getting everything looking good and well proportioned was so stressful to me it made me quit after my first one. The client was happy in the end, but do not underestimate the value of a good sketch!

>> No.2979948

I don't to do commissions but people keep asking me for them. I'm always confused when people tell me they can't get commissions, because no one stops messaging me about them, even though I don't even do them.

If you ask me, commission attention comes from what you look like you're selling. If you draw particular fanart, you'll attract the attention of a particular fanbase. You can attach yourself to a fanbase by getting their attention via drawing shit they like and they'll stick to you pretty easy.

More generally, if you have a particular skillset (not style per se, but just being exceedingly good at something), you'll attract people who like that particular skillset. Usually it's something like color, perspective, design, style, sexy girls, etc. Your art is neither fanart nor excels at one particular skillset. When someone sees your art, they don't think about buying it, because people don't just go around and buy shit. Something has to trigger their imagination and make them think "yes I want that."

So let's use fans as an example (there are many things that can be used but this is easiest). Let's say you started drawing homo men being cute together from some popular series. That popular series would attach to you, people who like homo men would attach to you, and they'd probably ask you for commissions solely for the purpose that they like how you handle these particular characters, and their imagination gets chugging and they think "I'd like to see these characters do more" or "I'd like to see other characters do something similar" and then they feel an urge to ask you to draw it, and since you have a service for this, they will now pay you money simply because you indirectly put an idea in their heads.

To sell something, your audience needs to have a thought in their head that allows them to branch off from your core. If you just have random stuff and don't exceed at anything, you aren't going to spur imaginations, therefore no one wants your service.

>> No.2980033

>People saying OP is not good enough for $40 typical anime commissions

People have paid more for beyond shittier art. Sure, OP can improve, but on the subject for "why am I not getting commissions", you just don't have enough exposure or followers yet. It's as simple as that. If you had a couple thousand under your belt, you would've gotten at least five within the month.

>> No.2980068

You dumb idiot. My point is there isn't much of a market for those 2 images. Fucking retard.

>> No.2980075

It's pretty obvious that OP could be a lot better though and that would make things easier than trying to convince the lowest denominator that your art is worth more than it really is.

>> No.2980078

With your attitude you will never get anywhere. It's a shame because even though your drawings can be fixed your stinking fucking personality can't.
Fix your attitude and get better. You've been given a wealth of information in this thread and thrown it away like an ungrateful little brat. Anyone who pays money for those 'sketches' should be bludgeoned. I can't even tell if you're deluded or a troll.

>> No.2980105

You need fundies and some taste

>> No.2980140


OK guys, a lot of good shit's been said here already, but I'll chime in too

You know how businesses do focus testing and branding tests before they go full-on into investing in a product? That's how you need to be. Before even thinking of money, build up a following of a specific kind of people that your style resonates with to create the demand for your commissions in the first place

It may take months of doing nothing but art for the sake of art, but if you have a loyal following of 10,000 people, and 1% of them says "I want this guy's stuff and I'll pay for his stuff", there you go

But you need to build your fanbase first. Non-artists care fuck all about technical skills, but you DO need to be immediately recognizable, and that's only possible with a distinct aesthetic that identifies you without even needing to sign the picture

>> No.2980338

I charge $40 for a sketch, $60 for line art and $80 for coloured.

I don't get very many commission requests, though. I'm not sure if it's because I barely advertise or if I'm just not very good. I'd rather just get better than lower my prices, though.

Do you guys just get requests through wherever you upload your art or do you actively advertise?

>> No.2980361

How fast do you do each one (sketch, line art, coloured)? Trying to figure out your rates and see if it's possible to live off of them.

>> No.2980386

I basically aim for $20/hour. Sketching takes the longest due to getting the pose/perspective/etc. right.

I figured that was a modest amount that's neither setting a bad precedent for undercharging nor being too high that it kills all my chances.

>> No.2980428

I do not go out of my way to advertise, however I do post a commission page whenever I open my commissions. I would suggest if you want more commissions you don't post a wall of text and instead a more digestible picture with examples on the side of prices.

>> No.2980442

I agree with this guy. What exactly are you trying to sell. Portraits? Go sell those at a fair or on the boardwalk to tourists. Unless you're painting in acrylics/oils/watercolors and doing portraits for lawyers or that type of clientele I don't see why anybody would ever want to commission a portrait,much less a digital one.

>> No.2980469

>assuming you know someones personality from one post

I guess you're also the type who claims to know deeply about people you've never met based on their profile picture

>> No.2980656

Yeah, no fucking shit. I'm a traditional artist too. I get commissions. Want to know the difference between you and me? I have a scanner and it doesn't look like I had an epileptic grandma taking photos of my art for me. Seriously, put some fucking effort into what you do. Also learn how to draw faces. $6-chan is looking a little Downsy. It's not that bad on the other two.

>> No.2980658

Is this a new IP, any one know? This guy is rough.

>> No.2980663

We're on /ic/. If I don't tell anon the truth, who will? There's a reason their art isn't selling, and it's because no one wants to pay for a shitty phone photo when there are twenty other artists in the commission tag doing traditional sketch commissions, but scanned.

>> No.2980675

Read these carefully, these guys know what's up.

>> No.2980712

I wouldn't pay for this desu senpai. I'd rather just draw it myself for this price

Not to insult you or anything but just think. If someone gave you this drawing and said "Give me money" would you do it?

>> No.2980721

So say I have the skills required and have picked a niche I wanted to invest into, how do I develop a following?

I've tried posting on tumblr and twitter but nobody gives me any notice.

>> No.2980855

>implying any of that is good
you guys are hopeless.

>> No.2980979 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 511x509, cvPZJanmZnQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a target audience, then exploit the shit out of that.

>> No.2981067


I'm not trying to be mean but I suggest you stop worrying about commissions and just focus on making your art as good as it can be. Find enjoyment in that and in time your personal qualities will begin to show and people will want to pay you for that individuality. Right now your stuff looks like a dime a dozen with an average-at-best grasp on the fundamentals. You should take a good hard look at what you really want out of your art, think a lot about what you want to convey and how to maximize that.

>> No.2982400

Your colors are muddy, your lineart is a mess
If you want to stick to generic backgrounds then learn to vector. No background is better than having a shitty background

>> No.2984472

Ask yourself: why would your public buy art from you?
Most artists offer one or more of these things: fanart to an excited fandom, porn / titilating pictures, tutorials (if technique is their forte), content that is politically aligned (feminist/LGBT propaganda), content that is funny or relatable, or high-quality content that is imaginative and compelling.

If you're not offering one of the above there's very little reason why people should care about your art, or give you money.

>> No.2984539

>all in anime full colored style

Get out of anime style.

There are so many artists drawing anime, particulary 18-28 male artists, that you have to be VERY FUCKING GOOD in order to make even decent money.

I draw in a realistic style and make good commission rates. I see so many anime/manga artist sell commissions dirt cheap because the there is a top level of artists in that genre that get most of the commissions, and a HUGE amount of artists below that level that will draw for anything.Its sad.

Learn another style. Don't chase the anime/manga thing. Its a dead end. Unless you are willing to commit to become as fucking good as those top anime artists, which will require A LOT of work, you will always get these rates. Branch out and get unique. Stop chasing this anime shit, because 2 billion other guys are doing the same thing.

Good luck.

>> No.2984568

Proof of any of this?

>> No.2984603
File: 408 KB, 1396x1396, 051517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also like to know how to get follows/commissions. All things i do can be negotiated from 5-10 bucks a sketch and somethin like this maybe 20-30 (depends on how much detail the person would want)

>> No.2984839

Disagree. It depends on how you draw. If you have a super basic style this may be true, but for me the longest part is the colouring. Lineart is a pain that takes me forever. A sketch only takes 30-60 mins max. Lineart is at least an hour for me, colouring can take anywhere from 4-8 hours.
The best thing for sketches? Don't have chicken scratch sketches. Lay down some base colours and add VERY basic shading (like gradients/overlays). Charge a little more than cheapo sketches, which people will pay because it looks much nicer than a sketch.
There you go. Easy workload with much more interest because of the quality/price.
I think linearts are the worst thing to offer. They always look gaudy and take so much effort to just be lines. Plus most people don't charge that much extra for lineart. Totally not worth it. It's much better to just have the cheap version (sketches) and the premium (full drawing).

>> No.2985189

I dunno, anon. Commissioning ruined things for me personally.

About 4-5 years ago I decided to start accepting commissions for my WoW related art. People usually really want their characters drawn so there's a big market for it.

I started very cheap, I figured I can start low and then increase overtime. The interest was decent enough after promoting on twitter and their forums. Eventually got a lot of attention, even some popular (in the WoW community anyway) youtuber commissioned me and still uses my art in one of his videos.

But over time I just fucking dreaded it. It became like a chore. Meeting deadlines made me hate drawing and hate the things I made. It felt like manufacturing art rather than enjoying making it. One day just completely snapped and stopped entirely, deleted my twitter and my website expired soon after. Still have my DA and it just pains me looking at it.

Took a year off art and now I am so much happier just making things for myself and I discovered a new style that fits me perfectly.

Point is, it's really hard making a living off commissions alone. I even did it as a hobby and pocket money, and it still drove me crazy and made me loathe the stuff I was making.

It's nice to get money for it once in a while but be careful in deciding if you want money and deadlines to be the reason you're making an artpiece.

>> No.2985352

>But over time I just fucking dreaded it. It became like a chore.

It's work. It's not supposed to be easy/fun all the time.
I'd much rather bust my hump drawing for a living than kill myself in some shitty minimum wage job. It sounds like you've never experienced that considering you did it as "pocket money". Tell that story again after working 60 hour weeks in a job that overworks you and barely pays. I'm sure you'll have a different tune.

>> No.2986354

and when the opposite happens?

> start a tumblr drawing bad smut

> grind through four years, studying hard, I improve

> see my notes go from 10 to 30, to 100 to 300 to 600 to the 1000s

> no problem getting a shit ton of commissions

> suddenly too tired to do them all, and I am not satisfied with the quality and I think I might be scamming my clients

nobody prepared me for this

>> No.2986412

>It became like a chore.
>Being a chore

Who woulda thunk

>> No.2986469

The solution is to stop being a autistic beta faggot trying to chase some unreachable perfection and letting people enjoy art

>> No.2986511


art jobs can be fun as fuck. I find myself drawing all sorts of weird shit I'd never have forced myself to draw if I was just doing it for myself. an art job doesn't have to be a chore.

it became a chore for that other anon because he was doing the same thing over and over for very shitty pay. I've done that too; it sucks. but good art jobs aren't like that.

>> No.2986878
File: 13 KB, 362x220, G1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

th- thanks anon

>> No.2989460

I rarely get commissions.

>> No.2990142
File: 2.39 MB, 468x500, time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone that has been a customer I can tell you what gets overlooked by artists and is just as important as prices and quality: TIME

I need to know how long it will take and that you can stick to a deadline -- otherwise you're messing my schedule up. Buyers don't like waiting for you or want to keep asking you when it will be done.

Don't tell me, "Oh man, each work is different" or "I will not release work that isn't my best" -- list concrete times to complete an item along with your prices, times you can adhere to.

>> No.2990147

>Meeting deadlines made me hate drawing and hate the things I made.

Yeah, yeah! Why do people want to know when they'll get what they're paying for? I'm an artist! They're lucky I'm even doing this at all!

>> No.2990677
File: 1.19 MB, 1400x1095, 1493695155.vani_princeabuabu2fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Adoptables are apart of the furry fandom. A huge portion of the furry fandom is having your own character. The problem is, a lot of people have a hard time coming up with their own character that they like. So adoptable designs and reference sheets became popular, so that people could just pick a design that they can manipulate however they want, and then do all the world/character building themselves.

Also, there are people that are just good at designing characters that appeal find amazing, and its nice to own a cool looking design. The one in my post sold for a nice amount of money. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23392546/

If you want to sell art at your current drawing level, you need to get better at rendering. That means how you color, how you outline, your image composition, how you use light, the colors you choose, etc. Because that is what a lot of people are looking for.

Look through this person's gallery: http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/akitamonster/
Notice how the characters they draw are nothing spectacular, but they can render a beautiful image.

I think you'll also notice yourself having a lot more fun with your art if you start focusing more on your rendering.

>> No.2990797


Art jobs can be fun, I'm not saying they can't be, but keep it in perspective: It's a job. Jobs typically aren't fun. To have a job with a real possibility for fun, that's rare. If you have a job that isn't fun, that's life.

My point is, a job not being fun is no reason to give it up.

>> No.2990878

the price doesn't even show in the link. shit auction

>> No.2990902

that's not complete trash. but i wouldn't pay for it.

>> No.2990903

The bidding is in the comments. It ended in an autobuy, and if you look through the comments you'll see the autobuy price was $400. A nice chunk of change to make on an adoptable.

>> No.2991380

Generally speaking is there less demand for traditional coloring methods that would give traditionally colored pieces less value than digitally colored ones?

>> No.2991588

Thanks for the heads up.

You made this thread worth saving for me.

>> No.2991597

No, this isn't true. As long as you do quality work and display your work properly (get a scanner, learn to take photos of paintings), you will be fine.

>> No.2991610

>posts four times
>claims to have only posted once
>gets butthurt over totally valid criticism of shitty art and goes ad hominem

BPD slut detected

>> No.2991652


I kind of regret doing this. What happened in my situation is that I attracted a lot of autists who continuously demand free art from me, later becoming angry for selling commissions and claiming that I'm a sellout.

>> No.2991654

The life of an artist. It's okay, politicians get the same shit.

>> No.2993154
File: 149 KB, 313x378, EE1D2B51-A948-4A4B-902F-1BFC49E40522-4449-00000627CCA5B8A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only known be ause a commenter brought it up. I myself hate when the AB price is erased. Then I can't compare or get encouraged by the figures.

>> No.2993185

where can you get commissions without a lot of followers?
I have a decent amount on tumblr, I just dont want to ask them for commissions, id rather do it anonymously

>> No.2993439

No one's looking for anime art and the people that are, are kids. You're art is no different than other anime artists.
so you're basically trying to market yourself to young teens with little to no allowance.

>> No.2993601

This, this, this. If you're trying to drum up avatar work, you're pretty much chumming the bottom of the barrel. Sure, easy money for a couple of bucks, but look at your fucking market. It's kids.

If you want to make money, start sending your portfolio out to art directors and creatives with a budget, or sell posters and t-shirts.

>> No.2994024

>but I don't wanna write a sob story
I wrote a sob story and it didn't work.

>> No.2994028

I also don't like it. I only chose that one because I saw the AB price in the comments. Do you know why people delete the AB price? Is it because it's shameful that they spent $400 on an adoptable lol?

>> No.2994041

It's not that no one is looking for anime work, it's that most people are looking to commission either porn, or fan art (mostly both). You can get away with original art if you find a niche you like and then cater to them. Otherwise, your up against a lot of competition.

Anime fans are also known to be cheap, because most people do not pay for the hobby. It's easy for people to get anime for free, their manga for free, their music for free, their games for free (if they can), and their art for free. When you have so many anime artists just pumping out quality high-res art already, why would people pay for it?

>> No.2995289

Create art for yourself not other people.

>> No.2995354
File: 283 KB, 615x1280, bucky lingerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I just started posting stuff and people asked me if I did commissions. DeviantArt is honestly crap for comms, too many people do them for worthless points. Tumblr, furaffinity and HentaiFoundry have been good to me.

>> No.2995961
File: 59 KB, 960x886, e89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it in the realm of possibility that I could build up a fanbase large enough in about a year, that I could make 500$ a month from art alone? For theoretical purposes, lets assume that I'm a slightly above average artist with no followers whatsoever.

>> No.2996416

I'm a little late to the party, but if you're willing to do lewds, try posting a commission sheet in the shilling thread on /aco/. My art is complete and utter garbage, and I've had quite a few takers.