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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 570x570, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2978308 No.2978308 [Reply] [Original]

>I spend the last 4 years training my drawing skills in order to make an awesome comic
>completed a couple comic strips but never worked on any serious story
>I developed some good drawing skills but every comic idea i come up with looks like some generic animu garbage that's been done a million times by far better artists and writers
>Why even art anymore?

>> No.2978310

>Why even art anymore?
because you have just spent the last 4 years doing it and training, all that time would have been wasted. keep trying .

>> No.2978314

Isn't that how people with gambling addictions think like. "Oh I already wasted so much money might as well keep going! "

>> No.2978316

Write a good story and develop a new style to suit it.

>> No.2978317
File: 738 KB, 900x749, notsycra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 10 years drawing
>can't draw real proportions since his triangular style consumed his brain
>still drawing
if sycrayasinhere can you too

>> No.2978319
File: 26 KB, 300x300, e8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't have le spark, m8.

Press 'Suicide' to re-roll for a better lifetime.

>> No.2978320

Sounds like you need a writer. There are thousands of talented and ambitious writers out there who want to work with you if you got skills.

>> No.2978321

>read a good story

I dunno why /ic/ shits on sycra. He is a popular artist that understands his fundamentals with a large fanbase. Lots of people commission him for his work because they like his style. Just because you don't like someone's style, it doesn't mean that they are a failure.

>> No.2978322

Um...Why not just look for a writer, retard?

>> No.2978323

>raging this fucking hard on 4chan

Your autism is showing

>> No.2978324

Maybe because I don't feel like drawing other people's ideas, retard.
I will.
Fuck them. I didn't start drawing to be a writer's slave.

>> No.2978328

Oh my bad I thought you meant your style was generic. The first step to a good story is good taste. That and just write/draw something that you would want to read.

>> No.2978331

Lmfao you're a dipshit who doesn't know anything about the comics industry then.

Read some actual comics instead of animu and maybe you'll learn some better shit.

>> No.2978334

Gee, it's almost as if storytelling was a skill on its own that you have to study and learn and not just something you're born with, hmm...

You think fuckers like Stephen King just learned the alphabet and one day a great idea smacked him across his face?

>> No.2978335

I don't give a shit about the comics industry. My plan is to make a webcomic. Also, I do consume a lot of sources that aren't anime, there are a lot of great movies, tv shows and documentaries that I watch on netflix for inspiration. Quit assuming shit you fucking retard.

>> No.2978338

Ive been writing stories since I was a child. I'm 20 right now, again why do you fucks keep assuming shit?

To a certain degree, story telling is a skill, there are certain things that you can read from books that will help you improve but for the most part it's a talent. Not everyone is meant to be a writer and that's something I've realized recently.

>> No.2978340

Well then ya better keep coming up with comic ideas, ya quitter. The best way to come up with good ideas is to come up with bad ideas. Consume more stories, pick out tidbits you find interesting and twist them into new ideas. Read a book on writing. Study what goes into a strong premise and first chapter.
Only after I started a comic about my shitty ocs bullshitting around did sparks of good comic ideas start to pop into my head. Just start writing, just start making comics, just like art, your writing will improve as you go.

>> No.2978346

>To a certain degree, story telling is a skill, there are certain things that you can read from books that will help you improve but for the most part it's a talent
That's what they say about art, too. How about this, you share some of you comic premises/concept art and get feedback on how to make your stuff less generic?

>> No.2978350

yes everything has been done before.
but,as long as you do it YOUR WAY its gonna be somewhat original.

let your personality affect the storyline and it might just be somewhat original.

>> No.2978352

I was going to try to give you encouraging advice but the more replies I read the less I want to encourage you

>> No.2978353

Lmao with your pisspoor attitude you will accomplish nothing, so go ahead and quit. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2978354

but this isn't gambling this is drawing.

>> No.2978355

>let your personality affect the storyline and it might just be somewhat original.
No it'll be whiny and annoying

>> No.2978356

everything has been done before anon. there is nothing original , only your take on the matter.
even if it has been done a million times your will be different in some way.

>> No.2978357


>> No.2978359

Every comic idea you come up with looks like some generic animu garbage, you said that yourself.

To come up with a good story, you need to build up your mental library by analyzing good stories.
Base a story around a trait or history of your main character, a setting or a plot - an easiest option is the conflict, good / evil, old / new (nature / technology, young / old generation, tradition / progress), or a conflict of ideologies, different outlooks on life and what's important in it. Or just base it on some lesser known event in real history.
Play with exaggeration, like when coming up with a culture for your hero to come from, think first about what's important to that culture - is it faith, knowledge or maybe physical power? That will define their habits, daily routine, social hierarchy, classes etc. like a chain reaction. What kind of event could someone experience in such culture that would be worth writing down?

But you think story telling is something people are born with and ideas come from vacuum, so yeah, why am I wasting time with you.

>> No.2978388

If you already know you're not creative then just stop. Better yet, kys.

>> No.2978392
File: 473 KB, 600x706, Embarassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally why even make this thread, you're no different than the cunts that say "I'm really gonna kill myself I'm planning to right now :'(((". Either do it or don't, but don't go turning it into some stupid attentionwhoring affair

>> No.2978395

Well mate, if you want to quit, door's that way.

>> No.2978403

hey you're that faggot who thought he was better than everyone else even KJG

>> No.2978408
File: 86 KB, 570x570, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will. >>2978392
I wanna get other people's opinions.
sure >>2978403
Correction. I said I had better drawing skills than Ruan Jia after watching his shitty sketchbook video. I never said I was better than KJG

I'm already aware I have a talent for art because I barely practice(like 1 hour a day) and i'm better than majority of /ic/ but I don't have talent for writing.


>> No.2978411

why are people responding to this troll thread

>> No.2978413

Well this thread turned into stubbornly wallowing in your self pity party pretty quickly didn't it.
Ignoring all the positive thoughtful responses, the ones that if taken seriously could really help you out.
Get your fucking mind right u twat.
If drawing is so fucking easy for you why don't you start fucking knuckling down on ur weaknesses

>> No.2978417

we do not need more half assed cliché uninspired shitty comics out there

>> No.2978418

Can you please stop stealing my art from the sycra forums you stupid nigger? It's like 2 years old as well

>> No.2978428

Sunk cost fallacy.

But I think, for gamblers, some may also believe in the "law" of averages.

>> No.2978434

Prove its your art. Post something recent

>> No.2978447


Post high res to show its yours

>> No.2978460

Ill post once i get home a high res and maybe new shit. I cant say im not flattered tho, somebody boasting with my 2-3 years old /beg/ tier drawings and comparing himself with ruan. Thx op.

>> No.2978464

I doubt it's meant as flattery. It's most likely just another attempt at smearing you and getting /ic/ to attack you.
Why the mods don't ban this faggot is beyond me.

>> No.2978467

>Making a webcomic
>Raging this much on 4chan
Please kill yourself, we have enough autism here lmfao

>> No.2978544

>expecting them to not be lazy

>> No.2978558

then don't write a story you moron. draw it like a fucking cartoon storyboarder. tartakovsky doesn't write shit and still came up with samurai jack.

either that or adapt something you didn't write. you draw. so draw, cunt. find someone who can write.

and if drawing animu shit is your problem then fucking stop. expand your style. i don't know. do some bargue plates or something.

who knows? maybe you can make a comic about a faggot that lacks imagination and won't stop bitching about it. and then he finds true love.

>> No.2978560

You just need to get with someone who has a cool idea. Take concept inspiration from them and work with your art ability. Sometimes you need two brains to make an idea work.

>> No.2978562

I would love to have lazy mods, because that would mean actually having mods.
If /ic/ doesn't get better after the new janitors arrive in August, I'll consider this board dead. It's amazing how much damage a single shitposter can cause.

>> No.2978579

So what? It's
like drawing, you have to practice writeing and story telling to get better. You think the best writers out there made gold from the very beginning? If your not creative enough then draw other people's comic for the money's.

>> No.2978585

Another case of wasted talent

>> No.2978587

Nice whining fag

>> No.2978595


>> No.2978596

You didn't list fun as one of your reasons for doing it.
If you're not enjoying yourself what's the point

>> No.2978616
File: 386 KB, 2000x2000, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, probably wouldn't even have bothered with op if he wasn't a massive faggot.
Have no idea why would he even want to smear my image, I don't even have a blog or a site where i post my shit anymore and i barely write anything on ic.

>> No.2978622

but thats the same image

>> No.2978633

The same image, higher res...

>> No.2978635

Post new work. You said it was 2-3 years ago? I' curious of what you're capable of doing right now.

>> No.2978637

>practice drawing
>get better at it

>don't bother to practice writing
>suck at it
Do you seriously fail to see a pattern here?

>> No.2978646

How old are you? You sound like you might be a teen so here's some advice: pay attention in your fucking literature studies. There is a reason they make you read shakespeare and greek classics, almost all stories are derivatives of those.

>> No.2978653
File: 1.51 MB, 1800x2500, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked the dates on the files, apparently they're actually from 1 year ago. Anyways, here's another shitty unfinished drawing from back then.

>> No.2978656
File: 3.73 MB, 2303x3236, Fluviu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a recent one from a comic i'm working on, quite funny cuz op is also talking about his struggle with comics...

>> No.2978665

dude make a blog wtf???

>> No.2978670

I really like your style. Decent work, I wish you were around more often.

>> No.2978683

Pair with a writer or steal a plot from real literature

>> No.2978687

those biceps make me cringe

>> No.2978711 [DELETED] 

holy shit lmao

just give up already

>> No.2978720
File: 11 KB, 300x364, 1447378841732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as OP. I thought that if I just got good art skills suddenly stories and characters would appear in front of me.

But learning to draw is just creating the illusion of 3D. I don't really have ideas. I only draw what other people tell me to draw.

Then I took on writing. Writing stories and settings is very easy. But that doesn't makes it fun.

Humor can't be learned. There is no way to improve on it. Having fun is not a skill. Either you have it or you don't.

>> No.2978766

>Humor can't be improved

>> No.2978768

Comedians just get worse over time.

>> No.2978773

You can practise at making good and interesting stories. It's a skill that can be learnt like any other.

>> No.2978818
File: 162 KB, 497x835, RUMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need a writer?
I am pretty good at writing but my job right now is to work on my drawing skills

>> No.2978830

So you acknowledge yourself as being whiny and annoying?

>> No.2978856


ok just quit

>> No.2978868

Oh shut up, you are some faggot writer larping as an artist to gain sympathy for writers and the cancer they bring.

>> No.2979046

WRITE BAD STORYS, READ THEM, TRY TO THINK WHAT MAKES THEM BAD, HOW YOU CAN MAKE IT BETTER, do this 3 times for each story 2 storys per weekend (if you want do just the premise, instead of a longer more complicated story) also watch terrible writing advice channel on youtube its useful and intertaiing
generic storys or storys with an interesting premise can be told in a way that makes it interesting

>> No.2979048

goddamn it cant even do spoiler right... test

>> No.2979050

/ic/ isn't a board where spoilers are needed, summer-kun.

>> No.2979054

so it seems...

>> No.2979059

>boohoo four years
There's corporate movies that take longer to develop.
Art is not for people who need instant gratification.

>> No.2979266

If you look at his sketchbook, Sycra is actually a way better artist than sinix, he just chooses to draw like a fuckwit for some frustrating unfathomable reason

>> No.2979673

your art-style could go for a sci-fi 80's charlie's angel shit with a feminist touch.. there gave you a good story idea, best of luck.

>> No.2979677

he's a decent artist but nothing he makes do I consider appealing to look at. he seems to actively avoid realism and he's only discussed because he releases videos of himself droning on. it's cancerous.

>> No.2979841


You can't quit art. I tried quitting for 5 years and it just haunted me until I had to go back for the pain to stop. Don't make the same mistake I made, kiddo.

We are slaves.

>> No.2979859

>work on art skill
>write a couple ideas for comic
>flesh it out a little
>be self aware enough to realize that I lack experience, and that it's honestly pretty shit
>decide to gain exp with easier smaller projects
>find writer buddy
>combined we come up with really original and unique ideas with high marketability
>he's able to execute these concepts flawlessly
>I have the power to make those come to life
>tfw we're just getting started
>through this all, my skills continue to develop

Find a writer, and not just any writer, but a GOOD writer who is interested in comic books. Two heads are better than one. Ideas come to life more vividly when you got someone to bounce off of, and cross reference to tell you which ideas are good, and which ideas are shit.

>> No.2979861

This, I actually gave him good advice, but after reading through the thread, he just sounds like a cunt, and I regret doing so. People like him don't deserve success, so he should honestly just quit. Less competition for me and my writer buddy desu.

>> No.2979884

>with a feminist touch
Should have kept that one to yourself desu

>> No.2979885
File: 429 KB, 206x196, idk lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a feminist touch

>> No.2979889

>WAHHHH how dare anons try to come up with ideas or suggest that there are options other than dwelling in my own self pity

Get out of /ic/ and go join your brethren in r9k

>> No.2980076

Anon I know /ic/ is for ranting but trust me on this one, you're simply not spending enough time on your stories and you give up before they become anything. Writing is a lot more abstract than drawing and the process is slow and painful. See drawing is a lot about structure, you do one line and make sure it's right, then you draw another line and make sure it's right and so on. The writing process is entirely about failure. You allow yourself to make mistakes over and over until it works.

Tackle a theme that makes you excited. Accept that your idea is going to suck really bad but write it down regardless. Then examine the things that don't work and think of ways to make them better. Never force things to stay because they're cool or because you think they're important. If you feel that the central theme of your comic is bad, you should scrap it and start over. If you need to justify why a specific thing needs to stay in the comic, you should probably remove that thing before it ds

Your MC is shit, why? Why is the story so stupid and shallow? In what way can you make it more intriguing? Is there any way you can make your characters more fleshed out? What drives these characters? You'll have to put personal experiences and feelings into those answers and they'll still suck.

After a long time stirring this pot of ideas you'll see it take shape. Keep stirring and stirring and eventually you'll have a story that makes sense, taps into you as a human being and motivates you into working on it.

>> No.2980144

I honestly have nothing but contempt for people without creativity. People who don't only take up drawing as a parlor trick so they can work at some cucky game company. Wish everyone like you would quit.

>> No.2980216
File: 38 KB, 500x440, oh no its retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a shitload of ideias but shit tier mechanical skill to apply them
>tfw actually exists brainlets who have decent mechanical skill but can't produce something

Just work with someone who already has a ideia or study creativity your brainlet

I would even ask if you wanna do a small project with me but you probably are only doing this for attention and can't even draw, at all

>> No.2980287
File: 395 KB, 600x450, 1494480020480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make my comic. I have good stories but shit drawing skills.

Quick, show me what she looks like in your style.

>> No.2980466
File: 134 KB, 640x675, 1468376645999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. I've wasted 4 years on this shit too. I'm not good, not even ok, but I could've gotten a STEM degree in that time, or be really close.

Quitting now would be like throwing all that time away. 4 years that simply didn't exist and got me nothing at all.

That said, I've been in such a wave of depression that for the first time in my life I gave serious thought to suicide. So handle that conviction with care.

>> No.2980521

Stop watching cancerous anime then and read some good fucking books or comics. What you produce directly results from what you consume. If you read shit stories, expect to create shit stories. Besides, writing is a skill, just like drawing. You can't expect to just be good at it out of nowhere. Join a creative writing group, or even the writing prompts sub on reddit, and start working on it.

>> No.2980597

This is such a stupid comment. Are you supposed to stop reading what you enjoy and start reading some dull Shakespearean book just because some pretentious elitist prick said it was great?

>> No.2980624

I can't tell if you're autistic or simply have no critical thinking skills. If you want to write like Shakespeare, then sure, go ahead, although I bet that most people will find your writing just as insufferable as his. Everyone who is even remotely intelligent understands that there are lots of great books from all genres and times. It's just that you shouldn't expect to write great stories if all you read is cheap smut. Although this is 4chan, so I wouldn't be surprised if the closest most anons came to a great book was reading The Little Prince in the fourth grade.

>> No.2980629 [DELETED] 

Not ever him, but if you're incapable of enjoying a good story because it's not some animated shit from japan then you're A. a complete faggot for limiting yourself to one medium, and B. missing out on a great deal of amazing storytelling that could help you with your work. Hell, even the biggest mangakas in the industry are constantly mentioning that their biggest inspirations came from movies, video games, and books in interviews. Seriously, get out of your bubble and start exploring different things.

>> No.2980635

If you're incapable of enjoying a good story because it's not some animated shit from japan then you're A. a complete faggot for limiting yourself to one medium, and B. missing out on a great deal of amazing storytelling that could help you with your work. Hell, even the biggest mangakas in the industry are constantly mentioning that their biggest inspirations came from movies, video games, and books in interviews. Seriously, get out of your bubble and start exploring different things.

>> No.2980651

So then quit. Move bitch get the fuck out the way. Let the cream rise

>> No.2980653

>1 hr a day
You dont even draw so you cant quit

>> No.2980657

mangakas is not a word, shows how much you know, so why are you speaking for them?

>> No.2980667

This has to be one of the most retarded arguments I've ever seen. Just because he or she doesn't know much about Japanese grammar doesn't mean their argument is invalid. Stuff like this is exactly why I hate fucking weebs.

>> No.2980669 [DELETED] 

>Assumes mangakas to not be a word because they're too retarded to use google

Kill yourself immediately you fucking Dunning Krueger

>> No.2980681
File: 219 KB, 501x1200, 1346404945402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simply a display of how much they really know.
>Ha, I've seen interviews with like 2 mangakas, that makes me an expert!

>Just because he or she doesn't know much about Japanese grammar
This is the most basic of basics. If they don't know this much, how can they know anything else?

>Stuff like this is exactly why I hate fucking weebs.
Pic related

No, see above. That is Dunning Kruger. That is why I responded at all. I'm also wondering why you're trying to argue that bastardizations of Japanese words used out of convenience or ignorance are words.

>> No.2980689

>How do can we improve a Japanese art style we don't understand and have to try desperately to immitate and still fail

>> No.2980716

Go ahead. QUIT.
Take all these hours spent drawing and throw them into a fire.
A fire that will erase AAALL that work,that time you will NEVER recover. A fire that won't erase the "myartistrash" feeling you have...
If you're fine with that, QUIT.

>> No.2980761
File: 370 KB, 519x571, 1489561827091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep drawing
that's all I say

>> No.2980770

I'm not saying there isn't great and bad writing even if story telling is very subjective. But the reason why your comment is retarded is because for one you assume that all anime has bad writing. Anime just like any other medium be it comics, tv shows or medium will be saturated with a lot of generic and cheesy content. If you had more than 2 brain cells, you'd look beyond shonen anime like bleach and naruto and look at better titles like No longer Human. Second, you make the retarded assumption that just because someone consumes anime and manga they don't consume other media as well. Third, how many times do I have to repeat that I've been writing for my whole life.
Another retard. Did I say I only consume anime and manga?

>> No.2980774

You don't need to draw 16 hours a day you retarded neet fuck.

>> No.2980783

I made made a comic about getting mad on the internet its called

>> No.2980799

16 hours of drawing + 8 hours of sleep

Wow so realistic

>> No.2980807

To everyone ITT, especially the OP, post your story ideas for comics.

I wanna see if any of you actually have any good ideas or are simply deluding yourselves. I've done commissions for comics, and have had to draw out tons of turds that people think are super great and original. Everyone thinks they can be a great writer, or that their "great story idea" is gonna be great, when in reality, very few people actually have great ideas, and those people typically have MANY ideas for stories, not just one, and they're their own biggest critics.

>> No.2980809

>8 hours of sleep
If you actually wanted to git gud, you'd learn to get by on 7.

I still agree that 16 is excessive. You need small breaks every 2 hours, so truly, 14 is the max you could really push for.

>> No.2980811

6/7 I meant. 6 isn't that bad, as you get older you start to need less abd less sleep.

>> No.2980894

1 wont get you fucking anywhere. Ngmi

>> No.2980918

Draw porn, make money.

>> No.2980965

I think something a lot of people here do not understand is that when you are doing 13+ hours a day spending time on exorcise, diet and sleep will help you more then adding another hour of work everyday.

>> No.2981105

I'm already good though.

>> No.2981145
File: 114 KB, 500x387, 1481489748174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your entire argument is invalid because of one letter
Nigger this is some high tier retardation.

>> No.2981154

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2981163

Ideas don't mean shit, it's all about execution, not just in the art but also in the story telling

>> No.2981173


cowards just take adderall before you go to sleep and then you only need 3 hours of sleep. it works consecutively too

>> No.2981188

good luck man lol

>> No.2981240

Go to /lit & read some nonweeaboo books -> get inspired -> profit

>> No.2981244

Partially true.

Core original ideas are also important. A great pitch goes a long way as well, but you are correct poor execution will ruin a great stort, see SW prequels

That said, I wanna judge you guys based on your ideas, not prose. Esp since comics shouldn't be written in prose, and ALL amateur writers are terrible at writing dialogue.

>> No.2981255

Creativity can develop. So develop it.

>> No.2981288


>Too talentless and retarded to come up with a good storyline that isn't generic as fuck
>Refuses to become a ''slave'' by drawing for a competent writer's story


>> No.2981320

I have nothing against anime or people who like it (I do too), the only thing I can't stand is the kind of weeaboos who put it on a pedestal and get triggered over the stupidest shit like calling anime cartoons, and try to gatekeep as if anime and manga are so hard to understand. "You know nothing about anime because xyz". Yeah, because not knowing or caring about some minuscule details means you're completely unable to learn about the industry and retain that knowledge. English bastardizes almost every single word it borrows (see the misuse of "panini" or "data", for example), so I still say "mangakas" sometimes despite knowing basic Japanese because I don't give a shit.

>for one you assume that all anime has bad writing
>you make the retarded assumption that just because someone consumes anime and manga they don't consume other media as well.

I assumed neither of those, don't get so butthurt. You said that all your stories sound like "some generic animu garbage". The obvious answer is to stop watching generic anime garbage then. There's no way you can't come up with a single good idea if you only watch masterpieces. Me saying "read a book" was simply alluding to the fact that you probably aren't learning writing from actual writers, like many novice comic creators. The fastest way to get good at writing comics is to learn drawing from artists and writing from writers and only then look at manga or comics to see how their creators conjoin them together to captivate their audience. If you've been writing your whole life and you still suck at it, you've been doing it wrong. You can learn from people who're good at writing the same way you can learn from good artists. You look at their work and analyze it, trying to figure out what makes it good and how you can replicate that. If you still don't understand what I mean and are just going to shit out another post about how everyone around you is retarded, you're beyond helping.

>> No.2981337

just make it about a group of pals that make blow up a super weapon that can blow up a planet

>> No.2981374

Amon dont do it. Snickers ice still exist and its worth living for.

>> No.2981377

Hey. Im studying Computer science and i also want create Comics vor even games. However i have to write stories and practice Art for a while. Is this realistic for a nerd who can throw his social life away?

>> No.2981410

>posting my future award-winning idea here for you to copy

No, thanks.

>> No.2981471

Idea guy here, fuck you.

>> No.2981494

post art
>implying your idea is good enough to take
>implying you'll ever make it anyway
>implying you're a talented enough writer to execute it properly

>> No.2981503

Yes, I implied all that.

>> No.2982352
File: 21 KB, 987x358, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't knows how to program creativity

n g m i

>> No.2982377

Once they have gotten good already maybe. They probably just get worn out telling the same kinda jokes and touring to shitty bars all the time. I'm sure somebody with fair intelligence could improve their comedy if they worked diligently.

>> No.2982381


>> No.2982439

You can reach pro level in a year with 4 hours of drawing a day. It's just these faggots spend 2 hours crying and wanking for every hour they spend actually drawing.

>> No.2982463

No you can't retard. I've yet to see 1 person who went from complete beginner to pro in a year. Even Algenplfleger who's an outlier took 3 years drawing 12 hours a day to reach professionalism. Why do you retards on /ic/ think it's so easy to get good?

>> No.2982695

Sinix wen from total noob to hired by EA in 8 months.

>> No.2983735

Proofs? His DA is 14 years old and he's been drawing even before it.

>> No.2984087


>> No.2984165

Thought I'd contribute my perspective.
Art schools take a complete beginner and form them into starting professionals (depending on the student and their drive) in FOUR years.
Four years is just the beginning, my friend. It takes ages just to get where you want to be, but even then you won't be content and you'll keep improving. To give up after 4 years is to basically say, "I went to college to get a degree that I won't even use." This is the time where you start making things that are relevant to YOU and YOUR OWN life. Since you want to do comics, maybe reach out to already professional comic artists who you look up to. Look up interviews of writers and artists and figure out their creative process.

You said you created a few comic strips. That's great actually, keep building more and more. It's the little things that build up over time.
As for the larger projects, it seems you're struggling with creating an "original" story.
What I would do is to take a step back and focus on the stories you do like and figure out how those have been structured. How are characters portrayed, how is the setting shown? How to structure an engaging plot, etc.

"Projects are hard
Self doubt isn't clever
So, make a bunch of stuff
Before you're dead

>> No.2984236

>but every comic idea i come up with looks like some generic animu garbage that's been done a million times by far better artists and writers
Here comes the ground shaking tip
1 : Stop watching anime, which is, mostly, just reused ideas
2 : Start reading more
3 : If even so you can't write better, ask someone to help you with a initial plot and go from there.