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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2970531 No.2970531 [Reply] [Original]

Does this actually work?

>> No.2970546

Framed Ink, Perspective Made Easy and Michael Hampton are the only two books on this meme list that I'd say are essential. Force and Color & Light are good. Scott Robertson's books are overly technical and very dense for a beginner to follow, do not recommend them particularly highly considering he explains everything better in the gnomon DVD. Loomis is a meme and you're better off with Hampton, Hogarth, Bammes and Bridgman. Not even sure why Skillful Hunstman is on there, it's an OK artbook but definitely non-essential. Overall a 4/10 list.

>> No.2970547
File: 52 KB, 320x480, b44Iciym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do all the exercises
majority of the books have no exercises
>FDFAIW before FWTP and successful drawing
screams psyop
>meme post 2012 books
robertson meme
>hampton off on the far end
>huntsman instead of a weeb artbook for inspiration
>"I need a good PC"
when all the books presented have no digital merit in them
>"don't forget to attend life drawing...."
what are we aiming for figures focus or industrial vehicles focus?
>then make a list of the things you are not good at and want to learn and get to it
that isn't a last step that is something you do at every step

Stop falling for the memes.

>> No.2970549
File: 48 KB, 550x778, 1469317695239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn but there's only words GIVE ME ORDERS SO I CAN DRAW AND PRACTICE

>> No.2970550

yeah, learning art is just a video game where you level up by consuming certain literature. it's how all the great masters did it.

>> No.2970551


doing the exercises means draw the pictures in the books.....
now your orders are this . go take that loomis book that has been sitting there in your room or in your computer. and do EVERY DRAWING in all of them to the best of your ability then post work.

>> No.2970555

Same, what annoys me is that a lot of art books could be summed in a few images and words. Yet usually they are filled with a lot of useless shit, pages and pages describing some shit that you can undertand just by looking at the picture, pages of dumb analogies and repetitions of the same concepts.

Maybe it's because people will be more willing paying full price for a 300 pages book instead of a 30 pages one

>> No.2970557

https://youtu.be/7O54x9evx6E after a long time falling for the memes u found this method being the best for me,
Picking a subject you like to draw and study relevant things, then branching out
Sure the books mentioned can be helpful, but the best way imo is to practice with a clear goal in mind, that way learning is more effective and you dont burn out from endless studies.

>> No.2970569

Good books but remember not to try to learn too much at once or your brain will fry, take it slow and dont try to rush your learning process. Also figure out what you like drawing and focus on that, dont forget the fundamentals bit also dont focus only on them cause thats how you end up hating your life

>> No.2970574
File: 328 KB, 1000x600, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't want to draw more potatoes with happy chin :(

>> No.2970583

all these books when you could instead just draw

>> No.2970589

>doing the exercises means draw the pictures in the books
incredible mental gymnastics, friend.


>> No.2970637

The Hampton one could be said to have exercises. Same goes for Bammes, Bridgman and Hogarth (not present on this shitty list).

>> No.2970669

then do figure drawing for all its worth
or that vilppu manual
i mean draw all the pictures.... it works.

>> No.2970672

*in the way that they say to do it.
then do some of your own in the same way.

>> No.2970689

Where'd you get the gook books?
Naisu taste senpai

>> No.2970695

i also would like an asanagi artbook.

>> No.2970696

Don't believe he's put out one. It's probably just a compilation of art from his pixiv and doujinshi.

>> No.2970728

>Draw every day
>Make sure to push your limits by always trying new shit and venturing into the unknown, never stick to your comfort zone
>grind perspective in the beginning
>make sure to increase the hours per day you spend drawing as you improve, the more hours you put in per day, the better you'll get, if you're serious about making this a career, 2 years in you should be drawing at least 8 hours daily
>develop an eye for self criticism, and soak up as much knowledge as you can to improve

This is how you git gud, everything else is a meme. If you're not drawing every day and pushing your limits, you'll never make it.

>> No.2970732

>8 hours daily
Meme Zhu recommends 5 to 6 and I'll take his word for it based on experience. Someone with a full time job say they get home by 6, dinner & other errands makes this 8 pm. From 8 to 12pm is 5 hours. 1AM is reaching it, going beyond that is unhealthy.

And you have to make room for the absorption of new material so 5 hours plus whatever hours spent watch lecture or reading a book for the day.

>> No.2971134

If art is now your job, and you're spending less than 8 hours daily, there's a problem.

The implication here is that somewhere along the line, you switch from your job, into art now being your job, because 5-6 hours a day is only good for so long.

Also, you can only absorb and learn so much, and you never really stop learning. Spending 3 hours a day on reading material is absurd, especially past beginner. Reading isn't gonna make you draw better. Drawing is gonna make you draw better.

>> No.2971150

OP implied 8 hours a day after 2 years not if art is now your sole source of income. You have a problem with reading.
>Spending 3 hours a day
Nobody said spend 3 hours. The post said 5 to 6 hours after 8 PM. Finding time to read a book during the week as a full time working citizen.

>> No.2971184

What do you mean by make room for absorption? the way absorption works when learning a craft is by applying it not by doing other shit. So if you have learned something new that day you spend the rest of that day trying to apply it to your work to make sure it sticks.

>> No.2971199

>the way absorption works when learning a craft is by applying it not by doing other shit

That's your definition and you have every right to abide by it. My answer will be different from the next guy and so on. We all learn differently.

>So if you have learned something new that day you spend the rest of that day trying to apply it to your work to make sure it sticks.

Elaborate further on this please. I don't want to jump to a final conclusion but it sounds like you're the type of guy who likes party tricks over trial and error.

>> No.2971220

how about actually drawing lel? Or is gitgud by drawing a meme /ic/ ?

>> No.2971242

I don't get what you are saying what does party tricks have to do with trail and error and how are they opposed to each other? No what I am saying is everyday when you practice you need to spend time on polishing what you already know but you also need to acquire new knowledge this can be done by trial and error or it can be done with a master study, design study or life drawing it can be done in many ways but when you have found something new you didn't know or understand before you need to push that understanding or knowledge this is usually done by trial and error then relate it to something you already know and understand. I think 5 hours of work everyday will get you lots of progress but 8-12 hours will help you solidify every knew concept you happen upon.

>> No.2971268

I don't understand why you can't understand that not everyone has 8 to 12 hours a day. Maybe if you read a book your cognitive ability of what's being said to you will be enhanced.
>but 8-12 hours will help you solidify every knew concept you happen upon.
Based on what evidence?

>> No.2971293

I understand that not everyone can draw every hour each day but stop lying to yourself and others and just accept that someone who spends more time then you with the same quality practice will progress faster then you. I'm sorry you can only practice for 5 hours because 8 would be better.

>> No.2971299
File: 271 KB, 500x425, bbbbbiiitee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality bait friend. But you ousted yourself as a retard 4 posts ago. I'm done talking to you but could you leverage your bad practices off my board? Thanks and good luck to you.

>> No.2971300

>does practice and study work

no, it's a meme. the best way is to shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.2971306

never saw the point in life drawing courses with models. just seems like a waste of time

also, those last couple are the only ones I'd bother with.

>> No.2971309

It wasn't a bait it was an insult. Anyway it doesn't matter if you agree here or not you know the truth and its going to eat away at you.

>> No.2971311

doing too much study can be detrimental. you need plenty of time to actually let what you learned sink in and solidify. otherwise you're just constantly disturbing that fresh concrete. it's a waste of time/effort. do LESS study/work and you'll get better faster.

>> No.2971317

Sure I agree with that to a certain extent but I think this thought that you need to let things sink in is that when you are in the middle of long study sessions its hard to realize that you are progressing and actually learning something its only when you take the break and step away that you actually see the progress but that doesn't mean that the progress came from the break.

>> No.2971326 [DELETED] 

That's not how you insult. An insult would be the way you keep confusing it's with its. Here is a grammar lesson for you:
I think it's that time of year again to fuck your mom!
compared to
My cock is its mom (you're moms).

Make sure to take clean notes and spend 12 hours tonight on the study of impregnation as you'll be getting a sister soon.

>> No.2971337

You need the breaks so you can cool down and let your brain hold onto the knowledge. It's like cramming for a test, doing 8 hours of study in one night won't actually help you remember the knowledge long term (or even short term), while doing 2-3 hours of study every night over the course of several days will let you better retain the information and skills. Breaks are essential to learning.

>> No.2971346

Doesn't work the same for some concepts in art.

>> No.2971362

We are not talking about cramming something in like you do when you study for a test versus 3 hours of consistent study every day. We are talking about a few hours of consistent study everyday versus a lot of hours of consistent study everyday.

>> No.2971372

yall need to work on your reading comprehension

>> No.2971459
File: 57 KB, 576x436, 1483123260338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's not like resources on fundamental art principles are remotely useful to a beginner.

>> No.2971464

Seems like some people needs to quite their work if they wanna become a good artist.

>> No.2971468

where do I pirate framed ink lads?

>> No.2971470

Remember to actually READ THE FUCKING TEXT don't just copy the pictures, the text has most of the info. I know some of you do this and it is not ok.

>> No.2972789

kill yourself

>> No.2972872

Force is awful

Most of those books say the exact same things

>> No.2972962

Improvement isn't a linear route.

>> No.2975857


>> No.2975898

I'll tell you when I'm done, I'm on my 7th month

>> No.2975905

Post work

>> No.2976100

You people just can't comprehend that each person is different. Learning to draw is as much about understanding concepts as about muh muscle memory and mileage.
The 10 000 hours is a meme. Well, I mean it's obvious that you need to grind but some concepts just pop in your head either only if you have a fresh mind or completely out of nowhere. You can spend a whole fucking week trying to understand something through drawing it over and over again and then just suddenly realize how does the thing work while taking a shit.

>> No.2976117
File: 9 KB, 300x225, 300px-Sketch-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the best book for fast improvement

>> No.2976273

>not a4

>> No.2976279

why does everyone recommend loomis exactly? they're like 50 years old.

>> No.2976284

Beats me. They're shitty books.

>> No.2976289

No, but really. Are there any GOOD meme book lists?

>> No.2976293

While the Pythagorean theorem is from like c. 570 – c. 495 BC or something, shit still works.

>> No.2976371
File: 78 KB, 300x225, didi it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i do good

>> No.2976380

I mean, aside from figure drawing for what its worth (because it's sort of a mixed bag of useful info) I can't see what's so special about them above other books.

I guess they do have some kind inspiring words though.

>> No.2976397

>excellent composition
>good use of negative space
>sparse use of color, drawing focus to your main subject
>attention to tangents


good job.

>> No.2976402

What could be done to make it a 10?

>> No.2976404

cute anime girls. duh.

>> No.2976522

You need to do a lot more than understand it, you gotta internalize it, and you gotta gain enough experience to where you're not consciously thinking of the steps, or construction, and just letting it flow naturally.

You won't get KJG level by drawing casually, you get to KJG level by doing what he does. Carrying a fucking sketchbook around and drawing every waking moment of your life to where drawing is as natural to you as speaking.

>> No.2976799

This board is so fucking lost when it comes to understanding what it's needed to get good. It's fucking baffling.

>> No.2976812


I'll let you know when I am done, currently doing Scott and growing visual library while getting my head around every technique and terminology, I'll jump into Framed Ink then.

I can understand why the books are laid down in that order, makes a lot of sense.

>> No.2976828

Illuminate us, then, if you are so wise.

>> No.2976861


It's literally in the OP. stop trying to re-write the script and act already. A fucking monkey could do this.

>> No.2977093

you're being an ass; this person never claimed to be wise. there are many ways to improve. the series of books lined out here gives an idea of where to draw things mechanically in a 2 dimensional plane(perspective) and then where to draw them from an aesthetic sense(composition). Then it goes into constructive(FDFAIW) and observational(Ryder) anatomy; both of which build on each other.
Hampton reinforces construction, Force emphasizes gesture(there isn't much point in creating overly rendered figures if they're not interesting). After form is addressed, light on form is addressed(How to Render & Color & Light). And then finally the Skillfull Huntsman which gives a sort of blueprint for how to go about an entertainment design project.

There are a lot of ways to improve but this isn't a bad method by any means; books are ultimately supplemental. There is no substitute for drawing from life; you won't learn things like intricate perspective or certain anatomical details which makes books valuable but really life is the primary teacher. Loomis has a quote at the end of "I'd Love to Draw" that touches on this.

>> No.2977135
File: 31 KB, 408x439, 1480626089083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please, for the love of all gods known, to be known and forgotten. /ic/ listen to this man, stop running in circles in the dark, the light is in front of you. You fucking meatheads.

>> No.2977157

>yes definitely without a doubt

>> No.2977158
File: 2.16 MB, 460x308, 1492326426854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to find downloads in the art book thread for books 8, 9, and 11 on that list.

Could any of you anons help me out if you know somewhere to get the pdfs for those remaining three? It would be an amazing help if you could, thank you so much.

>> No.2977667


I am sure you can find them on CGpeers, if you don't have an account there yet, stay alert because the registration opens on the 15th and 1th of each month.

>> No.2977688

kill yourself its not funny

>> No.2977691

I have Perspective Made Easy. It explain perspective (vaguely). It doesn't teach you how to draw. It's a mystery why it's recommended here.

>> No.2977692
File: 2.36 MB, 400x299, 1454971644594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You better explain yourself before I send you to the gulag.

>> No.2977700

Also, why isn't the first book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain? It's crucial to getting the creative part of the brain working

>> No.2977703

I'm warning you and other lurkers here. Don't ever trust any image guides posted here. I've kept my mouth shut for a long time but I'm coming out to give you a warning because I feel bad now.

>> No.2977704

I doubt anyone with a brain would trust anything posted on 4chan

>> No.2977705

My friend...you'd be very surprised.

>> No.2977796


The imagine guide is great piece of adcice, to be honest. I guess you guys must be roleplaying to make newfags lost and confused.