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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 780 KB, 1190x841, 6737a337942897.576ce041693ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2975349 No.2975349 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone knows the basic principles but how to do advanced hardcore linework?

share tips books ...

>> No.2975358

that's still basic linework in the same way writting a book uses the same alphabet as you

there is no advanced hardcore alphabet

the difference is in the knowledge the artist has to write with those basic letters/ lines

>> No.2975466

That kind of work is more drafting than it is art, taken to an extreme.

All that image is, is a solid knowledge of perspective, and the patience to go into that detail, and working big enough to carry the level of detail.

>> No.2975497

never thought of it that way thanks anon

>> No.2975517

Its the same thing as super detailed rendering, just with lines instead of painting or whatever you normally do.

Its not "hard" exactly, it just takes a shitton of time and effort. Something like the OP can easily be done by any decently skilled aritst, given 30 hours and a ruler.

>> No.2975824
File: 472 KB, 1485x1003, wrightson-frankenhatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought that building was using hatching, until I clicked the Thumbnail.

Most of the people who posted thus far are generally wrong. Look into the work of Bernie Wrightston, and learn some hatching/crosshatching techniques . That's "advanced linework." The only tool l you're allowed to use to convey form, value, etc.... is a line. Get to it, you'll learn a lot.

>> No.2975833

gonna check it out looks good

>> No.2975836

Did you though that maybe, just maybe, you are the one wrong?

Hatching is just a way to consistently cover an area using a tool mean for smaller areas. It's still basic lines.

>> No.2975846

The fact that the first image used ink washes for shadows doesn't change that it's just good drafting technique, perspective, and patience. But thanks for shitposting, I guess. Every thread needs one "well acktushually" dude.

>> No.2975906

First image doesn't have any good linework, it's just good use of perspective. Same could be done with paints.

You shouldn't be impressed by someone being able to use a ruler, you can do it too. The linework is actually rather lackluster, it doesn't have any weight to it.

If it's the perspective you're impressed by, you could have asked: Scott Robertson, How To Draw, you'll learn how to do the same there. Also, stop being a cunt.

>> No.2975919
File: 1.21 MB, 952x1280, loadsofeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2976005

how many points

>> No.2976153

>Did you though that maybe, just maybe, you are the one wrong?
Obviously not. I swear there's some newfag making the rounds and posting in every thread thinking he's going to teach /ic/ the true meaning of art. I guess if he lurked here at all he'd know how much /ic/ already blows Bernie's dick.

>> No.2976157

>talk like a condescending faggot
>hurr hurr stop being a cunt
You first
Nice reddit spacing by the way

>> No.2976172

I can see this artist knows their shit but the end result is a noisy mess. Too much high contrast detail in one place

>> No.2976190

as the other anon said. The artist here is clearly pretty good technically, but the composition is horrible. all those lines everywhere also do a horrible job and just make this image look like a giant mess.
For example you have the 2 figures fighting on the right, its almost impossible to tell that's going on unless you're actually looking for it. Nothin gin this image stands out its just a giant lump of details and rendering via hatching.

That's one of the biggest problems with detailed line work, it makes things look pretty, but it also tends to cause things to get messed up.

>> No.2976207

I think the messy, overly hatched is intentional. It helps to convey the Doctor's extra cluttered lab to the viewer. You can't just look at technique alone, but we gotta also consider the subject together with context and all that artsy fartsy stuff. I think it looks good and I like it. You. Think it's poorly executed. That's art interpretation for you. We all have our opinions.

>> No.2976209

Thanks for the opposing view point.

>> No.2976217

You can look cluttered without making the composition cluttered. A good composition brings out certain subjects in the drawing. The only thing that's being shown here is a giant mess of lines.

Without the hatching it would still looked cluttered, but the composition might not be as messy.

>> No.2976218

>We all have our opinions.
No shit, no one needs you to tell them that

>> No.2976224

Everyone does.

>> No.2976403

Why do so many people think the pinnacle of line art is overcrowded, messy shit?

>> No.2976506
File: 757 KB, 1000x1455, tumblr_m5wcuvoFuk1r8vauqo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely intentional. The scene is SUPPOSED to be a cluttered mess. Quit pretending you know more than a master of the craft just cause you read Loomis. There are times when you should just shut up and listen instead of pretending to be a know it all, especially when you didn't even bother to look at the rest of his work before making your post, to see that he definitely knows when to hold back when he needs to.

>> No.2976510
File: 567 KB, 750x1088, 67405e6835c140768c71eab4d2865d97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you lack contextual awareness and need to act like you're hot shit, when you really know nothing at all.

If you'd stop nitpicking at anything you can and instead stopped, observed, and tried to learn from people better than you, you'd actually make progress in your work.

>> No.2976524

If your intention was just to shit and piss all over the example the OP provided - mission accomplished.

Anything else worthwhile from your posts? Nope. Can't find anything. Thanks for all your help. No, really. You've changed so much, for so many. You're a real pal.

>> No.2976532


1 Point Perspective.

>> No.2976535
File: 162 KB, 604x768, 604px-Dürer_Melancholia_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cartooning. If you're going to cite crosshatching, mention the real masters: Dore, and Dürer.

But I still havent seen a real refutation of my original comment, just someone preening and posturing about a cartoon artist.

>> No.2976550


OP asked for Good linework, I gave him an example of good linework, and what to look into, and he thanked me, and went on his way. Stop being butthurt and trying to one up me, and get back to work.

This isn't a dick measuring contest to see who is more knowledgeable. If you've got something to share, then do so. But the artists posted ITT are far better than all of us combined, to sit around, and critique shit pretending we know better than they is fucking retarded, and pretentious as fuck.

If you've got nothing else to add to the topic, stop looking for arguments to get into to avoid doing your studies. If you got time to shitpost you got time to draw, now get to it.

>> No.2976554

No, you were using Bernie's work to be a bully. I bet even he would think you're a dick, if he knew you were doing it.

And, I don't need studies, little man. I've been a professional artist for 25years, and painted and drawn with more mediums than you even know about. But you keep that snotty attitude, it seems to be doing great things for you. If there's a shitposting award, who knows, all your hard work being a dick might pay off some day?

>> No.2976584

Was I?

OP's image wasn't even his own, just something he thought was impressive. He asked for tips on improving linework, and I pointed him in the direction of an artist that imo encapsulates what makes good linework.

Good linework, to me, is having the capacity to render an entire image only with lines, and lineweight. I then pointed him in the right direction by telling him to look up tutorials on hatching and crosshatching.

I was never here to bully anyone, only to help OP, and he thanked me, and went off on his way. Everyone else then jumped on me cause they feel like they got something to prove. Honestly, idk why we're still at this, this entire discussion has become completely pointless by now.

>> No.2976655
File: 1.48 MB, 2011x2949, Bernie Wrightson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher contrast areas lead the eye.

>> No.2977311

It doesn't matter if its intentional, it looks awful.
Something like the pic your just posted looks much better and you can see whats going on clearly. There's a structure to the image.

And no, someone being a "master" doesn't make all their work perfect. I'll critique kim jung gi because his compositions are garbage.
The linework in these images is amazing, yes, but the composition in the first is horrible.

>> No.2977375

>reddit spacing
Fuck right off faggot.

>> No.2977392

I know that, my point is there is too much of it the eye doesn't know where to look. The Wrightson example you posted is much better.

>> No.2980708

Well that is your opinion.

>> No.2980787

Congratulations faggot, this is a linework thread. Go make a composition thread if you wanna make yourself feel good by critiquing people who are far more talented than you'll ever be.

>> No.2980794

Only a Redditor would recognize "reddit spacing" I've never been to the site, and get called out on that shit every time I use the quick reply window.

I think you Redditors need to fuck off with your forced meme.

>> No.2982543

wtf is reddit spacing? is it the two newlines after first paragraph?

>> No.2982600
File: 564 KB, 1600x1236, cd059f072a219e2eb810e30c633ea9c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the picture you posted is exactly what you shouldn't do with linework: drawing every little detail in full. Good linework is about omitting or simplifying detail as the planes recede.

This is why Moebius' detailed linework looks fantastic while Geoff Darrow's art looks like pic related

>> No.2983127

Looks to me here that the problem is single tier lineweight.

>> No.2983147

thats more of a matter of style to me. though the pic op posted isnt very advanced, the one you posted is much better, for one it doesnt have convex lines show, its not as symbolistic, more towards showing light. but yeah i agree moebius has great linework and its drawn with such easy hand or what to call it. robert crumb also have some great stuff, check out genesis illustrated

>> No.2983152

if linework is effecting the composition its not good linework. Art isn't about individual concepts being done well, its about making it all come together to make a good image.
If you don't follow the forms with your lines, it doesn't matter how varried or clean your linework is, its going to look bad.