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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2974213 No.2974213 [Reply] [Original]

>spend $300 on a tablet
>it's collecting dust
>try to muster up courage to pick up the pen
>remember that I'm shit
>go back to 4chan

>> No.2974216

Draw every day even if you suck anon. It's the only way.

>> No.2974362

I've never understood this meme on /ic/, you clearly want to draw enough that you're willing to spend 300$ on a tablet, yet you don't have passion for it ?

I mean I understand loss of motivation sometimes, but do you never get that bubbly feeling in your stomach, out of the blue, once you have a new idea or think of something to draw ? that shit will literally not let me sleep at night sometimes.

just look up to other/better artists work, in line with what you want to do, and if that really does not make you want to draw then that 300$ was probably a bad investment.

>> No.2974364

I't because you know your art is shit and will never live up to your ideas.

>> No.2974366
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I'm like you but I have no will to draw because I can't get excited about art as a career anymore.

I don't want to do the whole studio/game development artist career anymore, so I can only do freelance digital art.

But I can't figure out anything to do with that, that is genuinely exciting. What IS so great about those top digital artists like Ruan Jia and Dave Rapoza?

How do their professional lives look? What do they DO?

>> No.2974370

Ruan Jia is a concept artist. Dave Rapoza does cool illustrations.

>> No.2974372

Honestly, this is why people suggest not to invest in a tablet at first, and spend time practicing and getting up to snuff with pencil and paper.
You buy all the expensive shit that you're not capable of using properly and you end up feeling like shit.

>> No.2974374
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>> No.2974378

>be 14
>buy $100 tablet
>suck at drawing, but use it mainly for animating
>use it for the next 3-4 years
>buy a new tablet for $150-$250
>stops animating because work and school
If you want anon, we can study boxes and perspective together?

>> No.2974694

yeah if you keep this mentality then yeah, you'll probably never improve, but hey that's why successful artists are successful right ? they just have a better mindset than you.

you can only blame yourself for not improving.

>> No.2974820
File: 79 KB, 1320x319, the journey of git gud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting good is a marathon not a sprint

>> No.2974904
File: 377 KB, 640x480, shit man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya OP. I want to draw and create GOOD pieces, and I know my skill level only lets me make CRAP things, so why bother drawing anything. if it's not going to be good, why bother.

>you do it to get better

but I'm still years away from getting gud. when I think of the mountain of work needed to get there I get discouraged too.

like others have said the only answer is "just do it." but of course it's way easier said than done. most people don't get paid while working towards getting gud so we have to do other life shit that takes up our time and willpower in the meantime just so we can get to practice and have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies while doing it. and it sucks. it sucks a lot. it is a deep kind of despair that has to be fought off literally every day. and it breaks a lot of people.

I guess all I'm saying is I know that feel bro. it sucks and it is hard, don't let anyone belittle the problem. hang in there.

>> No.2974971
File: 23 KB, 480x478, spherical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your procastination is not especial, also remember just by having a tablet you are ahead of a lot of people, like myself who lives in third world and your parents rather pay for a tablet for your brother's child because you are a social failure



>> No.2974977
File: 568 KB, 3000x750, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend £50 on a tablet
>realize I'm shit
>let it collect dust
>pick it up again a few years later
>finally start to study
A journey of a thousand miles is started and completed by stumbling a little farther every few days.

>> No.2975007

wtf you getting worse?

>> No.2975187

these look like they're drawn on the same day

>> No.2975337

a person cant git gud over the span of 4 days

>> No.2975364

this, grindfags are tryhards who can go suck it.

>> No.2975367

grinding IS the journey you retard

>> No.2975374
File: 86 KB, 1200x714, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you can really tell that you've upset someone around here when they call you a retard.

Grinding is for people who started too late.

>> No.2975375


>> No.2975709

Yes I agree. Buyer's remorse and art is a bad combination. Everyone probably knows this, but there's plenty of usefulness to working with pen and paper. It can teach us to ignore mistakes and keep going because there's no stopping to erase.

OP do you work with traditional media? Just put the tablet away for a while and work with pen/pencil and paper. It'll be there when you want it. If it helps, when I was big into sketching I'd never use a sketchbook because I didn't think my stuff was good enough for one. I still use copier paper.

I want to get that feeling back again. Managed to crank out some halfway decent stuff with a little first generation 4x5 Wacom Graphire. And that was 10 years ago; I've drawn nothing since. It's way too easy to let a lack of mental discipline and the burdens of everyday life get in the way of creativity.

>> No.2975717

it's all about confidence
draw on scrap paper and aim to draw something you'd like to look at later
then you start keeping some of those scrap papers because you got slightly proud of what you drew on them
then you build up the confidence to buy a sketchbook so you can keep all your drawings
then the sketchbook fills up and you build up the confidence to buy a tablet so you can share your drawings on the internet

>> No.2976051
File: 92 KB, 564x686, Red-Sonya-Ian-Craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bubbly feeling
For me it's burning jealousy, I'm not usually an envious person but when I see my favorite artists it just fumes in me
Keep going. I've been drawing for 3 years and only recently have the faces and shapes I wanted to draw began appearing, and I've still a long way to go
The 'grind' can also be fun, just as studying to learn a new language or exercising for that goal bod.

>> No.2976070

I was like you, I bought a tablet at 16 only to realize I couldn't use it because I was lacking in fundamentals, it was a hard truth to swallow, but once you realize that in order to draw what you want you must go through tutorials and books it's easier to start improving.

I didn't touch my tablet for about 2 years, and a year ago I realized that I had to improve before using it, so I started perspective, figure, etc. Once you get better it's easier to start digital drawing, a pin-up, some fanart, maybe a request in any of the board's draw threads, little by little you improve your drawing and digital skills.

>> No.2976076

Same here.

Also, praise. When there are 5 or 6 people favoriting everything you post it makes you want to keep going.

>> No.2976088

C-can I join with y-you guys?
That happened to me too, op. Just keep drawing whatever you want, from circles and squares to spheres and cubes, doesn't matter as long as you love doing it. And after a few days or weeks, you'll probably get the hang of it.
TL;DR don't stop

>> No.2976094

it'd be fun to start a study group for drawfags, im studying animation (but im more focused on illustrating) we could share exercises

>> No.2976096

I'm actuallt going to start the drawabox thing, but I'm still finishing Hampton's while learning anatomy using Bridgman's. I know this is a retarded question but is Animation a lot harder than drawing itself?

>> No.2976101

Meant for >>2976096
So do you have anything in mind?

>> No.2976324

The fact that you have a tablet is already a step. Just try to draw on it 20-30 minutes a day. Slowly but surely you'll go up to an hour or 2. And maybe a few more hours from there. Then in a year or 3 you'll be pretty damn good.

And then when you look back at yourself from before, you'll laugh at how stupid you were being. And you'll appreciate all the hard work you've accomplished.

>> No.2976488

well, animation may not be that hard but tedious, like knowing how to draw a character repeatedly and keep it consistent, keeping in mind how the character's details move, etc.
I could throw in a small tip or two I've learnt about digital coloring and character design

>> No.2976858

I'd like to hear the tips please. Hope you make it, Anon.

>> No.2976873

I don't know about you but I bought my tablet 9 years ago when I had 0 grip on fundamentals so everything looked shit, but I drew because it was fun. I knew a lot was wrong but I'd get happy whenever something looked right or I simply liked it. At around that time I thought of giving up too, because I felt like I just would never become good and was stuck. Until one day I drew a chibi liked (yes that simple) and it gave me new hope and motivation to do more of those. If fun isnt inherently fun for you then the grind in my opinion will be torture. I see so many anons on here who only talk about getting good and making it and studying their ass off but nothing about the creative process and fun. If you have fun then youll automatically want to draw and become better, no matter how long it takes.

>> No.2976885

Drawing is just a skill that can be gained through practice. Treat it like a job, or a class. Work at it.

I've been reading a lot about the founding fathers lately, and I've been reading their letters and journals. Every last one of them could draw beautifully, their journals full of wonderful sketches. That wasn't some sort of crazy random chance, that somehow all of the guys who started America just happened to be talented artists. It's because they were all educated men, and back in those days, "educated" meant, among other things, that you learned how to read Latin and Greek and you learned how to draw. They literally learned it by going to a class day after day, just like you learn a language or calculus or anything else.

You can be as good at drawing as you want to be. You just have to put in the work.

>> No.2976920

>tfw America killed art education and now it's just math and literature focused

>> No.2976946

So, you dont actually want to draw?

The only way to get great at something is to want it so bad it hurts. To push yourself even when you feel like giving up. It must take up most of your time, it must become an obsession and if it does not, you will always be mediocre, you will feel like a failure, you will become a salt lick, you will beat yourself up over it and you will not be a happy person. Do what you love let it overcome you, let it become your life.

In the words of shia lebouf "JUST DO IT!"

>> No.2977506

What's a cheap tablet you would recommend, /ic/?

>> No.2978061

A tablet of eco-friendly copy papers.

>> No.2978330

this looks like one of those cringey "style challenge x3" on instagram and youtube lmao

>> No.2980393

wacom intuos draw

>> No.2980422
File: 402 KB, 1489x1335, 18319400_1223566174432738_6773550192354445471_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to save for a cintiq 22 (13 too small)
>on student allowance
>sale of my surface pro only contributes to half the cost so I'd have to save small amounts for a few months
>impatience to paint stuff makes me want to just go buy an intuos medium again but I don't like the pen nibs/surface wearing down so fast
What dooooo

>> No.2980587

Keep saving up unless it will take you years or something

>> No.2983219

Welp, that's all i needed to see i'm off lads. I need to practice