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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2972674 No.2972674 [Reply] [Original]

15 Years...

>> No.2972676

Impressive improvement. Good on him for keeping at it through the hard ships for 15 years. Most people would probably give up a year in.

>> No.2972682

lol I was just looking at at artwork and thinkingabout what kind of sad person this would be who improved so little after 15 years. Then I looked at the side and saw "Jazza" with his fucking family guy icon.

>> No.2972709
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I was thinking about skimping on my fundies today but thanks /ic/ for the walk up call.

>> No.2973152

i dont know why but i fucking hate his characters. everytime i see one of his youtube thumbnails i want to puke

>> No.2973234

While I find his challenge videos annoying, I think he really fucking good when it comes to animation, design and invention. His style is definitely not my taste and sometimes his drawings look a bit stiff, but I am jealous about the fact that he can draw basically anything from imagination with respectable speed.
He has a really valuable skillset that you can easily monetize even outside Youtube. He basically made it and of course /ic( is very bitter about it.

>> No.2973267
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>> No.2973284 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 1256x1352, IMAG4687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol post your art from 15 years ago

>> No.2973285
File: 114 KB, 628x676, IMAG4687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol post your art from 15 years ago

>> No.2973385


>> No.2973422

I don't know how to feel about Jazza. I haven't watched many of his videos, but from what I've seen he seems like a nice decent guy doing what he loves. ON the other hand his caricature and his entire art style fills me with unhealthy amounts of spite and just seeing his icon on a youtube thumbnail makes me frown.

>> No.2973452

He's alright, but as an entertainer, not a fine artist or a teacher. When he tries to be one (which he does a lot) it's either cringe worthy or, worse, a bad influence on young artists.

>> No.2973456
File: 43 KB, 899x462, sj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifteen years have passed. But... I do not progress...

>> No.2973457

Jazza is nothing compared To my Good friend David Animator, search him up for quality entertainment

>> No.2973463

I don't think they're harmful for hobbyists. He doesn't teach his style but breaks down fundamentals. He makes drawing seem easy and fun, that's why he attracts hobbyist beginners. If you want to become a serious artist you woudn't watch his videos anyway. His content is fine for his audience. I'm sure he knows he's not a good illustrator or designer.

I wonder why he is still so bad though. He seems reasonably knowledgable and seems to spend a lot of time drawing

>> No.2973538

Gotta get back

>> No.2973539

i know why.
because it looks like bitstrips or go!animate

>> No.2973543

Back to the funds

>> No.2973585

What do you mean by him breaking down fundamentals? The video where he teaches surface anatomy or the one where he uses symbol drawing to explain facial expressions?

Imagine this, a young kid, 15-16, wants to learn to draw. He'll look up drawing tutorials and either he'll find Proko, through that kangaroo meme he'll find /ic/, the old masters, Vilppu and the artbook thread...
Or he'll find Jazza, this really successful, confident, handsome guy making thousands of dollars just from drawing all day and tricking you into thinking that you can be like that too if you listen to his advice and buy his garbage brushes in his online store.

What kind of an amateur artist would you prefer to meet more often?

>> No.2973597

My biggest fear, if i ever make it, is stagnating.

>> No.2973603

I like Jazza. He's a shit illustrator, but he's a decent animator and great at explaining software-and he's got a good attitude. I'd compare and contrast him to AMB who, despite being probably the best animation resource on youtube and extremely passionate about that craft (and like Jazza, also pretty shit from an illustrative standpoint) is kind of an obstinate, disagreeable guy at times.

It doesn't surprise me that Jazza has a huge amount of subscribers relative to a lot of better artists. He's simply more personable than a guy like AMB is. He's an internet celebrity first and an artist second.

>> No.2973604

Feng Zhu to be honest desu.

>> No.2973615

His characters have a deadness to them, The same boring skintone, the same expressionless poses and faces. He has mastered deadness.

>> No.2973618
File: 96 KB, 689x1024, AMB-arshad-mirza-baig-689x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is he so popular?

He is amateur draws like shit and you can't learn anything valuable from him but somehow he is more popular than Arshad(AMB animation academy) a guy who is actually a professional who worked for many popular companies and you can learn a lots from him?

>> No.2973627

> a bad influence on young artists

It already started


>> No.2973636

Is he for real? Holy shit.

>> No.2973647

He actually made a great documentary

I respect him for that


>> No.2973662

literally shilling

>> No.2973671

samurai proko

>> No.2973676

Samurai JAZZ you fuck

>> No.2973678
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>> No.2973707

He's more of an animator that an illustrator... So eh..

>> No.2973710
File: 807 KB, 982x980, 1487855710892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it took him 15 years to reach something that took me 3 years of literally doing nothing but watching other people draw and I'm still better
feels good man

>> No.2973734

He is a flash animator from the bygone era of flash tween animation, it was impressive maybe 10 years ago, but the software is outdated for that type of animation now.

>> No.2973740

gotta git gud*

>> No.2973744

So what is impressive now?

>> No.2973753

Tween animation is just quick lazy animation it was just impressive because no one knew how to use the software. Traditional has always been much more impressive.

>> No.2973754

post work :)

>> No.2973757

>tfw Flash cartoons that were astounding 10 years ago now look like ass

>> No.2973762

I love that he spends ages doing loads of construction lines for his shit anatomy

>> No.2973865

animators > artists
always and forever

>> No.2973911

you're not alone anon, I find his characters very flat and generic.
Also this too >>2973615 >>2973539

>> No.2974112


animators = artists


>> No.2974120

I was 4 y/o 15 years ago, so it's probably wobbly stick figures. I have some art from middle school though and it's actually not too bad (well for the time at least)

>> No.2974161

Same. Sometimes I find myself furious that his stuff is so adored despite its mediocrity. But that's a childish outlook on my part. Decent enough bloke regardless.

>> No.2974233
File: 13 KB, 238x357, 1493530786234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start video
>blaring dubstep

>> No.2974272

ikr same here .

>> No.2974320

I'm guessing that his pic related was one of his works

>> No.2974442

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.2974484

that's a good 3 months worth of improvement at the most

>> No.2974537
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 1493425787001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Thanks for ruin my day, anon
But seriously, what the fuck are those anatomy?

>> No.2974580

Tbh, it's not his fault. The guy is simply UNTALENTED

>b-but loomis

There are a bajillion successful artists who have never opened that book.

>> No.2974591


lol worst bait

>> No.2974613

it started a long time ago, now you only see it's effects

>> No.2974619
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>> No.2974621

the views on that video jumped from like 30 to 350, 10x as much as he ever had.

please don't make him a thing

>> No.2974696

this is sanic tier

>> No.2974782

>gender equality
