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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 92 KB, 730x548, 1466689900573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2971303 No.2971303 [Reply] [Original]

What is the LATEST age you can possibly start drawing if you want to make it?

My wager is 6 years old. If you start any later, you're fucked.

>> No.2971308

>not starting while you were a sperm cell

>> No.2971312

Approximately 0.000001 second before you die

>> No.2971318

Your question is badly formulated, It should be; when is it to late to make it?

Mozart could play several instruments for public performance at the age of six. He made it. If you don't make it by the age of six you're with high probability never gonna make it.

>> No.2971320


>tfw you discover /ic/ on your deathbed and spend your last moments shitposting in a sinix vs sycra thread

>> No.2971330


>> No.2971332

>started drawing at 7
Ah, fuck, I'm never gonna make it.

>> No.2971360

I'm surely never gonna make it, feels bad.

>> No.2971472

Learning and mastering an instrument is a lot different and harder than learning to draw and being good at it. The later can be accomplished at any age, of course talent will also be a big part but only to an extent.

>> No.2971474

If you aren't KJG level by age 2, I'm sorry but it's time to put the pencil down.

>> No.2971475

obviously it's different, the analogy was facetious,

>> No.2971486

>no experience whatsoever in drawing
>became graphic designer and concept artist in a videogame start-up
>still learning perspective
I'll make it and so will you

>> No.2971499

if your mom didn't shove art supplies up her snatch so you could draw on the wall of her uterus you will literally never make it

>> No.2971531

You have to start before conception.

>> No.2971535

You had shitty parents if they never gave you art supplies or at least some crayons and printer paper as a wee babby. Surely everyone here drew as a kid right? All kids like to draw even if its not seriously

>> No.2971536

yeah ofc

>> No.2971542

Good on you Anon.

And the rest of you, don't stop trying. For whatever its worth it'll always be better to have done something instead of nothing.

>> No.2971557

What is the LATEST age you can stop shitposting and actually make it?

My wager is that your fucked, OP.

>> No.2971560


>> No.2971567

Dave Rapoza started when he was like 18.

>> No.2971682

Thanks for the motivation fampai, you give me hope
This board sucks with how negative it normally is, my experience with /fit/ was a lot more positive and fun

>> No.2971684


>> No.2971690

but he's been drawing all his life, it was only when he reached age of 18 when he decided to take it seriously.
Min yum on the other hand started drawing seriously when he was 25.

>> No.2971781

u are my hero

>> No.2971958

Do you have any art or anything to post?
I know I'm being a faggot but I need all the ammunition I can get for the "Never gonna make it" goblin on my back whenever I'm not drawing

>> No.2971978

First, define "making it".

If you mean working professionally as an artist, most don't, as there aren't many jobs for artists these days, and the gallery world is more about politics than skill.

If you mean "as an artist" - the majority of people who are interested in art will become artists eventually. It's a life long thing. I'm going to be painting and drawing and sculpting and whatever, until the day I die - in that respect, I have my whole life to "make it".

6 years old? Nonsense. Plenty of people take up art all all ages and "make it". Stop being a wanna be elitist and snob and let people enjoy being artists, and learning how. The only possible reason to make this thread is to bully people. We get it, you started early. So did I. Nobody. Cares.

How about helping people out, which is what this forum is for, instead of pointless threads like this?

>> No.2971986

>The only possible reason to make this thread is to bully people.
If anyone takes this thread even the least bit seriously, then... I don't know what to say. You're on 4chan. You should understand that everything posted here is injected with some amount of irony - maybe even your post, in which case: touche.

That said, I agree this thread is fucking pointless.

>> No.2971988

>as there aren't many jobs for artists these days

What age has given more jobs to artists than now? Are you retarded?

>> No.2972001

No, I'm older than you, and have seen entire industries disapear completely. The golden age for artists was over in the 80s90s. The only major employer for art is video games, now.

Retarded? No. But fuck you right back, kid.

>> No.2972111
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Can't really help you with that, I have some digital painted concept stuff but that's extremely bad stuff for this board's standards. Like I said I am a real beginner. I mean pic related is one of the best things I made so take from that what you will.

>> No.2972113
File: 109 KB, 962x863, 1999203 - DSP DSPgaming Darksydephil YouTube youtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really have any figures drawn except for this thing someone requested a while back.

Hope this isn't bannable.

>> No.2972115

Even the poorest of schools have you do some art stuff.

>> No.2972129

Not starting whilst you where a collection of mere proteins still needing assembly.

>You're never going to make it son

>> No.2972169

Video games are getting pumped out everyday, there's tons of work for artists, are you kidding? What was there in the 80s/90s that made it boom? Comics? There's still comics today, I don't understand how you think this

>> No.2972181

You can start at any age. It's how much effort you put into it.

OP you're a full on retard.

>> No.2972210

Drawing is not like playing the violin or sports, you don't need to start early to get good at it. Of course, making your brain able to think better in 3D (i.e: improving your spatial intelligence, important for drawing from imagination) is done best when your neuroplasticity is high.

>> No.2972214

With music you can only achieve perfect pitch at a very early age. That is the biggest differentiator. Other than that some aspect of music performance is super strict. For example playing in an orchestra or being a concert pianist, at that point your on the spot and you can't fiddle in the studio with recording softward to perfect it like a painting. But most people in music don't strive for that advanced performance and aren't most people image of making it when it comes to music.

>> No.2972240

It helps having doodled your whole life tho
I was trash but I've been drawing forever and it is a serious advantage once you try to git gud

>> No.2972270

I think the biggest issue is not knowing where to begin. You have all these book threads here but they're kind of overwhelming and they make you buy lots of stuff.

I'm just a beginner but for me the best thing I think is just doing perspective made easy and from there on just draw from life and imagination for a while, ignoring books until perspective is hammered in somewhat.

>> No.2972570

Tell me about OP! Why does he use the magnifying glass?

>> No.2972956

10 years before you die.

>> No.2972970

In the 80's, there was endless opportunity for editorial illustration, product illustration, book covers, album covers, you name it. Most of that is gone, or is digital. Throw in textbook illustration, medical illustration, movie posters, and a whole slew of other industries.

You can't understand it, because you probably weren't alive, or in diapers. I started my art career in the 80's. So don't tell me what life was like then.

>> No.2972988

Viking Conquest?

>> No.2973036

Not starting when you were a series of synapse responses in your parents' brain that coalesced into the decision to conceive you.


>> No.2973038

Is this how a soul is created?

>> No.2974608

The hand-eye coordination also never really leaves you if you did a lot of drawing as a youngster. As someone who used to draw for fun as a kid it was baffling to me when people in highschool couldn't manage anything but hard pressed shaky lines with a pencil.

>tfw as a 10yo in one summer break went from kicking a soccerball once or twice to bouncing it in the air however long until my feet got tired

>> No.2975560
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>Doesn't know Perspective
>>became graphic designer and concept artist in a videogame start-up
Excuse me? Why the fuck have I been drawing for 12 hours a day for the last 4 months grinding Scott Robertson then?

>> No.2975563
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Is this a joke?

>> No.2975564

You fell for the meme. You probably haven't even tried applying once have you?

>> No.2975570
File: 695 KB, 3750x2500, P51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Define ''tried applying''. Obviously I have been grinding shit, giving myself little projects to work on, but I am not working for anyone yet nor do I think I have the skill for that.

>> No.2975583

>nor do I think I have the skill for that
so, no. you haven't. that guy posted some pretty basic shit and made no reservations about his lack of fundamentals, but he made it.

that, amongst everything, is the reason you won't make it. luckily you can change that around. start working on a portfolio and go apply to shit.

>> No.2975586
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No way I am following your advice, I am grinding for at least a whole year more. I don't believe that guy above actually got the job with such skill level, what usage would any company have for that? You serious, dude?

All the grind I am doing, and to be honest I was hoping to be a furry porn artist at best. And you're telling me someone who doesn't even seem like he's finished Dodson is working as a concept artist? Yeah, in bizarro world maybe.

>> No.2975598


You are crazy. All of this is still true today. And digital art is still art. WTF are you talking about?

>> No.2975605


Post your work, grandpa.

>> No.2975606

yes, i am saying that. you're vastly underestimating the size of the world.

at no point did i say you should be satisfied with that. all i said is that's all it takes.

the guts to apply.

>> No.2975611


I don't trust people that write in lower cases all the time.

>> No.2975618

okay. that doesn't matter. let's establish some things though.

you don't trust that guy to be telling the truth about his job where he makes pretty shitty art (sorry dude) for pay.
you don't trust me making a suggestion, which really just boiled down to make a portfolio and believe in yourself.
you also don't trust yourself, since you don't believe the work you've done could possibly be worth something to someone, somewhere.

i think you have bigger issues than a lack of artistic skill. maybe go work on that

>> No.2975626
File: 147 KB, 1068x670, R3mbr4ndt Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since you like suggesting things to people so much, how about you explain to me what use does a company have for someone who can only produce at this level. Also suggest to me what kind of company he is on, and what kind of pay he is getting.

>i think you have bigger issues than a lack of artistic skill. maybe go work on that

I believe in hard work and giving a good quality product, not in scratching my balls, half reading Dodson and going around claiming to be a concept artist. I honestly believe you are full of shit, I've met my fair share of role-players getting off to made up crap about themselves, wouldn't surprise me a bit if you were one.

>> No.2975628
File: 108 KB, 728x546, 1473795190609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many fucking times will we have this thread? I feel like I must be having some sort of years-long fever dream, the same threads with the same inane, pointless questions and statements are constantly made, and they constantly get 50+ replies.

>> No.2975630

i'm changing my advice

seek therapy

>> No.2975631

>how about you explain to me what use does a company have for someone who can only produce at this level.

>> No.2975632
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>He thinks the cycle will ever be broken

You are playing against forces well beyond your understanding, human.

>> No.2975635
File: 2.77 MB, 480x360, 1491606572654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Buttnaked fat dude

>>>>Getting paid for ideas

>seek therapy

I am certainly going to need that if I continue talking to you. Good job on the trolling, I honestly cannot tell if you are serious.

Someone wake me up, please.

>> No.2975636

Mate did you get those huge FZD files and begin working on those?

>> No.2975642
File: 540 KB, 1652x1954, P51D process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not sure what you are asking exactly. I made this from zero, by calculating a good grid in 2 point perspective, measuring a couple P51D's with boxes, getting a feel for the shapes and then building construction.

Took me 14 hours, and it was done just to practice perspective not really gather knowledge about plane design, although that comes as a side effect I guess.

>> No.2975647

>>/ic/thread/S2941332 Did you get these major list of assignments that you wanted months ago?

>> No.2975654
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Oh shit, you remember me? Yeah I did, I got so happy the day I found out the thread, couldn't believe it.Thank you linking it anyway, friend.
I've been taking a rest lately, planning on going back to robot mode as soon as tomorrow. How's your art progress going, mate?

>> No.2975719
File: 46 KB, 700x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally procured Copic markers as soon as my brother's wife announced she was pregnant. A couple weeks ago, my three year old nephew mentioned that he want to paint in oils... I showed him my oil paints and told him he couldn't use them, but why not try those delicious markers? He was primed for it and figured out that there's a brush end and a chisel end.... He is going to make it anons, with a little help from yours truly!

>> No.2975722

I recommend you read the book Mastery.

>> No.2975724

George Leonard or Robert Greene? I presume you've read it and enjoyed it?

>> No.2975730

George Leonard.

>> No.2975747

i started ever since i could remember best guess is at LEAST 11

>> No.2975765

Who says I'm not working on my art? You think I don't know that what I produce now is low tier shit?
I just don't want to wait until I'm done grinding with finding some work. I'm already 30 and not getting any younger obviously, it will be at least a year or more before I can produce something that's even near decent.
Also you don't need to be a top tier artist to be a graphic designer, this means that my day job is mostly making logos, business cards and websites. The concept art is for just a small part of the company, and it's internal only.

>> No.2975873




>> No.2976042

I think that people who start drawing during their youths are more successful because they're not constantly like, looking back at what they've made and critiquing it.

They're actually having fun with what they do, drawing from imagination or other sources of material that they like (anime and such for example), so when they do get to the point where they want to study seriously (I'm guessing like, late teens probably) they've already got some skills under their sleeves, know what they wanna improve on, etc. etc.

Starting later in life is rougher, you're always comparing yourself to people that have been doing the whole 'draw' thing for years, plus since you're an adult, your creativity is grinded into the idea that 'what you make doesn't matter unless it's automatically good' (or whatever), and that mindset just doesn't work for art. You have to fail and attack your weak points a LOT to get better.

That got way longer than I wanted it to be, but basically the only way to succeed at art, is to enjoy art. Starting young ensures you like doing it, so you do better in the long run.

>> No.2976064

You are now my spirit animal.

>> No.2976137
File: 159 KB, 704x600, 1486523431714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never said you are not working on your art, or that you are not aware of your own level. But you are, as I suspected not doing a full time job as a concept artist because there's really not much a company could use you for, yet. I might sound like an asshole, but I would like to keep it real for everybody here, you are not getting a well paying job as one of the hardest jobs in the industry when you are severely lacking in fundamentals.

If you want to encourage people, then tell then to work hard as fuck on the things hardly anyone on this board wants to do (a.k.a Perspective, Design Sketching, VisCom..). That's how you make real progress, real fast.

>> No.2976142

>make it
>die at age 35

>> No.2976145


Mozart already had done a lot of living by the age he was 20, though.

>> No.2976167

I still draw Shit, even though I have drawn since I can remember I started taking seriously this year, I'm almost 40 I don't do it to gain fame, work on a game company or any of that crap, I do it to be better than I was yesterday, I think am making it....

>> No.2976226

Oh absolutely, I have no dreams of making it as someone big in the community. My goal is just to have fun and increase my skills for as long as I live. I also think that if your most important goal is to make good money with art you should reevaluate your choices. I graduated from a fine arts, media and technology university as a communication and multimedia designer and those people are the first to go, same for the ones who aren't willing to put effort into the grind, be it in coding, film, drawing, designing or whatever. Also purely my opinion but money is an extra in this field. Designing as a marketing tool can only go so far.

>> No.2976246
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>I also think that if your most important goal is to make good money with art you should reevaluate your choices

I cannot see why, passion is a joke and all that matters is discipline. Truth is, hardly anyone does a job they really enjoy, work is work and I'd rather it be it art than working as a bartender. I've seen so many people in here talking about passion, yet just a very small number ever dare to grind as big as their claims of love for draftsmanship. I am a tad younger than you, but I would advise you to stop moping yourself and start getting bigger dreams, it's not always about achieving them necessarily, just having big dreams alone is a good boost to motivation and morale, and you never know where those might get you, if you put in the work.

So yeah, do yourself a favor and get out of the comfort zone. Your age is not a fucking excuse.

>> No.2976259

I'm not saying you should be uber passionate but if you want to make good money there are easier choices to go for. It's like saying you're not really into blacksmithing but it's good money nowadays so you'll put in the insane grind it takes to get good at it. I mean the chance of not going through with if you don't at least have SOME passion is pretty high. You say you'd rather do art than be a bartender but that's because you're more passionate about it. Works the other way around just as well.

>> No.2976266


Being passionate about anything never helped me put in the grind, only thing that did was bring demons into my mind every time I procrastinated. Art is not the only thing that lingers in my mind, yet being passionate about them is meaningless if you don't have the discipline to sit down, plan ahead and work, specially when I don't feel like it. What's more, I sincerely believe forcing oneself to work hard pays off when you start seeing results and you feel good about it, that's when you really start to develop momentum and passion for your craft.

Sure the drop out rate is big, as it is for almost anything worth doing. The less you think about it, and the more work you do, the less reasons you'll have to worry about failure.

>> No.2976280

Put like that I see your point. I've been drawing since I was like 5, but in 25 years I've made little progress because I just didn't know how to study effectively without an education, leading to procrastination which just makes you feel even shittier. Hell I STILL don't know how to study, if advice is just to keep drawing then what happened these last 25 years?

>> No.2976296
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Just drawing is not enough, past the point of ''getting a feel'' for the craft and seeing if you actually get in the zone or flow state once you're drawing. Always go back to fundamentals.

>Color theory

And most important of all, in my experience. Forget about doing a couple exercises and then going back to drawing randomly. Do a study session of theory, for any of the fundamentals, and then give yourself a long project (10 to 20 hours long or more) so you can really put to test the theory and ingrain it in your mind.

For example, learn about two point perspective, Making grids and Scott Robertson's techniques for dividing, multiplying, mirroring and measuring in odd numbers, then go ahead and draw something you find complex using that theory. You'll literally be doing the same thing you would be doing if you were at FZD. If you need guidance on what to study, or where to start, this Anon here >>2975647 shared one of the most useful links you'll ever find in /ic/ and perhaps the entire internet, check out what FZD students do week by week and recreate a syllabus for you to follow.
I am off to grind, friend. Good luck.

>> No.2976303

Thanks man that's a really good studypack.
Good luck to you as well.

>> No.2976306

>Hell I STILL don't know how to study

just make a list of a few things you want to get good at, and study them in 1-2 sessions each. don't set a time limit or number. just study until you know it. you dont' need to be a pro at it just good enough to render it properly. the efforlessness comes with time/practice.

>> No.2976363

there's nothing special about that link.

>> No.2976463

How many of those who started drawing early actually made it?

>> No.2976475

so you were hired on what basis? what's this "start up"? it's you and your neet friends?
your start-up will fail
you will make no money, work on this game for years hoping it'll be a hit, never finish it because no money and finally give up on the whole thing 5 years from now, more desperate than ever before and with gray hair starting to pop on your head

>> No.2976478

I know of an animator who started as late as 36.
There really is no age too late. As long as you have the motivation to do it, you can make it.

>> No.2976519
File: 62 KB, 724x620, 1486878513451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right, just a well organized shit on of examples of the kind of fundamentals you would be doing at highly skilled school like FZD. You know, literally nothing.
Should've of linked the magic book to getting pro in 2 days, instead.

>> No.2976520

You know there's another real person on the other side of the screen?

>> No.2976621


That's unnecessarily negative, you could share your experiences without being a depressive asshole. There's a difference between being real so people focused on the things that matter, and just bringing down people for the sake of bringing them down.

As long as he focuses on fundamentals, pretty much any project should be good.

>> No.2976687

>games are magic
They are products just as much as anything else.
Why do you assume everyone doing this is neet?
It's part of any multimedia curriculum, you sound like you think videogames are a childish medium.
The games are also currently second place unless something changes and it hits off, which won't happen overnight. It's a communication and media company first and foremost.

>> No.2976948
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Because retarded teenagers who live sucking their own dick need to roleplay as assholes on 4chan to gain cool boy points instead of at least trying to make useful threads

>inb4 its le internetz bruh xdd I was just being ironic le bait for replies
kill yourself nonironically

''Making it'' is a meme, if you wanna do art just for money you are not a artist, a artist is a artist because of the need to produce/express his feelings/thoughts, any nigger trying to become a artist just for big bucks is nothing but a cuck in disguise

>> No.2977275

>a artist

>> No.2977529

Was there, and it is even worse desu

>> No.2977626

I started when i was 2, basically when I was finally able to hold a pen. Still haven't made it, probably cause depression made me stop enjoying drawing when I was 14 to 18. So I basically lost 4 years when I could've been improving.

>> No.2977627

>probably cause depression made me stop enjoying drawing when I was 14 to 18.
How did you get out of that

>> No.2977629

Pills and going out to people, making friends.

>> No.2977671
File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_4859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Muh romanticized hollywod vision of the artist
>Art is not for monies, ever!

Here's the kicker pal, everyone wants to express something. If you can get payed while at it, even better.

>> No.2977675


Not him, but being someone who has experienced exactly the same. What got me out was meds like Modafinil/Selegiline, exercising, meditation, eating healthy (focus on lots of omega 3 to reduce brain inflammation) and working hard as fuck on projects.

Socializing is very helpful too.

>> No.2977677

What kind of omega 3 foods do you eat? Any recipes?

>> No.2977684

>he didn't start drawing when he was at the primordial soup

get fucked

>> No.2977686


I a simple cook, but I find brown rice with broccoli, tomatoes with a salmon fillet and a bit of black pepper, delicious. You can also take fish oil capsules as supplement to help you out, just make sure it contains a high dosage of EPA and DHA, these are the most important of brain function and inflammation. Other easy ways to get healthy omega 3, is add a bit of olive oil to your foods, or cook with it often. It's a really nice oil.
Also, if you think your memory has been damaged a bit due to being depressed, you could give Bacopa Monneri a try. It's an Indian plant that's taken as a supplement, it's been proving to reverse stress induced memory damage in healthy adults by increase the number of dendrites between neurons in the hippo-campus. I am currently giving it a try, and while it's too early to talk about memory enhancement (takes 4 weeks) the anxiolytic effects are almost instant and very effective

>> No.2977729

as long as you can get off on your own drawings you have made it

>> No.2977731

>tfw afraid of success

>> No.2977735

>If you can get payed while at it, even better
>Even better

>> No.2977753
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>Art is only art is if the artist that made it never got paid or wanted to.

Wow kiddo, next you're gonna say Capitalism is evul and real communism has never been tried before.

>> No.2977846

I going to say this though many of you will probably disregard it. I have played music for a decade for hours everyday. It is the reason I get up in the morning. Now I know how cliche it is to play guitar and say you are good at it, but while I'm not a "master" I have played for thousands of people and melted a few faces in my time.

Drawing is much harder. Not only because I haven't done it as much, but because it takes more knowledge. Being good at an instrument is like having a few well trained, coordinated muscles and a very well trained mind with a books worth of information. Drawing takes way more information and it is arguably less enjoyable to attain. In order to draw like a master, you need to train you eyes more perfectly than a musician would need their ears. Also coordinating your eyes and hands is more difficult than coordinating your hands together. There are only so many musical situations a musician needs to become adept in to be considered great, but an artist needs to learn objects from an almost infinite amount of perspectives.

Music is the laymans art unless you are a jazz pianist or concert violinist. I could teach anyone to sound really impressive in a year on guitar. Give me 5years with them and if they put forward a dignified amount of effort they can shred like whoever they want to.

>> No.2977911


>Music is the laymans art unless you are a jazz pianist or concert violinist. I could teach anyone to sound really impressive in a year on guitar. Give me 5years with them and if they put forward a dignified amount of effort they can shred like whoever they want to.

Wish I had the money to pay you for mentorship, music is indeed way more enjoyable to both play and come up with that art.