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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 744 KB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2970454 No.2970454 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2969275

>> No.2970455
File: 72 KB, 800x800, ddb9cb826adb93bdaf9178fbae39015d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970456
File: 48 KB, 600x399, 4a84fa9ed866914e3e2e65466bb11268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970457
File: 539 KB, 800x1200, 14dc30009c7ebb8967104a939c52a4b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970458
File: 43 KB, 428x600, 363edf89d5bb144aa3899289fb304a71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970459
File: 349 KB, 800x800, 13e7888025d55eccfc0503d84dee18de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970461
File: 60 KB, 550x830, 0021786f81f4fd3bf2a0a43b2e08f264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970471
File: 936 KB, 2000x1000, loo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that I'm really bad at drawing heads now but Can I skip the loomis happypotatochin face? And try to draw normal head or keep drawing loomis happy faces?

>> No.2970483
File: 57 KB, 371x850, Tall2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it?

>> No.2970486

aesthetically it is bad but technically it is not /beg/ i think

>> No.2970496
File: 268 KB, 988x722, references2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this on the last thread, "I've been looking at Loomis's work for simplification of anatomy on smaller / cartoonish figures, and I want to know how to properly integrate it without completely distorting the proportions."

>> No.2970508

Technically it IS /beg/. Chicken scratching is present, poor anatomy/proportions are present as well.

Don't be a retard. Draw only what you need/want to learn. If you don't plan on drawing traditional cartoons for kids, there really is no use learning that. "Fun with a pencil" is only supposed to help you become confident that you can and want to be an artist. (It's not like I have ever read it seriously though.)

>> No.2970530
File: 584 KB, 832x1324, river walk - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970534

p good
it seems like you havent really improved since i have been here (few months). are you sure you are practicing enough?
maybe ask in draw or something, im not sure beg can help you.

>> No.2970538

ive been noticing that too as i've just been doing studies (admittedly some of them mindless). where my improvement's come from is definitely from observation but then again that only goes so far and i know i'm not drawing from imagination enough

>> No.2970559
File: 277 KB, 600x800, blonde girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how does this look?
>fixed the eyes a bit
>Only used two colors for the skin
>smoothed the texture out so it would be less noticable

>> No.2970560
File: 56 KB, 545x839, rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get fucking decent already!?

>> No.2970564

She looks retarted, honestly. (Mostly due to her pupils.) And the eyes are kind of flat.

Loomis, Vilppu, Loomis! (Too hard to resist, sry.)

>> No.2970566
File: 263 KB, 1024x1894, riot_gear__7__by_anyman82-d79rer8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand what he means by capturing the line. It makes sense for something with a solid silhouette like the leaping pose he drew, but how can you translate a sweeping line through a pose that's more squat and square like this?

>> No.2970572
File: 110 KB, 929x750, ss+(2017-05-07+at+08.05.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I got when I tried. I really, genuinely can't understand gesture. I can't wrap my brain around how purposefully drawing poorly is going to translate into me being able to draw poorly well.

>> No.2970577
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1894, 1494201721395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, l-like this?

>> No.2970579
File: 509 KB, 539x700, GreenElf(small).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, hit me with a critique.

>> No.2970581

Just about every gesture tutorial I've watched said not to do construction since it gets in the way of "finding the flow", whatever the hell that means.

It's a fuckin' enigma, man. Everyone has a different idea of what gesture is and how to do it. I figure it out no matter how much time I dump into this shit.

>> No.2970582
File: 277 KB, 600x800, blonde girl vb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this better?

>> No.2970594
File: 93 KB, 560x615, mehhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some shit to critique. This one's unfinished, but I feel like I really need some feedback on how I'm doing.

>> No.2970595

>Tfw you can only draw one face

>> No.2970596
File: 82 KB, 800x950, Genji(WIP)].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^ Here's another one that's also unfinished, but looks better

>> No.2970597

Yeah. But whites of her eyes don't feel 3D enough yet. But it fits the general style.

You just look at the figure and draw confident one-stroke lines where you feel they are supposed to belong. The most important thing is to start with the spine, and the spine is an S or ?-like curve if you look at it from the side. The end gesture should clearly show the intended motion/pose, and a drawing based on it will look natural at least in the aspect of dynamic (if the reference pose is natural, of course).
At least that's my understanding of gestures.

>> No.2970601

I have three modes: old people, cute grill and a loli.

>> No.2970606

I'm kinda curious to see the first and the third modes.

>> No.2970607

One loli coming up

>> No.2970610

But this video the other anon posted doesn't even touch on the spine.

That's what I mean by everyone having their own idea of what gesture is. I compared it to learning how to swim as an adult in my last post. People who've been swimming their whole lives describe it simply like it's second nature, but the actual execution is full of contradictions that don't make sense, yet still somehow produce results. It drives me absolutely crazy!

>> No.2970612

WTF no, i was astonished at his improvement speed.

>> No.2970614

why are you in /beg/?
this looks good just keep doing whatever it is you did.

>> No.2970616

>I compared it to learning how to swim as an adult in my last post. People who've been swimming their whole lives describe it simply like it's second nature, but the actual execution is full of contradictions that don't make sense, yet still somehow produce results. It drives me absolutely crazy!
Welcome to life. I feel you. I encountered this same issue when trying to learn piano with several instructors. Everyone has their own contradictory ideas of what's "correct." The best you can do is synthesize all that information and use whatever seems right or useful to you.

>> No.2970617

you are wrong but im willing to listen to your arguments

>> No.2970620

>> It drives me absolutely crazy!
It doesn't have to.
You don't have to use both Loomis and Reilly methods to draw realistic heads. You actually don't even need any of them, these two are simply helpers, "crutches" to get you "walking on your own." You just pick what fits your flow better. It doesn't make the fellows using other methods less smart than you or wrong.

However, you'd be wrong if you misunderstood gestures as drawing outlines. No, gestures are LINES SHOWING THE DIRECTION/FLOW OF MOTION. Screw outlines or don't pay too much attention to them. Draw flows using thicc brushes, maybe even charcoal. Your gesture of the policeman looks like he's losing his balance. The way you depicted his legs and pelvis is to blame.

>> No.2970621
File: 133 KB, 1409x847, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good way of practicing? just trying to copy photos?

I don't want to end up like proko.

>> No.2970623

Most people you can't even notice improvment, him? "He's been here for like 7 months and has managed to stop a ton of his symbol drawing, learn to paint, stop chicken scratching. He's a godsend, a true talent. I'm saying this unironically.

>> No.2970635
File: 185 KB, 900x1523, new canvas 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working this right now, I really regret not giving her a more interesting pose, so thats why I made that terrible sketch scratch to see if I could raise her arm so that its wouldn't look so boring.

>> No.2970652

I don't think I'm too good for /beg/. The posts here vary in quality by a wide margin, wouldn't you say?

>> No.2970659

You need more contrast, the entire thing is in midtone, this is really clear if yo uzoom out and look at the thumbnail. In every photo and painting you'll find at least one pixel is 0 white and at least one pixel is 100 black. Its often the highlight in the eye that is pure white, but it could also be a reflective button or whatever. I'd start by making the pupils pure black and the highlights of the eyes pure white, then go from there. Nostrils and corners of the mouth should be 90-95 depending on lightning. Colours also look really dull and unappealing, idk what you are going for but I think you should be bolder.

>> No.2970661
File: 144 KB, 1066x800, Untitled-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could I get a critique?
I've drawn a dozen or so of plumb lines and proportions seems to match, however I feel like there's no likeness between ref and my drawing. what's wrong?

>> No.2970665
File: 59 KB, 478x618, portrait critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your critique

>> No.2970668
File: 152 KB, 1100x779, dilemma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this old man looks too fucking cute and I can't figure why.
Also, how come muscled bodies seem so easy to draw? I've fucked everything up, haven't I?

>> No.2970671

niiice thanks man

>> No.2970674


Because of that anime nose

>> No.2970690
File: 497 KB, 499x281, cymbal drawing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970700
File: 166 KB, 600x800, blonde childd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970702

pretty good
eyes are too small no?

>> No.2970704
File: 174 KB, 563x612, larger eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, this better?

>> No.2970708
File: 273 KB, 3000x4000, 7032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying different perspectives. What do you think?

>> No.2970712

its exaggerated but fine for what it is

>> No.2970713

The skin looks like a death person's skin. Is that the intent?

if not, you need to choose other colors to build skin from. The nose should have pinks and reds in it, as the skin there has more capillaries. Your colors are muddy. Use colors like blues and violets and purple in the shadows, and yellow, oranges and reds in the highlight areas. Don't cheat on hair - eyebrows are not solid shapes, they're hair - and while you've defined the basic shape of the hair, a few scratches doesn't cut it - and your colors are muted and muddy there too. Those shadow colors and highlight colors would not be those for green hair.

The top of the head is too big?

The hair on her left wouldn't hang like that - it would follow the contour of the face, and have shadow under it.
Other than that, tighten up your blending, and do a more detailed pass overall on the whole painting.

The ears feel a little small too me, and too forward. They read as fake ears.

>> No.2970716

Is it "cheating" or "dirty" if I draw one eyes and copy, flip and paste it for the second eye?

Because god damn It I can not draw two of the same looking eyes no matter how fucking mathematical I get.

>> No.2970718

>Everyone has a different idea of what gesture is and how to do it.

Exactly. Find your own way. There is no "right" or "wrong" with it.

Art instruction is about being told the fundamentals, then breaking out on your own to try different things, until you find what's right for you. If you're looking for being told what to do after a certain point, you'll never make it - at some point you have to break away and stand on your own.

>> No.2970719

learn to draw both evenly. its an important skill

>> No.2970721

I was hoping for a "oh, everyone does that anon." but if it will help me succeed I will battle on with it.

>> No.2970722

Do both.

I alternate between a reference and no reference. You can also use multiple references to invent one face. It's really useful and it's how I've learned to draw faces from imagination.

You also need a good grasp of head construction, as well as understanding how the skull works. https://sketchfab.com/models/1a9db900738d44298b0bc59f68123393

You have to copy photos because your brain doesn't have photographic memory and you just haven't studied the face enough to remember what it looks like. Eventually, you will begin to understand the structure of the face such that drawing becomes less like copying and more like creating.

>> No.2970725

One issue with doing that is that human faces aren't perfectly symmetrical. So if you just mirror the eyes it'll look like some kind of Uncanny Valley type shit.

>> No.2970729

The white line at the top of the eye, under the eyelid does not belong there, and it giving her a "pop eye" effect. The should be shadow there.

Eyebrows are not block shapes.

Eyelashes are not spotty like that. I know you're trying for a stylized look, but it doesn't work.

Where here neck meets the sternum is all wrong.

You have no shading along the sides of the face. A solid brown line on the jawline won't work - the edges of the face have shading, you need it to indicate volume.

That ear...no. Just, no.

Do the hair right, don't cheat.

The back of her skull and the volume from the muscles on the side of her neck are missing. At this angle, you would see the hairline on her neck, and the muscles going up from her neck to her ear.

The line on her cheek, between the mouth and cheek (the smile line) should be dark, not light.

Her lower lip is a bit flat, and her chin and jaw feel too small. There are teeth behind the lower lip, where are they?

The nose is at the wrong angle from the face, the left nostril should be more in profile.

The philtrum (the valley above the lips) should narrow towards the top, the width should be equal to the width of the bit between the nostrils.

The whole face is slightly at the wrong angle to the head, so the left eyes feels too big because of it.

Your colors are flat - throw some cool and warm tones in - cool colors in shadows, warmer colors in highlights. The nose and mouth should have more pinks and reds, especially a blonde with fair skin.

The level of shadow in the eye sockets doesn't match the level of shadow on the nose and mouth.

>> No.2970736

The whole area between the nose and eyes is at least twice as tall as it really is.

Sit back from your monitor, with both up, and large. Use a pencil held at arm's length to measure the distances between reference points on the face on both.

Also - study the actual form, the volumes. The bottom of the nose doesn't slope off like that - it's hard to see in this picture because of the lighting. The mouth is not two worms, it has a shape because of the jaw, teeth and muscles below it. You have the whole shape of the head and jawline wrong. Eyebrows are not block shapes, neither is hair. The ear has structure, don't leave it black.

It's an okay start, but you need to LOOK at what you're drawing, and measure if you need to. Use grids, or use a pencil whatever.

>> No.2970737
File: 487 KB, 1200x675, Optimized-20170508_034949[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970738

The top arm and wrist are completely wrong. LOOK at how an arm and wrist are constructed.

>> No.2970741

Just learn how to do it.

Hint: nobody has eyes exactly the same. Very often, people have a "dominant" eye, which usually corresponds to the dominant hand, and the eye can be slightly higher up than the other, or slightly bigger. "perfect' eyes don't seem real to us, because of that.

The same thing goes for female breasts - one is almost always slightly bigger than the other.

>> No.2970758
File: 250 KB, 600x800, blonde childd pt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Thank you so much for the response, I love it when I get detailed advice since it really tells you how to fix your problems instead of ' fix it/loomis'.

You are spot on everything, my problem areas are the ones which I have not studied enough and don't have a 'feel' for.

like the thing about the philtrum I hadn't even thought of, it was more like a vague feeling of what to do(symbol drawing at its finest.) I'll try cool tones vs warm tones in my next painting, the one of the child.

>That ear...no. Just, no.

kek yeah I knew I was guilty

>> No.2970769

No problem. it's little things like that, that you learn with good art teachers. I took a class that was anatomy for artists - it was a scince course covering all of the body, but from an artistic perspective - we even worked from a cadaver at the end of the semester. The teacher was an encyclopedia of little things like that - I've forgotten most of them, but some stood out, like the philtrum. Or, this rule - except for really large breasts or implants if you're looking head on at a nipple the other one will be in profile, because they're ballpark on an axis to the spine 90 degrees from each other, looking from above. Or things like, if you're drawing old people, exaggerate the nose and ears, because they keep growing our whole lives. Vice versa for kids - their noses and ears are smaller.

I'd love to go back and retake that course, I've forgotten most of it but he retired a long time ago.

>> No.2970779
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170507_233838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy in the OP picture. These are some drawings I did the other day before I tried out my tablet. Critique my stuff.

>> No.2970781

did you read the sticky?

>> No.2970784
File: 703 KB, 1932x1932, IMG_20170507_193334_711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review mine then I'll do yours

>> No.2970785
File: 714 KB, 946x1174, femheads1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some heads from imagination. Sticking with the 3/4 head for now. Trying to draw without reference except for hair. Feedback is appreciated.

>> No.2970788
File: 393 KB, 1477x1991, hamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so just to double check. you put the eyes on the red line here right?

>> No.2970792

next beg thread picture

>> No.2970798

Dude, your symbol drawing is showing.

Seriously, read keys to drawing by Bert Dodson, the first chapter kind of explains how to draw what your seeing rather than what your brain thinks it sees.

>> No.2970799

literally all you need to do is read keys to drawing and be patient with your drawings and you'll be taken seriously

>> No.2970800

it varies from person to person. why rely on such a specific measurement? go do studies and see the difference

>> No.2970801
File: 2.23 MB, 1270x7324, 0O7P8gu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970802

as bad as it is i really like how fucking creepy it looks

>> No.2970806

She's not supposed to look dead, just pale-ish.

More red? Does this count for all complexions? Because I experiment with skin tones often. You said my colors are muddy. What does that actually mean? I don't know what that means.

I wasn't trying to cheat on the eyebrows. I just don't know how to paint them in an aesthetically pleasing way. Can you demonstrate what you mean? I have a sculptural way of painting.

What colors would be better for green hair?

Are you sure the top of the head is too big?

You think it needs more rendering detail?

>> No.2970808

>eye height varies
it really doesnt vary that much. the question i asked is "is that where the standard position is?"

>> No.2970810
File: 277 KB, 2522x3822, Little-Nightmares_2016_08-17-16_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it called where you simplify complex shapes into more managable shapes in 3D so you can rotate the thing you're drawing while also having an easy way of remembering how to draw it? Also how do I get better at it?

Been trying to find a way to simplify her hood but I can't. It's not something I've ever really done before.

>> No.2970811
File: 37 KB, 500x222, symbol drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970813

I love your shit, man. It gives me a good laugh.

You should keep drawing like this just to troll /ic/.

>> No.2970814
File: 600 KB, 1600x800, Untitled-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you need to LOOK at what you're drawing
That's what I'm trying to do the most, believe me. It's difficult for me to get shapes/volumes right


>> No.2970816

I know the answer is read the sticky but only one of these is from reference, so how do I stop symbol drawing from my own imagination?

I love it.

>> No.2970820

need answer

>> No.2970847
File: 23 KB, 637x808, lineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u think toei will hire me?

>> No.2970851

Questions in these threads do not get answers.

>> No.2970864

>prefer drawing with an overhand grip
>doesn't work at all on a drawing tablet

What do?

>> No.2970869

Adapt you stupid

>> No.2970872
File: 102 KB, 241x228, 1362960884712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970878

yea, the center of the eyeball should be placed in that location

>> No.2970881

Have you watched DBS? They'll do as long you accept a loaft of bread and water and to live in the studio 24/7

>> No.2970904

Adapting is one of the most powerful tool of an artist, the very notion of improvement by getting out of your comfort zone requires being able to adapt into a new skill level.

>> No.2970907
File: 181 KB, 400x518, how-to-paint-perfect-skin-tones-v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most complexions, yes. Skin is a living thing, it reflects light, and it has it's own colors, and what's underneath it can influence. Look at the attached image. See the reds and pinks in the areas with more capillaries, like the nose, mouth, cheeks, and around teh eyes? And how they used cooler colors for teh shadows, and a warm ochre (beige/peach) for a base skin tone, going into lighter values of that with yellow and orange in the lighter areas?

Muddy means the eye mixes them as an overall brown - she's fair skinned, not brown. Brown is not the base tone of fair skin, it's beige/peach/pink.

Eyebrows are not that challenging, they're hair, and they grow in specific directions, and have varying length and thickness.

Green is your choice. Just study green hair to see what the shadow and highlight colors will be - with the amount of colored hair these days, a simple google search will give you more models than you need.

Yes, I think the dome is too high.

Yes, it needs more rendering. See attached image again. that's one way to do it.

>> No.2970909

what the FUCK? i don't know what to believe anymore or what's real or what isn't.


>get a spyder 5 express
>color calibrate laptop and pc monitor
>get around to using laptop
>0,0,0 (black) in photoshop is FUCKING BLUE

what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.2970915

Just get a mac nigga

>> No.2970921

>tfw no 4k resolution OLED drawing tablet

>> No.2970926

A calibrated screen often looks "wrong" to the average eye. Usually it has a pinkish cast to it, though, not blue. Sounds like it's calibrated wrong, or you need to allow more time to let yoru eyes adjust to the other monitor.

You do know you have to recalibrate for differences in ambient light, too, correct? If you calibrate in a sunlit room, the monitor later will look wrong in a dark room, the Spyder reads ambient light levels.

That's why color labs have no windows, and always have the same light levels. I had a job back in the day working for a an art publisher, and my desk was in a room with no windows, and was always dim, and I recalibrated every day. LEDS might be more consistent, that was with an old school glass CRT monitor.

If you used the Spyder correctly, your laptop and monitor should be pretty close - I would recalibrate both in the same room at the same time. If the laptop still doesn't match, there's a problem with the backlight, the software, or the calibrator.

tfw trained professionally in color correction

>> No.2970927





>> No.2970931
File: 863 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20170508_024414798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started making potato heads. How can I git gud now?

>> No.2970933

Draw 9,997 more.

>> No.2970953

draw from life

its literally just called simplifying

>> No.2970957
File: 261 KB, 1176x882, the_shades_dahnald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2.
The right eye is totally fucked and probably symbol drawn.
Pretty happy with it though.

>> No.2970958
File: 65 KB, 600x600, milton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does milton look?

>> No.2970959

>its another eric's gotten worse episode

>> No.2970961

How do you go about doing a symmetrical object like a vase or a glass? Hard to get the curves exactly identical on both sides.

>> No.2970964

nice. is she Symbolic of something?

>> No.2970966

>FPS gaming

How fucked is my right arm going to be in 10 years?

>> No.2970967

use lines and boxes to lay structure and then draw the vase while using the structure to measure symmetry an proportion

>> No.2970971

Considering people who do those are still okay today, not that bad. Maybe carpal tunnel is a meme.

>> No.2970972

Practice. You don't get better by doing exercises that don't challenge you. If it makes you uncomfortable, keep doing it until you're comfortable with it.

>> No.2970973

no its just when i started the drawing it looked more like a negroid male so i named him milton

draw one side, lasso it, ctrl c, ctrl v, edit the layer and flip it horizontally, line up as needed and merge the layers

>> No.2970976

Th-that's cheating, senpai!

You probably use shift to draw straight lines, too

>> No.2970977

it was just a suggestion but you could use the shift lines to check how things line up though

>> No.2970978

>You probably use shift to draw straight lines, too
I've been found out FUCK

>> No.2970986

>all of those plus programming and masturbating
bionic wrists when

>> No.2970992
File: 1.00 MB, 1890x1417, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just from imagination, but I've also got a question, drawing people from reference is pretty far out of my comfort zone, i enjoy fundamentals and breaking things down but copying the details of someones face just feels tedious and boring, should i force myself to complete an entire portrait or just take what i want from it?

>> No.2970995

no it's either /beg/ or not... but a lot of the people here believe if you arent ruan jia you are shit. and some even think if you are ruan jia you are shit. I think only those who symbol draw and a bit past that like shitty construction should be in /beg/

>> No.2970998

You gotta be honest with yourself. Are you stylizing your studies because it's too difficult for you or are you stylizing it because you think it's more effective that way? I'll recommend doing both. Generally speaking though, you don't need to copy all the details of the face, you should be breaking down your reference into basic forms like loomis, bridgeman, hampton etc. that way you'll have an easier time applying it towards imagination work.

>> No.2971018
File: 77 KB, 748x1328, cloth gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips for clothing? i'm just doing quick gestures of it

>> No.2971022
File: 200 KB, 413x621, whiteboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u guise liek my alien mami

>> No.2971084

I've been drawing from porn for a while, and each time I draw I end up jacking off and stop drawing. How the fuck do I stop myself from jacking off?

>> No.2971103

Stab yourself in the dick with the pen every time you get the urge to fap

>> No.2971105

Are you 14? If you're posting in the beginners thread I cannot fathom how anything you draw will be sexy unless you're a hormonal teenager.

>> No.2971111

18 actually, just discovered jacking off a few months ago.

>> No.2971116

Have you ever tried refining your drawings and actually finish them? The faces always look similar with something slightly off about them. Not sure what it is but I'm sure it'd be alot different if you took the time in to properly render them.

>> No.2971136

Ahh, i been there
just jack off while you draw, if you fap and draw with the same hand.
learn how to fap with the other hand and you're golden

>> No.2971163
File: 57 KB, 327x137, 1463636943730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of practicing drawing a million straight lines if you can just cheat, anyway?

>> No.2971164

1) Impulse control
2) Stop watching porn.

>> No.2971166

Might as well tell him to stop breathing

>> No.2971167

draw gay porn

>> No.2971171
File: 2.47 MB, 5312x2988, tmp_6603-20170508_095153_001-1582618147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i dont post this, ill never draw

>> No.2971173

some sort of trapeze artist?

>> No.2971174

>lined paper

>> No.2971175

What's the most efficient exercise to do about painting in general? Still life? Models? Master studies?

>> No.2971179

To be honest, the first version looks less uncanny.

>> No.2971211

grown woman face on child head
redraw face completely

>> No.2971215

bad head shape
ear too high
bad position of neck
bad ear

Solution: draw more heads

>> No.2971239
File: 2.29 MB, 3993x2387, 1469767696317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until I'll be able to paint like this?

>> No.2971243
File: 293 KB, 633x566, refined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about now?

>> No.2971245
File: 126 KB, 372x369, under layer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and without the lineart

>> No.2971252

Draw the whole bird, copying a bird head from ref is easy, decent rendering though

>> No.2971260

Well, these happy little changes do make her look less uncanny, but the face still looks like a mask under which an alien being lurks. Color her eyes and eyebrows, then shape her nose and remove its outlines. Then we'll see.

>> No.2971273

Sometimes I almost feel bad about all the noobs getting horrific cancer in these /beg containment threads.

>> No.2971283

>happy little changes
... bob ross? is that you posting from the other side?

>> No.2971285

Your post is almost as meaningless as your entire existence.

>> No.2971289
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, ref of child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've changed it quite a bit from the original, lol look at this girl, her face is so chubby, it translates badly into drawing, but a skilled artist wouldnt have a problem with that. I'll continue to practice.

>> No.2971310

I prefer painting to drawing, but I'm not Bob Ross. I have to force myself to draw landscapes, which is kinda sad because I really need this skill.

>> No.2971314

but by ignoring the fat you lost your child
now you're left with a hideous woman face on a unproportioned head

Why did you draw chubby fingers if you werent gonna make the face chubby?

>> No.2971400
File: 267 KB, 1101x927, extension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be anime style so I don't know if I symbol drawing would affect that but I tried the upside-down Stravinsky thing anyway and now I'm fucking dying
do I just repeat this until they look similar to cure symbol drawing because I don't think my sides could hold out that long

>> No.2971406

I did make the face chubby originally, but some anon said the eyes were too small (i.e. the face is too large/chubby)

I don't know what to do senpai

>> No.2971407
File: 77 KB, 1375x758, sheriff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when 4chan changes ' f a m' to 'senpai'

>> No.2971408

You forgot the polka dots on his tie, dude, you're never gonna make it.

>> No.2971417

You're clearly new. One aspect of 4chan is that you're supposed to lurk for a while without posting in order to get a feel for the culture.

>> No.2971419

It would be hilarious if it also changed "fampai" to "senpaipai."

>> No.2971422

stop posting

>> No.2971425

1. It's the /beg/ thread. There's bound to be newfags.

2. How would you know about that filter if you didn't post?

3. If you think hiroshimoot's le epic censorship of "t b h" and "f a m" is an integral part of 4chan culture, then you are the newfaggot.

>> No.2971432

Nay desudesudesu.

>> No.2971433

christ don't kid me. I've been on 4chan since I was 14 and now I'm 21.

I usually don't use slang like 'f a m' and I was trying to do so in a humerus manner, something that was clearly lost on you.

I noticed that they exchanged many words on april the 1st some years ago but I thought it was just an aprils fool. Apparently it's still going.

And /ic/'s 'culture' ? It consists of being serious, negative and no fun. I'm not gonna stop posting pics of cops with mustaches because of your morale. A lot of people here are actually nice and easy to get along with. Also
this is not me. but it's clear that you think being joyful is something rare, if you would contribute it to a single poster. your life must suck

>> No.2971434

>How would you know about the filter if you didn't post
Ideally, he would have lurked for a while, understood you're not supposed to just expose yourself as a newfag like that, been quietly impressed with the filter once his post was made then moved on without making a post about it.

>If you think hiroshimoot's le epic censorship of "t b h" and "f a m" is an integral part of 4chan culture, then you are the newfaggot.
I agree. Good thing that's not at all what I was referring to by 'culture'.

>> No.2971440

It's very interesting this hiveminded thought that the general manner of anons has to be 'strong, silent and never expose any naive-ness or general wonder.' This is a classic example of a 'cool' kid who is so desperate to fit in that he conforms to an outdated and misconstrued box to feel like he's a part of the clique. Being a scared bitch and allowing others to dictate how you behave is not 'cool' or 'epic'.

>> No.2971446
File: 229 KB, 700x563, 1492014830136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe it's just an attempt to discourage people from acting like embarrassing retards, but that's evidently lost on you.

>> No.2971447
File: 818 KB, 640x960, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my anatomy?

>> No.2971449
File: 903 KB, 500x244, homuhom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever faggot

>> No.2971455

oh my god...

>> No.2971456

where do the abs end?

>> No.2971465
File: 966 KB, 245x250, 1436390979972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2971466

The most morbid part is it looks like it's ripping the flesh off its stomach to reveal its natty nine-pack. Those arms look like they could rip the flesh of a lot of things in general.

>> No.2971484

Where the fuck do I start if I can't even draw a straight line?

>> No.2971497
File: 102 KB, 900x305, IMG_20170508_200453-900x305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't draw faces from my imagination
I might be getting worse at it, now that I think about it

>> No.2971498
File: 154 KB, 401x350, 1494198336667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2971504

Do things you can't do 'til you can do them.

>> No.2971508

It's just about getting to know the culture so you can become a part of it. Lurk more faggot.

>> No.2971513

Not that faggot but Is loomis the /ic/ equivalent of install gentoo?

>> No.2971515
File: 187 KB, 875x1013, 20170508_153324[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using loomis' balls to make anime girls, may I ask that you judge it

>> No.2971518

don't start with anime it'll fuck you up.

Not familiar with the Gentoo meme but Loomis is incredibly useful.

>> No.2971526
File: 274 KB, 900x305, 1494271055392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> but it's clear that you think being joyful is something rare, if you would contribute it to a single poster. your life must suck
Man... like, seriously, what the... I don't even into your logic.
Tell me, is it hard being autistic?

This head is actually better than your previous ones. It looks almost decent, but I'd fix it like this (yes, two slightly different options for both the forehead and the back of the cranium), resizing the back half so it isn't too wide.

Totally an alien, bro. Or rather, there is completely no trace of human likeness in that face.

>> No.2971529
File: 921 KB, 875x1013, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it helps to not rub out all your construction when asking what you fucked up
otherwise start by drawing baldies and you'll see everything that's fucked by yourself
nothing improves if you hide what needs improvement

>don't start with anime it'll fuck you up.
Hey, nips seem to turn out pretty damn well.
>Not familiar with the Gentoo meme but Loomis is incredibly useful.
I thought it was a newfag filter, because nips don't read Loomis and again they turn out pretty damn well.

>> No.2971537

>> It looks almost decent
P. S. No, wait. Now that I had a closer look, the face is constructed somewhat poorly, but you only need to fix the eyes to make it work. Make their shapes consistent, put the closer one a bit lower than the other and tilt the far corner of the other eye upwards a tiny bit to show the curvature.

>> No.2971540

okay I understand I wont erase the construction next time

So from your picture I am guessing that what I need to fix is the eye placement and the face shape?

When placing the eye line can I just draw a straight line to indicate where it goes? Or do I curve it around the ball?

>> No.2971562
File: 30 KB, 244x288, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to take your pic and draw it head-on the right eye would be slightly higher than the other; When you look at eyes on a tilt, one eye is "above" the other but they're both lined up with each other.
The chin is too long and sharp which makes the face narrow and not-anime-ish. You'd want to either shorten it or move the facial features down.
You cut the jaw off and hid where you though it'd be with hair even though it would be visible from that angle. Your brain therefore assumes the curvature of the jaw to follow the hair which makes the neck too long and the face too narrow, which is why the other guy said it looked alien.
Eyes go on straight lines but you need to give them the illusion of curvature to create depth, otherwise the face looks flat as in your pic.

It'd be reassuring to see someone experienced giving you directions but this is the best I can advise you from beginner to beginner, so take it with a pinch of salt. The tutorial book I'm using, and I'd recommend you use, is this:

>> No.2971568
File: 241 KB, 1100x830, Untitled-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2971571
File: 342 KB, 550x488, symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2971576

thank you very much anon I will get to that book, but may I ask what is an example of giving that illusion of depth? Would drawing the contour of a nose count as one of the things you can do?

>> No.2971579
File: 828 KB, 640x960, d1289nd9d328dc099m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tangere mea blandeque coruscant."

>> No.2971581

shouldn't it be scaled down?

>> No.2971582

The fuck is that suppose to show? You didn't even resize it properly.

>> No.2971589

No. Nose contours generally aren't kawaii either which is why most don't draw them.
Illusion of depth is the curvature of the outside edges of the eye, for example on the left of the left eye. Remember, the eye is spherical. The book covers this in relative depth.

The bindi is perfectly to scale. I thought it was a point of reference.

>> No.2971612

THIS is beginners?
Well fugg

>> No.2971619

Show us some stuff my man.

>> No.2971623

I still can't draw a circle.

>> No.2971630
File: 872 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_0646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a meany :^)

>> No.2971646
File: 1.93 MB, 1380x1424, furfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the bottom of that image was cropped for wholesome reasons. In any case your perspective is just a bit off.
remember to resize your image to ~1000px next time

>> No.2971649
File: 14 KB, 606x538, ork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just transitioned to digital but i'm too intelligent to figure out photoshop. I keep deleting layers accidentally and just fucking my shit up. Is there any guide i can follow so i can stop being a digital retard and learn how layers work?

>> No.2971652

Wut i just got real criticism...
i mean the only time i had a real art teacher he didn't say anything about my art.
Just stood there nodded when i asked for criticism.
Thanks anon.
These where just doodles but yeah my perspective is terrible. Any tips how to improve there?

>> No.2971655


No symbol there... But the lines all wonky and chicken scratchy. It looks like it was traced without understanding form. Maybe you didn't trace it but the fact that it looks like it is a problem.

Be more confident with your line it doesn't matter if it's scribbly. Make your mark with intention not just blindly put lines here and there. And keep form in mind when you're doing studies.

>> No.2971656
File: 198 KB, 800x1100, CC2nJJtW8AAc5JE.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goku drawing. Any tips?

>> No.2971658

More abs

>> No.2971660

Not yours.

>> No.2971664

Eat a bag of dicks. Yes it is. Post your work.

>> No.2971665

are you using mouse? The lines are shit.

Think of layers like papers. Everytime you add new layer it's like you're adding another paper on top and you can see through any you draw on the first paper/layer. You can switch between it and add or remove stuff on it or you can combine it all to be one paper.

It's like drawing on a lightbox.


>> No.2971670
File: 109 KB, 960x640, MyP7jb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2971672
File: 433 KB, 1241x815, 672298d8a3847f83a0a6c4ae25c3c5ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you don't seem to grasp the concept of the head as a 3D object. Use references to draw the same head in different positions and learn what gets hidden by the head from which angle. The rest is repetition until you and your muscles remember how to draw it.

>> No.2971673

I'm using a tablet. That was the first doodle i did on paint while photoshop was installing.

How should i arrange my layers?

Sketch > line > color > render?

>> No.2971675

Meant to

>> No.2971680

Stop posting more of my work

>> No.2971686
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1470061807132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot

>> No.2971702
File: 148 KB, 1215x911, cantfeeltheform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me, I'm getting really tired of this and just drawing every day isnt helping me improve.

>> No.2971709

Your chins are too small

>> No.2971711


Personally I do it all in one layer. If I fucked up I'll just paint over it.

>> No.2971713

>at work
>security job for a luxury condominium in Manhattan, working concierge
>post on the four channel to pass the time, almost get caught a few times
>open perfect form goku while co-worker stands over my shoulder
>immediately begin pouring tears of laughter while no one is around
>one of the jewish banker tenants (literally a jew who complains about everything and bought his multi million dollar unit) walks into building and see's me laughing
>asks me "whats so funny kid? You're too new to be goofing off like that. Show me"
>tried to get him to leave but my co-worker turns the screen for him
>looks at the screen with a disturbed face and looks back at me
"I don't have anything against homosexuals but you do that on your own time. (INSERT SECURITY COMPANY HERE) will be hearing about this".

Thanks for losing me my job guys.

>> No.2971717

Thanks, senpai. I restated my lines and readjusted the proportions several times as I went along, so by the time I cleaned it up that's what was left.

>Make your mark with intention not just blindly put lines here and there. And keep form in mind when you're doing studies.
what exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.2971721

10k hours of solid work

>> No.2971722

What are you trying to do? Your craniums are too small for one thing. Learn to draw the skull THEN practice putting features on it.
Also you sure as hell aren't going to improve if you tell yourself you aren't going to improve.

>> No.2971724
File: 457 KB, 1484x850, Screen-Shot-2016-11-08-at-10.16.41-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, do you know where to find Bridgman book called Heads Features And Faces? I've tried looking for it and all I got were bullshit shady download sites. I already have constructive anatomy but it doesn't go over the proportions of the head into too much detail and I was wondering if there was I way I could find it on here. If not, anon sauce plz

>> No.2971742
File: 79 KB, 1182x719, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you approach studying to memorize anatomy for drawing from imagination? Do you study as if you were practicing for a school test?

>> No.2971749

"hey checks me out guys, i'ms a drawings! wait, wheres's my guitar went?"

>> No.2971759
File: 808 KB, 640x960, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to brush up on my understanding of anatomy and got a Roberto osti book on basic human anatomy and one of the exercises was drawing figures in stereo metric form I can't pinpoint what but something is off about the figure I've drawin I'm not the best at Measurements And proportions and I thought some critique can help with understanding what I'm doing wrong

>> No.2971767

>just drawing every day isnt helping me improve.
No shit. You have to analyze what you're drawing, try out different things, see what works and what doesn't. Don't just mindlessly draw, hoping that you'll somehow magically improve. Also read the sticky and work on your fundies.

>> No.2971769

Your fault, retard :D

>> No.2971772
File: 275 KB, 661x1000, 5817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I please get some advice/crit on this? I'm really lost and don't really know what I'm doing...

>> No.2971779
File: 486 KB, 1152x2048, 2017-05-08 16.35.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like trees,
And prefer drawing on lined paper "a.d.d." or something

I drew this with a Pentel 0.5 grain pencil.

It was much easier to draw the tree with this mechanical pencil and on lined paper, and became fun.

A question what sort of tools/techniques do you guys use to make drawing go as smooth as possible?

>> No.2971782

use dark shades, (including black). It'll make the drawing pop more and look more confident

>> No.2971783

try spending more time measuring proportion before rendering. you cant polish a turd

>> No.2971785

let's show me my moves

>> No.2971790

The proportions aren't that off. The hair's a little short, the eyes are a little low and the cheekbone is a little too high but they're all barely off.

>> No.2971794

actually never mind, I see some of the proportional issues now...

>> No.2971801

Does that apply to the other way around? I draw more stylized pieces but should I learn to draw more realistic figures? Someone told me recently that I'll continue to be stagnated if I don't switch to realistic and portrait studies, so I'm kind of stuck on where to start improving.

>> No.2971807

As someone who has never drawn them before, how do I master cast shadows?

I understand the basics of light but cast shadows look like a tricky subject

>> No.2971820

Using a ruler is cheating? Do tell.

Lemme guess, you're another try hard elitist here who thinks all artists should be able to draw perfectly straight lines and circles freehand, which is a completely fictional and unreasonable metric, created by you?


This isn't an epeen contest. Using compasses and rulers, and the tools in digital drawing apps are not "cheating".

Stop bullying people with your made up rules.

>> No.2971821

what do you guys think the best paper is for graphite studies?

>> No.2971822


Time with the brushes is time with the brushes. Try it all, a lot. Still life. Landscapes. Fantasy. Portraits. Color and light studies. Start simple, and get more complex as your skills develop more.

>> No.2971828

Bierstadt was 38 when he painted that. According to his bio, he was into art from a young age, and started painting in oil at 21, and went over to Europe to study.

It took him 19 years of painting, and painting a lot, to reach this level.

Get to work.

>> No.2971831

Bizarre, for a female.

>> No.2971839

There are literally hundreds of books about Photoshop. The Deke McClelland books are the better one. If you can afford it, Lynda.com has great beginner tutorials for Photoshop and other apps. You can buy a sub for $19 a month, unlimited viewing. If you can't learn the basics of PS in a month, you probably shouldnt be using it. I have a year-long sub to Lynda, because I use it for a bunch of apps.

>> No.2971843

However you want. There are no rules. You can work on one layer if you want.

You need to be a little more proactive and willing to make decisions for yourself, if you're going to pursue art. And a lot more curious and explorative.

>> No.2971846

That's one way, sure. How would you learn anatomy for biology class?

>> No.2971847

Using artists materials, not office supplies.

>> No.2971848
File: 245 KB, 1252x672, gordon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I do it right?

also how do I get my brush settings like in the demonstration? i'm just using the brush tool in paint tool sai, and I had to do it pretty lightly so it wouldn't be straight black.

the image was pretty low res so I know that doesn't help also though

>> No.2971849

Drawing paper, bristol, or illustration board.

>> No.2971850

Drawing paper, bristol, or illustration board.

Have you ever bothered to look through art supply catalogs? Like Blick online?

>> No.2971852

For all you traditional media guys - go buy this book:


I've had a copy since I was 17 or 18, and that was a long, long time ago. It covers most mediums, papers, paints, glazes, graphite, whatever, and I still refer to it all the time. Especially if you're not in school - this book will teach you all the stuff the other books you use won't teach you, like how to mount drawings for display, how to preserve them, what kind of paper to buy (acid free, etc), how to gesso a panel.

Just go buy it. I've never seen an ebook of it, but I'm sure it's out there.

>> No.2971853

>buy it
how about you scan us your copy anon?

>> No.2971857

If I have time, sure. I'd rather scan the latest edition, I'll have to buy a copy. Not sure when I'll have the time to scan it, it's a fairly large book.

Or, you know, you could just buy a fucking copy. You can't be a cheapskate if you're going to be an artist, art supplies are expensive.

>> No.2971861

In most cases you need to be able to draw realistic human anatomy, or your humans won't look good.

Lol, why paperback costs more?

>> No.2971862

oh i know, thats why i dont have that money for that book.

>> No.2971874

Using cylinders boxes or Sinix face masks are way better for beginners honestly. The ball is just a really bad shape to use for the head honestly, Loomis is more of a meme, Bridgman is way more consistent imo. Spheres are more complex objects to draw accurate contours of in perspective than boxes, and they provide less spatial information than boxes.

>> No.2971877

Any tips on getting proportions correct? I use plumb lines, verticals, horizontals, comparative measuring, etc but I still end up getting them wrong.

>> No.2971885
File: 84 KB, 229x252, shet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2971887

Is it OK to trace a pose for your artwork? Just the basic silhouette, and edit it alittle? I've done this before and although my final piece looked very different from the traced silhouette, I worry about someone putting them together and making me look like shit.

And I mean cartoon art, and the poses being very bland, standing poses.

>> No.2971889
File: 133 KB, 966x466, No-Game-No-Life-Tracing-Comparison-1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be somewhat of an example I'm talking about, but maybe changed some of the pose like widening the legs just a touch, etc

>> No.2971897

You learn nothing doing this, Don't you want to get better at drawing bodies?

>> No.2971902

I do but I landed a job I don't deserve and my poses just suck. I've drawn 8 different poses and they all suck compared to this one I kinda traced.

>> No.2971904 [DELETED] 

why do my gesture drawings look so fucking bad?
what am I missing here? what do I need to focus on? what am I doing wrong? what do I need to improve on?

>> No.2971905

When you give her an anime face, you're just distorting the cuteness of the original. You didn't even get the expression right. You just inserted generic eyes mouth and nose. You'd be more benefited by caricature than trying to anime faces.

>> No.2971906
File: 197 KB, 1195x805, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do my gesture drawings look so fucking bad?
what am I missing here? what do I need to focus on? what am I doing wrong? what do I need to improve on?

>> No.2971907
File: 204 KB, 600x800, mikuhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least mirror the pose so it isn't as obvious.. And I don't think its okay to trace, but you can try to trace " the skeleton" of the girl, or maybe trace the 'blocks' of the form of the girl, so you're constructing it while still getting a bit of help from the original ref.

1. Do a quick sketch on a layer over the girl(should only take you 2 minutes, no details only the basics, i.e. leg here, head around here')
2. delete the layer as soon as your done and then continue to work as normally, try to think about the body and the pose. Try to prevent yourself from looking again at the ref unless necessary.

It can be hard to get into the poses of anime girls, since they are often in poses that feel really un-natural but look good and are fluid, so I at least understand your struggle. But this method gives you creativity and also makes you form your type own body, in the same pose. Instead of copying the body(stylized legs ect.) completely and the pose

>> No.2971909
File: 238 KB, 600x800, child update1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to fix the positioning of the nose so it was actually from the ref and not just symbol drawing of what it should be. Also added better lips, realized her head was at the wrong angle

>> No.2971911

while we're on tracing, is it a shitshow to trace from an action figure? I have a Mario figure that I wanted to trace the proportion and pose from for a fan project. If I get caught using a pic of it, will nintendo fans ruin me?

>> No.2971916

Wow, this is by far the worst head construction tutorial I've seen yet. Just goes to show you how drawing goes to shit when it becomes anime.

>> No.2971921

Painting in value and carving out shapes digitally is way more fun than line drawing. Do I even need to get good at line drawing?

>> No.2971924

It's fun but a lot more time consuming, if you want to get your basics right, you should also invest time in line drawing.

also, line art doesn't allow you to make mistakes cause it's glaringly obvious, compared to blocking

>> No.2971928

Did you ever see Bob Ross do a line drawing?

>> No.2971929

Divide the torso into quarters. It's not exactly accurate but it should give you a ballpark estimate. If you then start dividing those quarters of the torso box into thirds you can find stuff like the bottom of the pectorals and the top of the iliac crest. This is what I use and it seems to work but feel free to disregard this if you find a better method.

>> No.2971931


>> No.2971932
File: 367 KB, 562x712, male and female skeleton[8].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, take this with a grain of salt, this is just what I came up with through my own studies. There might be a more accurate method out there.

>> No.2971933

woah, cool

>> No.2971935

>male and female skeletons

Oh god, they've learned to reproduce without humans

>> No.2971938

>Do I even need to get good at line drawing

You don't *need* to do anything, but you'll end up limiting yourself.

>> No.2971940
File: 432 KB, 711x800, supesShrink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time trying shading digitally.

>> No.2971942
File: 311 KB, 562x712, add thirds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I meant increase the pelvis by 1/3rd of the gap distance not the ribcage. Typo. The "X" trick makes these proportions be able to scale perfectly in perspective and if you learn how to find 3rds
you can implement those third of a quarter proportions perfectly correct in perspective as well, as long as you use rectangles and boxes.

>> No.2971943

Use a larger brush to block in value then use a soft eraser to subtract it.

>> No.2971945
File: 948 KB, 2000x1000, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry I'm shit too

>> No.2971946

Tracing is fine. So is using grids. You need to work on not needing them, but for learning, don't worry about it. If you don't want the try hards here to bully you, don't post them.

>> No.2971947

Give the money back. If you're learning, tracing is fine. If you're selling it, you're setting yourself up for a copyright infringement lawsuit.

>> No.2971948

Did you ever see Bob Ross paint anything that was worth buying?

>> No.2971950

You mean like a cute anime girl with a flat chest and puffy vulva? Once.

>> No.2971952
File: 277 KB, 600x468, 8460d03aa176fa532ca512745bc17c3f1ef4892f5039ac1b80dab0c046279a45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if draw xs and draw meme arrows with the points being on the half points of rectangles, i can find thirds and halfs? that's fucking brilliant, why didn't they teach that in perspective 101 wtf

>> No.2971953

Bob Ross's painting are excellent, I don't know what you're talking about. Care to explain how you'd improve them?

>> No.2971954

Don't be afraid to just splash some values in there instead of trying to be really careful with the shading. It's digital painting after all. You can always keep the outline as a separate layer. Also, don't work on a white background.

>> No.2971957

He probably thinks the PBS speed paintings Bob Ross did represent the entirety of his work. Even those are pretty good, although he'd actually do a real painting before each show and then recreate it on air.

>> No.2971974

Drawing from nature? Painting with a brush, not . knife?

Bob Ross is doing what is called 'decorative" art - he's pretending to draw realistic scenes, using stock forms and colors and compositions, that are basic and aren't really rendering anything fully, take very little color composition and lighting, and is a "hobby" level of painting. As such, it's fine, and he got a lot of people into painting - but it's not not gallery level landscape painting. He's in between gallery work, and paint-by-numbers kits. He sold kits so middle aged women could claim to be artists, selling the same cliched, stock "happy mountains" and "Happy trees".

As a hobbyist, he was fine. As a serious fine artist, he was shit. He was no better than Thomas Kinkade, his colors were shit and unrealistic, his compositions were shit, it was cartoony cliches of objects like trees and mountains and lakes.

Attached is a real landscape painting, done this century. I'd buy this painting - I wouldn't line a bird cage with a Bob Ross painting.

>> No.2971975
File: 81 KB, 425x207, landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real landscape.

>> No.2971976

To his credit, I don't believe he ever claimed that the kind of painting he was teaching was ever gallery-worthy - his words.

>> No.2971979

The eyes are shaped very differently, but the face doesn't look as uncanny as it did before. And the nose and lips actually look really good. And her hands too. Your actual rendering skills are much better than what I surmised from your previous drawings.

>> No.2971982

(I mean that the shape of the left and the right eye is different.)

>> No.2971984

No, he didn't. I'll give him full credit for that. The whole argument is that someone doesn't need to learn to draw, because Bob Ross didn't, which is farcical, because Bob never claimed to be a trained artist. The rest is my opinion, and someone asked me how his work could be improved. I answered.

I give Bob full credit for getting people into art - for that, he was awesome. But his art is awful. It just is.

>> No.2971998
File: 154 KB, 1000x1134, 20170508_235411[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey anon if you're still here what do you think of this?

>> No.2972000

Thank you anon, I havent worked on the eyes yet, Ill keep the size/form in mind when I do. my performance really varies, I have trouble with consistency in style and such, I think it mostly shows when Im trying to stylize something or drawing from imagination, I do better but arguably more realistic from references (but I really wanna draw cute animu grills too)

>> No.2972005
File: 40 KB, 509x509, IMG_20170507_193334_711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2972006

I totally agree that it is hard to get consistent. Although being consistent doesn't automatically equal being good, as some mistakenly think. A certain someone who posted image.pngs in these threads a while ago is a living proof.

>> No.2972015

question: Does the ribcage curve inward at the sternum? I always see a groove there that I completely forget about when trying to draw that.

>> No.2972016

Why don't you just feel your own chest

>> No.2972036

I'm on the middle of continuing Loomis' Figure Drawing book or moving on to Proko or Vilppu, I already read Hampton's Design and Invention, and I feel that what I need right now is to "feel" the figure (because Hampton is a more technical book) and to understand proportion, and Loomis at page 40~ already moved on from gesture and it's talking about anatomy.

Can anyone familiar with any of the work of the artist I meantioned give an advice on where to go? I already watched 2 of Proko's videos and I already can tell that it is something that might help, but I might be wrong, any advice?

>> No.2972037

What do you want to draw that isn't studying?

>> No.2972040

Honestly I'm not sure, I feel like lately I've been so caught up with improving that anytime I have a blank piece of paper in front of me the possiblities feel endless yet my skill feels so limitant that I just don't let myself draw and just continue learning.

>> No.2972045

You map out the different levels of shade quite well, but you should work on blending them together more naturally. One way of doing this is just to take your finger and smudge that shit, but a more useful method is just going really gentle.

>> No.2972150

>tfw your color and rendering is about 5 grades behind your drawing

I never get to a point where I feel like I've fixed my drawings enough to even consider adding lighting and color so as well as having mediocre line work I also have shit rendering that makes the drawing look worse.

>> No.2972219

how long does that take you?
If this is a 30 sec focus more on the LOA
If longer take time to figure out the anatomy

>> No.2972231
File: 50 KB, 461x600, drawing different features.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing features. are theses heading the right direction?

>> No.2972232

to flat
try to put more differentiation on the weight of your lines

>> No.2972239
File: 506 KB, 539x700, GreenElf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried following some of the critiques I received. How is it now? I made some design changes, hopefully for the better. More critiques would be nice! I'd like to keep working on this.

>> No.2972244

shit i always forget about that. thanks

>> No.2972265


You've only ever glanced at a few of his <1 hour pieces then. His proper work is much more complete, and rare. Very private about his commissions, so not many are known to us.

Say what you will about his JoP works, but given the run time of an episode, what exactly do you expect him to complete?

His art isn't awful. If you really don't see the skill he demonstrates, that's on you and your own lack of experience. Grab some traditional paints and do better in less than 30 min, fgt. I'll wait.

>> No.2972292





>> No.2972298

nigga if you're just starting out, use paper and pencil. You can't just make a face out of lines, be brave and add values. Read more books, too.

>> No.2972452

Looks good! I would dim the area around the face so as to bring the face into focus.

>> No.2974051


Should i read keys to drawing or drawing on the right side of the brain?

I started reading the latter and i did some of the excercises but to be pretty honest it's one of the most boring books I've ever dared to open.

So which is it? Keys to drawing or the other one?

>> No.2974789
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get a improve my inking with pencils ? I'm using some faber-castell pens with brush tips, which in some cases give nice aspects, but as far as "filling" goes (as in the drawing), it can get messy (which it did). not satisfied with the train colors and roof in general, but I got lazy (focus was on the characters, but could have done with more colors on the White-red rabbit Commissar) General comments welcome.