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2962469 No.2962469 [Reply] [Original]

can you even learn to draw with an intuos pen small, or is it too small?

>tfw no money for anything else and that's all i have

>inb4 pen and paper
b-but i want to draw cute animu grills

>> No.2962478

pen and paper you fucking faggot

>> No.2962482

no u

>> No.2962484

I am, now you, do it or doom yourself

>> No.2962487
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the initial "learning" period should be done traditionally for a year/two years depending on how sound you want your fundamentals to be before you transfer

my heart hurts looking in the beg thread at how many people are using a tablet when they can't draw a cube to save their life

>> No.2962489

but why though? what is it about a tablet that would inhibit the learning of drawing cubes?

>> No.2962498

I'ts not just fucking cubes dude. You know that. The idea is that it's easier on traditional. You've been using a pencil and paper for your literal entire life. If you don't believe me, then go ahead and see where you end up in a year with a tablet. To this day I still don't understand it fully but I think it's the allure of seeing good digital artists finished work or thinking that using a tablet will make a scrub better or something. When in reality they don't realize what it takes to get to that level and especially the difficulty of the beginner phase.

>> No.2962506

Haha, OP has small pen :DDDDDDDD

>> No.2962507

>using a tablet will make a scrub better or something
for me it's just that it's more fun.

i'm a programmer/nerd and all the technicalities of drawing and painting on a computer turn me on

>I'ts not just fucking cubes dude
yes, what i'm saying can be applied to everything: why would "x" be easier to learn on paper than on tablet?

>You've been using a pencil and paper for your literal entire life.
I don't believe in this argument for this reason: i never played trombone in my life but then I started playing it and in a few months my lips were trained to vibrate at the exact right frequency for every note. I'm pretty sure the body can adapt faster to holding a tablet pen than to vibrate its lips at exactly 440hz. We're good at adapting at new things

the sad thing is that i actually do have a small penor

>> No.2962538

I'm not opposed to the idea of going to a tablet straight away.

but if you don't have a sketchbook to draw/study when you're not at your computer then you're doing something wrong

>> No.2962545
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but anon, i am 10-20 hours a day at my computer. i never go out


>> No.2962549

just buy the tablet then god

>> No.2962552

>>tfw no money for anything else and that's all i have

i already have that tablet, i'm asking if it's too small
if it is, i can buy a bigger huion in a couple of months

>> No.2962553

No it isn't, what kind of retarded logic would make you think that?

>> No.2962565

i've always read that you shouldn't make your drawing (on traditional media) too small because it will be hard to make accurate marks, but that might not be the case with digital?

>> No.2962566

You can zoom into individual pixels wtf

>> No.2962572

yeah ok i'm retarded
guess i'll start drawing lolis today :3

>> No.2962576


>> No.2962580
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>> No.2962588

avatarnigger is mai waifu

>> No.2963549

An intous or small tablet is hard as shit to get control on. At least im still going trying to get used to it, dont know if I ever will, but people like Draw with Jazza have shown videos of doing it so it is possible

>> No.2963661

I use a small intuos pro for stuff other than just drawing/painting and I tell you you're going to get tendonitis sooner or later like it happened to me, or if you're unlucky carpal tunel synd. Use it, no problem, but change it for a medium/large size tablet huion or wacom as soon as you can.

Also get a basic Canson sketchbook and a couple of pencils and learn fundamentals from there, they're easier to understand on paper than on digital unless you get your hands on a display tablet.

>> No.2963673

i mean the bigger the better the whole reason they say draw traditionally and ideally in large paper is so you get used to using your shoulder and elbow to draw instead of using your wrist and fingers. The bs about writing all your life = drawing is exactly that. bs, how you write is COMPLETELY different to how you draw. so yeah I don't think a small tablet will hurt you but it definitely wont help you either. Just remember to use shoulder and elbow to draw and not your wrist and it should be fine. You'll have to fight the urge since you going to use such a small tablet. when you can you should pick up the 1060 pro plus from huion or one of the other newer ones. the 1060 was the last one i bought and it is great af. Now on on a monoprice monitor tablet and that's good aswell.

>> No.2963745

You can start on a small tablet lmao i cant fucking believe what these retards are writing. Do yourself a favor and dont visit ic.

A medium sized tablet would be more comfortable though, you can get some serious wrist pain from death grip and too small of a tablet, so be careful and stretch.And as far as paper vs tablet, thats a fucking retarded comparison. Use what you like, you'll improve the same on both.

I started on a small one, I'm now working at a pretty decent studio. Peace

>> No.2963817
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that's not me

>> No.2963947

This tbqh. Got myself a wicked case of ulnar neuropathy from a small bamboo tablet.

Just draw on fucking paper, pleb. Grab a 500 pack of Manila and grind it out.

>> No.2963975

Where did you get this silly idea that you always draw from the shoulder? I've been an artist for almost 50 years, and a professional for over 25, and I hear things in this forum I've literally never heard anywhere else in the world.

Drawing and painting from the shoulder is generally something you do on a large canvas or drawing. Like 2x3'. On an 8x10', drawing with the shoulder is ridiculous. You have significantly less control of your brush or pencil.

No wonder people get stuck so much here, with this absurdly bad advice being thrown around.

>> No.2963976

All you avatarniggers look the same, it's so hard to tell!

>> No.2963979

Keep going. Why is it easier on paper than a tablet?

Because, your eye and your hand are in the same spot. You have instant feedback, and plan ahead with pencil strokes that way. There's a disconnect with tablets, where you're looking at a screen, and your hand is off to the side. I switched to tablets after using pencils and brushes for decades, through college and professional work, and I paid attention to why it was so frustrating in the beginning, and even back then, knew that a beginning artist would be fighting the new challeneges of the art itself, AND the tablet. Which is why I recommend to develop both. If you get stuck with the tablet, switch to pencil. And vice versa.

Someday, Cintiq type displays will be cheap and plentiful, and the problem will go away. (My transition to a Cintiq was almost instant) Until then, develop both digital and traditional - they both have a place in a modern artist's toolbox.

>> No.2963983

>This forum
Sorry but I think you may have mistaken this board for a competent one.