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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 1001x1201, las-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2961132 No.2961132 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last Thread >>2957326

>> No.2961133
File: 642 KB, 753x596, qRWPw4m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.2961134


>> No.2961135
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, hmtds8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.2961137
File: 961 KB, 245x250, tumblr_inline_n3bvl2tHI41rufomg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also called the Fire edition
gif related

>> No.2961138

fuck man shit dog

>> No.2961139
File: 35 KB, 558x553, 1455494723-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and fucking kys
do not choobpost before the first 2 posts

>> No.2961144


>> No.2961145

thats exactly why i choobposted.

>> No.2961147


>> No.2961150

now for real
improved version

>> No.2961152

What if I'm a muslim?

>> No.2961154

no thanks

>> No.2961156


Excuse me did you just predefine my choice of race to just 4 selections? Are you some kind of fucking bigot? What about those who identify themselves as 90% German Shepherd 10% native american?

>> No.2961157

Pray to muhammod five times a day.

>> No.2961158

S-should I join the character challenge?

>> No.2961159

then you are asian >> chink
i excuse you just dont let it happen again

>> No.2961160

roll a coin, if you get dubs then join

>> No.2961161

I'm gonna have to pass, I don't see the point.

>> No.2961162

That's an excellent question. What is your opinion?

>> No.2961163

flip some dice, if the sum of the rolls is less than the last digit of my post number, join

>> No.2961187

Reposting from dying thread:
Anon asked for some of the pixiv users I follow,
so here's an incredibly subjective, not comprehensive list.
The first 30 are ones I probably like a lot (I gave up trying to rank and there are probably trash in the last 60). A lot are to do with a particular style that appeals to me personally or something dumb like they draw a lot of 2hu fanart..


>> No.2961188

Shoot you're mom in the kneecaps, if the time it takes to bleed out is less than the time between this post and the next ITT, join.

>> No.2961210
File: 13 KB, 285x283, 1486412031976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the challenge

>> No.2961212


>> No.2961218

I don't identify as any of those options.

>> No.2961226

I will only embarrass myself desu

>> No.2961235

It's always pretty cool to see your shit executed by another lassie. Jump in, i don't want to draw Cath character :^)

>> No.2961241

how about this?

Everyone submits their characters in 5 days, before the deadline that lassies can book whoever characters which are submitted early they want to redraw.

The rest will be randomized. This is good for those who don't want to draw Cath or rad's characters.

>> No.2961243

cath and rad's characters had rough lives :(

>> No.2961247

What's the problem with rad's characters?

>> No.2961248

I'm thinking about it too
I'm not very original but seeing the same characters in different artstyles is always fun to see. Too bad we're not doing a character from a popular book or something to let imagination run wild

>> No.2961258

I'm still here.

>> No.2961263

ru-rude! D:

>> No.2961265

I find it hard believing there are 5 black lassies.
Some of you are lying.

>> No.2961270

>call niggers liars

r-racist D:

>> No.2961271
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 87689876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lokki's hatching
teach me senpai

>> No.2961275

black lassie here, ama.

>> No.2961277

And your circles are still god awful. At this point I suggest just printing out a sheet of circles from google and tracing them about a thousand times to cram that shit into muscle memory. Also do box exercises dude, or at least TRY thinking of construction when you doodle. You're not gonna get anywhere drawing like a 5 year old.

>> No.2961278
File: 22 KB, 640x480, le master shredder heatenings face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-...Are you a grill?

>> No.2961283

Ill remember that. I haven't actually some practice for a while and stuff and I need to try and sort out some time to practice more.

>> No.2961293

yeah, i was wondering if there were other grill black lassies but i think im the only one.

>> No.2961297

Rozzle was a black girl I think, she uploaded a self-portrait once.
I miss her, she was so good.

>> No.2961305


yeah her stuff does look really good, i hope she makes it. There are so few black girls trying to make it in this industry so it gives me hope to see someone with so much potential!

>> No.2961309

calling dibs is a bad idea, everyone should get an equal chance at everyone's. if you get a shit character you just gotta make the most of it, since that's half the point of the challenge.

if we all collectively decide to randomize the list that's cool, but then i hope everyone looks at the thread before starting part 2. i think cath should update the rules if we go that way.

>> No.2961323

I'd be down for the challenge if we did randomise

>> No.2961349
File: 49 KB, 464x266, 1331737283668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cath here, how many people prefer it randomized? Also how would I do it? some online randomizer?

>> No.2961350

random.org is pretty good for this sort of stuff

>> No.2961361

I didnt even do the poll, but I am here too

>> No.2961367

Second this >>2961350. Please.

You already know it, you have to do this:
- Update rules on DED.
- Post results of the randomizer here.
- Post results as your submission.
- Post results in discords.
Otherwise, the most retarded lassos wil not follow.

>> No.2961369

>Post results in discords.
leave those faggots out, they can stay gone for all I care

>> No.2961370
File: 168 KB, 434x359, 29az7tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated: http://lavaflake.com/draw/community/?id=89

>> No.2961373

I'm mixed, so I didn't even bother.

>> No.2961374

Nah, you're not alone.

>> No.2961397

Holy shit that's a lot of art
Thanks a lot for doing this!

>> No.2961410

Who are some of yours?

>> No.2961413

5 niggers*

>> No.2961414

6 I lied and said I was white. Stop being so shocking with the nigger word, nobody cares anymore.

>> No.2961417

7, at least

>> No.2961427

Now there are 7/27 And yesterday there were 70 lassies.
And I'm retarded at math, but that should mean ~16 porch monkeys.

>> No.2961436

I'm black but I'm not in las anymore but I still voted anyway.

>> No.2961457

That makes 3 of us, 4 with Rozzle. Huh.

>> No.2961458

great now you guys could start a #BlackLassiesLivesMatter rally to make Lava come back

>> No.2961466


>> No.2961514

>tfw no qt black lassie gf
p-pls live in london! ;-;

>> No.2961517

>tfw not black

>> No.2961519
File: 193 KB, 273x326, epni76wq0lpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wacom driver stops working if I leave photoshop open and don't use the computer in couple of hours.

>> No.2961521

Sounds like you've got computer problems and it's not the wacom.

>> No.2961527

Does your monitor turn itself off in that time? I have to restart the Wacom services if I turn off the monitor my tablet is mapped to.

>> No.2961584

>look at the gallery
>get discouraged

That's weird, try older and newer driver versions
Or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk_sZGzK-RI

>> No.2961588

don't worry about it man just submit, there's not much bullying of newbies

not much

>> No.2961614

You must not have seen my garbage ass submission. If you look close enough you'll notice all the shitters like me. Join us anon.

>> No.2961616
File: 912 KB, 1110x1080, 1487840613672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the gallery
>get discouraged
I've been in LAS for over a year and I still feel like this.

>> No.2961630
File: 348 KB, 496x265, 1rhobfko1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today marks one month in las
fuck yea

>> No.2961654
File: 2.47 MB, 1280x720, hiya.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2961655

Congratulations! I hope you keep going :D

>> No.2961658

Still a shitty name

>> No.2961659


>> No.2961660

Keep the LAS name, is cool.

>> No.2961666

Looking good, man, thanks for doing this. I really hope this comes through

>> No.2961671

How many people are feasibly going to switch?

>> No.2961673

I'm going to post on both :'D

>> No.2961675

Yeah, with how quickly the last alternative went belly-up I'm hedging my bets.

>> No.2961681

I agree with this

The daily draw doesn't sound badass enough, it sounds like something more akin to girly tumblrs that struggle to draw a 5 minute comic everyday

Make it something like
Draw Every Day
Last Artist Standing

This is for real men

>> No.2961684


>> No.2961689

Eh, keeping the Last Artists Standing Name might be confusing and mess up search results. The Daily Draw does sound too cutesy, though, maybe change the name to Sketching Survival or something cooler than what I can come up with.

>> No.2961698

Looking nice. Gonna be double posting on both LAS and DED. Is DED already up?

Congrats, anon!

>CAPTCHA just asked to identify "horn"

>> No.2961704

not yet, it will be awhile before I have a fully functioning version. Also looking into cheap hosting rn lol

I don't want to use LAS as there could be conflicts with the sites, but Draw Every Day works

>> No.2961706

munch D:

>> No.2961710

Have you checked .com/.net/.org domain availability?

>> No.2961714

draweveryday.net is available, but .com is not

>> No.2961715

Then again we've been using lavaflake.com for ages and it hasn't really done us any harm so I-

You should grab it: http://namesilo.com

>> No.2961716
File: 715 KB, 1314x1137, daily 2017-04-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have been cutting it close for a while now, and I was just having fun drawing and forgot to post.

I'm having such a cold sweat right now.

I knew this was going to happen at one point.

I'm going to just restart I guess. I think it's time I devote more time to drawing and art in general.

>> No.2961718
File: 1013 KB, 500x213, X45kQpP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote on topic
>topic I choose fills from 0% to 100%

>> No.2961719

welcome to the rejoiners club friend

>> No.2961720


>> No.2961721

.org is available too, grab that too cause these things are so dirt cheap, and just redirect whichever one is extra to the main domain is usual practice

please no godaddy, use namesilo or even namecheap

>> No.2961723


I don't plan on buying anything yet, at least until I know that I can dedicate myself completely to it and have a functioning version of the site. As well school is wrapping up for the year and Ive got to finish things up. Now if there's any good free hosting, id be open to registering and starting to port things over for that for now

>> No.2961725
File: 64 KB, 600x447, sdr0nxo10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poof's in the tribunal

they didnt post today though. did we scare them away? goddammit poof, all you had to do was post a proper thumbnail.

>> No.2961735

>free hosting
I dunno how far you can get with that or what catches there'll be with your host, personally I'd at least pay for a cheap VPS or something, but maybe http://www.freewebhostingarea.com/ ?

>> No.2961739

ill try it out, see how it goes

>> No.2961742

Good job!

>> No.2961748

poor poof :(

>> No.2961749

thats good to hear! Im glad!

>> No.2961753

im guessing we are going to randomize after we post our characters? correct?

>> No.2961760

got it up on freewha, only the homepage is what I have so far, but will post progress updates over time and leave the link here for you guys to check it out whenever you are curious.


its gonna happen lads

>> No.2961767

I wanted to join the character challenge

>> No.2961768

since before some of you were talking about using pixiv a lot, you might like this:

you can use that to download all of an artist's things in one go, so far I've picked up 450 or so. Unfortunately you can't have it automatically update when they post new stuff which sucks a bit, but eh.

I've been binge downloading at a time by going to someone good, seeing who they follow or who it recommends after you follow them, and then pasting the ids separated by spaces and getting it to download them all at the same time.

>> No.2961785

important question
is any type of art okay?

>> No.2961787

same rules as las, 'Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)' when i finish the site

>> No.2961806

I think he may have meant 3D since some people wanted to post it before but it ain't allowed on the OG LAS.

>> No.2961813

where were you man?

>> No.2961820

Yep, this program is awesome.

>> No.2961845

Oh yeah, I'm open to 3D as I've done some modeling before and know how challenging it can be, I'm open to allowing that.

>> No.2961849

I think the description is too wordy
You should make it far easier to digest
Just have it like

"Draw something everyday and try to reach the highest streak possible!"

>> No.2961851


>> No.2961854

Alright, I'll come up with something more straightforward, thanks!

>> No.2961855

mm used this for a few of my favorite artists

>> No.2961860

That would be great.

I'm awful at both but focusing on one or the other every once in a while couldn't hurt.

>> No.2961871


>> No.2961872

M-My original streak will carry over, r-right?

>> No.2961879

I understand that a lot of LAS has put in so much time and dedication and might be prone to sticking to the original for this reason, but I'm looking into providing some compensation to all lassies that have held any current streaks

>> No.2961883

just copy over the leaderboards lol

>> No.2961886

thats prob what I will end up doing, and maybe give all og lassies a special badge or thing to recognize them for being there before DED

>> No.2961888

All OG lassies will get a dragon dick badge as it is the #1 priority

>> No.2961890

Im a day 1 and I'd rather just start fresh

But this would be ok

I look forward to posting 3D as well

>> No.2961894

you need 1000 submissions didn't we decide?

>> No.2961897

where's that link to the google doc with all the badge suggestions we made?

>> No.2961898


>> No.2961902

holy fuck, didn't know this was a thing. Ill look into which ones are realistic to including

>> No.2961909

>Last Arist Standing
>Win a LAS

>a LAS

if only it was as simple

>> No.2961912

>tfw we came up with this shit way back on the 9th of June
>nearly a year ago
damn, time fliess man

>> No.2961920

back when times were happy, lassies were young and innocent, and living memes roamed the fields in herds

>> No.2961923

>tfw once LAS ends
>LAS 2 starts and we go through it all over again
I'll win the next one.

>> No.2961924

fuck that
just make it a fresh start
week oners can keep circlejerking in the discord

>> No.2961927

Oh yeah btw I'm looking for Artwork to use for the Home, About, Sign Up, and Log in Pages for the site. If you have any pieces that you are proud of, message me on tumblr @nicc-nacc and I'll see where I can fit it

>> No.2961931

look how excited we were :')

>tfw nostalgiasplerging

>> No.2961935

holy shit, "fuck YOU" is OLD

>> No.2961938


>> No.2961942

Winning a LAS meant winning a Week, so when Week 1 was done whichever Week 1er survived would've won that LAS, and carried over to Week 2.

Thing is, everyone in Week 2 is already dead, and Week 3, and Week 4, and Week 5, and Week 6, and Week 7, and Week 8, and Week 9, and Week 11, and Week 12, and Week 13, and Week 14... and Week 38, and Week 39, etc. basically whoever wins Week 1 wins like 40 weeks and goes directly to fighting the newcomer weeks, except the week system got scrapped so there won't be any more weeks and no more LAS winners.

>> No.2961944

should there be a time limit if weeks were to carry over? Like after 365 days or X days all survivors declared winners and things continue?

>> No.2961950

No, and week systems are a thing of the past, ideal would be something that would keep people drawing every day forever but weeks lose bragging value the larger the week number was (everyone talks about week 1, barely anyone talks about week 2, past that no one can name a single person by week without looking them up)

>> No.2961952

Which W1's browse the discord?

>> No.2961958

ah, alright.

>> No.2961959

>Yep, I just crossed him out on my printed copy. Feels bad.
which one of you fags printed the flawless photo

>> No.2961960

This is what I miss. There was such a massive shitstorm whenever someone got eliminated or whenever something happened. People even used to make predictions of what would happen next + make new memes all the time. Now no one gives a shit. Good times.

>> No.2961964

new las means new shitstorms and interest anon, good times are looming on the horizon

>> No.2961965


>> No.2961970

Oh I remember S Class Autist. I always dug his art, looks like all his links are dead now tho =(

>> No.2961976


>> No.2961987
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Good times. Good times.

>> No.2961993

>tfw youre a newfag so you'll never experience the /las/ golden age

>> No.2961998

a new golden age is approaching lad

>> No.2962005

where have all the memers gone?


>> No.2962011

I miss making fun of fibonacho's fucking username.

>> No.2962129

Man I'm seeing vsocks Wendy shit get posted everywhere, even on 4chan. I don't really go on social media, did he start a meme or something? Hope your getting payed boi tho I doubt it

>> No.2962130

Did vsocks really start that? What the fuck? You guys are fucking lying. There's no fucking way.

>> No.2962132

Idk, I think he did. I only ever saw him post it on las and now a lot of people are posting his work everywhere. Maybe he did fan art or something?

>> No.2962135

I saw his smug Wendy's reblogged on Tumblr, and before that on the /alt/ thread, and those were the first ones I saw. I think he might really be the patient zero on this one.

>> No.2962158

>ywn create an online viral sensation
Congrats, vsocks!

>> No.2962169

Participating in LAS is already creating an online viral sensation.

>> No.2962185
File: 189 KB, 620x320, emperor vilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some anon draws an appealing Smug Wendy picture
>Smug Wendy meme spreads
>People start going to Wendys more often
>Starts affecting company profits
Is this the true power of art?

>> No.2962187

>meanwhile artist gets nothing out of it
>probably not even followers or gigs
>tfw ywn be wendy's personal artist

>> No.2962190

Right? They better hook my nigga vsock up with a gig.
>tfw vsock will get hired by Wendy's to make more smug art
>tfw he'll eventually need to hire more people for help
>tfw he'll employ all the discordfags while the threadfags are left jobless due to anonymity

>> No.2962246

is anyone going to report ideon or do i have to do it

>> No.2962358
File: 108 KB, 314x559, Captura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning! here's the order for the character swap challenge.

>> No.2962373

art promises unlimited power

you've just got to let the art flow through you, FEEEL the FLOW

>> No.2962381
File: 529 KB, 528x503, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a month for me too. Has been my most productive month this year according to the timers I use. I'm feeling bad about the crap I produced though, gotta work smarter.

Don't give up!

>> No.2962417

Thanks. This gonna be gud!

>> No.2962441

go to services and find the wacom active driver, restart it.

>> No.2962486

Who the fuck is HarHarMcDaddyOOO

>> No.2962505

What is the new nickname of Choob?

>> No.2962570

I kinda want rorg to be my bf, just a little bit

>> No.2962573

are you a qt boi?

>> No.2962579

no :(

>> No.2962582


>> No.2962585

Cool ladyboy Bandit, i dig those accessories.

>> No.2962597

and who is ookic. neither has submitted shit even though they joined days ago. suspicious

so the same rule as before applies, correct? nr1 draws nr2's etc?

>> No.2962599
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1346184368165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking FinlayHeathi posting an unrelated image so his challenge doesn't show up red in case he doesn't deliver

>> No.2962601


>> No.2962602

Is Finlayposting the new thing

>> No.2962603

devilish, I remember santi used to do that shit

>> No.2962604

Is santi still around

>> No.2962607

I don't think so, I don't check the discord though

>> No.2962614

Maiq, here.
Finlay, if you don't post a proper character within the 5 days, I'll just skip you and take the next in line. I don't care about the quality of the character, but there's no way I'm doing some random floating Reilly head exercise.

>> No.2962638

not sure, pls submit soon whoever you are!

>> No.2962640
File: 548 KB, 438x329, ihBwO1kNLj0Il.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you lassies! let's keep doing our best!

congrats to you too! and man same, i dont think ive ever drawn this many days in a row in my life, not even back when i was still in school. las has been so helpful, i fully intend to keep it up.
dont you give up either!

>> No.2962780

Hurry up shameboxx! I'm thirsty. Please.

>> No.2962782

Whay if you do your part first

>> No.2962789

I was going to wait until tomorrow but ill try doing it today since you asked.

>> No.2962794

Already posted my dude.

>> No.2962796

what, I don't see it.

>> No.2962802
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1438953038303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you pretending to be me?

>> No.2962863

Damn, Seffy's furries are pretty cute / cool.
I must up my game

>> No.2962875

im actually getting squat aside from followers. i didnt have an online shop open or any sort of merch to sell so I screwed myself out of potential money.

I did make a quick $60 just for hosting the PSD on gumroad though. I'll just have to start selling more shit going forward.

>> No.2962892

I'm really not happy with what I'm producing.

>> No.2962893

Your sketchs are nice Vusta. Juanjo Guardino told me he is not happy about you turning his drawings into pure cringe nuggets.

>> No.2962902

If you're happy you're doing something wrong.

>> No.2962904


>> No.2962907

>tfw stuck in eternal sadness

>> No.2962914

>tfw your life is like a sad anime outro

>> No.2962932


>> No.2962937

Good, now shut the fuck up about him.

>> No.2962938

Lava too.

>> No.2962942


>> No.2962946

h-he was so young!! D':

>> No.2962948

Thanks - wait wut?

Speaking of Juanjo Guardino, I have mixed feelings about how he draws males vs females. I mean both the design choices are cool in their own way but.. I guess it's that it is meant to be viewed from a male perspective, idk.

>> No.2962955

thanks ;^)
I'm looking forward to see what the rest of you come up with for characters

>> No.2962970

Have some respect for the dead you insensitive cuck.

>> No.2962975

Make me, faggot.

>> No.2962996

do we have to create a character, or can we just use a pre-existing one we've made?

>> No.2963003

Create a character.

>> No.2963019
File: 598 KB, 600x878, IMG_0803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm gonna make it bros.

>> No.2963022
File: 899 KB, 600x600, 1490965302725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which lassie is closer to pro?

>> No.2963025

there's still 2 hours left you fool! now get cracking!

>> No.2963026

anon313, everyone else is shit

>> No.2963034
File: 82 KB, 650x890, comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who does?

Try drawing some stupid expressions. If you're like me you'll draw shiteating grins and do them as you're drawing.

>> No.2963040

>anon313 better than Fmmood
You're either a newfag or have really shit taste. Probably both

>> No.2963042

>anon313 not better than Fmmood
now that is the shittiest opinion I heard all week, congrats

>> No.2963043

You have to be retarded to think the opposite. I hope you're trolling my friend.

>> No.2963048

you best take off those fanboy goggles, anon
your vision is beyond skewed

>> No.2963050

Nemori, that anime boy is cute, what's your blog? <3

>> No.2963054


>> No.2963062

Surely people like Rover, Stella, JMGN, Anon313, Fmood and a load of others are still around
They may not be in LAS but they're still in /ic/ right? Has anyone seen them post in any other threads or in any of the discords? It doesn't make sense for them to leave /ic/ all together just because they dropped out of LAS

>> No.2963067

>They may not be in LAS but they're still in /ic/ right?
they have ascended past this shit hole

>> No.2963072

they graduated, we have a new batch of kids now, like hazel my waifu

>> No.2963077

dude was kinda weird. I don't think he really posted anywhere on /ic/ and he only really got into drawing at the start of LAS. He just fell off all of a sudden tho so I'm not sure what happened to him. I think the lad wanted to be one of the greatest porn artists ever.
I think she said she was gonna do pixelart and started posting in the /vg/ gamedev threads or something like that. Idk if she still posts there or what she's doing. Did she have a blog or something? Maybe check that...
He's pretty busy since he pretty much does art full time. I do see him post in the porn threads from time to time tho so I assume he still comes to /ic/ every now and then.
Most likely got a studio job and very rarely posted work on /ic/. At their level I don't think anyone here could really be of much help. They probably come by every now and then to shitpost but you wont be able to identify them. Even during LAS they never directly stated who they were in the threads.
The most mysterious fellow of them all. They just randomly fell off like Rover. There was a rumor going around that it was someone who was posting their dead friends art work and they eventually ran out of pieces to submit. Probably BS but that's pretty much the only theory we had on this nigga.

>> No.2963080

Aruvee underpressure!

>> No.2963083

Dataizm, nice low effort.
Have a report.

>> No.2963085

I'd say Anon313's stuff looked good, but conceptually it was pretty generic.

>> No.2963090
File: 234 KB, 378x336, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you will be here until the last breath escapes your lips and the fire fades away

>> No.2963101

I'm excited for what you're gonna give me, Blarghu, since I've always enjoyed your Carrion Girls stuff

>> No.2963112


>> No.2963119

is that sword lady gonna be your challenge character Cath?

>> No.2963138
File: 6 KB, 137x157, rilakkuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think
hahaha I am
maybe I'll be back for summer

behavioral addiction is real

>> No.2963145

(Oh gosh I can feel the performance anxiety creeping up already)
I'll try not to disappoint!

>> No.2963149

Wasn't Mathias W1?

>> No.2963156

Yep! wait a little though, maybe I add more things to the dress.

>> No.2963161

leaderboard says he has 169 streak, so he must've died a while back

>> No.2963194

Wasn't me, but I'm not happy with myself too.

>> No.2963267
File: 10 KB, 640x480, IMG_0611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't even like drawing anymore but I'm too deep into las and too autistic to quit

>> No.2963273

why did you start drawing? where did you want to go? do you still want to?

>> No.2963279

I originally wanted to make comics and animations. I don't know anymore desu, I still kind of want to but it just gets so frustrating mang.

>> No.2963286

it's good you aren't quitting, in the future when you find your inspiration again you'll be happy you kept trucking and gitting just that little bit gudder while you were in a rut

>> No.2963293


>> No.2963296

>yfw we're a community of a bunch of people and can't help one lassie

>> No.2963306

What are you hung up on that's currently distracting you from making comics or animation? If it's something like grinding fundies all day, take a break and just let loose and try new things.

>> No.2963310


>> No.2963321
File: 47 KB, 500x500, IMG_0367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you decide you're too cool to participate in a challenge but feel crippling loneliness when all the other lasses have been paired up

>> No.2963331

If you wanna do comics and animation, go for it. Even if your fundamentals aren't in top shape that shouldn't stop you, learn as you, draw what you want to, have fun.

>> No.2963417

I hope so man, thanks for the kind words.
I'll try. I've just been lazily drawing things from my imagination for hours on end because I've been too depressed to really do anything. I can't get myself to focus and do studies or anything productive. I've got some time off soon so I'll try to get out of this rut and experiment more then. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it.

>> No.2963445

thanks anon, sorry I'm a bit shy about sharing a blog though

>> No.2963450
File: 27 KB, 320x281, 1447269958922 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've just been lazily drawing things from my imagination for hours on end because I've been too depressed to really do anything. I can't get myself to focus and do studies or anything productive.

>> No.2963502

I'm still here

I shouldn't be here

>> No.2963505

You and me both, bud, but I'm the most stubborn barnacle you'll ever see plaster itself to the side of this place.

>> No.2963510

get some fresh air, there's more to getting your influence other than sitting in your room staring at your monitor, interact with other people // or not, get an idea of what path you want to take, find out how you can get there, just go out and find a problem then solve it, get a process going.

>> No.2963539

>Keep trying to rejoin
>Spark is gone
How do I cope with this?

>> No.2963546

I thought I'm too shit for the challenge but now regret I haven't joined.

>> No.2963551

Youre still here, which means you should be here.
Keep going my dude, its a slow climb but you just gotta keep going if you want something out of drawing, whatever that may be

>> No.2963555

Well if you're gonna stick around, start putting some elbow grease into your submissions. What's the point of being here if you won't even fulfill the effort requirement?

>> No.2963568

You reignite the spark anon. It's not easy to do but take some time to think about why you wanna do art and you'll eventually find an answer. From there you could move on and try something else or if you believe the spark might still be there, however faint, then throw your hat into the ring and join the struggle with the rest of us.

>> No.2963576

join me anon, broke streak more than once, and one time over a year.
even if I don't feel really passionate, it's always encouraging to know I've done something every day.
every draw counts senpai

>> No.2963588

How do you check to see if your token is back?

>> No.2963595
File: 539 KB, 594x517, 1451610109128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rylaifu is never coming back

>> No.2963610
File: 33 KB, 605x464, 1481505434552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2963658

Wnen yoy'ee token ix tone you see a triangle with an !, so when that's cisappeared yoy know you got your token bCK

>> No.2963689
File: 221 KB, 810x1078, aYovlDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2963691

nah I think they're waving away genderbent mathias


>> No.2963699
File: 485 KB, 1636x782, 1460852298902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the prophecy is coming true
we were all supposed to make it together!

>> No.2963703

Is the last one Hazel?

>> No.2963704

the gif was made in 2016 before hazel was born so it's probably one of the week 1ers

>> No.2963752

I hope it's ok to ask here, but what are your opinions on improving and making studies using traditional media like a pencil and paper vs digitally with a tablet?
Does pencil and paper help you improve faster?
Been doing digital studies lately, but considering moving back to trad if the above is true.

>> No.2963755

I don't know why I hate Lava so much.
I don't want to hate a crippled mentally ill person, but I still do.

>> No.2963756

No you fucking retard, it doesn't matter what you draw on as long as you draw. Fucking absolute mongoloid cuck are you braindead. Some troglodytes find it easier to start with a pen and paper because they have the hand eye coordination skills of a half empty toothpaste tube

>> No.2963776

had a bad day anon?
but >>2963752
I don't think one is specifically better than the other, but each does have it's own advantages. Some people can output more volume with a pencil and paper. Also, I think it's a good idea to change up your work style every once in a while, it changes your perspective. Also, I'd recommend also going outside and doing drawings from real life observation, this can really boost your skill.
tl;dr, do both, go outside and sketch too

>> No.2963786

thanks man, what you say makes sense.
now that you've mentioned it, going out and drawing is something I've especially overlooked.

>> No.2963818

Both have their place; digital is great for finding new ways of doing things, since you can fuck around as much as you like without any real consequence, while traditional is great for streamlining your process and learning to plan ahead.

>> No.2963821

oh, would you look at that, a helpless little token, would be an awful shame, if , something where, to say, happen to it.

>> No.2963822

w-what!? D:

>> No.2963827

In memory of Choob we will all trace a photo tomorrow, its what he would've wanted, his Mum told me.

>> No.2963837

Make a challenge.

>> No.2963900

Second anon is correct. Sorry lads, you're not getting rid of me that easily :^)

>> No.2963946

rorg, good start! feet seem a little small to me though

vsock, nice study! however, the eyebrows are a bit high, and note the values on the eyeballs as well! Make sure you treat them as forms too

Ideon, try a little optimism :) it's a slow journey, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun! Try looking at some reference photos

Louse, great pose! The right foot seems twisted a bit too much compared to the knee

Innocent, really enjoy this character concept! great energy

CraniumOverLord, values could use some pushing, also remember silver doesn't have to be all grey!

SadGondola, needs more hard forms/edges! don't be afraid of that hard brush!

Nessiefynn, what a cute ;)

qwtrin, make sure you're applying your studies to your doge :)

jozu, hands seem a bit small, make sure the foreshortened hand is larger than the other too!

>> No.2963972
File: 71 KB, 707x500, angry wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2963991

you just made me chuckle anon

>> No.2963998
File: 85 KB, 804x802, duplicitous_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-good, h-ha ha

>> No.2964008


>> No.2964034

I will push the fuck out of those values for you

>> No.2964035

tfw she left early on instead

>> No.2964037

ah, i was wondering what was making his eyes look so sunken into his skull
thanks critanon o/

>> No.2964047
File: 17 KB, 342x374, peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesomeissues im gonna need a link to that comic

>> No.2964112

Cool stuff but, who are you. Could you post your work? I would like to evaluate your work before I'll seriously consider any criticism. Don't take this the wrong way, I just don't want another Lava giving me advice.

>> No.2964119
File: 16 KB, 380x380, shiggymoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to evaluate your work before I'll seriously consider any criticism
>being selective about criticism offered to help you

>> No.2964122

What are you trying to say? You should accept all criticism?

If you take advice from a person that can't draw at all you are retarded. I see a lot of horrible advice on /ic all the time.
I think anon was being respectful and reasonable.

>> No.2964129

>If you take advice from a person that can't draw at all you are retarded.
>if you take advice from a person looking at your art you are retarded
you're one hell of a nigger
if you paint a shit face, even someone who doesn't paint will tell you it looks like shit
limiting yourself to your own view is the dumbest thing you could ever do

>> No.2964132

Who said anything about ones own view.
I'll gladly accept an experts view. Not some furry drawing DA turbo tier "artist".

Let me guess, you can't draw either and you got triggered that I called you out on your bullshit.

>> No.2964135

A person's own ability doesn't change whether their criticism is valid and useful or not.

>> No.2964143

Yes, for example I always take mechanical advice from a person that has never in their life seen a wrench. ISHYGDDT.

But whatever, I'm not here to argue. Take whose advice you want and I guess you'll find out how far that advice can take you.

>> No.2964145
File: 89 KB, 768x432, ganbatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon! I'll try to pay it forward.

Soapbox- Very charming stylization, I enjoy how much personality this character has through appearance. Ear is a tad low, though

Colors looking nice so far! There's something odd about the negative space surrounding the unicorn/faerie, it looks much emptier than the rest of the pic, perhaps add some more plants there?

Mistwalker- Cute, though there's something off about the face, I'm thinking it's the mouth. It's wide open, toothless, and rather flat, try giving it some more dimension, consider how it wraps around the face!

Lokki- Ooh, I gotta say I really like that pose, it's got great energy to it. That said, the head/neck area is looking a little funny to me, I think that neck is a tad short.

>> No.2964147

You don't have to be a cook to tell the food tastes like shit, but you have to be one to tell them how to make the food not taste like shit.

>> No.2964151

Even the DA turbo autist might have seen something that you didn't notice.

When someone gives you a crit, take a look at your work and evaluate if you find what they said of value or not and then act accordingly. Choosing not to change anything is a perfectly valid choice if you don't agree with what they said, as long as you think it through.
Also remember that a value of any crit is that you get to look through someone else's eyes. They might be completely wrong in how they interpreted your art, but that might also mean that you weren't clear enough regarding your vision in the first place.

>> No.2964152

>Colors looking nice so far! There's something odd about the negative space surrounding the unicorn/faerie, it looks much emptier than the rest of the pic, perhaps add some more plants there?

Whoops, this was directed towards Coinhero! I accidentally deleted your name ^^;

>> No.2964154
File: 162 KB, 720x576, muh style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2964156

Fair enough, fair enough.

>> No.2964161

Thank you that's exactly what my point was. I couldn't have said it any better.
That's also a reasonable response, thank you, but those cases where input from an amateur is actually valuable are very rare.

>> No.2964165
File: 22 KB, 337x372, w-what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but those cases where input from an amateur is actually valuable are very rare.
I didn't know we were all masters in here
did we all make it without noticing?

>> No.2964166

>tfw nyaa.se got shut down and I've only downloaded 10/58 anime series on my to-watch list

I've almost run out of stuff to watch on youtube while I draw.

>> No.2964167

If you're a decent artist you should be able to tell when you aren't being given expert advice, if you're a beginner even ameteur/non artist advice can be useful. Why are you pestering a critanon to out themselves and risk getting dog piled?

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, man, if you think the crit is bad just ignore it, you don't need to know the skill level of your critic to make that judgement.

>> No.2964171

Try learning to draw in silence.

>> No.2964173

>he didn't notice that he made it without noticing
Not gonna make it.

>> No.2964174

No, but if you are trying to make it you'd want advice from a person that's better than you.

>> No.2964181

I would if I could but it's always noisy as fuck where I live so I put stuff on to drown it out.

>> No.2964182
File: 100 KB, 555x526, woah nigga what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on a technical level, absolutely
but if someone told you "hey, that blue is pretty bright" even something simple as that could change how you view your whole image
it's up to you to be open to that or not

>> No.2964185

Let's Plays usually make for good background noise, if you can stand the unfunny ones.

>> No.2964192

>>tfw nyaa.se
What, really?
Is it down for good?

>> No.2964193

how can you watch stuff while you draw?
No way you can pay attention to the plot, especialy if it's subbed

>> No.2964202

Who cares? All the new stuff is on horriblesubs and the good old stuff was only found on BBT or AB anyway.

>> No.2964203

Seems like it, check /a/

I've been going through lower priority stuff and play it on a 2nd monitor, most recent I've been watching has been owari no seraph so I don't really need to read the subs very often to get a general gist of what's going on.

>> No.2964213

This. A skilled artist can give bad advice, too, so you need to evaluate whether something makes sense for you regardless of where the advice comes from.

>> No.2964215

Oh well, I'm a little upset but I didn't use nyaa often and I still have a bakabt account.
Just have to keep your eyes open to new and more secret ways of chinese cartoon piracy.

>> No.2964218

Topic of today hit too close to home.

>> No.2964221

Once again Sasori saved the day. Thanks!

>> No.2964223

>tfw had another nightmare about getting eliminated
Okay, it was funny the first time it happened but now it's been happening for like 3 days in a row and it's getting creepy. Wtf is going on? Is my brain trying to tell me something? Is Loomis trying to hack into my mind? Pls send help

>> No.2964225

I remember this used to happen to people back when LAS first started, Loomis mind tricks.

>> No.2964226

I've also had one of those.
LAS has become way too fucking important for me.

>> No.2964228

separate the weak from the chaff

>> No.2964230

Remember, artistic skill is a pretty broad field.
Someone doesn't need to be better than you at everything to give you useful advice, they just need one moment where they happen to know or notice one thing you don't.

>> No.2964242

I almost had a legit heart attack around 24:30 yesterday because I couldn't remember if I posted or not. I did, but it took a while to get my heart rate back down.

>Owari no seraph
Hey, I just finished that too. Too bad the only redeeming part is the animation and it's hard to pay attention to that while drawing.

>> No.2964245

I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.2964246


>> No.2964248

23:30 club baka.. when will u bakas learn

>> No.2964249

God damn, now I can't seem access BakaBT anymore.

>> No.2964252


>> No.2964256


>> No.2964258


>> No.2964286


There can only be one mate.

>> No.2964338

Gesture battle to the death

>> No.2964361


>> No.2964365

What do you gain for this? How can anyone seriously be this autistic? I don't get it at all..

>> No.2964366

Post your characters already, lassies! I wanna see your designs!

>> No.2964367

he gets (you)s from retards who reply

>> No.2964370

But who could possibly care about something like that enough to spend months being retarded?

>> No.2964372
File: 209 KB, 560x784, Lancia-TrendVisions-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, have a nice photo.

>> No.2964375

as you said, autists
it's like trying to understand someone with a fetish so retarded anyone would call you a freak for being into it
sometimes you just do something, an impulse action if you will and it becomes a habit
ironically it's like LAS, where when you're not drawing every day it doesn't feel right to you anymore, if you're doing it right that is

>> No.2964377

>inb4 "ch0b"

>> No.2964378

>it's like trying to understand someone with a fetish so retarded anyone would call you a freak for being into it

>> No.2964380

choobposter had a retarded life :(

>> No.2964383

I'm so sorry Maiq; I should have replied earlier. I have very little understanding of the basic human form, and using reference doesn't resolve this matter for me. I'm unable to make an updated list but please go ahead and skip me in the challenge.
Sorry; that was definitely wrong of me, I agree

I've resolved to not join another challenge again. It just seems to ruin the flow for other people entirely. If there's anything I can do as penance for my genuinely scummy behaviour please let me know

>> No.2964386

sacrifice your token

>> No.2964389

continue drawing and get better

>> No.2964391

then deliver to the challenge. this is a character DESIGN challenge, not a watts atelier challenge. it's ok if your anatomy isn't great, you can still make a character DESIGN (heck kids do it all the time)

>> No.2964402

You can do it, I believe in you. Don't skip. Push yourself, this is the challenge.

>> No.2964404

>Draw the first thing you see, do it with your wrong hand.
> Draw way bigger than your usual doodles.
>Add sticks for legs, arms or whatever you want
>Add black dots for eyes.
>Keep your lines but polish the inside.
Congrats, you honnored your participation.

>> No.2964409

What this guy said. >>2964391
Just make a character design, it doesn't matter how bad it looks. Just make it readable, even a 5 year old can do that. You're setting your expectations too high mang. It's just a fun little challenge. Also don't join challenges, esp. collaborative ones if you don't feel up to it. But again I think this challenge is something anyone could really do, sure you might not get the result you're looking for but most people on here wont. Just push yourself and give it a shot. Focus on the design and try to have fun with it instead of focusing on how good or bad it ends up looking.

>> No.2964411

What the hell guys and I thought I was the only retard that takes it too seriously. No nightmares but I think I'm stress eating. We should all update earlier.

>> No.2964414
File: 381 KB, 221x196, no exit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should all update earlier.
nice try, forza
23:30 will never die

>> No.2964419


>> No.2964433

Haha yeah. I had a dream that I tried submitting close to the deadline but it was daylight savings time and the deadline went back an hour so I got eliminated. Woke up in a real shitty mood cause I didn't realize it was a dream.

>> No.2964449

i watch stuff that im not really all that interested in. i just need something else on in the background. it also helps me regulate time better.

>> No.2964461

>Draw fully armored guy
>Realize you don't know how to paint metal
Who /retardedbeyondrepair/ here?

>> No.2964467

If you only ever drew things you knew how to paint
You'd never fucking learn how to paint

Go find some reference of what armor looks like IRL and get on that shit.

>> No.2964507

Where are you taking design sketching bandit?

>> No.2964510

Just paint along the form and google a bat, it's a cylinder and shows you how metal is done.

>> No.2964522

haha I'm not, dunno if you saw that thread a couple weeks ago with the FZD alum, but I decided to try to do the homeworks, but not on the FZD stress schedule

>> No.2964524

ah okay. I thought you were taking an actual course. I'll probably get started on that soon too, how do you like it? Good luck.

>> No.2964527

I think it's pretty good. Term 1 is basically fundies, but once you get to Term 2 & 3 you have some pretty good portfolio material. I have the homeworks laid out in a plan except for one term 3 class. I can share with you if you'd like.

>> No.2964530
File: 7 KB, 229x249, 1491444375239s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is HarHarMcDaddyOOO here at all???

>> No.2964532

I see them in the discord, not sure if they're in the threads

>> No.2964535

what the fuck, theyre in the discord? they havent submitted anything to las yet

is ookic there with him

>> No.2964539

not sure, they might be under a different name on the discord

>> No.2964542

the fuck did you expect from a tool for circlejerks

>> No.2964557

sometimes I forget all about tripfag

>> No.2964558

>the city of tripfag

>> No.2964589

hi tripfag

>> No.2964595

>I can share with you if you'd like.
Yeah sure, I'd love to see it. Are you doing the 3d stuff too btw?

>> No.2964598

he actually kinda stands out for me. same goes for vusta, headdake, candycone, invalidavid, and some others

>> No.2964599

He's lazy but he's probably one of the best artists on LAS. Stylistically he's near the top.

>> No.2964604


>> No.2964606


>> No.2964608

here you go: https://pastebin.com/kbAAtpLR
if something doesn't make sense, check back w the alum's google drive, since I shorthanded some things for me. I don't think you need to follow the homeworks exactly anyway, as long as you learn what they're supposed to teach. I think the quantity is pretty important though.
Yeah, I'm doing the 3D, I've learned a little through youtube tutorials already, but there's alot of info out there if you get lost. I also plan on doing Blender and learn some box modelling & texturing

>> No.2964619

Alright awesome, good luck man and Thanks!

>> No.2964620

Trip is developing a following on IG, I dig his stuff.

>> No.2964633

Chilbo Chobbins

>> No.2964753
File: 198 KB, 468x750, tumblr_opctfh5tfZ1qh94kvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

david surely stands out

>tfw david will make it by jumping on the wendy bandwagon

>> No.2964771

Tomorrow I'm going to rejoin LAS

>> No.2964779


http://imgur.com/gallery/xs1PT This comic has been going on since October so it's pretty long by now.

On the plus side I can really see that I got a lot better with the drawing parts (my values still suck )

>> No.2964787

>this isn't too long
>click load more images
>holy shit
Whoa solid commitment mang. Good job!

>> No.2964819
File: 131 KB, 548x673, fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maiq here.

Don't worry about quality and fundies. Do something that you think looks fun or cool. As long as you post a character within these 3 days, I won't judge you.

>> No.2964863
File: 316 KB, 2000x1338, mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just for fun, go to an artists profile (preferably one who has been here for a while) and post something from their first month or so here. Then the rest of us will try and guess who it is and discuss how their art is different now. I'll start.

>> No.2964865

I've been here and there - and in between.

>> No.2964867


Though I have posted from time to time under different names.

>> No.2964882
File: 27 KB, 398x361, 1447263831767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no no no fuck this

>> No.2964891
File: 19 KB, 403x392, efd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2964895

some things are best left in the past, anon

>> No.2964900

oh well, just wanted to have some fun. The threads dead anyway :(

>> No.2964911

Yeap, trip is cool as fuck

>> No.2965000

What happened? You can't make a challenge?

>> No.2965147

Thank you :) . It's my third comic that will hit at least a 100 pages.

>> No.2965156

>300 pages
Great dedication. I wish I was like you, I abandon projects all the time.

>> No.2965175

for the character swap challenge, are we supposed to submit the final pic just in the usual submission box?

>> No.2965176

submissions for challenges can be separate from normal submissions, but they can be submitted as normal submissions too

>> No.2965180

I guess it's far more than 300 pages, more around 500 (all comic pages I did combined)...

I guess you just need to be a bit unhealthily obsessed to stick with one project for 2-3 years. I just love the story telling aspect. Drawing one artwork for 5 hours drives me insane, drawing three comic pages for 40 hours and I'm fine. No clue why.

>> No.2965243

cho ob

>> No.2965287

I can believe I liked my last submission

>> No.2965304
File: 189 KB, 900x636, tumblr_nsgydozAz51uco8p1o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2965308

I have a feeling this art was by Lava

>> No.2965310

you're good at this game

>> No.2965311

it wouldn't really work on the site cause you don't really have to draw anything, just discuss stuff.

>> No.2965312

I remember Lava used to do a lot of these weird pieces for some reason

>> No.2965327

crit anoooooooooon
wheeeeere are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
i can`t go to bed without my shallow comment

>> No.2965330

It would be easier to give you crit if I knew who you were, anon! Crit anons usually just don't have the time to crit everyone :(

>> No.2965331

u r best neva give up!

>> No.2965337

This. Just post your shit here and ask.

>> No.2965450

Give crits, receive crits.

>> No.2965452

I kinda hoped that exposing myself like this would help me get more confident.
At first I felt really nervous uploading my shitty drawings but now it feels like no one really cares what I draw and I don't feel any more confident than I did before.
It would be nice if the site had some ability to comment on or rate submissions.

Lava pls come back!

>> No.2965462

Been here since the start and I agree with ya. There's no interactivity on the site at all and that kills any sense of community. Even on forums like conceptart you have people hopping in to your sketchbook every now and then and leaving a comment.

>> No.2965467

Lava's against a general comments on the site and I doubt we're ratings will ever be considered, so even if he were to come back those two things will not change.

A crit system was being planned though.

>> No.2965473

What would a 'crit system' look like then?

>> No.2965478

the way DED made it was pretty much just a thread. People could post a message saying what theyd like to get crit on or what submissions, whatever, and others could comment, anonymously or named.

I guess it could work in a number of ways, that's a pretty straight forward way anyways.

>> No.2965479

>Lava's against a general comments on the site
So was the majority of initial users

>> No.2965483

Here's what Lava had planned a year ago, a little bit before he disappeared:

>> No.2965487

Ah interesting.
Though it does seem like quite a daunting project.

>> No.2965489

>yfw that's why he disappeared

>> No.2965491

>this huge as fuck thread
>all that real discussion about submissions and the future
Jesus now I understand what you oldfags blabber about.

>> No.2965502

>threads used to get past 1k replies
how time flies

>> No.2965506

I wonder if people even look at my submissions.

>> No.2965508

i view every single submission

>> No.2965511

I know I don't :^)

>> No.2965512

>all those streamers in oldLAS
I'm sad.

>> No.2965533

I look at everyone's submissions

>> No.2965566

I used to crit ppl in /Beg/ and the Draw thread - but after a "post your work" incident one or two users (you never know) said I was trash and I shouldn't crit ppl. So I stopped and just went drawing. I look at all the submissions, but my motivation to crit is pretty low.

>> No.2965616
File: 112 KB, 736x1102, e3828a2a78f6686ee5650f94b8360b25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEW THREAD >>2965610

>> No.2965618

PYW in response to basic crits is so fucking stupid. It doesn't take an anatomy master to realize elbows don't reach your pelvic bone.