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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1731, las-99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2957326 No.2957326 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last Thread >>2952622

>> No.2957327
File: 577 KB, 1500x1050, j5rwRgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.2957329
File: 778 KB, 1456x1295, ABvKwBnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.2957334

How many hours a day do you draw?

>> No.2957336

Don't forget to report Lava's last submission for "Wrong Thumbnail" with the comment "Please come back" or something to that effect!


>but he'll get eliminated?! / he'll get mad!? / he'll shut down LAS?!?! you're going to destroy LAS!!!?!
see >>2956111

(It's important everyone votes for the same Reason "Wrong Thumbnail" otherwise there won't be enough reports if they're all spread across different Reasons)

>> No.2957337
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x900, 1493244183847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was scared I wasn't good enough for LAS, but after taking a look at the submissions page I think I'll join.

>> No.2957339

But are you cute

>> No.2957340

Not sure if insulted

>> No.2957342
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 3-min-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the next thread will be our 100th LAS thread (=^・ェ・^=)

we should do something to celebrate LAS

>> No.2957347
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, 1491734671559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Lava returns for the 100th LAS thread

>> No.2957348
File: 14 KB, 268x265, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bondage fairy? where are you bondage fairy!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo3guau9UQw

>> No.2957350

fuck you, leave lava alone

>> No.2957353
File: 77 KB, 1227x533, ranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2957354

make me

>> No.2957355

UHHHH i just tried to report his entry but it doesnt work. every other entry can be reported though.


>> No.2957358

although it could be i reported the entry last night and forgot about it. can someone who hasnt reported yet try it?

>> No.2957359

Why do you treat lava life shit? Seriously dude just fucking post your drawing everyday, the site does what it was intended to, you're not entitled to anymore features

>> No.2957361
File: 131 KB, 555x378, 1477991971059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you think getting Lava to come back would be easy?

>> No.2957362

I'm not treating him like shit, point out where I did

>> No.2957363

>poof still posting meme thumbnails
the madman

>> No.2957365

He knows he's ignoring us, he knows what we're saying. Trying to report him to get his attention is essentially an attack to him and will only make him feel worse.
He purposely doesn't interact with us. Leave him alone

>> No.2957368

Oh no, an thumbnail report that won't actually harm him, woe is he.

>> No.2957374

Of all your sketches, why did you choose to half erase the only one with volume?
Buy a girlfriend for a better understanding of shapes.

>> No.2957376


>> No.2957379
File: 98 KB, 645x773, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a girlfriend
if only, anon, if only

>> No.2957393


>> No.2957401

Choob cant draw without a photo.

>> No.2957407

I'm sorry this was meant for another forum, I had both open.

>> No.2957418

It's the thought that counts
Fuck off choobposter, leave choob alone, do your drawing

>> No.2957432

I may soon retire from /las/ due to I may actually make it, but I shall return and keep in touch from time to time. - Love, Papa

>> No.2957441

Good luck!

>> No.2957444

Ganbatte, Papa-san! Do your best out there!

>> No.2957446

A job?

>> No.2957450


>> No.2957460

>let's mess Lava up
>leave choob alone

>> No.2957463


>> No.2957465
File: 435 KB, 750x564, 1295624988382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mess Lava up
pic related

>> No.2957467


>> No.2957475

It's choobposter, the guy's been autistically whining about some random nobody cares about for ages and plans to do so for another 19 years, yet flips his shit out when people want to harmlessly contact the guy in charge of their website. Of course he's a retard.

>> No.2957484

I'm not choobposter

and from what I see messing with Lava who doesn't give a shit and respond to a baitpost of a year long shitposter who also doesn't give a shit are the same useless thing

are you a random whining newfag because I don't think old lassies actually care?

>> No.2957503

Sure you're not, then don't get your panties in a twist >>2957460 over shit you don't care about. I've been here since cyberpunk helmets and loomis c: drives, who the fuck are you?

>> No.2957539

I don't care about the website state because you can do basic shit with the website, and at worst you only need a week system lasso to make a new challenge.

I care when you're shilling mass reports on the thread for cookies and badgers.

All you have to do is keep drawing.

>> No.2957545

Why would you care, just keep drawing.

>> No.2957551

>All you have to do is keep drawing.

>> No.2957567

Just... draw

>> No.2957571
File: 238 KB, 618x1026, crusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already posted. Can you give me some piece of advice. Please.

>> No.2957572

It's also to finish the half-assed switch to the streak system. The site is useless to anyone not in a week because there's no notification when you fuck up, so there's no accountability. They might as well do it all on their own.

>> No.2957573 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 1024x512, chesthold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2957576

Then shut up and keep drawing you daft faggot, none of this matters to you so don't whine about the people it does matter to.

>> No.2957580

Still better than 54.79452...% of LAS.

>> No.2957588

With newcomers Vsock is now "so close to make it". Chill REEman.

>> No.2957592

Hello ! it is me! The Bondage Fairy!.

>> No.2957593


>> No.2957595

*jizzes pants*

>> No.2957598
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1408003622816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaah, at least, an OP image that perfectly captures the feeling of being in LAS.

>> No.2957604

How exactly did Choob draw for 400 days straight and not improve at all?

>> No.2957617

from the looks of things, it looks like you're decent but you know you're decent with rendering
and values so you're slipping up with some basic mistakes due to carelessness. You have to look at it objectively and decide "this part is not up to my standard"

What's happening with that boob-shoulder area? it looks absolutely fucked up.

what are hands even

the left knee looks like it was aborted halfway though birth

it looks like you did a sketch with the head, then didn't properly try to make sure it is correct. the chin is too big, the jaw is absurd, the top of the head is too small compared to the bottom half, the neck seemingly connects to the torso without any definition.

My advice is that with your future pieces, spend more time sketching before rendering. Make sure everything has the right proportion, and you know where everything will go. Be patient before starting to render.If you don't fully understand the forms and anatomy of something like hands, then that's and indication that you need to study that for a bit specifically

>> No.2957619

Post whatever that was pls.

>> No.2957634

I'll certainly follow your advice and nail the human body piece by piece. Thanks!

>> No.2957639
File: 4 KB, 206x237, 1445581777213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm looks like i have to start uploading somewhere else. mixtape.moe is dying, and i kinda don't like imgur's compression. Any suggestions?

>> No.2957640

if you're that worried about compression go to deviantart
otherwise just get a tumblr

>> No.2957642

isn't there a way to upload stuff to imgur without it compressing?

>> No.2957645

tinypic and imageshack

>> No.2957649
File: 51 KB, 576x416, 1264430474071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, imageshack still exists?

>> No.2957660

and photobucket

>> No.2957666

i belief in u

But really, try to keep some sort of 10 year objective in mind. Break it down into what you need to achieve in the next 5 years to get there, the next year, the coming weeks, and what you need to learn today.

it's not only about having perfect anatomy, but all the things you want to be able to do in the future and how you can better them now. For example, you could be better at defining forms with your lighting, which is something you can practice with anatomy.

good luck!

>> No.2957667

Myspace for sur. Still exist, no shitposter.

>> No.2957686

I guess at some point a streak is more of an embarrassment than something to be proud of.

>> No.2957687

Yes but it's shit. Don't use it.

>> No.2957688

I might make a myspace account just for the novelty of it

>> No.2957711

>But really, try to keep some sort of 10 year objective in mind. Break it down into what you need to achieve in the next 5 years to get there, the next year, the coming weeks, and what you need to learn today.
Who actually does this?

>> No.2957713

most adults, though maybe not as specific

>> No.2957715

chob does not

>> No.2957729

>They might as well do it all on their own.
I'm quite new here, don't know how others might feel but the challenge is individual either way

Is you posted something that you drew a week ago and not today, who'd know?
If you posted something that took less than 30 minutes, who'd know?
If you skipped a day or two, who'd care?

As of now all that matters is how seriously you take it. Sure new people can't get eliminated but if the goal's to get better than it doesn't matter as long as you keep working. Those long streaks are just the extra push. Highly doubt anyone's gonna beat those top runners anyway

>> No.2957748

i asked this in the old thread but are the boxes on the site misaligned at the edges for anyone else? it was just the submission and case box on the dashboard before but now im seeing it in the submission thumbnails as well.

>> No.2957749

Most adults know where they're gonna be in 10 years and have it broken down to the day? Sure people have a general idea of "I'd like to be doing this in 10 years" but no one actually plans all that shit out. What kind of adults do you know?
I know this retard does. Let me guess, you're gonna be choob posting in 10 years?

>> No.2957750

I feel like I have to explain this to newcomers every 3 months.

The point of LAS is to get people to draw at least 30 minutes every day, we can agree on this right?

So if you're already one of those people that already can do so without LAS then, in LAS' current state without critique and a ever slowing Community Challenge community, there is no point in being in LAS.

If you're someone who can't, however, then LAS is for you, we will look at your submission every day, and if it looks like you phoned it in and didn't draw at least 30 minutes you'll get a fire under your ass and appear in the tribunal, if the majority agree that it really is under 30 minutes then you'll get a warning and embarrassment to incentivise you to not do it again. If you cheat, and we catch you, then you'll be put on tribunal, etc. etc.
For the honest people that want to build a good habit that haven't already, LAS is for them.

For the dishonest people that will cheat and upload old work, or constantly uploaded work that looks less than 30 minutes (see Fibinochi in the archives) you'll get nothing from LAS because you're not trying to get anything from LAS. You are cheating yourself. Like if you were studying a subject and kept looking at the answer book without trying to answer the questions yourself, you're only cheating yourself. We can't stop you from cheating yourself, and that would be your fault.

>> No.2957765

I feel like I'm getting worse.

>> No.2957769

shit dog fuck man

>> No.2957772

Probably just your eyes' ability to notice errors outpacing your hands' ability to draw good. Keep at it and it'll even out more.

>> No.2957774

Yeah, it's also that I've been really busy with other things and having difficulties creating time for drawing.
Drawing while being burned out doesn't seem to work very well for me.

>> No.2957775

@6eer6dw6, please start using a bigger brush for this study. It'll be easier and has a nicer finish than filling in areas with a small brush.

Good luck, Papa! I hope I can work up the courage to comment on your IG art posts, one day.

>> No.2957777

That's what I'm saying though, I think we're in agreement. LAS helps us build that habit and because we know people will be looking at our shit we work a little more and push a little harder every day.

If you cheat you've already lost, that's why I'm saying it's individual. If you cheated you've already lost the challenge, streak or not. whether others found out about it or not, there's no reason for cheaters to continue because their numbers are meaningless.

>> No.2957782

You did well Soxbox.

>> No.2957786

It's individual for the constant cheaters, not so for the people that honestly submit or people that decide to stop cheating and be honest.

>> No.2957790

I generally meant to have a goal to work towards, and think about what you need to achieve to get there. Think about the different things you need to study (colour/anatomy/compostion), then think about what you can do this week to achieve those like studying the shoulder, arm, leg, feet, etc.

And then think about what you're studying today, like look at basic forms of the foot first by reading through a book and doing some exercises, then tomorrow do some studies from ref and imagination, then the day after you can do more imagination ones than ref ones.

You don't plan out each day 10 years in advance, but understanding what you need overall to achieve anime aesthetics, realistic styles, being a concept artist, being a mangaka, working in concept art, primarily doing commissions for people, animation etc, it all requires a similar path overall, but exactly what you aim for in the next 5 years, year, month, and what you put yourself to today is in your hands.

a lot of artists get lost along the way, but thinking about it like this can really bring you back to reality and help you to decide what needs to be done right now to stay on track

>> No.2957791

Quick, what do I draw?

>> No.2957794

you're mom

>> No.2957795

Am I being misread or am I misreading?

Either way I'm sure we're on the same page regarding daily submissions and what this challenge means for us.

>> No.2957809

> one of those people that already can do so without LAS
T-T thanks for letting me know

thanks man

>> No.2957810
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of those people LAS can do without

>> No.2957811


>> No.2957812


>> No.2957815
File: 884 KB, 500x281, tumblr_nfbjxm2ZUb1timq39o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehehe, thanks, however, freedom :3c

>> No.2957820


>> No.2957822

I use as a way to chart my progress, I always liked how Robogabo kept posting studies everyday on CA.org for several years. He didnt need to but its helpful for people who want to see how he evolved.

>> No.2957825

I'm aiming for 100 days. Then I'll kill myself so that I won't get stuck in some evil spiral of shallow 1-day drawings.
Only 1 month to go!

>> No.2957829
File: 41 KB, 184x184, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm just checked and some of my mixtape.moe links are dead. I don't know if i want to be happy that some of the shitty drawings are gone or not.

>> No.2957831


>> No.2957832
File: 94 KB, 1136x640, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not grinding your skills until you're good enough to paint good stuff in couple of hours

>> No.2957833


>> No.2957874

Do you think the bondage fairy stalker anon knows about her lewds?

>> No.2957879

that was really close fluff

>> No.2957885

I had more than a minute left to submit today, I've been a lot closer than that.

>> No.2957927

I always keep them saved on my comp so I can look back in the far future and measure progress.

>> No.2957958
File: 236 KB, 1033x1286, tumblr_op3eiyAnhP1uco8p1o1_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava had a rough life. Memes aside, it sucks that he's so sick. Poor lad.

>> No.2958024

hello I am choobposter#2 here filling in for choobposter#1 and I'd like to say:

c h e w b

>> No.2958028

What did he mean by this

>> No.2958040

hello chumposter#2 filling in for chumposter#1 and I'd like to say:

c h o o m

>> No.2958114
File: 400 KB, 741x831, 1489984519039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I did my first topic drawing today.... sh-should I keep going?

>> No.2958124

y-yeah you can do it anon! j-just be ready for topic hell as you progress and keep topic drawing

>> No.2958150
File: 39 KB, 456x320, IMG_0792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally reach a point where I think my work is starting to look passable
>tfw just snapped out of it and realized that it looks like high school tier trash
How much longer must I endure this suffering? Why does life play these cruel jokes on me?

>> No.2958163

pull the trigger and end it anon

>> No.2958175

>fell asleep and missed a day
>nothing happened

>> No.2958178


>> No.2958182

can you post an example of your work

>> No.2958186

lol i had pretty much the same thought last day
then i saw some YCH art on furaffinity and felt better

>> No.2958216

I just might
I would but then you might be able to tell who I am. Just to give you an idea tho, I'm not the worst person on LAS but I'm below average tier and haven't improved in the past ~6 months.
There's some pretty good shit on there too tho. Furfags attract some pretty skilled artists since they shell out so much cash.

>> No.2958231

>when you compliment/mention a lassie in the threads but they don't respond
Why don't people come to the breads? There's a couple W1s that don't even come.

>> No.2958234

maybe they saw your post but choose to remain distant and misterious

>> No.2958236

I'd love to see this piece finished. :3

>> No.2958246

How did you know?????

If only amphetamine was legal.

>> No.2958248

You're Maiq, we have to know!

>> No.2958251
File: 99 KB, 392x250, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, okay!

>> No.2958252

Thank you for this post anon

You're right. One that wants to get better at a particular subject must set clear goals to achieve it. I'm starting to think of a path now, my biggest problem will probably be sticking to it.

I can't even stick with an idea for uploads. I tell myself "Today's x day" hours before I get to draw, but then end up doing something else entirely.

>> No.2958254

email Lava at lava@lavaflake.com blah blah :)

>> No.2958298


>> No.2958309

great show.

>> No.2958330

imo the best way to have a goal to stick to is to think about what it is that you really want, deep down. Like, autistic kid want.

My goal is to be the best porn artist, Obviously that's impossible and completely subjective but that's the point! it makes me look for things I think are the "best" and I learn from that to improve, but

It sounds silly, but it gives me motivation to work hard every day and stay on track so it works for me

>> No.2958331

What about drawing for 30 minutes during 10 days?

>> No.2958391

Your advice is simple yet helpful, thanks again.
I often feel like I have to much to learn and that I want to do and try many things at once, which makes everything confusing. But looking at this that way makes things clearer.

I like that draw your genderbent self idea.
That or something more exercise-based like draw x for 10 days (50 faces, hands, etc. Need to settle on a subject)

>> No.2958409

Why not several challenges running at the same time?

1- Genderbent
2- A collab. I liked the last supper /las/ version.
3- Something more challenging, with more constraints. In exemple, draw x scenery, with x artist style. In my opinion we will learn more this way.

Exercises-based are, well, exercises not challenge. They bring barely no one and usually out of the 5 entrants, only 2 posts half assed drawing. Also, exercises is what you do on a daily basis, no? But why not.

>> No.2958417

I'd create/join an exercise-based challenge to grind something out for a week or so, whether it's anatomy, environments, still lifes, or just bringing a bunch of ideas through the thumbnailing/sketch phase to polish at a later time.

>> No.2958430

Alea jacta est.
Create an exercise challenge.

Some proposals:
- Hands, classic and usefull.
- 1 environments, but at differents time of the day, seasons. Propose like 3 refs for everyone.
- Thumbnails. Each one draw a thumb the first day. Next day until the end you "improve" other entrants thumbnails. This way you can draw a minimum of two thumbnails or an infinity.
- Boxes. At the beginning, everyone who want, draw two boxes representing pelvis and thoracic cage. Then, lassies draw figures according to those boxes.

Your turn.

Also, last supper challenge seems nice.

>> No.2958437

I challenge you all to not submit for a day
Whoever submits loses automatically

>> No.2958441

I lost D:

>> No.2958450
File: 955 KB, 360x360, 1383477808842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New challenge!


>> No.2958472

Will this have pairs rolled once the challenge begins or will participants select the character that they do in their style as they like?

>> No.2958479

How do we enter both our character and the redraw? Do we just update the submission with the second one pasta'd in later?

>> No.2958503

You have to draw the character of the user below you on the list
Imgur album, new image containing both drawings... your choice

>> No.2958513

But what if you are the last on the list?

>> No.2958516

...i assume you do the first one on the list. who's gonna do that one otherwise

>> No.2958517

wrap around and do the first person!

>> No.2958518

But what if no one is the last on the list?

>> No.2958519
File: 60 KB, 543x797, 1486392432541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2958520


>> No.2958521
File: 1.94 MB, 235x180, Jeh1rp1ufb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2958523
File: 114 KB, 500x582, 1486503178446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw, when i must draw rad character.

>> No.2958525

What, I have to draw rad character

>> No.2958527

I thought the list would be randomly generated once the deadline for joining passes?

>> No.2958529

Is it? I assumed it was by join order

>> No.2958530

>Grab the character of the next person on the entrants list and draw it on your own style.
so nope. though that would be better desu, like the comic collab

>> No.2958531
File: 349 KB, 700x800, rad_ten_years_ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is a gift for you.

It would be smarter. Otherwise people will enter and get out of the contest regarding who will draw who.

>> No.2958556

I-I'm not sure what that means

>> No.2958562
File: 18 KB, 1348x174, Tier-List-News.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who missed it.

>> No.2958566

I'm fucked.

>> No.2958571

Alright, time to stop low efforting and go all out. Now I'll show you my true power!

>> No.2958572

holy shit, when did Rad came back?

>> No.2958573
File: 63 KB, 900x900, 1482273088158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Proko was hiding his imagination power level all along

>> No.2958579

Whoever is doing the tiers should attach their work, so we can see how seriously we take it.

>> No.2958581

Probably a couple shitters desu.

>> No.2958582

doubt they will

>> No.2958588


>> No.2958603

Xe only appears once every time xe gets cucked by xis bf. Give respect with the R button. Otherwise not gonna make it.

>> No.2958604
File: 23 KB, 179x277, 1441853833199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw you have been out of your comfort zone really long time now

I should have just done easy studies to look like a pro

>> No.2958609

Hello, newcomer here. Can you show me what is the difference between what you consider a easy study and a not so easy study?

>> No.2958629

Do you think Chobs parents are ashamed of him?

>> No.2958633

Care to share recent works of Rad?
The one you posted is tier 3.

>> No.2958638

Finlayheati will not deliver as per usual. I guess, by his presence, he closed the participiation. Thank you Fin. Perkele!

>> No.2958641

Who's the best lassie, and why is it Lokki?
(I forgot my avatar, sorry lads.)

>> No.2958642

If someone doesn't post a character, you can just draw the character of the next in line.

>> No.2958644

Can you add this specification in the rules so that everyone know it?

>> No.2958646


>> No.2958668

Oh sorry, I didn't make the challenge. I'm not even in it. It just seemed like a simple and obvious solution

>> No.2958673
File: 89 KB, 768x432, ganbatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa- The color scheme you used here looks very odd, may I suggest making the sky a more pure and vibrant blue? Some more yellow green highlights might also help pull the landscape together.

Lokki- Absolutely lovely legs you drew there. As for the anime girls, their poses seem very stiff, and the girl on the left seems to be just staring into space. For next time around, maybe give them more relaxed poses that better convey the two's relationship! It seems to be romantic, but the rigidness of the characters makes them both look a little uncomfortable with each other rather than relaxed and amiable.

Hman- Alright start and edges so far, but push those values! This is something I see consistently in your art, you never stray too far from your middle-grey tones! Don't be afraid to go really dark where you need to.

Kirikae- Edge control! You need more hard edges! Having soft edges on everything makes the image just look out of focus, don't be afraid to clearly define your lines and shapes!

HumanBean- Interesting sketch, but I feel the messy hatching/crosshatching is really holding it back. I'd say this goes for a lot of your work, actually. The rougness of the drawing looks sloppy instead of intentional, so perhaps either try to be tighter with your linework, or really embrace the messiness for stylistic effect!

Whizzard- Cute character design so far, but the shading looks very dull. Looking through your previous works, it seems you were inspired by George Kamitani? If that's the case, try going more vibrant with your shading. Additionally, it's just generally to start adding the darker tones for shading early on, rather than starting from the lightest midtones, because it helps define your values and forms faster.

Mistwalker- Looking cute so far, though you should double check your values. Maybe try incorporating some deep blue greens into the shadows of those hills. I assume you plan to add some nice, dark shadows on the girl later, if not get on that!

>> No.2958685
File: 71 KB, 707x500, angry wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep going

>> No.2958700

You suck. Next!

>> No.2958706
File: 562 KB, 593x539, 1489984626498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as fast as I can, anon! These things take time c:

VuSta- Cute duck boy. The connections between the shoulders and arms/wings look very strange, I'm really not sure what kind of pose/gesture you were trying to convey. The shading seems flat as well, go darker with some of those shadows and down't forget about reflected/ambient lighting! Also, brush up on bird wing anatomy, so you can better design your duck-furry arms better!

Finlayheathi- Your faces are better from last time I saw them! Is this one from reference or imagination? Whatever it is, keep it up. And while you do still need major work on your anatomy, your landscapes are actually rather nice.

Rorg- The shading is very dull, let's change up some of the hues in there, why don't we? Look into color zones of the face, and avoid just making your shading tones grayer versions of the main colors. You seem to have a good grasp of anatomy/rendering, look into color theory some more.

InvalidDavid- Those are some pretty nicely done bedsheets for humanized MLP muscle erotica? I see some light shading, but it's very faint, give those forms some more definition! Additionally, Applejack's feet look very flat.

Juniper- Pretty alright so far! You can convey froms with rough brushstrokes well, though you should practice drawings figures in perspective some more. The girl's torso seems long in the picture where she's looking up, and her arms look a bit flat.

Bandit- Kawaii <3

Jeremias- Good to see you doing stuff other than perspective studies! The form of the demon's head looks weird, though. The contour lines of the cheek don't seem to quite match up with the hatching, the hatching indicates a spherical shape while the contour lines seem to indicate a flatter shape. Same with a lot of the other hatching on the drawing, it seems like your drawing the lines without thinking about the 3D shape of the cartoon would look like. You'd done all these perspective studies, now put them to use!

>> No.2958707

Sorry; I'll leave the challenge if you want - you're probably right

>> No.2958714


>> No.2958729


>> No.2958738
File: 174 KB, 345x498, 1487140715299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2958739
File: 64 KB, 595x842, hen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon for taking the time for all these critcs!
I guess I wanted some sort of an awkward drying pose as he steps out of the pool but didn't realy gave enough tought to it. Good advice on the shading / wings too, I suck at values/colors atm. With the wing designs I got lazy indeed, I think I can do better.
I love how they did them in leafy:

>> No.2958740

This is a no bully zone.

>> No.2958741

VuSta is Korean?

>> No.2958747

pbts- Looking better from that last wip. Let's try to start sharpening things up now, won't we? The hand still looks very rough, maybe try pushing those delicate curves of the fingers some more.

CRT- Your range of subject matter is very narrow, you draw a lot of demon grils in b/w facing to the left. Vary it up! Draw demon girls in action poses, draw demon boys, try digitally painting some of your sketches! Push yourself! Do some more figure studies as well to improve your anatomy so you can draw demon girls in even cuter poses.

Nemori- Very nice so far! The little boy looks a teensy bit derpy, though, play around with his face some more, exaggerate the smile!

Stanley- Nice sketch, you really captured the character well.

Louse- Good face studies! The boobs of the lady in the middle look a little close together, though.

Poof- Good studies, now apply them! Studies are easier to remember if you try to apply them as you learn them, so go get onto drawing some faces and necks! Also, stop with the meme thumbnails, you beast.

Hid- Good gestures, though you could push the poses on some of them some more. Think about how you convey actions/emotions with your gestures.

Coinhero- Noice, you could probably even make that blood a little darker if you wanted to.

Fuza- Exaggerate your gestures! They're looking stiff, go looser with your strokes!

Saori- I feel that cartoony style you were playing with really isn't working, you got girls with sexy anime body and Family Guy/Adventure time esque faces. Experiment some more, find a cartooning style of your own. Also, the eyes on your less-cartoony girls tend to be a bit high on the face and close together, maybe reevaluate your facial proportions?

PerspectivelyIn- Interesting, though you defnitely add more definition to the forms. I'm really not sure where the dude's arms are supposed to be under that cloak, and whatever pose I try to piece together gives me either an awkward arm pose or baby arms.

>> No.2958758
File: 741 KB, 500x294, rxyyzgo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so was my hunch right that it's bishounen duck from leafie?

>> No.2958759
File: 902 KB, 787x433, 1490852859015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyra- Don't forget, fire is literally luminescent, let those flames glow bright and hot!

SoxBox- Fairly realistic face with anime eyes... yeah, it honestly isn't working for me. These two sets of features would work well separately, but not together, How about you try simplifying the rest of the facial features too? You con't have to change the proportions too much, just ditch some of the details?

Seffy- Very cute! The proportions seem strange though, the arms are very short. Maybe play around with cartoony exaggerated proportions as well, I feel like characters such as this one could benefit from having very exaggerated bodies.

I hope these crits are actually helpful! I'm not a great artist myself, but I think I have a decent eye and I want to help :(

>> No.2958762

also want to say thanks a heap for taking the time to actually go through all these!
I appreciate it a lot and will take the feedback into account!

>> No.2958767
File: 118 KB, 564x839, fd67ff99e50741f5347a2f7218612dc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you were going for! I think the reason that rooster's wings work is because the first few primaries are simplified into a hand like structure, while the rest are merged into a single shape. Wings are a bitch to draw, just keep practicing!

>> No.2958771
File: 142 KB, 1024x731, wanderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's heavily inspired it as I rewatched the movie recently and absolutely love the character designs.

>> No.2958775

*inspired by it
thanks! saved
I draw a lot of birds, I'll try to come up with something cool for the next one

>> No.2958782

what do you guys think about niggers?
I don't like them very much :)

>> No.2958786

God damn anon don't make me get a fucking tripcode :^)

>> No.2958787

! how could you say such things VuSta!? :O

>> No.2958790
File: 43 KB, 552x390, 1480528275999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a bro.

>> No.2958791


>> No.2958796

They are fine, except for Nyra and Rydwin.

>> No.2958828


>> No.2958833

oh we have niggers in laS????
whats next? spics? Gsus christ...

>> No.2958843

Spic/furry/anime fanboi (not trap tho) reporting in.
What are you?

>> No.2958844

godamit i thought i was the only one

>> No.2958851

Hi Cath & Nemori.
Strawpoll about /las/ population, when?

>> No.2958853

you can make one any time

>> No.2958854

Why not now?

>> No.2958858

It's always usefull to take crits you give to other and apply it to yourself. Thanks.

>> No.2958859


>> No.2958860


>> No.2958864


>> No.2958886

who is your favorite furry lasso?

>> No.2958894

how many are there anyways

>> No.2958901
File: 824 KB, 350x246, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be a race traitor

>> No.2958903

not enough

>> No.2958904

>can't choose more than one
>be a mongrel

>> No.2958906

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.2958908

who the fuck voted other? what are you ????

>> No.2958909

>first chink chonk to report in

Where my fellow chinks at

FYI I am korean, but dont be too shy. Im very understanding if you are a lesser asian

>> No.2958911

A Lemur.

>> No.2958914


>> No.2958915

at the very least there should be 50 votes
someone post it in the discord too

>> No.2958916

>tfw no ayylmao lassie gf

>> No.2958917

that's if people want to vote

>> No.2958919

another other

>> No.2958921

>tfw youre asian but youre not cool enough to be east asian

>> No.2958922


>> No.2958925
File: 335 KB, 484x527, 1478942587712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people are more concerned with race than your submission

>> No.2958926

Poo in loo?

>> No.2958927

Sure, it's always good to know that the poor level of actual /las/ is due to race.

>> No.2958928

I feel you, familia.
>tfw people made fun of you about it and not in a banter way

>> No.2958929
File: 608 KB, 735x748, 1489984456072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2958934


>> No.2958938

It would be fun to know where everyone is from.

Maiq here. Sweden.

>> No.2958942

>no amerifags
What the fuck all you fucking liars

>> No.2958955

did you check the box that said negro or other?

>> No.2958956

American isn't really a race tho. You could be black, white or brown but still be american so it doesn't tell you much.

>> No.2958958

ur mom lol

>> No.2958959

'Nother round for today's new entries!

TekkyJSKURT- Nice studies, though you have some weirdness with your foreshortening, particularly in the arms of the two top right drawings. Looking through your previous work, I'm wondering, are studies all you do or do you ever make completed pieces?

Cath- Continue practicing your figure drawing and anatomy! Honestly, I prefered the more stylized drawings you did yesterday to these, as they're getting a bit into the uncanny valley zone. I think some Hampton could help you, as these bodies look very flat, particularly the muscular woman's arms. Remember to draw the volume of the body, not just the contour!

jbrennan- Pretty face, the forehead is rather large though and the left eye is very messy.

HouseOfFolkung- Your lines are looking rather hairy, and I feel that's holding your pencil sketches back. Remember, focus on doing long, smooth strokes.

Tabascoshrimp- very dynamic, I like, there's something off about some of the proportions, though... I think some of the torsos are a tad long?

JerryBreem- If you're doing this as a value study, go a lot darker with those blacks. Grab yourself a box of artist's pencils if you can and pull out some soft lead!

Headake- Lovely portrait as always, though I see you getting very rough with the body. Post some more full bodies, man!

Poon- Nice

Beanhead- Cute demon girl, though her butt looks off. For her to be doing that pose comfortable, her butt should be a more faced to the side, rather than towards the viewer.

Naf- Good shit

Saucy- That's a lot of red you got going on there, how's about some darker colors to balance out the composition? perhaps you could make the character darker too to make them stand out from the background.

ComfyDraw- I kind of like your scribbly shading style, but I think you could go further with it. Experiment with conveying a wider range of values with scribbly shading! Additionally, brush up on leg anatomy, yours look a bit swollen and rotund!

>> No.2958961

If this poll was really just supposed to be race yurofags and amerifags shouldve been grouped together

>> No.2958962

Thank you for looking at people's works and commenting, Crit-anon!

>> No.2958963

Please be Malmö

>> No.2958965

I put other but I guess I coulda also put American depending on how people are interpreting it.

>> No.2958966

Thank god no. Skåne = worst country.

>> No.2958978

kys bandit

t. another chink chonk

>> No.2958982

lol not me i'm not korean

>> No.2958984

what race are you then? You look asian in your Meet the artists and you drew those cats in korean outfit so I assumed

>> No.2958985

Asians are not this gay. Come on.

>> No.2958987


I'm really surprised that folks haven't noticed me yet, but I guess it's because I come off as a borderline pollack.

>look at that man with a trump hat, fuckin baaased

>> No.2958988
File: 472 KB, 680x952, ruanjia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. cats are in korean outfits since it's a bday gift for a friend who's korean lol

>> No.2958989

Asians are generally the higher tier lassies.

>> No.2958990

>tfw negro
>tfw will never be born asian

>> No.2958995

>tfw asian but people only recognize one type of asian so I don't know what to identify as

>> No.2959000

have you ever seen a stinging tree, anon?

>> No.2959005

fucking wikihow

>> No.2959006

>tfw asian
>have to meet a higher standard for art to be seen as 'good'

>> No.2959008

>>2958989 is right.
Proof >>2957353
Everyone between tier 8-10 is asian. Except Mathias who is genderfluid.

>> No.2959010

>Everyone between tier 8-10 is asian
that's wrong you retard

>> No.2959011

>Except Mathias who is genderfluid.

>> No.2959013


Your film industry is starting to have good kino(cinema). I liked The Raid 2, Killers, and Headshot.

>> No.2959016

Wie spät ist es?

>> No.2959017

lamp's an aussie

>> No.2959018

>tfw asian and gonna make it

>> No.2959021

>implying Aussies aren't Asian

>> No.2959024

They wish

>> No.2959026

viertel vor eins

>> No.2959027

G'ching chong!

>> No.2959035

Half spic half ching chong, what do?

>> No.2959036


>> No.2959038
File: 109 KB, 640x360, Kittans_death (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a selfish man, Anon.

I dont understand what im drawing. I'll never truly understand anything.


>> No.2959040

kill yourself of course :)

it's the worst combination

>> No.2959045

>Sycra: "All right... err... do you have the ligameme??"

>> No.2959052

wtf. i cant believe lava posted before i did

>> No.2959071

i really like your submission today nessiefynn, there's something really appealing about their expression. while im here i'll also add that i really liked your comic stuff from a few days (weeks?) back. youve got a lot of potential, keep it up!

>> No.2959091

Name a lassie who hasn't improved in months

>> No.2959093


>> No.2959094

lava is still doing lines

>> No.2959096

>take the battle royale picture
>select a random uncrossed name

there you got it

>> No.2959097

Someone tl;dw this video about what he means about resetting the mind.

>> No.2959098

Thank you very much, man.

>> No.2959099
File: 37 KB, 665x574, C8w816nXcAEU0cA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanted to shitpost and i goofed by mistake

>> No.2959100

FAKE NEWS. Bondage fairy has improved buckets

>> No.2959101

And he'll be doing the best damn lines in the industry when he's done. No one understands the true power of lines except for lava. He can really tell a story ya know? I look at some pros like iain mccaig and there lines are just so boring, lavas lines bring in so much life and story into his work.

>> No.2959104

I don't know why, but this post got me really mad.

>> No.2959106

Because it's something lava probably believes is true

>> No.2959107
File: 119 KB, 1028x942, mountain-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekky, the shoulder rotates back when you lift your arm. They way you drew it (the left shoulder of the leftmost sketch) has the shoulder bending upward. it looks unnatural

>> No.2959109

sure BondageFairyStalker

>> No.2959110

>those comments
LAS is so sweet ;w;

>> No.2959112

>I can't vote if I'm not an active lassie
>I'm an active lassie
What this?

>> No.2959113

a bug that lava should fix if he comes back

>> No.2959117

>tfw lava's latest post says to kill him
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2959120

>tfw the new generation of lassies is rebelling against lava
>tfw lava knew this would happen so he destroyed the week system and took all the power away from newer members
>tfw the only people with any power in las are the old fags and they wouldn't betray him
5d checkers

>> No.2959123

You need the blessing of God (Lava).

>> No.2959125

He's fed up of politics and all the news lately
Goes to Japan
Doesn't see any more news feds
Is impressed by Japanese dedication to their craft
Realizes it's pointless to get sucked into politics cause he can't do anything about it and it's ultimately a waste of his time
Realizes his time is better spent just focusing on his craft
Gets re-inspired by Kim Jung Gi and sees that getting to KJG's level is possible
New found focus on art while cutting off facebook feeds and other distractions

>> No.2959128

oldfag here, I "betrayed" him, it's for his own good

>> No.2959131

Oh shit, Sycra has a point. I think I waste more time reading the news and politics than drawing. But how will I find anything to talk about with people?

>> No.2959132

It was Jet from the JettyJetShow, but Sycra and Bobmeatbag where in the discussion as well and agreeing with him.

>> No.2959134

>But how will I find anything to talk about with people?
talk about art and the pursuit of gittung gud?

>> No.2959136

>devoting your life to literally only the grind
I disagree with this, especially if the art you want to produce is illustrative or at all conceptual.

>> No.2959138

You could always try to be an interesting person with your own personality choob.

>> No.2959140

Tell them /ic/ memes

>> No.2959141

that's why I have videos playing in the background so I'm not a complete hermit

>> No.2959145

>hey anon, what are you wroking on right now
>show them merc wip
>holy shit that's good!
>n-no wait, t-that's a m-meme
>what? god, fuck off

>> No.2959188
File: 30 KB, 471x299, 40fSHR7_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another las day has passed

>> No.2959190

What was Fmmood?

>> No.2959191

It passed like an hour ago.

>> No.2959193


I'm lucky because my political side has a lot of lengthy radio shows that last over one hr. Helps with grindin a lot.

>> No.2959213


>> No.2959260

I havent really done a finished piece, no. At most I do something that has very basic coloring in it, or maybe I go over the lines with another layer, but nothing beyond that. I am working on something right now that I plan to spend at least more than one day on though, so hopefully it'll show in the work.

Thats it, I was looking at my shoulder when I was drawing that and I just couldnt make sense of it. Guess its a sign of what I need to look into. Looking at my shoulder now when I lift it, it really does rotate back, I really need to start looking at the back more too, especially the shoulder blade area, Im missing a lot of info on it.

>> No.2959269

Some more~
I might skip a few people because I'm getting tired, sorry!

Merumera- Right now you've got a very rough gesture and scene laid out, let's define those volumes a little better! I'm assuming this is a painting study, so try not to just copy what you see in the painting, but also consider how and why the objects look that way. You got some very rough arms and a leaning cylinder, think about the actual forms of the objects and why they make the shapes of the shadows they have.

Pijin- The details look nice as always, but Robin's legs look detached from his body. I really do enjoy your art, but I've seen a lot of recurring anatomy issues. Perhaps you should slow down your drawing process and refine your figures some more before you dive on into adding clothing and details.

boygivingup- Two main things you can work on- making your linework more intentional and volumes. Your linework is extremely messy here, and the smudged parts don't really help, especially with the cleaner hatching thrown in as well. In a perfect world, every line you draw should have a purpose, so rather than just scribbling out an outline think each line through. What is each line trying to convey?

Pernix- Lol, cute concept. As is, though, the colors are very dull and uninteresting. Don't be afraid of bright and saturated colors! It's harder to get strong value/hue contrast when you limit yourself to dark desaturated colors, give use something bright and shiny to look at, shed some light on this faerie!

Aruvee- Cute Baphomet lady! The folds on her skirt-thing look very weird though, they don't seem to actually wrap around her legs or be affected by gravity. Additionally,female abs tend to me more slender than male abs, so keep that in mind too next time!

>> No.2959273

I was retarded enough to paint this on a midtone desaturated green, every color was skewed, and I couldn't even see colors properly after the 40 minutes I worked on it.
I looked at a wall I knew to be grey and I would see it purple.
Not that that is an excuse for my colors always being shit.

>> No.2959274

You should really consider making some completed pieces. Honestly, your fundamentals are in a pretty good place right now, much better than mine, Push yourself to spend more than just a day on a piece! Making a finished work is very different from just doing sketches, and it's something you have to practice before you get good at. I really think the sooner you start polishing up some of your works, the better.

>> No.2959285

>drawing looks sloppy instead of intentional
yeah. I just sorta start scribbling without a rough sketch or idea and then some random shit pops out. Then I give up on hatching after a few minutes and rush it so it ends up looking sloppy like you said. I'll try to plan more in the future + be more deliberate with my strokes. Maybe study some people who actually know what they're doing too.

Thank you for the advice.

>> No.2959286

I agree, I think doing finished pieces will be a whole other challenge that I need to expose myself to eventually, might as well start now. I think I've mainly been avoiding complete pieces because outside of the anatomy I know, my overall lack of knowledge and know how on practically everything else is very poor. But I just really need to bite the bullet and shoot for it. I've been doing little thumbnails of ideas every once and while, but I need to go beyond that. Thanks for the push.

>> No.2959303

Thank you! I've been feeling more pleased with my art lately and I'm going to try to keep improving!

>> No.2959323


>> No.2959328

thank you! yea, I really had no idea what I was doing with the clothing, I just put random lines everywhere lol... as for the body, I tried to base it off Levi's baphomet, which had intersex features (not sure if I did a good job of portraying that anyways, though...)
but anyways, thanks so much for the critique! I really appreciate the amount of feedback you gave to us

>> No.2959332

Are (non-legacy) captchas getting weirder and weirder for anyone else? I just got one asking to identify whiteboards.

What is Google trying to teach its AI?

>> No.2959336

Are you getting a repeat of the same image? Google has been doing that to me. Their captcha does sometimes just switch to random objects to trip you up though. Although, it seems Google has realized the most difficult ones are buildings, signs and vehicles, and so that's all I get.

>> No.2959344

The ones that I get 90% of the time (and fail 90% of the time) are the street sign ones. Is there some hidden tech for street sign captchas?

>> No.2959345

Sweating bc Asian who lived in Aus entire life

>> No.2959347

Pretty those are for Google Maps' Streetview or an expansion of some sort. Same with the store front selections.

Hm, I can't really tell if they're the same image, but yeah, I get buildings, signs, and vehicles, too. Sometimes I get oceans or mountains. Whiteboard is just totally offbeat, though.

>> No.2959372

Yeah this is a good point, hue shifting of any kind is completely missing. I will add this to the to-do. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my work and the other works!

>> No.2959438


Thank you for taking the time to give so many crits, you a real mvp.

Yeah, I have to admit, I was really auto piloting through yesterday, so I was not really thinking in general.

>> No.2959444

Jeremias can do perspective on autopilot? That's impressive.

>> No.2959619

<3 you anon, thanks for the crits!

>> No.2959649

Come back and deliver.

>> No.2959662
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1445722183259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artist's excuse:
>They didn't defend theirself
>They didn't defend theirself
>They didn't defend theirself

>> No.2959681
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, 1489238528610-ic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plan a nice relaxing visit to your really old grandma
>She starts suddenly speaking about family related things you didn't know about
>mfw I have secret cousins

>> No.2959686

Question: If i set up a challenge that was a copy of the original comic challenge that Lava removed, would people join it?

>> No.2959687
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Plot twist!

Tell me more. Are incest and murder included?

>> No.2959689

Newbie here.
What's the challenge?

>> No.2959691

The original challenge was to make a polished 10-page mini-comic in 20 days. 10 days for roughs, 10 days for good copy.

>> No.2959692
File: 48 KB, 313x302, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lovely portrait as always
t-thank you senpai

>> No.2959693

10 pages for each lassie?

I'll join, sure. But my track record for finishing comics are complete shit. So I'll probably fail like crazy.

Just please do it after the current challenge.

>> No.2959694


Honestly I have no idea. There's seemingly no reason why they kept it secret.

>> No.2959703

They succeed in life, i'm on a chinese muppet email chain.

>> No.2959717
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>tfw will never incest my incredibly attractive cousin

>> No.2959726
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Google seems to have a hard on for this sign.

>> No.2959749

thanks critanon

>> No.2959815

>character swap #2
>cant even dream about rendering as well as the lassie below me.

I-I'll try not to disappoint you senpai. Please give me a cute grill to draw.

>> No.2959825

I will not deceive you Nessiefynn!

>> No.2959847
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vsock what have you done?

Please don't say anything about LAS or we are going to get flooded by autists

>> No.2959849


>> No.2959867

Jesus fucking christ, the Wendy's shit aside this video is the most obnoxious shit I've ever seen. How can people watch this.

>> No.2959883
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>> No.2959885

it's cool, just in time for lava to come back! (^:

>> No.2959887

vsock would never betray us... r-right?

>> No.2959888

vsock is my waifu

>> No.2959890

This thread severely lacks Choob-postings.

>> No.2959894

I'm not gonna watch all this. Where is LAS mentioned?

>> No.2959895

it's not.

>> No.2959898

Then why is everyone freaking out?

>> No.2959901

it's a joke man

>> No.2959909

Man thats challenging, last time I did a comic a single page took me 3 days

>> No.2959910

Who is a joke?

>> No.2959911

you're mom

>> No.2959985
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post your face when Lava totally ignored us yet again

>> No.2959990
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>> No.2959997
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>> No.2960003
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lavas autism is the most amusing part of las

>> No.2960008

Choob smells like shit.

>> No.2960013


>> No.2960018

Ooh, I'd be down for that. With that kind of time I'd probably only be able to do grey scale pages, as coloring usually takes me like half a day per page, but that challenge sounds fun.

>> No.2960047

>go looser with your strokes
Thanks for noticing me senpai!
Gestures on tablet are still quite weird to me, I draw too big for the surface area, free transform and do them over. I'm gonna work harder this week and get back to traditional, maybe that'll change things. ;_;

>> No.2960103
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>they didn't defend themselves

>> No.2960109

>lava is reported for fuck all
>poof gets to keep on memeing
niggers, all of you

>> No.2960117


>> No.2960121

poof is mai waifu i will defend poof poof will never die!

>> No.2960122

Is it just me or are these threads dying faster??

>> No.2960123

means we're more active cause we're hitting 300 faster

>> No.2960124

thank you for doing this, really appreciate the feedback

>> No.2960129

Really fits todays topic.

>> No.2960130


>> No.2960139

I like how it fails even when I do the same thing. Thanks Google.

>> No.2960144

You should have told us!

>> No.2960202
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Poor vsock. I remember when I once drew some stupid shit for 4chan and it ended being posted all over Facebook and generated a fucking shitstorm.

>> No.2960204
File: 14 KB, 216x290, 1464053194498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Lava pulled the last straw by not talking or defending himself to answer up to us. Im done with LAS and the mess it is right now, and am going to start working on a LAS alternative, no definite name yet but for now it will be called The Daily Draw, or TDD. Ive screencaped all of your guys recommendations for improvements and know about a lot of the bugs with las right now and will be working on making a site that is improved over everything las is not but could be since lava is so adamant on ignoring his userbase. Im building up and keeping progress hosted on github, and hope to have a functioning site before the end of this year. Fuck you Lava, I love you man but not for ignoring all of us, things have got to change and I hope to bring that change.

>> No.2960208
File: 84 KB, 300x325, fuckthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see it now
>normies invade thread
>utter disgust at the fact that there's no "like" system in place
>complimenting themselves when no validation is received from other anons

s-stop it desu

>> No.2960210

runnerman is that you?!?!

if youre serious about it please for the love of god keep up updated and post that github asap. godspeed

>> No.2960211

>I can see it now
>>normies invade thread
>>utter disgust at the fact that there's no "like" system in place
>>complimenting themselves when no validation is received from other anons

So, literally no difference from how it is now?

>> No.2960214
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>> No.2960220

not runnerman, names nicnac but ty anon we are going to make it happen

>> No.2960222

furfag, animupedo, inbred tracer.
This new norm is not my cup of tea.

>> No.2960223

holy mother of christ almighty, end your life

>> No.2960226

>25 seconds in
>can't watch anymore

>> No.2960229

>half-empty toothpaste tube leaves site halfway working
>"this is dumb let's make a new one with people who actually care"
>this reply
I'd call you lava for being so autistic, but then you wouldn't be here to bitch in the first place.

>> No.2960231

The hero we need, but do not deserve.

>> No.2960234

do you need a cripple to hold your hand to bring paint to paper on a daily basis this fucking badly?
get the fuck out already if you can't handle being on your own
dumblr miight be more your speed, they'll cuddle you until you stop crying

>> No.2960236

Why are you even here, fuck off shitter.

>> No.2960239

Sorry bud, but I've been here since the very beginning, and unlike lava I see the things I start through to their completion. If he would have just finished implementing the streak system or at least handed the reins to someone who would, I'd be very content with the site's current feature set. But right now the site is useless trash to anyone not still in a week because there are plenty of places to track a daily chain of work and encourage not breaking it.

If you're such a strong independent artist who don't need no help, why are you even here?

>> No.2960242

>If you're such a strong independent artist who don't need no help, why are you even here?
Because I draw every day, as the site intended. That is all I ever asked for and all the site ever meant to provide us with.
Everything from badges to achievements was always optional.

>> No.2960246


Insufferable faggot who ironically likes anime (doesn't know shit); I can't believe I was subbed to him for so long. Unsubbed when he revealed his girlfriend--that was the coffin in the nail.

>> No.2960248

You're only half right. The whole point of the contest was to publicly shame the people who miss a day, giving just a bit of accountability to encourage everyone not to skip and build a habit. That only exists now for the dwindling week system group. For everyone else it's just a blog that only a few dozen people see.

>> No.2960249

>because there are plenty of places to track a daily chain of work and encourage not breaking it.
Why don't we move there then?

>> No.2960250

What are you scared off?

>> No.2960252

>You're only half right. The whole point of the contest was to publicly shame the people who miss a day
It was supposed to helps us all develop the habit to star drawing "every day", you're interpreting way too fucking much into this, just like everyone else with false expectations.

>What are you scared off?
People who cannot spell.

>> No.2960253

see, now you got me to do it, there goes my face
*draw not star, for fuck's sake

>> No.2960255

So what's the problem?

>> No.2960256

>So what's the problem?
People asking and demanding for the unnecessary.
Instead of fucking with the site, let's clean up these fucking threads.
Half the people left for tha faggy discord and even they hate each other now.

>> No.2960258

Okay, why don't we start with the Choobposter?

>> No.2960260

Yes, help us develop the habit by trying to be the last artist standing and publicly declaring when people failed. Neither of those things exist now for newcomers, even the site's name is a misnomer for them. The only truth is the URL itself: lava flaked.

>> No.2960262

>People asking and demanding for the unnecessary
Are we using the same website? Do you realize how fucking broken lavaflake is?

>> No.2960264

hi chob

>> No.2960265

hi lava

>> No.2960266

You're mom. Always.

>> No.2960267

Now we're talking.

It's the last artist standing, not the artist with the longest unbroken streak. All that matters is the total, because idealy there is no end.

Can you upload?
Yes, no?

>> No.2960268

Do eliminations work?
Yes, no?

>> No.2960269

Does Lava have something against you? fill me in on that drama.

>> No.2960270

I-I'm gonna try my best too!
>tfw you're worse than the artists before you and in front of you

>> No.2960276

choobposter thinks anyone that criticizes lava is choob for some reason, so it's only apt to turn it back on him.

>> No.2960277

Yes and no actually :^).
Can't say we are obliged to cater to late comers and newfags.

>> No.2960279

Choobposter is lavette.

>> No.2960280

That's pretty then, because that would mean LAS only caters to a dozen and a half people out of the 60ish users.

>> No.2960282

In which case I'll continue to applaud any efforts to replace the stagnant site. I don't give a shit about badges or achievements or whatever extra nonsense they want, but I do want newcomers to get the same boost I did when I joined nearly 480 days ago, and that is simply impossible with the site as it is.

>> No.2960283

first come, first served
from the get go if not all of us start from 0 at the same time there will always be those with a massive head start
an earned one at that, it's not that theydidn't work for it

>but I do want newcomers to get the same boost I did when I joined nearly 480 days ago, and that is simply impossible with the site as it is.
Fair enough, then maybe they could start their own site instead of fucking with this one?
And you could decide for yourself whether to follow them or not.

>> No.2960286

hey, thanks for the feedback! youre right, i need to slow down and actually think about what im doing. a long time ago i developed a habit of just trying to fix everything at the coloring stage, but now that im trying to learn to use an actual irl pencil and keeping a sketchbook it's really biting me in the ass. the transform tool is such a crutch.
anyway thanks again! ill try to be more careful in the future.

>> No.2960289

Ha, sorry Lava, but maybe Lava is one of the other Choob-exposers.

>> No.2960293

Wanting to fix serious issues with the site like non-week users being unable to vote or make challenges, or wanting the same announcements for broken streaks that week users get is hardly "fucking with" it. Lava would never budge on all the extra features they want in a new site and I personally agree with him, but these are things that early-LAS lava would have done right away because they interfere with the basic functionality he wanted LAS to have.

>> No.2960302

I'll leave it up to him in the end, seeing as multiple attempts to fuck with him failed as expected, I see no reason to waste time with this further.
He knows things are fucked, users made it clear that they want it fixed.
If he doesn't act, people will either leave or stay until it dies completely, myself included in the latter.
I would wish for the next LASsers and their new LAS to actually be anon only, no names and no distracting promises or expectations to help them focus on what's actually important, and I'm sure the threads would stop [name]posting and tier memeing and focus on helping each other more.

>> No.2960304

>anon only
But then how would you know if anon x posted that day?

>> No.2960306

>first come, first served
>from the get go if not all of us start from 0 at the same time there will always be those with a massive head start
>an earned one at that, it's not that theydidn't work for it
FYI LAS wasn't meant to only work for the people that joined first, the point was to have a system that could get everyone to draw everyday.
Lava recognized the week system as a flaw and started to try to fix it. Unfortunately, he only took the first step in a series of steps that would've fundamentally altered the system to cater for all that worked hard, not just those that were lucky to come first.

>> No.2960308

>I see no reason to waste time with this further.
That I can agree with. Lava has made his decision by his inaction and there isn't any point trying to change that. If someone drinks his milkshake because of it, he'll have plenty of time to think about it while he's drawing.

>> No.2960311

>But then how would you know if anon x posted that day?
anon only for submission, you can still have a username with stats and login and what not
basically the submission page is simply the submission, no name attached to it
you could still report it for "X" and it would then reveal the name of the person should they be found guilty
neat, isn't it?

>FYI LAS wasn't meant to only work for the people that joined first
and the threads were meant to be a gathering place to share your art and help each other
thing's change, anon, and not always for the better

>> No.2960312

I wouldn't mind if someone basically did a W and setup an alternative website that improves on everything that LAS aimed to achieve.

The only flaw W had was that he capitulated and closed the website once Lava seemed to have returned, he should have stayed his ground and left it up, his shutting down turned out to be a big mistake since Lava disappeared soon after.

Now that we've established that Lava is Flakey, the next website creator should learn from W's mistake and not shut down his website when it seems like Lava's poking his head up again.

>> No.2960330


Alright you guys, I agree with many of you that I want LAS to cater to everyone and anyone who joins, but Ive been trying to contact Lava personally about fixing the site and he hasn't replied which is why I decided that a LAS alternative would be best, and listening to what you all say I now strongly believe that a fresh start is just as good as making changes to the site. And I'll try to learn from the mistakes of those that tried before, don't worry. Here is the Github for where I'll be working on TDD, or The Daily Draw. If any of you want to help out or are veteran lasses that could help me out with figuring out what to keep feature-wise and what to remove, I would welcome it.


It's going to happen lads. Believing is seeing.

Now, I need to request something from some supporters, if any of you would like to try making a nice title image that says 'The Daily Draw' that's aesthetically pleasing I would appreciate it. I'll keep the title image up on the site which everyone can see. I feel like that will be the first firm step in making this project a reality beyond what many of us just hope.

>> No.2960332

Lava's abandonment is tearing LAS apart! (° u °)

>> No.2960335

Dragon Dick Badge #1 priority

>> No.2960336

Thanks, give us status updates, not too frequent, maybe monthly or however quickly it takes you to write it up.

>> No.2960338

>runnerman never got his chance to shine
>they say he's still learning to program
( ノ ﹏ ヽ )

>> No.2960339

Talk to Runnerman, he also had ideas about new LAS.
I would keep the classic name though, sounds better.

>> No.2960358

runnerman1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> nicnac personality wise

runnerman1 was useless but humble

>> No.2960360
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>> No.2960361

people bullied runnerman, he was so nice and honest too, runnerman had a rough life

>> No.2960363


>> No.2960370

also nicnac doesnt actually draw everyday and acts like Lava owns him shit

runnerman was a much more pure lassie

>> No.2960374

Yeah but Runnerman was trying to build something beyond drawing every day. His idea was too wide in scope imo

>> No.2960378


look mates, I don't want to give off the wrong face, and I don't think that lava owes me anything, and while I may never make it in the art industry, I know that I can give back much more by doing something like this. I see many people looking for change and improvements, and I just want to help you guys make it, even if I can't. I just see this as an opportunity to learn myself, and also to give you guys better opportunities to see what you want to happen. If you still think that I have a shitty personality, or am an impure lassie, then I respect that. But what help does it to call people names and complain? I just want to make something that people enjoy and can build their skills off of and have fun.

>> No.2960387
File: 167 KB, 1000x1200, hman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nicnac -TDD
nicnac - The Daily Draw

Who won? You decide!

>> No.2960392

Whatever, I'll be back in a month with updates. Peace

>> No.2960395

Godspeed, anon. Godspeed.

>> No.2960400

thanks senpai

>> No.2960415

400+ day streak, with absolutely no gains.

Guys how do I avoid this?

>> No.2960417

get an art instructor

>> No.2960424

LOL Leave Choob alone!

>> No.2960439

stay off Twitter and /pol/. And stop playing vidya 6 hours a day.

>> No.2960446
File: 951 KB, 1000x1200, tumblr_op735bygKT1vexc05o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluff, you madman

>> No.2960450

>Didn't get any sleep all week
>went to bed at 5 AM yesterday
>decided not to set an alarm
>Had a nightmare that I was eliminated from LAS
>woke up at 5 PM
>forget to submit all day
>no token so I would've been eliminated
>remembered right before the deadline
>just barely made the deadline
wew. It would've haunted me for ever if I got eliminated the same day as I dreamt about it.

>> No.2960452

lemurs burn well

>> No.2960455

"I had a head construction breakthrough and it made me wonder about whether it was something everyone eventually figures out or if it was another one of those things you don’t really need to know if you’re willing to comfort zone it. I thought about it for a while but I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t care anymore.

Actually, it’s not that I don’t care but I can’t think of a reason to care about it. Knowing what other people can or cannot do doesn’t matter unless you’re looking to work with or hire them. At the end of the day it’s just talking about art instead of working which is a waste (outside of helping others/yourself.)

I think I’ve bested the flu. I still don’t have an appetite and the cough is as bad as ever but my head is working. I’ve been drawing a lot and I think I like strained or overworked the index finger on my drawing hand. I mean, I’m assuming it’s drawing related because I don’t know what else could’ve caused it. If it doesn’t get better soon I’ll ease up a little"

>> No.2960460

who else lives an "alternate" lifestyle besides Bondage Fairy and Lampblak?

>> No.2960471

How is being an Australian an "alternative" lifestyle?

>> No.2960475

Bondage fairy is Australian?

>> No.2960477

>alternate" lifestyle
what does that mean?

>> No.2960478

>"alternate" lifestyle
u wot

>> No.2960481

Pretty sure they are.

>> No.2960482

sounds like a fag

>> No.2960493

>Hid- Good gestures, though you could push the poses on some of them some more. Think about how you convey actions/emotions with your gestures.
Don't really know what do you mean there.
Ty for noticing and actually bothering to write all that stuff though. Cheers

>> No.2960502

>Don't really know what do you mean there.
Oh, I guess I should explain then! What I mean is that your gestures look a bit like Jojo poses, made to be flamboyant and showy rather than convey an idea. Try attaching some feelings to these poses, emphasize the models' gracefulness/strength/eroticism in your gestures. Exaggerate your gestures, think about what personality the pose conveys!

>> No.2960507

Not that other anon
>haven't played vidya since I joined LAS
>sleeping hours got worse
>still shitting out bad sketches

I want to die

>> No.2960509

same I actually tried playing vidya again (Bloodborne, MGS V, Uncharted 4, etc) but I couldn't even get into it or enjoy them anymore. What's happened to me? ;_;

>> No.2960511

>>haven't played vidya since I joined LAS
>>sleeping hours got worse
how does that work?

>> No.2960522

>draw stuff hours before deadline
>sumbit shit
>reward myself with internet time
>finally go to sleep
>get up after 4 hours
>drink too much coffee and tea

>> No.2960523

>now just worry about life and drawing because no distractions into the virtual world
This is hell.

>> No.2960527

I could only play one game since starting LAS (BOTW--spent like two weeks playing nothing but it, though), but yeah I've definitely lost a lot of interest in gaming. Sucks because gaming is a big reason why I draw.

Not that anon, but I like to draw at night where there's no distractions. So I end up drawing till 3 am on school days or stay till 8 am drawing on weekends/holidays. LAS has pushed my sleeping habits into the extreme. I guess it's nice though because I'm starting to realize that as much as I hate drawing, I'm still willing to sacrifice sleep for it and that other obligations in my life feel like a distraction from drawing.

>> No.2960530

I miss BOTW

>> No.2960531

>draw at night where there's no distractions
best time of the day to draw
would be 2x better if I had a city view outside my window to watch the nightlife and lights
that would be pretty chill

>> No.2960532

>fast forward """6 months""" to whenever lava gits gud
>is unemployable because his blog paints the picture of an insufferable stuck up ass who will never work well with others

>> No.2960536

Who else here going to make it and hire Lava so you can work together with him 24/7? We'll make it big.

>> No.2960538

I still have Ganon to beat, but man, watching the map open up and quests start to close was fun but also disheartening as I knew my playtime with it was drawing to a close.

>live in the suburbs so keeping the curtains open means looking into absolute darkness
Living in an apartment with massive floor to ceiling windows overlooking a busy intersection was the fucking best. I can't even describe how amazing it was when it rained. Too bad I was too young to fully appreciate it and spend 8 hours drawing there, though.

>> No.2960539

I think he is actually good at making connections. When I talked to him in the streams a while back he said he used to skype with a group of other artists and one of them was already a pro who working in the industry. (He said he joined LAS for a short time) And I remember that a pro or two was actually following him on social media. I assume if he's good at schmoozing with people and shouldn't have too much trouble making connections once he's actually good.

>tfw shit social skills
I should probably be grinding those instead desu. Are there social skill fundies? Like a Loomis for interacting with people and being a functional human? That'd be nice.

>> No.2960540

You can hire him and tells us how long he lasts before his stops communicating with you.

>> No.2960541

>So I end up drawing till 3 am on school days or stay till 8 am drawing on weekends/holidays.
same shit man. I keep procrastinating the whole day and can only really focus on drawing at night when everything is quite.

>> No.2960550

I haven't even gone through a dungeon, more than half the map is hidden. I want to get back at it so much. But I know that if I turn the system on it'll be hard to stop, and I end up not touching it at all

Gotta get my shit together and fix my poor time management

>> No.2960578
File: 234 KB, 1542x1959, K4zYuZD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are all the good people leaving? I feel like I'll be one of the last Week 1's even though I'm still so god awful. Anyways, I'll miss ya Mathias. Good luck and enjoy your break my man, you deserve it!

>> No.2960580

Mathias, you better come back. But have a nice LAS break!

>> No.2960585

just dont leave us forever pls ;__; good luck!!

>> No.2960589

actually, yes. how to win friends and influence people, slightly dated but still good.

>> No.2960712

Can y'all recommend some artists to follow on Pixiv? Maybe people with heavy draftmanship based work.

>> No.2960715

oshake is my nigga when it comes to draftmanship.

>> No.2960737

Huh, thought I posted, but guess not.

Thanks! That hatching is lovely. Too bad trying to replicate that would end up butchering my wrist.

>> No.2960739

Yeah, I can't reproduce that level of work at all. Huge inspiration to be able to one day though. I've always wanted really cool looking work like this where you only use one tool.

>> No.2960803

what do you mean by draftsmanship based work?

>> No.2960808

He probably means stuff that relies on strong linework + hatching as opposed to more painterly stuff.

>> No.2960825

Oops, sorry for the vague description. I was thinking of people with extremely strong construction skills, like Krenz. Painterly or linework only is fine.

>> No.2960889

here a few that I consider to be strong in construction, you're probably following more than a couple as these guys are fairly popular?

hunsay - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=1885392
Ryota-H - https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=49260
かしまき - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=13661960
权- - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=4594020
NOTCH - https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=465990

>> No.2960893

Ryota nggggggggg.
What does the moonrunes say?

>> No.2960900

Just artist names but here's their prononciation,
かしまき Kashimaki
权 (Chinese) Quan

>> No.2960927

Thanks for those new references.

>> No.2960934

Thanks for the great reccs. I just started using Pixiv so no, these are all new for me!

The amount of great art on Pixiv is actually really inspiring. I've become so complacent that I thought I was almost -there-, but now I realize I have so far to go and so much to learn!

>> No.2960960
File: 17 KB, 300x300, tootsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun and see you later Mathias.

>> No.2960969

I see now. You're right. Ty for explaining!

>> No.2960971

What do I draw to not be shit anymore?

>> No.2960974

That thing you didn't draw because you thought you weren't good enough.

>> No.2960986
File: 511 KB, 1200x801, 3038925_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, and that's great to hear man, and happy to recommend anytime!
Ngl I'm a huge pixivfag and can obsessively spend hours hunting down and saving art (find a great artist, seeing what they've bookmarked, find more great artists, more bookmarks, etc..), so be careful getting sucked down that cycle. Browse in moderation!

What I've found (generalising obviously) are: the Japanese excel in style, colour, composition - a more flat visual appeal, Chinese in technical skill and construction, and Koreans somewhere between the two, with particularly stronger (than Japs atleast) anatomy.

>> No.2960998

>'m a huge pixivfag and can obsessively spend hours hunting down and saving art
Care to share your follow list in pastebin or something? If that's not too much trouble

>> No.2961002

>tfw literally got 2915 pixiv IDs I've downloaded / in-the-process-of-downloading and categorized into tiers of preference along with their booru tags, tumblrs, twitters and other sites downloaded and listed where applicable
feels good man, years of personal picking and filtering from daily feeds, the files downloaded from pixiv alone take up 413.8 GiB :-)

>> No.2961140

Shite taste mate.

>> No.2961143
File: 110 KB, 480x640, ac6473a5bd6685fa505e78eba6ba9519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEW THREAD >>2961132

>> No.2961184

I can't share follows bc I literally follow 1000+, but here's an incredibly subjective, not comprehensive list. Let's say the top 30 are ones I probably like a lot (I gave up trying to rank). A lot are to do with a particular style I like or something dumb like they draw a lot of 2hu fanart..

Phew, that's crazy man
I tried to organise mine but over the years of using multiple computers/laptops, etc I gave up.

Care to share yours?

>> No.2961185

Thanks for posting! Don't forget to post it in the new thread, since this one's dead.