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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.17 MB, 3474x7172, las-98-daki-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2952622 No.2952622 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last Thread >>2945916

>> No.2952623
File: 335 KB, 550x585, tD3H8Fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.2952628
File: 208 KB, 500x706, krnh5fi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.2952634

We should have a challenge in which we team up with 1 or 2 other lassies.

>> No.2952635

Thank you for making these threads, wow, you were fast too!

>> No.2952636

>a plane
u wot mate

>> No.2952638

Really digging your entry(>>2952628) today, Nemori!

I just realized I started following you when LAS first started and that you dropped out shortly after. It's nice to see that you're back (and really improved).

>> No.2952641

candycone Ily and ur husbando

>> No.2952644
File: 1.08 MB, 454x256, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_8hdmka1kuq8808woowo4owkg8_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's Luo Lang from Sword of the Stranger, anon.

>> No.2952648

How cool, I have that on my watchlist for a while now.
I shall watch it in your husbando's honor.

>> No.2952659
File: 608 KB, 653x778, a-ano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, he's the prince of my heart.

>> No.2952661

Choob smells like shit.

>> No.2952663

dogs shit man

>> No.2952665

Choob-poster, why didn't you draw him for the dakimakura challenge? You shouldn't waste the opportunity to draw your husbando!

>> No.2952670
File: 85 KB, 500x606, 2080429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon he make my kokoro go doki doki

if you like samurai kino with semi realistic well choreographed sword fight, it's a great choice.

>> No.2952672

shh l-let me tell you something

*whisper in your ear*
choobposter... can't draw

>> No.2952677

D: ?!

>> No.2952693
File: 17 KB, 160x160, 00350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Zeta Gundam, fucking kek

>> No.2952696
File: 85 KB, 1002x771, derw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2952697

>everyone who joined the daki challenge has basic skills.
the one circle jerk we can never truly be a part of. the average group

>> No.2952709

>>everyone who joined the daki challenge has basic skills.

>> No.2952711

I say this with 100% complete honesty. I think that the world would be a better place if you just necked yourselves. I say this not to be mean, but to be helpful. Your life would be 100x better than it is now if you were dead and rotting away 6 feet under. I know what you're gonna say. "B-but my family.." It's okay anons. Sure they'll feel bad for a couple weeks after but there lives will only improve after that. They'll slowly begin to phase the disgusting piece of trash that is the real you out of their minds and replace it with an idealized version of you. They'll remember you for what you could have been and not the pile of human excrement you ended up becoming.

And if for nothing else do it for Bondage Fairy and Choob. What better way to show your love for her than to sacrifice your very soul in her honor? Or what better way to show your hate and disgust for Choob than to kill yourself, letting him know that you can't even stand to live on the same planet as him? Just seriously neck yourselves anon. LAS will be better for it. I will be better for it. You'll be better for it. Your families will be better for it. The whole world will be better without you two in it. We will all be better off. You know what to do. Good luck! :)

>> No.2952714


>> No.2952716


Take a chill-pill Bill.

>> No.2952818
File: 487 KB, 1440x1080, a genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamaki Suou.
A serious cute.

>> No.2952838


>> No.2952855
File: 275 KB, 1000x1000, 1375925125447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same threads for almost a decade
>still cancer

>> No.2952858


>> No.2952876

I'm still here.

Be invoked everyone.

>> No.2952880

>that Kaede
That's some good stuff right there.

>> No.2952891

wasn't meant to reply to anyone


>> No.2952956
File: 259 KB, 250x250, 1451607826006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally submitted my first entry before 12

>> No.2953001


>> No.2953010

You forgot something.

>> No.2953077




>> No.2953079
File: 439 KB, 632x970, selfy_dickbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New challenge when?
Drop your ideas.

>> No.2953082


>> No.2953086

Propaganda. Each lassie draw a poster promoting /las/ in a pure propaganda style (you can propose a more original thematic).

>> No.2953092

Try to emulate the style of the artist below you in the entrants list?

>> No.2953095
File: 64 KB, 384x288, Street_Fighter_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a fighting game scene.
>entrant are teamed up by 2 or 3
>2 characters, 1 background

>> No.2953134

Where's the Ñ?

>> No.2953146

What's with all the faggotry? /ic/ really needs to be purged.

>> No.2953149

its 4chan. half of its userbase is prison gay unfortunately

>> No.2953154

Mathias, you're great at drawing figures but your daki has the least personaliy out of them all.

>> No.2953165

Mandatory "The Last Supper" /las/ version.
Each one draw one character.

Lava is Judas.

>> No.2953169

I know, kinda joined the challenge without realizing I didn't have a "waifu" and was too much of a pussy to draw my female self again (lol). Anyway it was fun even if I'm not that pleased with the end result either. I hope the next challenge is slightly less degenerate in terms of subject matter

>> No.2953180

What faggotry?

>> No.2953181

>ywn have a waifu that is your genderbent self

>> No.2953205

>my female self again
w-wait, where??!?

>> No.2953206

thank you, honestly
I can't see the improvement so much, but it's also nice to be back!
here's to a (hopefully) longer run

>> No.2953211
File: 45 KB, 620x432, edl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu.

>> No.2953314

Dear Lava

Fuck YOU.

A Concerned Parent

>> No.2953336

Draw your genderbent self.

>> No.2953339

Oh shit.

>> No.2953343

"Fuck you, Lava" challenge.

>> No.2953345

What would we have to do in it?

>> No.2953346

fuck lava

>> No.2953347


>> No.2953348


>Neat. I can forsee the general waifu genderbender.
>mfw you have to draw in a bad loomis style
>hadouken!!! If your partner doesn't deliver, you are fucked.
Why not, with this one we don't care if someone don't deliver.
>>2953336 and >>2953343
>You can do it in any challenge aforementioned

Since Tekky won the last challenge, he should choose the new challenge.

>> No.2953353

>Since Tekky won the last challenge, he should choose the new challenge.
Draw you're mom with you're genderbent self.

>> No.2953359

But my mom is a lesbian

>> No.2953362

genderbend you're mom

>> No.2953368


>> No.2953463

Why did you post this?

>> No.2953467

Draw half empty toothpaste tubes

>> No.2953473

How about a redraw one of your old submissions challenge? Draw anything from your first few months of las and look at how much you've improved or spiral into a depression when you realize you haven't.

>> No.2953477

What about the new guys

>> No.2953491

i kind of like the collab suggestions, but everyone really has to commit. at least the comic collab proved it was possible

>> No.2953497

Draw someone else's early submission

>> No.2953521
File: 6 KB, 518x71, ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2953530

Can I do Lava's

>> No.2953531

You smudged your Q, anon. I can't even make out what it says.

>> No.2953542


>> No.2953545

Sorry, forgot Ü and ß

>> No.2953559


>> No.2953560
File: 81 KB, 400x291, 5e48c6ed0db25888e85f537b64e86b9c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /las/, Hid and bathr00mbreak!

>> No.2953573

>but not poof
i noticed you kouhai

>> No.2953574

Choob challenge

Find an obscure digital artist from a far away land and trace their fanart to make the LAS deadline.

>> No.2953580
File: 1.41 MB, 300x250, FWgWCniSXGgShyU3CZ6Q_Bear Waving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT! My bad!
Welcome Poof!

>> No.2953582

Just use one of your older drawings from a year ago/couple months ago, doesn't have to be an las submission. If you haven't been drawing for a couple months than you're out of luck.

>> No.2953592


>> No.2953698

The thread seems slower than usual.

>> No.2953702

As usual, everybody is silently waiting for You's and their names popping up :^)

If the site wasn't a broken piece of shit these threads would be active.

>> No.2953703

las is kill

>> No.2953706

w2c the Red pillow

>> No.2953723

No challenge please.

>> No.2953737

Someone post the pasta with all the names

>> No.2953739

I just figured out how to get Lava back. Remember back in the early days when he said Loli wasn't allowed in LAS? What if we made a loli challenge and everyone drew a loli?

>> No.2953748
File: 77 KB, 1227x533, ranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only this one.

>> No.2953752

It's far more likely he'd get pissed and just off the site.

>> No.2953753

first of all hardly anyone fucking cares and secondly, nobody fucking cares

>> No.2953758

You cared enough to reply cuck

>> No.2953763

What if everyone made their thumbnail telling Lava to come back
He at least looks at those? Right?

>> No.2953766

We haven't even tried >>2953763 or reporting him yet.

>> No.2953768

someone make a report lava challenge

>> No.2953772

got a legit kek out of me

>> No.2953774

So when are we all going to mass report him? :^)

>> No.2953778

i report him every day just to be sure

>> No.2953779


>> No.2953782





>> No.2953783

>tfw people have been reporting Lava every day since he left but he tweaked the system so he'll never get tribunaled

>> No.2953785


>> No.2953798

Please, everyone report yesterday's entry NOW. And maybe, with our powers combined...!!

>> No.2953808


>> No.2953815

Calm down Tom

>> No.2953818

how many reports does it take before it goes to tribunal? when will we know

>> No.2953821

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2953825

there have been tribunal cases with 2 report reasons, so I think a minimum of 2, but it's all weighted and stuff behind the scenes in the code so maybe a bit more would be needed to get The Lemur tribunal'd

>> No.2953827

>everyone gets tribunaled at once
>a mystery button appears on the site
>click here for the grand prize...
>Lava appears to tell everyone it was keikaku doori

>> No.2953832

I sure hope lava made some nice badgers while he was away!

>> No.2953835

Badges were useless anyways, wouldn't have kept anyone to stay any longer. LAS needs a better system like pay to win or drawonthego where you can visit and battle people at their Art Studios with your art which you train.

>> No.2953836

http://lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/?offset=1 Report Lavaflake's submission!
Be the change you want to see!

>> No.2953840

This is a trap. You'll see who reported. Lava will then kill the traitors.

>> No.2953841

I'm ready for the dragon dick badge

>> No.2953844

Don't listen to this anon, this is Lava.

>> No.2953854
File: 69 KB, 467x413, 1381124859681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opt in to battle someone who submit yesterday and also entering battle today
>randomly pitted against someone, or matchmaking system on win/loss
>when both submissions are in everyone votes on the better submission
>keep count on w/l ratio

>host tournament brackets

>undefeated champions

>> No.2953858


>> No.2953860

>had time today
>decide to start drawing in the last few hours

Why do I do this

>> No.2953866

>Democratic fights
Let's find some other way of settling it.

>> No.2953867


>> No.2953868

>gesture battle challenge

>> No.2953873


>> No.2953874

wait we already had a gesture battle challenge, waaaay back in the age of SantiChasca

>> No.2953878


>> No.2953879

when living memes roamed freely and lavaflakes work on websites

>> No.2953880

Come join and draw with me instead of shitposting lassies


>> No.2953883

don't do it 23:30 club members! D:

>> No.2953896

you mean the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?

>> No.2953898

come up with a good way and ill write the site for it

>> No.2953917
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2953933

lava? LAAVAA! where are you lava?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo3guau9UQw

>> No.2953939
File: 1.93 MB, 460x259, mYo1qb9x1g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if lava were to come back and start working on the site again, what would be your most anticipated updates to las? Aside from bug fixes.

>> No.2953940

Why did I even join? I hate LAS and I fucking hate drawing.

>> No.2953941

Because you hate yourself.

>> No.2953943
File: 80 KB, 569x802, bigepiphany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a ringtone becomes the most horrifying sound ever

>> No.2953949

I'd like some anonymous crit/comment function on the site. I think it would promote interaction and there would be way more people commenting on shit if it was easy to do. Just submit and then take a look at whoever submitted before or after you and leave a quick comment. W made it kinda awkward on his site and no one did it. Oh and I think they shouldn't be anonymous either, if no one sees other people commenting then they wont be encouraged to do it themselves.

I don't think he'll ever add something like this tho. I remember him saying he didn't want any interaction on the site or something like that.

>> No.2953956

rip webbeva

>> No.2953958
File: 699 KB, 3008x1879, aEMc9sm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Webbeva lost a token
>this was his last submission
What did he mean by this? What was he trying to tell us? Poor lad.

>> No.2953960
File: 35 KB, 626x432, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno, he did put it on the to-do list.

among a bunch of other things id like for user pages to get some additional features. like a space to link a blog or for older entries to be viewable as thumbnails. clicking through the endless list of links is such a pain.

>> No.2953961

penalties for not submitting to or completing your challenge properly, and rewards for otherwise

>> No.2953968

>tfw have to wait a day before case gets sent to tribunal
Did we report Lava enough? Will he notice the big fat announcement when he checks the website tomorrow (as he submits in the last few minutes, getting such a shock that he misses the deadline :^))?

>> No.2953972
File: 53 KB, 600x800, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome 404DeadLink!

>> No.2953976

Is this still active? can't tell what's going on

>> No.2953994

I'm gonna be in it for a little bit

>> No.2954006


Please, remember to report Lava's submission! :)

>> No.2954008


>> No.2954043

choob is a shite drawist

>> No.2954044

The day I become a janitor I'm gonna ban you so fucking hard.

>> No.2954050

fuck man shit dog

>> No.2954055


Don't do that, you would make him better at art.

>> No.2954060

Youre gonna be awestruck and befuddled when you realize its between 4-5 people, I jumped on the Chob-bandwagon.

>> No.2954073

I'll just nuke this whole fucking place then. /ic/ will be no more

>> No.2954088

Yo Jeremias, you've been doing those for a while. Do you think they've been helping you? Also I'd like to see you try applying those perspective skills on something a bit more finished like a vehicle or interior environment. Anyways, keep it up!

>> No.2954105

I wonder if Jeremias is comfort zoning or not. Does he ever do finished pieces?

>> No.2954118

comfort zoning on such a boring subject matter

>> No.2954242


Yes, definitely.

Yeah, I need to do more finished stuff. I am trying to finish up Eric Olson`s course this week, so big bulk of the stuff I post will be related to his course.

I guess it's a matter of perspective.

>> No.2954244

>I guess it's a matter of perspective.

>> No.2954255
File: 17 KB, 378x257, lösfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2954260

>it took this long to finish Olson
Don't tell me you're going to do Robertson next.

>> No.2954276
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1445127810627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2954283

Lets see if the Olson meme pays off. I've always thought that it was over kill and avoided it.

>> No.2954284

I am sorry anon, I will.

I planned to do How to draw and his 4 Gnomon videos.

It won`t take nearly as long as Olson, I am shooting to finish it up in a month.

>> No.2954546

I admire your dedication
I don't know why I keep putting off those fundie books. I have How to Draw and Loomis' figure drawing right next to me yet I never open them. Or sometimes I do and then quit on one of the first chapters and return to mindless sketches.

>> No.2954557
File: 78 KB, 500x387, 2776575315_bb7b927687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have we ever actually had senile as a topic? I can't remember. Rhythm & cloth topics have been chosen like million times already.

Maybe i am becoming senile.

>> No.2954565


Definition of senile:
of, relating to, exhibiting, or characteristic of old age senile weakness; especially: exhibiting a loss of cognitive abilities (as memory) associated with old age

Happened every day since /las/ was created.

>> No.2954613

yeah if I recall correctly it was up once during las' early days

>> No.2954635

Waiting for lava to pop up in the tribunal is like waiting for christmas! (´ㆁ ᴗ ㆁ`)

>> No.2954643

wait, I just realized, we probably should've all picked the same reason to report him with, I hope you all also went with "Low Effort"?

>> No.2954758


>> No.2954760

What were the early days of las? First 100 days?

>> No.2954771

when Lava was thought of as a god

>> No.2954828

Poon, are those daki poses from imagination? They're fantastic. How do I get to be as good as you?

(Who's your husbando?)

>> No.2954940


>> No.2954946

i honestly cant wait, i hope it worked

>> No.2954983

>cat thumbnail
Don't do this Poof

>> No.2954986


>> No.2954987

...the revival of the tribunal?!

>> No.2955001

>tfw topic drawing is killing your motivation

>> No.2955015

Hid, nice tank.

>> No.2955017


>> No.2955023

Because I started and I don't want to break my topic streak.

>> No.2955029
File: 20 KB, 310x156, stahp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I better not catch you slacking!

>> No.2955038

That would be Lava

>> No.2955046

where is my daily dose of positive reinforcement dammit!?

>> No.2955049
File: 36 KB, 400x524, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it!

>> No.2955050

You can do it!

>> No.2955056
File: 231 KB, 600x500, 158aecade87d8f58b00335e9e832c068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not gonna make it!

>> No.2955060
File: 1.99 MB, 299x152, 1qdlh1io1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955062
File: 50 KB, 636x348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by this?

>> No.2955065

ngmi-chan had a rough life :(

>> No.2955072

What counts as making it, anyway?
I'm scraping by drawing gross porn shit that doesn't really interest me, but art's covering all of my expenses right now.

>> No.2955092

Be able to draw what you most want to draw at a level that makes you proud without having to worry about living expenses or other orthogonal needs getting in the way.

>> No.2955097


>> No.2955102

Guess I have a ways to go still.

Nah, worse.

>> No.2955103


>> No.2955104

Nah, worse.

>> No.2955106


>> No.2955109

how far can we go?

>> No.2955110
File: 159 KB, 600x500, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i will!

>> No.2955111

Nah, but about that level.

>> No.2955115

o-oh god M-My CHINPOOO!!

>> No.2955141

>tfw browsing instagram and a random lassie commented on the post I was looking at
It was papa

>> No.2955145

Best submission of the day goes to...*dramatic drums*

>> No.2955149

you're mom

>> No.2955154
File: 633 KB, 650x919, 1489691370374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955157

CandyCone that is C U T E

>> No.2955179

I'll take one (You) or mention pls. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2955180

Here you go, thank you for your patronage!

>> No.2955184

name a lassie you want to

>> No.2955187

H _ _ _ L

>> No.2955189

you're mom

>> No.2955190

B-but I get a boner Everytime I cuddle someone

>> No.2955192

maybe this lassie also have a boner ;)

>> No.2955200
File: 10 KB, 225x225, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L-lewd !

>> No.2955205


>> No.2955206

I don't think he comes to the threads. People have talked about him since the start of las but I don't ever remember him responding.

>> No.2955215


>> No.2955217

pls notice me /las/ I'm lonely ):

>> No.2955218

hello senpai i notice you!!

>> No.2955219


>> No.2955226


>> No.2955227

I wonder if there are any other active lassies that don't come to the threads? Unless they just stick to the discord... it just seems so lonely otherwise.

>> No.2955229

lonely :(

>> No.2955233

finlay. he called me attractive once. i want to snuggle that mophead

>> No.2955236

>all these posts
Look at what /las/ has degenerated into. What happened to the golden days?

>> No.2955238
File: 170 KB, 1415x958, sanik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955240

Lava stopped coming, nothing new and exciting happened on the website, community challenges trickled to a tiny drip, living memes died, chubposter transcended autism levels never seen before, lots of cool week 1ers died, new people unaware of memes came.

>> No.2955242

Which lassie are you?

>> No.2955244


>> No.2955248
File: 425 KB, 427x421, Screenshot_3 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate us kohais on /las/ history!!!

>> No.2955253

>lava didn't appear in tribunal

>> No.2955255

What the fuck, is it broken after all??

>> No.2955256

>woke up from a nap minutes after deadline

Thank you, anon! Yes, they are. It's just about grinding, and looking at how other or master artists execute things. I think drawing and thinking with rhythms in mind helps with posing figures, generally.

>> No.2955267

once upon a time there was a lemur, he made a website and invited all the lasses on /ic/ from cute Lolis to adorable Rovers, he promised a beautiful website like badgers and hookers, and he swore he would finish it so FUCKING SOON, but the lemur lied, and Loli died, Rover went on a pillgrumage to the mountains to train, Loomis (the Lemur's brother) quit LAS and went on a rampage, the Flawless 21 and Topic Frontliners got slaughted, Anon313 decided to get a job in a studio and to stop shitposting, and with him Team Forza mostly died, Eldrick the Redeemed couldn't stand being alive and seppuk'd, Stella broke up with us for /agdg/, SantiChasca tried to stream but accidentally caused mexico to black out, the cries of "Please be week 1!" died out as week 1's population vanished, streamers used to be quite nice chats but those have been mostly replaced by the discordians, Lava went AWOL eventually causing some alarm but not in anger but fear for Lava's health as it turned out he was having spine surgery and getting half a dozen spinal taps, so LAS came together to make a "GET WELL!" card and drew some pretty stuff for Lava, he didn't come back. Some months later W (a week 1er) programmed from scratch an alternate website called DED (Draw Every Day) at doom.moe, it had streaks and was going to be a most amazing website to behold but before a month was up Lava decided to come back and add streaks to LAS, W accidentally wiped DED's database, and W shut down DED. A little while later Lava went AWOL again. And here we are, watching the extremely slow decline of LAS, kept alive by the regular users' undying autism and the eternal thread on /ic/ attracting newcomers.

>> No.2955276

kek. This being 100% accurate only makes it funnier. Sounds like the intro to a manga or something desu, like it would pick up from there with the remaining W1's in shambles struggling to stay alive whilst mourning the death of their comrades.

>> No.2955421


>> No.2955428

Discord was a mistake. Everyone is using it now. Skype is dead. I'm pissed.

>> No.2955429

So it gets better right? Or is it just a tragedy waiting to happen?

>> No.2955434

History being told by the losers who never made it.

>> No.2955440

Skype is and always has been garbage.

>> No.2955441

You're garbage.

>> No.2955442

Everything he said is factually correct tho retard-sama. He didn't even say anything negative.

>> No.2955447

Don't talk to me like that, scum.

>> No.2955490


Left off the part where he got caught tracing.

>> No.2955493
File: 360 KB, 500x375, 1486158680310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here, what was the deal with Choob tracing? Please teach me the legends, oldfags. I need to know this piece of /las/ history.

>> No.2955498

Choob, you already bring enough attention to yourself when you choobpost. Give it a rest.

>> No.2955665

poof you newfag, meme thumbnails are a report worthy offense here

>> No.2955703

I vote for this one >>2953086

>> No.2955731
File: 49 KB, 407x407, 1464053231942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up lads, ive been trying to get in contact with Lava to discuss the current state of the website. From discussion inside of the Discord and in the Thread I have a general idea of what new features could be added to the site, and what problems need to be troubleshooted and of course taking care of current-standing bugs. Im going to be trying to come up with small code-bits of widget examples of different features and presenting them to Lava and hoping to be able to apply these changes to the current standing LAS site. In the interest of hearing unique ideas, what are some recommendations you guys have for cool features you would like to see on the site, besides of badges, and battles like talked about above?

>> No.2955743

- Points (granted by votes, respecting various constraints, topic or else)
- Ranking (which allow to establish categories like, beginner, intermediate and a top 8)
- Comments (it's democracy after all)
- Galerie (high ranked prevail, you don't want to see ugly doodles.)
-Tutorials (this way newbies don't ask for the same question evry time)
- Badges (for the weaklings so they are happy nonethless)
- Battles (playoff B for beginners, playoff A for average, playoff S for the top 8)
- Challenge (you can change category by challenging someone in the higher roster. But you need a certain amount of points)

Everything that make a good society
or a sport interesting.

>> No.2955746

I really don't fucking understand what this shit is supposed to be for.
Draw, every fucking day. That's all you gotta do.
If you want gay badges or your dick sucked and a following go to fucking deviant art.

>> No.2955778

Only the ability to critique. If we could communicate and redline others easily there that would be nice and would give some extra motivation to improve. I don't give a fuck about anything else.

Battles and points/ranking might be nice for you long runners but intimidating to newbies and /beg/ tier. Not that I mind, if you want a "like" system, go for it.

>> No.2955816

The ability to upload my drawings directly.

>> No.2955819

Yes, good idea. Gigas of masterpieces clogging the site in no time. Add a "quick submit" and a "flush" button for more convenience.

We the people wuz kangz.

>> No.2955859

the problem isn't really "lava doesn't know what features to add" (since the TODO list on the website has already been listing basically everything mentioned since early 2016, showing he's very well aware of what he plans to do next), rather it's "lava doesn't want to talk to LAS or work on the website", but I don't mind whatever method you use if it ultimately works in getting him to come out of his hermit shell and give a fuck.

>> No.2955874

Did you guys reported Lava? Let's hope tomorrow he shows up in the tribunal.

>> No.2955884

>lava forced to drop out
>fuck it
>site shuts down
congratulations, you're all fucking retarded

>> No.2955885

This. Add a little checkbox that you can enable comments and critiques for individual submissions, then give a way to easily see those among the rest of the submissions. Other things would be usability features like sorting the submission page by topic/not topic and replacing the list of links in a profile with the thumbnails from those submissions. He's already storing the thumbnails so it shouldn't be any extra cost. Then of course finishing the half-assed streak system by adding messages to shame people when they miss a day or note when they hit certain thresholds.

Almost everything else in >>2955743 is garbage. Rankings are cancer, and you can already sort the submission gallery by the people you follow if seeing "ugly doodles" is below your majesty. The other stuff is stupid gamification gimmicks that you can either already emulate in the community challenges or should go looking for somewhere else.

>> No.2955890

>>forced to drop out
>doesn't understand how tribunals work
>doesn't comprehend 24 notice

>> No.2955894

>implying lava will defend himself
>implying lava will keep going after losing his streak once again
your brain is worth less than his legs, anon

>> No.2955895

Lava has missed a couple days since he dropped out of the week system, there's just no notification of it.

>> No.2955898
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>> No.2955902

Okay you inbred imbecile, let me explain it to your thick skull in a way even neanderthals understand:
IF he was ALSO punished, then the Tribunal gives a Low Effort Warning that won't eliminate him and which is a completely separate system to Tokens that similarly regenerates every 30 days.
And besides that, Lava has ALREADY dropped out SEVERAL times.

>> No.2955904

he was reported the day before yesterday, yesterday should've been the 24 hour period for him to write his excuse, and today should've been when he appeared in tribunal, so I don't think he's going to appear

>> No.2955905

>beginner, intermediate and a top 8
who decides

who decides who won

>> No.2955918
File: 15 KB, 500x279, 5516de0b57422d1048cbd805b5d46dd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Points (votes)
>Ranking (beginner, intermediate)

>> No.2955925

will i be able to trade my points for (you)s?

>> No.2955930

>- Ranking (which allow to establish categories like, beginner, intermediate and a top 8)
>top 8
Is this Myspace or something? To be honest, I don't want to promote a separation of skill through tiers. It's competitive, and not in a good way.

>> No.2955931
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>> No.2955933

Anon forgot most people upload sketches and studies to the gallery more much often than finished work

If a voting/ranking system was in place we'd all be sharing finished pieces from blogs, or pushed to polish turds

>> No.2955939

> fixed site
> a way to upload more than 1 image
> thumbnails in profile
> comments (for critique mostly)
> maybe some profile info
> more challenges settings (like upload picture every day for X days)

>> No.2955940

god yes can we please get thumbnails in the profile and profile info it's be FUCKING AGES


>> No.2955942

Is it possible to view thumbnails at all after the submission screen is wiped for the new day?

>> No.2955943

yeah you click on the blue arrow going left

>> No.2955945


>> No.2955949

Oh shit, I didn't even notice that.

>> No.2955956
File: 88 KB, 714x408, shame-on-you-060212.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, joining these groups is a mistake. Trying to have a career as an artist is a mistake if you are a functioning human being. (That being said i have the utmost respect for people who don't sell out and start drawing lewds just for some sweaty neet bucks and actually are trying to create art not just something other freaks can jerk off to)
I was actually all for discord at first, but spending some time there has seriously weirded me out. Literally 7/10 people on LAS are furries, transvestites, lesbians, feminists or whatever the fuck you delusional people want to be these days. The ever increasing degeneracy levels are frightening. Honestly, I believe the art industry is going to be absolutely fucked in the coming years just because of the huge amount of social retards applying and eventually getting the jobs. Seriously if I knew any of you guys in real life I would be ashamed of being in your vicinity. You people are fucking strange. WW3 when.

If you are serious about studying art and actually pursuing a career that's going to last longer than it takes for someone to ejaculate I recommend leaving 4chan or the very least not taking anything people say here seriously.

You guys wonder why good artists left LAS, it's because you have created an absolute abomination of a community that no sane person would ever like to be associated with.

Please go outside and have meaningful relationships instead of basement dwelling and and fantasizing about anime. Sickening

Lava is obviously still a faggot for leaving tho

>> No.2955960

Okay Choob

>> No.2955964

>You guys wonder why good artists left LAS
I-I am a good artist?!

>> No.2955965

Funny you should say that, I consider choob to be one of the most normal dudes there. 10/10 Would probably drink beer with.

>> No.2955967

Okay Lampblak

>> No.2955969

all the good artists EXCEPT FOR YOU :^)

>> No.2955972
File: 2.73 MB, 500x240, 6597875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955973

Degenerates are everywhere and are more prominent in the creative and entertainment fields. Grow up and get off your high horse.

>> No.2955975

this is bait

>> No.2955977

Those types of people won't make it anyways. They're weak.

>> No.2955984

Oh man, gonna need that Basil pic. For scientific purposes of course.

>> No.2955988

How can you say so when your see >>2952622 picture?

>> No.2955995

Sure! Here it is

>> No.2955996

Damn m8, that's pretty cute.
Thanks anon.

>> No.2955997

Another decent person actually (maybe a little degenerate, but pretty much all aussies are cool people), are you me
I can confidently say that I'm more grown up and successful than most of you here. I'm not on a high horse I'm just trying to illuminate how far from actual reality you guys reside. Take it how you want. I'm right either way
Yeah most of them will burn out and probably end up on welfare or homeless desu, others will adjust and start hiding their disgusting habits

>> No.2956001

Who are those "good artists"?
I'm curious to know since i'm on the degenerate category.
Don't worry about me, i'll make it since delusional people are the new norm.

>> No.2956005

still bait

>> No.2956006

>I can confidently say that I'm more grown up and successful than most of you here. I'm not on a high horse I'm just trying to illuminate how far from actual reality you guys reside. Take it how you want. I'm right either way
Post your work.

>> No.2956007

>namefag circlejerk is a circlejerk
wow stop the presses

>> No.2956008

You still have eyes don't you?

And please, worrying about your fucked up life is the last thing on my mind.

>> No.2956009
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>> No.2956011

If you are successful why are you posting here instead of working for me on a videogame?

>> No.2956013

No, I quit a long time ago and like I said I would literally kill myself out of embarrassment if someone found out I posted here.
Besides, I'm not that good (still better than you). I'm more successful as in I have my own house, a successful career(Not related to drawing), I earn a lot of money, I have friends and people that like me.

>> No.2956014

If that was a realistic situation, you would be the one who's working for me.

Alas, I don't work in the video game industry.

>> No.2956017

R-Rover?!?! D:

>> No.2956021

Stella has turned to the dark side?

>> No.2956022

You sound delusional.

>> No.2956023


>> No.2956027

Awesome thumbnail Poof, sadly your drawing didn't met the expectation.

>> No.2956028

>trying to create art not just something other freaks can jerk off to
I'm curious where you see the distinction. It's not a very high-brow form of entertainment, but porn artists are creating art that makes their clients happy.

>how far from actual reality
The money I make putting out fires and the money I make helping internet weirdos jack off are both equally real when it comes to paying for my groceries though.

>> No.2956032

Hi Choob, trace anything good since you left?

>> No.2956036

Sounds more like 5 lips or one of his pals

>> No.2956037

Thanks, best mouse needs more love

>> No.2956038

You're a delusional retard. What the fuck are you bragging about? That's like me going to a cooking forum, calling everyone shit and saying I'm more successful than them even though I don't cook. Who gives a shit what your successful in if it isn't related to art. This is an art forum and from your words it seems like you've failed at art. You're just a bitter person who never made it. You honestly have no reason to feel superior to anyone here because you quit, at least they're still trying. Try visiting /pol/ if you want to feel superior for doing nothing.

>> No.2956041
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>> No.2956043

Choob can get so angry.

>> No.2956044

People who are happy and succeful don't go around insulting people for no reason usually.
You sound like you want to convince yourself that you made the right choice not pursuing art further.

>> No.2956047

wait who's Choob?

>>2956013 <-- Him?
>>2956038 <-- or him?

>> No.2956050

Would like to see Ratigan get the same treatment too.

>> No.2956051

Our Choob who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom Choobs.
Thy will be Choob
on /ic/ as it is in LAS.
Give us this day our daily Choob,
and forgive Choob his trespasses,
as Choob forgives those who Choobpost against Choob,
and lead Choob not into tracing,
but deliver Choob from evil

>> No.2956056

Ha, what triggered Choob? I dont feel like going through the whole thread.

>> No.2956069

your mom.

>> No.2956071


>> No.2956099

fuck choob shit choob

>> No.2956111
File: 42 KB, 396x430, 1440429060966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, since some of you don't get the idea about reporting Lava: we are NOT reporting him to make him lose his streak or something like that, the point is to report him for something harmless like "wrong thumbnail" just to send him a message since he's ignoring us so fucking much It's the only way of contacting him we haven't try. We have to write things like "please, come back" in the reason box of the report.
If tomorrow doesn't shows up in the tribunal we will try again.

>> No.2956113

I thought that was obvious?

>> No.2956114

There is no reason to contact her. You can post on the site, shitpost on the thread and circlejerk on the discord, it's fine.

>> No.2956123

Just in case since I've read posts like these >>2955894

>> No.2956145

>Literally 7/10 people on LAS are furries, transvestites, lesbians, feminists or whatever the fuck you delusional people want to be these days.
you couldn't tell before the discord from the furry art, tranny talk in the threads and how many faggots link to their fucking tumblrs?
imgur should be a standard, even names should be forced to just anon
faggots are scared to post their shit because they have a name attached to it
we've been doing this for a fucking year now and these threads are so fucking redundant and beyond useless it's pathetic

>> No.2956149

>false reporting a cripple
go to hell

>> No.2956150

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2956174


>> No.2956196

So, what /las/ ships are there? We have
Choobposters x Choob
Nichijouposter x Hazel
UBFAnon x BondageFairy (only one-sided)
I am mom x you
What else is there? What do you guys ship?

>> No.2956219

Fuck you Lava x Lava

>> No.2956220

>yfw next challenge is One True Pairing challenge

>> No.2956221

>draw tsundere chooposter screaming Choob's name repeatedly
I ship it

>> No.2956254

Did you even read what I wrote you butthurt loli fag lmao. I'm better than you at art and at life. Chill the fuck out. How did you miss my original point so bad you absolute troglodyte.

Looks like I hit a nerve though, you seem triggered as fuck. Do you live with your parents still?

>> No.2956265

Triggered? If you were really doing better at art and life then everyone why are you bragging about it on here? Just cause you say something doesn't mean it's true and using a dumb ass word like troglodyte seriously tells me exactly what kind of sad deluded fuck you are.

Here I'll do the same thing. I'm way better than you at art and life. I said it so it's true. If you say otherwise your triggered.

>> No.2956269
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>> No.2956271

Post work

>> No.2956273


>> No.2956276

Hey anon, I'm the best artist in the world and I'm banging 10 super models every day. Attached is my proof.

>> No.2956277

If you're Choob then literally everybody is better than you...at art and life.

>> No.2956278

what are you going to spend all these (You)s on?

>> No.2956323

I tried to draw him before, he has a weird body type and I always fail

>> No.2956327
File: 961 KB, 245x250, tumblr_mch0pdjM2K1rv84o7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

havent been on /las/ for a few days now, wonder how everyone is do-

>> No.2956328


>> No.2956359

/las/ is like this all the time. It's more like

>> No.2956361

What's your next goal or milestone /las/?

>> No.2956364

To kill the lemur.

>> No.2956371

Topic drawing killed my hopes and dreams, I live day by day now.

And I can't stop.

>> No.2956372

i just wanna finish more shit

>> No.2956376

As of now drawing everyday is enough for me. Without LAS I'd surely skip weeks without drawing at all. But I'm going to set a new goal, eventually.

>> No.2956392

Establishing a style and lewd commissions.

>> No.2956398
File: 276 KB, 700x1750, tumblr_op0yejVF961wonpgbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rorg, this is just bad, very bad, work on your proportions, this is all fucked up.

>> No.2956404

Just give it up, anon. You will not defeat me as you are.

>> No.2956410

But if I stop now I won't secure a high spot on the leaderboard.

>> No.2956419

I wish upon Lava two full lifetimes of pain and discomfort. Let it be so.

>> No.2956420

topics don't count to leaderboard position afaik

>> No.2956424

Well, if you sort by topic streak you more-or-less have a spot.

>> No.2956428

yeah, but like, no one'll really ever do that

>> No.2956430

I do


>> No.2956433

cute ( - ᴗ - 。)

>> No.2956435

Who is Lava talking to on his blog? It's just a bunch of delusional ramblings.

>> No.2956438

he's on the spectrum
i think he also treats it as a diary

>> No.2956439

his future self, I think I recall him mentioning that he does it so that his future self can look back and realize what a faggot he was, or something along those lines

>> No.2956443

It's his manifesto for when he shoots up an art studio or a gym full of people with working arms and legs.

>> No.2956483

Kek. Will every lassie be called to testify when he finally snaps?

>> No.2956488

Why don't we have a draw Lava challenge?

>> No.2956492

Draw a crippled lemur with half toothpaste tube stubs and crooked hands Challenge

>> No.2956495

don't forget the broken spine

>> No.2956503

This sum gud shit.

>> No.2956532

I seriously don't know.

I spent the first year of LAS learning fundies that I never had time to learn, but the past maybe 6 months I've just been floundering and uploading bullshit because I'm not really sure what the next step is.

>> No.2956543
File: 521 KB, 1000x802, 1439271772720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading through the thread

Jesus Christ guys. More drawing, less shitposting.

We are all friends here, right?

>> No.2956558


>> No.2956566
File: 50 KB, 1240x895, 1488759687884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2956568


>> No.2956595

Do we report Lava again?

>> No.2956598

Yes, and this time make sure everyone uses the same "Reason" from the drop down list "Low Effort", otherwise I think we may be having split effort.


>> No.2956605

I want to do some more finished stuff. It's been a while since I've actually pushed a sketch.

I also need to start prepping my portfolio soon, and start doing environments.

>> No.2956640

>no one died
Pls just die. I can't take it anymore. How long must this go on?

>> No.2956645

forever and ever

>> No.2956651

How longs it been since a week one fuckin died?

>> No.2956653

'bout tree fiddy days

>> No.2956681

No, Jeremias looks like he's taking time to really absorb things.

>> No.2956728

How do I get out of this fucking rut? Pls send help :/

>> No.2956730

Post your rut.

>> No.2956760

to start drawing again ;_;

>> No.2956810

what are you waiting for?

>> No.2956855

Hey do any of you guys do any other creative activities aside from art? I've been thinking about doing other stuff more to get inspo/recharge whenever I get burnt out from drawing. I'm gonna try to write more and try to learn how to make cool hip-hop beats+Orchestral music. Seems like it'll be fun and upping my writing game will help when I eventually make a comic. Music could be helpful too for animation stuff.

How about you guys?

>> No.2956859

im not your buddy, pal

>> No.2956869

Music is a good one to pick up, so I hear.

I sew and crochet but those things don't contribute much to my art unless I decide to go work for Laika.
At most it'll be a fallback job when I hit 40 and lose all my passion for drawing.

>> No.2956917

How do you pick that up, anon? College course or something?

>> No.2956921

I like building model kits, I use to do carpentry but I haven't done that in years. I should get back into it.

>> No.2956977

It's more shit than gud to be fair.

>> No.2957005

Poof what the fuck are you doing? Just exactly how new are you?


>> No.2957035

what the fuck is this nigger doing?
not to mention that he's report on sight because of his thumbnails

>> No.2957053
File: 62 KB, 564x863, 1475636702144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention everybody, let's try again to report Lava, not enough people did it last time.
-Go to his submission here: http://lavaflake.com/draw/submissions/?offset=1
-Report him for inappropiate thumbnail (low effort is more serious, he might get angry)
-Write him a message in the reason ("please, come back", "Lava, we miss you"...), anything you want.
-If you didn't report him last time thinking he was going to get mad at you remember: the report is for inappropiate thumbnail, nothing serious.

I'm sure a lot of people last time talked about report him but didn't do it, I know, I was one of them.
I think with three reports It's enough to get someone in the tribunal, but let's make it more people just in case.

Remember: this is the only way of contacting Lava we haven't tried.

>> No.2957056

Leave Lava alone you fucking autist. He doesn't want to come back. He will never come back.

>> No.2957060

the fuck do you want form him anyway?
the site is up and running, if you want your gay little achievements go to tumblr or dA

>> No.2957069


>> No.2957071

And this is why the reports didn't work last time, because you're reporting him for different Reasons and splitting the effort: >>2956598

>> No.2957077

Long time LAS poster here
I'm seriously considering leaving las because of all the shitposting
The site started out really positive but now it's really not the same and it all collapsed in such a short amount of time

>> No.2957079

do it

>> No.2957080

I had the same feeling, I just draw every day
these threads never had a purpose to begin with

>> No.2957082

Then leave! :)

Wow, what a concept!

>> No.2957092

How about you go back to tumblr, you fucking nigger?
Don't come in here with your 2 inch pecker hanging out pretending you know shit.
We'll take LAS back and drive the cancer that is you out again. Go suck dick in your discord and don't bother coming back since you're clearly not here for drawing.

>> No.2957093

Yet I'm not the one crying about leaving :)

>> No.2957103

You will

>> No.2957107
File: 63 KB, 400x366, ow the edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2957187


>> No.2957194

I'm self-taught, but I learned when I was 12 so it's easy to pick up. I think the best way is to buy a pattern for something simple and just follow the instructions. Then you can work your way up through more difficult things.

>> No.2957200
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Well I don't know when you joined but even though it's only been a year these threads used to have a very positive and motivational mood to keep drawing
The idea of trying to post the first second of the day or a second before the deadline was a bit of fun and it was based on drawing everyday and being disciplined in some way
When badges were first thought of it was based on completing challenges whether drawing everyday for a while or doing a special thing, it was an idea based on drawing.
There used to be streams going all day, some streamers tried to stream for as long as they possibly could to oneup eachother

But I don't get that vibe anymore, it's all slowed down, the motivation has faded and the shitposting has gone from funposting to just clogging up the thread
It no longer feels like a positive environment to improve skills and make some good artist friends.

As a tool to just draw everyday it has much more potential than that. It connects you with people who are also drawing everyday, people who want to improve and are proactive about it.

If anyone makes a new site you should implement a focus on building a environmennt that encourages improvement and discourages shitposting

>> No.2957204

Nessiefynn, change one letter to match the topic.

>> No.2957206

"Funposting" is just "shitposting I like". Nothing has really changed except lava living up to his name by being a fucking flake. Rover, Stella, and pbw1 were just replaced by choob and fuck you lava.

The positive things that come out of these threads happen because someone decides to engage and initiate something. It's fine if you don't want to be that person, but if you don't and instead only complain that someone else isn't, you're just as much of the problem as the active shitposters.

>> No.2957207

Primary factor being Lava fucking off for half a year and leaving shit to fall to pieces.

LAS up until that point, and even just a little after that point, was very positive because we had exciting things to look forward to and we could get the community to do nice things like the "Get well" challenge all in good will.

>> No.2957218

>motivation has faded.
As if you need motivation to eat your dessert, fuck you girl/boyfriend or whatever you love. Sorry lad, you apparently have no desire to draw. More than a year to realise that, but it's OK everything will be fine. Try another hobby.

>> No.2957261

what is a week oner?

>> No.2957263

a tortured soul

>> No.2957265

a real chum

>> No.2957291

A miserable pile of submissions

>> No.2957292

you're mom

>> No.2957295

I really wish Choob would stop trying to bring down LAS out of spite since it didn't work for him. His 400+ day streak amounted to nothing, showing zero gains, he actually got worse.

>> No.2957300

is it me or are the submission and case boxes on the dashboard off? like the borders are 1px further apart on both sides now. the challenges one still looks the same though. could it be lava did something??

>> No.2957331
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>> No.2957356
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