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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 113 KB, 1200x580, C9z10dSU0AA-U9_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2951118 No.2951118 [Reply] [Original]

Please, can someone explain how the modern cartooning aesthetic can be both technically well but at the same time so aesthetically ugly.

This is just one example but you see this shit everywhere like with tumblr and everything CalArts produces

>> No.2951123

Emphasis on diversity of faces/body over attractiveness and a disdain for traditional beauty standards. The western standards for beauty are pretty restrictive, so while ignoring them does produce more varied and distinctive character designs, which is a plus, it also in characters just looking less attractive.

>> No.2951132

The tumblr style literally thrives on rejecting the conventionally attractive, it should surprise absolutely no one that tumblr-style artists will produce disgusting looking characters, nor that other tumblrinas will praise how beautiful they are. They participate in the insulting "omg youre so beautiful" shit daily.

>> No.2951149

I really wish people would just learn what the point of tumblr art is.
Its supposed to by ugly, that is literally the point of the whole thing. By being ugly its "rejecting conventional beauty standards".
Its not ugly because of their style or skill, but because they want it to be ugly. Now whether or not you agree with that is irrelevant. But it is intended so its purpose is accomplished.

>> No.2951153

How are these artists so good? Do they just draw a lot?

>> No.2951166

That, and getting lessons/refs, and studying

It takes a lot of time too

>> No.2951447


>> No.2951474

bu...but thats stupid....what does this accomplish?! why reject those standards? is this some sjw tactic?
one of those everyone is beautiful things?

>> No.2951480
File: 19 KB, 218x210, 1373729262856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey goyim, you NEED to embrace and accept all forms of beauty and art! You're not going to be a Nazi about it are you? heheheh yes that's right good goy and pay no attention to anyone who tells you about the CIA and abstract expressionism they're all evil racist sexist bigots!

>> No.2951484

Give me back my foreskin.

>> No.2951485
File: 5 KB, 196x110, 145652656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2951490


>> No.2951496

I thought the 'truth' about modern art was money laundering

>> No.2951803

it doesn't matter what their intentions are or how stupid it is.
the stupid thing is the constant questions about it.
its not due to a lack of skill, its intentional, and that's all that matters. if an artist wants to draw stupid shit its in their right to draw stupid shit. And as artists you should respect their decision to draw stupid shit, because your shit is just as stupid.

>> No.2951810

jesus christ it's disgusting

>> No.2951811
File: 419 KB, 1280x1898, tb choi art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it looks literally nothing like what CalArts produces. CalArts / Disney style puts a lot of emphasis on appealing design language and is the exact opposite of what you posted.

>> No.2951819

It's not technically well done, so your premise is false.

>> No.2952143
File: 63 KB, 500x477, tumblr_inline_o4bnelA5Av1rijokr_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they could do better before, now theyre just not trying

>> No.2952151

Unfortunately your meme image doesn't really represent reality. Most ambituous CalArts students are hoping to land jobs at Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks and none of those do this style.

Not to mention that this style is also completely different from the OP image, which you claimed is what CalArts produces. So make up your mind. You can't pretend the ugly manchin McFatnose tumblr style OP posted is the same as that SU style.

>> No.2952160

the good ones are underappreciated

this oversimplified stuff seems to be catching the most attention now, probably because the producers want to be "relateable" to all the tumblr people

>> No.2952187

>the modern cartooning aesthetic
That's the modern tumblr redraw aesthetic, and it hasn't really broken out of that hive commercially precisely because it's trying to ugly for its own sake. Art directors have no reason to reward this.

>> No.2952524

Just how many positions are there at Disney, Pixar, and dreamworks that CalArts can have constant graduates get jobs?

>> No.2952532

the number of people i've met who used to have a job at disney makes me think that they have a pretty high turnover rate

>> No.2952534

Not them, but I imagine most students would rather work in the video game art world than settle for the tumblr nonsense. And video game concept art is hardly as simple as >>2952143

>> No.2952552
File: 352 KB, 1280x1765, tumblr_onpjtfuho01qfm9h6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2952558

Delet this

>> No.2952576

I sort of actually like this one, much more observation in it than the people that just imagine ugliness for the sake of it.

>> No.2952585

>attending Calarts in hopes of concept art
>animation-focused school
>pursuing a field with a reliance on photo-bashing
Not that either fields is inherently worse than the other, but people go to Calarts for sequentially based art or visdev, not vidya concept art.

>> No.2952596

How does one even get into visdev? You must have to be already established as awesome. Most of the time, they seem to be previous concept artists too.

>> No.2952602

Visdev is very intimidating. I don't really get it either (especially when it seems like people who've been working in visdev for decades and entertainment art students fresh out of Art Center have similar looking work). I use 'visdev' and 'concept art' very differently, even though they're basically the same intention but have different executions and 'atmosphere'.

>> No.2952606

i didn't mean concept art only. Animation is a huge thing in video games. And its better than being a cartoon designer for cartoon network.

>> No.2952616

Oh, I see now. I'm not really familiar with any artists who do animation for video games, so I didn't even think of that.

>> No.2952617

cora ryder lol

>> No.2952626

its a pretty huge market actually.
though probably not what most are aiming for, at least its not tumblr art.

>> No.2952639

Ugly girls drawing ugly things.

>> No.2952679

Only person with a brain in this thread

>> No.2952706
File: 5 KB, 200x175, spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate threads like these because you're claiming that any piece of art which doesn't have a beautiful subject is bad. Disdain.

>> No.2952765
File: 285 KB, 755x1051, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is tumblr confuses being ugly with being unappealing. It is possible to draw something ugly, but still have a very appealing drawing. See pic related for example. An ugly picture, but still very visual appealing and enjoyable to look at.

>> No.2952948

>says modern art
>means contemporary art
Can't take this seriously.

>> No.2953046


visdev IS concept art. They are literally the same thing. Visdev is short for visual development, which is just another word for concept art.

>> No.2953049

>you're claiming that any piece of art which doesn't have a beautiful subject is bad. Disdain.

No actually no one is claiming that. You just made that up.

>> No.2953051

Tumblr fetishizes ugliness because they're fucking disgusting, sex-starved, and want to force themselves on actual pretty people through peer pressure and virtue signalling.

>> No.2953057

>Money laundering
>Not jewish tactics
They want YOU to pay taxes. The only people who compete with them in the laundromat industry are russian "businessmen".

>> No.2953064

technique =/= aesthetic value or having anything profound to say

>> No.2953103

No I think that's a problem you have. R. Crumb underground altcomix looking stuff has always appealed to the same contrarian punk types, the contemporary tumblr version of it is what >>2951149 said. It's a lot of confused young women illustrators trying to form a subversive identity through art that can be easily shared as form of socialization.

>> No.2953120

don't say that it's not stupid enough for 4chan

>> No.2953185
File: 722 KB, 1106x1600, Homunculus_v15p125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2953213

The technique in drawing related isn't really ggood desu.
Kanna has one huge fucking single leg and why would you put such a huge nose on such a little girl. Not ONE child has a nose like that

>> No.2953357
File: 99 KB, 728x1054, i wasn't prepared for these feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2953556
File: 710 KB, 540x700, Frank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. The problem is a character can be drawn ugly and still be aesthetically pleasing to look at.

A lot of tumblr-syndrome art like in op is just trash art that isn't even good to look at.

Pic related is best example I could think of quickly.

Even though arguable the artist i'm sharing has less skills than OP's image, I prefer the artist i'm posting's design because it's still interesting to look at. The ugliness doesn't make the picture ugly or stupid to look at.

I mean you ever see someone try REALLY HARD to draw a gore pic but it just looks like babby's first knife drawing? That's how I view it I guess. When you try too hard it comes off stupid. When you do it naturally and don't focus all your energy into trying to make your art gross instead of concentrating on making good characters, then I think you come out with a better piece, even if your skills aren't as good.

The artist i'm sharing btw doesn't post anywhere anymore. They were a furry artist so that explains their human skills but i still like the thought they put into their characters and the comic they had until they just vanished off the face of the internet.

>> No.2953590

>Even though arguable the artist i'm sharing has less skills than OP's image,
but that's wrong you dumb piece of shit.That image shows pretty good caricature skills. All around he looks like a pretty solid artist, the op image is just awful in every way, there's nothing about it that's anywhere near as technically proficient as what you just posted.

>> No.2953591

>The western standards for beauty are pretty restrictive

They've been butchering eastern standards for beauty though.

>> No.2953606

You're a retard

>> No.2953636

How is it counterculture to think art needs to celebrate ugliness? That's been the theme of art for the last century (plus it's had a cult throughout the history of art so it's not even new anyway).
The fact is, that as much as apologists want to hide it, the rationale behind the "ugly Tumblr art style" is identity politics. I don't even feel the need to qualify that argument, because deep down we all know it's true.
That's why it gets shit on and hate here. Because it's just a subtle way of trying to push the idea that in order for something to be "cute" or "beautiful", it has to be jarring.

>unironically triggered by the shitty facial proportions in OP's pic

What the fuck since when? Artists have never in the history of art been that limp wrested and faggy. Ever notice how Tumblr artists are always the ones doing the "do this not this" meme?

>> No.2953652

>That's been the theme of art for the last century
Modern art isn't about human ugliness; tumblr shit is

>> No.2953656

I think the right term is grotesque. I'm not into Crumb's counterculture thing, his drawings are grotesque but they're great.

Tumblr art isn't about grotesque, in fact it isn't about art at all.

>> No.2953666

>What the fuck since when? Artists have never in the history of art been that limp wrested and faggy
since ever.

Its an artist's right to draw whatever they want, its also your right to call them a dumbass for them. But its still their own artistic expression to draw whatever stupid shit they feel they want to draw.
If they want to draw ugly ass trans helicopters then they should do it to their heart's content.

>> No.2953668

Yep, well put. Fun fact, good caricature exaggerates four points of a person's face, so strong caricaturing skills implies strong understanding of good facial theory

>> No.2953680

>devil trips be damned

Rights I can respect, but you said respect their decisions which is a horse of a different color. The most notable artists have been characters in their own right, and many of them were real assholes to each other. The neutered, polite artist is better for graphic design, but if you want to create something that makes your statement to the world, it needs to be infused with your ideas and backed up by your personality.

Tumblr art is shit, and there's no need to romanticize it.


I would argue that dadaism is the forerunner for Tumblr style. It's a lazy kind of "ironic" style that claims to have a message. But it's more like a system that enables lack of inspiration and skill, a vicious cycle of people who have stopped trying. Why do you think so many people these days look at art and go "I can do that".
It's because they actually can.

>> No.2953695

Why do you even care? There's more art in the world then you could ever see in your whole life. Just look at the stuff you like then.

>> No.2953697

Jesus Christ.

You people are unable to recognize a begginer's work? The drawing sucks not because it was intentionally drawn that way, but because the artist lacks any kind of skill besides maybe shading.

There are tangents, poor composition, and very obvious anatomy problems. It's not representative of "Contemporary art" nor "Tumblr Art": it's just bad.

If anything Tumblr Art is not ugly. It's bland as fuck which is even worse. At least uglyness is memorable.

>> No.2953710
File: 88 KB, 236x275, Triple why with a backflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of those everyone is beautiful things?
I think so. Tumblr art usually shows characters with undesiderable traits, but presents them as "pretty" with the use of color and imagery (flower crowns, hearts, etc.). If you took most of these drawings out of context, you'd probably think they're parodies.

>> No.2953725
File: 218 KB, 500x721, Tumblr design 101 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, the artist is a beginner, but "ugly-on-purpose Tumblr art" is very common (and OP's image is very tame in this regard).
There are just too many similarities in these drawings not to say it's not a style.

>> No.2953729

*To say.

>> No.2953733
File: 17 KB, 340x254, 58348957239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make IP someday
>too afraid to because I don't want people to draw my characters as pudgy ambiguously tan midgets

>> No.2953744

>How is it counterculture to think art needs to celebrate ugliness?

Because tumblrs art lacks substance, showcasing of skill, and aesthetic appeal behind it. Making everyone fat, colored, trans, hairy, and ugly while slapping quotes about beauty standard, feminism and billion colors on it for the sake of it is now better those 'inspiring' dove and deodorant commercials. It's gotten to the point were all of their art looks like their checking off a list of bullet points to appeal to eachother rather than expressing themselves.

>> No.2953775

Fair enough. But I still think ugly art is better than bland art.

>> No.2953983

If it's not on-model it's not your characters.

>> No.2953989


The thing is, that's a guy.

If the pic was a girl then we'd be upset.

>> No.2954010

How do you know it's a guy, and not just a butch lesbian?

>> No.2954078

>t. butthurt tumblrina

>> No.2954082

>I don't know what caricature is
Seriously people. Does no-one on /ic/ look at things other than anime and realism?

>> No.2954156


Just accept it anon, don't be an "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL" baby.

>> No.2954162

>guys we really have to start calling out the sexism and racism and ableism on /ic/ and change this place! no more mean comments, no more criticism of bad art, WE are one entity and i speak for all of us!

>> No.2954193


>I really like constructing strawmen and also sucking cocks
>lots of cocks
>seriously, absurd amounts of cocks, at least 20-30 a day
>50 on weekends

Inventing words to put in people's mouth is fun, isn't it anonymous.

>> No.2954287

I thought the beads in her hair were a giant three fingered hand for a sec because they're so flat.

>> No.2954308

I would get the biggest kick out of it, to know my characters reached into the rabid corners of the emotionally charged fanartist would be something else

>> No.2954337

tfw Disney stole my ip and modded it into brave.....its all good i guess, i will just steal theirs on occasion.

>> No.2954502

She's a dragon so I think they're horns

>> No.2954914

It's possible to make something ugly that is also visually appealing. A lot of 'tumblr ugly' art is just ugly with no visual appeal whatsoever.

>> No.2954963

this guy has a tendency of conflating his opinion with the objective truth.

>> No.2954964

that's either a parody or a beginner. nothing wrong with either

>> No.2954971

Oh yeah definitely, but that's also because most the artists there are just plain bad as well.
But the question was why it was ugly, not why it was bad. And its ugly because they want it to be ugly, its visually unappealing because they suck.

>> No.2955202

I agree, she looks like a fucking cow.

>> No.2955234


I actually like this

>> No.2955452
File: 680 KB, 1200x1552, tumblr_oho7chlJ3f1u5srk8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post 'em