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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.29 MB, 2150x1512, valkyrie_by_z4m97-dasfq55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2951402 No.2951402 [Reply] [Original]

Here is my deviantart for reference: http://z4m97.deviantart.com/

My name is Daniel. I've been practicing my fundamentals for quite a while now and I was thinking of making a drawing channel on YouTube teaching the basics of drawing and painting. I'm also thinking of making a premium course for people who are very serious and want 1 on 1 mentorship.

Anyway, my question is, would any of you guys be interested in learning from me if I did that? I think i have a pretty good understanding of fundamentals from perspective to values to colors and comp.

>> No.2951415

Just do it.
If you never try you can lose something in the future

>> No.2951416


Hi, I've had my fill with the whole teaching thing, it was great and had lots of fun just speaking. let me tell you some things.

For starters, nobody here on /ic/ would take your lessons, because we can all see you're an amateur. But outside of this little corner of a board on the interweb there is a market for your skill.


Because if you teach to beginner, beginners will be your audience. That's great. Or is it? Deep down in your subconscious you'll feel like a dick for sabotaging beginners who want to get better and have that glint in their eye knowing you yourself aren't that good.

If you don't care about that, great, go ahead and teach. But the thing is a lot of these people who do this stay in this box where all they do is end up teaching and never improving on their own skill. They become conmen, basically.

You don't have an understanding of your fundamentals. You will have a massive ego in teaching that you begin to make advanced tuts and when an advanced artist comes around they will put you in your place. So I'm going to put you in your place here; don't if you know what's good for you. Do when you actually get better.

>> No.2951422

You should probably keep grinding those fundies, especially lighting and values.

Coasting off of >>2951416 you don't really have much to offer other than to a complete beginner and even then only so much. Honestly unless you've got some sort of fucked ego teaching for a while might be good for you because it will harshly demonstrate what you lack.

>> No.2951435

Good point.
How exactly am I at an amateur level? At this stage I feel that I'm at an advanced level especially when I compare my works to artists on pixiv. I can see that I'm definitely not Ruan Jia but to say that I'm an amateur when I've developed my skills to this degree sounds like an insult.
I agree, but even the best artists can always grind their fundies.

>> No.2951439
File: 64 KB, 226x176, 437775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially when I compare my works to artists on pixiv

Okay troll thread, thread hidden.

>> No.2951440

Look at your stuff.
Now look at reputable instruction channels on youtube.

Now ask yourself if you'd watch your channel in someone else's shoes.

>> No.2951452
File: 139 KB, 740x728, 1492720263623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trolling. For example I don't see how the image I attached is any better than the work I produce.
Yeah but those reputable channels don't really teach anime style. I think i'm as good as mark crilley.

>> No.2951459

>I'm good as
>I'm better than

Nice baits OP. Just do it, you have nothing to lose.

>> No.2951465
File: 30 KB, 408x306, a7c92986d4387aba97f873b45ba3be334cbf6cecde29a188ebb414dc5b8096d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no learn you fundamentals first. theres not a single thing in there that's even close to finished

theres still sketch lines all over your pic related, the fucking mugs are flat as fuck. she has no eye lashes, inconsistent lighting, one leg is fat, one leg is skinny, she has no ass. you have a lot of work to do.

>> No.2951470

>Muslim tattoo on belly.
>Holding beer which is haram.
If that's not a islamic tattoo then I don't know what is.

>> No.2951473
File: 486 KB, 744x1051, 51314610_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's being a bit hyperbolic, but to be bluntly honest your gallery is boring to look at compared to the image you posted. That artist may not have the most stand-out style or advanced technical skill, but they did account for what might actually be fun to see in an illustration, even if it's just in a fluff and saccharine fanservice way.

Being able to render some b/w subjects with form isn't enough to cover up a lack of consideration for composition, design, and narrative.

Pic related (also from pixiv) obviously doesn't have the greatest technical execution, but it's just a more interesting image to look at.

I'm not saying your gallery is all bad and I'm only being this blunt because you yourself are willing to pit yourself against other artists. I see some pieces with genuine potential (like no. 15 & 17) mixed in with the rest of the gray blah.

>> No.2951503

Just because it's not rendered like ruan jia doesn't mean it isn't finished you retard
It's a random fucking moon crescent.
narrative? All the pieces I posted have narrative.

>> No.2951507

>narrative? All the pieces I posted have narrative.
A stick man beating another stick man over the head with a stick has narrative. That doesn't mean the image itself has value to others.

When I say narrative, I mean being able to tell a story in a way that makes people want to look at it, which ties back into composition and design.

>> No.2951509

There was a thread a while back with a guy with your exact attitude


Just go with your gut and stop seeking validation and "questioning" shit all the time

>> No.2951511

First of all, your analogy is terrible. Second, you're getting into the realm of subjectivity. Just because the narrative I'm demonstrating doesn't "connect" with you doesn't mean the narrative isn't there. It's clear to anyone with eyes that my b/w pieces about war tell stories. Not ot mention, that the artist you linked has zero narrative at all. Oh wow, look a bird,so?

>> No.2951515

>Draw a couple animu figure
>"look guys, I made it"
Your gallery isn't impressive enough to warrant "making it" in any respect. A couple images of one anime girl looking off picture isn't all that great. Make an impressive web comic with art, drama, and impressive choreography and angles, then it'd be worth taking a look, but as it stands, you're just a low tier deviantart chucklefuck.

>> No.2951518

I've honestly never seen anyone on /ic/ who needed to be hand held through what narrative in art means.

A character standing around on a gray background can still tell a story through their pose, expression, and whatever they're wearing/holding. It's not hard to grasp.

Besides the lack of color, there's not a lot in your gallery that compels clicking the thumbnail. I've seen beginners who are obviously severely lacking in technical skill, but with somewhat interesting ideas and comps that warranted at least a full view glance.

I mean seriously, have you at least tried looking at the popular (or at least mildly so with a few dozen thousand followers) teachers on youtube? They at least grasp this much about composition and story in their work.

>> No.2951523

I know what narrative in art means. You clearly lack the mental capacity to see the narrative in my art. I'll repeat: JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T FIND NARRATIVE INTERESTING DOESN'T MEAN IT DOESN'T EXIST.

>> No.2951525

That you so much for enlightening me. I had no idea that making it requires a webcomic. Poor Ruan jia, Poor Artgerm, Poor Craig mullins, if only that had made a webcomic.

>> No.2951526

Pulling out the 'muh subjectivty' argument isn't going to help anyone, most especially yourself if you're seriously considering pursuing teaching.

Art in that way means putting out a product that people actually are attracted to and want to invest time/money in. Plenty Youtube artists/tutorial creators may not be the best in terms of raw proficiency, but if they at least know how to make their images read well from the thumbnail and know enough about visual appeal, they manage to grow something. They managed to pick up on what has a higher chance of success.

Appeal goes way beyond putting 2-3 b/w subjects in a landscape to tell a story that's already been told by much better artists dozens of times over.

I never said it didn't exist at all though? It's just not thought through well and it shows.

>> No.2951529

A webcomic is by no means necessary, but it's actually a great way of practicing your shot compositions, backgrounds, poses, and a shit ton of other stuff that you would normally not think about drawing. If you can be motivated to pump out full color illustrations with dynamic poses, interesting lighting, and immersive backgrounds on the regular then do that instead, but I'm not seeing any of that from this current work.

>> No.2951530

Looks like you made up your mind already op so why the fuck make a thread? Go scam your beginners.

>> No.2951531

If it was sincerely as easy as that, plenty of lower grade artists would be making a killing. There's already a plethora of other tutors to compete against online, and chances are they also have a gallery that has some color in it.

>> No.2951533

Funny you say that because webcomic artists tend to be the shittiest artists ever. Ever had a look at smackjeeves or linewebtoons? Case in point.
I didn't make up my mind. If the anons on this thread can logically convince that i'm not ready then i'm all ears.

>> No.2951534

Yeah totally, because I never color...

>> No.2951535

Really, at this stage you shouldn't really worry about color at all, compared to basic construction and anatomy.

>> No.2951538

rendering doesnt have to fucking be overdone to the point of fucking perfection. its FUCKING CLEAN UP...100% of all your shit is fucking messy to fuck. nothing is clean or FINISHED. FINISH YOUR FUCKING GARBAGE

>> No.2951540

No, better advice would be to do several thumbnail sketches BEFORE going in with a full size drawing and rendering. OP, a lot of your stuff looks like you just winged it from the first go without a lot of thinking ahead or planning in the early stages. Work on that.

>> No.2951543
File: 91 KB, 800x442, gestures_krita_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've studied construction and anatomy. I'm quite the fan of glen
What if I like the rough look you shithead?
I have done thumbnail sketches.

>> No.2951545

>I've studied construction and anatomy.
Then why doesn't it show through?

>deflecting onto other shitty artist when anon didn't even mention them
He's talking about using comics as a learning tool for yourself, you asswipe. You don't even have to put them up anywhere public.

>> No.2951548

>What if I like the rough look you shithead?
Good job, you impressed yourself, but you've only gotten shit on by the rest of the world. Really proved yourself there, huh?

>> No.2951553

>If the anons on this thread can logically convince that i'm not ready then i'm all ears.

Why don't you make that youtube channel and just start? You need to experience it by doing it. See the toil it takes to make a scripted yet engaging video for your audience. Witness your first comments of people saying "wow you're helpful". Feel the energy through your veins of putting your shit advice out there and then 2 months later try to put up priced tutorials when you barely have a following of less than 100 subscribers (if you even get that far).

Feel the rush to marketing. Realize that marketing is 80% of what you'll do. Find out that drawing isn't the only skill you need to learn. You need to do it to feel it. Why do you need /ic/s validation when you have already made up your mind?

>> No.2951554

Holy shit, youve got your head real far up your ass dont you? Look, you arent as good as you think you are, you dont have to be such a sperg about it.

>> No.2951561

theres a difference between having a rough look and being a fucking messy pig. rough looks can have readible lines/paint. yours are randomly placed and have no meaning

>> No.2951575

The construction doesn't show in my gestures. Again back to my point, if making comics was so helpful why are there artists who are still shit even after years of making them?
It's okay if you don't like my style. Not all art pieces in the world have to impress you, child

>> No.2951586

>there artists who are still shit even after years of making them
There are artists who have never touched comics and they still plateau at a less than mediocre level for plenty of reasons, shit-for-brains. Are you actually afraid that doing 1-2 comic pages as just a try will infect your handskill with a voodoo curse? Inflated ego and lack of self awareness tends to make that risk of stagnation increase.

>> No.2951611

If you even bothered to check my gallery before being a complete sperg, you'd know I made a comic.

>> No.2951615

>complete sperg
Unlike you I try to avoid going all caps, out of politeness. I saw something with panels, but didn't bother to look at it. It also looks like a commission. You've done it and really saw no learning value? I'm not sure if that's better or worse, but no one's going to force you. After this thread I see why /ic/ tends to err on the side of harshness.

>> No.2951617

lynch yourself

>> No.2951623

It doesn't take much practice to get at the level you're at, after a few more years maybe you'll be more qualified to teach, that is if you open your mind and listen to what all these people are telling you.
I'm not saying you have to be a professional to teach, but in my opinion you still have a lot to learn before you can count yourself as qualified to do it. Your art is not bad, its just very medicore. So do yourself a favor and focus on your skill more for the time being.

Of course nobody can stop you if you want to do it now, just be aware that the reaction you're gonna get wont necessarily match your expectations. Good luck.

>> No.2951625

Why are you guys even bothering? OP is obviously a troll, no one dunning-krugers this hard.

>> No.2951627

>no one dunning-krugers this hard
You'd be surprised. Honestly, OP isn't even the worst I've seen from people, and I'm not talking about just on the internet on some imageboard.

>> No.2951631

well there's no point in arguing with him since he doesn't listen

>> No.2951633

True, but maybe someone lurking will. Or this buries itself in OP's subconscious so he can call on it a few years from now.

I was also a shithead once, but at least I had a couple other people call me out on it during that time, so I could think on the reasons why they were mad after finally realizing it myself.

>> No.2951635

honestly can you even call that a comic lol

>> No.2951642

I think almost every artist has that "shithead phase" at some point in their art journey
I was also called out by several people before I realized I was a huge asshole myself

>> No.2951643
File: 363 KB, 800x584, eyes_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how much /ic/ underestimates the amount of time it takes to reach to gain a certain level of skill. Just because 1 out of a million artists can reach a high level in a few years doesn't mean everyone can. Check the improvement thread if you don't believe me

>b-but but they didn't study their fundamentals

I've seen artists on forums like conceptart and permanoobs who grind their fundamentals day in and day out and still progress no where as fast as talented folks like algenfleger

Just because I don't think my work is mediocre doesn't mean i'm a dunning kruger you fucking retard.

Here is a finished drawing.

>> No.2951645
File: 245 KB, 800x548, cowgirlcolorslow-res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.

Again, I don't see how my work is inferior to pixiv artists. Hell, even sycra has a drawing channel and you guys aren't complaining about him teaching.

>> No.2951647

Sure anon, you do you

>> No.2951648
File: 1.29 MB, 1078x1800, 39681016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for one, Sycra is old news. You must have missed out on the threads /ic/ would have on him a long while back.

Secondly, you're being very condescending towards pixiv artists for no good reason, it come off as snobby delusion. There are artists who post there who could paint circles around you and most of /ic/. Are they the majority of pixiv? Of course not, but that's true of most art sites.

>> No.2951649

bad anatomy, bad colour choices, awful attempt at rendering

people like you are much too arrogant.

>> No.2951654

yep, take any vaguely competent dime-a-dozen fanartist on pixiv and they'll have a better grasp of anatomy than most of /ic/, at the very least.

>> No.2951661

I can say ruan jia has bad anatomy and bad colors. Does mean it holds any weight. How about you demonstrate a redlining, oh wait, don't embarrass yourself, kek.

>> No.2951662

It doesn't mean*

What threads?

>> No.2951673

you sound pretty new here

>> No.2951676

>/ic/ underestimates the amount of time it takes to reach to gain a certain level of skill
who do you think the people here are? i'd guess they're artists as well and therefore know (at least to some degree) how much time and effort it takes to improve. may i as how many years have you been practicing for?

and what's your point about people not improving? do you think you cant get any better than you already are?

>> No.2951684

cylinder arms, no indication that you know how elbows and muscles work, fucked up boobs, torso and pelvis. not gonna get started on the head because it's your "style", probably.

i'd do a redline but i'm not failing an exam for you. maybe later.

>> No.2951689

They are a bunch of beginners who hardly have a clue as to what they are talking about based on the trash I've seen posted on this site. Out of the hundreds of works posted here every week only a dozen or so come out decent.

I've been drawing seriously for 3 years.

Yeah buddy, take your time with your stick figure redlining. I'm sure it's taking everything out of you.

>> No.2951706

Just to compile the sheer fuckery of this kid.
If you seriously wanted a hugbox echochamber, go to elsewhere. If taking criticism, constructive or otherwise, incites this much agitation, very strongly consider if you even should be a teacher at this point or at any in the future. Absolutely not even looking at your art in any way shape or form, you would likely become a notorious hack that tricks a hundred kids into paying for shit they are "just trying out the waters" with because of your shitty childish mindset. You can always improve, and everyone else has their opinions on it, but you went looking for advice and shot everything down, so you are ultimately the dick trying to get a quick buck for a shitty bang.

>> No.2951744


That image is many times beter than anything in your gallery.

I can't find a single image that looks finished in your gallery.

All you work is inconsistent as hell, your line weight is all over the place and you use multiple approaches when rendering that don't seem to overlap very well.

>> No.2951757

How is it better?

>> No.2951776

>Am I better than X?
>Am I good enough to do X?

Why do people keep replying to all these identical troll threads that are made to make /ic/ harass the artist in question?
And why do the mods allowed? Why not just ban the fucking morons who make these threads?

>> No.2951781

OP, you are the OP of the latest threads with
>am I better than kjg?
>am I better than sycra?
right? fuck off, you are shitting up the board

>> No.2951840

Not OP but this board is already shit.

>> No.2951849

Then leave, it would probably be an improvement.

>> No.2952030

I'd say your drawing is good enough as long as you keep marketing your lessons towards beginners.
I'm not sure about the other aspects of your teaching though, because in this thread you've demonstrated that you can't not take criticism personally (see >>2951435), which in many art courses is literally lesson number 1.

By now you're probably thinking about how to tell me to fuck off, but before you do so, listen to an actual professional instructor, who'd probably slap you if he read this thread.

>> No.2952043

OP is a troll.

>> No.2952097

Bad composition, terrible anatomy, generic anime girl face number 1552, random turd clouds, confused look, why is she pointing upwards? Fucked perspecticve, I could go on anon. You have shit taste.

>> No.2952116


>> No.2952132

No, daniel
your art is unappealing
you don't know how to use color
you clearly haven't taken an art class yourself
you haven't been drawing for very long

>> No.2952314

If Chris Hart can teach people, you can.

>> No.2952315


He links to the same DA in the post, someone saving a file off their DA and reposting it is usually easier than finding it in your folders, and it's not like a shitposter can't just change the same of a saved DA image and retitle it to something like "wip2_3_final_actuallyfinal_forrealfinal

>> No.2953376

I'm the owner of that DA account, don't know who the hell posted this. but please, just ignore him
thanks for the feedback tho, i'm working on those things at the moment xD

>> No.2953565

Definitely an amateur.

Telltale signs
>Hiding the hands
>Not drawing the whole body
>hiding one eye

Plus your coloring overall is beginner level. Your light source is all over the place and doesn't make sense and aside from that the rendering looks sloppy and unfinished.

You're good enough to teach the basics to newbies but youre really not that good at art yourself and eventually people will notice if you don't keep improving yourself too.

If you did it as a "let's learn together" kind of channel where you emphasize your own growth as well as those you hope to teach you might be okay though.

>> No.2953603

Don't teach. Make stories with drawings on YouTube. It's wayy more profitable anyway. Be like domics or the odd1sout

>> No.2953885
File: 39 KB, 678x531, smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew it. Stop falling for the bait bros. Where are the mods? This is the 3rd impersonator we've had in the last week.

>> No.2954831

my sides

>> No.2954838
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 4585484568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread and others still being alive makes me wonder if we really don't need mass muslim immigration authoritarians to save us from the autism.

>> No.2954846 [DELETED] 

you aren't the real artist so.

>> No.2954847 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 533x458, 1492981411486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



*closes the door and locks it*


*undos belt*
*grabs you from behind*


*throws you on the couch*
*starts beating you with the belt*

STOP *smack* SHIT *smack* FUCKING *smack* POSTING!!!



*you're bleeding and crying now*

GET *smack* IT THROUGH *smack* YOUR SKULL!! *smack*





*throws you to the ground*
*you lay in a heap sobbing*
*reties belt*


*unlocks door*
*leaves you to find the loomis books*

>> No.2954850
File: 37 KB, 379x500, jLj-ntRwMeA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Пoчeмy никтo мнe нe дaвaл cтoлькo нaпyтcтвий, кoгдa я нaчинaл pиcoвaть... Чepтoвы aнимeшники...

>> No.2954863

spanish please

>> No.2954875


>asks if he's good enough
>gets told he's not good enough
>goes full autistic mode

>b-but I'm good!
>muh style!
>i'm better than *random picture he's not better than*!
>you're a retard for not sucking my dick!
>i just wanted praise!

every. fucking. time.

>> No.2954885

who is the pixiv artist btw?

>> No.2955400

rip Proko

>> No.2955404

>I've been drawing seriously for 3 years.
Come back in seven years, little one

>> No.2955445

OP here. Guys was all of that really necessary? I mean all of your rude comments? Like really? Seriously? Don't forget that there is an actual living human being on the other end of the computer who is reading your hurtful comments. Just something you might want to consider before you decide to send another rude message.

>> No.2955449

Learn to Saucenao or just copy/paste the ID

>> No.2955496

ehh, why not? The original artists (not (you)) doesn't mind it, so why are you butt-hurt about it?

>inb4 baito

>> No.2955515

the artist deleted the work from pixiv

>> No.2955517

*deleted their acc, wanted to know if they had any other sites

>> No.2955523

You came to 4chan for an opinion, and you received it. You are not entitled to courtesy. Think about it this way. This is probably some of the best criticism you are going to get. If you were to become a teacher, what you see in this thread is what many of your potential students and peers would want to say to you.

Now personally, I have a point that I did not see mentioned here. Do not compare yourself to other artists. If you want to teach, compare yourself to teachers. The worst thing you can do for a student is fuck up your lesson whether it be a result of not being able to explain art in a way that they can understand or not being able to demonstrate the standard the student needs to strive for to reach the next step in becoming a good artist.

To be fair, I am just a beginner myself. I only started drawing recently and I suck major ass. However, I would not want to take lessons from you even if they were free. Why? Because you lack so much confidence in your own work that you need to ask whether or not you are ready. If you need validation as to whether or not you should guide others, you are doing it not out of a desire to help others but to fulfill your ego.

>> No.2955546
File: 153 KB, 700x850, 26228062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that artist, their pixiv username was uinti, iirc. I never bothered to try to track the artist down after they left pixiv, so I have no idea where they are now/what username they're using. I have some of their works saved, but not nearly their entire old gallery

>> No.2955613

ahh thank you anon!!; you were mostly right their name was 'uiti'
I did manage to hunt them down to a tumblr (https://uiti-ukumo.tumblr.com/)) but it doesn't seem to have the two posted in this thread that were on their pixiv.
would you be able to post what works you did save?

>> No.2955622
File: 42 KB, 442x560, 23646529_big_p20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'll dump what I have

>> No.2955623
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>> No.2955625
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>> No.2955626
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>> No.2955627
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>> No.2955629
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>> No.2955630
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>> No.2955634
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>> No.2955636
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>> No.2955637
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>> No.2955638
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>> No.2955639
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>> No.2955640
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>> No.2955641
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>> No.2955642
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>> No.2955643
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>> No.2955644
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>> No.2955646
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>> No.2955647
File: 229 KB, 723x1023, 48520797_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955648
File: 334 KB, 814x1152, 48587766_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955650
File: 352 KB, 768x1314, 49286084_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955651
File: 487 KB, 1000x1000, 49286211_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955653
File: 174 KB, 783x1112, 49694459_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955654
File: 274 KB, 800x1066, 49694459_p13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955656
File: 746 KB, 1081x1629, 49823353_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955657
File: 433 KB, 1311x933, 50047354_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955660
File: 369 KB, 830x1120, 51314610_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2955663
File: 397 KB, 747x1008, 51314610_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the last one

>> No.2955675
File: 225 KB, 770x1190, cando-candice23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but you're nosebro tier at best, my mane. You lack the knowledge of gesture and anatomy. Your poses are stiff, awkward and unrealistic. Not to mention muddy rendering with crappy colors. Study your fundamentals and maybe you can achieve a fraction of skill that i have

>> No.2955677

Is there a specific context for this image

>> No.2955680

I'm posting my works inb4 someone asks me to. For more, visit mikejc dot com yo

>> No.2955798

holy crap thank you so much!!
that's a whole lot more than I expected!
kind of in love with their stuff; although (mostly) simple, they have a lively, effortless feel, reminds me of some animators' works.