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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2938964 No.2938964 [Reply] [Original]

How do I hack it up like Isayama?

Shit art, shit story, yet still make mad cash

>> No.2938978
File: 37 KB, 419x420, IMG_1369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Passable" (to normies) art, story with stakes (with extra gore and needless tragedy a la Berserk) but most importantly let's not forget:

>being consistent and producing results on a regular basis

Basically you have to just market yourself and hope the public sees you as worthy and unique.

>> No.2938980

Explain Kemono Friends to me, anon.

What's the appeal outside of waifus?

>> No.2938994

>Tell me about Serval.

>Why does she wear the ears?

>> No.2939030

if i remove the ear, would she die?

>> No.2939116

Well, clearly the story being shit must be your personal opinion if it is hugely popular amongst millions of people. So, there you have your answer: Tell a story that interests a lot of people and becomes very popular with the mainstream audience. What a mindfuck, right?

>> No.2939124
File: 267 KB, 600x600, 1482424268387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad you'll never even be able to draw a monthly publication and sell over 10 million volumes in your life

>> No.2939125


>> No.2939130

yet no one on /ic/ is as good as him

>> No.2939134

Vetyr is better, dumbass

>> No.2939670
File: 203 KB, 594x441, One Punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you do art to be good at art?
Do you drive a car to be good at driving a car?
Maybe you don't have to wait to "get gud" to tell a story or convey ideas that people can connect with.
Rather than being a big salty pickle dipped in cum, you can take this as motivation that you can draw your weird NarutoxPokemon yaoi fanfiction that you've been dying to draw for years, and at least SOME people will enjoy it.
I have a feeling these shitty artists don't care too much about public opinion when they're wiping their ass with your annual income.

>> No.2939772
File: 934 KB, 2118x1595, 0007-031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying SNK isn't actually god tier
>implying anime snobs don't just pretend it's bad to fit in

>> No.2939798


>> No.2939808
File: 12 KB, 200x240, abella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend the time you waste calling other people's artwork shit improving your own instead.

>> No.2939829

Enjoy your bad taste

>> No.2939911

enjoy your shitty progression in art

>> No.2940023

If you see it as shit then you would never be able to succeed with something similar. If he had hung around 4chan and taken guys like you serious then he probably wouldn't have made it.

>> No.2940276
File: 503 KB, 1828x1300, 981ab950ceb03ab53cd84c6d92cde533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What works about AoT is the monsters are more disturbing than your average fantasy monster because they're so human but so off and his fucked up anatomy works in his favor. Also the weapon they use is pretty cool and that's mostly owed to the fact he had an engineer help him figure it out.

>> No.2941675

premise. it's all about premise. the premise of snk is striking

>> No.2941709

A la Berserk dude dont compare that shit with berserk, also hablas español ? (a la)

>> No.2941764

I wouldn't say it is god-tier, but it's decent if not good, though hated because of it's popularity.
We need a bot that says that on every shit thread.

>> No.2941772

The idea of AoT is pretty cool, the characters are memorable, the story is interesting. It's legit good, weebs need to stop being pissy about their Japanese cartoons

>> No.2941775

weebs are just inherently contrarian, they hate literally everything that is widely regarded as good by a more mainstream audiende.

>> No.2941779

You should have asked him when he used to post here.

>> No.2942371


The premise is pretty cool, but its horribly executed. Every scene is over-dramatised, the characters aren't relatable and the story takes twists for the sake of unexpectedness.

>> No.2942374

it's unique and enjoyable to look at. so capture that.

>> No.2942377

what kind of pens do these mangakas use?

>> No.2942384
File: 72 KB, 599x642, 1234235346457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of compelling story telling. I doubt KJG will ever do fanart of your work.

>> No.2942481
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, AoT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just admit it. Attack on Titan is just Germany's Cultural Enrichment made into an anime. Fucking titans can go to hell.

>> No.2944620

its a fucking ripoff of a well known porn game
Toushin Toshi II

>> No.2944641

G pens

>> No.2945533

Blame the anime director for that, the manga isn't nearly as over-dramatic.

>> No.2945561

>shit story

but yea, his artwork is garbage, the anime has way better overall art.

>> No.2945566

Pretty sure Isayama (poorly) uses a G pen, like most mangaka do. Personally, I think his art would look a lot better if he ditched G pens and just stuck with milipens/technical pens, since he obviously doesn't have the line control to actually make take advantage of a G pen.

Manga's nothing like that, and is way subtler in general. Entire characters are ruined by the anime. Namely, manlet.

>> No.2945568

>Pretty sure
Post yor work

>> No.2945596

>shit art
Duning kruger got this one guys

>> No.2945600

You say he can't properly utilize the g pen. Can you point me in the direction of a mangaka who can? Maybe it's my phone's resolution, but I see nothing wrong with his line widths.

>> No.2945655


>> No.2945663

That artist is shit

>> No.2945711

>Shit art, shit story, yet still make mad cash
Let me fix that for you...reliably produced art delivered on a consistent schedule. Story that is enjoyable to enough people to turn a profit. Makes mad cash.

People like you will NEVER contribute anything good to the world because your perfectionist bullshit is anti-capitalist in nature. You'll never be able to produce things on a schedule because you'll spend 40 hours trying to render a tiny superfluous detail just right. Same for story. You will do the equivalent of crumpling a piece of paper after writing down a single sentence 40 times.

Capitalist art industries have no room for perfectionism. You need to be able to push something out the door and say "this is good enough" even if you'd like to perfect it some more. Is there a lot of less than ideal art and stories because of it? Absolutely. The alternative is failure though. There are some western comic artists who spend 2-3 months on a single issue and end up canceled due to poor sales because people get tired of waiting 3 months for 20 pages. Meanwhile "shit art" comics sell like crazy since they get released in at timely fashion.

>> No.2945714

I agree with the above poster, but what mangakas properly use g pens?

>> No.2945739


>> No.2945758

AoT started out with a really cool premise and an intriguing mystery (what are the titans and what's in the basement?) for one thing. It also had a lot of "shocking" violence/tragedy that people eat up these days. Now the story is fucking stupid, but it doesn't matter because it already has a legion of fans who will stick with it to the end. You don't have to be consistently good to be successful, you just have to be good enough at first to hook people in.

As for the art, normies can't really tell just how bad it is for the most part. I'm just surprised that he seemingly hasn't improved at all even though it's been how many volumes now?

>> No.2945803

You say this manga has bad art. I'm not going to challenge that statement, but I would like you to point me in the direction of manga with good art.

>> No.2945819

I'm the first one to say Shingeki is a piece of shit, but boy it is full of passion. The way those kids throw themselves to death while screaming and crying and shit. Isayama's art may be shit, but he can picture his ideas. Do that I guess.

>> No.2945915

You got a point. Berserk trounces garbage like AoT in every way, yet it doesn't really matter because it's constantly on hiatus and will probably never be completed.

>> No.2945918

the recent (last couple of years or so) stuff isn't very good either

>> No.2945921

>As for the art, normies can't really tell just how bad it is for the most part.
This. When discussing his art with my friends I said he was a very poor artist for a mainstream mangka, but I just got a bunch of "it's just his style" responses.

Reality is most people don't really care, especially in manga where they don't spend tons of time on a panel before moving on.

>> No.2945923

Fukumoto isn't a skilled artist either, but his stylisation is fun and expressive, and his stories are god tier.

>> No.2946104

Look up Manben. It's a documentary/interview kind of thing showing the process of various veteren mangaka drawing, almost all of them use a G pen primarily, since it's the quickest way to vary line weight.

>> No.2946221
File: 564 KB, 640x923, 087aacc7a538e386fa14b5ebf3ef4c7d1413767989_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory mention of Togashi.

Not a bad artist, just doesn't try sometimes. His writing is so god tier that he can get away with it though.

>> No.2946222
File: 125 KB, 728x1054, FzVAiNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadlines are a bitch.

>> No.2946267

Having superb art is just a bonus, just tell a good and entertaining story and you'll be good to go.
Case in point, just look at Mob Psycho and One Punch Man.

>> No.2946268

Deadline? I thought it was primarily cause he was sick or something. Back problems or something along those lines during those arcs.

>> No.2946378
File: 70 KB, 393x325, 8bg4abP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't write
>tfw will never be an author
>tfw destined to be an art whore(illustrator) forever

>> No.2946421
File: 804 KB, 1765x1300, ed6f2c2c03f5b98fbbea0fc50e78367b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but Vagabond is pretty good.

>> No.2946445

at least the turkey looks good

>> No.2946468
File: 26 KB, 480x270, gatchaman-crowds-hajime[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2946472


>> No.2946474

I've been meaning to pick up Vagabond. Is it any good in terms of story/writing or is it just the art that's really good?

>> No.2946481

Is this real

>> No.2946485

>Do you do art to be good at art
No one does art to be shit at art lmao

>> No.2946491

The storytelling is quite slow but I'd say its worth a read.

>> No.2946507

It seems like more people here are bashing the story rather than the art.
There's nothing changed from the story. It's still the same, now you just know what the titans are and how they came to be.

What's the issue here?
You can't get upset at something for not being what you expected.

>> No.2946514
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 4966722-maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't get upset at something for not being what you expected.
I beg to differ.

>> No.2946703

You missed his point completely. Art is a tool to express ideas visually. In order to get better and more efficient at doing that, you need skill. Getting skilled isn't supposed to be the end goal here, it's the means to an end, otherwise your art will always be worthless because you have nothing to say with it.

>> No.2946726

i have to say when i tried to read it i was suprised by how bad the art is, usually with animu the manga is better, less samey, but this one is really slap dash, i couldn't be bothered with it. i don't mind sketchy manga as long as it's also interesting, like luffy for example, but titan attack is just bad (artwise, story is w/e like basically all actiony shonen manga)

>> No.2947299

The manga has worse art, but it has better pacing and some the voices and changes in the anime are a failure. While the anime constantly interrupts the action, the manga is a nonstop rollercoaster for something like 30 chapters at a time.

>> No.2947415

You haven't read Trigun or the first Jojo arcs, have you...?

>> No.2947482

I have mixed feelings about the latest twists.

>> No.2947861

the monsters arent meant to be anatomically correct, even in the anime they're all sorts of shapes and forms

>> No.2947893

>shit art

it may not be the best but it's better than anything you have posted

>shit story
see me in >>>/lit/ faggot

jealous ass little piece of shit, spending time bitching about an artist who has made it knowing you weak punk ass never will

>> No.2947896

i was going to include jojo as an example with luffy, but i thought people would get pissy so i didn't lol, and if i had read any trigun it was like a decade ago, lol. hellsing also had pretty shoddy art if i recall, cool looking of course, but hard to tell what's going on

>> No.2947897

>>2947896 (me)
please disregard one 'lol', either will do**