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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2945176 No.2945176 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your endgame /ic/?

>> No.2945181

Creating a meme artstyle that allows me to sell my work for a lot of money. That way I will be able to live a comfy life, eating in expensive restaurants and maybe traveling every once in a while.

>> No.2945251

No one on /ic/ is very interested in artistic achievement so expect many "make lotsa maney XD" answers.

Whores, I call them.

>> No.2945253
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I want to make my own cartoons.

>> No.2945255

honestly, just having access to all the materials and resources I want and enough time to enjoyably produce art and get better in the process.

>> No.2945266

be poor and make art, so i don't need to work hard but i can still look down on everyone else as soulless sheeple. also have a less annoying g/f, but still rich

>> No.2945301

I want to get good enough so that i can challenge KJG to an art battle.

>> No.2945306

To git gud enough to make really good comics and animated short films. Wouldn't hurt to make a decent living but gitting gud and conveying emotion/storytelling through art is my main goal atm.

>> No.2945317
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Draw cute girls and traps and have a small circle of friends to draw cute girls and traps with. We also meet yearly to go out to eat, play games, and draw in hotels. Also, a bf who likes my cute girls and traps. (Maybe a trap.)

Im in university for psychiatry so I won't need to do art for money once I have my license. Maybe seasonal commissions for fun.

>> No.2945322

You sound like fun anon.

>> No.2945337
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Initially I wanted to draw anime girls but then it turned into the want to have complete freedom over imagination and drawing and being able to express myself and communicate to others.

But then it turned into a realization that I'm fighting myself for enlightenment, the day everything clicks will be the day I become akin to peco from ping pong the animation; and then I will truly be artistically dank.

pic semi related

>> No.2945341

What did anon mean by this

>> No.2945342

I just want to draw my waifu man

>> No.2945347


this could possibly change you, esp if you watch the show, but it's also a torrential downpour of words

>> No.2945359

I share this, what kind of cartoon do you want to make anon?
I want to make something so I can show the world my ideas of cool things

>> No.2945364

To be good enough of an artist so that I can depict what comes to my imagination in a satisfying way.

>> No.2945368

Not feeling empty inside.

>> No.2945370

take art out of the joke status it's in right now while also bettering the human society by giving it another channel to properly communicate

>> No.2945381

I don't want to change the world or make money...I just want to draw things I like because it's fun

>> No.2945387

To reclaim a part of me that I ignored. I'm a walking cliche of having the attributes that matter to me the most be ignored. Now I'm just making up for lost time, and I'm hapoy I went back to it.

>> No.2945393
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Developing the power of turning any project I touch into gold by mastering one of the most expressive and most vital expressions of art besides music.

Gotta perfect those values.

>> No.2945398

I wanna be a sellout

>> No.2945425
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Soemthing that is neither "for kids" or "for adults". It neither holds your hand or tries to prove yourself, it just is.

I'm tired of animation being put into boxes, basically. If it's good it's good, ya'know?

I know that's a tall order, but cartoons are pretty stagnant right now, someone has to do something about it.

>> No.2945433
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To have fun, make mistakes, get better and make friends then have something to pass on in teachings to others who are the way I used to be.

man, I used to shut down all because I cared about what others thought of me, when I rejected all the toxic people and got committed to art, it was the best decision I've made in my life.

>> No.2945438

>cartoons are pretty stagnant right now
I used to think the same because of the newer and less organic animation systems, but I gave the Tangled cartoon a try and I found myself enjoying it a lot, it's really funny. The Art's pretty great, too.

>> No.2945450

Then git gud and make a Usagi Yojimbo cartoon asap god fucking DAMMIT

>> No.2945454

Game Designer.

To be more particular I find the idea of living through and interacting with my artistic visions via personalized worlds, characters, and settings to be flattering and one of the deepest forms of connection one can share. I know this sounds gay as fuck but I still feel this way going on multiple demos, shitty projects, and even while programming.

>> No.2945457
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I just wanna make a thing that maybe other people will enjoy. I draw because I'm bored, so I might as well do something interesting while I'm sitting there.

>> No.2945468

I want to make something that people could universally look at and say "this is fucking incredible". Something so good that nothing I make following it would ever compare.
Something that people from other creative mediums would look at it and go "holy shit, man." A piece of something that I could look back on in 5 years and say "yeah that was really good."

Then I'd promptly kill myself. Safe to assume though that this has a high chance of never happening, since I'm rarely ever even remotely satisfied with my own work.

>> No.2945473
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I just want to make cool aesthetically pleasing stuff.

Then make my own IPs and start my own game studio

>> No.2945477 [DELETED] 

All I want is to produce illustrations that's so good that it changes peoples tastes. I want to make people realize that they don't have to settle for mediocrity and that they shouldn't enable subpar artists. The hope is that this gives fellow artists a reason to improve and not produce consistently garbage work just because they're the only game in time.

>> No.2945483
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I guess my dream would be to become an indie or creator owned comic artist with art that I can be proud of. I want to tell stories with my art and get people invested in worlds I've created.

I also just want to get good for the sake of it. I remember the first time I read Blacksad I was just astounded by how good the art was, and one of my long term goals is to be able to draw environments as beautiful as Juanjo Guarnido's.

>> No.2945484

All I want is to produce illustrations that's so good that it changes peoples tastes. I want to make people realize that they don't have to settle for mediocrity and that they shouldn't enable subpar artists. The hope is that this gives fellow artists a reason to improve and not produce consistently garbage work just because they're the only game in town

>> No.2945502

To draw cute girls and inject my horrible fetishes into fanart.

>> No.2945503


I started just wanting to draw anime girls, but i been practicing and enjoying drawing landscapes and enviroments

>> No.2945517

me too fellow anon, i just want to make interesting comics with lovable characters that people look forward to reading about. even if i only make a minimum wage living off of them, as long as peoples lives are made a little bit better thanks to my art ill be happy

>> No.2945522

to die for my art

>> No.2945527
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I want to be really good at drawing people in armor

>> No.2945529

kek, your false sense of self-importance is quite hilarious. Maybe some day you'll grow up and actually decide to do something meaningful with your life and with your art that isn't based on trying to prove that you are better than everyone else.

>> No.2945538

I want to effect other people with my artwork, how is that not meaningful?

>> No.2945539

I want to be an icon like Shinkawa or Amano.

>> No.2945541

I want to become a filthy successful contemporary artist.

Being able to sell sculptures to oil sheiks for a billion dollars, having 6 hour lines to exhibitions at moma, a shitload of employees and assistants who does whatever I tell them to, my own penthouse in NY that's in the world's tallest skyscraper which also happens to be shaped as me...

End goal is probably to be able to tell one of my assistants to paint some furry/loli shit which later is featured in Artforum as this genius piece of art, sold to some very important person for 100 trillion dollaroos, and I get all the cred and cash for it even though everyone knows I didn't actually paint it.

>> No.2945545

I wanna draw porn real good

>> No.2945552

make people masturbate to my stuff

>> No.2945559


Effect is something that has been caused.
>The Butterfly Effect
>When he threw a stone into the river, it caused a rippling effect.

Affect is when you deliberately change something.

>He affected the outcome of the test.

Not to be a grammar nazi. Thought you might want to know this since apparently it isnt common knowledge, even with native english speakers.

>> No.2945562

I don't really have one, tbqh. I just wanna get better at art.


>> No.2945571

I've only ever seen drawing and art as something to do for fun. If I ever got good enough, I wouldn't be above selling furry and other shit on like patreon. Ultimately though, its just a hobby.

>> No.2945572

>He affected the outcome of the test - the effect of this was a massive dog knot.

Like this? I've never really understood the difference but you've explained it quite nicely if thats the case.

>> No.2945581
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Making art for video games and experiencing with cool artstyles and hopefully inspire other people to do the same.

>> No.2945591
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I just want to draw my ideas and be satisfied with the results.

>> No.2945606

Make a living drawing.

>> No.2945609

>giving yourself a (You) in the same fucking comment

>> No.2945611

To draw an animated porn clip that at least one person jacks off to.

Feels like an achievable goal. And the internet has given me so many boners, I feel obligated to give back.

>> No.2945633

lol, i can tell whoever animated this dog in this movie was having a blast. Talk about HAM.

>> No.2945637

to become immortal through my art

>> No.2945665
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I don't have an endgame. I just simply enjoy drawing.

>> No.2945667


I want girls to masturbate to my stuff. I guess writing matters much more for girls than for guys.
Can a female give me advice on what they consider hot?

>> No.2945687
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Is it possible to make it even if you only have two or three hours tops to spare every day?

Thanks to /ic/ I tried to pick up drawing as a hobby back when I studied in university but ended up dropping it because I had to devote myself to my studies. Now a few years later I'm a fulltime junior software dev and want to get back into learning how to draw, but there's no way I'm going to be able to find more than the odd hours here and there every day to draw.

I don't have any grand ambitions, I just want to git gud enough to do fanart, draw smut and eventually build a decent following online, i.e. I'm not doing it for the money or even expecting to ever be able to live on it.

Any other anons with similar prospects and goals who are trying to make it or have made it? Or should I just accept that I made a poor decision when I didn't draw while I had the chance, spare myself the hurt and kill myself now?

>> No.2945689

Art is a journey into the unknown; If you know your destination you're doing something wrong.

>> No.2945698

I just want to get good before I die. If my work looks amazing enough to get studio work I don't care if I get shot the next morning.

>> No.2945817

I want to do the kind of thing that Ruan Jia does (not the style, the subject matter) and reach a level of mastery. I don't care about being rich, I just want to make a living of it .

>> No.2945847

By trying to prove that your ideas and art are so much better than everyone elses. Dont worry about what other people or doing just focus on your art and finding joy in that.

>> No.2945865
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I just wanted to draw furry porn to get some bucks while I was unemployed.
But I don't like to be halfassed about things so I ended up spending all of my time drawing. Now I'm an illustrator.

I just wanted to be a programmer.

>> No.2945878
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These, I want to become the greatest artist of my fetish.

I have nothing but lewd things on my mind, and it kills me to be unable to depict them.

>> No.2945902

"'make it'' by being able to make enough money from my shitty webcomic/deveant art to sustain myself

Or git gud at drawing anime porn to get a following of neckbeards to sustain myself and my wife

>> No.2946041
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To take down Disney, they've been on top for too long, Dreamworks had their chance and failed, now it up to me to dethrone the animation giant and make animated movies grate again.

>> No.2946055

>a witchposter
You don't really think it'll work will you?
Unless you can somehow produce a Kimi no Na Wa on a consistent basis.

>> No.2946064

I don't know. I think I know but I don't. Illustrator seems kind of attractive but I doubt it's as attractive as it sounds. And it's mostly because despite being old as fuck I have a childish understanding of what those occupations entail.
I just imagine "oh I get to draw what people say" but I doubt it's that easy.

>> No.2946068

But it is that easy.

>> No.2946106

Well again, I have a poor understanding of what I really want. But I still feel my idea of what the industry is probably simplistic.

>> No.2946211

Animal and creature design

>> No.2946525

That's only a means to an end, you keep ignoring the reason why, which was outlined in my first post.

I am just trying to be the change that I want to see in my world, which is a small community of artists making mediocre illustrations. What you see as me proving my art is better is what I think of as leading by example. It shouldn't just be me producing good artwork, I want other people to see that they can do the same or better.

>> No.2946528

You're a good guy, anon. Keep up the work.

>> No.2946545

That's a good question because most people here have the mentality that they just want to "make it". Upon you asking us this, I am a little lost.
I think I"d like to be like Guillermo Del Toro, not specificallly tied to making one piece but becoming a name that everyone knows for his style/vision.

In the end, I think I just want to make things that I like and as I make them the adventure will be in creating them.
To dumb it down to one thing, I like Hayao Miyazaki a lot and I 'd like to make adventurous artwork like him.

>> No.2946555
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My goal is to draw lewds and make money from drawing so I have an reason not to go outside and get a real job!

Ahah.. hah......

>> No.2946557

My dream too, I also want to move somewhere good with low property value.

Alaska might be comfy.

>> No.2946571
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Yoh Yoshinari

>> No.2946783

Just want to change the world senpai.

>> No.2946799

The ability to make paintings of cute girls from my own imagination that I can hang in my room so I feel less lonely.

>> No.2946814

I have pretty bad body dysmorphia, so my goal is to effectively be able to draw what I truly believe I'm supposed to look like.

>> No.2946815

>tell great stories with my art
>be able to teach others
>make enough money to get by doing steps 1 and 2

>> No.2946831

To be able to post on ic and not get ridiculed

>> No.2946982

Not even Ruan jia and Craig Mullins work gets a free pass here. It's a waste of energy

>> No.2947048

>I am just trying to be the change that I want to see in my world
But it isn't your world, and you haven't said how you plan on doing that. Taste isn't something that's measured by skill, it's something in the work that speaks to the viewer. All the technical skill isn't going to mean dick if your viewers don't care for what they're seeing. People arent setting for mediocrity if they like something that's less skilled than someone else's, they're just liking what it is they like.

>> No.2947057

Comics, trying a lot of different styles and genres.

I really think that it's the medium with the most potential, it combines literature and narrative with visual art, it gives you a lot of freedom. Also considering said potential comics are really underused.

But first I want a bit of financial stability, I want to be able to experiment without having to make my works commercial crap in order to sell. So I'll probably start having a patreon and doing commissions or being a concept artist

>> No.2947098

>they're just liking what it is they like.
People can't like or dislike stuff they never get to see until they actually see it. Tastes can change.

Subject matter or "speaking" to the viewer is not a concern, by "my world" I mean a drawn fetish community, so guaranteed my target audience cares about any content that's relevant, including my work, to different degrees. Today most content barely passes /beg/, I think raw skill and leading by example is enough to change that.

I could just yell at artists all day telling them that they should git gud or link them literally idiot-proof books like Anatomy for Sculptors, but that's not as fun as actually being a content creator.

>> No.2947249

my endgame is to work on magazines as a photographer. right now i'm in school and I'm starting to question everything if its really worth it and if i can make the cut.

>> No.2947325

Making art that's good enough to express ideas, feelings, desires and so on. My favourite one is that sort of nostalgia feeling you get from really comfy landscapes or whatever.

>> No.2947334

make a comic book about super powered weirdos in a super powered city full of weirdos going on adventures and visiting super powered one-off weirdos, It's just going to be a exhibition of ideas I have about characters, while also having unorthodox plot lines and no morals learned.

>> No.2947379

Does anyone know when the next albums are coming?( I got all of them until Amarillo, and I'm still waiting)

>> No.2947578

>People can't like or dislike stuff they never get to see until they actually see it. Tastes can change.
I dont disagree with you, but its not necessarily skill that makes them like it is what im saying.
> by "my world" I mean a drawn fetish community.
If its something small like a community, then yeah, you'd have better luck. I cant really speak accurately unless i knew what exactly the art you're making entails, though.
>Subject matter or "speaking" to the viewer is not a concern
Then you've failed from the start, at least I think. People don't just look at things and say, "oh well this guy is more skilled, so i like this piece more". If you think raw technical skill is the be all end all of aesthetic taste then i don't know what to tell you, because scores of people like artwork of various skill levels for reasons beyond just skill.
>I could just yell at artists all day telling them that they should git gud or link them literally idiot-proof books like Anatomy for Sculptors
But that may not be necessary for what they need. Far be it for me to not think that absolute mastery over everything the fundamentals entails is necessary, but there can be for more to art than that, and knowing a esoteric level of information about any subject isn't necessarily useful.

>> No.2947615

1. Art director / Marketing art director / Product Manager
2. Ridicilous amounts of cash
3. Retire early
4. Produce a couple of indie titles
5. Family life

>> No.2949420

Sounds righteous. God speed anon.

>> No.2949428

Yes, good job

>> No.2949429
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>> No.2949713
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I'm in it to keep record of all my ideas and observations of the world until the day I work up the courage to become an hero.

>> No.2949716


>> No.2949923

Join the 27 Club. More of a musician than a painter, honestly. I just come here to look at cool art.

>> No.2950080

Having a steady following that grants me the financial liberty to pursue my dream project: A 1200 page graphic novel praising conservative values in mid-20th century America.

>> No.2950836
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I want to draw my fav waifus like this and post them on pixiv

>> No.2950842
File: 1.31 MB, 3652x4537, fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oil on Canvas I painted in 2017. Just had an exhibition with 13 paintings I did in the first two months of this year. Looking to start a movement, right now I'm looking for an art militia.

>> No.2950877

It baffles me that you're so good but you use your skill for this. I don't understand what the commentary is supposed to be, you're just painting memes.

>> No.2950882


Richard Prince, Barbara Kruger, John Baldessari

These are super relevant contemporary artists who basically predicted meme culture in the 1980s. They use appropriated images paired with text to express. Those are like my artistic forebears.

I'm expressing myself through the vocabulary of the era, see

>> No.2950883

I want my name written on the fucking wall anon.
I want to be remembered as a fucking artist anon.
I want to transmutate into an immortal concious being anon.

I need this.

>> No.2950891

What a waste of paint.

I suggest you get some new inspiration

>> No.2950900


I really like working with the magenta and blue color scheme. They are really high saturation but their cheap as shit because the colors are synthetic.

>> No.2950945

the colors are great, I honestly think it would have looked better if the head bust was bigger and the nose less wonky. you're gonna make it anon.

>> No.2950981

memes without the right context are just shit.

>> No.2950987


These guys were so visionary its really astounding to me. They realized that text paired with images is crazy efficient for communication. So when the internet came along that behavior just started naturally.

>> No.2950995

>text paired with images is crazy efficient for communication.
But that was used by advertising for a long time before that

>> No.2951008

I'm a pop art fan to.

>> No.2952189

Animate for money again because I actually really liked doing it, maybe do some freelance illustration work.

But I really want to make comics I think, more than anything.

>> No.2953233

A succesful comic series. Dont know exactly how to get published though, so thats kind of a predicament. Anyone with experience making published comics?

>> No.2953624

I feel ya Anon. I wish I could say that I have something to tell the world but as the years go by I'm slowly realizing that all the sacrifices, self-neglect and back-breaking work are leading me nowhere. At the end of the day I look at my work and I'm still garbage.
The idea of getting good enough to get noticed and then magically conjuring the social skills, morale, intuition and confidence to stay in the game is so ridiculous I might as well become an astronaut.
Deep inside I know how it's going to end and I don't want it to end like this but the more effort I put in it the faster I sink.

>> No.2953629

quit all vices break up with GF become a hermit for like 5 years. emerge like I was born with skill and tell Frazetta stories about myself.

>> No.2953632

you need to focus, anon. There are four things that are important.
1) being self sufficient(being able to feed and clothe yourself)
2) getting good at art (however you do)
3) stay fit you need to eat and sleep and exercise or you will be very sad no matter how good you get.
4) have a social life(go out and have some goddamned fun at least 1-2 times per week it won't kill you and you won't forget everything you learned)

if you have all of these things firing properly you should feel happy make better art and live longer... also may get more sex, depending on your personality.

>> No.2953635

I just want to draw some cute yuri webcomics.
Nothing too big probably, maybe something I'll post on /u/ and /a/ periodically and hopefully get a small following of people who enjoy reading them.

But I've got a full time cs job so its more just for myself so I don't have much motivation.

>> No.2953639

Trade ya. I've wanted to do art all my life parents forced me into tech so... here I am battling depression doing things I wish I had done 10 years ago. YAAAY!

>> No.2953640

Make 2d great again!

>> No.2953659

This post made me thin of clocked in by Black Flag

>> No.2953661

Yeah anon, just reading this gives me a tightness at the throat

>> No.2953669

realize that spending every waking hour drawing can actually hurt your growth. the worst thing you can do is be sitting there not paying full attention to your learning during learning time. so you need to be happy, healthy, and feeling good.

>> No.2953741

When I write novels, I just want to do the cover illustrations myself without them looking shit or having to resort to stock images.

>> No.2955831

I want to draw cute pictures of anime girls and then git gud at watercolours so I can sell them for $25-30 a pop on the side. Ez money. Also aesthetic of actually being able to draw what I want.

>> No.2956363

I mostly wanna draw comics, porn, and fanart.
I have a lot ideas for what I want to draw, and I feel like I would go insane without showing them.
My biggest fear is dying without drawing a decent amount of art.

>> No.2958882

Illustrate, write and publish my own series of alternate history mythological fantasy graphic novels.