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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.84 MB, 480x337, aki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2942939 No.2942939 [Reply] [Original]

The anon who makes these has been awfully lazy. But like Q&A Thread header said, let's not let the general threads go into the dark abyss. Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it shouldn't be succeeded. If anyone has the helpful links header copy/pasted please post them.

You know what to do.

>> No.2943928

Previous Thread: >>2905375
>51 exercises to try

>2D Animation Tutorial Youtubers

>Books basic program tutorials, etc.


>Ideas for the Animated Short

>Anime .gif/.webm repository

>Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame
or just pause the video and use the , and . keys (This doesn't always work but worth a try)

>Kinovea video file frame-by-frame analysis

>> No.2944120
File: 13 KB, 380x380, 1482480147198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you, anon.

>> No.2945816


>> No.2945825
File: 94 KB, 500x281, walk-105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first walk ever, wip

>> No.2946138
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, O1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overwatch WIP

>> No.2946208
File: 12 KB, 182x225, s-l225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to get this?

It has many original disney animations frame to frame for study


>> No.2946255
File: 275 KB, 560x315, wip (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the old thread

>> No.2946403

This guy. Is lying.

>> No.2946475

I was thinking about attending calarts since it's considered to be one of the best animation schools in america. But my dilemma is that everyone there uses a simplistic and tasteless design for the characters and setting. Does everyone draw like this because they're autistic? Or is it because they were given guidelines to draw characters with the least amount of detail so that it would be easy for them? I can see that benefitting beginners trying to communicate with the audience easily, I understand that adding to much detail to your character can make the animation process painstakingly difficult, but I wouldn't want to stick with this style throughout my art career. My aim is to join, or create, an animation studio that produces works in a more detailed style. Animated works that exemplify a detailed and distinct style for me are Akira, evangelion (referring more to the battles between the angels and Eva's as opposed to the characters), triplets of belleville, ping pong the animation, Atlantis, samurai champloo, etc. Also, do animation studios that produce that caliber of work exist anymore? Can someone recommend me a school?

Heres one of the works from calarts has a million views. I like the setting and the story in this one, but the character designs suck. https://youtu.be/DYOc-LqkrsE

>> No.2946478
File: 94 KB, 561x325, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2946482

Post some of your animation with more detailed character designs.

Also, apply wherever the fuck you want to go and use your resources how you see fit. Art school is exactly what you make of it and if you spend your years being a stuck up elitist who declines making connections because they find certain studios "beneath them," you aren't going to get shit out of your tuition.

>> No.2946499

I'll try to get some up soon since I haven't made any. My experience is only in figure drawing. you're right. I wouldn't mind working with animation studios that aren't necessarily fit to my taste, but I wouldn't want to stick with them. So the question still stands. Are there any animation studios that produce more detailed works?

>> No.2946503

So you don't even know how to animate yet and you want to try animating detailed character designs?
I mean, more power to you, but good luck. You'll see the importance of streamlining character designs for animation soon enough

>> No.2946510
File: 186 KB, 812x1200, 222219d679254e19421ebacdcd15cd58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll get to it then. Thank you for replying.

>> No.2946518

calarts is the best for animation because its in california where all the network animation studios are. because of its location it has alot of connections into the industry, calarts is more for making connections and networking than the art aspect.
even if you can animate detailed masterpieces, the calart artist who can only draw tumblr noodle arms will have an easier time getting into a studio because they worked with the calarts alumni that run the studio.

>> No.2946534

Makes sense. That explains the high tuition. Thanks for the reply

>> No.2946621
File: 226 KB, 1088x612, WalkingDude2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2946622
File: 85 KB, 1088x612, JumpGap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a character jump

>> No.2946636

I get the feeling Phil Hale can get such great lighting is because he's posing models/himself in his basement, and then he's snapping a photograph.

He then takes artistic liberties with that photograph in the construction, etc.

He probably has an extensive background in life drawing, so he can get whatever color he wants, etc.

I see the lighting of the wrinkles in the shirts, and they're too real to be from his brain.

>> No.2946641

If you look closely, you can see a dude on a table

>> No.2946673

why is Reinhart Asian?

>> No.2946733

I think it's because I draw my eyes really small. He does look pretty asian.

>> No.2946766

I think I have to re-do this. It's far too simple.
I didn't have to think about the affects on limbs, hair, various animation principles, etc.

>> No.2946829
File: 213 KB, 800x450, added more ball shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does everyone draw like this because they're autistic? Or is it because they were given guidelines to draw characters with the least amount of detail so that it would be easy for them?
It's simplistic to animate because it doesn't cost a million dollars per episode, and it is appealing to children/normies.
A Man in the Woods is actually pretty nicely animated, regardless of the designs. Honestly, if you know how to draw and how to properly make things move in animation, you could animate just about anything if you put your mind to it.
CalArts a fucking animation school, it teaches animation and requires you to know how to draw. It doesn't matter if you're being taught how to animate a shitty character design, you can apply what you know about animation into any kind of design you'd like.
Animating is animating. The design is completely up to the artist.

>> No.2946873

Not sure if this is relevant but one of my tutors who is kind of an animation veteran and has worked for god know how long; he keeps telling us to work and animate on things regardless of it not being your cup of tea.

When you work for a studio unless you are in charge, you will be working in someone else's "style". He used to work in 3 different studios at a time and had to draw differently for each one. He has done work where he did whatever he wanted to but they come and go and you will eventually have to go back to these studios jobs and get paid.

Also when you study animation, you mostly focus on how to tell stories effectively unless your course is driven to taper your skills to the max; it is very narration based.
You only get a semester or two to develop and make your film so it is a more sensible choice to go with designs that are more stripped down which allows you to experiment and change things a lot quicker; you will also mostly likely be making it alone unless you work in groups or get help from others.

>> No.2946891

The better people in the animation program at my college draws in that tumblr/calarts style. It's a simple style, simple styles are good for animation but this style is used as a crutch to cover up sloppy construction. I personally draw in a rubber hose style, minimal stylization; all the great animators started that way, why should I be too good for it? It's really up to you, we only were taught to draw figure drawing (which is ridiculously useless for animators). I think it's a social media thing (everyone seeking everyone else's approval) that influences everyone's style looking the same.

>> No.2946893

oops meant to reply to that post >>2946475

>> No.2947066

how do you guys feel about rotoscoping? not factoring in the need for saving time etc, is it as bad as tracing in terms of "cheating"?

>> No.2947069

>Also, do animation studios that produce that caliber of work exist anymore?
for 2D, not in the west, no.
You listed mostly anime anyway, so Japanese studios are probably more what you're looking for.

>Can someone recommend me a school?
If you can afford it without being put in debt for the rest of your life, go to calarts. They're the best for a reason, and it's not because they tell you to animate simple characters.
Everyone else replying already covered pretty much everything, but it's easier to teach the technical fundamentals of animation when you don't have to worry about your students redrawing complicated designs over and over. I can see why they encourage the simplified style.

You could also take the knowledge you gain from attending that school and apply it to any style you want fairly easily, since animation fundamentals are universal.
I can only assume most calarts students just prefer animating using easier designs. It's not that they can't animate more complicated things, they just don't want to.

>> No.2947102

Full on tracing for rotoscoping and tracing looks stupid and sloppy, by the 1930s, animators already knew that. It isn't so bad if you use it for reference and form a cartoon over it. Tracing live action is really more work, you have to think more about conveying form well so it doesn't melt and if good animators had trouble with that, there's no way a hobbyist isn't going to as well. If you don't care about quality go for it.

>> No.2947200

I'm fairly certain certain Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are in Atlanta, granted only about half of their network's stuff is original. Over the past decade or so things have really decentralized--and that's good. I'm at a pretty well-respected uni studying general film production and media theory. Everything I do with cartoons is of my own accord, and I'm trying to get an internship at Nick in a year. I'd argue my biggest strength for that is in my independent work and my own uni's training in theory and practical business.

I know people in animation tend to think live-action can be elitist, but I'll be blunt in saying I think animation seriously needs to accept more of live-action's theoretical ideas. Like, I don't think most CalArts or SCAD students learn much about German Expressionism or Ingmar Bergman; and that blindspot is hurting quality just as much as the bad decisions of the suits.

>> No.2947484

>that good feel when you realize bronies make terrible shit like fallout equestria, furries make 20 second "animations" (one animation of which they reuse the assets many times over) of their character doing something stupid, and they still manage to get hundreds of thousands of views with very little negativity

makes me feel less shit about my idea desu

keep at it anons

>> No.2947545
File: 45 KB, 613x720, 76745aafc375836e490c7ad5dd862f7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man you can get really really real shit from imagination. You need a great understanding of forms. And then lighting is a collection of simple rules placed upon those forms. When you think about what it really means to paint something realistically, it can be simplified a lot.
And another thing to note is the lighting schemes Phil Hale tends to use. Basically all the paintings I've seen by him have one light source, really dark shadows, and not a ton of bounced light.
I agree though, some parts of his stuff is super realistic, and I bet he does use models and photos. But I also wouldn't be surprised if there was a good amount straight from his imagination.
I wonder if a video or explanation of his process is somewhere...

>> No.2947554

Phil Hale 100% works off photographs. I do agree that he takes a lot of liberties though, and there are probably some pieces that are partially from his imagination. The series of deconstructed/abstracted skull face things is an example of this.

>> No.2947562

fwiw here's a really good interview where Phil Hale speaks a little about his past and creative process.
He works a lot from photographs in his recent work. Very early on he worked often from imagination.

>It wasn't just bodies. I wanted the paintings to have a feeling of connection to something outside of the frame of the image, just as a documentary photograph does.
>Where the context is a much more complete world that you can never really access, but believe is there. I was also very keen to have what I would consider actual information in the pieces and how I thought about them, and not just something that I had processed and reformulated.
>The use of photography is such a significant part of how I think about working — it's tough to sum it up. I didn't want to be making things up, I wanted to be finding out about something real and developing an understanding of it in a very pure cause-and-effect model.
>Also — important to say that Rick didn't see it as cheating, but his practice was based around generating images internally.
>I wasn't sure I had the same ability — and I didn't, in fact.


>> No.2947690
File: 184 KB, 957x1300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to animate but I don't know what to animate

>> No.2947774
File: 47 KB, 720x480, roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing that I've produced in a year. But at least it's a thing.

>> No.2947876

i know how you feel. i can never come up with ideas, but once i get into it i end up spending the majority of my day sitting down and animating.

you could do try the 51 exercises link in the OP. some people like doing them and others don't.

>> No.2948018

how do i animate like this

>> No.2948607

Hello yes I am butt tier at art and am having a mid life crisis where I've decided I want to learn how to do animation all of a sudden

Is it better for me to learn how to art good and then afterward learn to animate, or should I be learning both at the same time?

Please and thank you

>> No.2948646

>mid life crisis

>should I be learning both at the same time?
yes, but it boils down to what you want to do. If you want to be GiTS 95 level, then do both. If you just want to animate then focus more on animating, but still try to understand Art fundamentals; at least.

good luck

>> No.2948653


30s, I figure I'm close enough

I guess endgame would be GitS '95 if I can manage it. Might as well shoot for the stars, eh?


>> No.2948937

I find that animating helps me understand form and perspective better, like it's easier to spot mistakes and get a clearer understanding of 3D shapes

I dont think they have to be entirely mutually exclusive, you can practice your fundamentals doing animation

>> No.2948956
File: 177 KB, 500x598, ktt4TrR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to two universities for Animation, dropped out of one a few months in and will probably drop out of the second after 2 years. This has been my goal for as long as I can remember, why am I such a screw up?

I'm thinking of getting a part time job and taking a few years to build up a strong portfolio and freelance work (concept art/3D sculpting/animation.) Academics aren't my strong point but art is and I know I still want to do this, I am just wondering if it's worth staying on this course for the sake of getting a degree even though I hate it or leaving and grinding towards a portfolio, career-wise.

Say I was going in for an interview for an animation job, would they value a degree or a better portfolio more? Would they care that I dropped out twice if my work was good?

The only reason so far I'd consider staying at this point is that some internship placements for studios appear to only take people who are currently studying/planning to return to study.

>> No.2948961

Are you in the USA ?

I don't know how it works in animation in the US, but in Europe, having a portfolio/showreel that proves you can do good shit is enough.

>> No.2948972

I'm in Ireland/UK- though my long term goals included moving overseas to the US/Canada or somewhere in mainland Europe for a while.

Thanks man, I'm leaning more towards just not returning after this semester ends.

>> No.2948989
File: 1.49 MB, 540x304, Excitement.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to learn animation and do it as a second gig(something like freelancing maybe)? Is anyone here making a living working as an animator? I'm genuinely interested in learning more about it, Ive always enjoyed making flipbook animations. It seems like a very time consuming skill to master

>> No.2949033

It is possible, if you have a good showreel and some good contacts. You know, the kind of contact who know someone who know someone etc...

Best thing to do if you want to do it as a freelance, in my opinion ( I'm more in live filmmaking but have some animating skills and some friends who are pro-animators ) : make a short animated film.

- Have a good script, not too long, not a lot of dialogues.
- show the most of your animated skills in it.
- put it on youtube, send it to festivals, etc... network with people

it's your best bet to make it as a freelancer !

>> No.2949090

Delete the frame right after the leap and push the frames at the highest position closer together.
The movement is far too linear.
Nice work tho.

>> No.2949154

>Have a good script, not too long, not a lot of dialogues.
>show the most of your animated skills in it.
tfw you wont be able to pull off some godlike cinematography in 2d animation.
tfw 3dcg is the true end all be all

>> No.2949169
File: 32 KB, 550x400, better.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started im just trying to get a feel for animating.

>> No.2949253
File: 2.69 MB, 640x480, 5cc0e8ba0ef556a0fa493cb428d4df07.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to draw smears like this?

>> No.2949278

Smears are pretty much squash and STRETCH. Knowing how far to stretch and extend specific moving parts of the body to get the look that you need.
A good practice, is to do a bouncing ball animation with different styles of smears. Jagged and smooth, or none and too much. It's all about practice and drawing what you see.

>> No.2949292


I also think there's some cross hatching involved in order to give it that feel that it's moving

>> No.2949310

It's really strange, if you think about it, but tracing from life and rotoscoping always looks like the figure has no weight. They seem to be floating at ground level, instead of being pulled into the ground by gravity.

And yet the thing you were tracing did have weight, and did deal with gravity.

Why does this happen? I have no fucking clue. But it's one of the reasons why it can look bad.

Another reason pure tracing sucks is that your drawing is a character, and it is acting with its shape. Unless your live-action model was a fucking phenomenal physical actor to begin with, you're tracing something that would have been a shit animation anyway. Doesn't help.

Tracing works best when you ignore how it "really" looked, and just use it as a guide for proportions and relative location. Treat it like something you quickly sketched in with light pencil, and focus more on making your final drawing look "right" instead of merely "accurate."

>> No.2949386

AMB streaming


>> No.2949423

anyone have a list of different kinds of smears? IK Kill La Kill had the best smears IMHO, but it'd be nice to pull off some tom n jerry style smears as a study

>> No.2949440
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, brut2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been trying to teach myself animation in the past 2-ish years, still dont know how to draw properly lol

>> No.2949464

>after 2 years.
just fucking finish already. you honestly think you'll have the motivation to work on your portfolio (which is the main reason you're in school for animation) after coming home tired from work? Finish and use the connections from the school to get a job and help on making the best portfolio you can make.

>> No.2949468

If you are truly doing it because you like it I'd say you should do a passion project thats within reason, both for improving your own skills and building that portfolio

Make something that you'll like, and make it short. Don't start something you'll sketch out in a night and forget about it tomorrow, try and go through the pipeline process and finish an animation

If you love it, find time and do it! The only problem is that pesky degree

>> No.2949509

I agree with you anon, but mental health shit got in the way of my studies this year in particular, my grades are fucked and a breakdown in 2016 mid-project made sure people in that class would never want to work with me again as far as connections go. I want to disappear and have everyone forget I exist so I can work without dealing with people.

As no one wants me in their group, I've been doing a lot of solo/freelance work that my professor authorised as an alternate approach to the curriculum, which has led to me being able to make a lot of money on the side with clients at least.

I'll consider not being a pussy and just powering through third year to finish.

Thank you! A passion project like this would be fantastic, I had a client not long ago who I worked alongside for a few months on something similar and it really helped as far as my portfolio went.

>> No.2949542
File: 77 KB, 800x480, action scene animatric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you make this on? I mean you could have atleast used the selection tool and literally just move the whole thing a bit to the right after he hits the floor so it doesn't look like he's rolling in place.

I did this shitty rough of Nightwing jumping on rooftops. I imagined it would be the very last cut in a short teaser announcement of an animated tv show, where the logo in his chest would be "stamped" on the camera and a release window would be shown to garner hype at like a comic con panel or something.

>> No.2949720


How do I get out of the looping phase? It takes me several hours just to do a 1-2 second rough.

>> No.2949761

>Proper planning

>> No.2949830

saw your post on twitter a couple days ago. Good shit. But learn how to draw. It's very important believe me.

>> No.2949838

I'm too retarded to design good, animable characters, somebody give me a good character design to learn to animate with

>> No.2949850


What's a good book on this? I don't know where to start.

>> No.2949855

Im unsure if there are any books on this, but I usually do thumbnails on paper with some notes here and there. Then I animate it on my computer... its just planning

>> No.2949857

flower sack

>> No.2950213
File: 49 KB, 453x623, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel horrible cause i fell into that cartoon trend and i started like a million projects and never finished any

i only started doing drawing like 3 years ago, im still struggling with anatomy and perspective

>> No.2950234

It looks weird to me how his arms stay straight by his side. Looks more like something youd see at a gymnastics competition that something a superhero would do

>> No.2950368
File: 927 KB, 1000x1000, Skull dude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good?

>> No.2950372

fixing the timing and adding a couple of extra inbetweens here and there would make it look pretty good

>> No.2950506

animate porn

>> No.2950552
File: 113 KB, 720x380, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howd i do

>> No.2950557

thats actually pretty good

but you made the legs strech out instead of the head bobbing up and down, which technically makes up for it lol

>> No.2950572
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, double king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make succesful yt animation?

>> No.2950582

dedicate at least two years of your life to working tirelessly on it

>> No.2950944
File: 249 KB, 852x480, amine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2952605

You don't. YT and animation in general is a dead end career, you'll spend countless hours and will not be appreciated for it.

I'm quitting animation now even though i have a popular yt channel, wish i realized this sooner.


>> No.2952680

animation in general is a dead end career

>> No.2952701

Not true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXRCAI7q8QY

>> No.2952728

Now if you make an one hour long version with a thick accent you can reel in the big bucks

>> No.2952757
File: 452 KB, 2974x1710, nightwing (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well Nightwing is suppose to be really acrobatic, he grew up in a circus and is an expert gymnast so that's what I was going for. you can see it in the perfect landing as well.

>> No.2952759

that's a weird punch

>> No.2953126

>so it doesn't look like he's rolling in place.
That was entirely intentional, I'm just too lazy to draw more frames or a moving background.

>> No.2953192

Maybe more of a tech question, but does anybody know why TVpaint 10 always crashes on windows 10? It works fine on a new user account, just not the main one.

>> No.2953218

Why does he blink not with his eyylid but with his eyebrow?

>> No.2953263

The legs are too short and there isn't much vertical movement in the head, but that's still really good. You should watch Angels Egg if you're into smooth frame animation and realistic character proportions.

>> No.2953300
File: 485 KB, 780x411, oldman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, your right about the legs and head. i have been practicing volume control and not paying attention to spacing and poses which I realized is stupid. ill check out Angels Egg. here is another thing i made

>> No.2954113

hey! this is good advice i never thought about adding smears and experimenting with different designs of them before

this is cool do you have a blog?

i have a question for you lovely people. there are a few youtube channels that talk about cinematography and the like. can anyone perhaps link them here? they would be a great resource for the OP as well and i want to check them out but i can't remember the channel names :(

thanks guys

>> No.2954201

I can post porn here, right? Because that's what I'm planning to animate

>> No.2954229

It's a pink board so i would think it's safe

>> No.2954314

Does anyone have any resources or ideas where to learn animating/drawing 2d FX? Like smoke, water splashes, explosions, etc.

>> No.2954553

Watch slow motion videos of whatever you want to animate
Also think of everything as 3d shapes with volume and not just a flat plane

>> No.2954680
File: 1.61 MB, 4091x2888, 33-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm depressed at how overwhelming is animation but at the same time I love it so I wanna learn, I have Animator's survival Kit and sometimes I read it and I feel i'll never do anything remotely good, how do you guys cope with it, how do you guys even start?

>> No.2954708

Look up the bitey.com/adam phillips animation effects ("FX") course.

>ex disney animator
>current commercial animator
>each article is very well written and informative and it's only like $6 a week

>> No.2954826
File: 483 KB, 500x514, fire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flames are fun to do with the lasso and fill tool. Try it out, gents.

>> No.2954899

mmm i like this. will give it a try myself

>> No.2954908

that's terrifying.

you bent his neck too far no human can turn like that.

thanks for the nightmares

>> No.2954955
File: 188 KB, 700x702, 33343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sure isn't fire. It turned into a weird magic lava lamp type thing

>> No.2954960

This look like yoh yoshinari flame's ( is the 's after flame correct ? Not english )

>> No.2954961

the flames are just a little bit too round.

>> No.2955223

I was trying to make it look like he was furrowing his brow since he's wincing, but I see what you mean. It looks weird.

>> No.2955470


These are the two I like, dunno what else is out there.

>> No.2955472
File: 933 KB, 1566x864, convertwork_online-video-cutter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yung christ bringing this thread back to life
did this one in about 80 min

>> No.2955474

What do your storyboard look like for longer projects?

>> No.2955494

Like a lot of storyboards. I don't get the question

>> No.2956018

similar to a storyboard for shorter projects
but like long

>> No.2956029
File: 1.99 MB, 540x303, Art Backup Jan 2 2017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. I'm minoring in film, majoring in digital at LSU. Trying to get into storyboarding but i've realized there are so many basic film concepts I didnt know it's astounding. Had to stay a little longer because of it but i dont regret it.

>> No.2956034
File: 36 KB, 362x600, 18bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had an animation jam a few weeks ago. I tried to make some cool shit


>> No.2956039

>Animation Workshop said they'll need a few weeks to pick out who gets to the next round
>They said this more than a month ago

>> No.2956045

>11sec club

>> No.2956186

It's more like a storyboard jam

>> No.2956239

yeah, i was working the front desk, helping with equipment and didnt wanna boggle a team down so i went solo. looking forward to animating it this summer

>> No.2956369

Anyone have that anime gif where the pilot of a mech is connecting his hand to the mech's and moving it around? I forgot the name of the anime but I loved the animation on there.

>> No.2956527

I don't care enough to save the gif but the anime is called Patlabor

>> No.2956642

Awesome, Thanks man

>> No.2956783

I'm amazed you got it from that description.

>> No.2957130

>German Expressionism or Ingmar Bergman
>you need to go to college to watch entry level films

>> No.2957131

that gif has literally been posted so many hundreds of times how could you not

>> No.2957185
File: 329 KB, 1280x544, Dogtooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't, but at my school the film students certainly had wider taste than the animation students. The former would gush about French New Wave while the animation students would watch Disney and Marvel movies. Honestly I would be the same way, but one of my friends is super into film so he exposed me to more obscure things.

>> No.2957240
File: 119 KB, 331x336, samurai depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just about getting to know about cinematography rather than just watching stuff because it looks pretty/good, and anybody, even someone so detached from arts like a lawyer can do that.
Check "The Five C's of Cinematography" by the way.

But I agree with your point, however I find most western animators/animation students to be reluctant to get closer to more film-esque productions as western animation has always felt closer to cartooning reality rather than doing (most of the time, poorly) attempts to decorate it like asian animation does, and that's also the reason why they are so anal about nip productions and why you see them bitching so much with bullshit excuses like a supposed lack of squash/stretch. The only excuse I accept 100% is lack of fluidity, which is what distinguishes old traditional 2d disney/dreamworks movies from anything else in asia.

You also have to consider that most animated productions in the west are catered to kids/teenagers as the mindset of the west (and mostly in US) about animation pretty much molded that, and sure, Adult Swim may treat "mature" themes but the common joe still don't see that stuff with the same eyes they see series like CSI, just an example. Japan and the asian markets may not be as different from that as weebs say because old people over there still consider animation/manga as a thing for kids/teens, however that doesn't mean there's not a bigger older public that consumes such media over there/more interest to produce such content.
Anime may be plagued with uguu kawaii pointless shows catered to your average hikki like pretty much anything KyoAni shits lately, but there's still "quality" animated content like what MAPPA or Trigger does sometimes, even if they keep falling in stereotypes.

As a matter of preference, at the moment I'm more of a weeb/frogboo as I have a preference for TVPaint/Flash/Repas keyframe animation over CN's puppet/rigged animation done in ToonBoom.

>> No.2957488
File: 422 KB, 560x318, New canvas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2957738

Neck is too long and head is too small

>> No.2957850

perspective is kinda fucky but the boob jiggle seems nice

>> No.2958496

>French New Wave
Fuckin lmao film students are just as pleb desu and an equally negligible amount of them will go on to make anything good.

The few people I've met who really know anything about film either never went to college or did unrelated shit like history/philosophy. Anecdotes aside, this holds true for most decent directors.

>> No.2958832

why does everyone always use akira as an example of good animation?

>> No.2958846
File: 217 KB, 320x240, Overlappin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2958850

Well animated cyberpunk > everything else

serious answer, idk

>> No.2958867

This is good, but that arm leaving the door frame seems weak.
I would think she would push herself off the door, rather than just detach, ya know?

>> No.2958869

Because the animation is way to detailed.Way to many things are animated using 1s .
I cant even begin to imagine how they made the deadline. The movie is overall very detailed, everything feels real and has the right weight to it, additionally it looks damn cool. There are more in depth analyses though. You might be able to google those.

>> No.2958876

Where is this from? I've seen this exact animation before but I forget where. No way is this original

>> No.2958877

TMS housed some of the best animators in the 80's dude.


>> No.2958993


It had good cinematography along with good animation.

I really like the fact that there are "dolly" shots and long takes as opposed to there being a static camera that smoothly tilts too much

>> No.2959346
File: 743 KB, 350x350, 1484885001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2959353

>little nemo
gonna check this film out, thanks anon

also, would you recommend any films

>> No.2959810

Oh, they finally sent



>> No.2959817
File: 267 KB, 403x374, 1364905604696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for doublepost, but this feels pretty bad desu. I've gotten rejected from two animation places now, I'm starting to doubt if it's for me, though I want it to be. I'm doing alright at the art college I'm in right now, studying painting, but I don't like it much. I want to draw characters and stylized stuff instead.

Feels bad man, really bad

>> No.2959854

Maybe it's not for you. Post your work and I'll tell you if you have potential / what to fix. This is a critique board after all

>> No.2959945
File: 820 KB, 1068x1500, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the diagnosis, doc?

>> No.2959953

Looks pretty good desu, I don't know why they rejected you. Maybe your animation work is lacklustre, do you have any animation examples?

>> No.2959961

I'm not a fan of how anorexic some portions of your stylized figures look. It's fine for stuff to be sharp and thin occasionally but I dunno man. It appears sickly to me.

>> No.2959964

symbol drawing

>> No.2959973

that hair is disgusting, make her attractive at least. the clouds at the end look like they're just staying solid and flying outwards. they still should have some motion from the spin. draw them getting thinner and dispersing as well as spiralling (not fast, as in just 1 or less revolutions around her)

>> No.2960016
File: 119 KB, 560x315, joy2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even remember if I ever posted this

>> No.2960019
File: 374 KB, 720x480, gondolagif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye the problem was that I started watching Aeon Flux. I'll try to use it in moderation.

The animations were optional, didn't really have anything much to show. The portfolio was sort of a last minute thing, I'll try to avoid that next year.

>> No.2960024

>the animations were optional
desu this is why you got rejected

>> No.2960028


>> No.2960032

>applies to an animation course
>doesn't show any animation

Yeah what the other anon said, this could be why. Did you make that gondolagif? it's pretty good

>> No.2960050

Ye, I haven't had time from the college to work on animations, I usually get back into it during holidays.

>> No.2960106

I'd imagine a lot of animation students don't even care to learn about it--they like Miyazaki and Disney and shit and think old movies are boring and Sailor Moon references are groundbreaking and unique. I could be blowing shit out of my asshole but I don't see the same artistic skillsets developing.

This makes us rivals I guess.
t. Tulane

>> No.2960263

Balak? Ici?...

>> No.2960630
File: 1.97 MB, 852x480, ef3413f8f3e54ae331ad36d895f518ac_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ever imaishi's style is.

>> No.2960646
File: 20 KB, 344x400, poppin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that standing up (the last few frames) is one "Popping" motion. you don't fade into standing up. its one quick motion, it does not happen overtime.

>> No.2960650

I like it, it's very human.

>> No.2960695


it's ok little buddy

it's just movies

I'm not a fan of your style, but your construction seems pretty solid, which is the most important thing. You're certainly good enough to get into most animation schools, but maybe not the Best of The Best. Where else did you apply? Also, having animation in your portfolio certainly helps, but it's not required for a reason. They want someone they can teach, not necessarily someone who's already experienced.

>> No.2960719

The ends of that cross look like penises.

>> No.2960915


Is supposed to be a EVA ref?

>> No.2960991

I made a filthy frank animated fanart. Enjoy!

>> No.2961272
File: 236 KB, 1200x1000, gond.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much my first animation, tell me what I did

>> No.2961645
File: 105 KB, 640x360, FX.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit wustup famm. i dont think theres enough of an industry down here for us to be rivals, link up!

how is tulane? got a couple of classmates who went there but none in the arts and such.

>> No.2961668
File: 600 KB, 1500x1500, powerup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2961728

An animation of a walking gondola. It looks jerky.

>> No.2961934
File: 629 KB, 742x618, Rotation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2962079
File: 886 KB, 410x768, DoxyZoDeeAnimation02small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would like some crit on frames and timings

>> No.2962116

Looks rad dude

I have no idea what is going on here. I will say the... inflation? is MUCH too fast, it's literally blink and you'll miss it.

>> No.2962916


>> No.2962931

No idea what even is going on either but the first thing I noticed was that the arms are just being rotated rather than animated in the start

This looks good except for it flickering too much, as if there is too much of a difference in positions so that it doesn't register as a fluid movement, it looks as if I am seeing several frames at once

>> No.2963078
File: 1.09 MB, 422x768, DoxyZoDeeAnimation03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added more frames, before the arm gesture and padded out the inflation.

only using photoshop for this one

i figured i could get away with some laziness since a) i wasn't changing the pose at all, b) its meant to start slow and c) trying to work 'fast' though it took all day

>> No.2963343
File: 1.35 MB, 700x400, test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2963351


The timeline for photoshop is abysmal; consider getting Clip Studio next time it goes on sale-it will save you a ton of time.

>> No.2963684

What are your favourite Looney Tunes?

>> No.2963694

This is really good; lots of crazy movements. Always surprised to see stick fights in [current year]

>> No.2964523
File: 762 KB, 933x525, output_Emd0pY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow theres a lotta good work here!
l know it looks like i rotoscoped this but I actually didnt
I got really lazy with fruit and sword cleaning part; might delete those

>> No.2964550

believe me it really doesnt look like you rotoscoped it

>> No.2964553

What was this made in?

It seems like these vector/doll/puppet programs are best for stick animations, traditional feels like aids considering the line weight you need for each stick. But I've tried flash and it's so fucking confusing to me. Any ideas?

>> No.2964638

Bob Clampett cartoons are brilliant, hilarious, and have the most appealing character designs (in my opinion).

>> No.2964652

Lol if that was rotoscoped, then you need to take that alien species you filmed back to Area 51.

>> No.2965082

did he just got shot in the dick?

>> No.2965446

how 2 animate on ipad? im using autodesk sketchbook to draw atm

>> No.2965572

The punch looks more like a push.

>> No.2965804
File: 437 KB, 1728x973, burst 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still new to animating, could someone help me figure out how to better animate this wing popping out of her back? I don't like the way it looks right now.

>> No.2965862

start by learning how to draw the actual wing dude, it's crooked.

>> No.2965897

elaborate? If it's crooked, how SHOULD it look? I'll look at some references of actual bird wings, but how is it crooked?

>> No.2965932
File: 259 KB, 800x1100, should look like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very basic wing/structure for you to follow, since you're going cartoony and not hyper realistic here.

Don't break wings man. Think of them like human arms. Human arms don't do what you did, but at least this'll help desu

>> No.2965933
File: 353 KB, 1728x973, 6542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tweaking the timing would add more punch to the wing popping out.

>> No.2965956

the addition of squash and stretch to exaggerate the pop would also add

>> No.2965980


Smoother, fedora man.

>> No.2966074

Yknow his wings would still make sense if.you think of the first joint as the shoulder. They dont look broken

>> No.2966192
File: 275 KB, 640x480, IMG_2882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folioscope is very basic and limited but fun

>> No.2966285

Shoulders don't fucking jolt out of the body like that? Why are you trying to insist his mistake is accurate?

Literally look at any picture of a bird wing, they don't have a fucking bump like that. The shoulder is located on the character's SHOULDER, believe it or not.

>> No.2966340


>> No.2966436

Thank you for the added redlines! I'll correct my mistake accordingly.
I'll do this too, thank you!

>> No.2966451
File: 83 KB, 800x422, walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been studying hard, anyone have corrections or suggestions?

>> No.2966482
File: 60 KB, 888x500, stronk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2966515

Calm down.

It doesnt look terribly broken besides it could be a conscious design decision. Youre too stuck to rules

>> No.2966562
File: 242 KB, 888x500, angle_wing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to give this a shot as well

>> No.2966587

They said they didn't know how it was crooked, so it wasn't conscious. I lined it so they understood. What's your problem? Why are you so persistent that they should stick to the broken version?

I'm not even badgering on about feather rules or movement. You can fuck off and let this anon improve in the meantime

>> No.2966640
File: 544 KB, 1800x973, burst 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems I've started a meme, noice. This is rough right now, but I'm sure it'll look even better once you clean up those lines some more!
I hope the shape of wing is a little bit more normal now!

>> No.2966643

Oh, I also changed the timing a little too.

>> No.2966899

I think the wing should push her in the opposite direction a little more.

>> No.2966903

What's your channel?

>> No.2966907

much nicer, gj desu

>> No.2967103

How do I draw angel wing?

>> No.2967108

"now finish it"

>> No.2967176

I come to this thread every other day to see if new animations are posted and they rarely are.

Shit I don't even draw or animate for that matter, just like seeing them.

Hurry up fags and cater to my needs. Quit being lazy fucks and animate already.

>> No.2967180
File: 25 KB, 560x420, Dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.2967790

AMB livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI6ndLn0VLg

>> No.2967797

"Anatomy is your doorway to freedom, to drawing in any style or position you want"

The truf cuts deep

>> No.2967918
File: 1.11 MB, 835x508, making a cartoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatsup. I'm working on a cartoon. its about 8 minutes so far, shooting for 23.
i've got the voices already recorded, and the scripts for a few more episodes written out
all i've got to show so far from the animatic is this dingus webm and some screenshots

>> No.2967942

Yup, right in the pee pee

>> No.2968160
File: 1.23 MB, 1516x810, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wings don't work like that

>> No.2968180

first it was this guy
now it's this guy

What am I doing wrong with these wings guys? Seems like everyone has their own opinion on how wings should be drawn, can we come to some sort of consensus here?

>> No.2968182

this is a great idea, thank you!

>> No.2968390
File: 1.33 MB, 298x219, nPgRbGO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look fine. Other anon is being too anal

>> No.2968397
File: 150 KB, 404x338, 1493709432384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so could someone please tell me where I can download TVpaint pro 10 or 11? the link is broken in the op link.
Also, someone tried CACANi? might buy it if it's impossible to find the program running ok

>> No.2968401

I think Krita's latest release is pretty stable so if you just want to practice simple animation that might be a way to go.

Personally I'm waiting to buy a perpetual license for ToonBoom Harmony 15 which I anticipate will be released a month from now or so. The wait is really killing my ass though.

>> No.2968423

First link (https://mega.nz/#F!3p8CwQZD!DR2mC-kw0TyQQ8Uw3T6JYg)) is normal.

>> No.2968437
File: 230 KB, 540x431, boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a damn good quote. Looks like he's got an excerpt from today up on youtube already. It's nice to be able to watch the whole thing whenever I want, but this is one of the better 15 minute segments from it anyway.


>> No.2968496

Where do I need to study to animate like this?

>> No.2968713

Like what? Op animation? You need to move to japan anon and before that know the language

>> No.2969098
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of memes

>> No.2969184
File: 303 KB, 1000x562, heh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2969653
File: 103 KB, 500x282, depthtest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took all of two minutes as an exercise. I'm trying to get a sense of tracking the background during a looping walk towards the viewer. I think that line depth really makes or breaks it. My technique (it's all pencil) was to make three frames, then make the fourth frame referenced as a combination of frames 1 and 3 so that it loops.

Also the frames are numbered backwards from 4. The webm is first played at 1fps then 8fps. How the fuck would I clean this movement?

>> No.2969666
File: 90 KB, 456x747, peg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to set up scanning areas once for all scannings? Because I don't want to scan whole pages just area minus pebgar that will fit in HD resolution. Is there any programme for this?

>> No.2969816

Have we talked about the animation in the boondocks yet? It's insanely dynamic

>> No.2970036
File: 537 KB, 600x338, h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hand study

>> No.2970119
File: 9 KB, 160x120, Stick Fight 004-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get into flipnote style stick fights.

Any tips on choreography and just general criticisms on the animation itself, would be great.

>> No.2970148

you suck.

>> No.2970244

Pretty good, but you don't seem to differentiate between keys and inbetweens very much, you give them almost the same amount of spotlight, yet the keys are what leads the action.
I blink and miss it.

So maybe use fewer, less detailed inbetweens?
idk, I'm not nearly as good but I think it might work.

>> No.2970433

Does anyone know a good and fast scanner for animators? I am currently animating on A4 papers, so it can be a small sized scanner, but speed and quality is of essence here.

>> No.2970460

I installed TV Paint Pro 10 from the link but it keeps giving me errors.

>> No.2970532
File: 216 KB, 889x768, 1493716337321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's giving me an error with every version I find for what I read it's because of the version 10 and windows 10 are incompatible in the 32 bits sadly I didn't find any 64 bits version cracked, I don't know what to do version 11 is kinda impossible to get pirated might end up buying CACANi I guess.

>> No.2971021 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 160x120, Stick Fight 004-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added more frames to his dodge.

>> No.2971024
File: 10 KB, 160x120, Stick Fight 004-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the frame timing and added some more frames to the dodge.

>> No.2971650
File: 84 KB, 496x662, IMG_0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... this...

>> No.2971689
File: 3.98 MB, 389x313, soyuzmultfilm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I animate like the soviets?

>> No.2971701

hi guys, does copying manga really help you get your own style?

>> No.2971704
File: 422 KB, 1500x1211, shinmai shimai no futari gohann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.2971706

it can if you know what you are doing fundamentally. you have to know how to build forms first. your image seems like you dont know facial proportion very well. try studying some real heads then come back.

>> No.2971707
File: 9 KB, 300x195, 1360421191550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding your style is like finding your signature. you don't find it, it finds you.


>> No.2971726

have you seen that red army is the strongest animation?
thats a good one

>> No.2971737

also to answer the question have probably have hundreds of slave animators at your disposal with classical art training.

>> No.2971748

You're right. I was just thinking that 'fuck these anime faces are so wonky how do they decide where to place the big eyes and how big to make em' but then I realized I don't know how to draw a real face properly.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you sensei.

>> No.2971758


Also have an animation industry that's built around propoganda and "art" rather than profit and entertainment.

Looots of artsy fartsy types in the old Soviet Animation studios, by all accounts.

>> No.2973788
File: 1.78 MB, 889x500, animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man mak animation

>> No.2973811

this animator is fucking inhuman

>> No.2973820

ho le fuck

>> No.2973831


>> No.2973840
File: 179 KB, 640x360, ugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use flash, I just kinda got used to it. not much to be said here really

>> No.2973842

I'm pretty rough 3D CG perspective guides were used to assist the animator, still pretty cool.

>> No.2973846

Solid G.
Favourite part is the motion/timing of the cloud upon boost.
Could scale up the cloud a little bit more- although i know you probably kept it this size to emphasize the forward momentum, and it moving back into space.
The design of the girl is not as interesting as everything else - the rocks and the dust cloud though, cool.

>> No.2973857

I'm pretty sure there weren't
Look up Spencer Wan
HIs fucking sketchbook looks like somebody took frames from highly complex animation cuts

>> No.2973910

Aside from a few unnecessary camera moves, it's probably one of my favourite Boondocks scenes!

>> No.2973958

>webgen garbage
Post a good animator instead.

>> No.2973987

Soviets were all about inbetweenning with little emphasis on strong poses, Richard Williams essentially does the same thing on evertyhing he has worked on. That's why I don't recommend his book unless you want to be an inbetweening slave or want to train a computer to be your inbetweening slave (with tween animation or 3D animation).

>> No.2974034

shit man you just voiced exactly the thing that was always bothering me about his work. the lack of strong poses. everything's constantly moving, floating and his obsession with animating on 1s makes the movement feel eerie.
still love his work

>> No.2974040

What the fuck defines a strong pose?

>> No.2974106
File: 16 KB, 500x281, yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poses that show a good line of action as well as indications of movement through the 12 principles of animation
Here's an example of a strong pose that clearly tells you the movement and forces by Yoh Yoshinari

>> No.2974170

This. Everything Williams does is technically astounding, but "overly inbetweened". Personally think that kills a good deal of the object weight, if that makes sense.

>> No.2974178

Spencer Wan IS a good animator, and it's excellent work. You're just letting your personal grievances with the IP/ company get the better of you.

>> No.2974203

Strong poses have clear silhouettes and are typically held for emphasis. Richard Williams uses weak poses so he can get very smooth motion (as the inbetweens have to cover less ground since there is less contrast between each pose and they have more frames to do it in since the poses aren't held), overall it ends up looking very floaty IMO. It's clear in Roger Rabbit how he is wrestling against the very characteristic of Golden Age American animation.

>> No.2974215


>> No.2974218

I'm pretty sure they were.

I'm pretty sure that entire animation was a group effort, in fact.

>> No.2974271


I like William's style as it guarantees lively animation, but it's tediously gruesome to work with. It takes me 6 hours to do a 2 second animation.

Do I continue grinding to get bfaster or do I switch an alternative animation style? I don't like that "newgrounds" stuff, but I dig animu. Do I just work on timing 4s and 3s?

>> No.2974290


if you ever get a chance to take rad sechrist or steve ahn's class, do it. they're really good.

>> No.2974292

I love 3s, it's usually a good balance between smooth and efficient. For quicker actions, you're gonna want 2s or 1s though. And obviously the better you get, the faster you'll be.

>> No.2974443
File: 49 KB, 640x637, 1442455441743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2974483

sad how this looks better than the final product.

>> No.2974559

It's a great animation, but have you guys never ever looked at anything from Japan or something? This type of quality isn't exactly achievable or even rare for great animators. Disney was accomplishing stuff like this on a whim with Atlantis and Tarzan.

>> No.2974561


>> No.2974684
File: 344 KB, 600x338, barbarian3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2974731

are there any torrents?
i've looked through a bunch of animation ref websites and this seems like the best but im tryin to not spend money, especially if its like a subscription

>> No.2974754

Damn son, you're still going at it, huh? I feel like I remember you posting that at least a year and a half ago.

>> No.2974759

yeah I haven't animated anything for the last 10 months. dropped this cycle long time ago, but found it recently and decided I should really finish what I started.

>> No.2974866

AMB livestream in about an hour and a half, family

>> No.2974890

A lot of Japanese animation got bland to me very quickly. A lot of Miyazaki's work is still fucking amazing, Particularly 70% of anime shows and shit are bland.

>> No.2974903

I agree, I don't like how his book is the first reccomendation to new animators, it guides them down the wrong path imo. I wish there was a book that focuses more on economical animation with strong key poses.

>> No.2974970

AMB Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEIbbAS_Czo

>> No.2975004

Preston Blair's book is all about drawing good poses. Once you figure that out, economical animation becomes a no brainer. But it's not just an economical animation thing, even all classic Disney stuff is snappy with poses and not floaty at all.

>> No.2975130

Well he may be professional, but good god. Even for a storyboard that looks terribly rigid and dull. Won't even comment on the style.

>> No.2975134

t. I don't watch anime
Stop outing yourself as a newfag.

>> No.2975143

he's technician animator

>> No.2975184 [DELETED] 


It's pretty typical Tom Bancroft/Disney-esque shit. Not every professional animator is going to be Yoshinari, and very few among them if any have put themselves out there to the degree that this nice poo in the loo man has.

I'd low key take his free online shit over Blaise's paid shit (speaking as someone who has access to both) to be honest. I mean, speaking of paid content, you could pay well over $100 for like 5 hours total of lectures by Blaise, or $100 flat for almost going on hours by AMB; a guy that might not be quite as good but can just as easily convey the topical principals. There's no question that there are better animators in the world, and when it comes to straight illustration the guy is literally Jazza-tier, but his lectures are an invaluable resource nonetheless in my humble imho.

>> No.2975186


It's pretty typical Tom Bancroft/Disney-esque shit. Not every professional animator is going to be Yoshinari or Miyazaki, and very few among them if any have put themselves out there to the degree that this nice poo in the loo man has.

I'd low key take his free online shit over Blaise's paid shit (speaking as someone who has access to both) to be honest. I mean shit nigga, speaking of paid content, you could pay well over $100 for like 5 hours total of lectures by Blaise, or $100 flat for going on 40 hours by AMB, a guy that might not be quite as good but can just as easily convey the topical principals.

There's no question that there are better animators in the world, and when it comes to straight illustration the guy is literally Jazza-tier, but his lectures are an invaluable resource nonetheless to be honest

>> No.2975215

Miyazaki barely even animates though. He mostly just does storyboarding and keyframe correcting.

>> No.2975222

My friend just posted this animation

>> No.2975227

That was pretty cute. Good work!

>> No.2975228

lemon spray made me chuckle, good work

>> No.2975344

checked, also this was great!

>> No.2975445
File: 337 KB, 800x450, stiff as fuck but eh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deserves a quick reaction gif

>> No.2975546

Fair enough. Wouldn't care to do either, as their work just doesn't do a thing for me.

That said, think I'm in the same boat as a lot of other would-be animators; need to up my drawing ability way higher.

>> No.2975664 [DELETED] 
File: 993 KB, 1128x480, fuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should watch some shows with actual good animation then.

part of the charm of japanese animation is the exaggerated timing and poses they manage to pull off
i'll agree there's more shit than there is quality, but the quality stuff is usually REALLY high quality.

>> No.2976421
File: 28 KB, 481x354, CVk69x6UEAElrUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why analyzing Dover Boys is the best way to learn how to animate with strong poses and smears

>> No.2976447
File: 1.16 MB, 640x480, 5577349774553dd5b642a6334332d160.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder if you cannot animate on this level, you are not an animator.

>> No.2976458

I was about to say something negative about it being shitty anime, then I seen the hand's motion and the foreshortening and cummed myself.

>> No.2976460
File: 56 KB, 450x450, le hands-up grimacing man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this easily impressed

>> No.2976469
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, fd1bea6e57e1568504ce9a462c3c0a86.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't insult tanaka you fucking retard
he's literally one of the best living animators

>> No.2976492

Which one do you reccommend?

>> No.2976557

Preston Blair's book, every other animation book has just been a rehash of it usually with more emphasis on technical stuff rather than helping you study what makes a good drawing that works for animation.

>> No.2976582

I like it when they move the cels around

>> No.2976598

>mfw finally realizing how they smoothly moved still objects across the screen in cel-animation
I feel fucking stupid.

>> No.2976646

I'm just going to make a kino version of the 51 exercises

>> No.2976666


so why do you set "one of the best living animators" as a minimum standard for being an animator you dumb truck

>> No.2976669

Stop bullying him, Quad-man

>> No.2976673

because if you can't be the best, you'll never join with the rest

>> No.2977132

quads tell the truth

>> No.2977433

Because /ic/ is utter shit and newgrounds gives better critique

>> No.2977486
File: 60 KB, 706x706, hhhnggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several books by Preston Blair

>> No.2977497

Oh wait Cartoon Animation compiles everything else. Nevermind

>> No.2977776
File: 725 KB, 1000x563, output_BRTDae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here you go, I cleaned up those lines

>> No.2977898
File: 960 KB, 900x506, goblinsound2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, I like what you did with her mouth, it feels like it's painful

>> No.2978831

someone made a new thread >>2977936