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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 302 KB, 458x363, 88df18fc66b9b381da95e6e821f2b300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2939683 No.2939683 [Reply] [Original]


What's you guys thought on this?

tl dr
Bull sculptor wants the fearless girl sculpture removed because it changes the original meaning behind the bull which is to represent the "fighting spirit of the United States and of New York."

>> No.2939689

he's 100% right. which adds another meaning to the 'fearless girl' statue

>> No.2939703

They should put her on top of the Washinton Monument, getting split down the middle.

>> No.2939711

pedo regrets

>> No.2939725

Yes, the symbolism is totally wack. The girl is supposed to represent more women in business right, but she stands in opposition to the bull...

The term "a bullish market" means a rise in value, hence the statue of a bull.

It's very ironic and kind of funny, tho, that a woman made this.

>> No.2939730

Yes it changes the meaning and I personally think the girl is stupid but no I don't think it should be removed.
If it were for me I would just make another sculpture, maybe one of a baby bull laying down behind the girl, to make it seem the girl killed it.
I think they both can use their freedom of speech in public place.

>> No.2939734
File: 111 KB, 800x600, YouGonGetRaped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2939740

o boy now there's gonna be porn of this
Would it have been better if they put the girl next to bull instead of opposing it?

>> No.2939741


it's not a bull if it doesn't have balls

>> No.2939744
File: 67 KB, 500x375, knot gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't change the meaning of the bull, it just makes a paradoxical mockery of the whole thing. It's like someone put a sculpture of a flower in the barrel of the UN knotted gun... Why? What on earth is the point? The symbolism doesn't work at all. The fearless girl is ten times worse, cause the symbolism goes directly against the message...

>> No.2939754

I'm fairly certain Shadman already had a go at it.
I considered making some, but I don't want that kind of attention.

>> No.2939761

It's tiny just rip it up, put in a bag and get rid of it.
I doubt anyone is going to bother to take the time to make another one

>> No.2939768

I thought it was supposed to represent the American people standing against wall st.
Then feminists made it mean "more women in gaming, smash the glass ceiling" or some shit, right?

>> No.2939786

“This is a piece of work all women of any age, shape, color or creed can relate to. A work which reminds us today’s working woman is here to stay and has taken her place in the nation’s financial district.” - The artist

>> No.2939800

wtf i love girl power now

>> No.2939803

Man... makes sculpture of animal, celebrating the spirit of the city.

Woman... makes sculpture of herself, celebrating herself, demanding attention.

Keep to posting selfies on Instagram you self-obsessed cunts.

>> No.2939812

You have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with women, when they have to create imaginary enemies to fight.

>> No.2939929

>Muh equality
>I know! That's make a sculpture of a LITTLE GIRL being stubborn, like children tend to do until they gewt their way (or until it doesn't work then they start crying for help for a mommy and daddy)...
>Let's put it in front of this sculpture we KNOW has a whole series of meanings that go back to the Mycenaean period and before across pretty much every culture ever

How long until a group of feminists get angle grinders, and in the middle of the wee hours of the morning, castrate the Bull because it's message has NOW BECOME mysoggyknee and partridgetree?

Honestly I getting fucking sick of it.

>> No.2939931


They don't really create new problems, most of them just easily adopt silly contradictory viewpoints from others without ever strongly thinking about the full context or alternative perspectives. The reason why they believe that an issue is an issue is because they're told that it is.

A recent example was Nikki Haley stating that we should attack Syria because Assad killed his own civilians with chemical weapons in order to kill ISIS members. She didn't consider the fact that all weapons kill (especially explosives that cause collateral damage) and that the US has constantly killed civilians (both adults and children) in every single conflict including Syria. The only reason why she decided to care now was because they finally took sad photos of dead kids. lmao, what a joke

>> No.2939933

he just wants money, all artists want money, i don't blame him, it does fuck up the sculpture though

also shut about about feminists you ninnies, i know this is 4chan but get a fucking clue eh

>> No.2939937

>“This is a piece of work all women of any age,
It's a little girl, you concieve of yourself as children
Obesity rates in America are skyrocketing, this kid ain't the right "shape"
The kid is clearly either white or, at most, hispanic
>or creed can relate to.
Judging by the way she's dressed this kid isn't muslim, jewish, or in fact any "creed"
>A work which reminds us today’s working woman
It's a stubborn child challenging an 2000lb bull, plus when's the last time you saw any women do farm work?
>is here to stay
They were never not there
>and has taken her place in the nation’s financial district.”
Yep, and this little girl is about to learn that if you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

>> No.2939940

To be fair, chemical weapons are banned for a reason. As the White House representative pointed out and got fucked up the ass for, even the nazis didn't use chemical weapons (with a single exception), largely as a result of Hitler's experiences with them in WW1.
I really don't get why people are defending Assad. He really is a tyrant, who intentionally targets his own population, which is the primary reason the rebellion started to begin with. The only reason he should remain in power is because every other alternative is far worse, which is evident when you look at Libya.
A dictator at least keeps the order. The rebels just create chaos, regardless of whether they're ISIS or "moderates".

>> No.2939945

Can someone make a sculpture of a smirking father figure with his hand patting her head and put it there?
Let's see if that "doesn't" change the meaning.

>> No.2939950

That's pretty bluepilled, friend.

Have you seen the interviews Assad gives? Listened to what the russians say? Or any of the independent journalists?

I know everyone says these people lie and manipulate, but they make a whole lot more sense than the western bullshit story.

Assad says that he would never use gas like that because it obviously would be a really dumbass strategic move, since the US and most of europe is just waiting for an excuse to bomb the shit out of them. That actually sounds logical. But the media over here is 100% one sided and you never get to hear what the other side says. Really makes you think.

>> No.2939954

The western media is full of shit, but the Russians are far worse. I live in a western country that shares a small border with Russia, and they're the most evil, corrupt assholes you can imagine. You don't hear these stories in the US, but if you talk to anyone who's tried to start a business in Russia, or talked to anyone who's lived in a country where they practise fake nuclear runs, I can tell you I trust Putin about as far as I can throw him.

>> No.2939956

removing the bull would send a pretty strong message

>> No.2939960

I don't trust anyone in politics or media, so I assess the situation and jugde for myself. Right now, I'm leaning towards Assad being the honest one. In any case, the parading of dead kids on the news is obviously for manipulating the public and dropping those sweet bombs to topple another middle eastern regime.

>> No.2939962

prep the bull

>> No.2939964

>The only reason why she decided to care now was because they finally took sad photos of dead kids. lmao, what a joke
Not even. Nikki Haley is a zionist war monger and only uses pictures of dead kids to get the public to side with her hang-wringing friends in the desert. If she actually gave a shit about dead kids, there are plenty of pictures of dead white children who have been killed by muslims in Europe, and yet you don't see feminists crying to close the borders. Quite the opposite, actually.

>> No.2939966

top kuck

>> No.2939967

Not every story has a hero. We've got the choice between the naive, the self-destructive and the corrupt.
There's nothing honest about Assad, but it's better to let him rule with an iron fist, than to let the rebels keep the civil war going for another 20 years.

>> No.2939968

Remove the fucking bull instead.

The financial sector and all large corporations that contribute to it are literally destroying America. We live in a glorified plutocracy and there will be another financial crash in a few years that'll be bailed out again at our expense while everyone is distracted by bullshit that doesn't matter like immigration.

I dont care what the little girl or the bull were originally supposed to represent, to me its fucking perfect right now.

>> No.2940003

I don't know exactly what the situation is over there, but I do know that the media over here is bullshitting people to the point of pushing literal propaganda. And we don't know what the endgame is and who benefits from it. But people fall for it and act as if it were their own personal opinion. it's a little dystopic.

>> No.2940019

>bullshit that doesn't matter like immigration.
It does matter. The most precious resource a nation has is its people.
If you replace the population of the US with the population of Mexico, it will become Mexico. The more foreigners you bring in the more foreign your nation becomes in all regards. There is no magic dirt.

>> No.2940025

Yea well, unless you plan on destroying all forms of mass communication and travel, diversity is inevitable. So become and adult and realize its not a big deal if someones skin is a slightly different hue or they eat tacos.

>> No.2940026

> rich powerful wall street execs fuck you in the ass while laughing all the way to the bank
The bull fits perfectly

>> No.2940029

The media is pretty much the same liberal shit in every western country. However, that doesn't mean the other side automatically represents the truth. Breitbart is as bad as Huffington Post, though I'm glad Breitbart exists as they occasionally tell the truth and report on controversial news that the mainstream media avoids.

It seems that whoever reports the news, does it in a way that represents their ideology, and they'll believe anything that supports their world view.
I mean, look at Assad. The liberals see him as a demon who needs to be removed because of his crimes (while ignoring the fact that there is no good alternative), and the right-wing praise him as a saint who can do no wrong.
If you try to take the middle road, you end up arguing with both sides.

As I said earlier, I support Assad from a practical point of view, though not an ideological point of view. It's the same with the Russians. I think they're assholes, but I support their actions in Syria, because ISIS is far worse than Assad.

>> No.2940035

Except it doesn't matter seeing as immigration into America has been on a downward trend recently (Last couple years)

>> No.2940037

>So become and adult and realize its not a big deal if someones skin is a slightly different hue or they eat tacos.

>> No.2940038

We have the internet, and we had international trade before America became almost 20% hispanic.
At this exponential rate it is replacement migration.
>skin is a slightly different hue or they eat tacos.
There's way more factors than surface level things like that. The Hispanic demographic takes more in benefits than it pays in taxes and is a net financial negative. There are also severe cultural issues that appear but no one wants to talk about that. I'd say that's far more important than just money.
But continue to ignore legitimate grievances and bitch and moan about corporatism and plutocracy. Meanwhile all of the corporations and institutions you so desperately hate are the biggest advocates for these immigration policies. Gee, I wonder why...

>> No.2940043

>Except it doesn't matter seeing as immigration into America has been on a downward trend recently (Last couple years)
>We're bringing in LESS brown people. Instead of 1million a year it's 500 thousand.
Yeah that's really helping out there bud.

>> No.2940044

I agree, but I can't say I have heard a lot of people being pro-assad. Not one, in fact. Also, the left wing people are very anti-assad, as you say, but where did that idea come from? They did not investigate and discover for themselves that there is this "evil" guy in Syria. They have been told the whole story by the media. And I'm suggesting the media is doing propaganda. I don't see the same kind of propaganda when it is right wing issues. There is no anti-immigration propaganda going on, for instance. No anti-war propaganda, and so on. So where is the propaganda coming from and who does it benefit?

>> No.2940048

>diversity is inevitable
Diversity is literally a government policy. Who accepts the migrants, who redistributes their populations?
Literal laws have been passed to make America more brown. On the same token, laws can be passed to make it less brown.
Diversity is not an inevitable force of nature. This is just a lie you're regurgitating. There are many developed and developing nations that have equal to or higher GDPs than the US and they are vastly more ethnically homogeneous.
Why? Because diversity is a government policy, not an inevitability.

>> No.2940049

Not like immigration is what's causing as big as a problem as other stuff anyways. They're nothing but the underbelly of the society.

>> No.2940050

Not to mention I left out the fact that during the Obama administration deportation outnumbered immigration

>> No.2940053

>Not like immigration is what's causing as big as a problem as other stuff anyways
It literally is. Do you know how much money the united states spend on its minority groups? In benefits, housing, education, medical treatment? They are a net negative, and when they become the majority America will lose its first world status.
Remember, a nation's people is its most valuable asset.

>> No.2940058

Jesus christ, i'll never understand why you edgy faggot children get so hot on racism.

8-10 years ago 4chin wasnt like this. People said racist shit just to be funny, then autism and the growing number of lonely isolated young people see all this pretending to be retarded and think we were being serious.

>> No.2940059

Funny, I didn't know the lowerclass minorities were hoarding money.

I'm sure none of the benefits that they get are funneled back into the economy.

>> No.2940060

>deportation outnumbered immigration
No, it didn't. Turning people down at the border was redefined as "deportation". Not to mention DACA and all of the millions of people he invited in (technically, legally).
If there was mass deportation like you say, why are demographics literally in freefall right now? Why didn't Obama's supposed deportations do anything but exponentially increase the hispanic demographic?

>> No.2940063

Immigration is an even worse problem in Europe, because we have much higher welfare. Immigrants also tend to get free housing. Our government has recently started publishing statistics about how much immigration costs, and even if an immigrant works and earns an above average wage throughout his entire life, he'll still end up being a net negative.
It's predicted that European welfare states will start collapsing within 2-3 decades if the current trends continue.

Also, to anyone who wonders why the US has such massive debt, I suggest you go take a look at your budget. 60% goes to welfare, healthcare and pensions. 1% goes to science.

>> No.2940065

How is it racist to be opposed to immigration, you fucking idiot? It's an objective burden.

>> No.2940069

but anon everything is racist
your baby is racist
your grandma is racist
your fucking anime fetishes are racist

have you whipped yourself with a cane today yet?

>> No.2940072

By all means, throw up some sources that aren't /pol/ inforgraphs or obvious right wing websites to support your bold claim about welfare.

By the way, is welfare and healthcare not essential services that a government should provide?

>> No.2940073

>Also, to anyone who wonders why the US has such massive debt, I suggest you go take a look at your budget. 60% goes to welfare, healthcare and pensions. 1% goes to science.
That's how should it be, shouldn't it?

>> No.2940074

It's not racism. It's immigration politics. Calling it racism is just a way to undermine a legitimate political opinion.

Also, racism has been a phenomenon on 4chan because this has been a place where people escape from social restraints and norms. The same restraints can be seen in the current political issue of immigration now, and people on 4chan are breaking them as well.

>> No.2940077

Hey guys, I thought this was an art board?

>> No.2940078
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>> No.2940080


Please, your life is garbage so you blame a group even more fucked over then you, this sort of thing has played out in history many many times.

Immigration has cut costs to most essentials in our lives and form a net benefit to our economy, although they're getting pretty fucked in the process.

>Immigration is integral to the nation’s economic growth. The inflow of labor supply has helped the United States avoid the problems facing other economies that have stagnated as a result of unfavorable demographics, particularly the effects of an aging work force and reduced consumption by older residents. In addition, the infusion of human capital by high-skilled immigrants has boosted the nation’s capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological change.

Please, your a simple dumb-ass racist who's scared of brown people, dont pretend your anything else besides a degenerate that makes white people look bad.

>> No.2940081

I don't know. Cheap labor isn't exactly burdensome.

>> No.2940082

You'd think with the amount of history that's taught in the United States educational system people might have the ability to recognize repeated trends and patterns.

Remember that time we were real dicks to those Irish and Chinese people who built our railroads and bolstered our economy? No? Funny.

>> No.2940083
File: 52 KB, 1000x636, woman-with-eye-strain-takes-off-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your life is garbage
>your a simple dumb-ass racist
>a degenerate that makes white people look bad

>> No.2940086

Is this a reenactment of the Arabic slave trade of white people?

>> No.2940088

History was never about connecting things, it was always memorizing things that happened. Since no one connected them, people don't know how to associate.

>> No.2940089

>dumb ass racist who is scared of brown people

look there is your problem. you dont even really listen to anyones opinions. its just "the racists wah wah they hate my beloved brown people" honestly just... yeah kill me senpai
thanks for fucking up the planet tho ´w` <3 its gonna be great getting raped by achmed for the next 60 years <3333 people like you have fucked my future and i hope you burn for it.
you eat up all the shit that people put in front of you without a second of critical thought. its fucking pathetic.
i just love knowing that my home country will be a third world country in a few decades because people like you were too comfy to do anything. fuck you.

>> No.2940092

Don't you know that the act of immigrating is a race itself?
I mean I hear it all the time so it must be true.

>> No.2940094

I'm not racist. I just don't want those dirty Middle Eastern Rapists in my country.

>> No.2940097

sounds more like a culture thing to me.

>> No.2940101

Didn't the people back then not want homosexuals and Japanese either? It's almost like history repeats itself and then conforms.

>> No.2940102

seriously man my sister was almost raped by a group of achmeds the other day just for going outside after 5 in the afternoon, isnt immigration great? i have a serious personal hatred against anyone who suggests that inviting these fucking monsters into western countries is a good idea. they can all fucking drink piss.

>> No.2940104

I don't like brits with their slutty bar girls and fat football idiots everywhere, but no one has ever called me a racist for it. But if I said the same about a muslim country I would be racist?

>> No.2940106
File: 117 KB, 960x720, U.S._Federal_Spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really this stupid? Do you not understand where welfare comes from? It's from the taxes that the people pay. If you're an immigrant to a new country, and you receive welfare or any form of government handout, you're literally using the tax payers' money. The white majority in the US pays the vast majority of taxes, while the non-Asian minorities contribute very little in comparison, but use a disproportionate amount of it.

For a welfare state to actually function, you need to have a large, homogenous population that works and pays taxes. This creates a sense of trust and community, a steady flow of income for the government and fewer people actually in need of welfare.
A welfare state can not function when one group of people is expected to work and pay for another group of people which has a lower rate of employment, a higher dependence on welfare and an astonishingly high crime rate.

If the US was about 85% white, like it was back in the 50s, you would probably have better welfare, free higher education and free healthcare, because there would be more people making money and paying taxes, and fewer people in need of welfare.

>> No.2940107
File: 207 KB, 500x836, Haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will drink Ahmed's piss. It's what they wanted after all.

>> No.2940108

I don't think that's equivalent to calling large groups of people rapists.

And I doubt you'd say you should stop immigration of British for those reasons.

>> No.2940111

god i just want my home back anon. i just want this place to be okay again. my family never voted for this. i never even had the chance to vote. its like everything is falling apart and its not even my fault lol
its genuinely dangerous in the city now thanks to these subhumans

>> No.2940112

Except for the fact that immigrants still have jobs and spend money which is then funneled into corporations which are then.

Get this.


>> No.2940113

So if I called the brits a bunch of rapists, then I would be racist?

>> No.2940117
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I actually really loved that statue. It was a really cute/serious concept. This should've been a permanent installation.

Give your momma some props for hustling just to keep your NEET asses happy in basements worldwide.

>> No.2940118

>Please, your life is garbage so you blame a group even more fucked over then you
I've been a house owner for 5 years. My life is just fine. Good job regurgitating stereotypes, though.

>Immigration has cut costs to most essentials in our lives and form a net benefit to our economy

>Please, your a simple dumb-ass racist who's scared of brown people
Brown people, as you like to describe them, have been a collective catastrophe for the western world. And your quote is also bullshit, because it describes the contributions of legal Asian immigrants, who only make up a tiny portion of the total immigration to the United States.

>> No.2940119

this is now an immigration thread, read up and chip in.

>> No.2940121

I wanted some sources for that bold claim on the European welfare system collapsing actually. I meant to type that up but i honestly dont give too much of a shit and forgot.

>If the US was about 85% white, like it was back in the 50s, you would probably have better welfare, free higher education and free healthcare, because there would be more people making money and paying taxes, and fewer people in need of welfare.

See, here's where you racists often fuck up(in b4 hurrr im not racist) there were many economic reasons for why we were wealthier in the 50's including a much higher tax on the rich, an emphasis on production rather then financial sector work in major corporations, regulation on banks and large corporations, and a larger system of welfare in multiple areas. and you dumbasses ignore all that and just do a lonnnnggg ugly goat noise about there being more whites back then.

>> No.2940124

Except they don't. They have a much higher rate of unemployment, and the ones who are employed, have considerably lower wages, thus contribute less in taxes.

>> No.2940125

lol, I read that quote about 85% white and I have to say it sounds pretty plausible. Try to envision a 85% white america and tell me it doesn't look a bit more tidy and organized.

>> No.2940128

Everyone knows that didn't happen

>> No.2940129

What exactly do you think welfare is spent on?
1. Housing which goes to banks which can be taxed
2. Food which goes to either food production or groceries. Which can also be taxed
3. Medicine which goes to hospitals, which are not the bulk of what our welfare goes to.

>> No.2940130

>Guys im not a racists, i just dont want these these fucking disgusting Arabs and Mexicans, which are objectively worse then whites, to come to my country which i believe should stay white.



When you guys were little didnt you dream of being something cool when you grow up? Did you ever imagine you would grow up to a run of the mill shitty racist white supremacists, literally the worst type of scum?

>> No.2940131

I dreamed I was gonna make it.

I bet you can guess how well that's gone so far.

>> No.2940132

its like you dont actually read anything people write here
we have rapes and murders daily, commited by muslim economic migrants LOLOL LE WACISS FACTS
you cant go outside at night anymore because the likelihood of being assaulted by a fucking arab is that high! its an actual problem! but no. its not happening to you. so it doesnt matter.

you piece of shit.

>> No.2940133

Welfare is taxes in the first place, tho. It doesn't come full circle back as tax again. It's not a closed circuit of taxes.

>> No.2940137

It's not racist to dislike people from another culture. It's certainly not racist to be against mass immigration into your homeland of people from another culture. Have some respect.

>> No.2940138

True, but not all of it is just magically lost to some sort of dark dimension.

Money is cyclical. (Assuming it's not being burned or printed)

>> No.2940139

Im sorry you live in a shithole with no police, but more likely your just being a drama queen.

For the record i love in northeast philly, im quite sure the crime rate is much higher here then wherever your from unless its 3rd world. Somehow that hasnt turned me into a terrible person like yourself.

>> No.2940140

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Isn't that like exactly racism?

>> No.2940141

So your way of arguing basically boils down to swearing and insulting the people you talk to.

>> No.2940142

No country has one single culture, and lets be real here, every comment against immigration is peppered with questionable shit about people with different colored skin, lets call it what it is.

>> No.2940143

No, there's certainly swearing and insulting, and it's immature. But there's also points and counter-arguments which you just lump into one category.

>> No.2940144

Yeah, but government spending is a limited budget each year, and what is relevant is how much of that budget is spent on this and that.

>> No.2940145

sure dude, if you ignore those points i listed.

I reserve my respect for decent people. A racist doesn't deserve any respect at all. I'll be happy to have a pleasant talk when they wake up and rejoin the human race.

>> No.2940146
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But I thought I was on /IC/...

I think people who are already here, or have lived 5+ years and working should be allowed some sort of residency/immunity in order to secure a chance to Naturalization. No one should live in the state of paranoia and be detached from their families and be branded and treated like a criminal.

Now refugees, that's a different story. Not because displaced, fleeing, war refugees dont deserve some sort of security, but because it has many risks involved by accepting any. We're in an unofficial war, and that would just be throwing dirt in the wound to the best possible solution. It's like letting the Zentradi live amongst the human populous and hoping nothing goes wrong. We should help them in terms of de-funding their Boogeyman and rebuilding their cities. Not occupying anything, just lending a hand.

Were not the world police, let the UN do their fucking job for once.

We need more Minmays.

This conversation belongs in /pol/, read the sticky.

>> No.2940147

>im better than you

ahahah. there it is. "im not a terrible person like you"
thats all that keeps you going, isnt it? you dont give a shit that western countries are legitimately going down the shitter, because its not happening to you. god. you are such a despicable little worm. fucking enjoy your position of "superiority" as long as it lasts. you will eat your fucking words. if anyone deserves this plague then its people like you.

>> No.2940149
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/IC/ has spoken...

>> No.2940152

For a 5 years period, all of the assault rapes in Oslo, the capital of Norway, were committed by non-western immigrants.

Sweden has hundreds of grenade attacks every year, most of which happen in Malmo, where half the population consists of immigrants.

>> No.2940154

Okay, so if I say brits are rapists I'm not racist cause I'm white, but if I say arabs are rapists, I'm racist cause they're brown? Doesn't seem like a real word to me.
>lets be real here, every comment against immigration is peppered with questionable shit about people with different colored skin, lets call it what it is.
Yes, let's be real and acknowledge the fact that every human being on earth has likes and dislikes. disliking people from other countries or cultures is 100% human and normal. If you are prepared to have a democracy, you'd have to accept that people have likes and dislikes and act accordingly. Don't get all moral high ground and shoot people down, when they are just being normal human beings.

If someone says "I don't want those fucking muslim bastards in my neighborhood" you should respect their opinion as a fellow democratic citizen instead of shaming them and calling them a racist. It's their neighborhood too.

>> No.2940155

Not really, no. You're just regurgitating false generalizations that you've never researched. It's like you're reading from the headlines of the Huffington Post.

>> No.2940156

Woah buddy, why dont you read some Noam Chomsky or something and channel that anger to something other then literally the most oppressed, vulnerable demographic there is. Being poor and oppressed often does produce mental health problems that lead to doing crime but the root cause aint brown people(it's jews, jk).

>> No.2940157

Who said that's not racist? It is racist to assume all British people are rapists. Literally no one has said otherwise.

>> No.2940158

>I reserve my respect for decent people.
No, you seem to reserve your respect for the absolute scum of society, while attacking the people who want to live in peace.

>> No.2940160

I'm not that guy. :P

>> No.2940163

>If someone says "I don't want those fucking muslim bastards in my neighborhood" you should respect their opinion as a fellow democratic citizen instead of shaming them and calling them a racist. It's their neighborhood too.

Uhh, you really drank the kool-aid man, If you believe that then there's nothing i or anyone else can say to you. I only hope you realize your mistake in time.

>> No.2940164

No, discrimination against people based on the color of their skin is literally racism. That's exactly what that is.

That's not the same as saying I don't find black women, or Muslims or Asians pretty. Or that you don't appreciate their culture.

It's saying we shouldn't provide them the same rights and benefits because I don't like their race.

Which is also kind of maybe very not constitutional.

>> No.2940167

but brits are white, I didn't say white people were rapists, just brits. And I meant it as a cultural thing i.e a black brit would also be rapist imo. Is that racist?

>> No.2940170

I honestly have lost all track of what the fuck you're talking about. Sorry.

>> No.2940171

>No, discrimination against people based on the color of their skin is literally racism.
Ok, so things like affirmative action and diversity hirings, which the government and many corporations practise.

>> No.2940173

It's more of a thought experiment than a belief. But I do believe that people have totally lost sight of respecting your neighbors opinion and his relationship to his homeland. It's like left wingers have no qualms about flooding peoples neighborhoods with immigrants, and even calling people racists if they disagree. It's really fucking disrespectful

>> No.2940174

Bull market, bull sculpture.

Mfw fearless girl is made by a retarded leftist cuck "artist" who abused the overly abused archetype story of David and Goliath. Stupid and boring.

>> No.2940175

It's actually a publicity stunt by some huge corporation.

>> No.2940176

>discrimination against people based on the color of their skin is literally racism.
yes, that's racism. but is it racism to be anti-immigration? I don't think anyone in this thread has advocated discrimination in any form.

>> No.2940177

Yes, that is a form of racism

>> No.2940179

There is no benefit to having a multicultural or multi ethnic society. It is only a source of division.

>> No.2940181

Welcome to the world, buddy, where we have to live with people who are different then us.

>> No.2940184

>muh cheap slave labor force
>suppressing wages for lower classes
>straining an already limited job market
>going to be even worse with ever increasing automation
>need to increase taxes on middle classes to pay for all these out of work lower class people
>lets steal the cream of the crop from other countries while we're at it, aka brain drain

So morally righteous you are.

>> No.2940186

You'd think that after 10000 years, we'd have learned that it doesn't work, though.
But hey, at least we'll get to experience a couple of civil wars in our lifetime.

>> No.2940187

Oh i agree the the exploitation of immigrants is fucked up but they're not the problem. The main problem is that major corporations are now making income based on financial tricks rather then actually producing things which requires workers. When companies relied on production they had to have people who can actually afford those products, that's unnecessary with globalization of workforces, automation and the huge income from financial sector which requires no workers at all. That's combined with the incredibly low to zero amount of tax huge corporations and the ultra-rich pay.

The ultra-rich of the world are why you work on slave labor, not the immigrants, they get fucked worse then the rest of us.

>> No.2940190

It was hard to find an English language source, but here you can see what non-western immigrants cost Norway.

The numbers are from SSB, the government's statistics bureau. It's important to note that the SSB is run by a left-wing nutjob, who more or less had to be ordered by the government to collect these numbers.

>> No.2940191

Of course it works, America is a shining example of that, thought many right-wing like to pretend it isnt. I've lived in new york and i live in philly currently and we get along just fine.

Plenty of examples of culturally diverse nations flourishing, Rome, spain, ancient egypt, etc

>> No.2940193

>I live in a western country that shares a small border with Russia
lol no you don't

>inb4 a snow/treenigger thinks he's western

>> No.2940194

America is the least safe country in the western world. You have a murder rate that is far beyond anything in Europe, and 75% of those murders are committed by minorities, 50% by blacks alone.
Up until the recent mass migration to Europe, you could walk through any neighbourhood in any major city in Europe, and feel completely safe. I'm not sure that's ever been the case in the US.

>> No.2940195

Africa, Middle East, Yugoslavia

>> No.2940196

Big words from a south Asian troll.

>> No.2940200

Oppressed the locals across the middle-east and Europe, occasionally committing genocide if they'd get too uppity. Collapsed as a result of mass migration and granting citizenship to foreigners.

Millennia of ethnic and religious conflicts between Romans, Iberians, Visigoths, Jews, Catholics and Muslims.

>ancient egypt
Widespread slavery sure is wonderful.

>> No.2940201

>the only locality he can think of that's worse than his """western""" shithole is SEA
I see you're coming to terms with your place in the world.

>> No.2940202

Glasgow is really dangerous from what I've seen

>> No.2940204
File: 1.04 MB, 1640x1636, le sneaky sombrero face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ultra-rich of the world are why you work on slave labor, not the immigrants, they get fucked worse then the rest of us.

Yeah, it must be real rough being able to turn $8 an hour into the equivalent of $50 an hour by sending it home to your hot ass mexican wife; but I know that foreign workers being able to work for less pay across the board certainly doesn't have an effect on domestic wages or employment because the young turks said so

>That's combined with the incredibly low to zero amount of tax huge corporations and the ultra-rich pay.

Tax money doesn't do fuck to raise quality of life at the individual level. Unless you're a mentally ill degenerate subhuman retard or pretending to be one to accrue your bare minimum guaranteed income literally everything you have comes from someone above you on the financial totem pole in exchange for your own services rendered and there's nothing wrong with that.

tl;dr get a job college boy, and maybe it's time to reflect on the fact that the same university that filled your head full of this hippy socialist bullshit just happens to be the chief architect of your own poverty.

>> No.2940207

It is these ultra-rich who want the immigrants. Either to suppress the wages or to form a voting block. Immigrants are not bringing value for the common native. And yes, it is even worse if the immigrants do not racially or culturally blend in. There is no reason to inflict this onto a society. Particularly at the recent rates.

>> No.2940214

Yeah, it sucks always being in the top 3 of almost every single international panel that judges a country's HDI or standard of living.

>> No.2940219

>Tax money doesn't do fuck to raise quality of life at the individual level

are you kidding? kill yourself

>> No.2940222

this 2bh


>> No.2940223

>country's HDI or standard of living
>a literal meme
Have you actually ever read the reports?
I used to be proud about muh NZ quality of life until I actually read that bullshit. It's literally made up, with islamic shitholes given more freedom of choce and personal freedoms than actual european countries. Not even Eastern europe, either.

Stop drinking the coolaid.

>> No.2940224
File: 34 KB, 850x522, wealthtaxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultra-rich, or the wealthiest 1%, pay 38% of the total taxes in the US.
The bottom 50%, where you find the vast majority of minorities, pay 2.8% of the total taxes.

>> No.2940226

kek now tell us how you're really good at eurosong, you fucking snow mongol

>> No.2940228

>with islamic shitholes given more freedom of choce and personal freedoms than actual european countries
Except muslim countries always end up at the bottom.

I'll agree that the HDI uses a lot of bullshit criteria, particularly in categories like gender equality, but overall it provides a good estimate of quality of life.

>> No.2940229

Nice non-argument faggot. Everything you have in your possession right now is because someone was willing to pay you to do something for them. Not because the government took money from the two of you at gunpoint you babydicked dumb shit. Unless you've literally been living on benefits for your entire life there's no way in fuck the government has given you a fraction of what you've given it and you know it you butthurt loser lmao

>> No.2940230

If you've been educated in a public school, you've cost the government about $100,000.

>> No.2940231

>inb4 you bring up subsidies and the associated bureaucracies associated with them that have driven up the cost of everything from college to medicine.




>> No.2940233


Fuck that, the artist saw Shadman's "interpretation" and now he wants her gone.

>> No.2940234


> "thousands of technology and other lesser-skilled jobs that were going unfilled, despite continuing high unemployment in the country, because of skill mismatches in the American labor force."

Guess these retards never heard of on the job training. I mean, if they are "lesser skilled jobs" then what is the problem. Hire a citizen and train them.

>> No.2940237

the girl needs to go, it's not even about being against women's rights, it's about how the bull is perceived as evil while she's there. which is the opposite of what it's meant to mean

>> No.2940238

>If you've been educated in a public school, you've cost the government about $100,000.
Are you literally retarded? If a school has 1000 students, do you think it takes 100,000,000 fucking dollars from the gobermint to educate those 1000 kids from start to finish?

>In fall 2016, about 50.4 million students will attend public elementary and secondary schools
Better pay your taxes goy, it takes $5,040,000,000,000 to educate this lot, and new ones just keep coming!
Good thing we're allocating such a high percentage of our spending on public education!

>> No.2940250

I used the official numbers you retard. $100k is the average.
And yes, that number sounds about right, considering it boils down to about $8000 in tuition a year.

If you combine federal and state spending on public education, it comes to a total of about $500 billion. Divide that by $50 million, and you get $10k.

So yeah, go fuck yourself, you dumb cunt.

>> No.2940253

>make sculpture of animal to postively represent the natures of humankind without alluding to the differences that divide our nation
>feminists makes a tiny girl to make it look like an innocent child standing up fearlessly to some kind of monster, effectively defacing my art to further their own agenda
Much like that bull, I'd be seeing red.

>> No.2940257

Not only that. It's like adding a giant dick to your drawing. OR that spongebob episode when squids put his nose on bobbys statue. This is artistic vandalization

>> No.2940262

regardless of its original intent, at this point it represents the financial sector making risky investments that ruin the economy and then doing it again after the government bails you out.

You could put a clown with its cock out in front of that thing and i'd be happy.

>> No.2940266

>See there's 150 posts on the thread
>"Wow! I wonder what interesting discussion they're having over copyright and artistic intent!"
>It's /pol/ shit

Never change, /ic/

>> No.2940284

How is this related to copyright, though?
Nobody copied or distributed the bull statue, they just put another statue beside it.

Besides that, while the little girl statue is stupid, the original intent of the bull piece is not clear to the viewer. I'm not american, but I would have just thought it was a statue of a charging bull, not something that carried a message.
There is a statue of a mechanical bull at the park in my neighbourhood, and I'd never think it represented the machine-like strength of the city or some such nonsense. And if it did, and I made a statue of a melting wax duck besides it, could the bull's artist blame me on "muddying" his message?

>> No.2940288

> the original intent of the bull piece is not clear to the viewer.
It is to most people who work there, and to the many tourists who go there to see it. It's a popular landmark and was erected after the crash in the late 80s.

>> No.2940300
File: 2.72 MB, 4000x3000, Monument_in_Pamplona_IMG_3179[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that is because they are informed of its message either because they work there or because they purposefully go to see it.

If you showed it to a random person with no knowledge of its history, they wouldn't get the impression that it represents fighting spirit of the US or whatever, as bulls aren't even associated with the US culturally.

I'm not dissing the statue or what it represents, I'm just saying there is a reason adding a retarded statue of a little girl completely changes how you perceive it.

>> No.2940306
File: 142 KB, 401x406, 1446447360249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collapsed as a result of mass migration and granting citizenship to foreigners.

I hate this meme.Read a book, nigger.

>> No.2940316

Virtually no art makes sense without context.

>> No.2940321
File: 767 KB, 342x320, 1486480082150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck back into your /las/ containment hellhole where you belong

>> No.2940327

pot calling the kettle black

too bad this pot has been BLACKED

>> No.2940328
File: 56 KB, 776x467, Picture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immigration is integral to the nation’s economic growth.


>> No.2940337

No. Any good work of art meant to convey emotion or a specific impression will do so without elaborating on the circumstances of its inception.

Literally any retard can see the iwo jima memorial and realize the struggle and human qualities it represents without knowing shit about iwo jima. Adding little girl defiantly staring at the soldiers would affect literally nothing. It is so retardedly irrelevant to the composition that you cannot work it in, let alone make it the centerpeice. And even if you remove the flag, you divorce it from the US, but the idea stays the same.

Both statues have basically the same message, just based on different circumstances.

Now imagine if instead of a bull charging at nothing, it was a bald eagle proudly taking off into the skies or something. Anyone in the world would be able to tell it was related to the US, and everyone would get the impression of strength and majesty of the creature, as well the metaphor of taking flight.

>> No.2940346

No, the most valuable resource is infrastructure; the means of setting up businesses, providing social services and allowing citizens to attempt to make a living or to improve society. Curently the US has a broken infrastructure and even if there were no illegal immigrants it wouldn't fix it since there are no jobs, all of them being outsourced to other countries. People can't afford medical attention when needed, the disparity between the rich and poor is so great that the common person has no political influence as corporations lobby for anti-consumer practices, there's massive anti-science and anti-educational stances that prevent technological progress and funding, leading to further misunderstanding of science by lay-people. All efforts should be put towards American infrastructure, not towards immigrants mixing into the pool of unemployed, uneducated and poor people in the country already. Look at Post WWI Germany, they went from the poorest and most crippled country to the most prosperous due to massive pushes for infrastructure work that employed everyone while rebuilding a broken economy. They're the only fucks who got it right yet retards like you want to ignore all of the bloated elephants in the room to look at the poster saying Mexicans are taken your jobs.

>> No.2940352
File: 148 KB, 727x1000, 1421532076318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying racist isn't a shitty meme buzzword
>implying being prejudice is bad
>implying discrimination is bad

Kid, you are one huge faggot. Signaling your high horse beliefs and lording them over people while trying to make others reaffirm their correctness according to your shitty made up narrative.

>> No.2940357
File: 150 KB, 245x320, 1435767673916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking the redpill
>taking any pill at all

You are like a child to me.

>> No.2940358

>being angry about unaccounted for tax money because of immigrants
>say nothing about the corporations that dodge taxes with loopholes and lobbying

>> No.2940364

>Literally any retard can see the iwo jima memorial and realize the struggle and human qualities it represents without knowing shit about iwo jima.
Not really, no. Without context you don't know who or what they represent. It might as well be a communist monument, if you don't know the story behind it.

>it was a bald eagle proudly taking off into the skies or something.
How would you know that a bald eagle represents the US without context? It's no different from the bull, and everyone who works in the area where the bull is placed (Wall Street), knows exactly what a bull market is.

>> No.2940368

this chart is not accurate.
atm welfare only accounts for 3% of federal spending.
National defense spends 15% of it.

>> No.2940370

No, the biggest problem is immigration, because they represent an enormous economic, cultural and social burden. If you remove that problem, the other pieces fall into place.
Liberal propaganda is also responsible for draining the US of qualified workers, because they're pushing for people to "follow their dreams" and to get useless liberal arts degrees. If they pushed for STEM and medicine, they would massively increase the earning power and scientific progress of the US, and it wouldn't make them dependent on important hundreds of thousands of Asian immigrants every year.

>> No.2940373

The wealthiest 1% of the US pay 38% of all the taxes. Mexican immigrants pay less than 1%.

If you increase corporate taxes, they'll simply move to a country where the taxes are lower, which means you get nothing. It's quite common in Europe.

>> No.2940378


Is your gif supposed to represent me, or you?

>> No.2940380

Nigga, not having context of a statue =/= being born in a cave, stop being retarded

>> No.2940383
File: 146 KB, 1003x915, usbudget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's quite accurate, but I posted the wrong one. This goes into more detail.

>> No.2940384
File: 27 KB, 500x503, 1441527770245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm can't be the only who is always reminded of the golden calf by the statute. l like it is just outside of the WTC and that's considered like the principle sin of mankind in Judaism.
Everyone involved in putting it there either had to be completely tone deaf or a moloch worshiper

>> No.2940389

>stop being retarded
You're the one complaining about a symbolic representation of a strong stock market being placed in the world's most influential financial district.

>> No.2940396

he sold the piece, he's got no saying on what they decide to do with it.

your pieces are like your children, once they left you, they will live their own lifes.

>> No.2940402

>You're the one complaining about a symbolic representation of a strong stock market being placed in the world's most influential financial district.
Are you actually retarded? That is not even close to what I was saying.
Like, are you seriously mentally stunted?

>> No.2940538

I want them to keep it.

I love how blind they are to make something this ironic and self mocking that I start melting trying to explain it.

it's just so perfect like one of those things that can only happen in an accident.

>> No.2940543

r34 when?

>> No.2940648

I sense irony.

>> No.2940662
File: 734 KB, 1240x1142, 0b75bbef460264d4ac3d412e32b85621ac52a2af65cc9e4dad9af370fb03f8e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond status=activated.

>> No.2940663

>leftypol here to tell us that nothing really matters and everything you care about is a spook except for the glorious workers revolution
Are you going to teach all of the mexicans and mohammadeans about Stirner and Marx when they flood your city? I'm sure they'll really help you out with your commie uprising. It was worth it to destroy your nation so maybe brown people can overthrow it to reflect your vision of the future.
You're almost as delusional as the libertarians, honestly.
Leftypol memes only represent unwarranted smugness, they don't actually mean anything.

>> No.2941137


Just put a third character on the side, like Michael Jackson eating popcorn with a grin or put a tree between them, with the words "no, YOU move" carved on it.

>> No.2941209


>> No.2941223

ITT: /las/ betas shitpooping at the whims of their fat female overlords

who else here /ironpill/ and /realartist/ ?

>> No.2941273
File: 41 KB, 450x249, GrabThemByTheHorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They should just rotate the bull 180° so that the brazen bull would be showing her his bronzed balls and asshole, ignoring her entirely.

>> No.2941335

That's cute you actually think mass immigration never destroyed cultures.
Sad to see how blind you are.

>> No.2941337

Mass migration hasn't destroyed his gated white neighborhood yet so it obviously can't be true you stupid racist.

>> No.2941355

fuck off nigger lover. fucking white apologist cuck piece of shit.

>> No.2941358
File: 343 KB, 624x810, CulturalEnrichment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofcourse I appologize. They have a distinct culture and we need to respect it.

>> No.2941386

I legit thought I was on /pol for a moment

>> No.2941389

The most obnoxious shit posters are people that can't shut up about pol because an opinion is posted.

>> No.2941395

>the worn patina from being touched
much like the mall bronze statues

>> No.2941455

Noice shoop.

>> No.2941464

not really, it's all the /pol/shit on unrelated boards

>> No.2941474

Go back the reddit.

>> No.2941475

go back to /pol/ FAGGOT

>> No.2941504

I am on 4chan, you utter retard. Now, you go back to the hole you crawled out of, and stop trying to turn 4chan into the politically correct safe zone you're used to.

>> No.2941510

Fucking kek, underrated post

>> No.2941516

>shitposter goes full retard

>> No.2941521
File: 58 KB, 489x599, Anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's cute you actually think mass immigration never destroyed cultures.

Thanks for putting words into my mouth, you fucking little shit. The Roman empire fell for a complex web of issues not just "hurrr immigrants." Anybody that relates the fall of the roman empire to the current US/western culture doesn't know shit about history.

>> No.2941528

You sure do have an active imagination, being able to come up with all those bizarre excuses.

>> No.2941533

Don't just tell me I'm wrong, prove it. Otherwise you're just shitposting.

>> No.2941551
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 144260927961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2941569

tits or gtfo.

>> No.2941575
File: 124 KB, 372x415, 1467316603095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This probably the most profound thing said in this thread.

Thank you. You made this thread less shit.

>> No.2941771

Get the fuck out of here with that logical shit, this is a political thread now.

>> No.2941811

That girl might be fearless but standing in front of an enraged bull when you're just a little girl seems incredibly dumb.

>> No.2941828

So that lets SJW squatting OK?

>> No.2942006

That's not me though.
You are right hundreds of thousands of crimes commited by immigrants isn't sufficient to destroy countries. Good thing child marriage is basically legal now in Germany their is the romantic aspect that make it all better.

>> No.2942007

Oh a comple web of issues like an enormous national debt? Like crazy SJWs chasing down people, like viruses breaking out? I just love how people just pretend nothing is going on by saying "It's too complex for you to understand".

>> No.2942024

>White 23-35%
>Hispanic 54-70%

Xenophobes can't even count

>> No.2942096

You know, crime is really not that big of an issue when it comes to changing demographics.
I'd say what is exponentially more important is the changing of the base population and base culture. You're fundamentally changing a nation, and that has so much more consequences than just people becoming victims of crime.
If America's demographics became that of Brazil, it would be facing much more hardship than just criminality. It would change the entire economy, culture, educational systems, social trust, wealth inequality, disease, art, science, entertainment, everything.
That's what I'm afraid of. America's image has already degraded and it's not even been 100 years that we've been under the thumb of progressives.
>difference between native and immigrant households
Tumblrites can't even read.

>> No.2942106
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 845458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know, crime is really not that big of an issue when it comes to changing demographics.
I stopped reading there.

>> No.2942108

Oh sorry I see now that you aren't a liberal trying to prove some weird cultic garbage. Yeah crime alone isn't enough it's a spiritual battle. It's how we let crime go on because we are taught that all black people are being shot while reading books and go "Hands up don't shoot!"

>> No.2942154


>sculpture war erupts as the two sculptors continuously try to one-up each other and get the last word

>> No.2942181
File: 90 KB, 409x405, SansCryingLaughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you waiting for.

>> No.2942202

Well it's a pity that emasculation is the highest form of contemporary artistic expression

>> No.2942245


To be honest, I think the fearless stupid little girl thinking she is brave, when in fact she's opposing and taunting things of good faith, is a perfect artistic representation our modern feminists.

>> No.2942304
File: 112 KB, 860x942, hubris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2942334

Is this reddit lingo for "stop thinking what I don't like"?

>> No.2942386

I just love how the buttmad globalist shills have started calling woke people "redditors". Little too late.

>> No.2942392

Stop using nigger slang.

>> No.2942394

I appreciate your mindset anon but don't be cringy using too much slang like "woke", and "bluepilled".

>> No.2942404

woke is like enlightenment but with weed and codeine

>> No.2942473

It's a very widespread terminology. It's as common as the term "meme".

>> No.2942554

Nah. The word meme is much more significant. Most people don't know it's true meaning, though.

>> No.2942560

Yeah, it's widespread because teenagers love niggers.
There are so many terms that are initially used ironically, but that gradually revert to their original meaning, because of dumbfuck teenagers who don't understand irony.
That goes for a significant amount of terms used on 4chan, including stupid shit like woke, bro and based.

>> No.2942562

Stop embarrassing yourself please. You don't even know what being awake stands for.

>> No.2942564

I'm going to chalk this up to trolling, because no one is this stupid.

>> No.2942641

You don't know shit anon. Go get red pilled you cuck.

>> No.2943091

Jokes aside REALLY makes you think huh...

>> No.2943092

wew lad

>> No.2943141


The delusion is hard in this one.

>> No.2943236

I used bluepilled as the classical, "someone who still takes things at face value", in this case politics and media. You don't know what bluepilled means? Cause it wouldn't apply to someone simply disagreeing with you.

>> No.2943241
File: 1.52 MB, 2000x1753, 1476064859875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an edgy 14 years old who enjoys circlejerking on /pol/ with other retards and it makes me superior to everyone who doesn't
kys honestly

>> No.2943247

You need to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.2943269
File: 300 KB, 352x500, 1488507189600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmmmm this insightful post really steamed my veggies

>> No.2943302

No artist should have the right to take another artists ORIGINAL WORK and reappropriate it.

Use a copy? Sure. Take a copy of the Mona Lisa and do whatever the fuck you want with it, but you have no right to take the original piece and change it.

>> No.2943338

>but you have no right to take the original piece and change it.

Well what do you mean 'take the original piece and change it'?

The sculpture is unchanged. The person merely changed the interpretation by putting another sculpture near it.

>> No.2943340

So, you think there would be no objection to surrounding the Mona Lisa with a dozen dildos?

>> No.2943360
File: 367 KB, 570x380, Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was the most red pilled guy ever and stop pretending that it's "circlejerking" red pilled channels on youtube have hundreds of millions of views total go check it out dumbass.

>> No.2943361

Jesus and his buddies also never wrote anything down. We just have the successors word that they didn't bullshit anything Jesus said.

>> No.2943391
File: 56 KB, 500x725, YouNeedJesusFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and next you're going to tell me that Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro didn't disarm it's citizens.
The bible was still narrated to the writers you dumb idiot you don't even know what you're talking about.

>> No.2943404

Jesus was not even Joshua's real name.

>> No.2943654

>claims to be redpilled
>worships the god of the hebrews
You can start "redpilling" people when you've grown more, son.

>> No.2943713


>You can start "redpilling" people when you've grown more, son.

A majority of people who use the term 'redpill' seriously are edgy teens / early 20s who think they've got it all figured out.

>> No.2943719

If you're going to be a pedantic cunt, at least use his actual name, which would be Yeshua.

>> No.2943748

Go back to youtube comments kid.

>> No.2943784

I think the sculptor of the bull got screwed. The new sculpture is displayed in a way that makes it part of the old sculpture, despite whether or not I like the new sculpture.

Here's what I think about the new 2-part sculpture: It's fucking pandering. Yeah, fucking attack an artist and his interpretation of the spirit of tenacity of the city. Good job, America. Artists and the fighting spirit of America are totally the enemy of the American people. This new installation says all Americans are weak, prone to in-fighting, divisible, and confused about who the enemy really is. Point the little girl directly at the NYSE building or Trump tower if you actually want to make a ballsy statement. I like the girl sculpture in and of itself.

>> No.2943806

Rome got sacked by barbarians.
Spain removed every Jew and Muslim.
I don't know where to begin with Ancient Egypt.

>oh but they are doing so well today
Italians have never stopped hating Gypsies with a passion.
The same goes for Spain but they have also erected walls to prevent immigration from Morocco into their enclaves.
If you think the Egyptians are unified today you haven't been paying attention to the news for the past decade.

There are constant examples of multiculturalism just - not - working. All of Africa comes to mind.
You have a dozen nations arbitrarily divided by former colonial powers and the first thing they do when they become independent is kill each other. Nonstop and without exception.

>> No.2943814

redpilled/bluepilled are great new words.

They imply that there is more to something than what is perceived.

Like going to the gym and using the machines is pretty bluepilled opposed to those who have taken the barbell-pill and are getting the real gains.

It's pretty bluepilled to think artists were just born talented and gifted, right?

Great words, some of the best words in recent years.

>> No.2943820

You just proved his point.
You've been here such a short duration that you think the words are new.

The contemporary usage of the word has been around for more than a decade.

>> No.2943847

If there's one thing I've always hated about 4chan, it's the fucking hivemind. People on 4chan like to preach about individuality, yet they all take to new memes and expressions like cancerous teenagers, and run them into the ground. With few exceptions, I've always tried to avoid 4chan lingo, because it's no different than the shit you see on social media, like planking, Harambe or dabbing. Just because it's on 4chan, doesn't make it any less annoying.

I also generally avoid using a lot of loaded terms because they immediately identify where you stand, and turn you into a representative of a group or just an outright caricature. I mean, if someone uses terms like "toxic" or "trigger warning", you know you're not talking to an individual, but a brainwashed member of a cult. It's the same with 4chan. If you're talking about "redpills" outside of /pol/, people already know enough about you to judge you. It's also an indiciation that you're easy to lead and that you're not particularly critical about your sources. And this is coming from someone who frequents /pol/.

>> No.2943849


The trouble is faggots think they've been "redpilled" when they hear some contrarian bullshit that goes against the grain, and behave as if they've seen the light that the 'sheeple' never will.

In reality, 90% of the time they're just edgy little shits who latched on to something most people dismiss.

>> No.2943853

Oh fuck off, I'm 30+ years old and I saw the matrix while you were in faggot-training. Don't act like you're some meme-historian walking around correcting peoples use of memes.

>> No.2943869

That's nice.
That's just how things are. All ideas are degenerate when they hit mainstream culture.

>> No.2943886

>In reality, 90% of the time they're just edgy little shits who latched on to something most people dismiss.
I wrote the post above the one I'm replying to, and this is the exact situation I described. If you use memes and buzzwords, you're immediately identified as a stereotype.

>> No.2943893

What do you think about the words bluepilled/redpilled as concepts as described in >>2943814

>> No.2943901

Never liked them, both because I hate groupthink and because a good chunk of the people who use them, believe in crazy conspiracy theories.
In fact, the post you're referring to shows a perfect example, as the person who wrote it is delusional enough to think that talent doesn't exist. That sure is bluepilled.

>> No.2943914

I wrote that post, and I was catering to /ic/ with the talent meme. Of course talent exists. Also, I was asking what you think of the words as concepts, but you didn't answer. Forget who uses them and what their social implications are. What do you think of the words as concepts, as in their function.

>> No.2943926

You can't judge them without context.
Anyway, I don't like them, because the implication is that everyone else is ignorant, and that only you and a select few are enlightened and have seen the truth.
I don't mind its use on /pol/, as people who use it tends to be somewhat self-aware, but it's just sad to see it used elsewhere.

>> No.2943933

You don't know what you're talking about. Yes, homogeneity correlates with the stability and ease of governance of a society, but that A. isn't necessarily the most important aspect of a society and B. doesn't imply that all heterogeneous societies are violent or all homogeneous ones are peaceful and C. certainly doesn't imply that the world itself is a more peaceful one if ethnic homogeneity is a priority.

"Multiculturalism" isn't a binary. There is no monocultural society, and it's silly to pretend that there's a divide between functional "non-multicultural" societies and dysfunctional "multicultural" societies.

Why does this board have such fucked opinions on women and politics in general? It's an art board, no?

>> No.2943935

>muh excuses and doublethink

>> No.2943942

it is burdensome, you fucking retard.
you're not a factory owner.
neither are most people.

jesus christ, i swear... people have some kind of mind virus where they legitimately take their high-school level understanding of the world seriously.
if retards wouldnt trust their low information hunches as fact, it would be a much better world.

>> No.2943944

I guess too many ppl around here never leave the house, assume everyone is a fellow white male between 20-25 years old and have poor social skills. I don't get why so many redpillers, /pol/-chans, and generally borderliner post here.

Sometimes you can have the nicest discussion about art - and then it's "gurls r stealing muh jobs!!" thing out of nowhere. Or something something racism. Or endless complains bcause tumblr ppl are THE WORST! Or "This artist is so bad why is he/she getting attention I'm so much better plz plz agree this artist is shit so I can feel better about myself!!".

Considering /ic/ likes to think it is so hardcore aim focused /let's grind art/ full on autism I want to learn 24/7 mode - it sure loves to talk about bullshit that's not art related.

I like the /beg/ , /draw/ and /las/ threads - occasionally one or two non whiny non drama threads come up - but there's just to much bait and trolling and bullshit.

Sorry I started a rant myself. I'll take a shower now.

>> No.2943956

is this bait? nothing I typed is factually incorrect, nor is it "le 1984 one of the three books I've read doublethink". If you think what I'm saying is wrong, clearly articulate why. If not, you're either incorrect or too stupid to fully process the discussion.

>> No.2943969

>is this bait?

>> No.2943974

Nothing you've said is true at all. You're simplying stating your opinions as if they're facts, while relying on exceptions, vague half-truths and logical fallacies. People have destroyed your awful arguments earlier in the thread, and you've completely ignored their replies, and instead choose to make a new post where you state your opinions as if they have any merit.

>Why do you socially retarded, lonely, white men between 20-25 believe in such ignorant stereotypes?
Cunts like you really make me lose faith in humanity. The lack of self-awareness is just too much.

>> No.2943981 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 519x415, 1410468144840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's a woman that wants to complicate crap.

>> No.2943982


>jesus christ, i swear... people have some kind of mind virus where they legitimately take their high-school level understanding of the world seriously.

"Immigration bad!" is about equally high school hunch tier unless you validate it with a proper argument, which you didn't.

Get off your fucking high horse or actually present an argument, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.2943984

Yeah, it changes the meaning from being about success/bull market/fighting spirit to le strong womyn

If she were to be interpreted with regard to the original theme, then what would she represent? Woman standing in the way of prosperity? Not exactly the meaning her sculptor was going for, I don't think.

>> No.2944004

Virtually every European country openly admits that immigration is a burden, both economically and culturally. They're not accepting immigrants because they think it will help their countries, but because it's a humanitarian crisis. The vast majority of immigrants to Europe are refugees.
Immigrants in Europe have a low rate of employment, they're a drain on the welfare state, they have a high crime rate, they're less likely than the natives to finish high school and the second and third generation of immigrants tend to be more likely to become radicalized than the first generation.

The only immigrants who actually contibute to society, are the ones who are handpicked based on their high educational achievements in their home country, but this is also the leading cause of braindrain in developing countries, which leads to a whole different set of questions about ethics and morality.

>> No.2944006

Isn't the girl just a symbol for the 'normal guy?' . Never thought her gender was of any importance - could have been a boy or an old man - it just symbolizes that normal ppl exist and watch the bull or something.

>> No.2944014
File: 289 KB, 1920x1280, you_are_retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to be this fucking naive?

>> No.2944016

>The vast majority of immigrants to Europe are refugees.
Lmao no they aren't. Majority of them are arab/african men who are seeking welfare.
Europe has had this mass immigration problem since the 70s, maybe earlier. Each decade or so the government comes up with some new excuse to tell the people why so many brown men are coming. This time it happens to be that they are "refugees". Before they were "temporary workers", "a fix to an aging population" and "cultural enrichers". Same bullshit, different day.
This has been planned out since long before we were born. You can look into the Hooton plan or the Kalergi plan. Bringing in millions of Arabs and Africans was on government's agenda since WWII. Don't listen to their bullshit lies about poor suffering people.

>> No.2944019

this 2bh famalam.


>> No.2944020

Man I don't even life in Trumpistan I didn't know the plaque exists. That's stupid I really thought is was a nice symbol until I saw that. And I'm female and I don't like this... happy now? Am I unretarded now?

>> No.2944024

>Lmao no they aren't. Majority of them are arab/african men who are seeking welfare.
I'm not saying they're actually in need of help. I'm saying that virtually all immigrants to Europe are technically asylum seeker or refugees, even if they're lying.

>> No.2944026

No. Where have you been in the past 5 years, if you think that a statue like that doesn't have a very obvious message?

>> No.2944030
File: 362 KB, 536x622, borkos genocidal hand wringing kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your post.
it's important to remember too that they arent even "refugees" but economic migrants.
mostly male, aged 18-30.

another argument they use is that you NEED migrants because the birthrate will cause population to decline otherwise.

That would mean: less taxes, higher wages, less inflation, lower rent (literally another shoah)

>> No.2944031

No. The new sculpture was installed for Women's Day, and was explicitly sculpted and placed there as a gendered, political statement that changes the context of the bull's sculptor's work. You did not read the article. These are inarguable facts. The discussion of the thread is whether or not you think it's ok to change an artist's work and the climate in which people do or do not think this is ok. Mind you, this isn't a public sculpture of an outright dictator. The bull may have come to symbolize something the original sculptor did not intend, but this may be open to interpretation. Now it is outright physically forced to symbolize something the sculptor did not intend. It's pretty interesting.

>> No.2944032

Can you tell me why it is necessary? The only explanation leftists give as to why massive 3rd world immigration is so great is because it's basically creating a domestic slave class so everyone gets cheap goods (then ironically complain about the nation's wealth distribution and minimum wage).
You are dispossessing a working class white demographic that is already here. It has been proven that, majority of the time, the 3rd worlders do not end up working but instead consume more in welfare and subsidies than what they give back to the economy.

And outside from economics, you complete ignore culture. It is morally right to change the demographics of a nation against its will? Do the native people have no say in the future of their own country? If a nation is Africa was undergoing the same demographic upheaval by whites against native blacks, you would call it a travesty.
Culturally, when you invite two groups to live among one another, the smaller group that receives less representation feels resentment towards the government and industry it feels is dominated by the "other". This way, you can understand why blacks feel that they are not being treated fairly, and other non-white groups entering white countries also want to claim representation and hold resentment towards the "other". The power you are taking away to accommodate foreign groups will ultimately make the native group feel like they are no longer represented.
And this is why you are seeing the rise of white identity politics, and it will only increase so long as they are being displaced.
These problems are not explicitly measured and expressed financially, but it is a huge cultural problem leftists are happy to plug their ears over and deny that it is true.
Your solution may be to "get over racism", but I would say that is demonstrably impossible. It is within our animal nature. It is much more beneficial to work alongside human nature than to try and uproot and replace it.

>> No.2944034

Honestly it is more insidious of an issue than just misplaced compassion and empathy.
The majority of people in government and prominent media institutions are doing this maliciously, not because they think they are helping people.

>> No.2944055

Uhm... working.. mostly. The whole SJW thing really isn't a topic in Germany - I only know about it because ppl on the internet complain about it. Since Idon't use social media I had hardly any touching points with it yet.

>> No.2944056

You are right sorry I didn't read the article. I was too lazy :D. I think i mixed this up with another statue story where the statue actually showed up there over night without anyone really knowing were it came from. I honestly thought it was this statue

>> No.2944070

>The whole SJW thing really isn't a topic in Germany
Oh, the ignorance.

>> No.2944089

I'm also fortunate like that anon. I don't use social media either. That flavor or hyper-feminism only occasionally pops up in my daily life. About one out of ten random women will treat me very rudely upon first meeting, then on the second meeting will act like a normal person. For a while I would think these people were just assholes. Eventually I came to understand they were just very sexist and had prejudices against men which they dropped after realizing I was a human being. It isn't really overt in real life though.

>> No.2944136

that was my first post in the thread, but okay. which of my claims do you think are incorrect? And if the poster I was replying to wasn't concerned with exceptions then why did they literally write "without exception"? They also aren't my opinions, they're provable and historical fact. Ethnic homogeneity does correlate powerfully with ease of governance, it's one of the first things you'll learn in any comparative government class.

I guess what I forget when I post here in good faith is that commonly accepted facts that one learns through rigorous education are just "opinions" if someone else either hasn't encountered them or doesn't want them to be true.

>> No.2944150
File: 46 KB, 367x380, 132132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They fucked with the message of his art and now want to make it political when the issue is completely artistic.

People are such fucking scum. I support the Charging Bull artist 100%. I hope he wins in court.

>> No.2944151

It's not that much of a problem in daily life. It's more the institutionalized sexism against men that you see in the media, in hiring practises, in education and the overall preference for anything female over anything male everywhere in society.

>> No.2944156

I'm a technician in a high security area - I literally drive to work go into my sealed area work and go home. We're like 6% women and everyone is super chill - no sexism, no prejudice against men. Just chill ppl working together. So maybe that's why I never encountered the sjw or femnazi stuff I read about on the internet.

>> No.2944162

>Ethnic homogeneity does correlate powerfully with ease of governance, it's one of the first things you'll learn in any comparative government class.
That's the only one you got right.

>rigorous education
Unless you're studying STEM, you have to be a fucking idiot if you think everything you're taught in college is a fact. There's a lot of political propaganda that is incorporated into the liberal arts, particularly if they deal with controversial issues like race. I mean, do you actually think a college class in a western country would teach you that multiculturalism is bad, even if that was the truth?
You sound like just about any other 101 student who thinks they're an expert on the world after taking a basic college class.

>> No.2944168

We fucking get it, youre sheltered and privileged and can't relate to feminist art, maybe it just isnt for you then. Stop pretending it doesn't have artistic merit, because in a few decades time youll all see it for the revolutionary piece of work it is.

Also Id like to see you all write something even close to this.

>> No.2944170

>That's the only one you got right
So all heterogeneous societies are violent, and vice versa? More stable societies domestically make for a world with less violence? Multiculturalism is a binary? If it is, it should be pretty fucking easy to prove: hmu with your definition of multiculturalism, and if I'm wrong, and it is in fact a binary, we'll find that 100% of states will fit into either one side, or the other, with no in between.

Based on your response it seems like you only really know how to say "you're wrong because muh opinion based narrative". Do you actually have a degree? There is - no matter what you might hear on reddit - such a thing as a rigorous history major, or politics major, or law major. There is such a thing as a political or historical fact, or general truth, even if it isn't literally as immutable as the law of gravity. Honestly, if you're studying STEM and you think literally everything you're being taught will still be considered true or correct in twenty years you're deluding yourself.

>> No.2944247

It's on a sliding scale. The more multicultural a society is the more ethnic conflicts arise.
Please don't make this false pretense that multiculturalism is a boolean concept, or that the only consequence of it is physical violence.
You're just framing the argument in a weird way and assuming things that no one actually believes.

I would say homogeneity helps decrease violence in communities of non-violent races. It's a pretty simple concept; bring in known violent races into your society while forcing them to compete for resources/representation will cause racial tension, resentment, and violence. Read this post >>2944032

>> No.2944313

See they couldn't put up a fully grown woman because then people would catch on and realise feminism is shit. SO they use a little girl because little girls can do whatever they want you nazi they need to be protected.

>> No.2944327

Can we just have a real gender war and race war please?
Like, full on WWI shit.

I think humanity needs a hard reset.

>> No.2944341

I don't want a race war, but I do want the sjw's to acknowledge the fact that not only did they fuck up when they brought in masses of immigrants, they royally disrespected the citizens that didn't agree by calling them racists, nazis, fascists etc... Also, no way in hell is there a humanitarian reason, all of a sudden, for millions of people to immigrate to the west. And feminism and the gender stuff is just indignant groups trying to dilute white male hegemony by empowering every minority they can find and erasing the lines between gender and race. It's like the second place holder in a competition doing everything to obscure the rules of the game and the roles of the participants just to mask his second place status.

>> No.2945385

The original meaning behind the bull is to represent the market, specifically a 'bull-ish' market

However, considering how controversial and corrupt big business and Wall Street is, having even a meek girl standing up against a giant bull is symbolic and a political statement.

Honestly, this country is beyond help, but at least people acknowledge its corrupt state.