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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 687 KB, 3119x1200, critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2941490 No.2941490 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something? He seems like a really mediocre artist whose work contains a lot of technical mistakes. Most of his women's faces are samey. His colors are oversaturated to fuck. He doesn't clean up his linework in most of his paintings. He only uses one brush from some reason?

"Rofl, Brunet worked at Blizzard- must be good," not really. Friend of mine works there, says there are lots of assholes who just knew the right people.

Imo, he has a huge following of tasteless amateurs, which is what Cubebrush.co makes money off of. Don't particularly like it when a shit artist teaches other people for money.

>> No.2941496


>> No.2941498

nice opinion may you go on to do great things

>> No.2941499

why do you care
this is so unimportant and stupid that i am angry at myself for even wasting my time reading your post
go back to drawing instead of whining about more talented people than you.

>> No.2941520

Pretty much this. I actually agree with some of the points in OPs image, but what a waste of fucking time to care about this stuff. You just sound really bitter. Focus on your own growth instead of trying to tear others down.

>> No.2941566

>when you finally start making gains and realize how retarded these shit-tier """teachers""" like Sycra, Mark, Cubebrush, etc. actually are.

Literally how. How the fuck do you draw for 10+ years and not make *any* fucking gains. Someone explain this to me.

>> No.2941572

Sounds bitter.

Those are some nice feet.

>> No.2941573

They lack the ligameme.

>> No.2941584

Gains aren't linear. After the first like 5ish years they slow down a ton and it's really easy to plateau or only barely improve. Just because you started drawing a few months ago and see tons of improvement doesn't mean you will be painting like Jaime Jones in 2 years.

>> No.2941587

True, the jump from beginner to intermediate is relatively quick. You can probably do it with a year of hard work. But the jump from intermediate to pro is a lot longer maybe 4 years. But the jump to pro to mastery takes such a long time and only very very few people achieve.

>> No.2941602

The horizon issue is a general composition error. Even if he did put that little bit of sky it would create an unwanted focal point with the value contrast.

>> No.2941621

technical mistakes don't matter lol, it's art not engineering

nice of you to keep the /ic/ spirit going though

>> No.2941639
File: 208 KB, 1246x960, Blizz4rdchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2941668

This. You shouldn't focus on some cuck getting famous because you think you are better. You should focus on yourself and your own art.

>> No.2941687

If it makes you feel better, OP, he wasn't actually a 2d artist at Blizzard. He wouldn't qualify for a job there doing actual illustration. He just did some 3d texture assembling grunt work.

>> No.2942035

Took me a couple of seconds... kek

>> No.2942039


>> No.2942040


Shadows are WAY too cold. There will be a fuckton or warm bounce light on a sunny beach. I would classify this as a low intermediate painting.

>> No.2942042
File: 9 KB, 404x399, 1489880530834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what /ic/ has come to

>> No.2942054

Hold me, brother
I find myself just getting mad when i come here now

>> No.2942129
File: 2.23 MB, 1560x1200, honkhonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made an attempt at improving the light and also liquified her tits because why not.

>> No.2942149
File: 70 KB, 2024x1432, screenshot_799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching Steve Huston lecture
>he mention about "jumpy lighting", "shadows with light", anatomy/perspective errors in Old Masters paintings

No one can draw ITT at Marc level. Fact

>> No.2942151

including you

>> No.2942153


Which lecture, can you see it online? Also what is "jumping light"

>> No.2942155

Afaik he's more of a 3D artist with 2d being his hobby.

>> No.2942163

"Light and Shadow Theory for Painters Part 3" as I remember.
>Also what is "jumping light"
Random light source out of nowhere.

>> No.2942165
File: 2.23 MB, 1560x1200, 1492272630330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2942166
File: 660 KB, 1118x553, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2942167

That's irrelevant to the topic at hand, isn't it? You don't need to be a master to recognize that OP pic isn't at Ruanjia's level.

>> No.2942168


Ok, did he talk about in the sense of a bad habit or a legitimate form of artistic license?

>> No.2942170


What the fuck is that creature? Looks like a rhino with the head of a warthog or something

>> No.2942178

honk honk

>> No.2942212
File: 177 KB, 378x354, 1434402742699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of his women's faces are samey. His colors are oversaturated to fuck. He doesn't clean up his linework in most of his paintings. He only uses one brush from some reason?

>These are complaints in 2017. This are the ultimate standards at which art is held up.

>> No.2942213

Where's the loss?

>> No.2942229

Mr. Brunet bukkakes my inbox regularly. I don't expect anything less from someone who put out a product called "Complete Guide To A Concept Art Career" only to demonstrate the most generic, unattractive looking westernized anime figures.

Blizzard's CG/FMV department used to be the absolutely best fucking thing ever. I haven't seen Warcraft the movie yet but if Diablo 3 and Overwatch are any indication, they haven't been given a big enough challenge in awhile to sink their teeth into.

>> No.2942234

One suspicion I always had with Mr. Brunet's (and others') art training material was that they were purposely putting out shlock to fuck up the progress of younger artists and hinder competitors.

But when you take a look at something like this - https://www.artstation.com/artist/marcbrunet - you have to wonder if this person is qualified to teach something as comprehensive as a concept art career.

>> No.2942236

do a paintover

>> No.2942255
File: 36 KB, 987x219, estimate that cash my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No you dork. The whole teaching thing is raking him a quarter million yearly. Not only from his tutorials but he takes a percentage (not THAT much but it adds up quickly) from others who put content on his marketplace.

This screen shot is from 2015. Since then the userbase has grown immensely; lets be generous and say 60,000 regular buyers. Take 15,000 who are just gulping Marks cum by the gallons. An average tutorial is $15 (we'll put 2 lower priced tutorials together for that total to make up for price and users buying).
$15 x 15,000 (before taxes) ~$225,000 + the 10% cut from every tutorial sold on the marketplace from other users. He is raking it in. Trust me.

>> No.2942260

Teaching feminist theory rakes in more. Clearly we're in the wrong field.

>> No.2942323

Props to Marc for selling himself as a concept art professional to lowbies, despite never actually making it in the art world himself.

I like how he framed leaving Blizzard as if he was retiring from some awesome job, while everyone working there knows he was just doing the shit jobs of making meshes and UI widgets that no one else wanted to do.

>> No.2942356

Your critiques are valid but ultimately nitpicks. As a whole the piece works very well, basically any piece will have minor problems if you look hard enough. His job isn't to spend dozens of hours meticulously perfecting a drawing, it's to create good looking art on demand in an agreeable timeframe.

>> No.2942375

>never actually making it in the art world himself.
This is some high standards for someone who post in 4chan. Very "infantile"

>> No.2942376
File: 151 KB, 1000x1040, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say they slow down pretty substantial after 2 years, maybe they taper off again after 5.

>> No.2942378

Many post said that he did shit jobs for blizzard, anyone got a source or something?

>> No.2942380

Well the first two or three years you are still learning the basics so will improve like crazy. I picked 5 years as a typical number since that's about how long it takes to get to a pro level if you are practicing regularly and properly. Once you are pro it takes a ton of time and effort to get to the higher tiers of professional artists, never mind getting to a master level.

>> No.2942389

>anyone got a source or something

>> No.2942410


>> No.2944375


Marc is an average artist and a terrible teacher. He has no right to be charging what he does for his tutorials.

>> No.2944389
File: 56 KB, 400x400, marc-brunet-pondda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about his art (his perspective fundamentals are usually not there, and his stylised anathomy is just horrid imho), but his speaking manner is what I just can't stand.

>> No.2944431


>Marc is an average artist and a terrible teacher.

agree lol

>has no right to be charging what he does

it's a free world. go do the same thing and scam beginners.

>> No.2944507

this thread is awful

>> No.2944522


I'm pretty sure in his vids he's mentioned himself being a hustler (jokingly) a few times

>> No.2944526
File: 110 KB, 1024x565, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked him back when he was bluefley

his shit was so inspiring back then and digital was a new world to me

>> No.2944541
File: 455 KB, 953x2144, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything sometimes they get worse (#1 is from 2006, and #4 is from 2016)

#3 is still the best, I'd happily learn from the him of that period

>> No.2944555

Oh same. But looking at his art now it feels really bland and dull, yet the older pics are still nice.

>> No.2944580


#1 has the worst proportions and structure but is painted in the most appealing style.

>> No.2944717
File: 1.15 MB, 300x225, 1359643141716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advising beginners to use purely the soft round brush

>> No.2944751


This guy occasionally gives good advice but his shit is really inconsistent. Worth taking him with a grain of salt.

>> No.2944776

man this is just so much better than the original
and most of it seems like easy fixes
what the fuck is wrong with this dude

>> No.2944788

i though he was more of a 3D person. its where the video game biz is going to sadly i guess this is the price.

>> No.2945026

wow this is really pretty
You made the sun seem like its so blindingly bright, have you done this before?do you have a tumblr or something?

>> No.2945031

sure it looks kind of wonky but its not that bad lol

>> No.2945049
File: 15 KB, 300x300, profile_picture_by_marcbrunet-db58m4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean perspective, then


If you mean anatomy, then


I believe he also had some tutorial on anatomy, but I remember it was horrid.
BTW I don't hate guy, but he should make it clear he is teaching stylised stuff. Otherwise student's fundamentals are going to be flawed af.

>> No.2945066

>Ok, did he talk about in the sense of a bad habit or a legitimate form of artistic license?

Not that anon but after going through hours and hours of Huston lectures he seems to be of the opinion that the artistic effect is more important than technical correctness.

A mantra he continuously repeats (similar to Vilppu's "No rules, just tools") is "Simple yet characteristic".

>> No.2945140


I don't like hating on hustlers, I appreciate a good play that makes money but don't call your fucking product "Complete Guide To A Concept Art Career" when it's a bunch of stylized, awful stuff.

>> No.2945153

That's more or less what I wrote.

>> No.2945536

If you'd actually saw it you'd know how good it is, shitty anatomy aside.

>> No.2946321


Thanks, well I am a freelance artist so yeah one time or two I suppose. I'd rather not post my blog in this context

>> No.2947311
File: 117 KB, 326x340, 1457819526242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here you are, bitterly crying and staying worse than him in every second of the day.

>> No.2948134

fuck you OP you whine because its digital, if t were on canvas you will praise it. but it won´t be enough for you, even if the master bob ross painted it. go fuck yourself, clouds are ok because the guy wants focus on the girl, consistency issues, could be, but time is on the essence, because all the millenial faggots want everything right now, or they send you into oblivion. want to hurry and add details? PAY MOTHERFUCKER. patronize him if you want detailed work

>> No.2948286

i think op needs to post their work. I just want to see how much better op is.

>> No.2950075

This idiot paints like me. Shitty edge control and every element looks like it's from a separate picture. Only I haven't been doing this shit for 10+ years and I don't sell tutorials for $50 acting like I know shit.

>> No.2950705

then you must be doing something wrong

>> No.2950711

$50 me oh my, they must really be making bank