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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 480x360, DaddyDJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2941324 No.2941324 [Reply] [Original]

Hey you, yeah you. Did you just skip downloading photoshop or a tablet because you were told to not do digital until you can draw traditionally? well that's bullshit! It is a proven fact that draftsmanship on a physical medium transfers poorly to digital input devices, thus if you spend hours training your hand on a medium and then resolve to relearn all that muscle memory when you do switch to digital, then go ahead, but for the rest of you who want to learn how to draw as a hobby or a career and have a real life outside of drawing, just go straight into digital.

>> No.2941330

I'm actually inclined to agree with you here.

Digital and traditional are apples and oranges. You can learn the fundamentals on either platform, but being good in one is not going to make you good at the other. I'm pretty good with traditional media. When I try to use my tablet, it looks like I let a five year old with seizures take over. Similarly, I know many digital artists whose work in traditional media is just sloppy or simple compared to their usual stuff.

You're going to have to practice with both if you want to be good with both. If you're going to be a digital artist, focus on learning using digital media.

>> No.2941342

Fight me irl faggot

>> No.2941347

Bananas are superior to either of them

>> No.2941746

The reason I don't think anyone should begin in Photoshop is because of how many tools and crutches are available to the beginner.

Start with charcoal on newsprint and that will discipline you not to be sloppy with the knowledge that you can fix anything at any time. It's also in black and white, so it will specifically teach you value. Most digital beginners don't know anything and don't even know what value is, much less how critical it is to get right. Beginners think colors matter, but they don't until you have at least a decent eye for value, and even then, only if they think about value before deciding colors to lay down.

>> No.2941751

>draw pencil and ink

>color digitally

>> No.2941755


I on the other hand could never have learned to draw digitally. Not really with pencil either.

Drawing in ink helped me. Its the permanence along with cost of supplies that forced me to be conscious of every line and its context.

Digitally I just lose focus. Traditional helps me focus. Simple as that.

>> No.2941757
File: 234 KB, 750x1000, 0000000000421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. I work both traditionally and digitally. I do my paintings digitally and most of my sketches are done traditionally.

>> No.2941758

WTF I didnt even fully read your first post I am sorry. I am a piece of shit. I agree with you.

>> No.2941767

>cost of supplies
>forced me to be conscious of every line
Nigga, where do you live?

>> No.2941768

North Korea

>> No.2941782


there is no computer in the world which is able to faithfully simulate the amount of information contained in a single brushstroke.

Digital art = listening to a recording
Traditional = actually going to a concert

>> No.2941796


Traditional art = Get pussy
Digital art = Be a pussy

>> No.2941802

To be honest, working with traditional tools is just more fun and enjoyable for me.

>> No.2941813
File: 20 KB, 675x439, guy brushes his luscious locks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't really like going to concerts, and usually prefer the studio versions of songs.

I-I-I'm I going to m-make it?

>> No.2941839

uh... yeah i agree. is this an argument? did you read my post?

you seem lonely.

>> No.2941850


>> No.2941871

No one said you can't be efficiently studying in both traditional or digital.

I said absolute beginners shouldn't learn how to draw in digital, because it's conducive to developing bad habits and general misguidance.

>> No.2941888

>h-he's replying to me, h-he m-must be arguing my point!!!

>> No.2942663

Is this samefagging a meme?

>> No.2942666

Yep... as soon as you can't simply move the eyes higher with the laso tool or do fancy shit by liquifying everything - you learn how to measure.

That's a great thing about traditional - you have only so many chances and work slower and more careful.

>> No.2942687

of course the faggot is going to side with bananas

I can kick the ass of any banana loving carpet store mother fuckers

>> No.2942749

Depends on the quality of your setup. Obviously with any consumer setup they'll be worlds apart though.

>> No.2943742

But they don't have the internet there

>> No.2945786
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, fuckin_banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, banana safely.

>> No.2945843

Got my first tablet today and this feels like I'm drawing with my mouse.

Whatever line I end up drawing looks like uneven scribble shit. Am I doing this wrong or does it simply take time to get used to this shit?

>> No.2945855

You probably got a small tablet because you fell for the 'beginner tablet' meme. LMAOing @ ur life desu.

>> No.2946563


>> No.2946610

I'm poor! dickhead

>> No.2946687
File: 1.31 MB, 1151x2048, 1428324725060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey anon, so what do you do for a living?"
>"Well, i'm an artist"
>"oh, is that so?! Can you draw me?"
>"I-i don't draw f-for free"
>"Oh, I understand, I'll pay you if it's good"
>"w-well, I usually draw on my tablet and..."
>"So whats the problem anon? Theres a paper, i got pencil if you need one"
>"well my tablet is at home right now so..."
>"So you can't draw? You lied to me, anon?

>> No.2946693

thats what your imperial capitalist over lords tell you comrade.

>> No.2946696

ITT: people without cintiqs lol

>> No.2946697

>Oh, I understand, I'll pay you if it's good"
nah bitch,pay half first.

>> No.2946701

i have a cintiq.....
still like to do sketches traditional though.

>> No.2946712

The hell does daddy dj have to do with any of this?

>> No.2946748

>pay half first
chinese cartoon porn peddler detected

>> No.2946769
File: 256 KB, 612x564, 1291166626858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking do both goddamn.

Since this is somewhat relevant to this thread, I'll ask
Am I the only one noticing major improvements when switching between the two?

Like if I'm having a terrible day drawing on tablet switching to traditional suddenly feels great and my drawings come out better, and vise-versa. I don't know what it is.

>> No.2946777


Daddy dj please take me to the party

>> No.2946790
File: 4 KB, 150x84, tmp_21870-images-1470389295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2946917

>what are scanners
>what are cintiqs

Or just take a fucking photo of your drawing, you can shit on traditional as much as you want but digital lineart will always be inferior, lifeless, and sterile.

>> No.2946918

This nigga gets it.