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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 29 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2937044 No.2937044 [Reply] [Original]

>draw from your shoulder
Do people unironically do this, or is it just a meme? Why the hell would you unnecesarily complicate the drawing process

>> No.2937047

>use reference

Do people unironically do this? It's basically cheating.

>> No.2937059

When you draw from the wrist, it limits where you can draw without moving your arm. When you have to draw out of that range, your line will get wobbly from you having to adjust your hand's position to move your arm.

When you draw from the shoulder, your arm is already moving, so you don't need to waste time adjusting.

>> No.2937060

>why would someone make drawing easier?

>> No.2937064

how about when you draw on a small scale? i have seen some people say you should also draw small details from your shoulder.
And what about drawing from your elbow?

>> No.2937067

Dump frogposter you so silly XD

>> No.2937070

It doesn't matter IMO if the detail is small enough, but avoid thinking of shoulder drawing as "that difficult thing I HAVE to do fuck"

Elbow drawing works as well as shoulder drawing for most paper sizes, but I draw from the shoulder if I'm going to draw a line that goes from one edge of the paper to halfway or farther (or something about that length)

>> No.2937327

>Do people unironically do this
Yes, it is more fun drawing this way.

>inb4 having fun drawing=ngmi

>> No.2937329

>not drawing by keeping your body completely immobile and only gyrating on the ball of your foot slightly
get fucking good

>> No.2937332

because it's better, that's like saying 'why don't people just shoot from the hip, why would you unnecesarily(sic) complicate the shooting process?'

>> No.2937341
File: 25 KB, 341x339, 1450750950267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2937343

I assume people get in to the habit of drawing from the wrist from writing in school and it feels more natural because of that.

>> No.2937348

>not drawing by keeping completely still and asking a parent or guardian to move the table

it's 2017

>> No.2937359

You're still thinking externally. Sink the Qi (vital energy) into the Dantian (a point/area below the navel). While drawing the whole body should be light and agile, with all parts of the body linked as if threaded together. The Qi should be excited, the Shen (mind-spirit) should be internally gathered.
The posture should be without defect, without hollows or projections from the proper alignment; in motion the lines should be continuous, without stops and starts. The Chin (intrinsic strength) should be rooted in the feet, generated from the legs, controlled by the waist, and manifested through the fingers. The feet, legs, and waist should act together as an integrated whole, so that while drawing or erasing one can grasp the opportunity of favorable rhythm and advantageous composition. If correct rhythm and composition are not achieved, the body will become disordered and will not move as an integrated whole; the correction for this defect must be sought in the legs and waist. The principle of adjusting the legs and waist applies for drawing in all directions; upward or downward, left or right.
All drawing movements are motivated by Yi (mind-intention), not external form. If there is up, there is down; when drawing details, have regard for the overall composition; when drawing left, pay attention to the right. If the Yi wants to draw upward, it must simultaneously have intent downward.
Insubstantial and substantial should be clearly differentiated. At any place where there is insubstantiality, there must be substantiality; Every place has both insubstantiality and substantiality. The whole body should be threaded together through every joint without the slightest break.
Drawing is like a great river rolling on unceasingly.

>> No.2937360
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>> No.2937361
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>not alternating drawing from the fingers, wrist, elbow, and shoulder as is needed

>> No.2937365
File: 38 KB, 500x375, IMG_0370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I draw from my torso?

>> No.2937366

You mean from the waist?

>> No.2937383


It's like I'm reading Fate/Stay Night all over again.

>> No.2937426
File: 313 KB, 960x720, iain_mccaig_ken_mccuen_jedi_v001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it as a tool rather than a rule.

Understand what drawing from the shoulder does, and how it affects your drawing. Maybe it helps with smoother lines and better control but lessens your finer motor controls (using your fingers/wrists).

Honestly, no one really draws only from their shoulder. I really only see it when people do the knife or overhand grip for larger drawings. You can watch videos of artists like KJG or Iain Mccaig and you can see they use a combination of many arm/wrist/finger movements.

There's really no rules, just tools :^)

>> No.2937445

when people say draw from your shoulder they don't mean you're not allowed to move your wrist or fingers lol. it's 'from' not 'with'

>> No.2937465 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 753x696, sheeeiiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see a pro artist use this kind of group without his hand touching the surface at all for a large portion of the sketch

exploded my brain tbqh

>> No.2937469
File: 27 KB, 753x696, sheeeiiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see a pro artist use this kind of grip without his hand touching the surface at all for a large portion of the sketch

>> No.2937475

is that not the usual way?

>> No.2937478

so what, there's no one way to draw

>> No.2937541
File: 274 KB, 455x455, 45678765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing is like a great river rolling on unceasingly.

Except that's a surefire way to lose literally all of your Jing, dumbass. This kills the human.

There are some who believe that Jing (life force) cannot be restored. This is a terrible fallacy. Jing is very easy to restore. It is perhaps the greatest secret of the Orient that one's life force, Jing, can be maintained, stored and even increased. Some practitioners have heard that constitutional (prenatal) Jing cannot be replaced or restored, but there are certainly methods in the Taoist yogic system that purport to accomplish just that.

The yin and yang elements are supposed to be the product of a differentiation from the Tai Chi, "the grand limit," i.e., the absolute or ultimate reality of all existence, which, containing both yang and yin in potential efficiency, existed in the beginning. Yin and Yang energy must always remain well connected to promote a healthy mind, body, and spirit. If they separate completely, this is signified by a person's death.

When you focus with your attention on the Dantian, you can simultaneously sense your entire body, from top to toe. It also makes it possible to feel all kinds of feelings that are related to your body.

If one wants to draw something properly, one must
>expand their Dantian to encompass the entirety of the Tai Chi
>rid it of Yin and Yang, reverting existence back to chaos,
>create a nondual universe (ex nihilo of course)
>introduce disparity
>tweak physics so that when you're born 13 billion years later, you don't have fucking parkinsons.
>Kill yourself.
>take over his body while he is dreaming.

In order to withstand the end of existence, one would need to acquire a lot of Jing. The fluid believed to contain the most Jing is semen.
The only way to outlive existence is to ingest lots and lots of semen.

>TL;DR eat cocks and die

>> No.2938010
File: 2.21 MB, 1487x909, reverting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rid it of Yin and Yang, reverting existence back to chaos,
Didn't know Zhuge Liang posted on /ic/, nor that the day would come when I could use this pic.

>> No.2938344

I sincerely hope you get carpal tunnel and forever your chances of drawing anything ever again you dumb shitposter

>> No.2938367
File: 67 KB, 700x500, artist2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not digitally instructing a state-of-the-art robot to lay down your strokes with pin-point precision