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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.01 MB, 1125x1500, 1362725522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2929508 No.2929508 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you guys think is a more accomplished artist?

>> No.2929509
File: 405 KB, 1000x1500, wei-feng-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wei Feng's piece

>> No.2929510

well I know Ruan Jia more than this guy so I guess Ruan Jia is the more accomplished artist

>> No.2929530

It's obvious RJ is better. He also came up with the style whereas Wei Feng is just copying it.

>> No.2929531

Ruan Jia feels more raw, Wei Feng feels more academic. It's tough, Ruan Jia's work has great form definition, but Wei Feng seems to know more what he's doing.

>> No.2929533

I'm not talking about style, I'm talking about skill.

>> No.2929540

Yes but style and skill go hand in hand. You develop a style through your skill. If you just copy a style it is less skillful and also you probably are just taking superficial qualities of it instead of really owning it.

Just look at the thumbnails of the two images and it's clear RJ's is far superior. He knows how to control the eye and composition way better. Wei Feng is very good no doubt, but he's not at RJ's level.

>> No.2929547

Whoever uses more layers

>> No.2929570

>highly rendered piece of a character just standing there

Why do people do this?

>> No.2929573


Whoever makes more buxx and has more "likes", this is the only measure you can give to digital "art".

>> No.2929579

>muh shitty waste of oil paint is real art

>> No.2929580

They're paid to paint that though

>> No.2929586

I don't understand, what's the point of putting so much energy into art of a character just existing not conveying anything particular?
If it's concept art it's going way above what is necessary to convey the concept and if it's illustration it's boring for anyone who isn't technically impressed by it.

>> No.2929594

>I don't understand, what's the point of putting so much energy into art of a character just existing not conveying anything particular?

Because it's cool looking? I would buy that a put it on my wall or something, even my grandma has fantasy character paintings on her wall and she's 70 years old

>and if it's illustration it's boring for anyone who isn't technically impressed by it.

Are you retarded? why do you think they're such highly known artists? Not everyone that follows them are artists themselves, they obviously think their stuff is cool. And Im pretty sure they're equally impressed by how technical it is

>> No.2929598

>Im pretty sure they're equally impressed by how technical it is
Yeah when there is a very highly skilled image non-artists can see it and be mindblown at it and see it as some sort of magic beyond their comprehension, so really admire it. Artists will see it and understand the skill behind it and fully appreciate how skillful it is and be just as impressed, if not more.

>> No.2929607

>if it's illustration it's boring for anyone who isn't technically impressed by it.

Pretty much

>highly known artists
Ruan Jia's only famous on /ic/

I haven't seen enough Wei Feng's pieces to judge properly but from those two pics I think Ruan shows more experience painting-wise

Both suck at figure painting though, stiff af

>> No.2929613


>> No.2929614

fuck off shitposter

>> No.2929616

Self enlightenment

>> No.2929617

both look tacky and homosexual

>> No.2929642

>Ruan Jia's only famous on /ic/
He's famous in the entire digital art world. Granted it's still niche, but he's widely considered one of the best in the world at it by people outside of /ic/.

>> No.2929655


Wei Feng's gallery.

>> No.2929677

Wei Feng is god tier but Ruan Jia is still a step above, especially in rendering and value/edge control.

>> No.2929687

You can't be above god-tier. God-tier is top level. So if Ruan Jia is there then Wei Feng needs to be a different lower level.

>> No.2929712
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x1279, feng_wei (77).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wei fengs visual library is exponentially bigger than RJ's.

>> No.2929713


so he's a blizzard fanboy

ruan has actually been employed by Blizzard (hearthstone at least), has this guy been, too?

>> No.2929845

>visual library
you know they both use the absolute shit out of reference right

>> No.2929894

Ruan Jia by far, duh. He thinks about his shapes more. Wei Feng is more literal, not thinking abstractly and sexing up the shapes.

>> No.2929896

It seems to me "visual library" has become a buzzword nowadays.

>> No.2929897

Got any examples of what you mean by he thinks about his shapes? Or could you at least explain it. I've been trying to understand shape.

>> No.2929915
File: 103 KB, 1456x296, RuanDesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a sort of graphic design element in a lot of his stuff I guess is one way to put it. Simple tonal shapes arranged in a pleasing manner.
Mostly in the backgrounds. There is time spend designing the shapes, rhythms, and subtle textures in the backgrounds. This is the aspect of his paintings that I really get off on. The foreground figure/subject tends to be less graphic designy and more concerned about draping it in light. Which is also nice. He's not just painting a warrior on a background. He's being a little artsy fartsy about it. Takes it to the next level.

>> No.2929924

Yeah I love this stuff too. He knows so much mroe about contrasts than the other chinese painters who try to emulate him. Most of those guys conflate detail and flash with a good image, but RJ actually knows how to get good subtlety of design in there and how to get the eye to rest in areas that are simpler so the contrasts have more impact. His composition and shape design put him way above HGJ or Wei Feng or whoever.

>> No.2929933

Are these crops from his backgrounds or full pieces, because if it's the latter, I'm fucking impressed he plans compositions within compositions.

>> No.2929934

By latter, I mean former.

>> No.2929946

They're crops. You should spend some time looking through his images anon. Literally one of the best on the planet, like often considered top 3.

>> No.2929974
File: 2.15 MB, 2426x1866, 5e475b33gy1fdk8yuxqvfj21ve1fu4qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not post some of their more recent paintings?

>> No.2929978
File: 3.69 MB, 3024x4032, 6482d8c5ly1fc5k9yhhs3j22c03407wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Wei Feng ones are 2 big


>> No.2930019

tfw you want to be chinese master you have to master the noodles first

>> No.2930023

How old are RJ and WF respectively?

>> No.2930049

Where you get these from?
Post more

>> No.2930074

RJ is 31, I think. Pretty young.

>> No.2930081

Ruan because he has my name

>> No.2930116

how long would it take to reach that skill level from the scratch?
How many years would it take if you draw every day?

>> No.2930125

80 years and 12 days.

>> No.2930127

That's an impossible question to answer. How many hours a day do you draw? What do you draw? Your talent? So many variables. It can vary from 3 years to 30 years to never.

>> No.2930220

50-60 years if you draw a few hours a day.

10-20 years if you draw all day every single day and have talent required

>> No.2930812

30 years 10 to 8 hours a day/(Positive IQ standard deviations + one for ligameme)

>> No.2930853

i can teach you the methods he uses in a few weeks or a month maybe. the drawing part is all up to you. i can how he paints but not how he draws.

>> No.2930877

Really? What have you learned about RJ's method of painting?

>> No.2930908

give me a lil bit ill compile something to show some examples.

>> No.2930928

Awesome. I'll share what I've learned to after I read what you've got. If it's not already covered.

>> No.2930930

I can help with this as well.

>> No.2930938

This is how /ic/ should be. People who come together to help each other.

>> No.2930941

very agreed, I'm sticking around for this.

>> No.2931054
File: 1.50 MB, 4909x1440, 903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok got around to it
this is just a portion of what i could piece to gether
thers so much info that it need to put down

I made it seem like he uses flow a lot, but he uses opacity the most especially on his older stuff and newer stuff. it depends how opaque he wanted his brush strokes to be because thats honestly how real painting is done. none of the blending shit.

again a lot of stuff to cover but i have no real way of going in sequence on how to explain most of it.

>> No.2931060
File: 2.60 MB, 2458x2000, d91909f4e58743ed14d25b076d03d646-d7ehc2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also noticed that sakimichan does the same with her brushes
she uses opacity most of the time at 25% as hard and soft

>> No.2931093

there's a lot more interesting phenomena going on.

But it'll take a lot of time to cover it all.

>> No.2931094
File: 546 KB, 1000x2000, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2931103

bless you! (really wanna try out this stuff myself)

i love how whenever this board goes into ruan jia territory the thread always ends up super educational.

>> No.2931144

There's also the idea thatsubject matters need to be layered in order to be effectively portrayed, like zebras for example.
If you were to simplify the process of painting a zebra you wouldn't paint a grey horse.
you'd either paint a white horse, then add black stripes. or paint a black horse then add white stripes..
a lot of painting relies on thinking ahead to layer colors appropriately

>http://imgur.com/a/JXUn0 - image too big but useful tut

>> No.2931149


>> No.2931181

that skin has got a rembrandt vibe to it, but the eyes look kinda funky

>> No.2931197

That's fan art tho

>> No.2931208

>he never heard of elder God tier

>> No.2931592
File: 3.21 MB, 3424x4900, rujajia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feng is for plebs


>> No.2931615

Is this a new piece? Never seen it, but really liking it.

>> No.2931627

>not conveying anything particular?
Because only intersectional feminists think everything should be linked with everything else. Sane people do stuff because that's what they want to do. They want to paint a cool looking dude, so they do just that. They don't want to shove their beliefs down your throat. They don't want to convey any deep message. If they wanted to do that they would have chosen a career in politics, wrote a book or something.
So if you don't like Ruan Jia, you are probably a SJW.

>> No.2931635


Now that's an awkward figure

>> No.2931639

Holy fuck man, look at that foliage in normal browser sized resolution. It reads so perfectly.

>> No.2931671

a new sketch

>> No.2931684

Really interesting tutorial. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.2931695
File: 887 KB, 1920x2636, wei-feng-3k5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any traditional painters with wei's color palette?

>> No.2931933

*Less, you mean...
Less layers = less room for error = more mastery.

>> No.2931938

The best art is the one that speaks to highly skilled artists AND the usual viewer. (otherwise it isn't technical or is too pretentious)

>> No.2931951

Yeah, that's one of the reasons I'm browsing this place : for constructive conversations like these!
(it should happen way more often though)

>> No.2932061

forget the figure look at the size of that neck

>> No.2932084

please, where did you find this? i checked his website and can't find it.

>> No.2932088

It's on his Weibo, but you'll need to make an account to see it I think. Or at least to see the full size file.

>> No.2932149

thanks! though i don't know how to navigate that site... oh well.

>> No.2932162

It's a huge pain since it's all in Chinese and you need to make an account. Google Chrome autotranslates a lot for me though so I can somewhat navigate. I made my account a few years ago and I think they needed my cell phone number to text me a confirmation code. It's annoying. But it's a good way to see him post sketches that he doesn't post on other sites, and he posts photos and selfies too.

>> No.2932173

yikes really regretting not retaining all those chinese lessons now... but yeah seems worth it just to know he's alive and productive.

please, any recently posted sketches you particularly like?

>> No.2932207

Recently for art he has just posted some of the same stuff you have seen in other websites, and that orc that was posted in another RJ thread a couple weeks back. Otherwise he posted some photos of Rome since he held a workshop there and it's where he painted that image you're asking about (it was a demo). I know someone who was in the workshop and he actually did several other demos and paintovers too but RJ hasn't posted them online yet.

>> No.2932258

oh ok, thanks! yeah think i've seen them all so i'll just wait for new stuff to show up.

>> No.2932371

You are reaching so damn hard to make this about feminism you retard. Implied narrative in an image makes it interesting, as demonstrated in this image of the guy "just standing there" which is such a narrow reduction of what Is really going on there. He's a seasoned warrior moving forward over obstacles while focused on something high in the distance, while in the middle of some kind of magical battle in a weird forest city ruins with some intense wind going on. That's not a guy "just standing there" nor is it the representation of some kind of political ideology

>> No.2932486

Not the anon that you're replying to, but I think "just standing there" isn't such a bad thing. That's like asking what Sargent was doing painting portraits of people just sitting down looking pretty for the painting. Why spend time refining a painting of a castle? It's just a soulless structure. Other anon's argument that things should convey a clear narrative or be a 10 minute sloppy sketch of a concept is a little narrow-minded imo.

>> No.2932502

omg guys its just fucking art its fucking subjective how fucking autistic do you have to be. you like it or you dont now fuck off


>> No.2932516

also to make it clear im not directly refering to you both. i ment in general and to the dick face who started this.

>> No.2932805

Pretty sure that's a grill

>> No.2933726


the taiwan version doesn't need you to log in to view profiles. just add tw. to any weibo links

>> No.2933729

if you want to view the images in full size change the bmiddle to large


>> No.2933731

oh gosh i love you, thanks!

>> No.2934743

i like it!

>> No.2934758
File: 245 KB, 1024x665, leonbelmont-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of their portrait work reminds me of Castlevania

>> No.2934777

Ruan Jia has mentioned Ayami Kojima as being one of his big influences.

>> No.2934780

That makes a lot of sense, no wonder Ruan Jia's work felt so familiar.

>> No.2934783

>Ayami Kojima

Ah good to know. That makes sense.

Very cool to see Ruan and Wei youtube clips as well. Has anyone collected an archive of their videos?

>> No.2934787

If you're interested in his other influences, he has also mentioned Craig Mullins, Rembrandt, and Yoshitaka Amano.

>> No.2934816

more layers = more complicated = more mastery :)

>> No.2934831

thank you sir

>> No.2934832

Oh exciting!
>first post is a selfie
Well then, this should be interesting.

>> No.2934867
File: 951 KB, 799x1130, amateur_hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck would you make these mistakes in the focal points of both pieces

>> No.2934876

Which mistakes are those?

>> No.2934879

Not him but I'm guessing the thumb and ring finger are really awkward/misproportioned in the RJ piece, and the neck is super thick in the Wei piece. Seems pretty nitpicky though.

>> No.2934884

>Not him but I'm guessing the thumb and ring finger are really awkward/misproportioned in the RJ piece, and the neck is super thick in the Wei piece. Seems pretty nitpicky though.

It's me. Is it though? Don't get me wrong the rest looks great but for heaven's sake man, if it was a backdrop i wouldn't care but it's staring back at me.

>> No.2934902

can someone help me track down some more of wei fengs sketches?

>> No.2934943 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1413x952, amanoinspiredquestionmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah i was just about to say some of his older stiff looks amano inspired

>> No.2934951
File: 1.24 MB, 1413x952, amanoinspiredquestionmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to say his older stuff looks amano inspired.

>> No.2935007
File: 2.21 MB, 2448x3264, 6482d8c5jw1f92kvbrgffj21w02io7wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought someone else would have posted some more by now since I was too lazy at the time but here's some other shit, I guess. These are all on his weibo.


>> No.2935251 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1024x579, 1491546215282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935552
File: 1.15 MB, 795x790, 1448238822884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with that fucking character