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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2934856 No.2934856 [Reply] [Original]

>post your work

Has anybody ever proved their point here by posting their work?

>> No.2934860


Awhile back. /ic/ has a laundry list of misconceptions that posting one's work will not address. Major misconceptions.

>> No.2934862
File: 112 KB, 540x327, tumblr_omp09xsjzp1vvqp55o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. And even though people shit on my art, deep down they know that I'm the superior artist.

>> No.2934864

FakeBro please

>> No.2934869

No. It's just a knee-jerk reaction to anyone who gets a crit they disagree with, or who has their fragile little world torn down when the realize, even if they think they're bad, they are worse than they think. "post your work" is and will always be a petty, defensive move to try to start a dick measuring contest instead of getting to the problem. If you recive a crit that you think is inaccurate, take a look and see if what they say is right. If it isn't, then disregard the post as a troll. If it is, then you have yourself a crit and your paper thin ego is stopping you from improving

while I'm here, saying "its shit", /beg/, sticky, or even "study the fundamentals" Is a valid critique. All of these things tell you that your work is flawed on a very, very basic level. Being a pissbaby when someone words something a bit harsh makes you look foolish. The whole idea of this place is to avoid a hugbox.

"blog?" is the anthesis of "post your work" because (unless they are actually asking it) its a meme that people use to point out the damaged ego of the fragile people who are ngmi.

fuck this place

>> No.2934874



>> No.2934877

Not to mention, on the off chance that someone does post their work, the thread just devolves into shitposting and nitpicking. Nobody here is perfect and that does not make any criticism less valid. Instead, when someone posts their work, their work is obviously flawed, and the "victim" will tear into it and try to find every small issue just to justify their own mistakes.

If only everyone got off their high horse, realized they have weak points and look to fix them, then this place would be a utopia.

>> No.2934890

>while I'm here, saying "its shit", /beg/, sticky, or even "study the fundamentals" Is a valid critique
your post is shit

>> No.2934891

So... Have you posted your work recently ?

>> No.2934898

>If only everyone got off their high horse, realized they have weak points and look to fix them, then this place would be a utopia.

You're on 4chan. This place is pretty toxic. They can't even get their shit together and keep an up-to-date sticky.

>> No.2934908
File: 405 KB, 1000x1500, wei-feng-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only art that would appease people that say "post your work" is pro tier art like from the Wei Feng vs. Ruan Jia thread. Even then, you'd be hard pressed for anon to admit you have a point.

>> No.2934910
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one.

The only.

>> No.2934912

/ic/ has no trolling material otherwise

>> No.2934934

98% of /ic/ is full of shitposters that draw once a month at best, the rest of the time they hoard .pdf files and art books.

I remember a master study thread that had so much potential for growth but it only had about 4 posters and it died quickly. Threads shitting on other artists, however, usually had something like 30 posters all actively arguing to the point that there were sub-arguments.

>> No.2934940
File: 64 KB, 813x960, FB_IMG_1491806478983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess.

>> No.2934972
File: 1.01 MB, 1550x1054, _rondo_of_moon2_by_ruanjia-d7vwlpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruan Jia
As someone who plays traditional flutes, the pose is hilariously fake. She might as well stick the flute up her ass and play it by pure magic. He's not the only good artist to make that mistake, I'll give him that.

>> No.2935012

your flute never has to travel to your mouth or away from it? It just teleports to your mouth when you want?

>> No.2935018

maybe it isnt a flute
maybe it's a magic stick
maybe she just took a big drag of opium from it

>> No.2935025
File: 235 KB, 1772x1212, semeradova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, it's close enough.

>> No.2935026

>while I'm here, saying "its shit", /beg/, sticky, or even "study the fundamentals" Is a valid critique.
>2015 memes are valid critique

Bro you haven't been here very long have you?

>> No.2935027

>posting a wall of text to convince yourself you can draw and your dunning-kruger-fueled shitposts have merit

>> No.2935030
File: 3.79 MB, 2500x2500, craig mullins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This on the other hand, there's no excuse for.

>> No.2935031


>She might as well stick the flute up her ass
Why do you think he's smelling it?

>> No.2935033

Holy shit, that's bad. Is it really Mullins?
Is that a 40 year old image he painted with a trackball or something?

>> No.2935034

*guns notwithstanding

>> No.2935049

Guns were the only thing I'd really criticize, it's clearly done quickly for film production.

>> No.2935247 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1024x579, 1491546215282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935363

You're shit, senpai. Not being able to think critically is destroying your progress. Pull yourself out of the slump so you can make it, because that is the ngmi attitude
There are no mods in this place, so nobody can even touch the sticky. I'm talking about the arrogance that runs rampant in the posters. If you post asking for critique you need to get off your high horse when you don't get your dick sucked like you thought you would
Yes, in the /porn/ thread. I'm still, /beg/ but I wanted to try something new and get feedback on it. The guy was brutally honest. He pointed out my weaknesses in nearly all my fundamentals, Saying that it was shit and told me to go back to /beg/ (he was very much right). Funny thing is people started crying at him for saying that, Saying what he said was not valuable even though it caused me to think about my work more critically. I understood my flaws after taking a minute or so to reflect. The funny thing is it started a fight between some nice, but misguided anon defending me, and this guy who just left a sharp, accurate critique.
Drama is more popular than actually progressing. It's easy enough to just hide the threads though
Funny how "it's shit" is a meme and not a red flag that your work has major flaws. Everyone else is just wrong, right?
>Lashing out negatively to honest, accurate responses that are worded harshly instead of taking them and analyzing your flaws to see why they see your work like that
idk dude sounds like you're the one who is ngmi

>> No.2935407
File: 94 KB, 700x1680, 1399835178599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all the artists that actually posted their work got kicked out of /ic/ by jealous shitposting anyways.

A critique is worthless. The only thing that matters is redlines or paintovers.

It takes the same amount of effort to write a critique as to draw, so if somebody can't redline that is confirmation of his lack of skill.

It's easier to drag others down to your level by words than to prove that you are actually at their level.

>> No.2935411

Literally the only indicator of someone's knowledge about drawing is their own art.

Everything else is just mindless parroting. If you're not a good artist, all your critiques are trash, by definition. Posting work should be mandatory.

>> No.2935412

The hero we sorely needed, but absolutely did not deserve.

>> No.2935414
File: 499 KB, 720x304, Space_Cop_2016_HDRip_x264_STANDARD_mp4_snapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you can point out what's wrong with something doesn't means you know how to make it better.

The majority of art critics that try to become artists fail miserably at it.

>> No.2935416 [DELETED] 


You said yourself that "it's shit" is valid critique, so the same can be said of your posts

Get better at posting and try again. We won't spoonfeed you the methods to make not-shitty posts

>> No.2935421


You said yourself that "it's shit" is valid critique, so the same can be said of your posts

Get better at posting and try again. The fundamentals of your thinking are flawed. We won't spoonfeed you the methods to make not-shitty posts, that's your responsibility.

>> No.2935423

>Funny how "it's shit" is a meme and not a red flag that your work has major flaws. Everyone else is just wrong, right?

The point is that people need to actually point out what is wrong with a piece, rather than say two words and leave it at that. Sure, it's valid critique, but it's also useless.

But hey, who gives a shit about valuable critique on an art critique board anyways.

>> No.2935440

>Everything that doesn't stoke my ego must be a troll

>> No.2935444
File: 393 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935456

I was going to respond back with long sentences and full paragraphs trying to explain it again. But I realized I have had this discussion countless times and I'm tired of it. Every poster here is forgetting that getting feedback, even negative feedback, is a kindness from another person. They took time out to look at your work and write a response, even if its 2 words. You are so caught up in yourself that you think you are worthy of a redline or a paint over when most people pay for that level of tutoring.You are getting assistance for free, but you push it away. You need to have everything handed to you or you throw a shitfit. We are not entitled to any kindnesses here, for christ's sake. So here is the quick version of my responses because my care is spent

Thank you for the crit. It looks like you tried to shitpost but honestly, I agree with you. I will use your point of view to better myself
Crits take time. When there are more things wrong than right with your art, it becomes not worth it for the writer to analyze your failings
flawed logic. If you challenge everyone to a dick measuring contest to prove your work is superior in every way (except it's not, if someone thinks it's shit and they're worse than you, it really, really is not) then you miss out on the critical thinking necessary to evolve as an artist, and stay in your self-centered state of mind and never improve.

Jesus christ people. Remember there is another person on the other end of the conversation. Why should they give up their time if your work is not up to par? Take some responsibility and think about your mistakes. Search for the answers and work hard.

Hiding this thread now because there is no win. If you think that "post your work" is a valid response to criticism then your head is already so far up your ass with entitlement that nothing I do or say will help you pull it out. I've already taken to much time out here from working.

>> No.2935507

Everyone's work needs constant improvement but ultimately, if your response is "it's shit", it's just as much shitposting as "post werk" Both are cancerous in equal measure because whenever someone complains about either response, a fight breaks out over whether it was a valid response or not and no one gets anywhere. These 2 phrases are distractions.

Personally though, I believe artists should try to find other means of assessing the accuracy of their own work that doesn't depend so much on people otherwise they lose the ability to think for themselves and are vulnerable to incompetent Dunning-Krugers (which infest this board)

>> No.2935511

I wonder if anyone ever told Roger Ebert to show his movies.

>> No.2935513

I'm always astonished by artists who draw action pictures, but don't know how guns work.

>> No.2935515

>If you think that "post your work" is a valid response to criticism then your head is already so far up your ass with entitlement that nothing I do or say will help you pull it out.


>> No.2935579
File: 55 KB, 439x341, Photoshop_2017-04-10_15-04-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice call out!

>> No.2935580
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1489705740110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ED article was right.

Just post "Post your work" and watch /ic/ squirm like the worms they are. Zero skin in the game, zero skills. Sissies.

>> No.2935581

post your work

>> No.2935584

>>Jesus christ people. Remember there is another person on the other end of the conversation. Why should they give up their time if your work is not up to par? Take some responsibility and think about your mistakes. Search for the answers and work hard.

This is an art critic board. Not a gallery. Not for your feels threads. If you're not going to properly red line or make worthy critics, get the fuck out with your shitposts.

>> No.2935593

one of my hate threads was deleted so there is a least one mod. He left the kyle one open though.

>It takes the same amount of effort to write a critique as to draw, so if somebody can't redline that is confirmation of his lack of skill.

honestly i just dont feel like connecting my tablet. im getting better with my mouse so that kindof undoes the issue.

>> No.2935598

>I wonder if anyone ever told Roger Ebert to show his movies.

His only work was bellow mediocre.

>Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
>Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens
>Who Killed Bambi?

>> No.2935599 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 703x1000, whatanatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cartoons are hard.

>> No.2935600

>honestly i just dont feel like connecting my tablet. im getting better with my mouse so that kindof undoes the issue.

>Doesn't even has motivation to connect his tablet.

>> No.2935613


>As someone who plays skin flutes


>> No.2935619

besides simon, has anyone saved a collection of all /ic/ redlines?

>> No.2935620

excluding n*seb*o

>> No.2935621

This post has more response than the actually >post your work threads

>> No.2935709

Hey OP, I was one of the people who posted redlines in that thread >>2927885. I do such things to illustrate what I mean because this is a visual medium we work in. Trying to verbalize visual ideas I think adds an unnecessary barrier to the information you're giving. I believe unequivocally that a critique without a redline or demo is inferior by nature. Maybe even detrimental if you're bad at articulating what's wrong.

I also think it's fair not to want to take the time to go that extra mile! But you also aren't doing anon a favor. As much as you may believe that anons aren't entitled to a redlines or demos with their critique, you are also not under any obligation to tell them anything. The idea that you should get credit for deigning to call someone shit is self serving and arrogant. Hell if you want to send a clear message, don't respond! That's a clear a message as anything.

In fact if I could change one thing about this board it would be this in regard to critique:

>All critique must come with redline/paintover/demo to demonstrate flaws in how to fix them
(it also gets rid of the "post your work" dodge as you clearly demonstrate whether you know what you're talking about without exposing yourself to bruised egos.

>All replies to obvious beginner art should either be "You are lacking in fundamentals XYZ, here's some exercises to get you started, pursue those and come back when you feel you are ready" or completely ignored.

>> No.2935718

Thanks for the meme

>> No.2935781


I agree with the first half but if crits required redline or demo, a lot of people won't get crits. I only redline if they can provide a reference because I'm not a pro.

>> No.2935788

Valuable critique is always based in CREDIBILITY. Your critique only holds water if you can substantiate it with something that demonstrates the improvements your suggestions can make when actionable

In other words, if you can't even post your work, you damn well better have a shining example of someone else's work

>> No.2935793

Post your work

>> No.2935826
File: 64 KB, 496x662, Mista Nugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935959

No critique is better than incomplete critique. This board would be better for it honestly. It's a study unto itself, so both parties benefit.

>> No.2935971

yes? lots of times

>> No.2935989


I did once, defending that perspective was a very important fundamental and I won the argument by doing so.

>> No.2937686


C'mon guy, he's clearly using a pair of novelty gun-shaped lighters to scare away the natives!
Sometimes /ic/'s lack of insight saddens me.

>> No.2938332


>> No.2938336

people that regularly share their work and are good don't make stupid comments like "kim jung gi is trash" and stuff like that. so no.

>> No.2938357

Why are you afraid to post your work when you claim to be an advanced artist who knows what he's talking about?
Don't you 1) want to promote your work and 2) want to receive valid critique as well?...

>> No.2938377

>She might as well stick the flute up her ass and play it by pure magic
Sounds like you already have one up yours

>> No.2938391

Because the discussion only gets to the point of someone asking you to "post your work" as a kneejerk reaction when the person in question had their feelings hurt and their only reason to ask for your work is so they can return the favor. And even if your art was absolutely amazing, that would just make them more angry and insecure. Why would you ever consider it to be a good idea to give someone like that the ability to project all their hatred onto yourself and write a giant fucking target on your back? Do you have any idea just how spiteful and obsessive some people on 4chan can be? Just ask Kyle, Simon or Jace.

>> No.2938393

>Just ask Kyle, Simon or Jace.
literally who?

>> No.2938463

I have

>> No.2938482

stay jelly kyle

>> No.2938522
File: 153 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20170331-004136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes lmao

>> No.2939152

I practice on paper maybe 60% of the time, so writing is much faster.
Why is it important for you to be at their level? It reminds me of some dumbass in a facebook group who instead of accepting criticism on his pillow shaded pile of shit kept telling me to post my portfolio to prove I'm worthy of giving him a critique.
The beauty of /ic/ is that every opinion gets equal amount of attention regardless of the poster, isn't it?

>> No.2939170
File: 101 KB, 1178x722, bacon_merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a good meme

>> No.2939172

dude does have a way with texture though, looks a bit like casein, wonder if he builds it up similiarly

>> No.2939446

i've seen it happen many times, and once it even provided the best meme of board

>> No.2939461
File: 1.16 MB, 2400x2400, crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jsut did this for fun. i don't know why but i like to draw stupid looking characters

>> No.2939474

>I cropped that reaction image

>> No.2939487

Reminds me of OneyNG's style. I dig it!

>> No.2939495


>> No.2940629

Anyone has the rest of Teal's tutorials?

>> No.2940639

just google teal line guy and you will find 2 imgur galleries

>> No.2940693

Alright, thanks.

>> No.2940706

He's right. This isn't levelup! where we're going to nitpick your beginner work and say, "fixthe arms xddd." It's just fundamentally wrong.

It's shit=study fundamentals more.

>> No.2940735
File: 46 KB, 700x505, IMG_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's shit"
>"post your work"
>posts work
>it's shit
>gets blasted
Always nice to see.

>> No.2941010

That's not a critique. If you don't show to make something better, that's a mere complaint.

In a critique you say how can you improve on something. You could have easily painted over that pillow shading to prove your point, but I'm sure that you can't do it.

>> No.2941039

>muh flute holding isn't 100% accurate
>muh guns aren't 100% accurate
who the FUCK cares? this is why 4chan is so terrible. everything is scrutinized so harshly, like imperfection is like the most bewildering thing. OH MY FUCK LOOK AT HOW POINTY HER ELBOWS ARE. DROPPED.

>> No.2941041

How are you fags not checking that hideous leather head-thing """texture""".


>> No.2941100

the point is literally anyone can say your work is shit. someone on /beg/ who draws stick figures can call your work trash. saying post your work is saying "prove you know what you're talking about and your crit is valid". of course most people don't do it because they fear they will get chewed out by someone else in the thread.

>> No.2941138

I mean the flute critique was AIDS and everyone called him out on it, but that Mullins is surprisingly poor honestly. Not just the guns.