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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2927362 No.2927362 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better for sharing art and why? What are the pros and cons?

>> No.2927366

Deviant art is good for making an online portfolio
Tumblr is good for advertising yourself and creating a fanbase
can't say anything about the other two

>> No.2927374

Tumblr and instagram are the easiest for your work to go viral on. Deviantart is very saturated with tons of people posting all the times so you have to expend a lot of effort joining groups and posting your work in those and even then it may not lead to a lot of traffic. Haven't seen a lot of artists use flickr, mostly photographers.

It's best to pick a handful that you're going to use and keep those regularly updated than joining a bunch and then not keeping any of them up to date. I'd say go with facebook, tumblr, instagram and artstation which is what most artists use.

>> No.2927378

Setup a home server that just hosts a folder full of your art in png's of various dimensions

>> No.2927624

why? what are the benefits?

>> No.2929053

Why isnt there a sticky for this question?
It comes up all the time.

As for your question,
POST EVERYWHERE dont limit yourself

>> No.2929057

Stop. Use them all.

>> No.2929222

He's memeing you.

>> No.2929314

Just a warning: Sharing your art on social media websites ( dA and tumblr are SM Websites) can lead to depression or at least might have a negative impact on you. Same for Twitter, facebook, instagramm etc.

I see so many "I wanna die" "art makes me depressed" "that person draws so bad yet is so successful" posts around here that I'd just like to warn you.

Of course spreading your work is great - I have all the accounts on all of them platforms - but this might lead to you constantly hitting refresh and counting your pageviews religiosly.

As many studies have already shown - social media sites can make you feel inferior, unloved and unimportant. Not getting the shares the likes the follows and whatnot can have severe consequences for your psyche.

So please - if you upload something - relax. Maybe only visit every third day. I know it helped me massively with my own depression ( I'm not self diagnosed I go to actual therapy and take prescribed medication so fuck off) and anxiety, generally lifted my spirit and gave me the joy of drawing back. And when I return after a few days to upload something new I can take care of everything and leave the sites behind me quickly.

I know there's the social engineering thing - ppl that literally watch/follow ten thousands of ppl to expand their own audience and share and like everything to get big and get noticed. If it doesn't make you crazy go ahead go big, go wild, do it what are you waiting for.

But as an old autistic fag I really felt like warning all the younglings around - especially if you have the feeling that art depresses you.

>> No.2929322

this was strangely comforting
i love you

>> No.2929325

>but this might lead to you constantly hitting refresh and counting your page views religiously.
I already do this on FB, Insta, YT, Tumblr, and twitter its sad.

>Not getting the shares the likes the follows and whatnot can have severe consequences for your psyche.
"dont be afraid of failure" Im unsure if this statement fits your claim, but from being on social media since Myspace, this is true; at least to me

>So please - if you upload something - relax. Maybe only visit every third day
I tried applying this to /ic/ but its fucking impossible, I have to find something to distract me from coming back to FB, insta, 4chan, etc. what would be a good way to distract me? probably a job to be honest.

>and take prescribed medication so fuck off
no medical marijuana?

any more tips dad?

>> No.2929329

>what would be a good way to distract me?
hoow about.. you draw?

>> No.2929335

true, it's very easy to become obsessed with the views and likes and all that, to the point that that becomes the sole goal of your art studying/making
if you're the right kind of person in the right situation that obsession could perhaps be good, but i think for most people it can easily obscure the path forward

>> No.2929361

>you draw?
it only distracts me for so long. Some anon talked about giving yourself positive reinforcement when you reach certain milestones while drawing (giving yourself candy, 5min break, etc) but none of those seem to work for me. Though I do draw from 2am to 8am with no issues.

>> No.2929363

The communities of all of these websites are fucking horrible.

>> No.2929374

No, Bro, I love you

>> No.2929378

That is very true. But what site do you use anon?

>> No.2929379

4 chan is anonym. You can be the fuckboy one day and the wholesome dad the other. I actually hang around here a lot while drawing. Redline someones stuff in /beg/ for 20 minutes and go back to my own work. It's good training and a quick challenge in between a long project is great.

I don't post here to get love, attentipn or fans or money - here I try to only give - there's nothing to gain here but tipps on how to improve yourself ( and info on what lvl of autism you reached ).

So honestly, before you engage in social media and end depressed - hang around here and even better just draw, work on your work discipline and ethics or do some sport.

>> No.2929385

I noticed how yaoi fandom pandering gave me 80 viewers more in one night and it blew my mind. But I didn't want to draw this - it was pure accident - and now... do I slowly watch the number sink because I'm not pandering? Do I draw stuff I don't like to get views?

I decided to not visit tumblr so often and draw what I want instead... did I lose followers? Fuck yeah. But I just went there once, saw the decline. Was depressed for five minutes and went on. Instead of watching the decline by refreshing constantly...

Hope you get what I mean. If you are fine with the pandering or social Engineering go big! I'm just not the person for it - and it's important to know who you are.

>> No.2929388

No they aren't - DA is nice, ppl are lovely. There are a lot of young kids around you need to know how to deal with - but besides that, no harm.

Tumblr is weird and meta and chaos. It's just their culture - like 4chan has their own culture. There are lovely ppl on tumblr as well.

Stop being so fucking negative anon - I want you to feel loved and hugged - there's a lot of love out there. Go watch some Bob Ross and relax bro.

>> No.2929389

How about Pixiv?

>> No.2929398
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its actually in the sticky.

"So you want to get your name out. Maybe your commissions are running low, you want to boast or perhaps your father is disappointed in you - but if only you had that hundred thousandth follower he'd finally approve of you. A big part of getting known is posting EVERYWHERE.
Where is everywhere?"

>> No.2929411

Thank you

>> No.2929442

You'll be alright - take care

>> No.2929452

That japanese site which Name I forgot.

But remember: >>2929314

Plus I'm not sure about the Instagramm terms of agreement I think they can sell your stuff or so but I'm not sure. I'm not in Instagramm /Facebook.

>> No.2929458


I wouldn't care so much about the number of views or posting everywhere, but uploading content frequently and regularly engaging your fanbase in some way.

By regularly I mean ideally something once a week, max once per 2 weeks but in that case it better be finished, rendered fully piece. And by engaging the fanbase I mean replying to some comments and being informative.

>> No.2929465

That's fine and a level headed way of using it. I'm more talking about the f5er that get nervous over every uploads success and that define their owns worth by the feedback they receive ( myself included).

>> No.2929477


I don't share any of my art :^)

I draw to make my own fantasy, my own benefits and such.


I am a recluse and don't interact with anyone most of the time, for 20 years now.

I don't even own a cellphone/smartphone/tablet.

[ Not including a digital art screen tablet xp-pen. ] Ching-Chongs make a great tablet, I regret buying the wacom previously.

>> No.2929495

Tumbler is the best for popularity but its a hugbox full of sjw tumblerinas

Dont know about the rest never used them

>> No.2930152

>That japanese site which Name I forgot.

>> No.2930154

Thank you for this post.
I knew I wasn't the only one obsessing over likes/views/plays/etc

>> No.2930162

Tumblr for exposure DeviantArt for archiving.

>> No.2930176

No problem anon - I really hope you have a great day.

>> No.2931098

Kinda related question: Does anyone know the reason for why sometimes on DA you get a huge surge of unexplained views on an image that seem to have no impact on favs and watchers at all and are completely outside of what you regularly get?

>> No.2931109


Maybe someone linked your image page on an outside forum.

>> No.2931112

This. The likes, the bookmarks, the reblogs, the comments, they can get addictive.

And it might not even be other artists that makes you inferior, sometimes the worst is yourself, when you reach a certain point like 500 bookmarks on pixiv you will always look for that high again.

>> No.2931137

But that can also become a motivation for you to post more frequent and better quality work. Not that it'll make you feel any better when what you posted falls short on what you had hoped for, but all in all, it's probably one of the more productive addictions you can have as an artist.

>> No.2931160

500 on Pixiv

This is impossible unless you breathe and live art.

>> No.2931200

Is Pixiv really that hard to get noticed on? I'm not any of the above posters, but I've gotten some daily rankings on the site before. Is that hard to do?

>> No.2931227

It depends on the fanbase, really. Original works are generally harder to get ranked unless you already have a strong following and are really fucking good at it.

More famous fanbases/franchises like Pokemon, Touhou, boatgirls, generally could yield you at least 100+ bookmarks if your fanart is at least above average. Shipping art of fan fave couples yields you easy bookmarks as well. Of course, everyone likes lewds as well.

>> No.2931233

>I see so many "I wanna die" "art makes me depressed" "that person draws so bad yet is so successful" posts around here that I'd just like to warn you.
thats exactly how i stopped drawing
even if i had paid artist job and shit
but i was unpopular. i was so depressive because some 13y/o people on tumblr can get over 100000000000000000000 likes and reblogs while i will be happy if i get 50-10
fuck this

>> No.2931235

What's the point of posting on pixiv again if it has such a shitty reach?

>> No.2931244
File: 473 KB, 600x706, Embarassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really sorry for the insecure fucks who can actually get depressed/stressed over muh likes and followers on a social media website, actually not gonna make it in most cases

>> No.2931259

>I feel really sorry for the insecure fucks who can actually get depressed/stressed over muh likes and followers on a social media website, actually not gonna make it in most cases
you probably not an artist (or just a low level animu artist) if you dont understand how it works.
you have to be a competitive spirit in you

>> No.2931381


if you're a kid maybe.

once your're mature and hate the world and see it for what it is. you'll stop giving a shit

>old fag

i doubt it.

>> No.2931474

What tags should I use on tumblr or instagram? Should I stick to basic ones like "#dotwork", "#inkonpaper" etc. or utilize something else?

I had a tumblr account once for my artworks and I got no notes whatsoever, even with proper tagging.
It seemed like my artworks was not even published by the site. I mean - I couldn't even reverse search them by a tag I used earlier on.

>> No.2931607

I'm mature and an old fag but don't hate the world. Don't be so cynical anon.

>> No.2931623

Unless you do fanart, tumblr is highly overrated when it comes to getting exposure. I see tons of fairly decent artists on /ic/ from the self promo thread get like 10-20 notes per post.

>> No.2931640

be more specific, imagine you are someone who is a fan of the kind of art you make and are looking for new stuff, what would you search for, things like #impressionism #scifi # fantasy #pinup depending of course on what you make.

>> No.2932670
File: 14 KB, 350x433, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-y-you just don't understand how it works
I am an artist and I know how it works. Competitive people don't get their feelings hurt because someone else is doing better than them currently, they put the fucking work in with the goal of reaching that level for themselves. If you're a person who gets upset because you don't get enough likes on a social media site you don't have a "competitive spirit", you're just being a bitch

>> No.2932679

Oh fuck off already. You wannabe enlightened faggots pretending you're above mere human emotions are the most annoying cunts in the entire art community. You're a human being just like everyone else. You enjoy it when other people like what you post and when no one likes your work, you question what you are doing wrong. It's fucking natural. If you post only for yourself without a single thought towards how your art is perceived by others then you are no different than kodyboy posting his autistic scuba diver animals without a worry in the world.

>> No.2932686

Wew lad, jesus christ. Believe it or not, not everyone is so wholly invested in how big a number gets on a social media website. I don't make my money off of tumblr or instagram likes, you most definitely don't either, it's a nice thing when people like your shit but to have it be such a big deal to you is fucking sad

>> No.2932688

you know, maybe different people react in different ways, wouldnt that that be something?

>> No.2932834

for whatever reason Im really drawn to Instagram

>> No.2932963

Incorrect, tumblr should be POST FANART and be a fanart whore. That will shoot you to the top RECORD quick. Tumblr is the WORST platform for sharing anything OC unless it's boobs.
Source: Someone who gained 2k followers for 3 pieces of pokemon fanart.

>> No.2935265

Can confirm, my second sculpture was linked to another site and is still the most favourited thing on my page, which is kinda sad for the amount of effort it took compared to recent works.

>> No.2935285 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1024x579, Why can't I do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935429

I'm tired of edgy posters too, man.

>> No.2935572

>spend entire day liking actually good art on deviantart
>get rewarded with 1,000 views to my profile everyday
>would've hit 300k+ views a year at that rate
deviantart is a good way to advertise but it's only useful if you're actually good imo. it also takes A TON of time to get those views.

>> No.2935575

ill add it bud!

>> No.2935576

actually i lied its right below and i wont add it to remove redundancy even though it may be a bit more tumblr specific.

"[...]These strategies, however, may hurt your reputation as a “noble and humble artist”, but they are undeniably effective in the short term. Remember that fan art is the number ONE way to reach a new audience no matter which strategy you go for. Keep an eye out for what fandom is currently exploding. [...]"

>> No.2935583

How does liking art on DA get you views?

>> No.2935589

because they have this mentality where they have to go back and like your page.
even just giving people lamas and shit will get them to view your page

>> No.2935602

>Of course spreading your work is great - I have all the accounts on all of them platforms - but this might lead to you constantly hitting refresh and counting your pageviews religiosly.

If you get depressed and do this, you are the epitome of a little emotional bitch.
That's literally your problem. It's not the social media, it's your shit personality.

>> No.2935622

Not just any fanart, it has to be seasonal or classic stuff.
I like drawing fanart but mostly old animes stuff but not even too obscure and I get at Max 100 notes, even on yaoi. Two times I did fanart of a seasonal show and got 2k

>> No.2935704

Isn't that only a thing with people who tend to get very few favs on their work? Most good art on DA has at least a 100 + favs whcih makes it very unlikely for the artist to check up on whoever gave them a fav.