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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 110 KB, 584x1200, C8Pp5DlUMAAr9sL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2923124 No.2923124 [Reply] [Original]

Critique me.

>> No.2923125
File: 79 KB, 345x222, 1467360296658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice alien head shape and nigger lips you stupid fuck

>> No.2923152

I want to like it, but I can't. The head is really small and the hard is fucking huge. You are trying to make her curvy and skinny at the same time. This needs to be bright back to the shop

>> No.2923154



>> No.2923177

she has no skull, or any bones for that matter

>> No.2923452

there is nothing wrong with your technique.

but your style is horrendous

>> No.2923525
File: 838 KB, 1136x640, 1453493103764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something wrong with the arms, the left one feels like it's amputated
outside of that it seems okay
maybe do something with the eyes, they're horrendous

>> No.2923549

How do you do that nice lineart, how can i learn it?

>> No.2923561

I get making the head smaller to make the face larger in proportion, but don't oversize the features when you've got a small head to start with.
She feels really stubby and gives off a fat Mexican vibe for me, lengthening the legs and arms-especially the arm on her left-might remedy this if you think this is a problem.
I personally think the background toward the top is too similar and washes out the skin tone, you could darken the background to contrast a little bit more and make the figure pop, but like I said, that's a personal opinion.
Otherwise it's a fine piece, if not a bit boring. Add something else if you want, anything, really, to contrast with the figure, something tall in the background or something small in the foreground, but idk

>> No.2923580
File: 918 KB, 584x1200, bafdraeadlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a bad quick redline

eyebrow placement betrays the facial structure, arm tucked into pocket is way too short, neck feels too thin when compared to the rest of the body/is placed oddly, collar bones are off-ish

>> No.2923690

If it's really you, your art seems to be slipping into a very weird direction. You might be trying to hard not to look anime and this is fucking everything up. You might wanna go back to basics on how to draw the head and build back up from there.

>> No.2923691

Jellybean legs, no rhythm or structure. Head area needs more loomis. Not memeing.
Decent to get respect from normies, but not other artists.
Also this >>2923690

>> No.2923692

why are her fingers so fat

why is her neck so fucking small

her upper torso is all kinds of fucked up

learn to draw either thicc or thin girls, don't just put random features on top of each other

>> No.2923731
File: 66 KB, 1045x548, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When upholding a personage online, don't mix politics in with non-political content, no exceptions. It just makes everybody uncomfortable.

>> No.2923749

>It just makes everybody uncomfortable.
encouraging people to donate to planned parenthood is one of the mildest stances you can take, the only people who take offence at planned parenthood are religious fundamentalists (or ancaps or randians or whatever since i presume charity is one of their greatest sins) and those people aren't gonna be paying you to draw ass n titty so there's no reason, not morally, not financially or otherwise to court them online

>> No.2923753



This, look at the neck compared to the hip area. Her wrists looks like 3 necks.

You have a nice sense of colour and composition though. The pinks with the yellow fading into the blue is tasteful and quite finely tuned. The bunny and sparkle icons in the background aren't too busy, not too much. You have nice linework, and certain shapes, elements of her body are good, you just need work in terms of proportion and the more rigid thinking that goes into building images.

>> No.2923769 [DELETED] 

Being politically traditionalist in a largely progressive industry is hell, tbqh. That's just the rule I usually go by, considering people aren't following for current events, commentary, or activism. Take the JonTron shitshow, for instance.

>> No.2923785

Being politically traditionalist in a largely progressive industry is hell, tbqh. That's just the rule I usually go by, considering people aren't following for current events, commentary, or activism. Take the JonTron shitshow, for instance.

>those people aren't gonna be paying you to draw ass n titty

You'd be surprised.

>> No.2923795

>if it's really you
Who do you think it is. Art kinda reminds me of speedosausage, are you thinking of him?

>> No.2923796

not gonna make it

>> No.2923816

Right wingers and conservatives are quite literally every other person.

>> No.2923820

Just asking if it's really Mr Steak and not some anon trying to make fun of his art

>> No.2923827


>> No.2924011

>Has sex without a condom
>Get pregnant
>Expects state to pay for your dumbass abortion

Just use a condom you stupid loose sluts. Holy fuck, this makes me so mad.

>> No.2924017


>> No.2924023
File: 306 KB, 411x372, Catcough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously competent as an artist and you know what you're doing to an extent, but your style is one of the ugliest fucking things I've ever seen. Work on making your faces not look like a flattened sloth.
And god your twitter is cancerous

>> No.2924036

>>those people aren't gonna be paying you to draw ass n titty
>You'd be surprised.
maybe, but as a general rule of thumb, unless you directly pander to them and their ideologies, people to the right reaaaally don't like supporting things financially, especially when they could ostensibly obtain them for free (also look at OP's art style, like comeon, it's basically deet to most conservatives)
also lol at jontron, that dude digs more than dug, you have to literally try if you want to fuck up as hard as him
also, don't worry, as long as your dedication to your traditional values is just as hollow and lip servicey as the supposed "progressive" values of the industry you'll be fine

not even doom music

ehhhhhhhhh, not really, of the US voting populace (~230m), about only half of them tend to vote, and even if we split that half in half for simplicity's sake that doesn't take into account the swing voters who switch back and forth from whichever major party they think will finally fix their economic woes (spoiler: neither). so the right wing/conservative base (or at least their voting base) isn't even a half of a half of the voting public. and that isn't even addressing how not all conservatives care about abortion.

>> No.2924054

>he thinks the new generation of right-wingers are neocon fundie puritans
Where have you been the last year?

>> No.2924057

+ the lines are very nice, I like the color choice, the outfit
- head is strangely proportioned, her head is too small for that face
she appears to be thic/chubby but has a very skinny neck

>> No.2924060
File: 27 KB, 561x203, okthen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving advice, anon.

>> No.2924066

>makes a post admitting being bad at something, and telling people to fuck off instead of just making a post like
>I am working to improve x,y,z ._.

>> No.2924084

Fuck this stupid cow.

>> No.2924101
File: 450 KB, 672x1064, C7usZfsXgAAeSa_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god i hate this recent western artist trend of

>more or less anatomically correct human character
>huge and extremely stylized eyes, nose and lips all crammed into the head

its repugnant

>> No.2924102

for a second i thought this was speedosausage's artwork

>> No.2924103

I like it. I think the nose is a little long and low though.

>> No.2924321

This dude gas a permanent bones for speedo. So much so he basically emulates his style of art to a TON and the complains on his Twitter that he needs to work on his art. Also is a faggot.

>> No.2924327

why are you even here asking for crit? youve already hit the lottery by somehow gaining a way bigger following than you deserve, what are you going to get out of being insulted by a bunch of 4chan guys who can barely draw as well as you to begin with? I mean, I can draw way the fuck better than you but thats beside the point. just go enjoy your enormous hugbox, people love mediocre things.

>> No.2924334

Same comments here, the hand is kinda big and the head is weird.

>> No.2924350

Why do you idiots keep posting stuff from artists you don't like, acting like if you're them and then other guys actually fall for it? What do you get from this? Every fucking day there's at least one of these.

>> No.2924371
File: 24 KB, 267x292, ahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those fucking eyes OP. Everything else is fine and id say its a good picture. BUT 1 OF HER EYES IS BIGGER THAN HER ENTIRE NECK.

make them small and place them better, unless you're trying to make something like this.

>> No.2924372

>Strip away womans rights.

I assume OP is referencing abortion ?

OP you're a alright artist, but holy fuck are you retarded.

This is my first time on this board, was linked this post by a friend, main board is /pol/

Cutting govt funding isnt taking away the right, you just have to pay for it.

But please, keep lobbying that its not a child yet, maybe next time i get a girl pregnant i can just give her a few swift kicks and because its not legally a human and doesn't have rights i would just be charged with assault ?

>> No.2924421


how the fuck did this shitsucker get that huge following, and so quickly? it can't just be from drawing a fanart for egoraptor every other week, right? there must be something going on, his behavior is so strange and abrasive

>> No.2924432
File: 227 KB, 457x450, tumblr_wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally one pass with the liquify tool and it's already somewhat less horrifying. Still very much "muh style" but at least the facial features aren't fighting a battle to find space on the head.

>> No.2924445

isnt this just a ripoff speedosausage

>> No.2924455

It is exactly just drawing fanart for egoraptor, do you realize how popular you can get from sucking on game grumps taint?

Gregzilla basically built his entire channel around being a groupie, and he's utter shit.

>> No.2924457

Post your work faggot, bet you're just as bad as the rest of /ic/

>> No.2924519


>> No.2924523

Soooo you hate anime.

It's the same thing.

>everything I don't like is a trend
>MUH LOOMIS 111!!!!!1!1!1!1!

>> No.2924527

much better

>> No.2924528

At least anime girls look cute most of the time.

>> No.2924558
File: 57 KB, 500x386, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute?

>> No.2924561

Of course.

>> No.2924792

I'm not OP, but that is my work, and that's fine. Thanks to anyone that gave any semblance of actual criticism, not just calling my work 'horrendous'. I appreciate the critique, everyone.

>> No.2924807


not you

>> No.2924863

you appreciate it?? didnt you recently give some guy on twitter shit for an "unwanted critique?" fuck off

>> No.2924872

Oh yeah, you went on thai raid cause someone gave you some actual constructive criticism on twitter. and you had your hugbox of a following you from slobbing on senpai's dick to pat you on the ass and send you on your way. If you really wanna get better as an artist, then actually study anatomy. go out of your comfort zone and quit drawing the same portrait perspective all the time.

>> No.2924885
File: 84 KB, 1156x409, chrome_2017-04-01_23-46-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you honestly appreciate any criticism you got, then you'd actually take and actually begin studying anatomy. and quit giving out to people on twitter.

>> No.2924892


why do these idiot artists not understand that

>> No.2924907

Why is criticism hate..?

>> No.2924958

>and that isn't even addressing how not all conservatives care about abortion.

regardless, the new wave of empty contrarianism will burn itself out if they don't eat each other alive first from their lack of actual viewpoints or tactics beyond those that work from being purely oppositional

>> No.2925012
File: 33 KB, 474x484, 1491056953927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the noses that fuck everything up, big noses are not cute.

>> No.2925028

To play the devil's advocate, an artist's gallery is no place for criticism, that just makes them look bad in the eyes of potentional followers.

Don't assume an artist doesn't seek criticism in other places, just because they prefer not to be criticised on their display pages.

>> No.2925056
File: 413 KB, 584x1200, Smaller face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine if you just reduce the size of the face.

>> No.2925060

bring eyebrows down and reduce size of nose and mouth

>> No.2925109
File: 1.86 MB, 3000x3000, oneeye2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok heres a 1 hour study

>> No.2925111 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1264x632, gamechars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres some stuff from imagination

>> No.2925114

The hate I'm referring to is people saying I'm cancerous, or that my work is horrendous. I think we can agree calling something horrendous and leaving it at that is far from constructive. The ACTUAL criticism here? Yeah, I'm absolutely taking it into account, as much of it is stuff I've thought about as well. As for saying i 'dont care' about my current anatomy, that was actually posted before I knew this was, but what I mean is that I'm aware of my many flaws, I'd just like to enjoy my work for a while before cracking down on the bigger issues.

No work is going to be perfect, especially not mine. All I'm sayin' is that i know what issues my stuff has, I'm just not actively working on improving those areas to any great degree at the mome. Was I unnecessarily upset about the unwanted criticism from the incident mentioned above? Sure, totally. But I also don't think it's that big a deal to disregard criticism never asked for to begin with. Thats just me. If you disagree, thats fine.

Lastly, as for the support circle I have around me, it's not as if it's purpose built. I'm very open about my issues as an artist with people, and they respond how they please. While it's appreciated, of course, don't make it out as if I've intentionally built this safety net to avoid any of the meanie weenie's big bad words. Criticism, so long as it's constructive, is always welcome. But some rando posting up my work for a thread of other anonymous people to shit on, in addition to just shitting on me as a person because of my posting habits, doesn't help you or me. Wanna criticise my work? Feel free. Be honest. Say it to my face. That's okay. But don't paint me as some tyrannical hypocrite because I can have a bad day just like anyone else.

Thank you.

(PS. I probably won't be keeping up with this anymore, but I'll say I'm sorry if anything I said is misconstrued. I don't go out of my way to step on toes. I just want to enjoy my work, and that's ALL.)

>> No.2925115

you're garbage lol

>> No.2925122

>I'm just not actively working on improving those areas to any great degree at the mome.

>> No.2925124
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 14937438_10210867420151833_1046279313383337510_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ok with you thinking that because multiple people from disney and ILM objectively disagree with you

>> No.2925129

too much ego

>> No.2925132

amount of talking done about your own work is 1:1 ego size. I remember I was like mr steak circa 2011, thought i was hot shit. Im still somewhat competitive but nowhere near as much. if he can go 5 more years gatting spanked and not give up hell calm down like i did.

>> No.2925141

Well, I've seen enough people saying it's shit and enough people giving legitimate advice so I just want to say this.

I don't like this style and I certainly don't find it appealing but I think it's good this artist is trying new things. Trying new styles and finding a following who finds things like this appealing.
The beauty trophes are well known. We all have eyes so I'm sure some of you can name them. After a bit of studying you can apply them to your work and paint beautiful faces.
But this can also cause same face syndrome for some artists. So for this reason I'm glad this artist knowingly or not is stepping over these trophes.

>> No.2925143


When the entirety of this thread exists to talk about my work, and I'm just trying to be civil, what about that comes across as egotistical? I don't give a shit about 'competition'. I just like to draw, and am trying to enjoy that process. What's your ideal for me apart from keeling over and dying, then, if that doesn't suit you? Clearly I can't please everyone, but I also don't want people to manufacture this idea of me that's wholely inaccurate or uninformed. I'm just trying to be an okay person that makes like, even remotely passable art.

>> No.2925148


I totally agree. And I do have same face syndrome with a lot of my stuff. Bad. But I think it's also important to remember I'm, of course, still learning. Just because I post my work publicly doesnt mean it's the absolute penultimate it could possibly be, y'know? I don't find my style apealling either, and I say so frequently. That's why I'm working on it.

>> No.2925149

Post a timestamp or some other proof that it's you, this is getting annoying.

>> No.2925152
File: 67 KB, 640x540, IMG_2080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you are.

>> No.2925154


Jesus christ I can't stand reading teenagers posts, they respond exactly how you would expect. Not only can you sense the degree of butthurt but you know they aren't going to put in any effort to improve

>> No.2925159


Am i defensive about the work i put lots of time into? Absolutely. Am i butthurt? Not really. But am i working to improve? Every day, and it's slow going, thanks for asking.

>> No.2925161

Stop posting dude, get out of this cancerous hellhole and don't look back.

>> No.2925162

penultimate means second last in a series of things, "next to ultimate" in the sense where ultimate means "final", basically. just a common mistake that i feel the need to be a pedantic dick about, dont mind me

>> No.2925165

As someone that follows Steak on twitter please stop doing this to yourself. You always bounce back and forth between loving your work and hating it. Stop worrying about posting on twitter and spend some time to yourself to practice. Seeing these type of post is getting tiring.

>> No.2925166

Whoa there, grandpa. I put forward effort everyday to improve. Don't group me up like that, asshole.

>> No.2925171
File: 38 KB, 375x549, 1432244514402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many fucking people know who the fuck this person is and why are they on this small, obscure board on 4chan?

>> No.2925173

Stop posting man, do you not know how this site works? the only winning move is not to play. You've already made it, stop wasting your time with these idiots.

>> No.2925178

You're garbage.

>> No.2925180

Good job proving my point, little butthurt kiddie

>> No.2925183

Because this shit is all over his twitter.

>> No.2925184

Shut up, old man.

>> No.2925185

You keep saying his, but this guy talks and acts like a bitch, you sure "he" isn't a transexual?

>> No.2925187

I don't give a fuck what he is to be honest.

>> No.2925188

Twitter legitimately ruins people and as much as I need it to post art, I really wish that site would die.
Because the guy has 20k followers and his art and posts are all over my feed every day.

>> No.2925189

So basically she's a bitch, got it.

>> No.2925192
File: 49 KB, 283x323, 1471914263846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have 20.000 followers on twitter.
>Get's upset over there are a little hand full of people who don't think they are the shit.

>> No.2925197

>Have 20k followers
>Completely irrelevant

They're less popular than your average league of legends youtuber. LEL.

>> No.2925198

>Steak art defense force rolls in

Lol this is sadder than him defending himself. Proving his safespace and hugbox twitter followers.

>> No.2925200


>> No.2925202

>defense force
Lmao just removing another tumor

>> No.2925205

Though you have to admit, they've already made it, and a lot of posts now aren't even actual criticisms.

>> No.2925215

>Thread made specifically to shit on you
>Replying extensively instead of taking the good advice and pretending you never saw it
It blows my mind how bad people are at handling the internet, maybe I've just been here too long

>> No.2925219
File: 137 KB, 335x639, chrome_2017-04-02_04-24-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it gets better

>> No.2925221
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1416812039567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting paid this much for this

I contemplate why I study and practice sometimes. Maybe I should pander to game grumps and cam sluts more.

>> No.2925223
File: 132 KB, 798x612, 1455076714024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can't deal with hard truths, m8. That's why I like this place so much, the fire makes me strong.

>> No.2925224

kek, meant to reply to >>2925215

>> No.2925225

or you know, put yourself out there instead of endless studies

building an online presence, making connections, setting up and maintaining a blog also takes work

>> No.2925228
File: 42 KB, 185x137, 1490421779659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fire makes me strong

>> No.2925230

as an animator who used to try and be indie on patreon, 500 a month isnt even enough to pay rent, lets keep it real.

>> No.2925232
File: 645 KB, 600x853, c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2925233

I dont think thats the point, it's the fact that they're getting paid that much, for the awful quality output

>> No.2925235
File: 2.21 MB, 1583x2048, C8XkGM3VYAAz4sr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I got paid that much a month to draw the same face and same perspective

>> No.2925236

Stop copying speedosausage and keep your facial construction and figures from melting with each post.

>> No.2925237
File: 1.67 MB, 3507x2550, Image (315).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, right now. you think everyone whos giving them money is still going to in 5 years? again, I used to be exactly like steak. I know how this shit works

>> No.2925238
File: 74 KB, 706x553, RADDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock stronger.

>> No.2925239

i fucking hate that nose

>> No.2925241

>This is supposed to be Jill Valentine

Jesus fuck

>> No.2925246

That's literally the same face

>> No.2925253

Wait. Same as in, it was the same face. Or are you talking about 'same face'? I'm confused.

>> No.2925269
File: 1.21 MB, 2000x2000, comfortzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, this is what's called a "comfort zone".
what's basically going on here is confusion between a style and a set of crutches, and it's not unique to steak, and it doesnt mean he's a bad artist, it means hes still a beginner artist. he is lucky to have a set of artistic crutches which are appealing enough for a few people to pay for.
a style is what you SOMETIMES choose NOT to do. a crutch is something that you ALWAYS CHOOSE to do, because you arent good enough at drawing to make it appealing in any other way.
you can just improve yourself by doing studies and forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. you will eventually be a lot better. the bad news is your following will plateau and only grow incrementally, and you will lose many followers because you no longer produce artwork within a narrow stylistic corridor.
the good news is you will be a competent and hireable artist.

>> No.2925295

Only issue I have with him is the pandering and weird obsession with cam girls. Constantly oogling over random ass sluts and giving them gift art for no good reason.

He's even said no one understands how hard they work like they have to make rewards and shit for the viewers. Because sitting infront of a camera naked and playing with yourself for money is hard work right.

>> No.2925344

agreed, camgirl obsession is a bit weird. And not just camgirls but loads of transgirls, with some overlap of course. If it were just one or two it'd be like whatever, but it almost feels like something weird going on, maybe I'm reading too much into it, idk

>> No.2925365
File: 95 KB, 842x740, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that comfort zone is death and its hard to get out of..

>> No.2925369

You cry too much about stupid shit on Twitter

>> No.2925387
File: 160 KB, 598x509, saver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ mindbreaks another mediocre artist

Top kek. Bravo, /ic/. Hopefully this person reforms into a better, stronger person.

Everyone needs a dose or reality to humble them.

>> No.2925394

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I agree though it is a little weird.

>> No.2925406

>So assblasted she made a private twitter


>> No.2925456
File: 78 KB, 504x549, gootecks (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on about?
>/ic/ mindbreaks
He mindbroke himself by handling "hate" the worst way possible. Now he's enveloped by it. He makes decent money off his art despite his level. Hell, most of the shitposting losers in this board don't even show their work, or are forever grinding fundamentals without posting any real work and staying completely anonymous forever. Why would you try to justify whatever you do to a bunch of literal nobodies? It's all on him.

>> No.2925477

>asks for critiques

>flips shit when critiqued.

cmon man, I had faith in you.

>> No.2925497

Read the thread, anon.

The artist didn't make the thread. some random anon did.
Then mr steak start crying over there are a thread about them. making a big deal over it on twitter. When they just could report the thread for op claiming authorship of works they did not create. Serve them right for not reading the rules.

>> No.2925506

>most of the shitposting losers in this board don't even show their work
I'm pretty sure that these shitposters don't even draw

>> No.2925512

oh fuck my bad.
sry steak man, i still have faith in u.

>> No.2925670

Honestly why do so many professionals come here? What exactly do they see in this place?

Yes it's brutally honest but most anons here are mind numbingly incompetent and ignorant of the industries they constantly salivate over working in.

>> No.2925682

I think it's pretty sexy

>> No.2925707

nigga no one asked you shit lol

>> No.2925785

Seriously. You can't solely fuck around with studies, not share your artwork that gets across the style or effect that you're trying to achieve, and then complain when you have no following or interaction with people.

>> No.2925796

Not whiteknighting Mr. Steak by the way, I think their work is abysmal. However, this complaint is leveled against many artists all the time when someone doesn't like them, and it's always accompanied with "I should stop studying and draw bullshit." It makes me think "no, don't, but you *should* be sharing and completing work other than studies." If you're not doing that then that's your first problem.

>> No.2925799

>127 replies

Are you fucking kidding me?
Deviantart and /i/ needs to fucking leave

>> No.2925812

thanks for the tips anons, you guys have anymore?

>> No.2925834
File: 10 KB, 213x117, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking pussy.

>> No.2925860

this is why i turned off his retweets

>> No.2925861

the magic of /ic/

honestly though, if you have 20 k and some anon shitposters and some constructive criticism on le 4chans make you quit, thats on you i guess

>> No.2925866

This, even Dobson faired better against shitposting and criticism.

Steak didn't even fight back, he just rolled up and died.

>> No.2925936
File: 22 KB, 351x351, 1490039867330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kids these days

>> No.2925987


>> No.2925995

Steak isn't a professional at all, now Spencer Wan, that mother fucker is a professional.

>> No.2925996 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 584x1200, your style sucks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2926003
File: 423 KB, 584x1200, your style sucks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2926065

what a fragile ego. what got of the "I just like to draw, and am trying to enjoy that process."
He comes of very unprofessional.

>> No.2926077

Spencer is that you?

>> No.2926083
File: 393 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fuck with /ic/

>> No.2926096


How can people be happy doing this shit.
How can you draw the same shit over and over again, look at it and think that its okay to be that garbage.

Is 500 dollars a month really worth that?

>> No.2926116
File: 93 KB, 624x799, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ why? This guy was just having a blast doing what he likes while earning some money on the side. Now he's having a breakdown just because some anon posted his work here out of spite. I mean, I guess it's good that he decides to better himself, but I just feel like you dragged him into the shithole that is /ic/.

I really hope he continues drawing for fun and uploading his work while working on his fundamentals.

If MrSteak is still in here, I'd most happily give you some suggestions on where to look into to improve on what you actually like to create. And stop sulking on Twitter. It's nice you had an epiphany, but wallowing in self pity rarely helps to better ones art.

>> No.2926122

No, we just knocked some sense into him. He really needed a wakeup call to finally improve his art.

Also he will lose a fuck ton of followers because he's no longer going to provide consistent artwork, that's if he chooses to try and improve.

>> No.2926124

3 things for MrSteak should he come back.

1. Don't give up, you're only letting yourself down.
2. You'll continue to improve so long as you follow point 1.
3. Learn to seperate your artwork from yourself, remember, the only way to avoid all criticism entirely is to never do what you want to do.

Keep making art, have fun, dust yourself off and get back in the saddle.

>> No.2926125

honestly, its one thing to blatantly insult someones work on the internet. (i still think you have to learn to deal with it and not let it get to you)

but its another to give constructive criticism. if anything, if you criticize someone you legitimize them as an adult that you take seriously and want to help.

just saying "dont say anything mean or critical ever because it makes people sad" is treating them like children. it shows that you have no trust in them at all.

i had the same reaction when i first came to /ic/, basically "why do these people hate me??"
they dont hate him, or me, or anyone. its all about treating your work like your work and not a direct representation of yourself

if you learn to accept that, you can grow. and if you dont want to, you will just shrivel up and die. so i am glad he decided to turn around from "i quit" to "im not used to criticism but i will try harder"
dont treat people like children.

>> No.2926134

he is one of us now

>> No.2926224

Defunding PP isn't cutting funding for abortion because there are already laws that keep federal funding from paying for abortion you nutter.

>> No.2926234
File: 882 KB, 1094x852, Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 14.57.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some suggestions.

I think your biggest issue is not sufficiently thinking about forms as three-dimensional values, and this is what has led to the case of "take my strong hand" with your character's left arm. The sketch I've included shows you a system for constructing characters out of a cube in perspective and keeping proportions relative to subdivisions of the cube, it's in Krenz Cushart's Gumroads if you want to see it done better.

The paintover is more subjective but I feel like it's still information that might be useful to you. Even in stylised work it's good to try and come up with functional anatomy so that a viewer can more naturally make sense of what they're seeing. Consider the structures of the skull, spine and hands for your next piece and then compare the results to this one.

>> No.2926237

If you're going to redline, at least be better than the artist. Yours looks like uninspired shit with all life removed from it.
You are an example of somebody that only does fundamentals and never tries anything outside of textbook examples.

>> No.2926242

Oh, and one other thing: noses, make them shorter. They're creeping way too far down the face on a lot of the stuff you've done in this style and it doesn't read well.

>> No.2926244

>Yours looks like uninspired shit with all life removed from it

You'll have to forgive me for not finding much to get
"inspired" about in a 25-minute technical critique.

>> No.2926255

Not that anon, but your redline is shit. No gesture, no balance and shitty proportions, as well as sloppy lines and a /beg/ tier understanding of forms. I didn't want to say anything, since you at least put in the effort to help and while you pointed out some valid things, I would retain from redlining if I had your skillset. The paintover is just replacing MrSteak's with your personal style. Like I said, cool that you put in the work to help someone, but you're overestimating your skills.

>> No.2926258

Post your work.

>> No.2926265

>You are an example of somebody that only does fundamentals and never tries anything outside of textbook examples

>> No.2926276

To validate my point that your redline sucks? My skill level is irrelevant to your shitty redline or the fact that you entirely missed the point of what MrSteak was going for.

>> No.2926279
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, IMG_9747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My skill level is irrelevant

>> No.2926280

This thread is a friendly reminder that this board is full of idiots who have absolutely no idea whats going on

>> No.2926282

you're an idiot and you suck


>> No.2926286

You made her too fat. It's pretty obvious the character is actually pretty svelte in the midsection and it's just the unfortunate tangents with the clothing that give that false impression of her being a cow. Outside of that the piece isn't fundamentally poor at all as it is.

>> No.2926301

4chan needs to go

>> No.2926377

He's right you know.

>> No.2926768

>talking about yourself in the third person

>> No.2926789

Please never use your twitter as a dumping ground for your feelings. This goes for everyone, not just Steak. I get it, you need to vent and reorganize your thoughts, but keep a journal or talk to a friend you trust. Don't broadcast this to thousands of people, not only does it make you look pathetic but it opens venues for assholes to make you feel worse. Plus, your followers are always going to love you, and while getting a truckload of encouragement is nice, it's even nicer to keep yourself grounded.

Good luck, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.2926858

Stay salty, you cuck. OP is bad but you're even worse. I swear if I got a dollar for every dunning-kruger faggot who think they figured it all out because they read the first few pages of Loomis/Hampton. In all seriousness, either help people with the intention to help them or make fun of them by showing actual skills. You managed neither. The fact that you can't tell your redline is shit is all I need to know. Have fun realizing that in a couple of weeks.

>> No.2926942

Post your work senpai. What are you afraid of? Prove that you know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.2927020

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the left one, their anatomy is actually a lot better than yours. I'll just let that slide as you not drawing fat chicks a lot.

>> No.2927022

Not him, but that redline is garbage, just look at that guys anatomy compared to the left, it's terrible. The face is alright if a little stiff, that skull is top notch though.

>> No.2927030

I love it when beginners use the excuse, "well, this only took 15 minutes."
When you're at the level when you can do 15 different B/W poses in 15 minutes, then you can talk, otherwise shut the fuck up.

>> No.2927040


>> No.2927093
File: 1.14 MB, 1168x2400, 1491042699176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u turned it mega ugly

>> No.2927150

much better red line.

>> No.2927156

this is how you red line faggot.

>> No.2927203
File: 14 KB, 320x240, ScRR6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he's having a Shinji moment

He's either going to kill himself or become stronger.

>> No.2927208


>> No.2927235

wtf is being redlined?
You just made it less fat

>> No.2927239

idk made it cute

>> No.2927244

Do you not see the fixes to anatomy while retaining the original pose and structure? that is how you fucking red line something. The one before it had terrible anatomy and ruined the posing.

This not only fixes the posing and gesture but has better anatomy. You'd have to be stupid not to see that.

>> No.2927271

They fixed the face/head, the fUCKING STUBBY ASS arms, the neck and overall structure. Sure it's less fat, but the artist wasn't aiming for 'fat', just thicc I believe.

>> No.2927272


>> No.2927309

>Redlining someone's work when you're worse than them

Every fucking time in every thread.

>> No.2927333

Blind leading the blind

>> No.2927400
File: 136 KB, 546x700, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is my first time on this board, was linked this post by a friend, main board is /pol/

Hoped you had a nice visit, now get the fuck out you piece of shit.

>> No.2927409

how this board has fallen

>> No.2927413

I talked to Steak on twitter. Talked some sense into him and he's going to make it guys

>> No.2927463
File: 318 KB, 1809x2048, C8jf6ZYVYAATQzD.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's already made it, now he's going to make it even harder.
Gigantic spike in improvement just one day after his twitter tantrum.

>> No.2927480

Nice, one boob is weird tho.

>> No.2927485

You're actual garbage man. All the loomis lines doesn't change the fact you don't know shit about form.

Stop trying to help someone who is better than you, you make yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.2927488

Awe, what a happy story.

>> No.2927496

its actually better huh
and she doesnt have a cow nose
i mean theres still a lot of wonky stuff (like the ear and headshape) but there is actually quite a bit of positive change here
well, gg steakmang, hope he keeps working hard while still enjoying art itself

>> No.2927497

>Loomis lines

You've never read Loomis, have you?

>> No.2927499

On Twitter I post only art with text space full only by all possible hashtag.
But I think with the text post with feelings you have more success you have a connection with the audience that follows you more willingly.
At the audience likes gossip and feelings, art itself does not give a fuck.
I bet Steack after the outburst will have more patreon support and followers than they had before.

>> No.2927500

Wow, look at this devfag.

Fuck off with your edge.

>> No.2927501

the concentration of shitposters here is stupidly high holy shit this board is cancer

>> No.2927505
File: 179 KB, 375x375, you fool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The internet is a giant fuck fest with people criticizing and insulting over every single thing out there whether said thing deserves it or not.

>Doesn't realize that

>Thinks her art is pure and untouchable, even when she gives "consent" for people to "criticize" her art.

>Acts like a little tumblr princess and privates her account


>> No.2927509

thats a man

>> No.2927520

Compare both of those red lines.


The overlay is objectively better at fixing what was wrong with the proportions and anatomy of the picture while retaining the feel of the picture.

A proper red-line.

The second is just trying to seem like they know more about anatomy and structure when they do not, they draw a completely different pose with even worse anatomy and proportion than the picture they're trying to improve.

>> No.2927527

Maybe you could draw something for us to show exactly what your objections to the first redline are?

>> No.2927554

better. but he still needs to stop only using the same head facing left.

>> No.2927565

You replied to the wrong guy retard

>> No.2927580

a fat hairy beta male to be exact, I felt like throwing up when I saw him for the first time.

>> No.2927622

This, I have almost 3000 followers and less than 10 people ever talk to be. While some noisier artists with less than 500 followers constantly answer asks and get more commissions.

>> No.2927635

wow same boat desu, blog?

>> No.2927702
File: 96 KB, 488x434, 1451349485221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.2927761


>> No.2927799

Ic aren't for harassing people. stay at critiquing his work or go back drawing.

>> No.2927864


>> No.2927880

atleast you got the ear connected to the jaw this time ;)

>> No.2927910

One day after and he already drew what's basically a female /ic/-tan. Spooky coincidences.

>> No.2927955


>> No.2928407
File: 117 KB, 648x960, Totally sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2928472
File: 392 KB, 850x574, HeythatSUCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2928478


Did you seriously just cut up the text instead of typesetting it again?

This is why your ngmi.

>> No.2928750

Kill it before it lays eggs.

>> No.2928969

I got u senpai https://twitter.com/_mrsteak/status/832115714672586752

>> No.2928975

>it's 99% retweets

Come on, Mr. Steak, pull it together, man!

>> No.2928976

Shaven and a decent hairstyle he'd actually look nice.

>> No.2929007

>spoon feeding

>> No.2929032
File: 827 KB, 1280x1347, tumblr_oi6kbiXPgz1snahtto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speedosausage that you?

>> No.2929067

>it's 99% stalking cam whores and porn stars
>complains when his pictures only get 200 likes

I'm surprised any of his followers haven't muted him still.

>> No.2929081

>Speedo Sausage

So this is the grand master Mr. Steak is supposedly "ripping off"? This guy sucks dick lmao. Mr. Steak is better, if he stopped being a overly sensitive numale goofball who retweets everything in the world anyone he follows or follows him does he'd probably do alright for himself.

>> No.2929098

Take this"red line" as a reference to what happens when you never practice gesture

>> No.2929108
File: 938 KB, 800x686, tumblr_oaztt4SHg71snahtto1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thar be a few reasons people like Speedo

>> No.2929124


I like this critique: >>2926234 altough, the face looks nice in this other post: >>2925056
Maybe also if you draw the ear a bit smaller.

>> No.2929346
File: 770 KB, 778x610, 218394784763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to follow Steak on twitter
>unfollowed him ages ago when he started retweeting mediocre sex workers constantly on top of his art getting boring and samey.
>sees /ic/ caught wind of him

Well that's, unfortunate.

>> No.2929347
File: 472 KB, 600x616, 4ut28zx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nigger Lips
>We want the tumblr audience

>> No.2929354

Literally worse than niggers.

>> No.2929358
File: 3 KB, 155x177, 1449941627185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how I should feel about this.

>> No.2929359
File: 133 KB, 494x580, 1476337138656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn perfection

>> No.2929368

aayyy now we have two piles of shit

>> No.2929371
File: 65 KB, 450x450, 20d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jojo edit when?

>> No.2929399

Could you fucking not

>> No.2929403

I dig, but that collar bone. keep up the good work!

>> No.2929459
File: 44 KB, 540x369, 1490680166393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2929539

shoulda have given her thick thighs but it looks nice anyways

>> No.2929597
File: 241 KB, 640x386, 1490493043043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not pear shaped loli with thicc thighs.


>> No.2929600

Stop shilling your own shit, that red line is disgusting, guy has no gestural practice.

>> No.2929601

i dont draw shit for weak lolicons, if you want large hips and thicc thighs fap to the disgusting piece of shit on the left.

>> No.2929609

You are a failure, and must be annihilated.

>> No.2929630
File: 24 KB, 546x513, Barney-stinson-true-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kind SirAnon...

>> No.2929634

It's a really cute spruced up sketch. You could certainly market this for around 20-30 dollars a pop.

>> No.2929638

it looks nice, but some of the anatomy is messed up. i suggest working on the size of things and such. the lips also seem a bit large. other than that, it looks okay.

>> No.2929639

Wow people will take ANY opportunity to a crab.

Go practice your circles.

>> No.2929645

>When a non-shower tries this hard to shit on somebody who actually drew something

>> No.2929667



>> No.2929680

It's good he drew something, but it was bad and didn't really help with anything.

>> No.2929795
File: 37 KB, 300x300, GOES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2929801

blog nao

>> No.2929847


>> No.2929977

You can fix this by making it not look like something that crawled from a tumblr SJW's Anus。

>> No.2930012
File: 43 KB, 500x500, d96 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2930057
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>> No.2930082

>fat belly and little boy body
I'm disappointed.

>> No.2930122

Well it looks closer to an actual child, which I personally find most disturbing.

>> No.2930623

you guys are fucked up in this thread wow lol rip

>> No.2930650
File: 712 KB, 584x1200, Untitled-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a go.

>> No.2930656
File: 292 KB, 512x512, elsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll make it brahs

>> No.2930735
File: 615 KB, 480x270, punched pretty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was immediately reminded of this.

>> No.2930743

A neck beard, what a surprise.

>> No.2930747
File: 979 KB, 400x200, ....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2930760
File: 549 KB, 584x1200, 1491042699175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 billion hours in ms paint

>> No.2930828
File: 1.99 MB, 500x281, tumblr_o4kbdmuyyq1spgk1lo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks for critique
>gets defensive

If you want to be told you're "good" stay on Tumblr.

On a serious note, like everyone else here is saying, work on anatomy. I'm 100% sure putting your hand in a pocket doesn't magically make half your arm disappear.

>> No.2930829
File: 1.10 MB, 480x247, cd635da9-d6b2-4f36-abeb-733ce3356be9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be gone demons! be gone!

>> No.2930834
File: 2.80 MB, 480x244, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sampled techniques from better artist

You're no better than someone who traces now. The dude needs to help himself before he asks other people.

>> No.2930844

Why so many pedophiles on 4chan?
I mean, are you guys that scared of women that you want to fuck kids instead?

>> No.2930867

isn't that supposed to be a boy?

>> No.2930929

Imagine living a life where anon comments on 4chan /ic/ board affects you in any way.

/ic/ is a WW1 trench and everyone in this trench are on suicide watch.

>> No.2931193

Go back to where you came from and take your shitty gif images with you.

>> No.2931206
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally wouldn't give a fuck but... Calling out 4chan after you ask for a crit....
Unclean hair just left to grow, "beard" either grown in spotty or shaved at random locations. Looks scabby. His skin tells the story of rarely going out. He's living at home still and doing a patreon where he draws lewd with keywords Cum in them. I'm not roasting your art son, I'm roasting your lacking levels of testosterone.

You need to get out of that online circle jerk game. Having a waifu or fursona or retweeting cute girls drawn or real will get you nowhere.

Your art has a nice polish but that's derrivative and your clear lack of fundamental artistic skills covers everything in a foul stench.
Now go shave and get a fucking haircut.

>> No.2931530
File: 115 KB, 961x1199, C8yyG9nVYAAzwPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this dwarf sandwich!

>> No.2931534


>> No.2931541

he really needs to learn how the face works

>> No.2931546

>Art style poorly stolen from speedosausage




>500 dollar patreon

hwhat what

Is this a prank?

Is he going to change to his actual style again?

Surely someone this garbage can't be that popular

>> No.2931551
File: 62 KB, 523x700, GnomeFemale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fucking gnome

>> No.2931552


>> No.2932317

>uninspired shit with all life removed from it
>trying to go "Thomas Coleson" 4chan redlines
wow get a load of this faggot

>> No.2932604

sauce: Kakukaku Shikajika
before anyone starts asking.

>> No.2932711
File: 10 KB, 293x287, ^F75F3BE726FA61EA775FDE2F28F55124AA3EBA7419DF698E88^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2932962

Condoms break, contraceptives fail

>> No.2933092

Brb, going to create a Sexual Insurance Company. Do not steal idea.

>> No.2933125
File: 327 KB, 475x451, surely not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's ridiculous! How could pedophiles, something I've only seen in movies and the news, possibly live so close to me?

>> No.2933151

u suck at drawing lolis faget

>> No.2933157

Having him blow his load on your face or your chest or blowing him till he cums in your mouth doesn't. Christ, It's like all of your type of people are in love with barbarians that don't know how to pull out. That or you're just too into your rape fantasy and you want to be holding his illegal bastard child. Embarrassing

>> No.2933162

They know the risk and chose to take it. Whatever happens is their own responsibility, not the state's.

>> No.2933583

planned parenthood isnt only abortions. it provides health services of all types like cancer screenings and such for people who cant really afford it

>> No.2933616

>cumming outside is a contraceptive
real life is not anime

>> No.2933691


>> No.2933693

When you have voluntary sex, protected or not, you accept the responisbility that comes with it. Every sex can result in a baby. (Or if you're retarded, an STD)

>> No.2933846

>referring to 4chan in third person whilst on 4chan
Fuck off, reddit

>> No.2934488
File: 954 KB, 400x225, goat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2934589

>wanting retarded failures to reproduce

Abortion is eugenics in disguise. It strengthens the genepool.

>> No.2934596
File: 790 KB, 792x792, 1435390659451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threads like these are why im afraid to post my work

>> No.2934600

Protip: Never make a thread for your own art. You're safer in the generals.

>> No.2934612
File: 97 KB, 706x588, calarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the arts have become a liberal clusterfuck, I wouldn't doubt that that shit does more help than harm.

>> No.2934625

http://fangdangler.deviantart.com/art/one-eye-639484995 kek

>> No.2934660

should I just start putting stupid leftist tags on my art to amass a following?

>> No.2934685

Of course.

>> No.2934791

Your twitter feed is cancer. You have built yourself a comfy hugbox though