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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2925742 No.2925742 [Reply] [Original]

I just started visiting /ic/ a couple weeks ago. Still getting a feel for the place... And holy shit are there a lot of whining, self pitying "artists" here. I mean its thread after thread of people posting basically this:

"Does anyone else feel like youll never make it"
"I practice and practice but never improve"
"I want to kill myself" etc

Not to mention all the other forms of negativity. Bitching about artists who are popular and how people who deserve it less than you have made it.

Has it always been this bad?

>> No.2925748

Welcome to /ic/
We hope you enjoy your stay

>> No.2925753

The best advice i can give you is stay around for a few months, download as many artbooks/lectures as you can and then bounce.

You'll be doing yourself a huge favor.

>> No.2925757

This place turned into /ic9k/ a few years ago. All the good artists left and all the sadcunts stuck around.

>> No.2925763

The people who draw aren't sad, you can tell because if you ask them to post their work, they will.

>> No.2925765

Lol this is a good point... I draw for hours every night after working my full time job. Its hard work but drawing is the very reason Im happy in the first place. It gives me an overarching purpose and helps me feel fulfilled and in touch with my mind. I cannot empathize with people who get upset over their own artistic abilities.

>> No.2925766

Maybe you should just fuck off to Reddit, people will lick your balls just because you draw.

>> No.2925769

OP here... I tried reddits artboards and while there is pretty much zero whining and bitching, the art sucks. The standards seem incredibly low. I couldnt believe sometimes what they would upvote to the front page.

>> No.2925770

Because whining and bitching is actually part of life. Have you heard of criticism? You know, when you criticize stuff to improve it? No?

Maybe you should, so you wouldn't make stupid fucking threads.

>> No.2925775

I dont know man... Other people seem to agree. The whining and self-pitying here is pathetic. But you are welcome to enjoy it.

>> No.2925777

Other people? Newfags like yourself? Stay in your hugboxes with shitty art and never come back then

>> No.2925779

>I cannot empathize with people who get upset over their own artistic abilities.

It mostly stems from feelings of inferiority, or comparing themselves to other artists who are better than them. It's particularly hard for people who start late. They're so obsessed with getting some concept illustration industry job that they forget to feel joy, and it shows in their work. It becomes generic and stiff.

Even if an artist is shitty or mediocre you can tell when they genuinely enjoy making their work. True enjoyment is the only reason for doing it in the first place, because that and only that will carry your ego through the despair and self-loathing.

>> No.2925781

This is the proper way to /ic/

>> No.2925789
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/ic/ oldfuck

It has been like this, but those kinds of posters were usually told to fuck off pretty quickly and the janitors were dedicated.
After the sakimichan/kr0n blowup of last year, traffic increased tenfold so now we have tons of "drawfags" and shitty 16 year olds. Suddenly pure cancer like "art feels threads" and "boohoo why is everyone better than me" threads are met with hundreds of (you)s.
A lot of namefags cashed in on this like Nosebro and Malaysia, despite being bad artists they are fed the attention they need so they just shitpost relentlessly and act like they know what they're on about. This is a problem in itself, many newfags love to try and fit in with the "Le /ic/ is brutal get gud loomis" meme so they just cannibalise their peers with constant "critique"(read: insults) and have no knowledge to provide any actually good advice besides rudimentary shit. Many of the OG oldfags left 2-3 years ago, then the ones who really stuck around like Catbib or Teal or Chumbum finally started to leave. Some are still here and pop by occasionally but dont use names. This board seriously needs a culling, the stale sticky still has some decent basic stuff but could use an update regardless. The pr/i/cks need to leave and we need to foster a board culture of hard work and knowledge.

>> No.2925791

It's called PAINting for a reason.

>> No.2925793
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DESU Last Artist standing is the least cancerous place in the board, join us (We have people at all skill levels, no worries if your not good, im not that great but still gonna make it ) and our discord and I can promise you that you will be happy with the experiences you have here.

In regard to the board, ive been here for around 6-7 months and yeah, its been worse, but I stay on the LAS threads and jump at the Artbook threads for anything new, and thats about it. Beginner threads are mildly cancerous but give it time and the place seems to grow on you. I personally use the negativity around me as a motivation, knowing that in the grand sceme of things im not giving up at it all as others around me are weak and give up when things get hard.

TLDR: Give it time, and give the Artbook + LAS threads a look

>> No.2925801

LAS is shit, it's nothing but circlejerking over shitty drawings and shitty artists. There's no reward, it's literally for autists that want to do stuff for nothing.

>inb4 work is a reward

>> No.2925805

It actually used to be pretty good 2+ years back. "RATE MY ART" threads, pity parties and WEST VS EAST shitposting would get you laughed out of the board. It wouldn't even get replies. After every main board got their own 24/7 drawthreads the traffic here got filled with unfunny shitposters and memesters though.

Since their faster boards were more entertaining than the slow but good former /ic/ rythm these kids resorted to artist gossip and /pol/tard shitposting to keep themselves from actually honing their skills. Now it's pretty much the current "board culture". A shame, really.

>> No.2925806

you are right, gitting gud is not the end goal of this board, but shitting on others under the ''critique'' premise

>> No.2925807

>There's no reward
The work is the reward. You want people to give you a fucking medal for drawing?
>it's literally for autists that want to do stuff for nothing.
Lol wtf? They're drawing so they can improve. Why do you have this idea in your head that people shouldn't draw unless they're being given something? You're exactly the type of negative person the OP is talking about.
I'd understand if you had valid criticisms like how there's no art in the threads or how the threads are mostly shitposting or maybe even how only 30 min a day isn't enough to git gud but I seriously do not understand you're shitty argument about getting some sort of "reward" at all.

>> No.2925808

Yeah, you are gitting gud with your 30 min drawings that don't get better at all

>> No.2925814
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>There's no reward, it's literally for autists that want to do stuff for nothing.

I agree, it is a process that really invovles no reward, but for many of the artists and people on here with a dream but no discipline to reach for it, it means a lot. Staying dedicated to focus and do LAS everyday is if anything helping them beat out procrastination and build up their patience and focus. These are the rewards for doing LAS, and not including the potential if you focus on improving with every submission. LAS is a gateway if anything to help those who dont even know where to start, and that in itself is what makes it worthwhile to look at. Now, if you have a perfect work ethic and can crunch out stuff like nothing on your own then, by all means, can LAS shit, but fro some its more then "oh hur dur circlejerking and shitty drawings"

>> No.2925815

Working is not a reward, what the fuck are you smoking? You work for something to get from it, not for the actual work, fucking slave mentality.

>> No.2925816

The reward is your improvement and then eventually reaching your goals. And a lot of people actually enjoy the process as well. You just sound like a whiny bitch who doesn't like to draw.

>> No.2925820

I don't like to draw shit for nothing, that's right. No wonder you are all poor if you draw for "fun", autistic fucks

>> No.2925821

So you're saying that the only time you draw is when someone is paying you? That you never draw to learn something or because you enjoy it? You sound like a retard desu.

>> No.2925822

If you dont enjoy making art for the sake of making it, you will never get anywhere with it.

>> No.2925824

I think your missing the point that >>2925816
is trying to make, he doesn't necessarily draw for "fun" but draws with a purpose of reaching his goals whatever they are, and improving with everything he does.

>> No.2925827

I'd rather look up to someone successful like Feng Zhu who said himself that he does only work for money instead of listening to some random shitters on a shitty board.

>> No.2925831

Why are you even here then?

>> No.2925832

Are you fucking retarded? How do you think Feng got to where he is? By drawing a shit ton with no reward accept for his own improvement. It's only after years and years of drawing and grinding that he's in a position where he doesn't have to draw unless he's getting paid for it. Jesus christ you fucking mongoloid. I seriously hope you're trolling and that someone who is as much of a brain dead fuckwit as you are doesn't actually exist.

>> No.2925833

/ic/ should be more like 2010-2013 era /fit/

That was one of the best times to be a /fit/izen, it was magical.

>> No.2925837

I know you have to draw to learn you fucking mongoloid, I said that you don't have to enjoy your shitty scribbles, which a lot of people disagree with for some reason.

>> No.2925839

What was that time era like?

>> No.2925840

kek its kinda ironic that we all are arguing over shit in a thread about negative threads. I say we end it here and just go back to lurking

>> No.2925844

Hey I was the one arguing with him fucko! Where'd you come from? But yeah I agree with you...

>> No.2925848

People were a lot more helpful and bro tier all around, less politics and hate all about self improving and having fun. We laughed and cried together and we all had a common goal. But faggots wanting pitty points/attention were always told to gtfo. There was no sugar coating, people told you how things were. If you were acting a retard, people would tell you. People shot the shit and gave real advice. If you really wanted to get better at lifting, you were accepted. The board culture really fostered a sense of self improvement.It felt genuine there.

Yeah, some trips were cancer, but trips are always cancer

I can see that current /fit/ has gained some crab bucket mentality and also been influenced by other boards, such as /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.2925852

>tfw I used to browse /fit/ during that time and they actually inspired me to get my ass in the gym
>tfw I revisited /fit/ after years for motivation/advice before I start heading back to the gym and saw what it's become
Pretty sad. I agree with you about the negativity. I feel like 4chan as a whole is becoming more negative. I think it's partially just due to the fact that people as a whole are becoming much more cautious and negative in this day and age. Quite unfortunate.

>> No.2925854

Wonder why that's happening. Got any explanation as to what changed in just a few years? Did the world get shaken up by social media that bad?

>> No.2925856

/v/ and /pol/ literally ruined everything.

>> No.2925864

Being a crying defeatist that bashes others because they haven't studied the same fundamentals as you yet is as bad as a hugbox, if not even worse.

>> No.2925879
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I think around 2013/2014-ish is when things started going full /r9k/ and dunning-kruger.

>> No.2925885

I think it's because of the internet and the prevalence of so much information. It used to be that you'd only hear about shit that happened locally and maybe a hand full of big events/disasters a year. But now, because of the internet, people hear about every single fucking thing that happens anywhere on the planet. I could learn about some crazy rape thing that happened in India, then a school shooting, then a suicide bombing, then maybe so hate crimes too all with in the span of a day. At this point people have been subjected to this shit for so long that they've just become desensitized to it. No one really cares if anything happens and if anything good happens it's just sorta dismissed because you know 30 terrible things just happened during that timespan as well. It's easier to just be negative and pessimist these days.
At least those are my 2 cents.

>> No.2925900

its gotten really bad these last 3 years. this place is a cesspool but I keep coming here out of habit.

>> No.2925910

26 year old here. Been here since the beginning.

There are people who have been here a

I'm still learning, but I've made it. Take nobody here seriously, because it's a bunch of trash-tier college students trying to degrade each other.

>> No.2925937


I agree, abut how do we go about doing it?

>> No.2925946

It seems only the most desperate remain on /ic/. That means, the ones who tried getting gud for 3+ years and still did not see any kind of improvement in their work.

>> No.2925959

If i stay here in this cesspool long enough, will i eventualy become Bane?

>> No.2925961

im still here and i spend all of my time giving critique and trying to help people out, because thats how i was (mostly) treated when i first came here.
i really wish that everyone who has a genuine interesting in keeping this board productive could start a new thing, without all the shitposting and the gossip <:3c

>> No.2926154

>Because whining and bitching is actually part of life.
Only if you're white.
Ethnic artists like Asians are like art machines and get good pretty damn fast. Meanwhile the white artists whine about equality, feminism and all sorts of irrelevant shit, this board reeks of whiteness.

>> No.2926156

t. Shitskin

>> No.2926168

I rather be a shitskin than a whining piece of shit.
The industry is easier than ever to get in because of all these white shitters. We're not the issue, white people are just tearing themselves to bits.

>> No.2926173

I got called useless and with no hope on my frist day..
Welcome to /ic/

>> No.2926181

need to have a CBT thread. Or add CBT to the recommended reading list. Add this to sticky.

>> No.2926183

/ic/ had a rough life :)

>> No.2926188
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It's ok OP,
I still think my art is mediocre but I applied places anyway and finally got accepted somewhere..
I made it man (was nearly 26 at the time), it takes a whole lot less than people here seem to think.

Jealousy runs rampart here too so whenever an "average" artist hits triple digits on their Patreon their panties get in a bunch.

/ic/ is pretty crummy and I would suggest you only visit it like once a week.

>> No.2926189

Here I can vent anonymously when I feel depressed, so yeah I'm part of the problem.

Thing is, I quit giving advice because it always turns out to be someone fishing for attention, and the threads always devolve into shit flinging contests so why would I put my time and effort into building a critique or sharing things I've learned..

The sketchbook threads and the drawthreads are pretty nice, you'll see a different tone there.

>> No.2926194

Is that your drawing?
If so how long did it took you to make it? It looks really good.

>> No.2926211

Yup, getting as many tutorials,programs & useful resources before leaving all these whiners is the way to go!
(I only need a few more stuff, and you guys will never read me again...Or perhaps just to say "hi, here's what happens when /ic/ was your teacher")

>> No.2926309

That's a 40 min doodle

>> No.2926341

sounds like somebody needs to read the bagivad gita

>> No.2926515
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>catbib is an oldfag

>> No.2926559

I haven't done anything wrong if you ignored the ligameme and visual snow threads.

>> No.2926564

this was enough to make it?

>> No.2926584

>I rather be a shitskin than a whining piece of shit.
you are whining about white people right now, it's not even on topic

>> No.2926621

Make good threads or something?
Be the anon that you want to see here.
No amount of janitors will fix this place, it's about how to people contribute, make positive contributions and more people are willing to join.

Oh and ignore shitposters, I think that's the most important and the most difficult thing to do.

Anyone else have some suggestions?

>> No.2926626


>> No.2926629

Control yourself and don't get dragged down by idiots. I guess I threw out a few insults here and there, after getting a "it's shitty kill yourself" after asking for advice on a picture...

Ignoring idiots and shitposters is like high up there.

Or is it better to call them out on their behavior and tell them to behave? I really don't know.

>> No.2926638

Well, what is the goal of the shitposter?
Often nothing more than attention (aka (You)'s) I assume.
I think it's best to not reply at all but the problem with that is that if the post is shitty enough, someone will always feel a need to reply.

Though I'm not expert on this topic, maybe calling them out on their bullshit also gives a signal to other posters that people just want to discuss the topic at hand without memes and shitposts.

Can some 4chan-pro share their expertise already?

>> No.2926639

Both are good. If you can't call out shitposters without making a shitpost about them, just ignore them.

>> No.2926767

welcome to internet faggot

>> No.2926795
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I'm a regular denizen of /r9k/ so in comparison /ic/ feels like a Church full of women praising the Lord then rolling on the floor and speaking in tongue.

>> No.2926847

have you ever read about daoism, or read any daoist litterature? :-)))

you should, or maybe you shouldnt ;-)

>> No.2926893

While I do consider /ic/ a garbage fire, I do find it bearable when people shut up and work. I might give it a look

>> No.2926911

Feng's interests changed with the times. He loved drawing and painting but is more focused on technology and entrepreneurship now.

During his LevelUp interview, He said he has enough skill to throw something for his clients quickly together without much effort cus of his skill

Skill that he built up working even when no pay was guaranteed. If you are not prepared to make sacrifices for your goals, then you'll never be fulfilled.

Anyway, it's not like beginner tier work would bet you paid anything until you improve it but that requires *gasp* practice! With no pay!

>> No.2926932


pls go and commit mass suicide with your fellow human garbage and leave this board alone. you are the cancer killing /ic/.

>> No.2926937

>The sketchbook threads and the draw threads are pretty nice, you'll see a different tone there.


>> No.2926941

That's a downside to anonymity. a few negative posters who spend most of their time on /ic/ can make it seem like they make up the same amount of people who actually spend their time practicing.

You just got to learn to decipher the place and be critical of anything you read.

If it has always been so bad? Probably. Oldfags tend to see their 4chan past through rose colored glasses.

>> No.2926953

>Or is it better to call them out on their behavior and tell them to behave?

No, you'll just be wasting your time. Most are very stubborn and will just distract you from working

>> No.2926954
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Dont worry anon, eventually you'll gain the ability to tune out most of the negativity.

Then you can freely browse and focus on the actual stuff of interest posted. As long as you dont go making threads about an artist you like (because /ic/ more than likely wont like them), you'll be fine.

The reason people talk so much about "making it" around here is because they all secretly know they wont be able to do art as a sustainable job, and even if they do, they know it wont last long. "Making it" is just the bar. It keeps us going. But it can also be used to put ourselves and others down.

>> No.2926957

>Can some 4chan-pro share their expertise already?

Hide bait threads, ignore bait threads
Report bait threads. nuff said

>> No.2926988
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In my time people had to lurk for months before considering posting. Time sure flies...

>> No.2927005
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How could I read about daoism, when books are nothing but the lees of our elders? If our elders found the dao in a book, they wouldn't have needed to write one.


Just Bee yourself.

>> No.2927011
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/ic/ as a board died years ago when the pros and amateurs were driven out by shitters

the only good vestigal part of /ic/ now is the design and fundies discord, though I think they've migrated to 8ch

>> No.2927012

>implying /r9k/ hasn't been a tangible mindset in /fit/izens since day 1
>strong, handsome, and masculine people not being right wing

you must've fallen out of the retard tree and hit every single branch on the way down

>> No.2927556

>it takes a whole lot less than people here seem to think.
again, yes

>> No.2927564

>the design and fundies discord

>> No.2927634



>> No.2927663

never gonna make it

>> No.2927768

Seconding this

>> No.2927780

/pol/ isn't really negative. If you stick around it's actually got one of the best senses of humour of all the boards.