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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2910745 No.2910745 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2910754
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>> No.2910779


>> No.2910781

you arent gonna follow it anyway

go back to playing video games

>> No.2910785


>> No.2910789


>> No.2910793


>This defeatist attitude

You better start sorting yourself out, man. Or else, soon enough you'll be eating yourself up with regret.

>> No.2910794


>> No.2910798


>> No.2910936

Bump for interest.

>> No.2910938

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2910993
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, fastest way to improve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got this

>> No.2910996

man I really don't like perspective made easy

>> No.2911006

skip it, perspective is boring

>> No.2911043

4 hours a day? I've got a job and a "job," I ain't got time for 4 hours a day. I gotta feed myself from time to time. Hell, I only ever get 20-30 minutes on 4chan.

>> No.2911045

You working two jobs? That's pretty rough.

Gitting gud while working pretty much relies on understanding that you're not going to be having any free time for most of the day.

>> No.2911046


Reasons why taking /ic/'s advice without thinking about it will ruin beginners.

>> No.2911059

No fun with a pencil? I started there fugg

>> No.2911081

Tell me about it. Can't draw in my office job because the boss said I'll get fired for slacking off again (thank God I can sneakily use my phone from time to time - like now). And I can't draw in my other job because I'm cooking and using my hands 24/7.

I only got lunch breaks to draw.

PSA to all the Anons: If you got free time, use it to learn to draw, don't squander it. You might fucking regret it later in life.

>> No.2911156

Fun with a Penis is a shit book

>> No.2911177

The fastest way to improve at drawing is NOT to read a lot of things.

It's to DRAW a lot of things.

Take some classes if you can't direct and dicipline yourself.

>> No.2911183

Best newbie trap on /ic/
Never stop posting

>> No.2911814


This is actually pretty good stuff. I did Vandruff and Scott Robertson and I've improved a lot in 3 months.

>> No.2912001

I find the best returns I've gotten for studies is to self initiate a project.

Something outside the realm of your current ability and knowledge. it will force you to extend yourself and teach you to find your own answers.

If you are going to follow this, do it in tandem with a project. Don't mindless study out of a book, come with specific questions to get the most out of them.

>> No.2912677
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>> No.2912894

I'm lucky I have a job where I can often draw at work, but at times when I couldn't, I'd eat a quick packed lunch, takes maybe ten minutes & then go to a cafe/park & draw. I did that for about a year & it really added up quickly. Also get up 30mins earlier & draw.

>> No.2914463

>Also get up 30mins earlier & draw.
I guess I can do that. That'll take a while to get used to, though. Working 14 hours a day, you need all the sleep you can get.

>> No.2914535

>Working 14 hours a day
Get a better job my man or move to a city where it doesn't cost so much to live god dang.

>> No.2914541

what if anon works in a hospital? 12 hour shift + commute can easily equal 14 hours of working.

>> No.2914761

>Get a better job my man
I'm already on it. Hopefully it'll allow me more time to draw.

Nah, I'm doing office work and cooking at a restaurant.

>> No.2914796
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1437346697501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying books will help you when boxes and perspective are way more imperative

Perspective made easy doesn't even cover everything to the extent that it should. There should be more books than that covering perspective. It's absolutely paramount.

>> No.2916365

Honestly you have to learn to draw everything as boxes first. Too bad there aren't any good english books explaining this approach.

>> No.2916388
File: 1.43 MB, 700x3861, youwillneverbedisciplinedenoughanyway1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2916389
File: 1.20 MB, 700x3540, justplayvideogamesinstead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2916605

Subbing out Olsen with Vandruff, but I'm starting this now.

>> No.2916682
File: 83 KB, 1268x673, cum_to_daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these hands

>> No.2916690


who is he

>> No.2916817
File: 2.57 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20160218_032105331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jan 2016

>> No.2916823
File: 3.16 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20161217_083752947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


December 2016. I still haven't finished it, have other stuff in the pipeline

>> No.2917151

No obviously classes mean school and school is literally hitler. That's why everyone should quit their job and become a shut in who draws nothing but boxes all day on their Huion™ tablet.

>> No.2917217

> 100 dollars a month just in the first term for videos that, although great, won't be in my permanent possession

There HAS to be a better way.

>> No.2917229

Wtf do you need 2 jobs for. Are you married? Else Go homless and study 16 hrs a day in the library

>> No.2917308

Well I need to live in a house or I'll die in the freezing snow outside. It's freezing like fuck here half of the time.

Stay in school, kids. Or you'll be forced to bust your ass just to make a living.

>> No.2917657

skip it, how to draw is way better anyway and have more information

>> No.2917662

No you don't, not in America. You can bathe and shit with a gym membership. A parttime job is recommend. You don't need a house, you won't die, that's your fear. You only need to worry about being homeless if you're a drug monkey or if it's near winter time.

>> No.2917672

>not in America
I don't live in America. I don't live in a conventional mainstream city. I live in a frozen shithole where the winters fucking kill the homeless, and the summers are short and it rains 24/7.

I'm just saving up money so I can get the hell away from here and hopefully be able to draw again.

>> No.2919604

what ... the fuck ... is that?

>> No.2919610

Good, it's too short and it's pretty bad for begginers.

Start with Erik Olson

>> No.2919634



>> No.2919888

looks like the creation of adam from adam's perspective

>> No.2919896


You aren't going to "get gud" in one year. These pipe dream threads need to stop. You "get gud" by drawing and learning by trial and error like everyone else in the history of fucking everything.

This instant gratification me me me spoonfeed me me me me bullshit is driving me nuts. Stop posting these shitty "How do I master this complex and subtle skill in 5 minutes" requests and actually go try to draw something by yourself and figure it out by yourself.

We have an AMAZING fucking sticky with TOO many resources. It has NEVER ever in the history of art ever been easier to learn how to draw and if you actually read it you wouldn't be asking these stupid questions and making these cancerous "spoonfeed me /ic/" threads.

Read the sticky. Draw. Learn. Comeback when you have harder problems than, "How do I pick up a pencil??"

>> No.2920781

>We have an AMAZING fucking sticky with TOO many resources
>TOO many resources
Maybe that's the problem. So much resources that no one knows what to do.

>> No.2920785

exactly, you can't have too many cooks in the kitchen.

>> No.2920788


*too many resources for >concept art< conflicting with other fields

It's the veterans in the entertainment industry who made it that have flooded the internet with tutorial in this specific career. They are to blame.

>> No.2920799

well good luck i guess

>> No.2921229


>> No.2921264

Not him but I could write a whole laundry list as to why you shouldn't follow it.

>> No.2921271

go ahead im all ears

>> No.2921364


>no Keys to Drawing, literally the best foundation / precursor book to learn how to draw
>Loomis shit
>Color and Light shit

>> No.2921408 [DELETED] 

He tells you to do "all the exercises" but not all of those books have exercises in them, which begs the question of the creator of said image took his own advice. He says "these are the 11 steps to git gud"--take one moment and realize scott's books only came out in recent year, what would be the replacement for his material had you start back in, say 2000-2011?

That's right, you'd start with loomis. Had this person known this, his statement
>these are the 11 steps
is questionable. Why read loomis? Because loomis tells you the steps in successful drawing. Funny that, OP of this image did not include the most important book in the loomis library to trick you into following his guide so you stay a sheep.

You cannot make the leap from PME to Robertson, you just cannot--there are too many holes in your knowledge to make that jump. Framed ink isn't of importance when you don't know form. Figure drawing is dropped in too soon, arguably head and hands should be before FDFAIW because portraiture makes the commercial artist more money than the full figure (see illya, don't debate me on this).

Force for animators is far too advanced and should be studied after basic animation principles. Why on earth color and light after H2R? Huntsman is more Robertson testicle massaging by the creator.

>> No.2921422

I'm doing Keys to Drawing, is that a fine book to start with?

>> No.2921424

on second thought let me just say
it's an excellent guide my friend, follow it

>> No.2921437

your autism is showing

>> No.2921463

no it's a great guide

all my friends follow it and I even shared it with my mom on facebook who also wants to learn to draw

>> No.2922947

Surprisingly, I've actually met a dude that got gud in less than a year by practicing 2-3 hours, 3 times a week.

I'm not saying that this is possible for 99.9% of people, but I'm just saying that different people learn differently at different paces.

It could take you anywhere between 1 year and 100 years to git gud. Honestly, it just depends from person to person.

>> No.2923206
File: 1.32 MB, 2789x3793, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2923212

Idk if this was what you meant by that.
If you are asking how to git gud, just read books and drink coffee.

>> No.2923244

god i wish that were me

>> No.2923419


>> No.2923958

Is this a troll or is it worth pirating?

>> No.2923989

Practice is the number one thing, but you will always improve faster at something practicing the right things than not knowing what youre trying to achieve.

Even though classes are overpriced and a lot of teachers suck, guided learning will help. If you cant afford classes, a book is the next best thing.

can you actually explain briefly why you think its bad?

I dont lurk here too much but i wanna get back into drawing and ive seen this graphic>>2910993
and general consensus is that its not perfect but will help you.

If anything a lot of people mention the order is fucked up. But a perspective book, figure drawing-design and invention, and the loomis books at the very least would help you a lot i would think

>> No.2924310

I was kind of iffy about the Olson perspective videos, but it starts getting pretty good in the second unit. I mean, the guy's not the best teacher or presenter by any means, but there's a lot of good information. I've just skimmed through the first couple units and it's already answered a lot of the questions I had about how to objectively figure out where to place vanishing points and determine angles and stuff.

>> No.2926366

Any more of these, it's interesting to see what /ic/ prescribes to learn.