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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.08 MB, 1834x1246, Screen Shot 2017-03-19 at 6.36.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2905824 No.2905824 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a joke

>> No.2905828

>$4,292 per month
That's actually pretty fucking impressive for the guy.

>> No.2905836

If he could do it then I can do it too

>> No.2905840

I find his style repulsive and ufapable

>> No.2905844

This legitimately inspires me. The bar for success isn't as high as I thought

>> No.2905845

ur just jealous

>> No.2905855

Is this the guy that makes everything disgustingly huge and soulless?

>> No.2905860

>you will never rake in 4k dollaridoos a month by drawing disgusting badly proportioned trash

>> No.2905867

another salt thread
4k is average salary for adult human being

>> No.2905878

>tfw polfag
>tfw cant land a job for $500 and no one is willing to pay anything more anyway.

>> No.2905879
File: 253 KB, 648x864, 1440611903527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because his comics are interesting; he's not only an illustrator but also a writer.

Even with superior drawing skills, you won't earn as much money on patreon as this guy, if you don't know how to write.

For the same reason Jay Naylor and Shadman are successful.

>> No.2905887

>good writer

>> No.2905892

Who are you quoting?
I never said he was a GOOD writer. I'm just pointing out that he's better than average faggot from /ic/.
Meh writing + meh illustration = good porn material.
no writing + average illustration = shitty porn material.

But if you disagree, then explain why is he so popular. I really want to know.

>> No.2905908
File: 118 KB, 475x457, masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys gotta give him some credit, I mean look at this shit and tell me it isn't creative.

>> No.2906176



>> No.2906217

>If he could do it then I can do it too
theyre too blinded by jealousy to see this

>> No.2906221

But how did he do it? What's the secret?

>> No.2906228

Good for him

You guys keep trying to to work hard for that one corporation to hire you for a lot of money but all you need is a lot of people to give you one dollar.

Learn how to utilize your fame like this guy and youll probably make more money than him

>> No.2906233

>but all you need is a lot of people to give you one dollar.
>tfw remember hearing about this before somewhere
>tfw it actually makes a lot of sense
What if a lot of people gave me five dollars? Or ten? Or maybe even twenty? Which one is more efficient?

>> No.2906234

What's the secret?
He doesn't asking others about secrets and makes his own decision. Try to do this sometimes. For example close 4chan.

>> No.2906239

>Try to do this sometimes. For example close 4chan.

But if I take your advice I wouldn't be making my own decision.

>> No.2906240

this doesn't make any fucking sense... wtf /ic/

>> No.2906260

my dick proves otherwise

>> No.2906290

>What if a lot of people gave me five dollars? Or ten? Or maybe even twenty?

Sakimi Chan status

>> No.2906330
File: 503 KB, 986x1321, 170116widowbutt-ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>for this

I actually don't understand. Has he been around for a long long time or something? Did he get a meme image that made him explode?

I mean good for him, he replies to most comments he gets, so he seems like a nice guy, I just don't understand how the quality of his art is raking him in that many patrons, or cash. Like even with Shadman, while he's a bad artist, he's not this bad. Someone please explain.

>> No.2906382



>> No.2906388

>no writing + no illustration = /ic/

>> No.2906393


I wouldn't even call his illustrations meh. Shadman is meh. This guys just bad. But I suppose if he makes up for it with writing and storytelling then maybe it makes sense. Checking some of his stuff, he seems to do alot of sequenced stuff so.

>> No.2906406

porn art is based entirely around proportions. it has nothing to do with skill

>> No.2906414
File: 17 KB, 597x421, goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the stupidest thing I've seen in a while.

>> No.2906426

If it makes you feel better, he'll never work at a big company or animation studio. It's far easier to make money off of Patreon and catering to your following than it is to break into the industry, but artists are notoriously terrible at business and monetization.

>> No.2906427

>But how did he do it? What's the secret?
Updates. In the porn world, even shitty artists can make it if they upload content regularly.

This guy's art is shit, but for the public speed of delivery is more important. No one wants to wait a month for commissions or the sporadic yearly upload.
People are always like "hurrdurr why is shadman so popular if I'm better than him?" He uploaded 3-4 colored drawings a week, for years. Have you?

I have seen plenty of good artists crash and burn because they spend so much time polishing their art that they lose their followers.

>> No.2906443

Since he's telling you to make your own decisions if you make the decision to not close 4chan you're still not making your own decision.

>> No.2906451

Second post best post.
Even if he's not great, keep spitting on him all you want, that won't give YOU more dough...

>> No.2906456

>tfw if you put out hundreds of drawings, there's no way people won't notice you
Really makes me think actually. Almost makes me feel lazy in comparison.

>> No.2906459

...Even if I don't like what he draws & will never go NSFW.
(Looks like lewd drawings really shut brains down)

>> No.2906879

So uh
Any good books / tips for getting into making comics?

>> No.2906979

Understanding Comics and Making Comics are must-reads and cover most storytelling and technical aspects of making a comic.

Art can be learned through the artbook thread. Focus especially on anatomy, perspective and composition. Character design and concept design will be pretty useful too.

Get used to writing and storytelling in general.
Elements of Style by Will Strunk Jnr and EB White, On Writing by Stephen King, and How NOT to Write a Novel by Howard Mittelmark and Sandra Newman are pretty good reads.

Storytelling first, art second. Always.

Read more comics/manga/media and observe everything and make mental notes of ways the author conveys their message.

Find inspiration from life and other media besides comics e.g. movies, songs, classical literature

Best of luck and try not to burn yourself out.

>> No.2907585

>On Writing by Stephen King
Finally someone recommended me a book about writing that was written by an actual pro writer.

>> No.2907841

>this is what "making it" means to some people here

>> No.2908318

cranking out shit and making a shit ton of cash not having to work a day in your life? What is "making it" to you then you pretentiously jealous faggoy

>> No.2908684
File: 192 KB, 358x363, happywalrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ here

>Stephen King
>pro writer


>> No.2908689

>hahahaha maymays hahhahahaa

>> No.2908690

thx for the advice lit haha bye bye

>> No.2908692

>one of the commercially most successful writers of all time
>not a pro
>being from /lit/ and not understanding the definition of the word "professional"


>> No.2908725

isn't the cranking out shit part, work?

>> No.2908752

How about being capable of making good fucking art?

Would this really be your endgame, something as ugly and awful as this? Would you be content with producing work like this?

This is what's wrong with /ic/ these days, no one cares about art.

>> No.2908809

making it = getting a well paying job as an artist

>> No.2908971

Only if you are a whore.

>> No.2909038
File: 93 KB, 500x500, ara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make $100 a month, /ic/. What do I do?

I'm a literally who on the internet and don't post my work anywhere

>> No.2909041


>> No.2909056


>> No.2909068

Fiver or something

>> No.2909071

Naturally you'd have to be the opposite of those two things?

But if you were trying to say that you intend to remain a literally who, then check craigslist m4m, backpage too.

>> No.2909085

Damn that's amazing

>> No.2909117

>Naturally you'd have to be the opposite of those two things?
I understand this and would like to do it but I've been living under a rock for a long time and don't know the platforms and places to spread my stuff around. I don't even have a phone.

I've done a couple online commissions but I don't really know how to charge properly and I'm also really slow

Thanks senpai

>> No.2909120

You know, a bra that tight would be unwearable. You'd be in agony from the straps digging in and your tits mushed together. That girl in the banner should look like she's in pain.

Just to be realistic.

>> No.2909121

/ic/ is a red board, you don't have to censor that shit.

>> No.2909124

Anyone who gets paid to do something is a professional. But for /lit/, anyone who isn't Joyce (or Ayn Rand if they're being ironic) is an amateur.

>> No.2909126

>Ayn Rand

>> No.2909127

Porn is one of the few cases where a lack of realism is acceptable. What bothers me though is that the straps seem to curve down to fit her contours, rather than being pulled taut over the shoulder to the top of the bra, which would look 100% better.

>> No.2909133

fucked up the quotes

>> No.2909313
File: 50 KB, 720x576, lemonoftroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think the guy deserves it

I've blown my loads many MANY times to his drawings
Some people my find the artstyle disgusting but I enjoy it immensely, the characters are so comically fat assed and big dicked and that's what makes it good at least for me
It's not something I normally fap to because I prefer incest and underage females but all I can say, it just works.

>> No.2909332

>That girl

oh my god it's a girl. I only glanced the face, didn't notice the boobs and thought it was a dude.

>> No.2909341
File: 148 KB, 500x280, 1448855721667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hits the right buttons for many people, there was a period when I couldn't stop masturbating to his shit. His new work doesn't appeal to me. I still sometimes jerk to one of his old ones despite being albe to recognise that they are absolutely mediecore. It's not about quality in porn, it's about reaching the right aesthetic, there is a lot of porn that I admire for being well drawn but can't masturbate to for shit. I think that quality actually can easily scare off people, especially art critics and snobs.

>> No.2909439

Being able to support yourself so you can make more art from art alone is pretty much the definition of making it as an artist. And there's nothing wrong with the world oldest profession.

>> No.2909443

No it's not.

Any person with any fucking ambition and self-respect wouldn't settle for shit of this abysmal caliber.

>> No.2909482

Yes it is and you wouldn't need to settle. Roof over your head and food on the table while you get to practice your art skills is the best foundation any aspiring artist can hope for. There are no painters who have "made it" who didn't have to do stuff solely with the intent to support their lifestyle.

>> No.2909601

Three words.
Big. Fat. Dicks.

>> No.2909948

If producing shit this terrible is "making it" I don't wanna make it anymore.

>> No.2909995

Good. Less competition for me.

>> No.2910000

And I wish you luck on becoming the best shit artist the world has ever seen.

>> No.2910017

What you wrote is like saying:

>"If making it in the world of business means making shitty McDoanld burgers then I don't want to make it in the world of business anymore!"

>> No.2910020

i mean, i don't really see what's wrong with that. if making art you dont like for good money doesnt make you happy etc

>> No.2910610

Too true. If you can upload 3-4 decent pictures a week, you're well on your way to success.
This is another good point. Pictures are nice, but everybody loves a story, especially if that story happens to be a vehicle for your favorite fetish. Take a look a successful porn artists, many of them do comics and even animations, besides plain old pictures.

>> No.2912238

>look a successful porn artists, many of them do comics and even animations, besides plain old pictures.
The truth in this!

>> No.2912356 [DELETED] 

The point was that just because it's a business he doesn't like then it both means that 1) it is still a valid business and 2) that he doesn't have to do that sort of business to be a successful businessman.

So basically he was crying for the sake of being a bitch.

>> No.2912357

The point was that just because it's a business that he doesn't like then it still means that 1) it is still a valid business and that 2) he doesn't have to do that sort of business to be a successful businessman.

So basically he was crying for the sake of being a bitch.

>> No.2912689

If you actually fall for the college meme instead of just learning everything for free from the internet, Study business and marketing if you want to be successful as an artist.

>> No.2912881

Do you have a mouth, a vagina or an asshole? If so, go on backpage and advertise your "services." You could make a lot more than 100/month this way.

>> No.2913952

He didn't ask this question on /biz/ or /adv/, but on /ic/. He was most likely asking for a way to earn this cash by making art.