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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2904256 No.2904256 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most you've ever been paid for one of your works, /ic/?

>> No.2904258


>> No.2904265


>> No.2904271


>> No.2904278

Same for me

>> No.2904281


>> No.2904298

equivalent of $150

>> No.2904300


>> No.2904301

we get paid?

>> No.2904304

a nice comment

>> No.2904310

$250 without $13 for paypal fees

>> No.2904324


my only time I ever got paid.

>> No.2904350

Like 7 bucks

>> No.2904363
File: 95 KB, 980x900, Morrigan from Smite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D animations: 12 minutes for U$4000,00 everything
2D drawings: U$60 b&W pieces, 4 pieces paid for in paypal
I hope i can make some in paypal with my upcoming game :-/

>> No.2904365

Can't wait to make some bucks so I can show my parents I am not a loser, lmao.

>> No.2904368

Are you me?

>> No.2904373

I am not an artist, but why is there no "Looking for Work/Looking to Hire" thread?

I don't see it anywhere against the rules, yet there is an advertising thread which is absolutely against the Global rules.

>> No.2904375
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Yes, keep going brah. We are gonna make it.

>> No.2904377
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So far away...

>> No.2904391

I made about $300 on a 30 page sketchy comic...Most I've ever made on a single commission.

>> No.2904446

a piece of pizza (with sausage)

>> No.2904460

I look at it more about how much I get paid per hour. Sometimes I just have small jobs for 30-40 dollars but they often only take me 1-2 hours so I look at that as the most.

>> No.2904468

Yeah around $1300 for me too. Curious if anyone's gotten more than that

>> No.2904480

Well if you made 1300 and two anons got 1500 then yes, people have made more than you.

>> No.2904481

currently on a 5.5k job as a colorist, but it's really not something I enjoy doing, like at all.

>> No.2905236
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>> No.2905272

$300 for a single image, $5000 for 20 pages.

>> No.2905281

$5,000 for a large mural in a gym. It took me half a year to complete. I should have charged more because it factored out to me making like $5 an hour

>> No.2905291

$175 for a landscape piece.

>> No.2905324

You shouldn't have charged more you should've finished it faster

>> No.2905331

What was the piece?

>> No.2905347

What kind of game? Hentai?

>> No.2905356 [DELETED] 

$7000.00 for a single, shitty illustration for a t-shirt design.

I can't go into too many details, but I won a shirt competition for $2000.00 + a paid trip to some studio. They fucked up the trip planning & time frame of the trip, so that didn't work out. To remedy the situation, they said I could either postpone the trip a few months, or accept $5000.00 and not go. I chose the money.

There was nothing more at play here than dumb luck, as the shirt design was NOT worth all that money, let alone the intial $2K.

>> No.2905737

The most, and only commission I got was a set of 2 doodles that netted me 10 and 20$.

I would like to find a broader audience so I could take more commission work.

>> No.2905745

I'm a fucking scrub

>> No.2905760


splash pic for a game. wish i could share ;c

>> No.2905773
File: 97 KB, 1420x557, Clipboard017658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, what else?
2d, rpg.
After is finished, the next one will be a 3D one, hopefully using a Parblo or Ugee to make better models and animations.
Is good to see the Cintiq monopoly going down.

>> No.2905779

$65 for a half hour portrait
i should get into the abstract art scene though

>> No.2905791

I made $600 drawing a webcomic.

That's all the money I've ever made on art.

>> No.2905797


A few similar responses there, but by the looks of it people in this thread made a lot more.

Seems like the "made to order" commission art makes the most.

Bonus question. What is the most you have ever made on a print?

>> No.2906167


>> No.2906174

>"made to order" commission art

>> No.2906185

Presumably he means a commission vs the fine art approach of doing a painting and then later selling it to someone.

>> No.2906203
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>> No.2906282

The art life sounds exciting, it's like being a bounty hunter, always after a big target.

>> No.2906322

that sounds like a fun mentality to have, thanks man

>> No.2906364


>> No.2906383

$1200 for me. It's definitely not my average payment, but that piece wasn't an average piece. Never underestimate how much a bride will spend on her wedding is all I have to say.

>> No.2906428
File: 96 KB, 728x546, bMemtdDg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I had jew blood in me because I know I'm not making as much as I could . It's really hard for me to market/charge/deal with clients.

>> No.2906433

$50 was the most i made on a commission so far

>> No.2906435

either quit being a little bitch or charge more

>> No.2906461

I think charging more is a good idea and I'm expanding my gallery little by little.

Dealing with commissions made me understand why musicians and actors have managers that deal with the entire business shit while they focus on their performance

>> No.2906493
File: 108 KB, 672x739, NSPL_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 bucks, maybe

>> No.2906496


That was a while ago, though, back when I used to paint classical lanscapes.

>> No.2906504

That said, I collaborated with someone on one project (they did initial sketches, little sculptures) and I did the final computer concept arts, and they ended up winning the competition they entered and got to make an entire series of life-size sculptures to put around a town centre. There were like 12 of these cast bronze dogs, and it was really cool.

Though all I did was the digital concept art based on her rough sketches, and made no money myself.

>> No.2906520

Is it normal for artists to have agents?
Maybe some of you need one.

>> No.2906526

Wanna be mine.

>> No.2906536


I want 15%.

>> No.2906540

That's like nothing, but okay.

>> No.2906572


>trying to jew yourself

Oh, ya, you definitely need an agent.

>> No.2907193

like $80-100. honestly can't remember, i haven't taken commissions for years

>> No.2907386

>Draw in bus.
>A random guy comes to me.
>"Hey kiddo I like it, can you call me to draw my daughter ? I can pay you 10€ if you want"
>oy vey "man I can't I don't have such skills and I draw shit."
>"It's okay you know. It can pay your rent or two beers. Come on, here my number call me later".
>Euh... euh okay dude.
>Never called him and lost the number in all my stuff.

If I find the number again I'll call him back and it freely.

>> No.2907390

>If I find the number again I'll call him back and it freely.

Don't do m80 it he wants your boi pucci

>> No.2907495

I can't see the problem

>> No.2907497

2k to create interface for firefighter simulation


>> No.2907582

Hu, something similar happened to me, but it was about this guy in his late thirties wanting me to design him a tattoo and I gave my number, he never called. Never felt more glad and dissapointed at the same time for not getting a call...

>> No.2907597

Why are you all so shy? It's kinda pissing me off.

>> No.2907607

teach me how to be a jew senpais

I can get clients and people like my work but I can't get myself to squeeze the money out of my opportunities

>> No.2907610
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>> No.2907613


Nu-males with low test.


Just do it, you little bitch.

>> No.2907614

>Just do it
do what exactly?

>> No.2907615
File: 20 KB, 256x400, Trump_the_art_of_the_deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say no more senpai

>> No.2907617

I only get paid in exposure which I am told is equally as valuable as money.

>> No.2907715
File: 195 KB, 776x432, bare necessities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read a book in my entire life will this make me desire money?

I blame listening to baloo and his communist song a lot as a kid. As long as I have food, energy and internet I really can't get myself to earn money.


>> No.2907884


Put fair prices for yourself, and stop working for less than you think you should. STAND FOR YOURSELF.

>> No.2907886


The only thing that will make you desire money is Testosterone and/or Dopamine.

>> No.2907946

Dont' be like part 1 Kaiji anon, be like part 3 Kaiji instead

>> No.2908047


What's wrong with you man, grow a fucking pair.

>> No.2908061
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>> No.2908116

about 6 (You)s.

>> No.2908291

>got 11 (you)s once
only because it was guro of cute anime girls, feels good tho

>> No.2908293

>only have gotten about 3 (You)s at most for art
Maybe if I posted more often I could get more (You)s though.

>> No.2908493

How many pages?

>> No.2908502

Is part 3 Kaiji the mahjong one? (Asking because I havent read that part yet)

>> No.2908510


>> No.2908512

about $200

>> No.2908598

How much would you guys charge me to draw lewds of my waifu?

>> No.2908604

50 billion gaia gold

>> No.2908724

0 because I can deaw better lewds of your waifu cucking you

>> No.2909001
File: 168 KB, 716x848, 20170321_115646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why nobody buy me drarwing
me no me not great but me okay
Me see other not grate that is badder than me
But they get monies
Why nobody gib me monies
Just want draw girl with big pee pee

>> No.2909002


>> No.2910217

yeah, no shit

>> No.2910219


>> No.2910306


>> No.2910669

$35.00 i think.

asked for $50.00 because it was taking me 2 whole days to finish each piece, and never heard of the client again.

>> No.2911406


52 strips and a logo design.

>> No.2911409

I've just drawn some fur-fag commishes, so about 200 dollars is the most. Was a 5 char. YCH auction and at the time I felt it was sooo much money, so I tossed in an extra 2 char. pic for the winner, even. Now I wouldn't do that, I've learned... but I don't do commishes anymore, too much of a hassle now that I have a steady full time job. More fun to just draw for my own amusement, draw gift art, do trades and stuff like that.

>> No.2911410

>Now I wouldn't do that, I've learned...
What happened?

>> No.2911433

1500$ - did a bunch of animations for one game.
Usually i get around 100-200$

>> No.2911450

I reluctantly did a few porn commissions years ago, and would usually get offers up to about $300 for line art. A pattern I noticed was that the stranger their fetishes were, the more they were willing to pay. One guy literally stalked me online for a whole year to get a commission out of me, and kept offering larger and larger sums of money.

People really have some weird fetishes. I'm not even talking about things that are particularly disgusting. Just really bizarre, highly specific requests.

>> No.2911455

You can always make one yourself. It's not like the mods pay attention to what goes on around here.

>> No.2911466


I draw at work and get paid doing it.

>> No.2911780

>People really have some weird fetishes. I'm not even talking about things that are particularly disgusting. Just really bizarre, highly specific requests.

this is something all porn artists eventually realize. lots of weirdos out there with bizarre fixations that you would have never imagined could be sexual. but oh well.

>> No.2911809


>> No.2912298

I got 15 (you)s for drawing a shitty guro about cute witches undergoing school shooting. And that was just when it was the first time I posted it.

>> No.2912562

Once paid a substantial drug debt with an oil painting that the dealer later sold of to someone else with a profit apparently

>> No.2912601

$245 for 1
$500 for a short comic series technically 1 commission

>> No.2912619

I have never made anything because I want to be better than other artists. A welfare check is enough for me.

BUT I have used art twice to get out of jail time with community service. So that was nice.

>> No.2912627

I get about $4k after tax per month plus travels and insurance.

Design more than painting. Working for games with ovetime and weekend work.

>> No.2912635

I want to start taking commissions but using Paypal in my country is a huge mess. What are some other common ways of paying online, anons? Also, any tips on marketing besides "post in many places and learn to use tags"?

>> No.2912790
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Try bitcoin.

>> No.2913016

And greed...

>> No.2913026

100 for an outline

>> No.2913038


Royalty payments is amazing

>> No.2913044

sauce on the anime titties

>> No.2913064

Yeah. This one guy wanted a picture of a specific character falling to her death from a skyscraper, while being raped and impregnated by a monster on the way down.

I just don't get how this turns someone on.

>> No.2913542

You just don't get it. You need to study more just to understand the true essence of its sophisticated beauty.

>> No.2913543

Wow, that guy has refined tastes.

>> No.2913741

stoner kid bought my art class water color painting of a cockroach riding a pink elephant

>> No.2914060

You guys need to move to California.

>> No.2915327
File: 99 KB, 813x876, 8D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's called Ran->Sem.

>> No.2915438


if in his country it's problematic to use paypal it'll also be hard to convert bitcoin into cash