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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 398x356, 1488997502692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2903132 No.2903132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tfw you realize most of your online art friends are SJWs and trans and faggots

>> No.2903139
File: 596 KB, 1053x951, Screenshot_20170224-231731~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you don't have friends

>> No.2903140

I'm here for you remember

>> No.2903144


It's great, imo. You can do the conservative thing and do hard work, have a sense of responsibility and take your craft seriously, then rub it on their faces.

>> No.2903145

>be in an art chat room
>the more time goes by, the more furries join


>> No.2903147

Huh? Isn't the conservative thing just whining about others while doing nothing to improve the situation?

>> No.2903148
File: 1022 KB, 235x242, post-11522-I-wanted-waffles-rkPS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are a "sjw" so you don't really give a shit

>> No.2903153
File: 569 KB, 1113x1170, 1488549791268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's liberal as fuck, you just described hippies, commies, SJW, Black Lives Matter, modern feminists. Conservatives are the ones keeping society afloat with their evul capitalists tactics. You can't seriously think your average liberal is a hard-working individual, with their whole-mark is hatred towards routines, well-defined structures and respect for the laws/traditions.

>> No.2903160

Lmao, sure buddy. Keep living in that bubble.

>> No.2903161
File: 31 KB, 500x417, 1478449840126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Keep living in that bubble.
I will, for you. Because yours just got burst.

>> No.2903168


Well, enjoy your trans faggots friends while they are there because according to statistics, half of them are likely to be dead soon.

>> No.2903170

>because according to statistics, half of them are likely to be dead soon.
>according to statistics

What statistics? You can preface any-fucking-thing with "according to statistics" and it doesn't mean shit if you don't actually provide the statistics.

>> No.2903174
File: 23 KB, 300x250, rfQ6Zr1Sb3-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 4chan is my only friend

>> No.2903177
File: 801 KB, 250x195, 1478589155320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, here. Have at them


>> No.2903192


>> No.2903195

>tfw 4chan was my only friend but it got taken over by edgy normies and stormfags

>> No.2903196

It's weird how we make such a big deal about such an insignificant percent of our population

>> No.2903197

>tfw not either of those but wonder which anon categorizes you in

>> No.2903199

Opening up about political fews on your portfolio/ art blog/ page is probably the most pathetic thing i can think of.

>> No.2903200

Artists are insignificant to many people as well. They would group us together and there's not much we can do about it.

>> No.2903211

fuck /ic/'s discord

>> No.2903212
File: 55 KB, 550x851, unbreakable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conservatives tossed away tons of capital and pissed off a whole lotta major corporations who had business in my state because uhh, hmm, how would someone like you put it, "muh religious freedoms" i guess. but yeah, sure, don't worry, they'll do fine on the federal level, just continue to slice any social programs left in the name of saving money while at the same time dumping all that they would've saved AND MORE back into the military budget

>> No.2903214

nice non-argument bro

>> No.2903232
File: 46 KB, 650x360, 1478788117603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1- Business owners have the solemn right to serve whoever they please
>2-Social programs create leeches
>3- A strong military is key for protection and assuring good relationships world-wide.

>> No.2903234


>conservatives tossed away tons of capital and pissed off a whole lotta major corporations who had business in my state because uhh, hmm, how would someone like you put it, "muh religious freedoms"

Right, and the liberal response was to ruin the business of that person and make it close off completely. I much productive option, obviously!

>> No.2903242


When that insignificant part of the population is trying to pass laws to control your speech, and the retarded politicians actually listen to them, it's not insignificant anymore.

>> No.2903245

>what is moderation

>> No.2903248


USA's strong military puts the country in a very special position when it comes to negotiations and relationships. I'll agree stupid decisions have been made, and that certain government contracts are clearly rip offs(F35), but USA certainly does not need less budget going to the military and getting overshadowed by another Superpower, being at the top comes with many benefits.

>> No.2903253
File: 21 KB, 400x400, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but are they actually any good at art though?

>>2903144 has a point

>> No.2903273

prove it

>> No.2903277

You don't have friends and there's a reason why.
You're a low life asshole who thinks he's too good for anyone.
Protip: you're not. And that's why you don't have real friends.

>> No.2903284

This sounds about right to be honest my family man. If all of his friends were conservatives OP would just think up some other bullshit to let himself feel superior.

>> No.2903293


True, bad business choice if you're a conservative too. It's better to keep neutral.

>> No.2903301

Trans people aren't a cause they were born that way. It's like saying you have black friends instead of black lives matter

>> No.2903308


>> No.2903311

>Conservatives are the ones keeping society afloat
>red states are literally being kept afloat by California money

>> No.2903319

They were born with silicone tits?!

>> No.2903320

I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

>> No.2903324
File: 10 KB, 255x220, 1469132839886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were born with sex change surgery

>> No.2903345
File: 2.00 MB, 310x272, 1436360182178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel OP.

I despise the SJW snowflakes that bitch about anything. Also these new pseudoconservatives piss me off too. You jack off to lolis and shitpost on /pol/ 16 hours a day. You're not a conservative so stop pretending you have values.

That's why I tend to spend most of my time here. We always can have a laugh at at 9/11, Jesus, Allah, feminists, rednecks, niggers, whites, etc. I have 11 years coming here and after long enough you grow a thick skin to stop caring about virtue signaling.

It's all for the bantz lads. That's the only reason to do art. Art has no practical function in society. Art is for pleasure only.

That's why I voted Trump. Just for the butthurt that it would cause. And he delivered, but I never really cared about his policies.

>> No.2903348

No, chucklefucks. Trans people have always had a need to transition into their actual gender. Learn about shit before you make fun of it.

>> No.2903349


>Art has no practical function in society

But many pieces of art have inspired technology

>> No.2903350

Don't even try to convince these dumb fuckers, anon. They don't understand just how bland and boring the world would be without art.

>> No.2903352


That's not true at all, lmao. How about you share some sources so we can ''learn''?

>> No.2903360

Source: I'm trans.

Have another (You) while you're at it.

>> No.2903368


I asked for sources, not the anecdotal experiences of a mentally ill person. You are the single least trust able holder of information to learn from, since you have an undeniable bias to protect your identity.

I'll give you a second chance. Provide sources that support the claim Transgender people are born that way.

>> No.2903373

>Don't even try to convince these dumb fuckers, anon. They don't understand just how bland and boring the world would be without art.

But that's why I just said. Art is for fun and joy. Enjoying a painting is not profitable, or it would be work. Fun or joy are not practical or productive. If the government could tax it they would.

They have tried countless times in the past to make art laws like the comic book regulations (by conservatives) and diversity quotas (by liberals).

Therefore art should be free from conservatives or liberals. When art becomes political, it becomes propaganda or marketing.

>> No.2903377

are you lost

>> No.2903381

Biggest crock of shit I've ever heard.
California isn't even going to exist in another two decades or so, if its drought keeps on as it is. They pray for rain to put out the fires, and then they fucking drown.

>> No.2903385


Art is always propaganda or marketing, because all art is the expression of a message others can relate to. That doesn't mean it doesn't hold any value to a society, I don't think that's true to reality. How many scientists might have art inspired with Sci fi? I know Michio Kaku was one of them. Don't ignore the power of art, is how us humans have carried out truth of life alongside us since way before the written word, and it is a tool to understand ourselves in a deeper way than our conscious might be able to comprehend.

>> No.2903391

>empires arent susceptible to crumbling into the ground

>> No.2903396
File: 85 KB, 466x700, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw some right-wing freak who likes art is near me

>> No.2903401

like being in a constant never ending debt that we'll never pay off while we still have children starving and/or suffering from lead poisoning? do you realize how much more we spend on the military compared to literally anything else? we are royally fucked by the military industrial complex through and through.

you're not even arguing the same point, i'm talking about massive nation wide businesses that move in billions if not trillions of dollars, you're talking about mom n pop shops that scrape by with less than 100k annually. welcome to how capitalism works, people don't like what you do, they speak with money, you can't whine and bitch and moan about "the liberals" allegedly shutting down small businesses using capitalistic methods while at the same time whining, bitching and moaning about them being anti-capitalist. regardless of how you think the "real" naciremas feel (whatever that means) these companies that pour countless resources into deciding what the most economically viable plan of action is have mostly decided that social progressivism will bring them more money, however hollow or lipservicy their sentiments may or may not be.

also to touch back on my homestate and their reaction to these companies attempting to throw their economic weight around, the conservative side of the state government wants to cut if not completely remove much of their tax breaks, which, from a conservative economic lense, is essentially saying "take all your businesses and the money it brings into our states economy and just move it to another state please cause we'd really like to drastically shrink our economy as fast as possible, thank you and have a nice day"

>> No.2903402


Wow, you've opened my eyes for real. Of course, it's so logical! If empires crumble anyway sooner or later, what's the point of even trying?? Right?? Holy shit!!

>> No.2903406
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1459033918223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm trans

No wonder you got all defensive about your mental disease

>> No.2903407
File: 2.00 MB, 252x400, 1478655428778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even worse, we are at the top of the industry. All that high test puts us right money. Enjoy your conservative boss.

>> No.2903415
File: 25 KB, 540x540, k.cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2903417


>> No.2903418


Getting the government to pass laws that deny owners the solemn right to serve whoever they please because they offended somebody else's feelings is not capitalism.

Your point about the military does not conflict with the statement that a strong military has many benefits, both for the society, world-wide peace and the advancement of technology.

>> No.2903419

speak for thyself

>> No.2903430


>> No.2903435

What a sterling, well-sourced rebuttal.

Sarcasm aside, it's pretty shameful that you can't even defend your own identity at the rational level of an adult. No wonder people refuse to take you and others like you seriously.

>> No.2903437

you're a faggot is what you're saying?

>> No.2903441


Reality checks come sooner or later, and when they do. Well, let's just say is ''up the street'' time for them. Many such cases, sad!

>> No.2903442

you're both posting on a bhutanese woodcarving imageboard buddy

>> No.2903446

transgendered mutants are out of touch with reality.

oh shit donald trump is on /ic/

>> No.2903448


Software development, videogames, and film aren't the only profitable industries you know. Especially if companies like Apple and Google evade taxes.

>> No.2903450

>Software development, videogames, and film aren't the only profitable industries you know.
Then what are?

>> No.2903456
File: 194 KB, 1104x1520, tmp_30077-7480d128f1155029ed93585973e53cf15da38261b12d998880414427407912f5501237862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't blame you guys from hanging out here. If I were liberal, I would hang out with Trump supporters too if most of my friends looked and sounded like this.

>> No.2903461


Come on, you even protest against these industries too. Oil, Natural Gas, Military, Real Estate, etc.

>> No.2903473
File: 6 KB, 99x103, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why do poltards accuse richfags of being sheltered liberals or jews all the time?

>> No.2903477


The accuse Richfags who are into identity politics to be sheltered liberals or Jews, which is mostly true. Very important distinction.

>> No.2903484

hb2 has nothing to do with religion in practice, it just had widespread support among fundamentalists in the state and thanks to years and years of literally rigging the vote through gerrymandering and voter suppression the NCGOP has gotten mighty proficient at clawing their way back against the progressive creep of the overall demographic of the state (see research triangle park and, ironically enough, the consolidation of many east coast military bases into the fort bragg/pope airforce area as well as the growing economic film/tv business in charlotte which was actually the source of this original conflict because the state government was mad that a city had introduced legislation to protect the rights of trans people within the city (how's that for small government?)) through maneuvering/manipulating the ironclad yet now minority of fundamentalist christians

also i never even attempted to say the military wasn't important, just that endlessly dumping cash into it while other parts of the united states infrastructure are literally crumbling is probably the dumbest fucking course of action to take even when ignoring the endless "we're gonna lower the budget (manages to increase the budget through military spending alone)" rhetoric

>> No.2903485
File: 29 KB, 415x231, starship-troopers-vagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gotta give it to him, I am spooked.

>> No.2903490

>Implying trannies' self defense is any different outside of a mongolian ceramics bulletin board system

>> No.2903499

What you need are testosterone injections, works plenty good for FtM, why wouldn't it work for you?
The first reaction to a psychological problem shouldn't be to poison your body with female hormones and carve up your putz. You will never, ever, ever be a woman.

>> No.2903501

you're going up against jewish political ideology, you will never win. all these warpped ideologies trace back to the jews...especially when it comes to gender/sexual and psychological politics. anyone who yells "antisemite" is a mere pawn regurgitating what they have been sold to believe. they all act the same. birds of a feather flock together. look at the policy makers that allowed this mental illness (not discussed as such) to be allowed through health insurance to be covered at the expense of millions of otherwise normal and actually sick people. yet somehow these transformers are given priority without question. also, the jews and faggots are the only 2 groups in America with prominent antidefimation leagues in nyc. the adl being the parent of glaad.

>> No.2903508

there are so many jews and zionists (internet water army) agents on 4chan monitoring anything that would prompt proper discussion about the underlying reality of these revolting and current trends, ie feminism, black lives matters, transformers - faggots in disguise, liberals, sjw and so on.

>> No.2903517
File: 103 KB, 1280x544, Dotm-megatron-film-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Megatron dindu nuffin. He a good boy.

>> No.2903521
File: 28 KB, 720x540, 0053_defense-comparison-full.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA certainly does not need less budget going to the military and getting overshadowed by another Superpower,
oh, wait...

>> No.2903524

So could the next seven countries combined be enough to stop the US military?

>> No.2903540


Good, good. Let's keep it that way.

>> No.2903584

They're hiding their powerlevels.

>> No.2903598

>hearth shaped pupil

>> No.2903600
File: 55 KB, 303x311, 1461945089717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong military
>world-wide peace

>> No.2903612


You sincerely believe those are contradictory statements? The irony is palpable. I am not sure if you've realized this yet, but the world is not a peaceful place, and the only thing that seems to have avoided our extinction is the fact we have so much firepower we could kill the enemy, at the same time our enemy could kill us, and everyone else caught in the fire. Mutually assured destruction (M.A.D), rings a bell?

If we don't have the strongest military, someone else will. Be happy is us.

>> No.2903614


On a ground battle their soldiers would enough to outman the US army and thus through numerical superiority win but the US has so much air support that it would probably just wreck the shit out of them because of that.

1 US carrier battlegroup is strong enough to take down China's navy and the US has like 10 of them.

In a nuke war the whole world would get fucked since Russia and the US each have enough nukes to kick up enough dust in the atmosphere to block out the Sunlight (causing a nuclear winter) which would kill everything on Earth.

>> No.2903617

>you've opened my eyes for real
no problem anon, anything to help

>what's the point of even trying?
I think thats one of the reasons why the US spends so much on "defense." either to prep for a 2 front war or to prevent its inevitable doom

Also, Is there a correlation between a country's defense budget and how good their artist are?

>> No.2903623
File: 22 KB, 280x303, 1486590076630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the reasons I'm not eager to jump into this field.

No. They need to fuck off and stop acting like they matter / spreading their disease to kids.


Kys. NAFTA and "muh global warming!" faggots ruined our industries. That shit is all on you nation wrecking parasites.

>> No.2903629

Who's more of a fag? The fag or the fag who follows him?

>> No.2903633

>In a nuke war the whole world would get fucked since Russia and the US each have enough nukes to kick up enough dust in the atmosphere to block out the Sunlight (causing a nuclear winter) which would kill everything on Earth.
But surely someone has a counter plan to that, right? It can't be that hard to disperse dust in the atmosphere with our current technology.

>> No.2903634
File: 47 KB, 776x602, 1388952331444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not having SJW friends who will go apeshit hype over your work than having a bunch of pepe cringy fedoracore edgelords as friends.

>> No.2903636


The faggest fag, is the fag that wonders such a faggy thing.

>> No.2903640


The only plan we have, and seems to be working up to know is M.A.D. We and the enemy know that Nuclear attacks mean the destruction of both parties, so basically the only thing keeping us from blowing each other up is our wish to continue existing.

>> No.2903641


That said, pray to all gods you know Islamic terrorists don't get their hands on a nuclear nuke, because those guys don't care about martyrdom for Allah.

>> No.2903656
File: 58 KB, 489x599, Anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just wish the far left and the far right would just kill themselves

>> No.2903668

better yet, they could kill each other

>> No.2903669
File: 981 KB, 342x239, 1439188072295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One side would eventually prevail. And let's be honest here, it'd be the far right. No one wants that.

>> No.2903676

Have a citation for the diversity quota law?

>> No.2903681

came here to post this

>> No.2903682

>One side would eventually prevail.

Good thinking.

>> No.2903683
File: 146 KB, 1003x915, SocialistUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60% of the US budget goes to health care, pensions and welfare. Quit your whining.

>> No.2903688
File: 757 KB, 1463x943, oya_oya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go at the eSport bar near of my house for St Patrick
>Meet a full SJW friend who piss me off online
>Start talking about memes and political jokes
>Go out and smoke
>Get back in and pay drink to each other
>Still doing jokes and laugh much
>At the end of the night we're really happy to see each other.

SJW ivl, chill people irl.
Feels good man.

>> No.2903690

Not that anon, but has it fostered peace? We've been in Korea, Vietnam, and all over the middle east since WWII.

What's the point of out spending the next seven nations when we share borders with allies and probably the strongest navy and air force on the planet?

>> No.2903725
File: 71 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mlo0urRKDc1s2f98oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it.

Iamprikle, a great artist, went from offensive humour to warning people about offensive trans jokes.

Picture related

>> No.2903758

OP here. didnt expect the thread to blow up as it it did

why are trans such a thing anyway

>> No.2903761

Don't you want to be a cute girl?

>> No.2903786

There's always seppuku

>> No.2903791
File: 124 KB, 800x551, 1485218419026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one wants that.
Hugo Boss does.
I for one welcome our fashionably dressed overlords.

>> No.2903807
File: 9 KB, 320x180, BlairePeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, there is a difference between being transgender and being a fucking faggot transtrender. Know the difference.

>Went from male to female or vice versa by going through surgery and hormonal treatment, dresses normally like their "new" gender.

>1 trillion genders, but they can't pick one so they choose four at a time, always SJW, dresses like a freak.

Watch Blaire White's videos, a based trannie.


>> No.2903817

>You can't seriously think your average liberal is a hard-working individual
what is the working class

>> No.2903825

>some people still believe hugo boss designed the nazi uniforms

>> No.2903837
File: 189 KB, 450x472, 1489759935110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking trans abomination calling someone else a freak

>> No.2903843


>> No.2903856

same difference
same faggotry

>> No.2903863

All art will always be political.
Avoiding political themes is a political thing in itself.

>> No.2903865

>everything is art
>everything is politics
>everything is nothing and nothing is everything

>> No.2903869
File: 63 KB, 540x625, a hustla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most interesting creatives are like that nowadays, anon, so why get angry about it.

Unless your life spins entirely around youtube videogame reviewers, porn and commercial concept art in which case more power to you.

>> No.2903878

Politics in the public, non-academic sphere are based more on projection of peoples' own complexes than anything they actually have researched or learned. It's not that art is always political. It's that art will always make a statement to a viewer, often times without the author intending to make one at all.
Right wingers often treat liberalism as stupidity and a young and foolish person's angst, symptom of their freedom from responsibility and lack of economic knowledge. They tend to, themselves, be religious people from modest (if not outright miserable) backgrounds, and have little or no formal education beyond high school. Your average degree-holder is more likely to be a liberal than a conservative. Whatever else you may wish to say, they're not stupid.
Likewise, liberals tend to treat conservatism as a vicious and cruel attack on the less-fortunate, fueled by irrational anger in the face of adversity. One need only look at the last few months of news coverage from the US to see where the projection here lies.

>> No.2903890

i know the difference but seeing how everyone and their dog is transgender online, someone's got to be bullshitting.

im not angry, i just wonder if im surrounded by posers. i don't have problem with actual trans and gay people.

>> No.2903956


Education doesn't imply intelligence if you're non-stem, especially if they're "educated" liberals. A lot of them go for worthless humanities degrees like gender studies where they write verbose papers, memorize index cards, and watch youtube videos in lectures. The shit they do is easy, they're just trustfund babies who have their parent's money to burn:

A lot of conservatives are part of the military, but your military rank is assigned in accordance to your education level. An hs grad has the lowest rank, but a person with a bachelors has a prestigious rank. Unlike Uni, the military forces you to learn useful skills like foreign languages or STEM-related material like engineering.

Ultimately, a skillset signifies intelligence more than a degree.

>> No.2903959


Sorry, being a waiter or retail clerk doesn't count as blue-collar.

>> No.2904058
File: 88 KB, 742x758, 1459070195226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already knew all of this, but thanks, I guess.

I'm using this now. Thanks.

>> No.2904066

Yeah, it's only natural that people act differently irl than online. Someone who I would hate and consider sufferable online can be pretty chill in real life.

>> No.2904073

>having friends

>> No.2904095

>with their whole-mark is

>> No.2904104
File: 100 KB, 360x672, 1489475148523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is trans people actually dress as their new gender and actually go through surgery and hormones. If you can't tell if someone is trans and they say they are (granted they look like the opposite gender they were born with) they are an actual trans.

This is pretty much like a a gay person who dates the same gender (trans)compared to a gay person who dates the opposite (transtrender).


Yeah it sucks for people who are actually trans and have to put up with their bullshit. Hopefully the trend will die out soon.

>> No.2904202


Because is that big military power that has allowed us to share borders with allies, or have them in the first place.

>> No.2904204

Are you implying Canada and Mexico would invade us if we didn't spend a trillion dollars on defense?

>> No.2904205
File: 92 KB, 1200x767, 1489007383567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus christ, imagine if we cut the social leeches and gave all that money to education, science and military.

>> No.2904207


Yes, and Mexico already does.

>> No.2904224

>Canada would invade the U.S.
>Conflating illegal immigration with a literal military invasion

I don't think you know of what you speak. We have diplomatic relations with Canada and Mexico going back over a century, they are not going to invade because "we let are guard down".

and that still doesn't justify what we spend. Mexicon spend 7 billion on defense, Canada 15 billion. We spend 596, 22 times both of them combined, so our allies won't invade?

>> No.2904227

Why is that image so powerful?

>> No.2904230

Hi. Any artistically talented white women here? Wanna make a bunch of beautiful white babies with me? And live in the middle of nowhere on several acres of land. Homeschooling our progeny. Growing our own food. Maintaining our rifle collection. Building fortifications. Living the dream...

>> No.2904232

A lot of businesses would also lose profit and some would even go down as all those people on benefits would stop spending money. Criminality would skyrocket. Insurance costs would go up. etc.

>> No.2904318


Nah, it'll force people to obtain a skillset from those industries instead.

>> No.2904319


Take me now.

>> No.2904320


The US military differs from other militaries as it's a combination of other billion dollar industries like education and R&D. If you think that they only shoot brown people in the desert, then you're woefully mistaken.

>> No.2904332

No it wouldn't. If the small grocery store dies because of lack of customers then some unemployed guy isn't going to reopen that business. it'll mean less competition and likely a rise in the price of that commodity.

I guess want unemployed people to grow their own food. Then they can trade food among themselves and start their own sub societies. Eventually their own currencies, laws and law enforcement... Then we can have sub areas in big cities protecting their land against the US with some urban wars and raids on corporations and kidnappings of the wealthy.

Funny eh. The thing is that there's plenty of example around the world to look at if you want to see what happens when a government abandon a group of its citizens.

>> No.2904387

R&D and Education (what sort of education?), can be done by any gov't entity. Why not spend directly on those projects rather than just dumping the money in a giant military clearing house.

I just don't think there is much justification for the military at the size that it is currently.

>> No.2904504

>they bad, we good.


>> No.2904613
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Conservatives always view liberals as silly and stupid, but well intentioned, whereas liberals view conservatives as evil, greedy malintentioned people.

This probably stems from conservatives (at least then 2017 conservatives) as not caring about 'poc' or 'gays' because in their eyes its not the governments job to help people its your own job. Also most 2017 conservatives dont really look at (non ideological) groups as groups, they view it as they are individuals. 2017 Liberals tend to see it as "these people are making less money therefore there is a problem" whereas 2017 conservatives see it as "do they equal opportunity? If so, then thats okay".

That is probably why conservatives are seen as bad people, because they tend to not care as much about groups of people problems, as long as they have equal opportunity.

But this is an oversimplification. There are many different types of liberals and conservatives, and authoritarians and libertarians.

>> No.2904660

oh the ironing

>> No.2904696

>what is the working class
>white working class votes overwhelmingly for Trump

Nice try, but burgerflipping and retail ain't "working class."

>> No.2904741
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did you read the whole post. I said both do the same thing both ways.

>> No.2904745
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>tfw probably would have turned out leftist had it not been for the internet introducing me to online militant atheists and SA SJWs
>tfw every single one of my ideological beliefs are forceably severed from my personality and what I like
>tfw easily get along with lefties and righties because of this

ha ha time to infiltrate hollywood and inject it with traditionalism and l e w d

>> No.2904747

Good taste.

>> No.2904750
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I didn't say that though.