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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2900544 No.2900544 [Reply] [Original]


1) do you exist ?

2) what is your experience with being a female artist? (not advantageous, N/A or advantageous)

3) How do breasts affect your art, do they push on the table or get in the way?

4) aside from painting with period blood, which is just plain gross, do you draw on your period? is it different?

5) if the best ever male artist went up against the best ever female artist, would it be an even match? where would the male excel? female?

6) Do you see art as a boyish or girly hobby?

7) How do feel about dating a male artist? what would we need to draw for you, to get your pants off?

8) how do you feel about CREEPERS specifically in art, where is the line for you between casually being observed and just full on rapey vibes?

9) have you every dyed your hair an odd color, and if so, was it your favorite color?

10) How do you feel about feminism and art? Is there a female GIT GUD and a male GIT GUD ?

11) who is you favorite artist? If not female, who is your favorite female artist?

12) Lastly, tell us something about being female artist that we would never know otherwise aka a fun fact.

T H A N K S L A D I E S & L A D D I E S
here is a quick copypasta 4 ya to answer easier

>> No.2900589

You seem to have spent a long time thinking about this, so here you go.
1. yes
2. I dont have much on the internet, and I keep it as a hobby at this point, but I dont think I've seen a difference.
3. what? no? how big do you think breasts are?
4. I had never thought about it so I guess most of the time you carry on like usually but obviously you take a brake if youre feeling really bad.
5. I have no idea, I've never considered there to be any significant differences between being a female or male artist, but once you get to the best artists in the world I dont think there'd be just one supreme art champion.
6. I dont see it as either, I've honestly never thought about it that much, but I guess I've see more girls doing anime type things and more guys doing more traditional painting and the like.
7. Anything half ok, because Ive met so few people in real life who have any real interest in art or drawing.
8. I'm not cool enough for any stalkers, or I just dont have much of an internet presence.
9. No, how does anyone pick a favorite colour, dying it would mess up all the natural highlights and stuff, I dont think I could stand it.
10. I dont even know what this would mean, I have never thought about men and women in art as such a separate thing.
11. Just one favorite is hard, so Heinrich Kley or Toulouse Lautrec. I have favorite artists, why would I have a favorite female artist? Most of the stuff I like is older, and there weren't that many old timey female artists.
12.My body is a good reference, men dont understand it in there drawings and you can tell.

>> No.2900597

>Heinrich Kley or Toulouse Lautrec
those are some of my influences to anon

>> No.2900598

>My body is a good reference, men dont understand it in there drawings and you can tell.
Well, yeah. All I have are photo refs. Can you blame me?

>> No.2900601

>>My body is a good reference, men dont understand it in there drawings and you can tell.
post work.

>> No.2900603

tits or gtfo

>> No.2900605

13) Can I be in your kitchen?

>> No.2900616

yes, I love to bake.

>> No.2900626

stopped reading there.
go back to tumblr you filthy whore.

>> No.2900636

How to get qt artist gf?

>> No.2900637

feminism is way to much work, and so is tumblr, Ima post all over this board, how does it feel anon?

>> No.2900660

1) Yes
2) n/a, most student artists are female and idk if that's an advantage or not.
3) lmao
4) Haven't noticed a difference, although I get more emotional before periods so that might have some subconscious effect?
5) I feel like the male would be more technical and the female would be more conceptual. that's a stereotype though and I really don't know
6) Girly, though i don't immediately see male artists as feminine if you get what i mean
7) ehh
8) haven't experienced this.
9) nope
10) well when you say feminism and art in the same sentence I immediately think of tumblr trash, but with serious artists gender shouldn't affect aspirations/ideals at all
11) I don't even have a favorite artist but I know my top 5 list would be all male
12) n/a

>> No.2900661

I exist.
Being a girl helps because I can pose for nude pics and say it's art just because I'm somewhat good at doodling too.
Boobs don't the way...
I'm going to skip the next two questions they are increasingly stupid.
I never dated another artist but I've admired plenty.
Creepers are fine.
My hair is blue right now.
Favorite artist giger, female artist arbus.
Fun fact: I love painting and masturbation at the same time.

My Tumblr is opalcocoon@outlook.com if you want to check out my work. A lot of it NSFW tho.

>> No.2900670

1) Yes but I wish I didn't.
2) No difference. The irl art circles I am part of don't care about gender.
3) general back pain but nothing art specific, working out has helped.
4)Haven't had a real period in 2 years. Birth Control keeps my hormone levels pretty much constant
5) I think it'd be a fair match. Who would do better at specific aspects would depend on the individual artists.
6) Neither, but I think most see it as fairly feminine especially if its theater arts.
7) Never considered dating a male artist. My only criteria would probably be not to make dumb shit threads like this one.
8) I don't care if I am being watched out in public, as long as I am not physically touched or forced to make small talk. Online, I would consider spamming messages very creepy and feel uncomfortable. For both irl and online if the person were to try to find my address/full name/ work address I would find that rapey and stalkerish, but thankfully that's never happened.
9) No
10) a: Feminism and art really doesn't matter. The more we draw attention to identity politices the less we focus on art.
b: Git Gud or do not git gud there is no gender
11) Don't really have favourite artists, I'm not 5. Currently I've been looking at loish and Kim Jong Gi as inspo
12) Women don't feel uncomfortable modeling naked for other women. I've never had an issue asking a female friend to model nude for me.

>> No.2900673
File: 195 KB, 697x960, 1488710097132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Barely
2) Girls have thirstier fans, which translates into more money. I haven't told anyone on this board that I'm a girl, because I don't want this sort of thing.
3) I don't have cowtits, unfortunately.
4) I feel more like drawing porn when I'm on my period.
5) Generally speaking, males excel at spacial thinking while girls are good at details. If they're literally the best in their fields, though, they've probably recognized and fixed any errors they might make.
6) Art is an intangible thing, so there are probably more girls who draw. I imagine there are more men who draw at a professional level.
7) Trace pictures of goku
8) This is why I haven't revealed my gender yet
9) I've never dyed my hair
10) I don't care about feminism. If you study hard and draw every day you'll git gud.
11) I like Takako Yamamoto quite a bit.
12) I have as much trouble drawing male anatomy as boys seem to have drawing female anatomy. It's embarassing, so I avoid drawing lewd boys.

>> No.2900679

2)I don't post much online but when I do post it to FB I do get lots of likes.
3)no..... My breasts are normal sized....
4)Yes I draw on my period, it isn't a game changer.
5) It probably would be pretty even.
7)Dating a male artist would be cool, although i'm so awkward that I would probably be the one to fuck up the relationship.
8)The guy with the Kinucakes thread gave off rapey vibes. I have nobody that creeps me, so I wouldn't know from experience.
9)I've dyed it black when I was 9 and that's about it.
10)I don't think there is a difference.
11)Favourite artist is DarkerDark, he doesn't post much anymore. I don't know for favourite female artist.
12)We can see into the future so we know if our art is bad before we start drawing.

>> No.2900682

1) Yes.
2) I cater to a female "audience" more than anything because I focus on things related to fashion. I'm also just really personable and have the simultaneous advantage and disadvantage of being a minority, so people underestimate my skill level but are then pleasantly surprised.
3) They occasionally hold art supplies, I've put my stylus and brushes in my bra before...?
4) Depends on if the cramps are debilitating. Usually I just sleep and eat.
5) IDK, depends on how the stars are aligned.
6) Gender non-conforming hobby.
7) I'm a lesbian. The idea of dating another artist sickens me, we're disgusting, poor whiners.
8) I've had men approach me while drawing in public, I used to try and exchange pleasantries. Now I just don't draw in public.
9) No. I really want pink hair though.
10) I find it really problematic, because it's mostly white feminist sputtering a bunch of bullshit. I hate feminism and art for the same reasons I hate art education, there's no focus on technical skills, just being expressive without knowing key concepts. It's frustrating.
11) Most of them are dead men, I can't think of a female artist I follow as closely as some of the male artist I admire. The artist who really inspired me in a variety of ways ended up coming out as a transwoman a few years ago, she's about the only female artist I admire to this day.
12) Uh, I feel more inclined to make pretty baked goods nowadays.

>> No.2900687


>> No.2900690

inb4 deleted thread

1) do I
2) nothing special, I get the same shit conversations I see posted here all the time ("can you draw me/my oc/the charcter I like"). I don't have a blog or anything yet though, 2scared for that
3) I'm small
4) yeah, and no. Don't think there's much of a difference
5) depends on the artists.
6) >hobby
7) that would be wonderful. Practicing and studying together sounds like fun. Doesn't matter what's the subject.
8) haven't met any yet.
9) no, plain as fuck
10) no difference
11) I don't really care about the gender of the artist, I just like the art. But I think I follow more male artists than female
12) dunno

>> No.2900698

>inb4 deleted thread
hope it gets deleted before more dumb teenage tumblrettes take the bait

>> No.2900715

this is such a sexist thread; stop excluding males from surveys. we deserve the right to be surveyed as well; surveys weren't made to be a WOMAN ONLY kind of thing. Ugh. Sexist. Pigs.

>> No.2900721

>1) do you exist ?
>2) what is your experience with being a male artist? (not advantageous, N/A or advantageous)
>3) How do balls affect your art, do they push on the table or get in the way?
>4) aside from painting with semen, which is just plain gross, do you draw after a wet dream? is it different?
>5) if the best ever male artist went up against the best ever female artist, would it be an even match? where would the male excel? female?
>6) Do you see art as a boyish or girly hobby?
>7) How do feel about dating a female artist? what would we need to draw for you, to get your pants off?
>8) how do you feel about CREEPERS specifically in art, where is the line for you between casually being observed and just full on rapey vibes?
>9) have you every dyed your hair an odd color, and if so, was it your favorite color?
>10) How do you feel about men's rights activism and art? Is there a female GIT GUD and a male GIT GUD ?
>11) who is you favorite artist? If not male, who is your favorite male artist?
>12) Lastly, tell us something about being male artist that we would never know otherwise aka a fun fact.
>T H A N K S L A D D I E S & L A D I E S
>here is a quick copypasta 4 ya to answer easier

>> No.2900722
File: 274 KB, 500x636, 1475434097645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1, yes
2. haven't really noticed much, I'm not well known online so haven't gotten too much harassment
3. Not at all, that's what bras are for
4.yes, no difference. Periods only really make people slightly more prone to emotional swings and since they're painful they also make people cranky.
5. best is entirely subjective, this is a dumb question.
6. neither
7. the artist part doesn't matter. What matters is if he's attractive both physically and personality-wise
8. If it gets in my personal space, its creepy. Just politely ask, stay a decent distance, and if someone doesn't want to show you what they're doing -- leave them alone. This also goes for headphones in while drawing, don't bug them.
9. No, but I have bleached ends
10. Feminism is an interesting lens to look at art through, it ads a lot to art and the culture of art appreciation/critique.
11. I don't really have 1 favorite -- I love people like ruan jia and sachin teng equally for different reasons.
12. Being female doesn't really have much to do with whether someone is 'good'

>> No.2900724

I'm a grill


>> No.2900726

Do I count?

>> No.2900730

1) yes
2) I don't have much of an advantage in terms of popularity, but I don't draw in a "girly" way. I think being a woman has helped me improve faster. Women tend to have better fine motor skills, which are indispensable for drawing well, as well as a better sense of color theory (sorry, guys).
I can also draw qt girls in public without people thinking I'm creepy.

3) yes omg and I hate it when I'm drawing and I just start lactating all over the page!
Seriously, though, boobs make it hard to reference the chest muscles.

4) I draw all the time, but I guess PMSing can make me feel very uninspired.

5) This would be difficult to predict because extraordinary artists of different genders have more in common than the average normie of the same gender. I can't really say that ___ would excell in technique or whatever.

6) It's definitely girly in some aspects.

7) Any guy who has a passion in something that isn't video games is attractive. I would want to date someone who is actually focused in improving at art. Plein air paintings are pretty cool and show that you go outside once in awhile, but qt art guys are unicorns, so as long as their art isn't cringy.

8) I've never gotten rapey vibes from a guy while I was drawing, though, if someone is clearly watching me draw and doesn't say anything about it, I get a little uncomfortable.

9) I have black hair and I can't be bothered to bleach it.

10) I think different kinds of GIT GUDs are more based on culture. There are people who are more materialistic/pragmatic-ish and want to make money, and then there are people who want to make incredible things and change the world with their art.

11) My favorite artist is currently Benjamin Bjorklund. Favorite female artist would be the one who sculpted the gay antelopes.

12) I can tell which porn artists are guys because the vulvas are so messed up.
Tip: There is a scary amount of variation in vulvas.

>> No.2900736

ugh... the bell has already been 'rung'. what's done is done and i'm offended. mods please take this sexist thread down. if men can't enjoy the same privileges as women then NOBODY can.

>> No.2900748

>1) I think so... It's kinda objective in a way
>2)I don't know if there are any advantages or disadvantages. I don't incorporate my gender into my work a lot
>3)Sometimes they hurt if i sit down wrong like an idiot, but aside from the occasional erection, the whole site down there don't really get in the way
>4)Not really. It's been a while since I have had a wet dream. Kinda stopped within the first months of puberty. I just wake up really erect sometimes
>5)I don't know. It's really subjective. I don't think I know the best male or the best female so I dont think I can answer this question
>6) Neither because I'm not a plebian scumlord who sees art as a hobby
>7)I currently am, and we sometimes draw porn. When we do it's futa/trap porn because that's what gets her off and over time I grew to like it too.
>8)I don't know. There was a thread not to long ago about a dude drawing himself with an online artist and jacking to that. That might be far? to each their own, I jack off to girls stroking their feminine dicks so who am I to say what's strange or creepy
>9)I did as a kid because I was that rad mid 2000s elementary school flameshirt child. I prefer nothing now because its kinda gross.
>10)I don't care. Art is blood, sweat and tears, and if you are good, good work. I do belive there is only one gud to git tho. I don't believe there are any different points from being good based on gender
>11) I have a bunch but someone who I constantly keep turning back to is Piotr Jablonski. That being said, one of my first favourite artists and someone I still adore today is Jenn Zee
>12) I find it difficult to feel aroused by anything I draw. That being said, it may just be my lvl. My gf gets aroused by her own work sometimes but not me. Idk if its a male exclusive thing or I'm just fucked up

no problem

>> No.2900752
File: 589 KB, 474x565, maru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Sure
2) Eh it's whatever
3) Nah
4) Honestly there is no difference, unless you have painful cramps of course
5) who knows
6) Neither
7) I prefer females, but dating other artists can be a blessing and a curse
8) Pretty awful, especially when you have the kind that copy your art/artstyle
9) Yep, its been a few colors but I always go back to having a natural haircolor
10) Not sure how to answer that first one/ Not really, there is only git gud or don't git gud, gender doesn't really matter
11) Ah that's a difficult one, I like way too many, most are women. Maybe Marutamibitamin,I love watercolors and her merch is cute as fuck

12) >>2900730
> I can tell which porn artists are guys because the vulvas are so messed up.Tip: There is a scary amount of variation in vulvas.

this t b h

>> No.2900760

fact: by 2040, there will be no more men in the world
mainstream media won't tell you this because they are brainwashed by the sjws!

we MUST stand UP to this OHPRESSHEN

>> No.2900770

fact: by 2040, there will be no more men in the world, for sjws have brainwashed us all into believing there is no such thing as gender.

thus comes the destruction of the family structure and traditional puritan household. we've reached an age where fucking strangers is better than a meaningful relationship.

fuck feminists. fuck milennials. fuck retards.

>> No.2900778

1) Sure.
2) Not advantageous
3) They don't.
4) Sure, it's just a period. And no, but cramps are cramps, so it's painful to draw I suppose.
5) Weird question. Hormones don't influence artistic ability from what I know, so they'd 'excel' in whatever they were the 'best ever' at, therefore probably an even match.
6) Just a talent, nothing boyish or girlish about it.
7) I wouldn't/don't care, I have a boyfriend who's already a programmer. But if I could choose, anime boys and girls with cat ears.
8) I've never encountered any creepers. I assume being a creep is as obvious with an artist as it is with anyone else with a different hobby.
9) Yes, it was silver. And silver is indeed my favorite color.
10) They should be non related?
11) Gem Lim is a favorite, but no one in particular.
12) There's way too many of us and we cause shitloads of drama. Be wary.

This was a shitty survey, btw.

>> No.2900780
File: 211 KB, 1280x680, tumblr_oleijbcwyh1qb78qno2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Only when I have to

2) Being a female artist only gets in the way, for me, when it comes to including my own story. Hearing a woman's original story is still a hard thing for some men to swallow.. but if it's just fan art, or art of someone elses OC, then it's fine! Everyone is curious of what you look like IRL though..

3) How does your penis affect your art, do you get an erection when you draw breasts or even the most crude phallic shape?

4) I sell my period blood on etsy for $10 an oz.

5) Depends on whose judging the art, it's impossible to find a completely unbiased person whose also capable of judging art. Either way I think it'd be a tie.

6) Art, like cooking, shouldn't be gendered, it's too fucking fun to put limits on!

7) I would HATE to date another artist, male or female.

8) I don't like loli/shota art or age regression/progression, that's my only trigger. Even aging up under aged characters (ex. Lilo from Lilo and Stitch) just so you can 'get away with' drawing porn of them, pisses me off. Those crazy deviantart fetishes, inflation, guro, whatever, I don't care about it. As an asexual i'm not interested and it doesn't bother me.

9) I died it pink once, gray or silver hair with purple would be cool but I don't care really. It's a shame more males don't dye their hair.. then again it's a shame they don't do a lot of things..

10) Liberal feminism is fucking AWFUL. If you draw porn or fetish material and call yourself a feminist you're awful and a hypocrite. That's all I have to say about it on 4chan.

11) SoapOpera46

12) We're exactly the same as you in terms of hygiene, perverted secrets, loneliness and depression.. except we sell our blood on etsy or use it in rituals to summon our pony tulpas.

>> No.2900785

So damn true on #12, a majority of ignorant porn artists draw vaginas that look eerily similar to a prepubescent vagina (all shaved with a tiny Y shape and no labia whatsoever). The only time I see labia is if it's some freaky fetish art. A shame.

>> No.2900800

>1) that I do
>2) eh. i got disadvantages from other corners, not from being female
>3) what. just how exactly do you think breasts work
>4) i have never in my life painted with period blood. i have painted with blood taken from my arm with a syringe, but period blood? nah. anyway, i got a mirena iud and haven't had a period in four years. sometimes get the old pmt/pms, but no actual bleeding. so, incidentally i come from a culture where women should not perform certain activities while they're bleeding, but i draw whenever unless i'm in bad pain and then i just go to bed.
>5) best ever is real subjective. everyone has their strength and weakness. only monet is going to do what monet do best, but mary cassat knew what she was doing too
>6) neither
>7) irrelevant. you gotta like my big smelly old german shepherd and be bold enough not to fear getting bit when you walk in the door.
>8)big smelly old german shepherd bites just so you know and he has all his teeth because i've brushed them his whole life. but seriously i don't really post much online so this is also not relevant
>9) nah i shave my head no point
>10) i'm an antifeminist because of this one time in the psychiatric hospital with a feminist who bullied me mercilessly while i was in an extremely vulnerable place. like, that sounds kind of like self-defeatist talk or something but i've got some actual ptsd going on from that place 5 years later and i refuse to be part of a culture that preys on and bullies people. so i have no idea because i've been too busy not being a feminist to notice.
>11) ivan shishkin. or rosa bonheur
>12) i've taken up taxidermy. i find it more rewarding

>> No.2900815

>I can also draw qt girls in public without people thinking I'm creepy.

Dammmnnn you wymmmeennnn!!! >:0

>> No.2900816

>>I can also draw qt girls in public without people thinking I'm creepy

i do that anyway.

>> No.2900819

to expand on this i do a lot of female figure drawing and most of the women that asked me to show work liked it and don't think its creepy. then ask me to draw them stuff and i usually refuse unless they pay me.

>> No.2900827

Do any of you gorls like baking? I feel like being an art hoe and a foodie hoe coincides.

>> No.2900836

2)No difference because I don't throw my gender around. As far as my fans and commissioners are concerned I'm male.
4)It's no different. It just feels uncomfortable sometimes. If it gets too bad jerking off helps relax the uterus contractions.
5)I don't know I like a lot of different artists for a lot of different things.
7)I'm not into dating anymore. I just don't care for friends and relationships these days.
8)I don't draw degenerate porn or charge cheap prices so I don't have to deal with that. I know people who have though.
9)No, dying your hair is degenerate.
10)No, we're all on the same path of git gud.
11)Dmitri Belyukin. Favorite female artist would probably be Laurel Austin.
12)Probably no difference.

>> No.2900838

unless you count ramen noodles and cereal, no

>> No.2900889

1) this is in fact THE most autistic r9k level thing that i have seen on here, congratz. thats gotta take work
2) what are those "female" things. have you ever seen one in the wild? do they lay down their boobs on a table before attempting to draw??? real science question
3)feminism is cancer and so are you
4)you genuinely sound like someone who has never seen a woman good work
5) women.. have periods.. does that mean they wanna draw w the blood?? omgz. what else would they do with it? OBVIOUSLYYYYY.
6)its an attack helicopter hobby
7)AH ahahah this is so fucking sad and pathetic
no one wants your skinnyfat r9k loser ass. "i draw anatomically incorrect smug anime grills do u wanna be my guuurfriend :((("
8) what the fuck are you even on about?
9)"the females dye their hair at some point in their lives. that is most likely something every female does. like forming a coccoon. they turn very nasty at that point in their lives."
10) again, what the fuck are you smoking
11) ur moms work w her period blood is so inspiring omgg
12)females have boober!! period. girl smell nice!! r9k pee pant before approaching a FEMALE.

>> No.2900890
File: 61 KB, 1366x768, 1488407416387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's not the goal

>> No.2900896

>My body is a good reference

post body

>men dont understand it in there drawings and you can tell.

Nice Femsplaining

>> No.2900901
File: 721 KB, 3072x2304, 1485650132983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not worshipping superior loli cunny

>> No.2900903

>dying your hair is degenerate
says the guy pretending to be a girl on an Indonesian sea-fairing forum
Supplying him with his humiliation fetish free of charge

>> No.2900910

>what is your experience with being a female artist? (not advantageous, N/A or advantageous)

pretty neutral

>How do breasts affect your art, do they push on the table or get in the way?

lol sometimes when im drawing a titty i'd subconciously start touching my boobs

>aside from painting with period blood, which is just plain gross, do you draw on your period? is it different?

lol fuck yeah of course we draw on our period. for me it's different in a way that i draw more when im on my period

>if the best ever male artist went up against the best ever female artist, would it be an even match? where would the male excel? female?

lol idk

>Do you see art as a boyish or girly hobby?

definitely a grll hobby but as a profession it evens out

>How do feel about dating a male artist? what would we need to draw for you, to get your pants off?

i prefer not to date other artists but of course there's exceptions. i want to date someone who has different skillset than me. plus it's already enough with one crazy in a couple, now two crazy people LOL

>how do you feel about CREEPERS specifically in art, where is the line for you between casually being observed and just full on rapey vibes?

idk never happen to me

>have you every dyed your hair an odd color, and if so, was it your favorite color?

i dyed it all shades of normal colors when i was younger, but never dyed it unnatural. i wish i did get that out of my system though, my hair grew too long

>How do you feel about feminism and art? Is there a female GIT GUD and a male GIT GUD ?

i consider myself a feminist, never thought about feminism and art though.

11) who is you favorite artist? If not female, who is your favorite female artist?

i dont have favorite artist

12) Lastly, tell us something about being female artist that we would never know otherwise aka a fun fact.

guys listen to you more in my experience if you're a competent and feminine artist

>> No.2900926


I'm a guy but it seems impossible for me to get along with female artists unless they do something completely different from realism or comic book art. It's funny because I can really connect with women who are in some other creative field like music or fashion and it'll feel like we can talk for hours about the creative process and related topics. But as soon as she is into the same stuff as I am it's like a mutual repulsion. Two magnets of the same polarity or something. I guess it's partly an ego thing aswell.

>> No.2900954
File: 62 KB, 960x960, 46icMIe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) there are no girls on the internet
2) i think my popularity is about the same, if not just a tad more, as fellow artists of the opposite gender in the same community
3) i always rest my tits on my desk, never really interferes tho.
4) yes. i just tend to get frustrated with myself more easily/cry sooner
5) i think the female would definitely excel at drawing female bodies, just because they have one of their own. i'd say the male would be better at male bodies, but lets face it, females are more visually appealing and why would males want to look at dudes unless they're gay
6) neither. anyone can do it
7) it's cool cuz i can be as weird as i want and i probably won't freak the guy out (eg. sharing hardcore porn and pointing out a part of the picture i like). you don't need to draw anything for me, just don't be shit, know you are shit and can improve, and enjoy what you do
8) i don't like people watching me period. i even get anxious in life drawing classes/sessions
9) yes and no. would like to dye my hair soon tho, maybe ombre natural into pastel
10) ???
11) me. might be narcissistic but i'll go through my old sketchbooks sometimes and see the flaws but feel inspired by my own shit. as for major artists, nah i don't look at anyone, i just go on blogs
12) uhhhh even though i have a vagina it's still pretty hard to draw one (that isn't "ideal") that doesn't look fucked up

>> No.2900998

I wrote too damn much so here's 1/2

1) Supposedly.
2) I haven't noticed any particular advantage or disadvantage, but I'm also a hobbyist and not in the industry.
3) I'm an A-cup so no, they don't get in the way at all. I guess I do have an advantage though in being able to look at breasts IRL whenever I want, so I think females can draw them better because of that.
4) I draw every day, so yes. I haven't noticed anything different. My emotional state isn't any different on my period, I don't know where the PMS meme came from. So I don't draw vent art because of it or anything. To be honest though I have been curious about what painting with blood is like, I use a menstrual cup so it'd be really easy to just pour it into a glass and paint with it. But I assure you I haven't attempted it.
5) It seems to me like males generally focus more on technical aspects where as females generally focus more on expressional aspects. The male would probably excel in things like perspective/anatomy and the female in stylistic liberties, but I don't really know how to define "best." I think art is far too subjective to rank in a meaningful way unless there's a very stark difference in ability.
6) Not really either. I think it depends on what kind of art you're making.

>> No.2900999

7) I generally get along better with other artists so I'd love that. I don't think you'd need to draw any particular thing, just have similar interests as me and a compatible personality and also be an artist. It'd be nice if you're not total beginner-level but I wouldn't expect you to be very good, just a level that signifies you draw regularly and are interested in studying, because I think studying is fun too.
8) You mean like people creeping on me because of my art? I've never experienced anything like a creepy fan. I'd probably be flattered at first then uncomfortable as it continues. I don't see the problem with casual observing, isn't that what blogs are for? Unless you mean watching IRL, which I'm not quite comfortable with, just because there's more pressure to not mess up.
9) I've never dyed/bleached my hair and I'm not planning on ever doing so.
10) I don't take feminism seriously except in countries that actually have significant gender inequality. Feminist art confuses me, I often see vagina-inspired art about showing what is hidden away or whatever, but then I've never seen anything like that about penises, so isn't it meaningless? Anyways, I don't think gitting gud is different between the sexes.
11) Eh... I don't really have one specific favorite. Loika is one that comes to mind.
12) I don't think there's much difference in the artistic experience between males & females. As for fun facts, I think a more androgynous figure is best for referencing yourself. I'm thin enough to see bone structure, have enough muscle definition to see their placement and extrapolate it onto a more muscular figure, and still can study boobs. Come to think of it, I wonder if fat people are at a disadvantage because their anatomy is more hidden. Also, this seems to be disputed so I'll say that I can get off on my own art, sometimes it's actually better than looking at others' porn because I can "feel" it better, I don't know.

This was pretty fun, I like surveys.

>> No.2901018

1) Ye.

2) At first, people think it's weird that I draw boobs or naked girls. Not much else.

3) No. I don't think you know how boobs work.

4) No noticeable difference.

5) Depends on what you judge them on, but other than that an even match

6) Neither

7) a: I wouldn't mind someone to push me to get better, but i doubt I'd be able to sustain a good life if both of us are artists (especially since I'm shit). b: 99% of /ic/ can't draw shit either so probably nothing

8) Never had one so can't say

9) Never dyed my hair completely. It's dead enough, no point in adding more damage

10) a: Do whatever you want with art and feminism (though most of the time it seems dumb to me) b: I don't understand what that part means?

11) It's more of favorites rather than just one. People who do work for Riot Games: Alex Flores, Chengwei Pang, Joon Ahn, Crow God, and Suke. One of my friends is someone who I look up to.

People like to shit on her, but I like Sakimichan. She's doing pretty well in life with her Patreon money.

12) nothing

>> No.2901041
File: 126 KB, 750x750, eliza ivanova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. do any of us exist?

2. I only post art online and don't state my gender these days, but before all I could say is that people were a lot nicer to me compared to how they'd treat others who happened to have a penis

3. kek.
did you think we squeeze our arms together while we draw or some shit? Maybe really big tited ladies, like monster titties, have some issues.

4. my period is irregular and I get really bad cramps so I curl up into the fetal position and pout for several days.

5. I think that a best artist ever is extremely subjective, and even if we were talking technical skill you'd really need to study up a lot of artists. This question requires too much thought.

6. Art is a lot of things, I don't see it as masculine or feminine

7. my boyfriend is an artist. I love sharing drawings, but nothing about it is really panty dropping. We were pretty open about what we were into early on though. And I'm a pretty shy girl. We both went from having no experience to a dns master slave relationship lol.

8. no experience with this

9. my tastes are always changing so I'll never want to dye my hair.

10. you can express anything you'd like through art. Nothing really special about feminism and art. I've had more female art friends and thought at first that girls had lower expectations. But in reality it's all over the place, some girls just want to draw pretty portraits, others are much more ambitious. It's the same thing with men.

11. fuck I don't know the genders of most of my favorite artists. Eliza Ivanova comes to mind, but only because she's the only artist I like that I know for sure is female

12. most women find titties and butts just as mesmerizing as men. I think that's actually commonly known though. I tried at least

>> No.2901053
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1. no
2. my experience as being a male artist has involved lot of shame, impostor syndrome, guilt, and recently discovered: joy.
3. breasts are extremely distracting. but ive grown past it, i'm more of a vagina man now. I guess i'm searching for a wife.
4. i do draw monthly, but don't use blood. I think drawing with blood is inherently disgusting as I recently took a class on human reproduction. But go ahead and attach your lame ass feelings to it and paint away.
5. stupid question, what is this a shounen manga? LET ME UNLEASH MY HIDDEN TECHNIQUE: LIGAMEME OVERLOAD!!! But seriously, probably the male.
6. Girlish hobby, entirely. But I've come to accept my feminine side. I draw less stressfully now which is really showing through, and is teaching me lessons upon lessons on the value of confidence. Which is so tricky because confidence is normally seen as a male thing, and yet my flawed understanding of confidence led me to be stupidly on-eggshells all the time. Somehow I've become more feminine and more confident, which to past me, would've been an oxymoron.
7. I'm not a fucking homo, you nigger.
8. I know I'm replying to a female only thing but I've honestly gotten creepers before. It happens when you're too nice. They honestly do freak the fuck out of me and well I just pray to god that I don't run into them. I pretend I miss their messages etc.
9. Yeah one time I dyed my hair green for wacky hair day a decade ago. It was tight, I got stares.
10. I think I'm not in any position to comment.
11. My favorite female artist is this random girl who goes to calarts and is probably several years younger than me. It's weird but I found her on chance and instantly fell in love.
her ig is @mobblele
Favorite male aritst: currently scott robertson. The man is just so god damn consistent, which has to be my favorite manly characteristic.
12. Uh you get stereotyped a lot as being a useless tumblr Saiqueen, which probably sucks.

>> No.2901055

1) Yeah, unfortunately.
2) For me, not very advantageous. Im butt ugly and refuse to post pictures of myself online, so it doesn't matter. Also i want to be treated the same as male artists and given fair critique/advice so i do not make my gender super obvious. The only thing that gives it away is my girlish(?) art style.
3)Not really, I draw on my bed and my boobs are kind of big so its slightly uncomfortable for long periods of time (3+ hours), but that's about it.
4) Never, the first few days at least. My periods fucking suck and the pain gets so bad that i sometimes faint.
5) Theyd be equal, but would have different strengths and weaknesses probably. This is a generalization but I tend to think male artists typically have more realistic styles and females tend to be better at stylization and interpretation.
6) Girlish, outside of IC most of the artists I know/follow are female.
7) Id love to date a male artist, its literally my dream relationship lmao. I think if you are very talented or passionate about what you do most female artists will be into you.
8) Idk. Ive never had any experience with "creeps". Honestly im so unknown id like the attention. Stealing my art, trying to find out my real name/location (doxxing), or asking for disgusting fetish crap I dont like after i said no would be "creepy" in my book.
9) Nope. My hair is very fragile and im scared to dye it. If i could id do pink,white, or honey blonde.
10) I like feminism (the non liberal kind). I like art. These two things are barely related to me, however. No?? GIT GUD is a universal concept.
11) I have so many. "classical": Klimt, Rembrandt, Bouguereau, Mucha, Sargent,Waterhouse, Gustave Dore. "professional modern": Matt rhodes, Claire hummel, Yoji Shinkawa, Phobs, Minttu Hynninen. "Hobbyist/Amatuer/Fanartists": crowthis, bunabi.
12) its literally the same as being a male artist unless you are insanely hot and constantly post pictures of yourself..

>> No.2901056
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So can we talk about the culture of critique and how Jews created feminism to destabilize their host nations and reduce the white birth rate too?

>> No.2901067

/pol/ pls. don't you have a loomis hell to suffer in

>> No.2901073
File: 337 KB, 1280x1612, tumblr_om5ipmmUdA1riks6to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) wow
2) no difference
3) i don't have tits
4) just had period cramps so bad I blacked out for hours and thus wasted drawing time. you guys should try it
5) not much difference in technical skill. though if I'm being honest I see more guys doing hard surface/perspective and women gravitating to humans, or else paying more attention to emotional colour/lighting.
6) art is for everyone.
7) probably the only people who would understand the 24/7 grind are artists... passion and a willingness to learn would be attractive regardless of skill level.
8) no
9) maybe someday
10) not much until I came to ic and saw how common it is to think that women are inferior to men
11) favourite artists right now are naomi baker (on guild wars 2), rogner5th and iain mccaig
12) if I'm not thinking about it everything turns into a boob-butt pose. frustrating

>> No.2901083
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I am a female artist and I exist. But I make art because I am affected by mental illness. Gender doesn't play a role. My mental state probably makes me sub female I'm an insomniac and very erratic but pretty creative so idk. I'm usually too much for people. Especially guys. Too bad cuz I'm good looking but I'm pretty much a dude in a fit girls body

>> No.2901096

1. Existing currently
2. I don't think there is an advantage. The "art world" can be pretty competitive regardless of sex.
3. They get in the way and it's annoying.
4. That's disgusting and I'd think pretty unsanitary. Yes, I tend to be creative on my period.
5. Yes it'd be a match. The male would excel in depicting his experiences unique to his life as a male and his perception of the world around him. The woman would excel in depicting her experiences unique to her life as a female and her perception of the world around her.
6. I don't view art that way? For some people it's their life regardless of their sex. For some people it's a hobby regardless of their sex.
7. I would be nice to date a male artist as long as we weren't constantly competing with each other.
8. I think creepers hide behind their art and the beauty of the human body to be rapey. Like a dysfunctional artist and muse relationship. So it depends on the motives.
9. Yes. Deep purple,
10. Feminism in art/feminist art is important. As long as it's not discriminatory. Both can git gud. See question 5.
11. Frida Kahlo and Mark Ryden
12. I live in this female body so perhaps I understand how it works and can capture it realistically? Idk.. women tend to be more emotional and intuitive so I think that can be an advantage.

>> No.2901098

Post works please

>> No.2901104


I think yes


you're a good one

haha i like you, nigger

define "best" artist, art can't be quantified (unlike sports)

seeing stuff as boyish or girly is an impass

just don't be a piece of shit

take back your creep fantasies to /gif/

No, it would feel out of place with most of my outfits, it's hard to coordinate and looks like trash very quick

It's harder for a female to git gud, because you constantly have to struggle to keep your dignity and don't give in to the easy-pass to short time and shallow success that is attention whoring. It's pretty tricky since a lot of people expect you to do it, simply because you are female

I have no idea, honestly

It's easier to draw when you get rejected by men

>> No.2901113

What do you mean by works? Like completed pieces??

>> No.2901126


plz, fuck no. Fuck off.

>> No.2901127

>1) No
>2) See (1)
>3) See (1)
>4) See (1)
>5) See (1)
>6) See (1)
>7) See (1)
>8) See (1)
>9) See (1)
>10) See (1)
>11) See (1)
>12) See (1)

>> No.2901128

>1) do you exist ?
>2) what is your experience with being a female artist? (not advantageous, N/A or advantageous)
i know they get paid less, according to surveys
>3) How do breasts affect your art, do they push on the table or get in the way?
not at all, but when i'm doing really fast crosshatching my arms jiggle. i'm not fat tho
>4) aside from painting with period blood, which is just plain gross, do you draw on your period? is it different?
it's no different
>5) if the best ever male artist went up against the best ever female artist, would it be an even match? where would the male excel? female?
it wouldn't be even because men have been established artists longer than women have been allowed the same rights and freedoms to become artists, so the selection is lower..i don't think either sex has advantage
>6) Do you see art as a boyish or girly hobby?
it's a girly hobby and a manly hobby
>7) How do feel about dating a male artist? what would we need to draw for you, to get your pants off?
i don't shit where i eat, but if i had to, i'd like him to draw funny caricatures
>8) how do you feel about CREEPERS specifically in art, where is the line for you between casually being observed and just full on rapey vibes?
occasionally i get catcalled and strangers look at me like that so i'm used to it. try to distance myself
>9) have you every dyed your hair an odd color, and if so, was it your favorite color?
no. my hair is naturally black, having my roots show is tacky as hell
10) How do you feel about feminism and art? Is there a female GIT GUD and a male GIT GUD ?
it's important that there is diversity in the industry, given that they are getting paid equally for the same work. i really don't see the difference
11) who is you favorite artist? If not female, who is your favorite female artist?
gustav klimt / georgia o keefe
12) Lastly, tell us something about being female artist that we would never know otherwise aka a fun fact
i have a lot of male friends

>> No.2901132

Hi Loren. Can I call you Loren? Word.

>> No.2901135
File: 3.30 MB, 4884x1449, 29805585_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) hardly
2) so so, in my opinion how you handle yourself reflects the type of crowd and attention you'll attract
3) bruh
4) Sure, generally the only times I don't draw on my period is if i'm feeling nauseous
5) tie
6) I don't see art as a hobby
7) Maybe, on second thought if they show me any art I couldn't help myself from judging so my response would be wholly lackluster
8) Rarely has this happened to me but when I barely know someone and they act ultra comfortable with me it makes me standoffish
9) nope
10) It's fine to do as long as the idea hasn't been explored to death
11) indecisive I like Ki Hyun Ryu and Saskia a lot
12) not sure

>> No.2901138

dont take the bait.

>> No.2901139
File: 35 KB, 417x217, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so
I'd like to think that it mainly doesn't matter. But I do get the feel that I might get judged in a way I wouldn't as female if I post drawings of phat booty on my instagram.
I don't have a tumour, so they don't get in the way in the literal sense.
I've noticed that I can get more creative if I'm slightly horny. But it's a slippery slope, since drawing when horny usually ends up with masturbating = not drawing.
Damien Hirst vs Lena Svedberg. Well, one of them is dead, so I suppose she loses by default. Or if you're talking about the best at X, it's individual cases and have to be treated as such.
If you can impress me (a.k.a. be better than me) with your art, my pants are wherever you want them to be, senpai
I absolutely adore creepers. Especially those who draw Sonic OC. What would the world be without them?
Dyed it black when I was 14 and 2cool4school. Favourite colour is white because it's just objectively better than any other faggy colour.
Men's rights activists are attention craving faggots all of them. And there's only one GIT GUD, but there is a thousand of excuses.
Male: Damien Hirst
Female: Lena Svedberg
If I've got artists block I usually draw using porn as reference because of >>4)

>> No.2901144

1) yes, I do exist

2) perhaps teachers are afraid to criticize me too much, hurt me. I'd say neutral.

3) I'm pretty flat chested, so I don't even notice I have breasts.

4) Being unprofessional is gross.

5) Don't know. From evolutionary standpoint women see more colors, but a man might just have a better taste to use the colors he sees better.

6) I don't think art is just a hobby, but if it were- girlish, since it was traditional for a well behaved lady to be trained in painting, music, sewing etc. and in the past too artsy things were the things women did during the winter.

7) I like to see something that needs great skill to produce, greater than mine for sure. Patience. But that won't get my pants off. Art never does.

8) What are the CREEPERS?

9) Orange and a bit of green. I don't think it suited me, so no odd colors for me no more.

10) I was on a feminist exhibition last week. It was amusing, but not impressing. So feminism+art is as much interesting as any other socialthing+art.

11) I don't have a favourite artist or favourite anything. Most artists I like are male.

12) Rarely do people expect you to draw dicks or porn. It's a fun thing to share if you do.

>> No.2901145

>disgusting floopy loose vaginas detected
>all shaved with a tiny Y shape and no labia whatsoever
are you saying adult women cant have that type of vagina? whats wrong with prefering a good looking vagina over a loose one with huge meat curtains and so much hair you could braid that shit

>> No.2901147
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>> No.2901160
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>All the trannies larping their dreams

>> No.2901167
File: 9 KB, 180x180, 141754289091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look eerily similar to a prepubescent vagina
>saying this like it's a bad thing

>> No.2901169

might as well draw big red tumblr nose to go with that disgusting vagigi you like.

>> No.2901172

> Masturbation and painting at the same time

How do you do that?

>> No.2901259

How much do you like trains, op?

>> No.2901276

>lmao boys club
>girls are kind of expected to draw, so nothing special
>you have some weird ideas about female anatomy
4) aside from painting with period blood, which is just plain gross, do you draw on your period? is it different?
>it's like drawing in a bad mood and also being sick

5) if the best ever male artist went up against the best ever female artist, would it be an even match? where would the male excel? female?
>yeah it would be even more or less. In my experience women are better in using color, creating moods and atmospheres, expressive characters, cute style. Men are better in the technical stuff such as perspective, construction, and their art tends to be more rough.
6) Do you see art as a boyish or girly hobby?
>Girlish hobby, but more males reach a professional level.
7) How do feel about dating a male artist? what would we need to draw for you, to get your pants off?
>Dating an artist is a bit of a turn off.
8) how do you feel about CREEPERS specifically in art, where is the line for you between casually being observed and just full on rapey vibes?
>I hate Shadman's stuff, and pedophilia in general. Also abuse, hurtcore, gore.

9) have you every dyed your hair an odd color, and if so, was it your favorite color?
>Never dyed my hair.
10) How do you feel about feminism and art? Is there a female GIT GUD and a male GIT GUD ?
>Nah, git gud is git gud. I saw great art with feminist themes, but it's not good because it's about feminism.
11) who is you favorite artist? If not female, who is your favorite female artist?
I unironicaly like Sakimichan. Favorite male is Spookeedoo atm.
12) Lastly, tell us something about being female artist that we would never know otherwise aka a fun fact.
I have a bit of a difficulty rotatign shapes in my head such as hands, and I assume it's because female brain.

>> No.2902072

no one REALLY gives a shit about female artists...they tend to suck at art more than less.

>> No.2902400

FACT: women are superior to men in everything but physical strength, get used to them being in charge

>> No.2902937

you cant call a delusion a fact.
and, in this case of superiority, women should be subdued physically.
women are trying to be what they are not: men.

>> No.2902950

The only reason you believe this load of bullshit is because of beta males. no alpha male would ever be in accordance with this feminine line of thinking. if an alpha appears to conform, it is, in reality a beta in disguise. filthy feminist ideology should be erradicated. there are no women geniuses because the female intellect is inferior to the masculine mind. obstructed by emotions and abstract [ill]logic and not to mention, your monthly menstrual cycles that completely derail any clear thought process. how can you actually believe this grabage? women have forgotten their place. and you mentioned very clearly, men will always be physically superior to men, so no matter what fight it may be, the men will always win in the end. feminists need to catch a right hook to the jaw. lets see how much they talk then.

>> No.2903426

you're such a little bitch your mom needs feminism to cope

1) next question

2) n/a the interwebs gives not a single fuck and I avoid gender labels anyway.

3) my grotesque mammary bags bring me much hardship in everyday life, the only thing that has kept me from applying for a reduction apart from costs and inertia is the fact that they do not affect my ability to art.

4) If I'm in pain I'm not gonna draw zero shit nothing whatsoever until my meds kick in.

>best (...) artist ever
I can't even decide on a favorite dinosaur and you expect me to choose just one of each from all of human history and yeah not gonna do that.

6) Art is universal.

7) Not big on dating overall, but if a cool person comes my way and happens to be a male artist what do I have to complain?

Biggest turn-on in the form of a drawing would exhibit:
- mature and nuanced worldview/way of seeing and understanding things
- some reflections about the personality and interests of the artist
- appreciation of things outside the lowest common denominator sphere
- will and ability to capture something other than just visuals in a picture

Or just draw some hot gay porn for me. That works too,

>creep vs noncreep
- mostly just firm grasp of basic social skills
- able to take rejection gracefully and quit if told 'no'
- rudimentary awareness and regard for your fellow human beings

9) no dye

>is there a female GIT GUD and a male GIT GUD?
whatever you're smoking, you need to stop

11) uhh Brachiosaurus?

12) fun fact: I once bought a smut rag to fill in some gaps in my anatomy studies. I drew every damn dick in that magazine and a good bunch of ballsacks.

>> No.2903622
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Feminism, i respect.

But that SJW Third wave shit, you're gonna get falcon kicked.

>> No.2903840
File: 532 KB, 640x480, Front-National-president-and-candidate-Marine-le-Pen-Getty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is okay, it's just that's it's useless in the modern world.

Feminism in the middle east, india, (maybe other places but i don't know their situation so :/) yes feminism is needed badly. A society cannot grow if half it's population are not free.

Almost all the things feminists complain about are due to men and women being different
>Muh female politicians
>Muh wage gap
>Muh objectification
>Muh stem fields

>> No.2903841

>Almost all the things feminists complain about are due to men and women being different
Uh yeah? Am I just forgetting what feminism is about? Equality? Or did everyone forget that.