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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2896021 No.2896021 [Reply] [Original]

Art School thread.

It's that time of year /ic/. Everyone applying to schools is hearing back from them. Decisions are coming up.

What schools have you gotten into, and for what major/concentration?
What schools are your top picks?

>> No.2896341

>spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on art schooling
>just to graduate and work dead end job with art as a hobby

>> No.2896539

The reason you end up at McDonald's is not because of the field, but because you don't learn the craft in 99% of the art schools. Go to an atelier instead or to a school that actually teaches you something besides political crap.

>> No.2896596

>not wanting to be the best you can about your passion
never gonna make it

>> No.2897569

now you fucked up.

a hobby? I can see not having much time for it when you are struggling to survive, but fuck, man.

A hobby?

Fucking. Never. We are artists before anything else, maybe even human.

>> No.2897570

Fuck I feel old now if people are just applying to art schools.

>> No.2897579
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>> No.2897581
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>> No.2897582

>Fucking. Never. We are artists before anything else, maybe even human.
True words have been spoken.

>> No.2898150

Ok so I applied to 9 schools and have heard back from 8 officially.

They are:

Uarts illustration (Philadelphia) with 96 thousand dollars total scholarship

MICA animation or illustration with 72 Thousand scholarship

Ringling computer animation (no info on $$$ out yet)

SVA animation (waiting to see if I got scholarship)

ArtCenter for Illustration (no money info out yet)

OTIS with 64 thousand

SCAD with 10K per year

and SAIC with 42K total

I am wanting to go with Ringling because of family in FL and the job placement for computer animation is phenomenal. However, money may persuade me elsewhere. I really like most of the schools.

What does /ic/ think about the pick? Experience with each school?

inb4 "art school is useless"

>> No.2898166

Art School isn't necessarily useless but it does take up your time in ways that you would rather they didn't sometimes. At least self-learning means you can do whatever. Art School is basically panicking over finishing assignments.

>> No.2898188

>spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on art schooling

Tfw going to European artschool and spending less than 2k a year.

>> No.2898227

because of the boomers. They literally ruined everything.

>> No.2898262

Drawing anime and circlejerking about realism and rendering all the time like the rest of this board isn't art. And you are not an artist before being a human, you are an uneducated subhuman shit.

>> No.2898267

You can't really criticize if all your examples are shit artists.
What you posted is definitely true and master degree art examples are mostly utter crap, but so is 99% of things posted on lit.

>> No.2898274

I meant /ic/, not lit.

Postmodern art enables a lot of shit to pass trough as "fine art" and the way art is taught in colleges must be changed (life drawing reintroduced and so on), but most of this board is just projecting and fighting windmills.
Being against shit contemporary and modern art (yes, quality works exist and if you claim to be an artist you should distinguish it from the crap that you complain about) doesn't make your art any better. This board isn't full of Rembrandts, Titians and Goyas - it is a vile scumhole full of opinionated people who draw anime girls and think that realistic representation is the only criteria needed for artistic merit.

>> No.2898321

What schools would those be...

>> No.2898324

This couldn't be more true.

>> No.2898332

>This board isn't full of Rembrandts, Titians and Goyas - it is a vile scumhole full of opinionated people who draw anime girls and think that realistic representation is the only criteria needed for artistic merit.

All the way this. 10/10 would read and agree again.

>> No.2898416
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>You can't really criticize if all your examples are shit artists.

You can criticize the examples given (because you're a contrarian teenager who likes to-figuratively in this case-hear himself talk), but the fact that a large proportion of people consistently paid to produce art by others do not have art degrees is indisputable.

>What you posted is definitely true and master degree art examples are mostly utter crap, but so is 99% of things posted on ./ic/

The great plurality of people on /ic/ are beginners, and among them who aren't very few of them have paid a small fortune to pursue a degree in art. If they had that wouldn't exactly be a ringing endorsement for art school either, would it?

>Being against shit contemporary and modern art doesn't make your art any better.

No one suggested otherwise, please also note that conversely being against art you see on /ic/ created by amateurs or flippantly calling the art of salaried professionals that have worked for many distinguished clients 'shit' doesn't make your art (assuming it even exists) any better either, dumbass.

>it is a vile scumhole full of opinionated people who draw anime girls and think that realistic representation is the only criteria needed for artistic merit.

We live in a time where most everything has been done and has been done well enough, so no matter how avant garde and "artistic" you think your politically-charged and sexual Duchamp-style 'installation' piece or Pollock derivative is, in reality it's no more original or artistically meritorious than the space marines, dragons or anime booby girls you think so little of.

You can whine about non-representational art being disrespected on /ic/ if you want to, but to ignore the fact that /ic/ has little regard for all but a handful of modern representational artists is transparently disingenuous, especially when you've casually dismissed several in this thread yourself.

>> No.2898423
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>replying to memeposter
>being new
He's biased and his walls of text not even worth reading.

>> No.2898429

seos pubeci takkovedno vseo dsebe

>> No.2898511

I think it's interesting to hear professional artists in how they got gud. It's literally the same thing over and over again as to what they did, and it's stuff that can be heard from vilppu's lectures and so on.

Our current generation is in a very fortunate. Too bad there's too many spoiled kids who want instant results.

>> No.2898516

>It's literally the same thing over and over again as to what they did, and it's stuff that can be heard from vilppu's lectures and so on.
which is?

>> No.2900833

why don't you watch some and find out for yourself

>> No.2900872

>We live in a time where most everything has been done and has been done well enough, so no matter how avant garde and "artistic" you think your politically-charged and sexual Duchamp-style 'installation' piece or Pollock derivative is, in reality it's no more original or artistically meritorious than the space marines, dragons or anime booby girls you think so little of.

nigga you think the world is static right now, worthwhile art and culture continues a historical dialogue. we're still living in a historical moment and there's plenty new and interesting shit to be made. you're a fucking idiot if you think that drawing the same "realistic" high fantasy bullshit over and over again is any better than navel-gazing contemporary art

>> No.2900908
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>Art School is basically panicking over finishing assignments.
exactly, that's what we need

>> No.2900909

Easy, just sign a contract with me and I tell you assignments to do. If you fail to finish them, you have to do 100 gestures, 25 form studies, and 10 portraits.

>> No.2900911
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>100 gestures, 25 form studies, and 10 portraits.
wouldn't that be good?

the panic comes from wanting to get the degree or being better than your classmates

>> No.2900912

Good thing? It's gonna take up your time that you could have spent finishing the assignment, but nah, you gotta do 100 gestures, 25 form studies, and 10 portraits instead. I'm sure you'll understand when you fail more than once.

>> No.2900914

Schools in general don't teach you a lot, it's always on you to do most of the work. Art just so happens to be one where you can't be spoonfed things and actually have to put in time and work, so it's got a higher bar. They can teach you a lot, but it's not everything.