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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2891345 No.2891345 [Reply] [Original]


Should art teachers actively discourage anime style? Do art teachers actually hate anime, or just the students who like and draw it? Have you ever been told not to draw in a certain style?

>> No.2891346

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUaCH_NF9aI [Embed]
why the fuck did i have this in my recommendations.

>> No.2891353

I got this in my recommendations too, seems to be a generic 'art' recommendation by google robots

>> No.2891354

I did too, but I subscribe to a bunch of other artists so maybe that's why. This girl is so whiny though, no wonder her teachers couldn't stand her. Her voice makes me want to drink bleach.

>> No.2891371

I believe it's alright to have a style, even if it's based off anime and that it should not be discouraged. However, I think it is important to strive for realism.

>> No.2891376
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>Not gonna make it

>> No.2891384

>How dare art teachers ask for standards in art!

>> No.2891385

Imho anime is a form of stylization that embodies certain techniques along with realistic elements. This makes it a hard starting point (again imho) for a beginner, since said beginner will find it harder not to subconsiouly stylize when learning to do realism.

>> No.2891401

Fundamental, realism/traditional art before venturing to anime-only style territory. Do it on the spare time if the teacher pisses on you.

> Teacher prefers CalArts over anime

>> No.2891407

The tone of voice was pretty annoying, yeah. What I don't get is why she didn't tell her parents at the time about it? Having a teacher threaten to fail you when you think you haven't done a fucking thing wrong kind of merits telling a parent or a similar trusted adult. I skimmed through it though, so if she did mention it I'd have to bother to listen to this bullshit again.

>> No.2891427

>white people

>> No.2891428

First you prove that you can do realism, then you can draw your waifi, hentai or whatever you call that gook shit

>> No.2891440

> not appreciating the true epitome of modern art culture that is anime

How can you be so plebeian?

>> No.2891455

You should only draw your lolis at home, don't let other people see that shit it's fucking ridiculous.

Also she is shit.

>> No.2891523
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If I was an art teacher I'd stress the importance of learning your fundies.

Most beginner weebs just don't study their fundies. But if someone drew competently, with a clear understanding of their fundies, they can draw in what ever fucking style they want.

>> No.2891554

Id straight up shit on anybody that does frontal/ 3/4 portraits and tell them to git gud.

>> No.2891602
File: 105 KB, 930x524, c4fcf3d4136518a5365f5e3125a9ed2c7d33e00b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched the video (yet) but here's my take, when I was in highschool all of what I drew was anime (well it's still mostly the case) zero fundies knowledge.
My art teacher basically said "stop drawing the same characters and the same things. They all look the same." I took it the wrong way and tried explaining to her that those are different characters - but she was right. I wasn't pushing poses, experessions, nothing made them stand out as being different. It was shit, it's exactly why starting to draw with anime is a bad idea that brings out tons of bad habits (most I'm still trying to break). tl;dr - this guy is on point >>2891523

Look at pic related. They have different hairstyles but that's about it. Even their body language is the fucking same. How fucking lazy is that?

It's on my recommendations as well.

Google kind of tracks what you type on 4chan (and pretty much everywhere else), one day I made one post about an anime and I started getting video recommendations for that anime on YT, despite having watched none of those in the past. Basically if you type some key words shit's gonna pop up.

>> No.2891605

>Google kind of tracks what you type on 4chan

>> No.2891606

>Google kind of tracks what you type on 4chan

>> No.2891608


I think my YT recommendations would be a lot worse than anime if it tracked what I say on 4chan.

>> No.2891618

How are you surprised by this with captcha being a thing?

As I said, it's mostly keywords. They're trying to give you content they're sure you're interested in. Like on election day I kept getting Trump recommendations and parodies because I made a few posts laughing about it. Now I don't see any of it.

>> No.2891637
File: 7 KB, 211x108, HYPERVENTILATING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google kind of tracks what you type on 4chan

>> No.2891648

>5 minutes in
Does this bitch say anything meaningful or is it just a special snowflake attitude talking about how teachers don't like her and how she's better than everyone?

Jesus christ

>> No.2891672
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>Google kind of tracks what you type on 4chan
Then why don't I see more of this on YouTube?

>> No.2891707
File: 35 KB, 569x549, 1487566203483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this video and I have to say, what an ugly fucking artstyle she has, and I imagine it was even worse when she was in high school. Plus she's just a straight up bitch about the damn thing
No wonder she was salty the profs didn't give her attention

>> No.2891741
File: 6 KB, 275x240, 1486886427149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 minute video of a mediocre artist complaining how her art teachers didn't like her shitty animu art

>all the weebs in the comment section also complaining

this is all too much, youtube artists are the trashcans of the art community

>> No.2891811

You guys really, really need to see this.


>> No.2891907


Learn the fucking basics, then draw your fucking animu.

>> No.2891921

THIS. I couldn't agree with you more.

And her art style is really ass-tastic

>> No.2891936

and that fucking music....i cannot stand the sound of her voice.

>> No.2891942

>trashcans of the art community

>on ic

>> No.2891959

i think this is one occasion where 90% of ic is better than her.

>> No.2891977

Not sure what the issue is with this shit. You can apply the fundamentals no matter what you're drawing.

Draw whatever the fuck you want. If you want to draw birds, or tanks, or whatever, just draw them. If you want to draw anime or furry or whatever who cares. You can learn from anything if you actively studying, using your brain and trying to improve.

Obviously if you are learning from a teacher, you draw what they tell you and don't bitch about it. But for personal study why does it matter?

>> No.2892209

I got it in my recommendations as well, I don't even watch this dude's stuff, thanks Google, fuck you Google.

>> No.2894301

i think the best thing a teacher could do is break down why the style works and how

>> No.2894616

I didn't watch OP's video all the way. I kind of skimmed through it. I don't think an art teacher has any right failing or being to harsh on a high school student unless the student's assignment did not fit the criteria. On one hand, if you were asked for a portrait study and handed in an anime drawing, I could see failing someone. I'd understand the picture being more cartoon like then realistic in the end result, but you got to at least try in classrooms to make something realistic.

My art teacher in drawing in college isn't too strict about style, although if you draw cartoons he's really strict about your proportions, things 'floating', and the shading you put into it, more so then the students who attempt realism.

>> No.2896026
File: 573 KB, 267x199, woah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this!

>> No.2896328

i've never had an art teacher even attempt to tell me how to draw, they almost always go out of their way to make it evident that they're only offering options/choices that they think would help me better achieve whatever look i was going for with a piece which has influenced a lot of how i like to give critiques.

the closest i got was on sketchbook review i was told i should do more life drawing if i wanted to get better at drawing the figure (and they were right)

then again i was only in school for 3 semesters before having to drop out for reasons

tl;dr i and people i worked with would draw things anime-ish but it wasn't the only style we drew in and we had all demonstrated that we could draw from life when need be

>> No.2896350

learn the rules before you break them etc

>> No.2896642
File: 58 KB, 960x540, inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Google kind of tracks what you type on 4chan
4chan uses Google Analytics. Google cannot track what you type on 4chan, but it tracks YouTube embeds you view, and which board you lurk in. AFAIK you are only tracked if you are logged into your Google account while doing your stuff on the same device without incognito windows.
IP address-based supercookies have been discussed on the internets but I am skeptical due to the likelihood of serving the wrong ads to the wrong people (therefore lost shekels) on ISPs with dynamic IP addresses.

>> No.2896654

>AFAIK you are only tracked if you are logged into your Google account while doing your stuff on the same device without incognito windows.
That's exactly it though. If you're logged into your youtube account and you type shit on 4chan it's tied to your user (gmail account) just like your google searches and Youtube video history are.

>> No.2898187
File: 27 KB, 500x492, 1486054902982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>5m 57s

>> No.2898206

I see this all the time with young artist and honestly I was kind of in the same boat, what helped is I met folks that were actually in art school and they encouraged me to build stronger fundamentals alongside developing work that I found aesthetically pleasing to keep things fun for myself.

Most of the kids complaining about art teachers hating their "style" are likely misguided and stubborn. This kid honestly sounds pompous and like they can't take criticism. Admittedly, some art educators can be very stuck in a "my aesthetic or the highway" mindset, but I've taken classes with kids who are very much into drawing in an Eastern style and they can be unpleasant if someone suggests they do otherwise to improve their skill set.

It's mostly because they're weary of putting in the work required to produce good, solid work. I was at one point, but I've found joy in doing it even if I don't constantly do it.

Also her brother is a dumb-ass if he decided to not go to art school based off of one shitty professor, unless he genuinely was a garbage artist. We live in an age where folks can literally google what are the requirements for art school, what the experience may be like, etc. etc.

But holy shit, this person is old enough to have a master's degree and is a teacher? I pity those students. Can't believe I watched this whole thing.

>> No.2898222

to be fair if I was an art teacher and asked for a loomis-tier anatomy and she draws that weebshit, I'm failing her too

>> No.2898237

I think art teachers don't know what to do when presented with anime. Their initial gut reaction to erase it, is probably detrimental to learning though. It'd be much more productive to inspire would-be cartoonists by showing them how important the fundamentals are to cartooning, and how they could incorporate knowledge into stylization. There are plenty of excellently drawn comics and manga that can be used as examples. Instead, people war over the two like they're not connected at all, and that you can only either do one or the other. Cartooning remains a retarded version of what it could be, and the gap grows bigger with cartoonists snubbing academics while academics snub cartoonists, when one should want to learn academics to better their cartooning.

>> No.2898246

this is a petty common situation. what matter is the way to approach this problem.

When I was working at some mid/high school as the computer guy the kids discovered that I draw anime shit so they asked me to talk with the art teacher for some help to let them draw anime and cartoon stuff.

no problem I did it. and we said: Ok, do you want to draw anime?. then draw whatever you want but next
we're going hide the head and talk about all the errors on your drawing.

they were amazed how bad some of their drawing were and how important the fundamentals are.
cartoon stuff. there was a entire class talking about proportions and tricks to make cartoon characters.

I'm not the best artist but regular anime stuff till needs a lot of fundamental stuff just like any* other style and 90's anime anime style is not mainstream anymore

show to them how an actual weeb work made by professionals have strong Loomis is a good way.

>> No.2898250

Aww, this is really sweet, and a good way to approach this problem. Need more computer guys like you.

>> No.2898254

>Google cannot track what you type on 4chan
All Google needs to do is match an IP to the posting time. If they get that, they can read the post content from the thread. And between the analytics and the fact that they supply the captchas, that shouldn't be impossible.
They probably aren't supposed to, and I don't think they are, but they certainly COULD.
If you watch YouTube at all you probably aren't sufficiently paranoid to care about the possibility.

>> No.2898257

Yeah, that's actually what art teachers should be doing. But they won't, because they have a hard time accepting cartooning to begin with. It's nice that you were there to help teach some students how to think about their work better, at least.

>> No.2898271

Christ she sounds like such an obnoxious smug cunt, maybe that's why they didn't like her.

>> No.2898287

I lasted less than 10 sec. youTube better not recommend me anything similar. And if it does, fuck you OP in advance.

>> No.2898292

Clear and pause your watch history
Yotube is pure cancer right now.
>non stop spoilers for EVERYTHING after one trailer

>> No.2898295

something that helps a lot but many times is not well received is drawing corrections
on their drawings with a red pen. just like in a normal test.

many people don't like to feel like they are failing. and the fucking red pen is something they can't erase.
some of them understand they are wrong and this is "one" way to fix it, and it wasn't made by them
so they are forced to learn or comprehend why it was wrong

the rest just drop the work because they don't like being said they are wrong and don't think on drawing as
something important or worth the effort.

to be honest is a harsh way to make them learn. but is just like any other test. Real world rules, baby.
to something that is supposed to be "abstract'n shit"

the main problem is because beginners CAN'T see their mistakes until you point out them.

also. some of these kids wanted to trace or copy stuff. I made them to draw the same thing as figure sticks or simple forms to make them understand what were they drawing in the first place. it's a little complicated, but it works

>> No.2898298

Stop reminding me
Fucking GameXplan spoiling everything Zelda related anytime I try to watch a random video

Why do people even make these fucking video tutorials

>> No.2898316

They shouldn't discourage anime style in general but the point of art education is to learn technique and accuracy. So in class the style *should* be discouraged unless there's creative freedom on the assignment.

>> No.2898389
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>Did they hate me because of the anime, or did did they hate me while I happened to draw anime? I really don't know.
>Let me just whine about how hard life is while doing full-page pieces in copic marker.
Yeah, I really don't know either.

>> No.2901193

Anime isn't the problem, but stylization before you know the fundamentals. It's equally bad to skip straight to tumblr-noses as it is to skip straight to anime.

>> No.2901198
File: 3 KB, 414x68, makes u think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan uses Google Analytics

Good thing I'm not retarded.

>> No.2901201

Yes, art teachers should encourage creativity and an interest in fine arts rather than just cooying cartoon characters.

Manag art is cool but if thats all you draw you are closing your mind to bigger and better things.

>> No.2901204

Isn't it the exact opposite though? Academic fine artists tend to do nothing but copy shit from life whereis people who are into stylization tend to gravitate much more towards drawing from imagination rather than copying.

>> No.2901301

lol, are you referring to this vid?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUaCH_NF9aI

>> No.2901351

Anime fucking sucks. Its fine if you drawing lolis for money or doing it for fun on DA.
If you gonna be a professional anime artist... its fucking hilarious

>> No.2901402

>professional anime artist

>> No.2901415

>professional anime artist

>> No.2901556
File: 562 KB, 2063x1329, 1460975858724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind teachers bashing anime, as there is a legitimate reason for doing so.

But my art teachers were the kind that were against anime WHILE being pro-modern art shit.

So if you painted realistically, good for you. Anime? Big no-no. Shit on canvas? GENIUS!

That is an opinion worth crap to me.

>> No.2901568

Um, no shit? What?

>> No.2903602



>> No.2903895

While that is a really good practice, not every kid is so receptive to criticism at that age--I sure the hell wasn't. Drawing on top of their work isn't going to do anything but get the teacher in trouble with the parents.
I'm thinking about my past experiences and I'm further cementing the thought that I was a bratty-artist when I was 16. Oh well, at least cameras were too expensive then to make YouTube videos.

>> No.2903899

>Oh well, at least cameras were too expensive then to make YouTube videos.
Nigga what. Everyone back then had a webcam for video chatting.

>> No.2903903
File: 315 KB, 460x456, 1441154466610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh well, at least cameras were too expensive then to make YouTube videos.

I know that feel all to well. I still cringe at the thought of it. Good thing they're locked away in my memory.

How old are you?

>> No.2906797


>> No.2906804
File: 133 KB, 639x426, 1489556922662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In school do what the teacher tells you. I used to draw anime and watch anime in my highschool anime club, but in my art class i wanted to learn what the teacher had to offer. Its your own damn fault for feeling so entitled that you couldnt see past your own shortcomings. Seriously, fucking whiny ass fagots. Go cry about how you didnt learn anything in ur art class cause your a weabo bitch, then ur teacher flunked you cause you didnt learn anything!

>> No.2906824

Ha, thats disgusting, i feel bad for all those crap teir autists who got praised for being a retarded sheep!

>> No.2906884
File: 40 KB, 392x200, THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2906898

Some one finally said it, thank you

>> No.2906913
File: 456 KB, 500x488, tumblr_static_1w8ozhg0u6aswc8ogckc4cs00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is likely true, but that comment is evident of a failed education system. These instructors will teach in the classical style without discussing its importance. Discounting any possibility of a teacher being an elitist douche like in the vid, they teach that way because that's how everyone learned. You need to reach an equal foundation before imitating the stylized works that inspired you. All the gook professionals were trained that way to get where they are. If every teacher could just explain that in two sentences on the first day of class, your image wouldn't exist. Instead, just expect students to be machines, rather than evoke curiosity.

>> No.2906921

this, explain it and give some good examples too. how else could they know?
chances are though, a lot of teachers themselves don't know why it is done that way and just teach a dogma.

I don't like her art either, and the title is clickbaity af, but you clearly didn't watch the video.

>> No.2906961

source of pic pls?

>> No.2907024



>> No.2907028
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>> No.2907363

thanks man

>> No.2909672
File: 143 KB, 736x1121, ef3a8345541f5fe5643b33f477db3111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god DAMN ff14 has some good ass art. some of the best ""realistic anime"" stuff i have seen

>> No.2909675
File: 568 KB, 1317x1600, FFXIV-Artwork_02-18-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2909679

>that drawing

LMAO why does her opinion matter

>> No.2910156

he wanted

>> No.2910198
File: 1.47 MB, 1122x1600, Akihiko_Yoshida-FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone share more Akihiko Yoshida style artwork? I really like his stuff, I've loved the Ivalice aesthetic (Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XII, etc) since I was a kid. Pretty medieval anime stuff. I want to draw like that.

>> No.2910199
File: 311 KB, 1440x1280, B_finalfanta_e7P4KIZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2910201

Looks like he's a fan of moebius based on this pic

>> No.2910204
File: 224 KB, 1280x800, tumblr_lw1wopnBiy1qger2ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2910260

Her drawing is shit, but to be fair, the teachers did straight up bully her in school.

Fucking public schools in the US, the absolute meme.