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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 27 KB, 397x504, qtp2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2893362 No.2893362 [Reply] [Original]

Does it ever depress you that modern artists very rarely get famous for their work? And if they do, their fame is minuscule compared to other creative professions. What are your thoughts, /ic/?

>> No.2893363

Fame is relative.

Next question.

>> No.2893368

Okay. Does it ever depress you that less people will know about you or associate you with your body of work than in other creative professions?

>> No.2893369

I'm always depressed.

Next question.

>> No.2893370

Well... I guess that concludes the interview.

>> No.2893378
File: 142 KB, 719x800, 691dc5fd047989f4de2f9c159633d80b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, I'm a NEET who dropped out of school at 14 because of social anxiety. If I wasn't drawing I'd just be reading more or something - basically I've got nothing to lose


>> No.2893379

i wanted to hug her the whole time i was watching logan then i realized how much she looks like quicksilver

>> No.2893384

That at the very end the skill isn't determined by your popularity.

>> No.2893385
File: 28 KB, 404x493, build_laura_lookDev_v215_0036-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've been extremely depressed since realizing that she'll never be my daughter. I shouldn't have watched Logan. I don't care that she looks like an AYY LMAO.

>> No.2893386

Is this young Tina fey?

>> No.2893387

Yeah but popularity is really all that matters. Nobody paints or draws just to look at their own shit.

>> No.2893393

>i wanted to hug her the whole time i was watching logan
same, until she opened her fucking mouth. hopefully her career picks up after this

>> No.2893395

She speaks normal english with a british accent. They just wanted a little beaner lookalike to push a political message.

>> No.2893396

Hows about you d/ic/ks start answering my question instead of talking about my daughterfu.

>> No.2893397

You realize the percentage of actors who actually get famous is also minuscule right?

>> No.2893400

>Nobody paints or draws just to look at their own shit.
that's what you think.

>> No.2893406

Yeah but they are much more well known. Name me a modern artist that's as famous as a b-list celebrity. Hell, even a c-list celebrity.

>> No.2893418

>Name me a modern artist that's as famous as a b-list celebrity. Hell, even a c-list celebrity.

>> No.2893420

Well shit did dropping out of a social environment actually end up helping with the anxiety in the long term?

>> No.2893423

Yeah but Banksy is more popular because he's enigmatic. Try someone with an actual identity. Not trolling either. I can't think of one.

>> No.2893429

>name a famous artist, you can't
>th-that one doesn't count

>> No.2893431

Do A list actors really have more identity than banksy? His person is expressed somewhat through his art, whereas an actor is essentially a blank slate for identity to be plastered onto. Sure there's interviews etc orbiting the roles but still

>> No.2893442
File: 97 KB, 410x324, movinggoalpost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not moving the goal posts. Just wondering if there are any examples of people with a human identity.

>> No.2893443
File: 774 KB, 1115x1920, 1435299711352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much so. For a year after dropping out I kept to my room, playing LOTRO, but gradually I started socializing with people in an environment that wasn't toxic (unlike school). I'm still pretty reclusive but at least I don't have that paralyzing social anxiety anymore

>> No.2893447

There's a few, but not many. Painting as an artform is not as relevant today as it used to be. The artists that are known by the general population would be people who either have a political component to their work (Banksy, Ai Weiwei etc) or have almost singlehandedly defined the look of an iconic film or maybe even video game (Miyazaki, HR Giger etc). There's still plenty of famous artists but they are famous amongst only certain circles such as contemporary fine art, illustration, or concept art. It's also worth noting that the best artists of today will continue to be remembered for centuries (even if only in art circles), whereas many celebrities in pop culture will be forgotten.

Anyways, most artists are not in it for the fame, in the same way that most people in any field do not do their careers for fame. You're also confusing film stars and musicians as being the only other creative fields. There's lots of other creative fields that have no or few household names.

>> No.2893452
File: 673 KB, 2000x1333, dafne-keen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fair point about artists having longer lasting fame. I can't argue with that. I guess my question is why anyone should pursue art if not for the fame. It is a very competitive job and most artists don't even make minimum wage. And to your original point, why should posthumous fame matter? You're dead anyway. You can't enjoy the fruits of your labor.

>> No.2893454

It's mostly because the system is very different. Today artists and even art professors ask the government for money for their exhibition. It's mostly political (awareness for minorities for example) and they don't have to sell anything to survive.
Why try to be famous if you just get paid by the government? Why even try that hard?

>> No.2893456
File: 724 KB, 812x774, Screenshot_2017-03-07-19-12-17-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, which supports my point that art may not be worth pursuing and dedicating a sizable portion of your life to.

>> No.2893465

>I guess my question is why anyone should pursue art if not for the fame
By that logic, why should someone pursue ANYTHING if they won't get famous for it?

Some people like doing art and would rather make a career in painting than doing a desk job.

Also even if you are only after fame, you still can get fame within the field, which in my opinion means more than general fame.

>> No.2893475

>Yeah but popularity is really all that matters. Nobody paints or draws just to look at their own shit.
You're either way too egocentric, or not enough.

>> No.2893500
File: 8 KB, 1171x95, itscontemporaryyoufuckingdoof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... why is /ic/ so fucking dumb

>> No.2893504
File: 43 KB, 600x480, Screenshot_140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant modern art not "Modern art".

>> No.2893510 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 624x182, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what me meant you sperg

>> No.2893511

read the pic title you fucking dumbass

>> No.2893512

thats not semantics shitlord. anything MADE in the present is CONTEMPORARY

>> No.2893513
File: 14 KB, 624x182, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what he meant you sperg

>> No.2893514


The word you might want to use is contemporary then.

>> No.2893519
File: 72 KB, 820x501, dafneeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys autistic by any chance? I'm not even trying to be mean. It's just not very often that I meet the type of person who refuses to acknowledge the context for the word "modern" as it's being used rather than a strict and specialized definition of the word.

>> No.2893523

clearly you're a fucking normie and have no idea what you're even talking about when it comes to art. fucking pedo

>> No.2893525
File: 32 KB, 486x405, watch-it-pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a pedo. Just wondering why people pursue art outside of a desire for fame.

>> No.2893528

>anything MADE in the present is CONTEMPORARY
Or modern. They mean the same thing. And apparently you don't know what the word semantics means either because you're literally arguing semantics right now regardless of whether you're right or wrong.

>> No.2893542


No, they do not. Modern art is the name of a movement, like Baroque or Realism. If you want to talk about art that was made in our current lifetime, you use contemporary. L2 art history

>> No.2893554

thank you, someone actually has a brain.

>> No.2893560

Because some people enjoy it ?!? The fuck kind of stupid ass question is that. Some people pursue things for reasons other than fame or money. Making music learning to cook gardening idk the list goes on, life is still fun without fame

>> No.2893583

>Does it ever depress you that modern artists very rarely get famous for their work?
>And if they do, their fame is minuscule compared to other creative professions.
Like what? Actors and musicians? You can't even put actors there actually, so just musicians really.

It's different, most people listen to music, you let it play in background, you go out for a drink and listen to music, you know, things like that. What can you do with art? You can't place it in a pub and have drunk people enjoy it. Well you could, but they're off their asses listening to music.

And it's different kind of fame, people are interested in lives of pop stars, their looks and personalities. It's just something to gossip about and it's easy because everyone knows them. You just need to have people get interested in your personal life. Go on celebrity Big Brother in UK, I'm sure they'll have you if you say you've got thousand DA watchers. And then just go mental there.

>> No.2893585

Forgot to add, it's because you don't put your face out as much as an artist, you put out your work and no matter how good it is, it's just not as relatable and fun to talk about as Britney Spears having a mental breakdown and shaving her head.

>> No.2893623



>> No.2893633

>I guess my question is why anyone should pursue art if not for the fame.
Love of the craft, love of the process, because it's fun, etc... Money and fame are not the be all end off of life that decides why people do things. Hell, depending on the person, money and fame may not even be desirable.
>It is a very competitive job and most artists don't even make minimum wage.
Not everyone who does art does it for financial reasons. There are people who produce great art and they are only hobbyists.

>> No.2893634
File: 909 KB, 1201x814, Screenshot_2017-03-05-18-58-18-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I meant contemporary and these people are modern.

>> No.2893635

Chuck Close
Damien Hirst
Gerhard Richter
Lucian Freud
David Hockney
Jenny Saville
Odd Nerdrum
Takashi Murakami


>> No.2893638 [DELETED] 

The person with the most Twitter followers (which is the only "contemporary" measurement of popularity I can think of) on this list only has 114k. Sure, that's a ton. But compared to actors, musicians, authors, etc, that's nothing. I didn't know anyone on the list except for Chuck Close and Jenny Saville (which I realize doesn't mean much).

>> No.2893641 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1222x815, who-is-dafne-keen-meet-laura-logan-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The person with the most Twitter followers (which is the only "contemporary" measurement of popularity I can think of) on this list only has 114k. Sure, that's a ton. But compared to actors, musicians, authors, etc, that's nothing. I didn't know anyone on the list except for Chuck Close and Jenny Saville (which I realize doesn't mean much).

>> No.2893643
File: 188 KB, 1222x815, who-is-dafne-keen-meet-laura-logan-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person with the most Twitter followers (which is the only "contemporary" measurement of popularity I can think of) on this list only has 114k. Sure, that's a ton. But compared to actors, musicians, authors, etc, that's nothing. I didn't know anyone on the list except for Chuck Close and Jenny Saville (which I realize doesn't mean much).

>> No.2893646

>Using "modern art" wrong, putting "creative professionals" in a separate bucket.
Your statement shows you don't know your ass from your elbow, so try not to get to hung up on it.

>> No.2893649
File: 100 KB, 720x480, 6748436_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be a brainlet because I can't understand how spending thousands of hours in your room grinding out work is an enjoyable activity. Especially if you will achieve very little notoriety from the sacrifice.
I tried not to get hung up on it unsuccessfully and that's why I thought I'd ask you fine ladies and gentleman here.

>> No.2893724


in other words you are admitting you're normie scum. now pls go. shit up /tv/ or something with useless threads

>> No.2893726

I doubt they would have much insight on the motivations of an artist.

>> No.2893819

I disagree.

>> No.2893825

Because people like creating for the sake of creating.

>> No.2893832

op is a pedo...eww.

>> No.2893842

People enjoy the grind. They enjoy painting or designing hence they spend hours in their room grinding out work. Like paying games? You'll stay in your room doing it.

Also some people just really want to be masters to for the sake of it thus they make sacrifices. It's a passion.

It's fine of you don't understand, not all artists are in it for other people's responses unless it's their job or something. I know I'm not

>> No.2893940

Do you have a qt girlfriend?

>> No.2893951

Kat Von D, Jaimie Hewlett, Shepherd Fairey, Matt Furie, etc

They're all famous (kvd is famous-famous), /ic/ might not like them but /ic/ doesnt really matter. There's still famous artists out here, people might not know their name but they definitely will recognize their work

>> No.2893955

>There's still famous artists out here, people might not know their name but they definitely will recognize their work
Which means their work is famous, not they themselves. That's a substantial difference.

>> No.2893988

various people ITT have posted numerous artists beyond the 1 you requested that are more popular than "c-list celebrities." those goalposts get further and further back. and there really isn't a substantial difference between the work and the artist being famous. shepard fairey is known because of his work, frazetta was famous because of his work. they go hand-in-hand, just like actors and the characters they've portrayed/movies they've starred in.

>> No.2893994
File: 44 KB, 586x498, he-doesnt-like-dafne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy you replied to isn't the OP. I am.

>> No.2894006

underrated post

this single factor decided what art the normal public gets in contact with, and what kind of art they think of when they hear this name

it's exactly like in (the art like failed government system called) communism where the human desire for better is crushed in favor of the weak. and thus creates a society where the human doesn't have any desire to put effort in, for there would be no rewards, making any kind of progress in any kind of field stagnate or even regress (hint hint, ''modern art'', hint hint, antispiral)

I believe that my art is the art which will pierce the sky

>> No.2894008

>I believe that my art is the art which will pierce the sky
Brian please

>> No.2894010

do you get fame by posting pics of that girl? I don't think, most likely you post them because you like to do so

>> No.2894016

fuck off antispiral scum, don't put me in the same earthhole with brian

>> No.2894020

do you have any statistics or educated opinions to back up your "welfare artists" theory?

>> No.2894023
File: 1.71 MB, 1841x1440, Screenshot_2017-03-09-22-00-42-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I'm just bored and I liked her character in the movie. It's actually more of a burden at this point because I'm running out of pictures but I'm too far in to stop. I suppose this is how most artists feel.

>> No.2894026

more of chick in background

>> No.2894038
File: 189 KB, 597x519, Screen-shot-2016-10-20-at-11.11.57-AM-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a lot of you create art so you'll have a legacy in life? Is it some sort of immortality project, if not for the fame?
Sorry, I don't know who she is.

>> No.2894039

>I'm just bored and I liked her character in the movie.
guess what, all great artists started doing art because of the same reason

now get your ass to work and start drawing that lolita to make up for running out of pics

>> No.2894042

Not really, theres actors and musicians who you know their work but not their actual names this is why imdb exists

Most people know the beat to White Lines but not the actual name behind it. Same thing.

>> No.2894044

I like to look around and analyze stuff I see

drawing is a form of taking notes of what I notice and training my observational skills

>> No.2894057
File: 1.15 MB, 320x146, dj1qrsgrr0ky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I'm not into that kind of stuff but that's pretty funny. Is that the kind of stuff you draw?
You sound like Judge Holden.

>> No.2894063

>>2894039 (You)
Lmao I'm not into that kind of stuff but that's pretty funny. Is that the kind of stuff you draw?
>>2894044 (You)
You sound like Judge Holden.

>> No.2894077

>You sound like Judge Holden
googled that buy btw, pretty much me, doing work related to the stuff you played as a child is usually the field you are most productive in (for me for example, is the joy of being an observant)

but I would replace war with conflict

conflicts are good for they resolve problems, wars are not for it's a stupid way to handling a conflict

>> No.2894095
File: 302 KB, 1200x1800, Dafne_Keen_Press_Conference_Logan_Berlinale_2017_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would probably love Blood Meridian then. It's a blend of philosophy, violence, beautiful scenery, and expert storytelling. I was reading it to build my visual library for art before I had an existential crisis and realized that art might not be for me.

>> No.2894113

ty for the tip, sounds like the kind of stuff I like

but sadly I am past my reading phase, now I watch movies, pictures and look around me for inspiration

something to note tho: I observed recently that describing using words what I see, helps me remember how to draw it and allows me to be more creative when taking artist liberties, opposite to when i look at a object purely from a visual point of view

>> No.2894120

*because the latter just helps you become a human copy machine

>> No.2894128
File: 38 KB, 366x504, JACKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try that if I ever get back into art. It makes sense why it would work.

>> No.2894129

just think of the stuff you liked to do as a child when you were bored, for I assure you, that is the think you could do for years as a job without burning out

>> No.2894155

its like saying impressionist artists and being like "no i meant they were impressionable":^}

>> No.2894173

Much of visual media these days involves animation and video games, neither of these things can be produced on a large scale by a singular artist. Studios and companies like Pixar, Nintendo, etc will take recognition for the collaborative effort of artists.

Likewise if you look at many other artforms, even movies, there are many underepresented musicians and actors. Broadway has very few household names in terms of actors though many of the shows themselves are beloved. Art is moving away from singular success and moving towards collaborative success. Your goal is to be a nameless artist in a famous machine.

>> No.2894251
File: 2.43 MB, 1382x2048, logan_imax_poster_by_daverapoza-daz1pwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fulfilling though? I had never really thought about how it's becoming harder to achieve notoriety as media and entertainment gets more saturated and complex; that's a great point. I feel like drawing and painting has always been this way though.

Take this poster for example. Dave Rapoza is an incredibly talented artist; that's almost undeniable. Everybody loves this poster. Personally I think the girl looks shitty in it but that's beside the point. Despite all of this, he got barely any recognition. I think the director dropped his name on twitter but that was pretty much it. No one appreciates art. It's taken for granted nowadays.

>> No.2894275

Again it's because the medium of visual art has essentially focused on projects that are too big for a single artist. Art is still appreciated just as part of moving pictures and video games. Static art is also still appreciated but because it can travel so fast via the Internet and modern connectivity people are no longer able to make the artist to artwork connection. Not without being invested in that scene.

>> No.2894324

a very strange fighting pose for a kid, a girl at that, indeed. It's a strength pose while the character seems to be one focused on agility rather than brute force (wolverine works in it, for he's a character of both strength and agility)

regarding the art taken for granted there is nothing much you can do, to appreciate something you need to have some basic knowledge in it. Normalfags appreciate music because they get those basic knowledges thru dancing, they appreciate acting because is based on a activity which we all do (more or less), human interaction.

But for one to appreciate a good story, they must atleast be a person which daydream from time to time. For somebody to appreciate a nice shape design and composition, they must atleast be a person which stop from time to time to look at the shapes of the objects they find beautiful.

A person which spends most of his day thinking about what cloths the neighborhood had yesterday, and with who he spend his evening is not going to be able to stop for a few seconds about what is nice or not

in the end you have to understand you are somebody who have interests in things most don't have. And so, if your goal is acceptance from those, is either lower your standards to them, or educate them up to your standards. Lowering your standards would mean giving up on drawing, educating the others would mean changing the way our society works so thinking about beautiful shaper and designs is encouraged.

Or you can just change your goal from getting acceptance from the others, to getting acceptance from yourself, and focusing on raising up to your own standards, while disregarding those which don't have the same standards


>> No.2894328

forgot an > before the last line

>> No.2894329

I didn't even read the rest of your post because I saw this in huge letters, this is what I'll take away from your post.

>> No.2894338

i think a lot of people are creative just for the sake of creativity. there's definitely an element of like


but i think generally the older you get the less likely you are to make art for attention's sake. a lot of the time it ends up either genuinely enjoying the process or just being happy that you made something. probably for the reasons listed in op

>> No.2894341

>Yeah but popularity is really all that matters. Nobody paints or draws just to look at their own shit.
>tfw other people tell you this so much that you can't draw without crippling guilt about how nobody does it for fun
Why do people always have to ruin things for you? Why can't you just let me be?

>> No.2894347
File: 1.92 MB, 1440x1415, Screenshot_2017-03-11-16-43-56-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. This was actually kind of inspiring. You might have a future in self-help. I generally agree. It just sucks sometimes that people don't appreciate the work that art takes.
I hope that's the case. I can't tell if it's my ego or my lack of confidence that drives me to pursue recognition and notoriety.
Sorry anon. I'm probably projecting my insecurities.

>> No.2894353

>I can't tell if it's my ego or my lack of confidence that drives me to pursue recognition and notoriety.
I think it's both anon. I feel kind of the same way sometimes. It's like you can't trust yourself to the point that when you get recognition from others it raises your own trust. It's crazy to think that maybe if you got 100k followers who recognize you that perhaps you too one day can be a normal person who doesn't suffer from a lack of confidence.

>> No.2894354

That's why you shouldn't do art if you only want fame or fortune.
I don't know why people seem to think art is an easy way to get rich or famous, it's the exact opposite. You'd be incredibly lucky to make a mediocre living off of it even, especially as a concept artist/illustrator.

Those are literally the worst 'get rich/famous' job choices you could fucking make.
You'd have better luck trying to be an actor, athlete, or even a politician in that regard.

I also guarantee you won't make it if those are your only drives.

>> No.2894356

Artist has the most awesome narrative ever though.

We are our own protagonists and can therefore craft our own story of how we managed to work hard every single day while suffering from crippling pains. Then one day as if by luck, made it to the top where we live with fame and fortune.

It's such an aspiring story, why wouldn't you want to live it? I'm sure everyone who's read such stories do.

>> No.2894434

>I can't tell if it's my ego or my lack of confidence that drives me to pursue recognition and notoriety.
just git gud at drawing and stop worrying about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow0lr63y4Mw

if it's lack of confidence which drives your desire for recognition, then it will disappear with time as you become more confident in your skills. If it's from your ego then it will also disappear as you mature, and if it does not you will have a skill to justifie it

>Wow. This was actually kind of inspiring. You might have a future in self-help.
Ty, I fight mental problems on a daily basic since I was a kid. I learned how to pass them by justifying everything, even things which might be considered common knowledge, because that's a good way to glance over a solution which might have been too obvious. If you know the cause of a problem, you then can take one of there 3 problems fixing solutions: 1) fight 2) flee 3) ignore/ accept that the problem will never go away

broken finger? 1) fight it by trying to fix it. Is it so bad a doctor can not fix it/ you can't not fight the problem because you don't have money or knowledge for medical care? 3) accept that the finger will never heal. Is the finger in the way of doing your activities? 2) flee the problem by cutting the finger.
can not do something because of missing finger? 1) fight it by learning to use other fingers to take the role of the missing one. Still unable to do so? 3) accept that you will never be able to do that activity and 2) flee from the problem by never doing that activity again
people don't appreciate the work that art takes? 1) fight the problem by teaching them. It would take too much time/ they don't want to learn? 3) accept that they will never appreciate it and/or 2) flee from the problem by cutting your ties with such people

>> No.2894440

I have a few questions, how do you support yourself? was it your parent's help? what did they think when you decided to drop out of school at 14?

>> No.2894465
File: 2.09 MB, 1371x1410, Screenshot_2017-03-11-17-20-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you overcome this desire for validation? Do you just cope?
This is pretty good stuff. Do you study Stoicism by chance? A lot of this sounds like the Trichotomy of Control that William B. Irvine teaches.

>> No.2894468

You get validation, anon. Problem is you have to cope with it for a bit as you work hard, but slowly one by one, you'll as you get more validation, you'll feel better. Hopefully. If not then you have permission to just cope with it forever or end it.

>> No.2894487


>> No.2894488
File: 1.51 MB, 400x250, 1483201572399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it ever depress you that modern artists very rarely get famous for their work?

yes, so far it looks like
>spend years struggling to get gud
>finally getting gud
>make commisions for <100$ or generally make burger flipper tier money
>or maybe end up like a normie slaving as concwept artist in some game studio
>drawing gud wont get you laid
>small chance of makinga successfull patreon liek a carrot on a stick

it literally feels like alot of work for very little amount of return

>> No.2894492

Remember that modern artists are at fault for this with their dumb ass blank canvas being sold at too high of prices

>> No.2894502

>Do you study Stoicism by chance? A lot of this sounds like the Trichotomy of Control that William B. Irvine teaches.
I had no idea what you are talking about so I had to google it. I might have become how you name it, not by reading about it, but thru my own experience. Whenever I had a problem I tried to fix it and learned by seeing what works and not. I must have saw somewhere (maybe from an anon) that simple system of problem fixing and remembered it.

>stoicismnoun 1. the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint.
totally me, but it isn't that I like to endure, but the opposite. I constantly look for solution on how to stop enduring something if I don't like it. And I know that showing emotion in most cases doesn't help with anything. Out of human reflexes I might screen when feeling a sudden pain, but then try to stop after I realize I am screaming, for I can't look for the source of pain when screaming

>DICHOTOMY OF CONTROL evaluating a situation and deciding what you can do to change it. If something is causing negative emotion to rise up in you, it is imperative to analyze it and observe it .In doing this, you can take a step back from the problem and rationally look at it. No emotions clouding judgement

Again me, but the way I become to be like this is thru a different line of thought tho. I know that if something gives me an emotion I have to stop having that emotion before I can think of a rational solution, in the same way I have to stop screaming when feeling pain to look around and see why I am in pain.

If I am feeling anger that means there is something making me angry. To realize what is it, and then how to fix it, is better done when I am not angry. If I am taking choses about my anger, when I am angry, then my thoughts will be based on emotion and not logic. If I am feeling love, then I must make decisions related to it when I am not feeling euphoric out of love otherwise.

>> No.2894505

but enough talking for me today, I have to git gud at my craft too

hope as many of us will make it

>> No.2894575

It's just something you've got to deal with. There are very few things in the world that can lead to actual fame. I think a lot about how it would be nice to be famous and go on all the late night shows, be recognized and validated for my work and have millions of devoted fans, it certainly sounds amazing. Unfortunately that's not something that is available to me through the avenue of art, if I wanted it that bad I'd have to go and become an actor and that's not something I would enjoy or even excel at so there's no point.

I think at a certain point you have to think about what you actually WANT to do as opposed to what results you want. I personally want to sit down and draw whether I get recognized for it or not, I can't say the same for most other things. It's very easy to get caught up in fame and recognition but I just realized that it's not something very achievable for most people and that I should focus on my own more realistic goals or else I wont get anywhere. I could waste my time toiling away thinking about how the girl from Logan was only born in 2005 and yet has achieved so much more than me OR I could toss that thought aside and focus on my own goals.

Even in film tho, the only people who really get famous are the handful of lead actors. James Mangold, who directed Logan has a small following and no one really knows about him. He created an insanely famous thing in Logan and made other people much more famous but he is still veiled behind the curtains for the most part. I think that's just the nature of art at this point, the creations are what get famous not the creator. You could create a movie or a painting or a comic that becomes insanely famous and huge but that is what people will connect with and that is what will get the recognition. Your job as a creator is simply to share your vision with the world and regardless of fame. If you're lucky it will connect with others and you'll get some validation through that, if not well too bad.

>> No.2894721
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Fuuuuuuck. You just took the words out of my mouth. The only ways that I can see people getting consistently famous without being the absolute best at their craft is in acting and music. Sure, some authors like Steven King will get a lot of fame, but you have to remember that he's probably the most famous author on earth and he would still only be a D-list celebrity at best.

Good point about Mangold. I had never even heard his name before this movie and I've watch some of his other stuff before. The only reason I even found out was because I go on IMDB for new movies (which 99% of the population doesn't give a shit about). The only people who are really acknowledging him are critics and movie connoisseurs.

And to your point about Dafne Keen, I wouldn't worry. Her great grandfather was royalty and her parents are lifetime actors who have probably groomed her for it since she could talk. I do get jealous of people younger than me who get extremely successful though. I'm conflicted because i'm 18 and (naively) think that I can tailor my career choices to achieve the most fame and recognition possible. I have to keep reminding myself that acting and music are nepotistic industries that aren't kind to outsiders. Hell, I don't even enjoy acting or making music. It's just a vain pursuit of gratification. The problem is that my emotions can easily take over and convince me that starting a business or going to college are a waste of my potential. I always have that prodding feeling in my mind that I could go pursue one of these fame filled careers and be successful but that I'll never know because I won't take the risk. It's a crap sandwich no matter how you grill it. My mind is a mess.

>> No.2894781
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>> No.2894788


No, I am not even sure how lack of fame could make anyone depressed

>> No.2894792

Imagine if your fame level was so low that when you walked on the street, people don't even notice you and just bumped into you without saying sorry. Imagine if you were crossing the street and a car doesn't care to stop because you are so insignificant, that you might as well not even exist.

>> No.2894795


I tried imagining it, but I came to the conclusion none of those examples were in anyway way related to my level of fame. And I still don't get it.

Maybe OP has confidence issues and needs fame to feel validated?

>> No.2894799
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Everyone wants to feel validated in a congruous fashion to the amount of work they've put in. You are lying to yourself if you say you don't want that.

>> No.2894803


I'd rather not be noticed than constantly being pestered by people.

If you're getting hit by a car it isn't because you weren't famous enough for the car to stop, that's fucking retarded. You were hit because the driver wasn't paying attention, he wouldn't have noticed regardless of how big a celebrity you art.

>> No.2894804


Some validation is fine, sure. But I am definitely not eating my mind away thinking about getting famous like it's my main goal in life. I draw because I enjoy it, and hopefully I might make some money out of it in couple years time.

>> No.2894809


Validation is going to be of more worth for those who lack the benefits it provides, the same way heron will be more addictive to someone who suffers than someone with a healthy life.

Don't put everyone on the same boat.

>> No.2894811

>Yeah but popularity is really all that matters. Nobody paints or draws just to look at their own shit.
But I look at my favorite sketches before going to bed, they put a smile on my face.

>> No.2894813

I should print mines and hang them up or something. I just leave them to rot within my folder upon which I from time to time look.

>> No.2894814
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I draw because I want to be in the worlds I want to create. I find joy in the ''flow'' state I get when I am analyzing, trying to come up with a design or idea. The thought of fame is inconsequential to me, I honestly think this is the first time I stopped to think about fame in the 4 month's since I started drawing.

>> No.2894857
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Yeah I used to be that way for about 2 years. It really comes and goes. I don't think it's a sustainable mindset. Art gets lonely and just is not worth it when you feel the way I do. Maybe I'm just not cut out for it.

>> No.2894858


>> No.2894890

>they're not REAL famous, because they don't have enough twitter followers
kill yourself
Damien Hirst, Lucian Freud and Jenny Saville are big names all over the world, you being a philistine who only knows e-celebs and Hollywood kikes doesn't make change that

>> No.2894893

I could ask 30 people on the street and none would know these names.

>> No.2894894
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>o-other people round here are uncultured plebs too
Not an argument.

>> No.2894895

You realize that the OP is talking about popularity among the entire population and not in specific elitist circles, right?

>> No.2894897

Am I the only one disgusted by fame and those who yearn it? Like literally, who the fuck cares?

>> No.2894898

Probably. You sound a bit angsty.

>> No.2894899

Half of them would also be unable to name 2 foreign leaders, or the presidents on their coins. Phillistines, the lot.

>> No.2894901

Yeah, he does a bit angsty.

>> No.2894902

where do you live that noone would know damien hirst? people round here only know his skinless skeleton guys in james bond, or the shark or skull, but still know who he is
freud and saville made huge amounts of money with art too so a lot of people know them too

>> No.2894903


Alright then, I'll go back to grinding fundamentals then.

>> No.2894909

I have no clue who he is. I've heard the name before and knew he was some sort of prominent art figure but I know nothing of his work or what he looks like. If I don't know who he is I'm sure the gen pop probably doesn't even know his name

>> No.2894912

I agree that Hirst's shark is iconic. I think Jeff Koons' and Anish Kapoor's sculptures are as well. Francis Bacon was huge too. And Ai Weiwei is in the news now and again.

>> No.2895021

Sure that would be a lucky benefit. But you'd have the same amount of luck spending your life buying lottery tickets.

>> No.2895137

The insularity of the art world is an issue, since the primary consumers of art are other artists.

>> No.2895218

oh my god, what are you even on about.

What is industrial design, fashion, architecture, music, film. The giant fucking crown jewel art museums in every major metropolitan. The arts districts.

Unless you live in Walmart town USA, even the most plebian person like art. The world of art is bigger than furry commissions and patreon.

>> No.2895219

You guys are like the furry, trying to make out of art a means of becoming the popular kid in high school.

>> No.2895250

If I knew that art was such thankless and depressing shit I'd have never started.

People only care about porn or fanart. I tried to only blame myself but it's bullshit. It DOESN'T MATTER how much you improve, unless you're top of the industry tier you have no chances of getting noticed for original work. You can't even get away with just a bit of pandering, since the moment you try to peddle original content people will turn to the next big titted fanart

Even if in my case it's entirely on me because I'm a failure, what about the really great comic artists that I follow on social media who are barely scraping by, with Patreons that make a couple hundred bucks at most? Any comic that isn't sexed up, or piggybacking on some other established fandom is guaranteed to fail, and even getting close to the average porn artists' money takes some sort of miracle.

You don't get into art for the money but ffs at least some dignity

>> No.2895285


Could you post your work?

>> No.2895288

Why do you guys ask to see work after what's clearly a rant

>> No.2895290


You seem to have troubles making money out of your art, and go on a rant about how shitty it all is. I would like to see your artwork to see if your complains are justified or not.

>> No.2895296

implying they're ever justified on /ic/
don't make me laugh

>> No.2895301


Laugh all you want you little whore, I am still going to ask in the strange case I might learn some valuable information.

>> No.2895305

Not even a little bit accurate.

>> No.2895698

People consume an unparalleled amount of art, sure. But no one knows who is creating the art. For film and music the creators get some credit but no normal person will be able to name the architect who designed the most famous building in their city even if they look at it every day or name an industrial designer who designed a product they use every day. The point isn't that people aren't exposed to art, it's all around us and impossible to avoid, the point is that the creators of said art are rarely acknowledged.

>> No.2896593

Pretty sure the majority of normies think it's the director who comes up with all the cool shit in movies. E.g. Ridley Scott made the Alien and the Blade Runner environments, and so on

>> No.2896601

I'd rather a few people with good taste knew who I was than having celebrity status among people with no taste desu

100 years from now I want some dweeby wannabe artist kid going on my Wikipedia page and seeing the date of my death and feel sad and wish he'd met me and seen me make art.

>> No.2896763

>tfw you will live to see your how favorite artists' work evolve and how they die
>tfw this happens to artists all the time and they are forgotten in the wind
Here's to a hundred more years of art. If they keep drawing.

>> No.2896781

WOAT example, Ridley is a visionary. If he's recognized for his talents well done, this disprove your point.

Yeah normal people consume art and don't know who made it, so what. Not everyone runs to the kitchen and thanks chef or knows their career. Sounds like you guys are looking for validation in your life, explains the fascination with e-celeb worship. Making art for other people(design) is a selfless act.

>> No.2897148
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I just don't see the point of posthumous fame. You won't be around to enjoy it.

>> No.2897151

You don't know that

>> No.2897195

George Condo. Kanye West got him to do the artwork for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

>> No.2897933
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Actually I do.
Never heard of him.