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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 714 KB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2891786 No.2891786 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, there is a question thread for that.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2890409

>> No.2891787
File: 66 KB, 425x600, 2233d815e043c234631f68772066fff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2891788
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>> No.2891789
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>> No.2891790
File: 19 KB, 600x442, dd4cda9d1bd918de93be99eb13f4b518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2891791
File: 25 KB, 425x600, d18a08777c79af012fa4e4460213fee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2891792
File: 203 KB, 500x681, bd76693ae394fa8fe9a805fd92ee0e43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2891793
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, 148fa13927eec95fe12abc05e70b8c83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2891794
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>> No.2891799
File: 565 KB, 2448x3264, HyTre7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some face sketches. it's in only yellow ochre cause i put too much on my palette and needed to use it

>> No.2891800
File: 141 KB, 584x777, HyTre7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit my bad

>> No.2891802

nobody deserves to be treated like that you piece of shit

>> No.2891807

Careful with your words. Let's treat each other how we want to be treated!

>> No.2891808
File: 14 KB, 344x427, 1444652167061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plase keep a Positive Mental Attitude when u art engaging in art and art discussions thanks.

>> No.2891814

People repeatedly asking for advice and then knowing everything better and repeating that cycle for a week straight do deserve to be ridiculed.

>you piece of shit

I don't think you can rightfully claim to behave better than some guy making fun of someone arrogant and ignorant.

>> No.2891827
File: 81 KB, 483x872, cute girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.2891829


>> No.2891830

you got nothing better to do besides ridiculing people drawing bad? well boohoo, its not like this is a thread just FOR BEGINNERS
fucking retard

>> No.2891831
File: 820 KB, 1100x1100, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New drawing.

>> No.2891833

Anon, the draw thread is over there.

>> No.2891834
File: 69 KB, 778x533, truck_attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried my best doing the perspective exercise.
things I see wrong:

the wheel doesn't fit inside the truck in perspective
the back wheels need to be completely redone
The lines are very hairy, need to take more time thinking them out.
ran out of room on the paper, plan more accordingly

Am I missing anything else? Just want to make sure I'm not practicing wrong.

>> No.2891835

lmao, just make a 3d model and trace it. you'd spend less timeon that, baka@u anon

>> No.2891839

It's called the draw through method, anon. If you're going to pass on the teachings, we have to remember the names of these techniques. I think if you look through Perspective made easy, there's a page on wheels and how they're circles. Just flip through it or use the table of contents, I don't know, but read it. It'll help you. Looks nice and clean though. I like it a lot. Would have thought it was pretty good were you not to point out your errors.

>> No.2891843

her left arm looks like it's made out of jelly.

Remember there are bones in the arms, only the wrist bends. Think about the joints of the body.

I'm not making fun of people who draw bad, I make fun of a single person who asks for advice and then refuses to listen.

Believe it or not, I actually help people in these threads. Likely more often than you do. And I helped that guy, or I tried to. But I'm just fucking tired of seeing the same face from the same angle with different hair and him telling everybody he knows better.

I made some passive aggressive posts mocking a guy who behaves like that, deal with it faggot.

>> No.2891845

thanks anon, I'll take a look at that.

>> No.2891846

How are you so good?

>> No.2891847
File: 178 KB, 710x747, face1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, here's a head.

Just trying to do a bunch of these so I can learn to draw characters from imagination. I am paying attention to the construction of the head, but at times it kinda feels like I'm just copying and not really studying.

>> No.2891848

Are you one of the construction anons? Or are you a new one? I don't remember one of them having scanned paper this clean.

>> No.2891849
File: 54 KB, 634x357, article-2102461-11C73066000005DC-747_634x357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2891851

I am a new one, this was my first post

>> No.2891853
File: 385 KB, 833x759, Bunnygirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do? Btw its stylized, didnt aim to be realistic

>> No.2891858

""""""Stylized"""""" is not an excuse to ignore the fact that you don't have your fundamentals squared away.

It's a huge symbol draw. Read the sticky.

>> No.2891860

there's more to the hair/head if that's what you're implying, I just didn't draw it out.

>> No.2891861

I know its symbol drawing but its suppose to be anime-styled, so its actually normal then
im not using it as a excuse...

>> No.2891864

They look like spaghetti because you don't fully understand anatomy, form and how clothes work. Also perspective is off because you don't know how to keep your proportions in balance either. Overall, good effort, but room to improve.

>> No.2891879
File: 156 KB, 704x704, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2891880

No worries, dude. The treatment at this place is just a mildly cold shower. I'm used to thunderstorms and hails, even though they still hurt a bit. I have some red buttons, of course, but telling anybody what they are would be like posing prettily in red clothes before a bull. I pretty much don't care if I'm being ridiculed. I only care if it's any use posting my progress here, if I would receive some more constructive criticism when there's a noticeable improvement.

If you would have actually bothered to follow the discussions and look at those portraits, you'd know that I made use of advice. And you'd also notice that I have been trying out different approaches with each of them. Except that I'm still practicing this horizontal angle to memorize it for certain. That's one thing they have in common, except the author. I'm going to draw four more 3/4 portraits to complete a dank pun (more of an acronym, though) in my native language and then move on. By now I'm kinda sure that I got everything I need to know about this angle when viewed horizontally or from below, but I still have to get some more practice. With different light sources, too.

>> No.2891889
File: 81 KB, 368x818, memed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2891891

Why are you so annoying?

>> No.2891895

why are you such a inconsiderate piece of shit?

>> No.2891896

Because here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory. Falling on my head like a new emotion.

>> No.2891901

because it's his first week of drawing and he's mad he doesn't immediately understand a concept that takes months to internalize

>> No.2891903

Good lord you are so unnecessarily annoying. But I think what would help you is doing a full, non-stylized portrait study if your focus is heads - putting special focus on values and how they turn on the planes of the face. Painting with values will help you to realize that there are no lines in nature. Do this long enough and you'll be (hopefully) out of symbol drawing territory in no time and starting your real drawings.

>> No.2891905

This is the drawing equivalent of a kid sarcastically following his dad's instructions on how to ride a bike after falling a few times, and just getting himself hurt and more frustrated.

If you're going to throw a tantrum then go back to daycare.

>> No.2891906

>Painting with values will help you to realize that there are no lines in nature.
>tfw fell for this shit and now can't draw with lines
At least I can paint.

>> No.2891908

>implying im not becoming a better artist than you fgts in a couple of months because im not gonna fall for you /ic/ gayass memes

>> No.2891911


And now you've kicked the bike and your dad's driving you to the ER to get your broken foot reset.

>> No.2891918
File: 349 KB, 819x1003, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you'd also notice that I have been trying out different approaches with each of them.

What are those different approaches?

>> No.2891920

>Btw its stylized, didnt aim to be realistic
we've got a live one here lads
keep it up and you'll be the next meme

>> No.2891922

my drawings are actually good compared to the other memes though

>> No.2891923

are you satire?

>> No.2891925
File: 16 KB, 697x617, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil cirno.

>> No.2891926
File: 201 KB, 900x644, ConstrutionApproach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, you'll get to this next level stuff.

>> No.2891928

Where have you been?

>> No.2891930
File: 768 KB, 717x1000, 39172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. And yeah, I was gonna try to make it a more round rocky type house so that's why I added the weird door but then I ended up making it more structured and square so the door looks out of place. And I fucked the perspective on it too I think.
Thanks mang, your piece is coming along nicely too. All of that texture looks sweet, it musta been real tedious.
I dig this anon, it's got a nice mood to it. Good job!

Anyways I did another Bridgman plate, are these coming out alright?

>> No.2891935
File: 306 KB, 800x800, Shou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, why not? I'll try to draw the tomorrow's portrait of an old gnome that way (since I live in Europe, it's 10th of March for me now), with monochrome watercolor brushes.
Then again, here's the portrait I drew yesterday (the complete version, because why not). It's drawn in about 5/7 of what I do usually, and I think it's rather clear that I don't keep lineart except in some particular places.

Oh boy, here we go again... Using only the two failed 3/4 portraits out of five so far is kinda fat. Sorry, but those threads have advanced too far. I won't bother to try finding all of them now.

>> No.2891939

What did you learn by doing these?

>> No.2891944

I used your most recent ones and the face from the whole body image.

I would had assumed that the most recent ones would be the best ones...

>> No.2891948

I learned about the structure and form of the hand as well as how to go about constructing it. I'll probably try to do some from imagination in a bit.

>> No.2891966

I just haven't been up 2 it.

>> No.2891967
File: 6 KB, 300x300, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot cirno.

>> No.2891973

i need help on what painting supplies to get

i just want to paint as a hobby i dont give a shit how bad it looks and i probably dont care about this box shit people are posting i just want something to do for fun.

what do i need to start oil painting and how much would i end up spending?

>> No.2891982
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really trying to improve my pen work.

>> No.2892007
File: 512 KB, 1548x1548, IMG_20170309_235811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit me hard, /ic/. I have problems with the eyes. Tomorrow I'll start to study ears.

>> No.2892009
File: 1004 KB, 2364x2985, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the old thougou drawings

>> No.2892010

That feel when you finish typing a wall of text without bothering to copy it and then misclick, causing your browser to jump to the previous page and lose everything. FUUUUUUUUUCK.

Well, a short summary is:
>> January — failed one portrait horribly.
>> Drew a second portrait from this angle. That infamous Yuuka one. Failed it, but didn't get why;
>> Butthurt from everyone else's reactions made me intensely study references, Voila, I realized my mistakes! (Still can't get why it doesn't look pretty.)
>> Some hours after that I drew an extremely simple portrait with proportions in place, to check whether I understood everything correctly. I passed the check, and after that I was going more and more complex.
>> Rough coloring on mohawk Aya from the same angle;
>> A failed attempt to draw a snob kid with puffy cheeks and detailed glasses. I also made Cirno turn her head to the left and tried to give the hair some definition, but looks like it was a bad attempt too.
>> Studied the redline, found it quite useful and thought that it's time to go back to my original style which doesn't use lineart.
>> And made that Shou portrait, which is pretty close to my usual style, a style mostly defined by use of shading instead of lineart and a lot of attention to eyes, especially the irises. Now viewed from below, although the horizontal angle is the same. And her mouth is open.
(Btw, I quite like these tigery eyes and the inside of her mouth, although I failed to put the throat where it belongs.)

And these would be all pictures related to my portrait practice. The sketch with a girl and a healthy woman forming "16" is supposed to be a dedicated OP image for a certain thread (I'd still like any reference for that 6 pose, by the way). And I simply decided to make my waifu turn her head 3/4, because I could and felt like there is never too much practice. No use comparing a sketch and actual practice that's done more and more seriously.

>> No.2892011
File: 432 KB, 1539x1911, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is head too flat?

>> No.2892014

What's your process?

>> No.2892016
File: 687 KB, 1488x3099, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I good like you now

>> No.2892017
File: 84 KB, 698x888, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892018
File: 139 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_omkpgn70a61rlu284o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2892021
File: 1.17 MB, 2446x3023, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I stop doodling so much

>> No.2892036
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exactly beginner in terms of years been doing art, but considering over half of those are me being a little kid with no clue how to hold a pencil the right way I might as well be

how the fuck do I get my main man Stefan here's facial proportions right? Everything I've done looks nearly there, but not quite, and it pisses me the fuck off. I concentrate as much on the reference as I possibly can, but it just looks wrong.

>> No.2892041

Looks like you could pick up Loomis's book or just look it up about how the eye and lips are three dimensional forms wrapped around a ball. Learning the planes of the face would help too. Your nose is too big. Good effort though. Keep at it.

>> No.2892045
File: 209 KB, 717x942, fface2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, critique please

>> No.2892047

Get the fuck out of the beginner thread nigger. you're only looking for compliments

>> No.2892048

Nothing wrong with that though right?

>> No.2892058

what's the best way to draw in a circular motion for heads or other curvy areas? Is it all supposed to be done in one swipe of the hand or it takes a small process?

>> No.2892059

I kind of like this, but it seems like you sort of just gave up on the lower half completely

>> No.2892070

You mean to ask how I make pictures?
If I draw a body, first I try to imagine/draw the gesture and then construct a basic proportional skeleton out of sticks and shapes (head, ribcage, circles for joints, etc). Then I draw rough outlines of what I want to do, add some details, and finally draw precise outlines just where I want them to be. Then I clean them up a bit (or not) and start painting (it doesn't matter if I paint over or under the lineart, but the latter option requires more work). Skin always goes first. After that I specify the light source and then apply shading and lights, mixing, smudging, and blending as necessary. In the process I gradually replace the lineart with shading. Some fine tuning, and the picture is complete. I don't always follow these exact steps, and I may use any number of references (including my own body) or not.

But the purpose of asking such a question to a beginner kinda escapes me. If my guess is wrong, can you elaborate on the meaning of your question?

>> No.2892074

No, you answered perfectly. I really wanted to know how other beginners do stuff. It's nice to get a perspective on your peers rather than the pros.

>> No.2892076
File: 2.49 MB, 1548x1548, 1489125610618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892077

Should I be posting in some other thread? I'm pretty bad at evaluating my own skill level, last time I posted here I thought I was at a decent level but got told I was symbol drawing.

>> No.2892078
File: 52 KB, 704x528, mad dog hoek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892079

Cartoons take a lot of work. Learn how to paint before you try to be Michelango.

>> No.2892080
File: 135 KB, 501x370, gasrqwr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.2892081
File: 56 KB, 704x528, mad dog hoek 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892082

very jushi

>> No.2892083

How long did each lip take you?

>> No.2892084

I like your style. I think you would benefit greatly from using a little bit of a stronger ink. Maybe try different size pitt pens or something?

I just think some variation in line thickness could draw together a very clear focal point while adding a nice illusion of depth.

>> No.2892087

If you don't ooze the creativity to have been drawing your own cartoons already then you aren't gonna ever just "learn" cartoons.

>> No.2892094

don't draw one-pixel black lines, it's too much effort. You would compliment the drawing by using colored lines that you draw by hand instead.

>> No.2892096

About less than 15 mins.
It's just hard to find the right reference.

>> No.2892100
File: 153 KB, 1074x591, eJwNyksOhCAMANC7cAA-pYXWyxiiBp2oEMDVZO4-Jm_5vuppp5rUPkbtkzHr0ZfSVt1HaSlvOpeSzy3Vo-ulXCaNkZb92u7RDVAINlr0SGSBHKEBFhT78p4lRCIwLjphDG52xEIcwSNaD8IzvoVFBOZbf2pWvz8wRyg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be brave and try to add more shadow ?

>> No.2892101

Are these cartoons?
How far in fundamentals do I have to be in order to start drawing cartoons.

>> No.2892103

there aren't any rules

draw cartoons if you want, anon

>> No.2892106
File: 62 KB, 704x528, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892109
File: 249 KB, 360x480, reclining1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate watching tv

>> No.2892151
File: 1.49 MB, 2909x2304, round_the_pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Reah wrote that 'a mans loyaly to his master is measured in two bowls, fear and love' and that the bowls must be even, no mater how filled each was," Firnez said, laddling himself some more chunks from the steaming stewpot, "for if the bowl of love outweighs it's counterpart, then one may second guess his better and act against him to try and save them, but if the bowl of fear is too full, then a man may betray his master on unfounded fears and paranoia." Tars sipped his broth, looking at Firnez in the firelight, "and you? you serve the emperor directly, you've seen the Black Eyes' work firsthand, what of your 'bowls'?" Firnez smiled at Tars, the two scars on his chin looking like tusks in the flickering light, and began to eat.

>> No.2892152

For fuck sake.
You're so good but your faces are so shit.
Just practice real life portraits.

>> No.2892217

wow, u fukin creep

>> No.2892218

he says it's his style

>> No.2892219
File: 160 KB, 1062x852, amigonnamakeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I gonna make it?

also, how the hell do I do tattoos on skin? what I've tried seems way too saturated and clean looking for a tattoo

>> No.2892222

Who knows.
Try different blend modes and play with opacity.

>> No.2892224

Same way you learn to do any texture. Reference and experimentation. Pay special attention to the subsurface scattering effect skin has.

>> No.2892235
File: 83 KB, 283x255, asfawrq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How eyelashes?

>> No.2892237

Eyelashes go forward, not up that much.

>> No.2892239
File: 82 KB, 301x235, asfawrq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892250

Doing the Picasso exercise. I'm supposed to draw Igor upright correct?

>> No.2892252

nevermind. I've found I'm supposed to copy upside down. No wonder it was difficult.

>> No.2892271

I have a feeling the nostrils should be pointing downwards

>> No.2892276


There technically aren't any rules to building a house either. However, you are going to need tools and the knowledge of how to use them.

Most of these exercises and topics (proportion, values, etc) are there you give you a visual toolbox that you can use to construct your drawings.

And you need these because, and this will sound weird but this is what "symbol drawing" actually is, YOUR BRAIN LITERALLY DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THINGS LOOK LIKE. Which is why drawing from memory or imagination is so damn impossible for most people. At least until they've locked down the fundamentals.

>> No.2892278


Same Face Syndrome is a drawing style the way Alopecia is a hair style.

He needs to read Loomis.

>> No.2892281

Not to be a dick about it, but I assume this is related to the Right Side beginner exercises?

Some people here say to not bother with those, like the double face silhouette, because their purpose is just to show you that you can't draw.

Well no shit, anyone who has started a drawing course probably can't draw. They also don't really teach you anything that pertains to actually drawing, from memory or otherwise.

Just skip to the 3 portrait sketches they want you to do to test your starting point and go from there.

>> No.2892373
File: 236 KB, 657x441, asgqwgtqw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.2892374
File: 372 KB, 709x890, Igor_Stravinksy-EXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up a bit but it was an enjoyable experience

>> No.2892378

Pretty cool, although the lower right eye's lower border bothers me a lot.

>> No.2892392

A stylized drawing still wants to represent the original drawing. You don't have the pose of the original down (work on your anatomy and figures) and your face looks like a retarded male potato and not like a snarky little girl. You're not drawing what you see in a stylized manner, you're symbol drawing in a """"stylized"""" manner.

Your style is also shit. Learn your fundamentals before going for style.

>> No.2892399

hey anons, any good tutorial to start digital paint?

>> No.2892403

T...thanks anon-kun.

>> No.2892404

Only thing that stands out to me is that some of your light marks look more like an actual "something" in the eye.

Especially lower right.

>> No.2892431
File: 3.41 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170310_112003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892435
File: 554 KB, 1154x1161, 6565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to practice construction, I think I fucked up the Cuttlefish by adding too much texture.

>> No.2892463

no he's stylized

>> No.2892473

His head should be tilted more to the left

>> No.2892475

Nigga all he did was copy bridgman I did the same thing fairly decently and I still suck ass lmao

>> No.2892476

What the fuck is that supposed to be

>> No.2892497

I probably just overdid it.
I'll have that in mind in the future.

>> No.2892500

I am about to drop 100 euros on art supplies, mostly sketchbooks, fineliners and copic markers. For anyone who usually sketches with toned paper and Copics, is it worth it getting the 12 pack, or should I just pick some grey scales? Not sure if I am going to use the 12, to be honest.

>> No.2892506


>> No.2892511 [DELETED] 

Why do you add teeths when there's none on the model ?

>> No.2892515
File: 66 KB, 629x820, 6e056b36be64d482770e0d3574995d321a4ffe6c5c59ce16d34dea94781d7703_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably vote art.

>> No.2892519

Uh. Well. There's nothing wrong with building a toolbox. But what level are you at?

Getting sketchbooks and liners are always fine to get, especially on sale, but the copics are a huge investment. You really need a variety of shades to use them to their potential. Not just one shade of each. And they're useless if you don't know values yet.

>> No.2892520


Goddam barneyfags

>> No.2892521

>Vote art.

Fuck. Meant vore. Stupid auto correct.

>> No.2892527
File: 93 KB, 1280x1000, figure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to learn how to draw the female body and tried something simple and failed horribly http://www.posemaniacs.com/archives/108
Is this one of those things that come with just grinding and milage or am i going about this the wrong way?

>> No.2892528
File: 2.33 MB, 1872x996, CyborgEssenzahoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But what level are you at?

I don't know, I am this >>2892435 and pic related. I haven't dwelved on Values a lot, but I was hoping to get started on that with the copic markers. It's really tedious to shade with fineliners. You don't think getting Warm greys 1, 3 and 5 would be enough?

>> No.2892532
File: 50 KB, 500x639, 1487678731396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Image posted from computer
>Blames auto-correct for obvious typo

Don't you dare lie to me, you little fyag

>> No.2892538 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 307x156, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barneyfags need to die

>> No.2892567

Post it. If it's any good than you're probably not a beginner either.

>> No.2892578

A portrait of an androgynous tiger hybrid deity, viewed from below. The original character is Toramaru Shou from Touhou. I hope that answers your question.

>> No.2892579

Looks alright. Just keep at it.

>> No.2892584

Where do I start with anatomy?

>> No.2892586

Preferably the head, but you can start wherever. It's like asking what programming language you need to learn first when they're all used together.

>> No.2892593

Could I get no memes please

>> No.2892598

Nah the reference has them up just like that

>> No.2892603

She deliberately posed for me! c:

>> No.2892605

Must be nice having a girl pose for you. At least I have boxman.

>> No.2892611
File: 406 KB, 781x1008, catal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the previous thread...not sure where my perspective should be on the blocks. Am I right? Or would you see the upper or lower side?

>> No.2892628

If you can see the top of something you are looking down at it. You can see the top of the shoes, hand and hat. Though you do not see as much of the top of the head and shoulders they appear to be at eye level.

If you make it so that you look at the hat from eye level or from below the perspective would look more correct.

The bricks should mimic that motion. You see the from top down if you see body parts form top down and from below if you see your character from below.

>> No.2892629

it is nice! She briefly worked as a figure drawing model a couple years ago. Last night she was too tired do difficult poses though so she just wanted to recline, drink wine, and watch tv.

>> No.2892632

I don't think the problem is too much texture but rather that it doesn't wrap around the form.

>> No.2892634

You don't really hold a knife like that. The natural hold would point it upwards, with its blade facing away from the user.

>> No.2892635

(And depending on what you tried to convey, the arm itself may need an overhaul.)

>> No.2892647

>10/10 would follow blog in two years

>> No.2892657
File: 382 KB, 1056x715, 048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp I'm never touching this again. I don't know shit about light and values so back to perspective exercises I go.

>> No.2892659

>tfw he actually rendered it

>> No.2892663

Why not try to make this better? It's really boring, so push yourself on how you can figure out how to make it a bit more interesting. Maybe zoom out slightly and get some interesting plants in there, or put some sort of interesting design on the door, or have the door partly open and have us see inside, maybe a character can be sitting or standing on the deck etc.

>> No.2892666

ahh my bad, I've always thought that rendering meant when you really start adding detail, like a finished piece almost.

>> No.2892667


Still lifes are a good exercise for value and lightning of form.

Don't bother finishing pictures before you got the basics down, it only holds you back from learning and the end result might be frustrating because it doesn't meets your expectations whereas exercises show visible improvement and thus are encouraging.

Speaking of my personal experience of course, you can do whatever you want.

>> No.2892668

hmm I think it's more beneficial for me to just go back to studying, but what you suggest does sound really fun so I'll give it some thought.

>> No.2892669
File: 302 KB, 305x714, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the abhorrent resolution and quality of my picture, unfortunalety i have no other means of capturing my work.
Mouth deleted because I suck. And the picture is actually a bit wider in reality.

Could I get any tips on how to properly capture proportions of a model? What should I focus on at the beginning to get the right properties of the body or the object I'm trying to copy?
inb4 "draw more", yes, I will, but anything besides that?

>> No.2892670

jesus fucking christ every time I respond a new one comes up. am sorry for cluttering thread

I definitely agree with you, thank you for the comment

>> No.2892671

Do not just draw more but study proportions and anatomy.

Once you have the basic anatomy and proportions memorized you can then compare your model to these proportions and draw her accordingly or even emphasize what makes her different.

>> No.2892679
File: 454 KB, 1680x1050, gesturepractice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seeing any gesture in your sketch, and without it, your foundation is weak.

here are three different gesture sketches I did, each of them emphasising a thing I consider. The first are the essential lines, the kind of shit you should train yourself to see and do in like 30 seconds. Long, continuous strokes. These are like your very first impressions of the figure, and you shouldn't worry too much about accuracy. They represent the figure in the simplest way, hence why the are "essential"

The second is about relaying important info more clearly. Placing things in front of each other like the legs, Signifying the tilt of the hips (which you didn't do too badly desu), but I find the most important thing was the contrast between the smoothness on the left, verse the pinch on the right (which I exaggerated heavily)

The last is just about volumes, the kind of things you should consider last, but still important. I think the most important difference here is the ribcage; the other drawings kind of suggest the figure is sort of leaning back, when in reality she is sort of arced forward.

honestly, it seems like a tough pose dude. I had trouble with this one and I'd like to think I'm at least somewhat decent at gesture. Hope this helps

>> No.2892688
File: 5 KB, 300x400, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892689
File: 589 KB, 1000x1300, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New drawing.

>> No.2892690

teach me to draw

>> No.2892691

what exactly is your point?

>> No.2892693

just practicing it for fun

>> No.2892696

What do you want to learn? If you want you can follow my tumblr.

>> No.2892709

what's your goal for your art?

>> No.2892710

where can I find resources on this?

>> No.2892716
File: 114 KB, 1500x1061, ConstructionApproach2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image came from FZD's site under Fundamentals.

If you mean how to do it. I think the teachers just tell the students to be creative and this is what the come up with.

>> No.2892720

Good resources for hands?

>> No.2892725
File: 328 KB, 532x954, chrome_2017-03-10_22-47-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, first time doing one of these. I'm quite new at all this stuff and am just going through the recommended books. Don't have enough time to finish it atm. Any tips or advice is appreciated, especially in general sense.

>> No.2892739

thank you anon for the quick reply, will look more into that after I have done more box trucks using the draw through method

>> No.2892742
File: 243 KB, 1500x1171, TruckConstruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. Keep it up the hard work!

>> No.2892743

Watch the things around yourself properly, try to make sense of how its parts work together, notice how are the basic shapes related in stuff. Observe and draw, train both your eyes and hands.

>> No.2892745

thanks anon, i've actually been focussing on that and it ry to do more real life drawing, i guess it just takes some time

>> No.2892746

looks nice to my begginer untrained eye

Hands and feet are the hardest yeah

>> No.2892747
File: 1.07 MB, 1380x1634, 2017-03-10_17.09.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this correct?

>> No.2892748

How do I into 3D drawing guys? I don't think I have the intellect rn to study references in 3D and redraw that from mind.

>> No.2892760
File: 175 KB, 517x920, IMG_20170310_190731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried

>> No.2892762

Barely see anything, and I certainly don't see the knife. Not sure if I like this version better. The first totally looked like a sneering (slightly cartoony) bandit, and I proposed to give the kitty a look of an experienced knife user. This one is a psycho, and the composition makes him look scarier. If his weapon would be pointed at viewer or held calmly near the hip, then your image would convey bloodlust perfectly.

>> No.2892766

someone pls rspnd, is importnt

>> No.2892769

How are you so good?

>> No.2892772

it's been 20 minutes on one of 4chan's slowest boards


just like anything in art, simplify your problems until they become managable (and for resources, try drawabox)

>> No.2892785

>is importnt

but not importnt enough to read the sticky or do research yourself, eh?

>> No.2892789

ok ill check drawabox thanks
just wanted to know waht has helped people from /beg/ the most

>> No.2892807

There are no shortcuts. Read books about perspective (you find recommendations in the sticky).

Drawabox is good but it might not be indepth enough for a complete beginner.

>> No.2892820

>draw body
>notice it looks odd
>measure it and it has 3 heads on the torso but does't look too bad to the eye
>add another head
>it looks like a lanky mutant

>> No.2892824

>using heads
>not craniums
Laffin at u

>> No.2892826
File: 72 KB, 1024x663, myy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think you could draw a more realistic shaped human head? i think it would look good, but even if you mess up please post it here, so we can help, don't be shy

>> No.2892827

>not posting a picture

>> No.2892832

I'm too self-conscious to do that even on an anonymous chinese forum

>> No.2892835

How do you expect anybody to help you?

What the issue with people like you? Everyone knows you're shit. Everyone is shit.

>> No.2892838

I never liked showing my art but I want to improve

>> No.2892843

You know whats more embarrassing than showing your art? Acting like a 13 year old pussy.

>> No.2892848
File: 63 KB, 178x216, gohanpro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah anon stop being a pussy join our gang before we dominate the world

>> No.2892849

>showing your art
It's not even art at this point, anon. It's just practice.

If you don't show it to us, we can't help you. Good luck.

>> No.2892854

I refuse. I'm too autistic for this

I'll keep tinkering until it looks good

>> No.2892858

Alright, you little drama queen.

>> No.2892859

>trying to fix the picture
we are beginners because our technique needs fixing. you can't come here and ask for help with a picture, you must come here to ask for help with technique. start the picture all over again.

>> No.2892878
File: 346 KB, 686x864, cthr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I am more concerned about getting my perspective right, since I know that's my major issue. Then I'll work on the pose. I like the idea of the knife being pointed at the viewer, I might do that. Thanks.

>> No.2892886


>> No.2892910

this looks better, next time try to construct the character with boxes or cylinders to really get it right.

>> No.2892914

yes please

>> No.2892926

i remember you
you are still drawing those cartoon cat things? why on earth?

>> No.2892931
File: 136 KB, 400x425, IMG_3977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this the other night. Never realy tried doing animals before.

>> No.2892933

How long did this take you?

>> No.2892936


Hour maybe. Not too long, I think.

>> No.2892941

if you don't wanna improve, more power to you

>> No.2892945 [DELETED] 

Somehow, I get paid to do them. I have no idea why it happened. I realize I suck hardcore, but it's apparently popular in Japan. A guy buys the designs from me and prints them on his clothing line.

>> No.2892947

Somehow, I get paid for them. I have no idea how it happened, I know I suck hardcore but apparently they are popular in Japan. A guy buys the designs from me and prints them on his clothing line.

>> No.2892954

>I get paid for them
what the absolute fucking fuck.
who the fuck pays you for your low quality uninspired degenerate shit
why the fuck do furries always commission really shit art for really large amounts of money.
>popular in japan
they must think you are walt disney 2.0 or something

how the fucking fuck did you manage to get paid for that you jammy fucking shite. why does this happen. why is the world like this.
tell me how you did this. what does your site or blog look like where you advertise your commision.

>> No.2892958

How much you want? I'll buy your shit too.

>> No.2892960

im about to fucking go insane. you have melted my mind. i shall be brutally honest. EVERYTHING about your work offends my senses. not only is it degenerate furry cartoon shit, but its not even good degenerate furry cartoon shit. the designs are generic and uninspired ,its completely flat and has very little technical skill. and i am sorry, i know im insulting you here, but you have to understand my mindset and why its fucking exploding right now. i thought i would have to be the absolute cream of the crop to viably sell my work. i thought i'd have to work at least 4 years in order for someone to be willing to pay me for my skill. i see that you dont even need to have good ideas let alone. why is the world like this.

please help me understand. how did you meet that T shirt guy?

>> No.2892984
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 10d8c640-0dc4-0131-933a-168dd56d763b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't get any feedback, is it acceptable to reply to your own post and say "can anybody critiq me pls" or is that too beta?

>> No.2892992

no, just go for it anon

>> No.2892996

spoke too soon

>> No.2892997

Give me a minute while I load up the Loomis.

I'll begin shooting you guys with them again then since apparently you guys want replies so bad.

>> No.2893001

this is me anon, but instead of saynig that i reply to my own post saying "wow your rlly good" or give myself another compliment

>> No.2893017

Your deviousness made me lol.

>> No.2893023

Just do it. The thread's been a bit slow. I'm guessing the good people giving critique have lives

>> No.2893025

No, actually I've just been to lazy to give you guys critiques.

>> No.2893033
File: 141 KB, 464x648, ehehehssdhhsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me 2 days in 5 hours a day....will i make it?

>> No.2893034

If you can even finish a piece unlike us faggots, you'll make it. Now tell me what your process was.

>> No.2893036


I would rotate the mouth so it's straight since this angle and the teeth placement make no sense.

>> No.2893048
File: 404 KB, 1068x1250, chairf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, calm down. I know this is 4chan, but this board *is* about helping people, and I do enjoy helping others! If your attitude is anything like this offline/irl, then you have most of your answer as to why you're not getting anywhere.

If you really do want answers from others, no matter what the topic is, it's best not to insult that person--something you outright state you are doing.

Also. Don't assume. This stuff I post here isn't anywhere near my finished work. My sketches look atrocious, I know, but that's because I want to make sure I get things semi-right while I am still in the sketch stage before I go onto inking.

Pic is very much related. It's one of my finished pieces. I admit it is NOT perfect by far, but I put a lot of detail in these pieces and my director likes that. I'm not a furry. I don't fancy drawing cats and bunnies all the time, but I have to do it because there is an audience for it. If you need money, sometimes you're going to have to do shit you don't want to do...so when it comes to [your] art, you may have to lower your standards if you want actual jobs, regardless of whether YOU think it's good or not.

>> No.2893052

ok i will admit, your pic looks a lot better than what i remember you doing a few months ago. i saw the cats and assumed you were one of those obsessive furries who only draws one thing for years and never progresses.

i can see why someone would put these on shirts. do you think its viable to try and sell your work at this level?

>> No.2893054

>and I do enjoy helping others! If your attitude is anything like this offline/irl, then you have most of your answer as to why you're not getting anywhere.
No, I really don't know. Do tell.

>> No.2893058

>drawings like this are being sold

>> No.2893059

I have the worst ego in the world, so if I'm being honest: Then no, I don't think is viable because I look at my crap and then at people who do stuff like concept art, and I realize I'm very under-skilled. However, my director/boss saw me drawing one day and wanted to hire me to illustrate for him. (I know that's a sure way to upset people even more--because years of art school and portfolio mean nothing?)

I'm not quite sure what you're asking?

>> No.2893061

>then you have most of your answer as to why you're not getting anywhere.

>> No.2893065

used clip studio paint...the process was
yee man, fixed it looks way more better...i keep that in mind

>> No.2893070

So why haven't you made it anon?

>> No.2893072

You can have the best art/skill of anything in the world, but if you are hostile towards people in your mannerisms, it will hold you back a lot when trying to get somewhere.

>> No.2893080

Nice Frank Grimes impression, I think I finally understand the soul of /ic/

>> No.2893089


>> No.2893090
File: 67 KB, 441x588, et cetera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the file again...

>> No.2893097


Something about the proportions of their lower bodies bothers me. I feel like they come off less stylized and more like I'm looking at midgets.

>> No.2893109

How are you so good?

>> No.2893123

I said the good people

>> No.2893125
File: 139 KB, 1616x2309, 01021426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing for about nine months now, but only got serious in the last three.

Character is Krystal from the Star Fox games. I had trouble making her eyes expressive enough when they were exactly as in-game, so I compromised.

>> No.2893128

Don't make me gesture battle you.

>> No.2893130

"Dis nigga" were the first words to pop into my mind, this place really seeps into you

>> No.2893132

i trace

>> No.2893135

Hands are too hard, fug.
Any tips?

>> No.2893136
File: 149 KB, 652x960, 42 inch tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like I'm looking at midgets.
yes and?
japan dude

>> No.2893137
File: 78 KB, 452x376, cheeto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cute.
beyond ">>>/loomis/", i think it would help if you studied and tried to draw real animals, and use what you learn from that for this.

>> No.2893141

His head should be tilted back too. The side plane of the head is looking funky.. That's all I got as a beginner mang

>> No.2893165

I just realised I put the wrong date on this drawing. I did it last night.

>> No.2893169

lips are difficult arent they

>> No.2893170

then do another tonight

>> No.2893173

Right? I hope to reach >>2892080 's level

>> No.2893188

how do i learn to "see the lines"?

>> No.2893195

You do a lot of mistakes for someone who is serious for 3 months. Have you only been drawing ahead or have you learned stuff / read a book?

>> No.2893196

It requires you to have taken algebra before so that you understand angles and how there exists three-hundred and sixty of them. Those angles make up everything in this world and by knowing all of those angles, you can effectively pick them out from the world. Look at a flower for instance and see a sixth-five degree angle. By the way, mainly you'll only need to use a quarter of the angles, not the whole three-hundred sixty. You only need ninety at a time, so typically you measure in between that.

That's the basis upon which all of this is built upon. Now, the next part is the most difficult part and the longest part. You have to draw a lot for a very long time, probably a few months with line to understand how to see line. This is the best way. You'll get it soon, it takes time and practice. A lot of work, feels like you don't know what you're doing sometimes, but make sure to check your angles. Remember measure a couple ten times and draw once. Ghosting is very useful, but do it with your mind too.

>> No.2893197

most humans are capable of useful sight at 12 months, but their vision does not fully develop until between 3 to 5 years old. By the time a baby is 3 to 4 months old, if you move a rattle from side to side a few inches from his face he'll follow it with his eyes – a skill known as "tracking." If your baby seems to have trouble tracking one or both eyes in any direction by the time he's 4 months old, talk to its doctor.

>> No.2893204

>there exists three-hundred and sixty of them
>there are 360 angles
>being a fucking retard
there are an infinite amount of angles, ones that fit the arbitrary 360 convention, and ones that don't, wich are represented with decimals, such as the fraction 1/8, a 12.5 degree angle

>> No.2893206
File: 563 KB, 720x540, background-avta-76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it okay to draw these hands or is it symbol drawing to do that?

>> No.2893208

cartooning is all about the compromise between symbol drawingand expression, and realism and technique
look at fucking >>2892106

>> No.2893213

>such as the fraction 1/8, a 12.5 degree angle
fuck i'm retarded please ignore me

>> No.2893218
File: 93 KB, 547x893, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /ic/

I've been out of the game for a long time. if you don't mind, could I please get some fresh eyes on these proportions/perspective before I go further with this. I think it's maybe looking a bit bottom heavy

>> No.2893230

boots are huge but maybe thats style
looks pretty good, not sure why your lines are so aliased, draw larger.

>> No.2893234
File: 20 KB, 697x617, nigga chirs chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cartoony?

>> No.2893235
File: 21 KB, 697x617, nigga chirs chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the little line in between the lip and nose.

>> No.2893237

Please go to the stylization thread, this is for real artists only.

>> No.2893238
File: 1.05 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170310_235112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can never keep my hand still long enough to do more than a 5 minute attempt. Any crits?

>> No.2893242

how fucking fat are you
ad homenim aside you legit drew your own fingers too thin from the perspective of the photo you're giving us

>> No.2893245

your hands are disgusting

>> No.2893246

Keep making music.

Also, you don't need to be exact exact, you just need to make sure it looks like a hand and good one. It doesn't matter if you move a bit during the process.

>> No.2893247


thanks. yea the boots are a bit much. I think I might just be regressing to my early-Nomura days, good lord.

sorry for the shitty aliasing, it was a zoomed out screenshot. but I am drawing small because I'm trying to emulate KOF13-style pixels

>> No.2893249

>how fucking fat are you
This really got me thinking about my own hands, anon. Thanks for making me notice that I'm not as fat as that anon.

>> No.2893250

do not say that thicc anon is pure

>> No.2893252

post hands

>> No.2893255

Im morbidly obese, trying to use drawing as a better time filler when im done working on not be a fatass, not like being fat means i can't learn to draw. Thanks for pointing out the fingers are too thin, ill try again
lol yes but pointing out my fatness is not what i asked.
why do you think i make music? thanks for the advice though.

>> No.2893258

>not like being fat means i can't learn to draw
It does at a certain point when you gonna die! We try to make sure we live long enough to make it! It's called "morbid" for a reason!

>> No.2893259

>doesnt have the discipline to lose weight
>thinks he'll have the discipline to do something far more difficult e.g. learning to draw

try your best i suppose though

>> No.2893265

Fair points, ill just work on both and make it or die trying

>> No.2893266

go fer it thicc anon

>> No.2893267

coming from someone who browsed /fit/ for years.
literally just eat less mate, dont waste your effort exercising, it does nothing. eat 2000 calories a day for a few months and you'll be gucci in no time.

>> No.2893273

thanks anon
Will do. Use drawing and vidya as distractions from cravings.

>> No.2893275
File: 899 KB, 1536x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am i doing

>> No.2893285

cirno anon please post, you lighten my day

>> No.2893293

can someone gib ideas for simple landscape for gouache painting. something without water

>> No.2893296

There's a mysterious unidentified man with a cape or perhaps it's a cloak on the a cliff overlooking a castle onto of a mountain that's far within the distance. There's also a river somewhere down below that goes off into the distance.

>> No.2893298

go outside

>> No.2893302
File: 97 KB, 779x736, 20161112_124319~02~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2893303


>> No.2893304

Keys to Drawing

>> No.2893305

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain/Keys to Drawing

>> No.2893306

Good effort, lacking the correct gesture that of which will place the weight in the right place as well as exaggerate certain body parts. Also your values are too light, it's okay to go too dark, you can always redraw it.

>> No.2893307

Right, you use too much detail and therefore there's no focal point. Use less next time. Your line weight could use some work too since you tend to go over things twice and cause a unintended bold area which raises your focus.

>> No.2893308

i said simple thats not simple at all

is dark

oh well ill just go with my original i idea. a hill with a tree with a bunch of rocks

>> No.2893309

Resize and rotate.

>> No.2893310

Great, did you read the rest of the sticky?

>> No.2893312

Your proportions are off, so you should fix those first then work your shadows in. It'll be more difficult to fix proportion issues later otherwise.

>> No.2893313

Write down some ideas and combine them all into one drawing. The more complex something is, the more work you'll have to put in instead of something like a doodle.

>> No.2893314

Did this help you learn anything?

>> No.2893315
File: 676 KB, 995x627, keys to doodling like a fucking sperg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book doesn't look like it ever amounts to anything

>> No.2893316


>> No.2893317

Usually when you studying, you're aiming at one certain aspect, so keep that in mind.

>> No.2893325


>> No.2893331
File: 521 KB, 1296x831, M53 Howitzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I'll try to be more mindful of the wrapping lines around forms and I'll keep practicing drawing straight lines/curves and ellipses, I really suck at line control. I did this now, the ellipses are fucked.

>> No.2893334

Do you have a reference?

>> No.2893338
File: 304 KB, 1816x992, M55 mobile artillery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, this is the one I used. I did some research just now and I realized there's actually a back piece of the vehicle that is not showed in my reference, so be mindful of that if you want to give it a go. The vehicle is a M53 Howitzer Self Propelled Mobile Artillery.

>> No.2893342
File: 89 KB, 440x550, Beksinski-x147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you promote your stuff man? no offense but I have seen better artist that struggle to get exposure/comissions. Is there a trick to it?

>> No.2893343

Not that anon, but I imagine that it just involves finding the right client. He does t-shirt designs, that's you know, much cheaper than say a game studio asking you to design stuff for them. Therefore it'll be easier to shoot for much mistake prone types of work instead of work where it really matters.

>> No.2893358

there's this one guy in the co oriiginal art threads that works for like a newspaper and draws comic strips. his work isn't all that good but i wonder how much he makes

>> No.2893364
File: 724 KB, 1000x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest drawing.

>> No.2893366

You pump drawings faster than chinese printers. I've been drawing all day and couldn't finish anything. Definitely gonna make it.

>> No.2893375

what the hell is wrong with you cant you see that nobody appreciates your ms paint pillowshaded circletool fridge art go back to deviantart

>> No.2893377


>> No.2893381

fuck off, i actually like that guy's drawing. they look fun and cheerful
not eveyrone wants to draw like davinci

>> No.2893383

only if it was even a fraction of the level of chinese painters

>> No.2893388


Do you think you would have the balls to a slow drawing?

>> No.2893390


Calarts is not welcomed here. You can go to Deviantart for that.

>> No.2893411





>> No.2893412

demonstrably false. they look slimy and muddy

>> No.2893417
File: 239 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never gunna make it

>> No.2893437


>> No.2893498
File: 62 KB, 871x635, scrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I'm about to throw this drawing in the trash and start a new one

How can I fix her face? It's way too manly
How can I make her feet good?
Whats up with her hands?

>> No.2893537

You've given her too wide a chin and too sharp a jaw line

>> No.2893846

The jealousy is strong in this one.

>> No.2893854

You only need 1 post for this

>> No.2894648
File: 2.76 MB, 8750x8750, FrontPage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cartoony? I just got my first digital drawing tablet, and I have just been messing around with Fire alpaca nad getting used to it. Any suggestions on how to fix it?