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2885227 No.2885227 [Reply] [Original]

Who /noimprovement/ here?

>> No.2885232

My improvement is really gradual these days, but that's more just because of how the learning curve is shaped. I passed beginner gains years ago, so my improvement is happening in years instead of weeks or months. It can be a bit frustrating, but it's just how it is I guess.

>> No.2885233

Yeah. Probably 'cause I haven't picked up a damn pencil for three months. Getting back into it tonight though, wish me luck lads.

>> No.2885246

How do I know if I'm improving?

>> No.2885276

Look at old work. Look at new work. Is there a difference in quality?

>> No.2885280

the only reason I haven't improved is because I haven't drawn in about a week.

>> No.2885283

you don't.

welcome to the life of getting gud, always hating your work ,never gud enough. just love your creative progress and love what you make. fuck the rest.

every artist struggles with this. even feng

>> No.2885286

>tfw been drawing every day since January of last year but still haven't improved

>> No.2885287

wtf is your routine? I'm constantly reading and watching stuff and learning new strokes for my inking. Not to mention anatomy of various creatures and their body parts.

>> No.2885295

Worked through a couple books and video courses but I've been drawing from imagination more than anything else. That's probably my problem but I find it hard to get myself to sit down and draw so I just start drawing from my head to ease into it but end up doing that for hours without studying properly.

>> No.2885300

oh and I try to do at least an hour a day, I used to do more (maybe 3-4 regularly sometimes 6-7) during the start but now school's fucked me up so I'm limited to an hour.

>> No.2885357
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>> No.2885361

Ummm no. I seen people in the beginner stage for years with no improvement and I see people who pass the intermediate stage in less than a year. That's not important.

The reason you aren't improving is because you aren't challenging yourself and learning your fundamentals properly.

>> No.2885366

Well I mean most people would consider me past the intermediate stage too. I'm a working professional and have been doing art for nearly a decade. I'm probably not challenging myself as much as I could be, but even then at this stage improvement doesn't happen that quickly.

>> No.2885442
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>tfw actually regressing

Each time my drawings get worse. I'm afraid to draw since each new drawing decreases my art points.

>> No.2885552
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>can't tell if your regressing if you don't draw

>> No.2885767

I feel like I should be getting huge gains because I am a beginner yet I go forward with little improvement, it's really a bad feeling.

>> No.2885963

I haven't drawn in a year because I'm fucking retarded
somebody kill me now

>> No.2885987

Same brah. Let's be miserable and bitter together!

>> No.2886002

Good luck lad!

>> No.2886837

Nah, the eye grows faster than the hand. (so to speak)

It just means you're actually noticing how bad you've always been. This is where the improvements begin.

>> No.2886904

>tfw I realize I've been bad for years

I'll look back on some drawings and think what in the actual.....

>> No.2886905


>> No.2886921
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100% of you are lazy fucks who draw less than 30 minutes a day, about 3 times a week. no?

>> No.2886928

I made pretty big gains when I started in 2015, Plateau'd a lot more in 2016 once I'd gotten over the standard rookie mistakes. So far 2017 has been pretty mediocre, I've been lazy and unmotivated. I've still got some stuff I did in early 2016 that's as good or better as stuff I'm doing now.

Still, I looked through my old sketchbooks earlier and felt a bit better. I might be shit, but my baseline has improved. My average piece is better even if my peak performance hasn't improved as much as I'd like.

>> No.2887005
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made 3 tracks of music
one sketch
ended up deleting my dA and opening up a paigee
i take full responsibility over not improving and tomorrow after work i´ll start drawing again, thats only road to git gud

>> No.2887006

Can we exchange, I suck at music but I've been improving at drawing/painting quite considerably

>> No.2887010
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>and tomorrow after work i´ll start drawing again,
>and tomorrow after work

I'm sure you will, anonymous. Wouldn't want to cut into valuable /ic/ time tonight.

>> No.2887011

It's always tomorrow but tomorrow doesn't actually exist.

>> No.2887014

>tfw want to join paigee just so I can see if I'm better than those artists
Unfortunately I think the truth is a no.

>> No.2887023
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>tfw very very slight improvement after years but still garbage compared to where I want to be

>> No.2887025
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iktf, what can we do

>> No.2887027

cry and talk about it together

>> No.2887046

how long have you been drawing?

>> No.2887113

I'm one of those people who says or used to say stuff like this and the solution is just fucking draw. You'll find a groove that you like and it will become relaxing instead of frustrating and you will begin to notice where your improvements are when you actually take the time to focus on it every single day.

>> No.2887484
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And then you wake up and suddenly you just want to die.

>> No.2887501

I draw every day, at least one hour a day and im not seeing any improvement since last year, don't know exactly why :/

>> No.2887504

same D:

>> No.2887509


Man I don't know what's up with you guys. I feel so great, when I draw I get into this euphoric mental state where I don't even feel real but everything is awesome

>> No.2887539

I just started drawing 2 hours ago and I already feel like I belong here :(

>> No.2887543



>> No.2887563


Maybe it's time to move onto more challenging material? Maybe explore a different medium?

>> No.2888012

I just started drawing 4 months ago. Can you show me what an intermediate's drawing is like?

>> No.2888354


think this is relevant in places, especially on needing to draw enough, building confidence and also using art as an escape or something enjoyable rather than taking it so seriously it becomes suffering

>> No.2888358

>tfw being serious really does make it suffering
Is this the secret to not making it? Being too serious? That's why all those fucking faggots who did it for fun are now successful instead of us posers? Fuck everyone for making me this way. Path of not gonna make it set since a long time ago. Be the doctor anon! Be the engineer! Fuck that. Now I can't even art in peace without thinking about how I'm gonna make it. Where did the fun go?

>> No.2888371

If you need a serious justification for fun, read this:


>> No.2888381
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I guess I can use myself as example. I understand fundamentals like form and gesture but at the same time i'm nowhere near professional.

>> No.2888387

What is professional level to you?

>> No.2888390
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I literally improve all the time lol.

>> No.2888391

Spencer Wang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dI5b8Q82Vw&t=456s

Endling: http://endling.deviantart.com/

>> No.2888393
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Offtopic but today I went to a park with a girl and we started making out in the dark.
Then shit started to get a bit intense and I noticed a shadow behind a tree.

A weird as guy was spying on us for a few minutes, I just told her to move to somewhere else and we did.

I feel raped now, wtf

>> No.2888395

Nassim Nicholas Taleb once wrote "The ultimate freedom lies in not having to explain “why” you did something."

If you truly enjoy something you cannot have a justification for it. When you have an explanation for why you're doing something, you no longer believe in it.

I was raised by communist utilitarian parents. Every single purchase and action that I took should always have a payoff, something to add to my resume. So my brain adapted to be constantly rationalizing every single decision that I took. But that's not how art works. Only later in life I realized that fun and happiness are the opposite of that.

It's like constantly teaching to an imaginary class, or being interviewed about your art piece. Thinking like this will drain all the enjoyment you can get out of art.
As the link explains >>2888371, fun is something that it is done for it's own sake, you cannot explain it or justify it.

>> No.2888410
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interesting read anon, I know ravens and dolphins and other such "intelligent animals" like to play, but never thought about ants and fishes and such enjoying stuff for the sake of it

I usually take everything too seriously and schedule things out and think like a robot, and I think it holds me back. Whenever I see artists here making impressive gains, they study and practice sure, but they also just like drawing. It's the same as learning a language I suppose, the best and fastest way to improve is just immerse yourself in something completely, live, eat and breathe whatever language all the time and your mind rapidly acclimatizes to it.
Also whenever I see the top tier pros, that are still improving, they draw all day long for fun. KGJ especially, and a THU artist I've forgotten the name of, when he was tired of drawing all day for everyone he went back to his hotel to relax and draw by himself.

The community element of fun can't be underestimated too. Maybe not even posting stuff and getting feedback, but just drawing dumb shit with other people and having fun talking while doing it. I know catbib and a few others started to branch out and find their own styles faster when they found groups of friends they could draw and chat with, and just have fun with art.

>> No.2888422


please tell me that pic isn't real

>> No.2888622

The days i wake feeling like getting some fun and progressing are better than the ones i force myself to progress and maybe have fun. I guess this thread is right, the moment you go into it heavy handed is the moment you already failed. I know I need to do it a lot, but sometimes it's like your brain refuses, you're just not with the metality

>tfw still drawing like a toddler
>could be making cash with anything else by now
>tfw not smashing pussy
>why i'm isolated with a bunch of patetic scribbles living in shit conditions
>what i'm doing with my life

the bad days are born from thoughs like these

>what if today i try this these and that?

those are days where I at least get some momentum or at least lied efficiently to myself and can lie in filthy without pain in the conscience for not being able to dominate a discipline some little kids are better at.

>> No.2888724

>tfw this was just bait to teach me about philosophy, chemistry, physics, biology, zoology, psychology, sociology and technology
Got me good, but if there's one thing I really came away with from the article is that funposting really is fun.

>> No.2888777
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I'm packing up my room for a move and I just happened to look through a couple of sketchbooks from a year or two ago.

Man, I've gotten so much better it isn't even funny.

>> No.2888786

>fun is something that it is done for it's own sake, you cannot explain it or justify it.
This makes so much sense, people always try to make you explain and justify shit and when you can't. They think you're a fucking dumbass. I fucking hate it. Especially when it comes to fandoms, it's like "oh you didn't know? How can you say you like this when you don't even know that?" It's always 100% or 0%, fuck you people. Good to know that I can fuck around with fun at least and not have to explain shit anymore.

>> No.2888905


>> No.2889040


Same here, keep it up pal. We are going to make it.

>> No.2889595

Seems legit. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.2889606

post your work

>> No.2890649

Bullshit, no one "still draws like a toddler." Unless they just started, of course (like me). You'll get good eventually (I hope I do as well).

>> No.2892060
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>rest drawing
how do I achieve this level of enjoyment? is my brain too fried from a lifetime of porn and video games?

>> No.2892064

Porn and video games were always just distractions from making decisions like potentially wasting time on drawing. You know it's the truth. Once you do, go rest drawing.

>> No.2892071

>prodigy at ~15, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that age more skilled than I was
>become depressed fuck
>barely draw anything for many years
>stop improving completely

I'm just another mediocre drawfag now :(

>> No.2892073

You're learning rate is probably way higher than ours.

>> No.2892088
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iktf OP

>> No.2892113

giving yourself too much credit there bud.

>> No.2892117


>> No.2892123

its your ego

>> No.2892220

there's a sort of pressure on teen prodigy-types to not just be ahead of the curve, but stay ahead of the curve too.
for this reason, don't get rustled over young talent. age doesn't have any bearing on how good you are if you're good enough to compete with other artists, anyway