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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 38 KB, 564x775, ae127eb29d92fbc494258377a45ca772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2887216 No.2887216 [Reply] [Original]

I am 22 years old and I was thinking about serious drawing. By serious I mean a full-fledged career as an illustrator but it seems like it's too late to start. I keep reading about people who get their first jobs at 20 or something and I am now 22 with very little skills. Also a lot of competitive and over saturated market bullshit, what should I do? Remember, it's not a hobby for me.

>> No.2887218

There's no age limit for drawing cute girls, anon.

>> No.2887221


Feng Zhu says you don't have to worry about silly things like that unless you're past 25.

>> No.2887223

Start to drawing and kill commies and the gates of heaven will open to you dear anon.

>> No.2887227


Neither extreme is where one should proudly be at. Both can be correct, both can be wrong. Don't get entangled in ideology.

>> No.2887228

There have been several people who have started around your age or even a bit older and become highly successful--Min Yum and Brad Rigney are the two most common examples probably. So it's definitely possible. Just know that the odds are stacked against you--you probably have a lot more responsibilities than a teenager so have a lot less free time and energy to dedicate to learning the craft. To go from a full beginner to a working professional who can fully support himself with regular jobs might take easily take a decade. Will you be able to earn a living and dedicate your time to learning art as well? Will you be able to have meaningful relationships/family in that time too? Will you have the perseverance to stick through it and not give up or lose motivation? It comes down to your priorities really. If you have some money saved up or if you don't mind being a social recluse while your friends are out having fun or raising families, then you can probably manage it.

>> No.2887236

You won't do it, kill yourself.

>> No.2887237

Yes. Give up.

>> No.2887238

maybe i will

>> No.2887241

If you wanted you wouldn't be asking shit here.
Actions is what counts anything else is shitty excuses.

>> No.2887242

No, it's not too late.

But please consider what your current skill level is, what it takes to get to a working professional's level, and if you're willing to put in the hours to improve. Then set a realistic goal to achieve that.

It takes most people 4-5 years of blood, sweat, and tears to become pro-level. If you're not willing to do that, I'd leave it just as a hobby.

>> No.2887243

You're never gonna make it.

>> No.2887245


You couldn't make it and now you want to bring everyone else down with you, huh? Pathetic.

>> No.2887248

indeed it is.

>> No.2887250

>It takes most people 4-5 years of blood, sweat, and tears to become pro-level.
I'd say it typically takes a bit longer actually. Also it usually takes several years after reaching pro-level skill to make enough money to live off of. You need to build connections, build an online presence, get noticed, build up a body of work and a reputation with clients etc. before you get consistent and regular work that pays decently.

>> No.2887274

never too late

start now, keep on improving, and you'll eventually make it.

never. stop. working. are you drawing right now? draw right now. you are dispensable but you also have potential.

do it fagit.

>> No.2887296

I had my birthday literaly 10 days ago and I'm 22 yo like you. Just started as well. We are all gonna make it.

>> No.2887329

I started at 28 now I'm 32 and can say that art is the best thing that ever happened to me, ffs I wish I was in your shoes

>> No.2887339

Care to post your work?

>> No.2887360

>tfw hit the big 2-0 last month
I feel like it's too late for me too desu. Maybe every body feels it.

>> No.2887362

It's around the perfect age. If you start in your teens you start thinking you are good too soon and only do useless stylized shit full of teenage angst. It's very rare that young people actually practice anatomy and construction.

>> No.2887384


Unlike sports and modeling which relies on physical peak and youth, drawing is something you can learn anytime. You might be better off because you're more mature and can learn better when you're older with proper technique and instruction, and not have the bad habits you'd develop during youth.

>> No.2887389

>I had my birthday literaly 10 days ago and I'm 22 yo
hey anon, we were born on the exact same day, yay!

>> No.2887426

er do you even enjoy drawing?

othrwise it's never too late unless you have arthritis or something

>> No.2887429

>tfw that's the only hairstyle I know how to draw

>> No.2887442

if dat's u in pic rel8ed i'll pay u to be my sidehoe and i'll cover ur fees until you can get a job ok?
kik me : sidehoereg01

>> No.2887444

You can see at the bottom the kind of things I did at 28, most recent ones are less horrid ofc:


>> No.2887463

Great work dude, amazing progress. You've inspired me. Thank you so much for sharing.

>> No.2887547


That's fucking awesome man. Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us, I mean it.

>> No.2887556

Age isn't a factor. If you're talented, you're talented.

>> No.2887558

she's really pretty

>> No.2887559

You have talent! Seriously!

>> No.2887560

Work until you can't work anymore. Then work some more. You can do it, OP. Seriously! Don't give up!!!!

>> No.2887600

Just do it you fucking cunt

>> No.2887670

We have the same age, I also like you, pursuing a career in illustration, even though I just got my architecture degree, I prefer to be an illustration artist. Just do it man, even though there're already bunch of people younger than us starting their proffesional carrer it's not mean we already too late, we only need to practice more harder than them

>> No.2887671

Jesus, learn english you fucking mongoloid

>> No.2887672

>most recent ones are less horrid
no theyre all pretty horrid t b h

>> No.2887673
File: 68 KB, 360x389, kanye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firez still graces this board? I must bow in the presence of greatness

>> No.2887675

Jesus, you understood what he meant you fucking LD

>> No.2887677

Nice trips bro

How many hrs did you practice a day to go that far in 4 yrs?

>> No.2887716
File: 41 KB, 409x389, 1386872659592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing Firez inspires is shitposting and tripfagging.

>> No.2887804

Thanks for proving that age isn't a factor. Great job firez

>> No.2887826
File: 123 KB, 537x536, 5 fate points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember, it's not a hobby for me.
>I mean a full-fledged career as an illustrator
>too old to start
>to start

What is with you fucking idiots deciding to set a trajectory for a fucking CAREER in a thing you HAVE NO EXPERIENCE IN, and apparently don't even like enough to entertain the idea of doing it as a hobby?

Why art of all fucking things would you go "wow that seems like a great career"? The people 'making it' in art are the ones who were passionate and wanted to turn their passion into a job, if you just wanted a career you can do better than fucking art. It takes such a large up-front investment of time and effort for such a marginal potential monetary gain.

It's not like a career in art is easy. Professional artists don't just get to fuck around doodling in their notebook and get paid for it, there are high expectations that require a lot of focused effort. Why would you deliberately choose a difficult career with a saturated market where you're competing with passionate people who love what they're doing already? It would be like pulling teeth, you'd be fucking miserable.

>> No.2887834

Because every other industry has passionate people who beat you 9/10 times anyways. The fakers who came for the money would never make it. So might as well shoot for this. You only get to live once so whatever if I fail. Not like life wasn't fickle.

>> No.2887836

>What is with you fucking idiots deciding to set a trajectory for a fucking CAREER in a thing you HAVE NO EXPERIENCE IN,
>can't know about career without having been in
>cannot be in career without having known about it
Really makes me think

>and apparently don't even like enough to entertain the idea of doing it as a hobby?
That's not what OP said though. OP was saying that it's a serious thing and not something for fun and burning time like a hobby.

>Why art of all fucking things would you go "wow that seems like a great career"?
I hope you're joking.

>The people 'making it' in art are the ones who were passionate and wanted to turn their passion into a job, if you just wanted a career you can do better than fucking art.
Pretty much you can't make it because you don't have talent the post.

>It's not like a career in art is easy
No career is easy.

>Why would you deliberately choose a difficult career with a saturated market where you're competing with passionate people who love what they're doing already?
You could say the same just to about everything else, it's not like it matters. You only need one position. Supply and demand is a meme.

>> No.2887972

Hey, that's me alright: I turned down a scholarship to a technical college to go to an art college. Despite having no prior experience or interest in arts in the first place.

Yeah, I also wonder what I'm doing with myself.

>> No.2887981

>What is with you fucking idiots deciding to set a trajectory for a fucking CAREER in a thing you HAVE NO EXPERIENCE IN, and apparently don't even like enough to entertain the idea of doing it as a hobby?

The thing is I like drawing very much and it would be the best for me if I could make money from it. I can't do anything else anyway.

>> No.2887982

>Min Yum and Brad Rigney
They aren't good though.

>> No.2888062

First of all, do not fall for the social stigma that you "have to" be a certain age to start something as a measure of YOUR OWN personal success. Who cares what people say, they don't live your life. Do what you feel you need to and can do at this point in your life.

I knew a guy who worked as an engineer in his 20s but ended up painting and eventually teaching art to kids and enjoys every minute of it.

>> No.2888136

It's not the social stigma, you have your chances lowered if you start later. Same with everything else really.

>> No.2888155

Keep telling yourself that buddy

>> No.2888182

yo dog draw if you like to draw

what else are you going to do if it's "too late"? major in something you don't like? work a random normie job until you hate yourself?

you're an adult now. you get to make decisions. btw I would give you the same speech if you were 44 instead of 22 because living for other people is pointless.

>> No.2888249

And that's enough to discourage you? Yeah, you were never going to make it in the first place.

>> No.2888293


Thank you guys :3

I would say around 2 hours on weekdays and 6-8 hours on the weekends, I've been drawing every day since I started

>> No.2888348

It's natural to be discouraged if you don't have much chance to succeed. Like you have to commit man, it's a risk that takes a lot of time and money aswell, because you are not really able to work if you want to study hardcore.

So when you have to take a risk even if you are not likely to succeed, what would you think about that?

>> No.2888351

Chance is just a guess anyways. It might as well be the difference between a coin flip. You never know what's possible until you set out on it. Don't believe other people either. Most people can't see the future.

>> No.2888360

You're not going to have the confidence yet, and why should you?

If you haven't done serious practice at all and you're only getting started, then of course there is a serious question of whether or not you're going to make it.

The best thing to do, in the mean time anyway, is to shut that noise out for the time being. If you want to be serious about drawing, dedicate at least an entire year to it. Push yourself to really improve and make gains.

After that year, look back at what you've learned then ask yourself if this is still something you want to consider as a career.

At a university you'd do the same thing. You apply for a major, you take the basic courses which will take a year. You see if you have the aptitude for it or not or whether your interest in it sticks. If not, you change your major.

If you're wondering about career, it comes down to a very simple question. After that one year, ask yourself, do you want to draw for a career (and all the implications of that from income to hours, and so on) or do you want a different option instead?

Nothing is set in stone, only time. So make good use of your time and don't waste it teetering back and forth between deciding to draw or not. Be decisive, and gain some experience drawing because right now, your largest set back is that you have no experience in a career that you are considering.

>> No.2888365

Why only 2 hours? Are you working a full time job and have family and stuff?

>> No.2888376

He's a hobbyist in his 30's so must have a day job. 2 hours is a fair bit for someone like that, especially since he has other hobbies as well.

>> No.2888417

You know when it's too late ?

When you're dead.

>> No.2888427

only fags care what that gook thinks.

>> No.2888558

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.2888562

>have no will to do anything
>hate everything
>hate self
>no self confidence
As good as dead I would say

>> No.2888565

Job, College and other interests. I really wish I could do without the first two but alas they are means to an end.

Idk anon, I guess technically you would be right but even since I started I didn't saw art as hobby, for me hobby is something you only do on the weekends and if you feel like it but for me art is much more than that.

I still have a slight hope of making a career out of it not for the money but to dedicate myself to it full time. I started taking commissions 4 months ago and I got enough to pay for my surface pro 2 and ipad pro so I guess I can still entertain that idea. However if that never happens I will definitely keep drawing

>> No.2888684

my man, you give me so much hope you have no idea. your later stuff is really good.

>> No.2888689


Why are you so bitter about Feng Zhu?

>> No.2888691



>> No.2888692


I started at around 24. 22 is young af.

>> No.2888934

Everyone he teaches makes generic shit.

>> No.2888936

Generic shit is what's hot and sells.

>> No.2888939

if you think thats generic then youre fucking dumb

>> No.2888972

the only people who are dumb here are the people who gave Feng their money.

>> No.2888975

i dont like fengs shit either, but i can tell you have shit taste son.

>> No.2888978

>too old

wait till you're not 22 op, boy will you feel dumb

>> No.2889008

There's more to art than Warcraft orcs.

>> No.2889014


You can apply everything Feng teaches into any subject you want to concern yourself with. It's not like in FZD the make you draw Warcraft orcs and then send you in your merry way.

>> No.2889015

Absolutely. Think about your favorite artists. They're been drawing constantly since they could first hold a crayon. It takes about a decade to get on a decent level, so starting when you have a job and other responsibilities is far too late.

>> No.2889016

>so starting when you have a job and other responsibilities is far too late.
You think if I can get a start over? Reincarnation is legit after all right?

>> No.2889019

You could get good, you'll just be in your forties or fifties.

>> No.2889036


>Forties or fifties

Lmao, doing what, half an hour a day of practice? That's rdiculous. FZD students go from zero to pro in a year doing 16 hours a day.

Even if you're not that crazy and do much less, there's no way it's going to take 20 years to git gud

>> No.2889083

This is for the average person just starting to draw in their twenties.

>> No.2889529

Why a decade?

>> No.2889538
File: 100 KB, 1044x1304, 1487182100603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no, 10 years is already too much in order to get good, most people make decent art by their 4/5 year.

>> No.2889540

Kids aren't fully cognitively developed so they do some dumb stuff and don't understand certain concepts. It's not a decade if you start as an adult, but as a kid, everything is kind of slow even though the result in the end is pretty impressive.

>> No.2889541

It's never too late. Otherwise you'll realize this at 32 when you could have had 10 years practice.

>> No.2889570

Are you self-taught?

>> No.2889573

lol that's not true at all.

>> No.2889576

Are you the same dud who said it'll take 10 years to get gud? You keep pulling random numbers of years out of your balloon knot.

>> No.2889747

>10 years myth
How fast you improve is dependent on a variety of factors. Telling people it will take a minimum of a decade is nothing but exclusionary elitist bullshit. In fact I think the whole "it will take at least 10 years" myth stems from artists purposely trying to destroy competition before it's even born by scaring people out of the industry. After all, the more artists there are the more rates are driven down by competition and the more likely it is someone will lose their job. That's why artists are so reluctant to pass down their techniques, skills and things they've learned as well.

Fact is someone who appreciates art (more than casually glancing at it) is already several steps above someone who is starting from a place of zero appreciation. The more art you consume, the more art you analyze and the more you analyze the world around you the more it prepares you to create good art. Also, the older you are the better you understand these various principles. It's not uncommon to see most the major improvements in young artists occur around the 16-20 year old mark. There are certain young prodigies out there who grind it out earlier but most artists see a massive quality jump as they get older.

Anywhere between 3000-5000 hours is a realistic amount of time to get good. That's about 2-3 years if someone is doing at least 5 hours a day which is very do-able even with a job. If someone has zero interest (why even become an artist?) or is just ultra stubborn in following good instruction it may take them much much longer. Some people won't improve after 30 years because they are so damn up their own ass.

>> No.2889904

Five years is only if you're really good at it, like most people here.

>> No.2889913


This is things young people think.

Time runs out.

Time runs out.

>> No.2891003

Thanks :3


>> No.2891187

>I keep reading about people who get their first jobs at 20 or something and I am now 22 with very little skills
That's really the answer for your question. Yes, you are too old, because younger people get work while you have nothing. It's really that simple.

>> No.2891297

So definitely gonna make it?

>> No.2891852


>> No.2891900

You started drawing right at 28 or where you just very casual with it before that?

>> No.2891980

You've pretty much said all there is to say. Thanks, anon. This was encouraging for me.

>> No.2892144
File: 206 KB, 441x498, asianPort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed her a bit. And no, you can start at any age. The point is only to do it if you enjoy it.

>> No.2892161

Depends on what you define as "making it".
Getting paid for what you do shouldn't be too hard.
If you invest the time and effort to come up with an art style that appeals to people, you can get paid.

There's people out there making plenty of money creating comics that look like they've been done by kids.
Making a living out of something like that doesn't really boil down to art skill rather than the ability to gather a following.

But I'll assume you mean something along the lines of 'getting good' and being commissioned.
Once again this boils down to your art style. To most people - the quality of art is subjective.
Most people won't cut apart a piece of art and judge it according to the criteria lined out in books.
They like it or they dont.
The threshold for "Acceptable quality" is whatever people are willing to pay for.

I'm not gonna give you the "dont compare yourself to others!" babble, you've heard that plenty of times.
People seem to be under the impression that every artist that claims they've been drawing since 10 did so everyday.
They were teens, too. They didn't spend 10h a day practicing.
And they sure as fuck they didn't have information and instruction at hand that we have now.
They were kids, they drew retarded shit without instruction. You think a 12 year old without any guidance would pull up a book by some Russian prodigy?

So you missed out on 5 years of drawing Sonic, too bad.
Since you seem so keen on comparing yourself to others; 2 or 3 years of proper practice, using the right materials, is worth 10 years of fucking around.
Having a properly developed brain can be an asset. You can probably tell when some instruction or information is shit. You know where to find proper instruction or are able to find that out.

But, yeah, tell yourself you're too old and quit.
That urge to draw will gnaw at you and you'll be back here at 24 - wondering why you didn't start at 22.

>> No.2892165


this post feels like a summary of /ic/
>nature got it wrong this beautiful asian girl isnt LOOMIS ENOUGH
>does absolute shit paintover of a photo of a perfectly normal looking person

seriously you made her look like a fucking downie. what sort of mental damage do you need to have to even do something so retarded?
these are the people giving critique on this board. fucking nuke /ic/ pls.

>> No.2892184

Hit character limit.

If you want to compare yourself with other people then compare yourself to a 14 year old starting right now.
He has the same information at hand as you do now. Assuming he is smart enough to actually find it.
A lot of the best books that often get recommended weren't even published 10 years ago.
Great, ready-made, digestible instruction that would've taken 5-6 books of trial and error and triple the amount of time to get for somebody that started 10 years ago.

The greatest advantage you have over some kid starting right now is that you can tell your shit is bad.
You can probably point out most of the faults that your drawings have and and figure out how to correct them.
When you hit a point where you think "This is pretty good", submit it somewhere online and watch people tear it apart.
Be grateful that you're not in some hugbox that inhibits growth - like those kids.

They'll be told for the first few years that their work is "amazing" or "great" - because it's made by a kid.
You won't see an art teacher berating some kid, "What the hell is this shit, Tommy? What kind of perspective did you use? if any at all?"

The only person that cares about your age is you.
A drawing won't be any better or worse because of the creator's age.

Just because some kid acquired their skill through 10 years of trial and error doesn't mean you should do the same.
You can acquire the same level of skill in 1/3th of that.

>> No.2892185

Anon please calm down, it's just a drawing. There are no rules about how to make a correct drawing. And you seem to have some mental issues with all that projecting.

>> No.2892186

Nice pseudo-psychology.

10 years or 10000 hours is something studied and theorized to be necessary to become an expert. This has been studied on pro violin players and shouldn't be too different from drawing.

The point is you can get good or pro with less but becoming an expert is a never-ending journey.

>> No.2892188

And btw.

It's not a paintover of the photo so thx for the praise I guess.

>> No.2892190

nice 4chan meme

also you cant have your cake and eat it too, asshole.
>there are no rules about how to make a correct drawing

yes there are, they are called fundamentals
they include anatomy, color theory etc
when you know those you can build upon that
that would mean you consider art a craft that needs to be learned and practiced
or you just say "everyone gets a participation medal! it doesnt matter if you dont know what you are doing!"
this is the shit mentality that makes the general public think that art isnt anything serious.

btw, honestly i just think youre fucking weird for changing someones face for no fucking reason and turning it uglier than it was initially.

>> No.2892194

You sound bat-shit insane. Please don't talk to me anymore. My name is Anonymous.

>> No.2892196

are you 12?

>> No.2892201

that's awfully specific. Is that your preferred age?

>> No.2892203

Good posts, I hope OP read these.

>> No.2892238

>yes there are, they are called fundamentals

There are no rules. Only guidelines. Drawing is about communication. You certainly don't need fundamentals to make it as a professional artist.

>> No.2892261

No it's not too late to start, but it's gonna take a while to get there. 5 years is often the number people throw around but it depends a lot on your work ethic and natural inclination towards drawing. You can get good enough to impress normal people in a year, but 5 years is probably how long it'll take to become a pro.

But, hey, Miyazaki said that animators peak ends at 30 years old in terms of productivity, so if you start now you still got 3 years of professional life in your best physical self.

All you need to keep in mind is that you have 22 years of not-art-thinking behind you, meaning that your brain is not molded to think like an artist does. It's going to take a while to rewire that stuff.

I think this reverse bike thing is quite a good example of it https://youtu.be/MFzDaBzBlL0?t=206

The guy took eight months to learn something that his son could figure out in a couple weeks, because he had more time of normal bike-thinking wired up. The same applies for you with art.

>> No.2892482

Stop conflating age with skills. Unless you don't have the time, finance or day to do it, then skip. You said it yourself that it's not a hobby, so reconsider decreasing time vested in other interests for practice sake (you mention you spent 2 hours a day later in this thread)
Ask also what will you invest these skills in.

Note: you and your confidence's worst competitor is your self reflection of worth and mindset. This is why people never make it.

>> No.2892525

who knows? do you have any better idea?
if you have a better idea then share it with me because i seriosly need some cash
if you dont keep drawing until you find a better idea or become a professional

>> No.2892750


>> No.2892757

The dumbest thing about this whole thing was he couldn't ride a bike the normal way afterwards

>> No.2893455

Don't listen to delusional retards, the truth is you have to be at least an average pro at your age to make it. If people at 22 are working hardcore while you draw some shitty scribbbles, how the fuck do you want to compete with them lets say five years later? You missed your opportunity, there is no point in starting now because you cant win with people that are already good. Who is going to need you?

>> No.2893508

if someone is already doing entry level art jobs at age 20, when you're just starting off, then all it means is that in few years time you'll be working entry level jobs while those younger people do higher level jobs.

It's pretty simple.

>> No.2893546

>Nice pseudo-psychology
>goes on to talk about the biggest myth in the psychology of expertise
the irony is actually palpable

>> No.2893577

Can we talk about like after 20s and 30s? How is it then? Would it still be worth changing careers?

>> No.2893915

agreed lel.

Also this. I hate how much /ic/ downplays advantages for the sake of good vibes. Your not gunna be feeling so good about yourself 5 years from now when you're still struggling as people that are younger than you are already where you want to be.

>> No.2893939

What's the point though? Sure you can do shitty jobs for 20$ but it's depressing to see that people at your age got careers while you got nothing.

>> No.2893974

thanks anon

>> No.2894569

How not living your life by comparing yourself to other people. Spoiler alert, there are millions of people younger and more successful than you and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

>> No.2894574

How about*

All you should care about is where do you want to be in 5 years time, not where your peers will be.

You people need to stop pretending like changing careers paths at older age is not a thing. Better make the change early than be 40 and regretting not even trying.

>> No.2895253

U could always be a high school art teach and make $50k starting if ur in canada

>> No.2895262

your work is really bland.

you're not going make art a career. not with that.

getting gud takes a long time and you're already 32 lol

>> No.2895387

>Feng Zhu
Get the fuck out of this place and start drawing EVERY DAY. 9 hours every day. If you cna do that, you'll make it.

>> No.2895399

Yeah, there's no fucking doubt in the world if you're autistic enough to draw 9 hours every single day, you'll make it no matter what.

>> No.2895527

Everyone saying no doesn't want you to succeed so it's more likely they'll succeed. Truth is you have the same chance they do.

>> No.2895719
File: 41 KB, 640x487, rwlqqbnqiyky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2895762

You should try watching his vids, they are all about creating designs that fall within the sweet spot between known and new designs.

>> No.2897883

What if you eventually regret doing art ten years later

>> No.2897976


>> No.2898061

That's just life anon, you can't always guarantee you won't have regrets.

>> No.2898081
File: 105 KB, 656x985, 302445762893850204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 5 years and not make it. Being self-taught without talent is living hell. You need passion, you need talent, you need rich parents who will support you. Wishiful thinkin is good thing, but everytime /ic/ telling you about anons who "make it" just remember people who failed. Working in MC when you're 26 yo+ means dead end.
>muh Firez
Again. Firez being successful at his age =/= he has no artistic talent.
>2 shitty hours per day
100% talent.

>> No.2898087

Good thing a majority of /ic/ has talent, even if it's not a lot, it's enough to propel them.

>> No.2898238

You should always stick with what you know and have experience in whenever possible. You'll be a better candidate for jobs than some newfag. Comparing yourself to others is important because your employer is going to do the same. Get real.

>> No.2898240

You could always do freelance work once you're good enough

>> No.2898510

Started from zero at 28, in part because curiosity and also because I wanted to make vocaloid songs and their accompanying artwork but after a short while I was basically like >>2895719, music making was/is extremely hard for me and almost every producer I admired in the vocaloid scene has bailed out so those plus other factors made it easier for me to start and keep drawing.

Btw sorry for the late reply

idk anon, inherent advantages as in the way your brain is particularly wired could be called talent but that doesn't mean anything if people with said advantages don't do anything with it.

Also 5 years seems like a short time especially for people in our age group with a job and other baggage. I'm almost at that point and it was until very recently I started receiving enough commissions to break even with the hardware I have been using for drawing (iPad pro + surface pro 2)

>> No.2898513

Do you advertise yourself or did they just find you by chance?

>> No.2898755

Just by chance, at this moment I feel I need to git gud first but taking these works have helped me in ways that personal ones wouldn't have not (work faster, tackle subjects outside of my comfort zone, think much harder about my strokes, etc..)

>> No.2898764

oh firez

>> No.2898776

>I am 22 years old and I was thinking about serious drawing.
Yeah definitely cut your hands off before you ever get such a dumb idea again.

>> No.2898779

>tfw have never seen Firez draw vocaloid artwork at all

>> No.2898961

That's different from going "whats the point of even trying if someone younger than me is better ;_;_;"

>> No.2899119

opportunities strike anytime. the point is to catch them. there's a younger and better catcher but at the end of the day the one who wins regardless of skill is the one who catches the ball or more importantly the right ball.

>> No.2899124

Which one is the right ball?

>> No.2899131


Min is based, but also keep in mind he basically disappeared a few years ago, probably got burned out because the dream of being an artist didn't quite align with pumping out assets and MtG illustrations all day

>> No.2899281

Most of it is a bit old by now:


http://firez-da.deviantart.com/art/Tumblr-sketch-dump-622495536 (luka on the middle right)

I did finish some vocaloid songs too:



I've a third vocaloid song and another illustration in semi abandoned state due to recent commissions, job, college, overall lack of time, low confidence on making music...etc I hope someday I can find a way to learn music production properly and keep it at least as a hobby. Finishing those songs and illustrations (as shitty as they seem now) gave me a huge morale boost because I applied basically everything I have self learnt in these last years.

>> No.2899738

hi firez did you have ligameme? >>2898449

>> No.2899924

Nope, i don't know if people taking it seriously is part of the meme but fwiw that's a vestigial "feature"


>> No.2900408

this kinda made me feel better anon
this guy didnt start taking art seriously until age 19

the podcast is sorta inspiring I hope it helps!!

>> No.2900464


Man, I too want to learn how to produce music and git gud at art. You're cool af, dude. Keep it up.

>> No.2900632

Thanks, I wish you the best on both endeavors. If you can try starting with something very simple, I have tried several daws and find most of them overwhelming.

I have been playing around with auxy and launchpad on the iPad Pro and both of them are extremely easy to use, the second one is almost like a toy in the sense that you can make a listenable track just by pushing buttons at random.

>> No.2900671
File: 364 KB, 1700x1000, western portrait practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to turn 19 and i've been painting pretty seriously for about 3 years now, made some good progress pic related

>> No.2900678

>started at 15
So it's too late? Okay, thanks for the contribution.