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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 406 KB, 785x1111, 1487902112919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2884798 No.2884798 [Reply] [Original]

Imo, it's firez

>> No.2884802

Depends what counts as /ic/.

/las/ has a fuck load of amazing artists like Mathias and Naf.

>> No.2884816



For me it's vetyr. Just wish she would start branching into full illustrations now.

>> No.2884830

Firez definitely

>> No.2884835

what purpose do those fucked up knee things serve. that's the most retarded fantasy design flourish i've ever seen

>> No.2884836

You know i've been following firez for a while now and I got to hand it to her, she is the best artist on t his board. A true inspiration and i hope that she continues what she's doing.

>> No.2884839

Why do they always have 90% generic pretty girl portraits and figures copied from photographs.

>> No.2884840


Firez is a he. You would know if you really had been following him.

>> No.2884857

obviously im the best artist here

>> No.2884863 [DELETED] 

mathias only do figure drawing and studies and naf can't into color. I would say Tugelbend is our current best since he's part of us now and he's a full blown professional.

>> No.2884864

Vetry is good

>> No.2884866


Post some of their work. I always hide las threads because circlejerk and I can't be assed to make an account for that website.

>> No.2884870

Vetyr is pretty good but does she ever even draw anything that's not portraits of pretty girls?

>> No.2884881

Tugelbend from /las/, obviously.

>> No.2884886

If you go through her tumblr her imaginative/figure/other works are lagging behind. Still crazy progress for two years though.

>> No.2884908

vetyr and varguy are the best two

firez is fucking embaressing
fuck off
almost as annoying as fucking shadposters (which all happen to be shad because hes bored and he likes pretending 4chan losers like his shitty wannabe loli crap)

>> No.2884914


>> No.2884918
File: 370 KB, 1140x1200, tumblr_odfl5bxzcp1uwerfzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no barcode

tfw no chink concept art bf

>> No.2884934


I will not answer you, but here are some people i find above average /ic/ level for various reasons.

Self promoted :
chromatink >>2883801
evaneley >>2884346
containcore >>2884610


>> No.2884939


>> No.2885090

Tugelben is the one with an artstation link in >>2884934

>> No.2885097

any tumblrs with good anime illustrations?

>> No.2885384


>> No.2885389

Aquire some taste you fucking trash tier mongoloid fuck

>> No.2885401

I wouldn't consider her the best here, but she certainly is better than Firez.

>> No.2885439

One day its going to be me! (when I make it)

>> No.2885458

Post your taste.

>> No.2885475

Firez is even more annoying now that he turned off his trip.

He makes these fucking threads about himself once a week.

He doesn't deserve to be anything greater than a known artist on an anonymous board. It's pathetic that he has to seek validation from /ic/. It's almost as bad as that drawabox faggot that makes a thread about his shitty website every other week.

>> No.2885477

>everyone that says nice things about Firez is Firez

Take your meds you schizophrenic babydick retard

>> No.2885483

You can say nice things about firez in his anime containment thread, but you have to be one giant cock sucking faggot to make a thread about him. Alternatively, you could just be firez

>> No.2885497

Among one of the best

>> No.2885502

not him, but you have to admit it's pretty weird how many threads we have about how good this mediocre novice is.

>> No.2885536

I think a lot of the threads praising him like this are actually meant to insult him. Whoever posts these threads knows it immediately gets a reaction and a bunch of people coming out of the woodwork to call Firez shit. It's probably one of the easier troll threads you can make here since it almost guarantees responses.

>> No.2885571
File: 603 KB, 600x839, Freedom_subedit3_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Best" is subjective

>> No.2885572

why does everyone think realism is the best form of art?

>> No.2885576

c'mon anon, we've been over this.
There is nothing subjective about technique.

>> No.2885581

>implying technique is the only measure of quality in art

>> No.2885591


thats pretty poopy so i don't know why you posted it.

>> No.2885594
File: 95 KB, 929x540, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just throw a better work (with the name) than the previous one when you give an answer. This way you will have a "best" by the end of the thread.

>> No.2885603


Realism means something else in art, buddy. L2art history. What you mean to say is naturalism.

>> No.2885604

Hey guys, I'm sorry that you guys are annoyed by these threads but I assure you that I did not make this.

Thank you OP for your kind words bu please don't make threads about me.

>> No.2885606

You can't draw like me, no

>> No.2885611


No, I can draw better.

>> No.2885613

Jeez there are actually good artists on this board?

>> No.2885615

omg he's here!! hes here hnnnnnngggggggg

>> No.2885622

How long have you been drawing?

>> No.2885626

Why do you care?

>> No.2886410
File: 74 KB, 600x1066, fdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause I wanna know how many years it took to get this good

>> No.2886415

I think art like Miura's mix of anime and realism, for example, are the best kind

I just like em

>> No.2886420

It will take you one year if you start tommorow and actually work for it.
Or 15 years, if you don't.

>> No.2886426


>> No.2886434

>Jeez there are actually good artists on this board?

People who only post in the self promotion thread are NOT part of this board, they're exploiting it. Prove me wrong.

>> No.2886436

it took him 4

>> No.2886446

You are not wrong.
Out of more than hundred threads, there are draw thread, tower princess and sometime study thread where you actually post your drawings. It's a bit tight to be part of this board according to your standard.

>> No.2886451

I post in the self-promote threads but rarely post in the draw-threads becasue the quality of the crit isn't very good, and I have other artists I talk to who give me better feedback. I do post in threads if I find the topic interesting but prefer to do so anonymously.

>> No.2886474

>this good
i can teach you how to draw better than that fucking garbage in 2 weeks.

>> No.2886478

post your own work :)

>> No.2886489
File: 395 KB, 785x1111, Cave demon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the last version of that thing

>> No.2886491

OK tell me good sir where do I start and what do I practice to get that good in 2wks

>> No.2886492

Where do you find artists for better crits? Do you go out into the "real world" and talk to "real people" face-to-face? Like meetups and stuff?

>> No.2886494

>to get that good
Not him but this is not good at all. Maybe it is for complete beginners but on it's own it's really, really mediocre.

>> No.2886526

FiReZ has huge cracks in his fundamentals that aren't obvious to beginners, so they jump in his defense every time someone calls him out.

He is decent at rendering though and I'm glad he decided to take off his trip.

>> No.2886527

I'm talking about this image here >>2886410

I'd definitely say that's pretty good. The thighs, hips, and breasts all have forms that feel 3D. the rendering isn't amazing and the anatomy could be improved, but the forms feel touchable and 3D-ish. For that alone I know it cannot be taught in 2wks time.

I don't love the Disney/anime facial features but the form work IMO is definitely good, whether you're a beginner or not that work is pretty good. It's certainly not possible to reach that level in under a year.

>> No.2886544

Mostly people I knew from forums, the old /ic/ irc, skype groups, google hangouts, discord etc. over the years. It's just the people I talk to because I enjoy their company, not people I seek out specifically to crit my work. I've gone to irl meet-ups and workshops but I haven't made a whole lot of deep connections at any of them.

>> No.2886562

I like vetyr and follow her on tumblr, as well as firez, but the best here is rinfag.
Waiting for him to make a tumblr so I can get daily dosages of titanic animus.

>> No.2886684

Same here, although I haven't been posting in selfpromo threads for a while.

Surprised to see myself on that list, some decent artsts there.

>> No.2886687

Yeah I have other places than here to get crits, so I just post anonymously to help other anons with some paintovers or crits. I haven't posted in the self promo thread for ages either actually, I think most people here have forgotten about me.

>> No.2886728


along with lampblak, based aussies

>> No.2886745

>me, signed anonymous

>> No.2886886

no, me.

>> No.2886957

she is a girl, b0ss

>> No.2887008

>ctrl F
>no Kairu

He's easily the best I suggest everyone check out his stuff. He's simply the best.


>> No.2887039

why don't you people just post artists / pictures you enjoyed from /ic/ instead of debating who's posting about himself and who deserves to be in this thread ? who the fuck cares, it a few days the thread is gone

>> No.2887044 [DELETED] 

Bump. Check out my work please.

>> No.2887047

Bump for you. Your carbon copy of shadman are great!

>> No.2887079
File: 463 KB, 736x551, sponge-puff-excited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's easily the best? OK I'll check out his stuff
>*open the tumblr link*
>*it's fully of furry porn*
>I cringe as those phrases echo in my mind
>"easily the best"
>"he's simply the best"

pic related

>> No.2887891

Vetyr and Kristina
Both of them better than Firez, and they are like 16 years old?

>> No.2887893

wait. barcode is alpha uprising?

>> No.2887898

>mfw been checking out /ic/ from time to time and posted in a lot of threads but have no idea who any of these names are.

Anonymity and circlejerking is a fucking terrible combo. I always assume that the only ones who ask about namefags are namefags.

>> No.2887902

I know a lot from the discord and just being here for a looong time. Also check out the self promotion thread to find out who some are.

>> No.2887912

>no boxman

do i need to show my nads again

>> No.2887914

Bozeman please

>> No.2887916

kill yourself and delete all your shitty drawings please. you are on fucking illastrat/brian/cumbum levels of annoying.

>> No.2887920


fair enough but are the poses useful

>> No.2887927

>tfw you cntrl+f and there is nothing close to a mention of you
into the void I go

>> No.2887965
File: 965 KB, 2139x1661, VenVsVetyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are 16!?

What about a d/ic/k loli gesture battle?

>> No.2888009


>> No.2888015

Nah dude, they are 17..

>> No.2888037

If it's subjective you can't measure it.

"It's 2CM" "No for me it's 3CM"

>> No.2888077

vetyr is better desu

>> No.2888509

Not sure why you are comparing a painting from imagination with a painting from a photo? Also what do portraits have to do with gesture battles. I don't get it anon!

I'm pretty sure they are way older than that, might have started young but still.

>> No.2888524

this guys been posting alot recently but he might be just baiting https://danielcannata.artstation.com/

>> No.2888542

Why would he be baiting? He's okay but definitely not pro level or anything

>> No.2888557


Vetyr is actually 17, it's on her tumblr faq

>> No.2889221


>> No.2889224

this isnt even good, better than firez tho t bh

>> No.2889227


>> No.2889230

>anon will never teach you to be a professional artist in two weeks time

>> No.2889233

Here, I'll give it to you.

Open up a social media.

Open commissions/requests/etc.

Get your first job done.

You're a professional now.

There's other factors involved, but this is the main gist of it.

>> No.2889236

yeah my dude

shut the fuck up

>> No.2889253

A professional is someone who makes a living off of his profession. Just making some money off of it doesn't make you one.

>> No.2889301

i said i can teach you to draw better than that garbage firez, not a fucking professional. you can forget about that dream friendo

>> No.2889306

Nah dude, Firez isn't bad at all. Just needs to work on a bunch of fundies, but so does everyone. Also he hasn't been drawing for that long. Stop shitting on him, all you are doing is just being mean to somebody else because you are most likely not as good as him. Post art?

Also this thread is complete bullshit, why even make it? Firez isn't that good, he is on the right path and made huge improvement but I wouldn't say he's good.

Also before anybody calls me out on being jelly or anything, I've been mentioned in the thread and still think the thread is retarded.

>> No.2889327

>Stop shitting on him, all you are doing is just being mean to somebody else because you are most likely not as good as him

If they respond, they'll probably greentext this sentence as "waah stop being mean"

I agree otherwise

>> No.2889331

Alright so teach it dude. Literally lay it out.

Day 1, day 2, etc how do I hit Firez level in 2 wks time? I'll draw FZD slave level for 2 wks you're so damn confident that's enough time, what exactly do I draw for those 14 days to make it?

>> No.2889340

Tugelbend is doing some pretty sweet work in /las/. Not sure if he's part of /ic/ but if so he's the best around at the moment.

>> No.2889345

if you're serious lay down an email otherwise i aint telling you shit

>> No.2889546


>> No.2889553

lmao for believing him

>> No.2889555

>implying his 2wk boot camp won't be legit and he starts making money off of it like Noah Bradley

>> No.2889738

Most of the stuff he posts here usually gets ignored since they're mostly studies, but the stuff he posts in skype and on /trash/ are really incredible.

>> No.2889749

Ven is 20 iirc

>> No.2889751

I couldn't choose a person that's the best, but here are a few of dudes that I believe are in the upper tier of /ic/
(That haven't been mentioned yet)


>> No.2889792

there are a few good artists who come here who don't post their artwork all the time like VC and a couple who have posted in the self promo threads that I forget their name like that girl that was at art center

>> No.2889794

nice got more?

>> No.2889832

Thear1992@cuvox.de me too please

>> No.2889835


>> No.2889839


you have shit taste, man. fucking weeb faggot.

>> No.2889875

Post your taste, you fucking nutcase

Could you not?

>> No.2889941

117 replies, 7 images.

>> No.2889950

And that one tugelbend guy from las, he's bretty gud

>> No.2889956

Anonymous, without a doubt

>> No.2890025
File: 344 KB, 1250x1433, chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously these people are all terrible. How can you find their work good? It's like bad attempts to draw anime

and in relation to your weird request of "post taste" here's mine

>> No.2890038

You have shit taste too. Wannabe disney stylization but with only a fraction of the appeal and design, then unnecessary sexualization and generic bikini armor.

Also there are not very many high skilled posters on /ic/ that reveal their art and name, so that anon is choosing the best of what he has seen here.

>> No.2890047

There's been a ton of names mentioned and blogs linked though.

>> No.2890067

Firez is far better than anything he posted.

And BTW everybody can shit on every piece of work. That's what /ic/ does best and that's the point of """taste"""

If you love Dilbert's style power to you but if the opening post of this thread suggested Firez then cheap anime knock-offs really don't come close

I say we all just keep telling each other how our tastes are shit so we all feel superior over everyone else.

>> No.2890082

You think Firez is far better? He's alright but he is very limited in subject matter and skills. He's got no real sense of design yet either. I would consider someone like the Seth guy linked there to be way ahead of Firez.

>> No.2890087
File: 255 KB, 1200x850, seth-vs-firez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would consider someone like the Seth guy linked there to be way ahead of Firez
>way ahead

Really gets those neurons firing

>> No.2890104

>cherrypicking a shitty quick sketch and comparing it to a finished illustration

>> No.2890117

Lol I honestly hope you aren't being serious right now. I'll give you another chance to post your taste.

>Please redeem yourself

Oh btw, it would be cool if you posted the blog of the artist along with the pic this time.

>> No.2890176
File: 312 KB, 1500x1500, tomek-larek-straszny-dwor2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse image search you pleb
Source of girl: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GmlO1

And another example of taste -- artist name is in filename but if you want the image URL you can reverse-search it(CTRL+right click in Chrome)

>inb4 100% guarantee response of "hurrdurr your taste sucks based on my opinion"

>> No.2890178

Every single post on sethmcghee's blog is an unfinished crappy sketch. That's basically his style, the guy is simply not that good. I didn't cherrypick shit

Look for yourself

>> No.2890193

>copypaste face/pose every single time

>> No.2890197

Post your work.

>> No.2890198

51ip from las

>> No.2890199
File: 80 KB, 591x850, firez-figure-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Firez always does those same anime girl faces. That's probably all he ca-

>> No.2890200

>copypasting from reference

>> No.2890203

This is actually kind of interesting.
>tfw can commission anything in Firez style

>> No.2890205

drawing like that is super easy to do, are you dumb? does firez have a betaforce shilling on /ic/ orsomthing?

>> No.2890212

The dude started drawing at age 28. And he's made it this far, much farther than the vast majority of people on this board.

"Shilling" implies I get something from him or that I'm paid to promote him. I promo his shit because he's honestly an inspiration. He never drew as a kid, started in his late 20s and in my opinion he's pretty damn good. That's simply my opinion so don't get your panties in a twist.

I understand nobody is good enough on /ic/ but he's gone far in 4 years and he's a hell of a lot better than most people here--including you anon.

Wanna post your work to prove me wrong?

>> No.2890217

If you think drawing like Firez is something considered "hard" you need to throw all your drawing gear in the trashcan and just stop.
Geting at his level is easily attainable within 6months of "proper" studies

>> No.2890221


>> No.2890222

>implying ill let my social media be raped by 4chinz :^)

>> No.2890224

Different anon chiming in here. Firez is okay but certainly not what an amazing progress of 4 years could look like. He's been stuck in a comfort zone for ages and if he had proper training could have gone way farther than he has. This is simple fact, and what the other anon's artwork looks like, or what mine looks like, is completely irrelevant.

>> No.2890226

>inb4 100% guarantee response of "hurrdurr your taste sucks based on my opinion"

Oh the irony

>> No.2890230

he's like a good nosebro

>> No.2890234

>This is simple fact
The simple fact is that every single artist in the world could be better. There's nobody that all of /ic/ would agree has made amazing progress, and even if /ic/ did agree on one person they would still bitch saying he/she could be doing better.

The simple fact is that starting in his late 20s, only working 2-3 hrs a day average, the dude made progress. More than most people here.

Whether he's ok or not great or awesome or whatever doesn't really matter. Could he be better? Yep. Everyone could be better forever until we die, and most will die swishing they could've been better. There's no end.

The absolute vitriol and cynical nature of this board really is toxic. If Firez sucks so bad then post the work of someone who's better, rather than talking about how he's so shitty.

>> No.2890249

>Whether he's ok or not great or awesome or whatever doesn't really matter.
It matters when legions of people are praising him as being the best on /ic/ when he's a mediocre artist at best. Sure he made okay progress for his age and commitment, but it's nothing out of the ordinary and he still is far from a professional level. He shouldn't be held up as a great example of progress when other artists have done 10x as much as he has in the same time span.

>The absolute vitriol and cynical nature of this board really is toxic
I agree with this.

>If Firez sucks so bad then post the work of someone who's better, rather than talking about how he's so shitty.
There's already been numerous artists mentioned in this thread. Tugelbend is a good example though of someone from here who is in an entirely different league than Firez: https://www.artstation.com/artist/thorsten

And he's not even a top notch artist either, he's an average pro.

>> No.2890252

he fucking sucks. like, fucking sucks.

>> No.2890273

What a worthless shitflinging thread.

Go practice, don't waste your time typing another word.

>> No.2890309

That's really pretty and arousing

>> No.2890312

The real question and also unanswered is why did Firez draw this? Really got me thinking, yet to have found an answer.

>> No.2890342
File: 57 KB, 400x893, 10C4DDF7-A182-4457-BBD4-FF983E49E70E-298-0000005D7EEC946E_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is almost like amputee shit was his fetish or something

>> No.2890348

both crap

>> No.2890373

In reality, he just doesn't understand how to draw arms and legs from imagination. It's the same reason he draws hair the way he does - to avoid drawing neck anatomy.

>> No.2890376

he does it so he doesnt have to draw the full arm
because he doesnt know how
because hes firez

>> No.2890377

Why samefag
Just put it all in one post

>> No.2890388

Or, you know, multiple people can see something that's blatantly obvious? Why shill?

>> No.2890511
File: 485 KB, 1111x907, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firez here

Thanks to those who have sincerily supported me by taking interest in my work/ defending me /giving me honest critique or simply not minding me. Art for me is redemption and your kind words and actions reinforces this view.

I also want to say that I plan to keep drawing wheter I "make it" or not, I do try hard but there is only so much I can do with my shitty set of circumstances. I already accepted that some of you will keep trolling, honestly never like my stuff, think I'm lazy, etc... and that's ok, despite that I will try to pursue art aiming to be at least a little less wrong with each new piece.

>> No.2890515

How do I become as nice and sincere as you Firez?

>> No.2890538

inb4 /ic/'s crab mentality chases away yet another positive figure in an already talent deprived forum.

>> No.2890539

That's something you learn, and also circumstances that present themselves. It can either be from your past, or your present that makes you sincere. I think you have to have gone through a rough bit to really feel sincere about things. :) People who have it easy are always the unhappiest in my experience. Working for something makes you happy, which makes you nice, which can make you sincere, Just depends is all.

>> No.2890579

OP here

Yeah, keep it up firez, I love uuuuu

>> No.2890615

It should be barkode.tumblr.com
Doesn't seem like he posts anymore though

>> No.2890885

ITT: Hugboxers

Stop baiting. He only tripfags his name.

And btw, he's no BBC-Chan. And many artists before him and this "Firez". I gives 5 shits if any fags starts drawing at the age of 100, doesn't mean jack shit in how progression truly works. Anyone can "git gud" that tickles your fancy.

>> No.2890886

your shading is so fucking grotesque. it makes skin look so fucking dry

>> No.2891402

Anyone who says shit like this doesn't have any respect for drawing.

>> No.2891406
File: 251 KB, 1359x365, 7b39baf98845079def688f3666ef2882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2891408

woah dude you're pretty good.
like, I am not gay but I'd suck your dick and say no homo afterwards.

>> No.2891466

You are wrong. I know and draw with some of these people.

>> No.2892102

why is everyone so mad about firez?
what did he ever do?

>> No.2892539

Became overrated. Like how 99% of /ic/fags act when x artist starts becoming.

>> No.2892583

Becoming what?

>> No.2892585

I've only been here a year, but afaik he tripfagged and posted about himself constantly, making his own threads etc until it became obnoxious.

>> No.2892591

*becoming overrated

>> No.2892620

pretty sure those were bait threads by someone else but then again i dont go to in there

>> No.2892624

if true then /ic/ rivals sjw in terms of petty and dramatic and thats saying something

>> No.2892642

The way they rip on him you'd think he does nothing but spam sonichu, but honestly it's not him in particular. There's an annoying segment on /ic/ that gets mad at most of the people who gain a certain level progress over them, I call it the Maldraw Syndrome

>> No.2892644

I think it's more that people don't like all his fanboys. Firez himself is fine, the worst he does is stay in his comfort zone and not apply advice as much as he could.

>> No.2892707

seth's in high school i think
even if he does a lot of sketches, he sure posts frequently