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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2880988 No.2880988 [Reply] [Original]

help me out lads, how can i improve?

>> No.2881004

By struggling and trying to figure out your mistakes. But first, leave this shithole

>> No.2881051

practice more on gesture drawing
If you draw from imagination try drawing less generic stuff
Also he have a very short arm

>> No.2881056

arms too short > use ref
he only have a flat face and no voume > use ref
his belt isn't centered have no purpose, and buckle is fucked up > use ref
the cloth work is lazy and doesn't react to tension > use ref
tiny hands > use ref
wind on the cape but playmobil hair ? > use ref
foot aren't on the ground > use ref

read the sticky and get to work, you can do better than this crap.

>> No.2881062

Wow, All these are great replies. How uncharacteristic.

>> No.2881067

he seems young. and i'm a nice guy (i teach to children an see worst all day long)

this is a 12~13 yo doodler who haven't figured out that drawing means work.

also, OP, 20 minutes isn't enough to call you scratches a finished work.

>> No.2881069
File: 2.00 MB, 1772x4702, another day, another fucked up buckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this happen to me every day now? When will this pain stop...

>> No.2881070
File: 824 KB, 350x246, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2881071

>pain stop...
yeah, seen your post yesterday, so i loled when i saw this belt today.

>> No.2881073

I think I discovered my life's quest...

>> No.2881077

hahaha thanks for the replies guys, true, it isn't really finished it's just a sketch, but i was just wondering about some of the basics. i've always only drawn stuff in like 20 minutes but i always seem to get some things wrong. Anyhow, i appreciate the advice, at least now i've got the gist of what's wrong with my drawings!

>> No.2881080

also, kudos on the belt post, you made me laugh

>> No.2881098

this is why i don't critique or help people anymore. fucking ametuers bunch of tramps.

>> No.2881102

What do you mean? Disregarding the hilariously obsessive and slightly autistic nature of this rant, both the critique was very informative and the guy receiving it was thankful and learnt from it in the end.

>> No.2881104

yeah, cuz nobody helped you, you figure drawed at 11 like crazy and discovered masterworks only by yourself.

yeah it's good to tke credit for your work but never forget who made you who you are. As a teacher i have to say, well, fuck you.

>> No.2881109

>what do you mean

because his valid point about how belts work are being completely ignored. the man just over painted op's illustration to push it further and it looks way better, stylized. then he just continues to disagree. anyway.

>> No.2881110

another OP from another thread. can't blame this one for the other being slow.

>> No.2881149

>tfw he's 30 and having a mental breakdown over your well meant comment

>> No.2881160
File: 37 KB, 109x172, 31ed1231e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2881266

You're my hero