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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 313 KB, 1920x1129, veronika-firsova-yfecsciuoik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2879266 No.2879266 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this perspective

>> No.2879267
File: 11 KB, 340x340, 1422409523614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they're just... really high.

>> No.2879268

I think the clouds are fucked is all.
Head looks as if that's the only angle they ever draw and decided to paste it on there

>> No.2879269

Literally just look for the horizon line you dumb ass

>> No.2879273

If you can't see it then you are fucking retarded

>> No.2879325

Stylistic Perspective.

>> No.2879329
File: 309 KB, 1242x1578, 9i876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone who looks at OP's image is going to complain about "perspective".

it looks better than a lot of the shit posted here

>> No.2879363
File: 228 KB, 1057x820, IMG_0836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea what the fuck

>> No.2879376

I never understood this mentality.
Just because /ic/ suck more it doesn't mean this doesn't.

>> No.2879467

Who cares, those colors are so fucking nice.

>> No.2879473

No it mean if suck so bad they can't even this level

>> No.2879478

That doesn't suck tho. It looks like the artist understands the fundies and deliberately chose not to make everything in proper perspective to help strengthen the mood of his/her painting.

>> No.2879483

Don't tell me what is and airway dissent sucks eying yes entirely suvcective

>> No.2879484

Ruan Jia sometimes draw light in shadow areas just to show form. This is against rules of /ic/!

>> No.2879489

>Draw light in shadows
What xD

>> No.2879497

Next thing you'll tell me all the people on deviantart understand the fundies but use pillow shading to strengthen the mood.

It's okay if you don't see the mistakes, it comes with time.

>> No.2879498

yes it looks nice color wise but to me it looks like the sheep and the boy are gonna walk off the log.
The sheep going to slide off the back and the boy walking off the front side.

>> No.2879500
File: 70 KB, 2024x1432, screenshot_799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's okay if you don't see the mistakes, it comes with time.

>> No.2879502

can you do better?

>> No.2879506

Objectively this is what's wrong with the image:
The log looks like its trajectory is going away from the viewer, but the girl looks like she's walking toward the viewer. It's unclear which leg is which because of the skirt and how theyre both equi-distant from each other. Everything is more or less drawn head on; since we are neither looking up at or down at the face it can only be inferred that the horizon line should be somewhere on the same axis as the head or maybe slightly lower. This makes everything look extremely flat even though the artist tried to use some atmospheric perspective on the clouds. The fact that there are clouds where the ground is supposed to be makes it just look like a 2D wallpaper behind the action.

It's doubtful that this was intentional because it hurts the piece.

>> No.2879508

Everyone can see mistakes you DK suffering noobie. It's the ability to see and admit the strengths of a painting that might not be absolutely perfect that takes a more mature and developed eye. If you seriously think that painting has no redeeming qualities at all and just "sucks" because of some minor perspective errors, then you are truly, unironically never gonna make it.

>> No.2879513


>> No.2879519

>Thinking OP's pic is literally perfect
Stay pleb /ic/

>> No.2879521

It's not the strengths that needs to be pointed out and improved faggot.
Go to deviantart if you want a hugbox.

>> No.2879528

>making a strawman to validate your shit opinion
Fuck off cuck
>le hugbox meme
Is the artist here? Who the fuck is gonna improve from you circle jerking that the perspective is off? And art isn't either perfect or complete shit, their are levels to it.

Fuck off cuck

>> No.2879532

>Who the fuck is gonna improve from you circle jerking that the perspective is off?
People like you who have shit standards.

>cuck, cuck, cuck, xD

>> No.2879534

Can you do better? Did I say the perspective was perfect? Did I even say that I liked it? You are literally helping no one and all you're doing is boosting up your own ego you dumb ass. Everyone itt knows that the perspective is off.

>> No.2879535

Who the fuck are you

>> No.2879537

So you admit it's shit what are you bitching about then you stupid cunt?

im the whore against shit taste

>> No.2879539

It's not shit you retarded mongoloid. Do you know how to fucking read? Something doesn't have to be either utter shit or complete perfection, it can be in between. If you're tiny scrotum brain can't even understand a simple sentence then I have a hard time believing you have even the tiniest amount of knowledge about art. Fuck off.

>> No.2879542

>understands the fundies

Why would you say that. Just look at the girl wtf.
Look at her arms, her head, how her whole body is fucking twisted unnaturally.

>> No.2879544

I didn't mean that he mastered them or that the artist is even good, just that the artist does have a basic understanding of the fundies.

>> No.2879545

Quit memeing bro

>> No.2879546

Or maybe you just have shit taste and will accept whatever mediocre crap and blatant incompetence as passable. All because you wanna protect yourself from feeling bad about your own shit-tier """"art"""".

Man the fuck up. You fucking disgust me.

>> No.2879548

You got too real there, projecting much?

>> No.2879554

I'm not the one trying to ignore the impact of blatant mistakes.

>> No.2879555

So what if it's fucked, clients will love it and they'll pay for an artwork of this level easily. Why did you go out of your way to pick this image to complain about it? Do you not like this artist in particular?

>> No.2879556

LOL. I couldn't project harder than you even if I tried, you've got it down to a science man. Enjoy your dunning kruger.

>> No.2879559


>> No.2879560


There is no informed understanding of perspective going on here. The artist was clearly just eyeballing everything hoping for the best. It's fine to use eye balling if you understand perspective, which this artist does not. So no, no basic understanding here.

>> No.2879566

>le dunning-kruger meme xD


It's the first thing retarded little fucks like you rush to when you're too incompetent yourself to detect the most obvious flaws. It's fucking ridiculous.

>he unironically thinks he's going to make it despite his whole attitude being "eh, looks good enough xD"

>> No.2879570

I never said it looked good enough you dumb fuck, I simply stated that it wasn't shit but of course that statement triggered the contrarian sensors in your brain and you had to let everyone know how amazing you are, you had to tell everyone that that piece of art is complete shit so you could flex your imaginary superiority. I acknowledge that it isn't perfect and that their are errors, however that piece is far from "complete shit", of course a retarded chimp like you wont be able to admit that because you've embraced /ic/'s "le tough love" charade and think that giving even the slightest bit of praise will result in a hug box. All you're doing is projecting your insecurities and making dumb strawmen faster than I can shoot them down, I've already told you that there's mistakes in that piece two times now, this is the third time I'm telling you this.

>> No.2879571


Because everything is sort of in the "meh" zone for this piece but all else being equal, if the artist had a great grasp of perspective it could easily look like pro work, despite everything else being sort of meh.

>> No.2879572

Yeah I especially like the part where the foreground looks like it's being projected onto the sky at a 70 degree angle. Ignorance of basic perspective is such a cool art style.

>> No.2879576

Nah, sorry. Everything about this painting reeks of symbol drawing. The only thing worthwhile is the palette and that has nothing to do with the construction.

>> No.2879577

lol come on dude, really? That's not symbol drawing at all.

>> No.2879578

If you can't see it, you do it yourself.

>> No.2879580

Why doesn't everyone who is arguing here post their work? Then we'll know who is right and who is wrong. Oh wait, none of you will cause you're all shit and don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2879581

If you one day level up to some kind of artistic standards and understanding (I doubt it), you'll realize just how fucking ridiculously incompetent this painting is - beginner tier in most aspects.

Stop trying excuse errors and recognize them for what they are. Shit. Making the entire artwork reek.

And shit stains needs to be wiped off, not glossed over like you're trying to do.

>> No.2879582

Lol full retard

>> No.2879583

Stop posting this cancerous shit. Nobody's going to post their work, good or not. Try actually having arguments.
This isn't fucking artstation, everyone's anonymous. If you don't like it, leave.

>> No.2879584

Oy gesture battle me right now cunt. Put your pencil where your fucking mouth is you slimy bastard

>> No.2879587

translation: "I'm scared and shit at art to post work"

>> No.2879591

translation: I'm losing the argument so I'll just attack anon directly to save face.

>> No.2879592

Post your own then you daring fucking cunt.

>> No.2879623
File: 792 KB, 500x274, ohnohedidnotjustcotton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2879633

>You can't say a movie is bad if you haven't made a better one yourself!

>> No.2879634

>All because you wanna protect yourself from feeling bad about your own shit-tier """"art"""".

Ironically, that's actually exactly what you are doing. You know this artist is objectively better than you are. Yet, they clearly aren't perfect. The defense mechanism of dunning kruger sufferers is to immediately exaggerate how shit everything about that other person's work is while completely ignoring the aspects of it that are far superior to what you can do. This is done to make YOU feel better about your shit art. Because in your delusional mind, everyone who isn't a master is just as shit as you are.

>> No.2879635

I don't really see anything wrong with the background, but I agree that the figure doesn't fit on the log. Log is pointing away from the viewer, figure is pointing slightly towards. The perspective would look right if the figure were flipped the other way, but then the shadows would look wrong. Eh. Maybe she's about to take a suicide leap. The goat does kind of have a what-the-fuck-are-you-doing look on its face.

>> No.2879649

The character perspective is just wonky, they look like they are about to walk off the tree, the clouds CAN actually be like that tho.

>> No.2879881

>muh dunning kruger again
Actually I'm better than the OP artist. But if you think I'm gonna out myself as an /ic/ shitposter over a petty internet fight, think again.

>> No.2879888

>I'm better than the OP artist
You're 200% not.

>> No.2879937

Your just mad cus the dunning Kruger is gonna come out and get you when sleep

>> No.2879961

not him but sounds fun let's do this!

>> No.2879968

If you're better than post work. That's the only way you can really prove it and shut everyone up. If you actually are better than you'll BTFO the whole thread but you know you're not so you won't post shit

>> No.2879970

Make something awesome just for this purpose and never show it under your real name. It will be your ace in the hole for years of shitposting that lie ahead.

>> No.2880007

Lol why would the sea be in the clouds? Study more.

>> No.2880008

Man those clouds look very pretty.
Thought the perspective of the sky is weird. It's as if we were looking up at the sky, yet we're looking at it horizontally.

>> No.2880012

What a cute picture. I bet she's twice as good as you, op.

>> No.2880254
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he right?

>> No.2880265

And yet it has more appeal than 97.89% of what is posted here

>> No.2880396

unless this character is about to covered in a godzilla sized spray of cumglob, the clouds are fucked.

It's not the worst though.

>> No.2880423
File: 19 KB, 426x268, porkesmyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an ant's perspective

>> No.2880455

he couldn't even line the fucking goggles up right

>> No.2880484
File: 195 KB, 687x1024, Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, what is up with this perspective?

>> No.2880487

if there is no plausible architecture (parallel lines) then technically your scene is zero point perspective.