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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 180 KB, 750x966, tumblr_om10y1HTig1tbz2luo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2877152 No.2877152 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/ BTFO'd again!
I seriously don't get the general hate towards Cyarin here on /ic/.

>> No.2877153


>> No.2877154

>Her shitty text tweets get more likes in 2 minutes than my artwork will get ever
Fuck this bitch

>> No.2877158

Is she the one who doesn't take critique and refuses to improve?
If so then I get the "hate". But she's right on the artistic community being a bunch of dramatic pieces of shit. ALTHOUGH there are plenty of good people around too.

Drama always brings those extra views and likes, anyway

>> No.2877162

Literally who?

>> No.2877168
File: 587 KB, 1549x537, cyarintea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that forced positivity

People dropping her has to do more with her behavior than anything else.

>> No.2877175

it's not a bad thing when people "drop" you. it literally means you made it out of the crab pot and will start making friends with the other successful people

>> No.2877176

>known for being toxic towards everyone with better skills, handling critique like a rude child
>cries people are dropping her cus toxicity
Sweet sweet irony...

>> No.2877189

Who is this person?

>> No.2877192

this. give us a 101 someone

>> No.2877193

Some shitty artist that somehow has 1.2 million followers.

>> No.2877195

I don't even know who that is nor do I care desu

>> No.2877197

i don't even know OP but this sounds so fake. "wether you believe me or not" as if that makes it true.

>> No.2877201


I don't know, some Loish wannabe. Same country, too. I hadn't heard of her at all before she was posted her a few weeks ago. Her art doesn't do anything for me, much like Loish's, although the latter is heaps more skilled.

>> No.2877210

Only reason she gets follower is because she is good looking. I mean i'd fuck her if she wasn't a total autist

>> No.2877215

Some anon left a critique of her work on twitter and she chimped the fuck out.

>> No.2877218
File: 351 KB, 1051x645, cyawut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2877220

She really isn't that hot. She draws herself way cuter than she really is. There are actual professional female artists that look better than Cyarin.

>> No.2877224

Alright, i'd fuck them too. Is that what you want to hear?
I hava pretty love standarts when it comes to gingers

>> No.2877225

cyarins art is really shit but so are a lot of other instagram "art celebrities." people that don't make art are easily impressed though, especially by this type of formulaic shit

>> No.2877226

She sounds like a bitch desu

Hope she trips over a cable and bruises her ankle

>> No.2877236

>We are peers and not competitors

>> No.2877244
File: 17 KB, 298x276, 16473573_1822378341334833_8595309835621615971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she autistic?

>> No.2877246
File: 342 KB, 922x591, muhautisms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder..

>> No.2877247
File: 12 KB, 238x276, 16683961_1826048230967844_9155220101572852304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she really has autism
Now i feel bad. Fuck

>> No.2877249

really fires up the old neurons.....

>> No.2877256
File: 60 KB, 860x650, 1481902639560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I find proof?

>> No.2877260

Lol at blaming random shit for lack of motor skills. As far as I'm concerned the inkling of autism i have has propulsed my need to do every task accurately.

>> No.2877264

i wish it showed the entire thread of posts, id like to know the whole convo

>> No.2877267

>because my autism doesn't affect my motor skills means she's making stuff up
sorry to inform you, but severe autism does affect motor skills and cyarine is probably one of the most autistic persons I know. you're close 2nd btw

>> No.2877268

Someone redlined her drawing and she started chimping out like that.

>> No.2877270
File: 77 KB, 1080x938, 16124351_413536372331622_4979705234692505600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt know she was dutch,, she really is a carbon copy loish.

>> No.2877272

Except Loish is better in every regard.
Cyarin is just a stuck up whore.

>> No.2877273

>50k likes for some random figure doodles

Is Instagram really this big of a platform for artists? On Deviantart, Sakimichan gets on average around 10-20k favs on her finished illustrations and I always thought that was already insane.

>> No.2877279

what did she use for her colors? copics?

>> No.2877280

Pen sketch colored digitally.

>> No.2877281

digital, but you can get a close effect using copics and blend them with colored pencils or pastels

>> No.2877283

>drawing such a bow legged creature
The hell

>> No.2877286

>Only forty
Though I get what you mean when it's in the thousands, but in OP's pic case, that's just kind of sad.

>> No.2877290


Girls think the "I need to go pee pee" stance is cute somehow

>> No.2877291

Every thread someone is retarded enough to think it's colored traditional.

>> No.2877292


It's used to emphasize femininity and stuff like that.

>> No.2877293

ah, okay thanks
weird way to go about it

>> No.2877295

More like emphasize severe autism

>> No.2877303

I'm glad you consider me a close second.

Actually, my whole childhood I've always wanted to be seen for what I am (Autistic). My local community hasn't been very forgiving when it comes to seeing my differences. I recall one incident where I spat in the face of a child ( quite a beautiful child, probably like 2 or 3) and got sentenced to 200 hours of communal work. Usually of course, people as autistic as me would get a free pass for such behavior, the benefit of the doubt, a shrug of general hate but coated with liberal acceptance, but helas, no cigar. The only real way to get the recognition I deserve as always been to get my mom to buy one of those exquisite "my son is autistic" bumper stickers. Sadly, you need to be part of the NIGAR (north-american institute of gays, autistics and retards) to purchase them. The main challenge being that to join the NIGAR you need medical proof of autism as well as a verbal consent that you want to enroll. At first, I thought this would be as easy as Phys Ed class as I had once scored badly on an online IQ test so i was thinking" why not?". However, I had forgotten a crucial factor: I failed phys ed twice in college because I refused to buy the 60$ book which accounted for 30% of our grade through online tests. But I had as I previously mentioned forgotten this fact, so I thought to myself " I'm sure I can pass the test ( and by pass I mean fail)".


>> No.2877305


Sadly however, the first time i had tried the test ( 2008) I had passed the test (and by pass I mean I failed to be autistic enough). The worst part? You can only get yourself tested once a year or it'll be considered potential child abuse. This wouldn't have been a problem except for the fact that my dad beat me with my weights when I failed to use them, leaving me with a black eye and a provincial investigation of my case. So every year, me and my dad would go get me tested at my local psychiatrist and, to our disappointment, failed ( as in we we're unsuccesful in accomplishing our goal). Sadly, I failed the autism test for years to come and had given up, and by that I mean I was just normal enough that I couldn't collect my Federal Autism Check Cheque (FACC) ( not to be confused with Frontal assault closed commission, the name of my file at child protection services) but not normal enough to not get banned from every 4chan discord i've come accross.

Long story short, I had given up but you've revitalized my hope and I'm gonna get myself tested again (and by that I mean I'm aiming to get my Official Autism License OAL (not to be confused with the Order, Algebra and Logics conference which traditionally hosts a variety of autistic members)

>> No.2877306

Why do you always have to ruin threads by talking about yourself. Nobody cares you narcistic fuck

>> No.2877308


>implying this thread wasn't already trash to begin with

>> No.2877313

>NIGAR (north-american institute of gays, autistics and retards)
cringey humor desu just like that whole story. your trolling is neither clever nor entertaining. kys.

>> No.2877314

>tfw nosebro has a sad backstory

>> No.2877328

You and cyarin are trippin. You drop ppl cuz they dont improve, not because theyre popular

>> No.2877332

I thought it was funny, does that make me autistic as well

>> No.2877351

I hate this side of art twitter subculture. They are just encouraging newbies in art to draw in an ugly style because these people can't take even a little criticism when in fact they should grind more.

Yeah it's surprising considering it's not a fanart of an anime or video game character. People are easily impressed in art processes.

>> No.2877359

You can always just kill yourself you know?

>> No.2877363

>tfw if you posted every day, you too could be popular one day because of your art progress
How do I start with social media
I want hugs and praise

>> No.2877365

isn't she like super emotional and her family has to apologize for her all the time?

>> No.2877377

Yeah see >>2877168
In the dutch con scene she's also known for being violent and threatening people.
It's really weird how these social media celebs can seem so perfect online yet are so different in rl.

>> No.2877442

>can seem so perfect online yet are so different in rl
Just like how niggas on 4chan are actually pretty chill IRL but act like huge cunts on this site.

Really makes you hmm

>> No.2877485

both shit


>> No.2877489

to be fair I'm paid to be pleasant IRL

>> No.2877494

to be fair you should kill yourself

reminder to filter nosebro and to not give him any yous

>> No.2877496

You even suck at being an autistic nosebro. Just go and git gud

>> No.2877510

you say whilst enjoying my messages
what the fuck do you mean? My pseudo-autism is unparalleled within this community. As a matter of fact, just yesterday I-

>> No.2877513

And I'm sure being a social good-looking female has nothing to do with it.


>> No.2878204

Wow, just wow.

>> No.2878266

It works both ways. Both the very worst and the very best are shunned by the average and end up surrounding themselves with their similars.

>> No.2878278

In Cyarins case it's probably the worst

>> No.2878284

I agree with them up until the "we're peers, not competitors part." No. Art is the most fiercely competitive careers out there these days.

>> No.2878299

From what I've noticed both on /ic/ and other art related communities, it's actually kind of the oppsoite. The very best and the very worst are usually treated nicely, because the average either worship them as art gods, or have an opportunity to play teacher and show off how much better they are.

It's usually the slightly above average to good artists who get the most abuse from average artists because when someone is slightly better than you, that's where all the insecurities and self-doubt is manifesting and then you just want to tear them down.

>> No.2878305

I actually really like those doodles, way better than her polished art though

>> No.2878396

Same. That's definitely one of her pics totally not deserving of hate.

>> No.2878435

>pretty love standarts

>> No.2878436

>NOT competitors

>> No.2878483

>You even suck at being an autistic nosebro.
He never gonna make it. In regards to autism.

>> No.2878506

Well, she's probably talking about herself and artists like her. Artists who live off of patreon bucks and social media fame. They indeed are in no direct competition to each other. It's not like Cyarin would get more money if Kron or Sakimichan didn't exist or vice versa.

>> No.2878525

She's not wrong in her last statement. But she's being delusional if she thinks that people dropped her only because of popularity.

>> No.2878527

Use the filter, anon.

>> No.2878547

>I seriously don't get the general hate towards Cyarin here on /ic/.

>> No.2878561

blocking people is admitting defeat!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.2878687

>You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
W̤̘͘e̷̝̦͍ͮͫ ̲̳̤̠͉͔̼̽w͇̱͓͂ͪ̎̃͒̒͗ả͇͉̹̟͌́s͎͙̮̩̲̤̤̓ͦ̑̐ ̳̭̅͠n̠̩͙̠̯͙̯̊͋͒̒̈͠e̝͇̫͋ͮͣͅv̖̫̹͕̀͋̓̃̽͌̈́͜e̢̱̠̘̣͊͛̎ͦͦr̩͇̠̠̃͑̄̓̒͂̃ ̥̜̼̰͖͎̻̑͝a͍ͫ͑̒̉ͪl͉̞ͩ͒ͫ͡ï̲ͮ͆ͫͫv͔̣̹̙͑̓̈́͡e͍̹͇̦ ̪͕̹̘͓͓
̲̩͙͍̀ͨ̓̒ͣ̍ͭt̹̰̱̙͎̟ͅỏ̻̦͓̽͆̆̀̎͋ ̵͎ͣb̮̘̖̂͌̿͆e̠̺g̭̱͎̪̥̩̦̃ͫ̍i͎͖͇̺̬n̟̗̫̺ͨ ̭̯͔̯͈̪ͨ̏͐̉ͦ͑w̦̜̯i̺̒ͭͣͦͯ̿ẗ̹͕́͛͒͐h͍̣͇̻̝͍̔̊̏ͨ̑̅̀ͅ.̙̦̦͔̫͢

>> No.2879361

woah, I never saw her real face - she always covered it on her IG

>draws perfect, small jawed asian face with huge eyes and tiny waist
>those hands
>muh style

>> No.2879387

that's pretty damn cute

>> No.2879494


>> No.2879516
File: 44 KB, 497x504, improve your ic experience with one weird trick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving this insufferable faggot (you)s and he'll eventually just go away.

>> No.2879529

Women are insufferably superficial, what did you expect?

>> No.2879531
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1419065888495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this secretly another woman hating thread?

>> No.2879573

/r9k/ is everywhere

>> No.2882296

Fuck her, what a stupid bitch

>> No.2882355
File: 914 KB, 2048x2048, C58FPv8WAAEM9kn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.2882369
File: 22 KB, 400x460, nice one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're close 2nd btw

Spitting some fire there

>> No.2882377
File: 11 KB, 261x198, 1484051312610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, your story sounds very tragic (and by tragic I mean how fucking sad you tried to prove your point through a long shitty story you came up with, which is pointless in its entirety).

-5 points for your lame-ass trolling.

>> No.2882379
File: 18 KB, 600x600, got any pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get better B8 M8

>> No.2882388

Nice use of parenthesis ( and by nice use I mean it genuinely that you did a good job at mocking my writing style)

>> No.2882541
File: 290 KB, 590x609, 1488416990359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look how ironic i am
Nice irony bruh

>> No.2882543
File: 849 KB, 680x993, mangadoubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i want to believe.
does /ic/ have any sort of proof on these claims?

>> No.2882547
File: 56 KB, 658x494, cyaenc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google and dramatica turn up nothing
i found her facebook post about issues with wacom, but it doesnt seem like anything out of the ordinary

>> No.2882563

no one on this board likes you and we would all be better off if you just kys tbqhfamalam

>> No.2882602

its cyarin without an E you idiot

>> No.2882606

How come every time I see a bait image macro: it's a different Bait image macro?

>> No.2882677
File: 2 KB, 241x55, cyareene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure about that

>> No.2882679


honestly she's just some knock off artist with over a million followers.

>> No.2882699
File: 156 KB, 301x336, r12353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone seems extremely triggered in this thread.
do u fear women

>> No.2882710


>> No.2882712


Anons can't deal with people being liked just because they're liked.

They think there has to be some qualifying rule for being popular. Something they lack but think they can gain through practice.

It's jealousy. Especially because the artist is a girl.

Each angry anon is just a person desperate to be liked and cannot cope when others get the spotlight.

>> No.2882727

>female artists
they are all insufferable dykes that end up posting more pictures of themselves than anything else

>> No.2882755

crabs in a bucket is the cancer that is killing /ic/

>> No.2882772

awwwww shucks, thanks!

>> No.2882801

Dutchie here,
Every time someone spills tea about cyarin online she hunts them down with her pathetic whiteknights for ''cyberbullying''.
It's usually the people that are better/older/wiser that don't like her. The younger artists/weebs/etc kiss her feet until they meet her rl and find out what kind of stuck up bitch she is.

>> No.2882805

yea mods banned me cause I made a thread about her one time.

the mods here are cunts. suck a dick.

>> No.2882830

>positivity blah blah blah
>there isn't just room for one

I wonder. Does she retweet budding artist's works? Does she give nice clean "positive" criticism and backpats like she expects to receive herself? Does she commission or collaborate with lesser known artists to give them a boost?

Does she take ANY money for her art? Then guess what, it's a competition. It's one thing to whine about a community being toxic and it's another thing entirely to actually DO SOMETHING to improve it.

>st-stop being negative we're all friends here
as she pushes down the critics and holds back her peers all the while counting her Patreonbux

>> No.2882867


>decent human being like Loish


What did he mean by this ? desu

>> No.2882885

Think this thread get deleted, too? Makes you think.

I don't know anything about this woman, but having been in the art game for 20 years, I have never found multiple rumors of peers being assholes to be completely unearned. Best thing to do is never bitch about these people without anonymity. Just don't ever work with them, and privately steer your friends away from doing so.

>> No.2882914

There is jsut some stalkers who hate Cyarin girl and create same thread at daily basics. It's always same deal. Someone has GRUDGE. Like for example as109 guy said something bad to some guy in weibu considering opinion of his anatomy criticism about his commision. And that guy and other haters got mad. They do same thing creating threads and memepics about how as109 is shit person IRL. Classic.

>> No.2882917

>shitposters on 4chan
okay anon if you say so

>> No.2882920

They're. Those guys even attack your ask.fm/DM or something with thousand shitpsots

>> No.2882924

> not a competition
In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.

>> No.2882941

No one here really cares enough for a narcistic white girl to actually stalk her. Now go away Cyarin you're not as important as you think

>> No.2882958

More like hate women with the white hot intensity of a trillion quasars for no reason at all

>> No.2882981

Let me tell you what's always the same deal. People get drama when they ask for it. You get people with grudges because you act rude or talk shit publicly about someone else. You get too close and personal with fans and clients by saying things you shouldn't. You quell unwarranted criticisms by simply saying thank you for your input or not replying at all. It seems like this particular woman's popularity is based to an extent upon her online persona. That's a much finer line to maintain between professional and personal. She's going to have to get better at that. I didn't even know who she was until I heard people being butthurt about her. That's really not good. The art business is part show business. Personality matters.

>> No.2882991

bless her little soul. look at all these sad angry male nerds who are clearly so jealous.

I would cuddle her so hard hnnnngg

>> No.2883003


she's actually a pretty cool lady. i don't get the hate lul

>> No.2883102

>considering opinion of his anatomy criticism about his commision
what did he mean by this

>> No.2883346

She was supposed to be hot? Do you guys really have that low standards average girl you see on the street is suddenly "hot" if she knows how to draw animu faces?

>> No.2883403

>average girl
>sharing interests maker you find her more appealing
>low standards
Personality/ interests playing a part in how attractive you find someone? Nonsense!

>> No.2883450

She looks like she has downs.

>> No.2883480

She looks like a guy wearing a wig.

>> No.2883504

That's the whole charm with very average girls, autists and betas swarm around them like crazy because they think they have a chance with her.

>> No.2883531

It's pathetic really. She's a lesbian anyways so why even try.

>> No.2883582

>You get people with grudges because you act rude or talk shit publicly about someone else
Not true at all. Even in IRL you can get people with grudges just simply decline their request or something. An they'll treat you like your rape their mother spreading false rumors. It works like a clock in internet. Buttmad people for example reporting your art and DMCA non stop if you decline their "free request". Real story

>> No.2883607

I guess everyone's out to get you. I must be extremely lucky to not have this problem by not engaging with the public and keeping interactions professional.

>> No.2884923
File: 381 KB, 1153x693, nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know recently I was on a Skype call with H.C Brown and I was talking about fundementals and even doodled this and made her laugh.
I was hoping to redpill her more but she blocked me thinking she knows everything.

>> No.2885257

did you get lost on your way to reddit?