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File: 45 KB, 640x360, 130604103055-pizza-delivery-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2872379 No.2872379 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good job to pay bills with while trying to make it as an artist?

I recently left my last job in engineering, after several years of doing this I have no intention of getting another job in engineering since it requires me to devote a lot of my time in and out of work to absorbing and learning new practices. Constantly being immersed in that didn't leave time to work on art long enough for it to take off as my full-time job. My ideal is to make $2400 a month without having to invest more than 40 hours a week, I can work most jobs with technical requirements because of my background.

I'm considering working as a pizza deliveryman since it pays modestly well for the time involved, allows me to listen to e-books on the job for learning, and won't mentally drain me when I go home to work on art. It also gets me out of the house (unlike online jobs). Working as a bar-back also seems pretty nice.

Others recommended transcribing (not very stable since it's on-call), dogwalking (I will be too exhausted when I go home to work on art), house-sitting (more difficult to find work since I am male), waiting tables (extremely stressful and need to be on feet for entire day), or customer support call-centers (does not pay very well).

>> No.2872380

>house-sitting (more difficult to find work since I am male)
For anyone wondering why I mentioned being male: Yes, it's actually significantly more difficult to find work house-sitting as a male since many people offering jobs doing this are female and are uncomfortable with males spending time around their personal belongings (underwear).

>> No.2872382

work in a call center, easy to find, growth opportunity, good pay after your first year ( 18 to 26 CAD). and if you become a supervisor it's an accidental career. You're competing with minorities and dumbasses. You can draw at work depending on the job.

If not, a ton of physical labor pays well, may it be security guard (16-22CAD but you need a license) ( waste time walking around), airport guards ( 17-19 CAD), construction workers ( 39 CAD) etc.

Why settle for a literal dead end job?

>> No.2872384

>customer support call-centers (does not pay very well)

LMAO I don't know what drug you're on. It's easy Any call center ob > job hop to service provider> job hop to bank or tech support > 20-25 CAD in 2 years time

>> No.2872385


Drug dealing

>> No.2872386

is there a reason why you just don't reduce your hours as an engineer though? Work for the city or only act as a consultant instead? You'd make as much money as you want and less hours.

>> No.2872388

I was offered positions at call center jobs I applied to for 16 USD/hr (20 CAD) and pizza delivery for 21 USD/hr (26 CAD).

Though >>2872382 mentions:
>You can draw at work depending on the job.
This is an extremely beneficial thing to consider since I regularly do a lot of my "chore-like" phonecalls while drawing already. If the growth potential at a call center is as good as you mention, then this could certainly be the best route to go even if I cannot draw while at work (which would be a very tragic loss).

I forgot to mention I also considered tutoring (or working as a teaching assistant at a nearby college) for drawing. However, job availability for that is very inconsistent.

>> No.2872390

Who the fuck is offering pizza delivery at 21 USD?
And ya, if you're job hoping or competent you'll either get promoted or constantly hired at a raised rate. People always quit after 4 months because they've got this ego and hate being screamed at. If you're like me and love getting verbally abused then it's absolutely great. There's no better feeling than having crazy people complain about irate stuff and getting to shut them down with logix. If you stay for 3 years and have an engineers degree you can definitely make it to supervisor. And Manager typically get paid 80 to 100k cad. Of course, the benefits are usually really tight at big companies as well ( banks, services providers, insurance providers, etc.). Personally im aiming to become a 911 operator within the next 2 years ( 50 to 100k)

>> No.2872396

>is there a reason why you just don't reduce your hours as an engineer though?
Very good question.

Companies typically want engineers on-site and full-time. It is uncommon to have engineers working contract or part-time (there are certainly some who do). Without having you in arm's reach to explain your work and why you're doing it, it is very difficult for others (even engineers) to instantly absorb what you have worked on.

Before I left my last job, I tried to reduce my hours down to 40, yet I ran into the scenario of the company changing their product focus and asking me to learn a new process within a week (and also be able to teach it to peer/junior engineers). While they did offer me a bonus for spending extra hours to learn, there was a silent contempt for engineers who didn't stay late to learn faster (they were not threatened with termination, but the guilt was very stressful).

Maybe I haven't found how to manage my time effectively as an engineer, but I have seen a similar pattern with other people.

>> No.2872398

>Who the fuck is offering pizza delivery at 21 USD?

I don't realistically see myself unable to pay my bills with art longer than three years, though that's still enough time for the call center's growth potential to count.

>> No.2872404

can they let you do 6 months in 6 months out?
do you have to bring your car and pay for gas or is it legit 21 no strings attached? Is this a quote they gave you including tips?

>> No.2872406

In my country I'd make 390$ monthly, and even here it's shit money

>> No.2872408

>pay for gas
Ahh. This is a good thing I didn't consider. These places didn't mention compensating for gas which means they certainly won't. That will easily be $300 out of my earnings each month, meaning I actually will make 19 USD/hr instead of 21 USD/hr.

>> No.2872409

It is absolutely impossible for me to live in my country and pay my bills on anything less than $2,000 a month (this includes all expenses). And this isn't even an abnormally high number.

How foreign countries make $390/mo work is a complete wonder to me.

>> No.2872411

an engineering job has other benefits like health insurance, stock, paid vacation, paid sick leave, career track, and big companies would rather not fire you for fear of lawsuits so you just become dead weight for them.

Engineering is not so bad at the end of the day, I stuck with it.

I work 40hr weeks. For 3 years, I used to draw 3-4 hrs a day 3-4 days per week after work. The job was low stress and uncreative so I would come home ready to draw. Work has increased a bit recently, but I still find sometime to draw.

>> No.2872412

Tough luck, I make 800-1000/ w and have been doing so for almost a year. My next job should be roughly 1100/w (CAD). I'd suggest you change country or look at other companies in your region.

I live in montreal too, which isn't an expansive city either. So try to factor in cost of living into your equation somehow. If possible, check if you can work from home for companies out of country if you've got dual citizenship.

>> No.2872415

>mfw I can live pretty comfortably here with 1000€/month

>> No.2872417

That's great. You're lucky and I'm not. Life's a bitch and it's not easy for anyone.

>> No.2872435

I've worked at several call centers in my short life and still am. Right now I do health insurance. My advice is don't fucking waste your youth working at one, you are better off going back to school like a community college and use your young years getting a good degree in something , even if it's graphic design or programming what have you.

Day in and day out you will be speaking with fucking A grade retards on the phone. One by one. It's like 4chan but in voice format but the only difference is it cups all the retards on 4chan into one beautiful cup. Take enough calls and you'll find it's the same 8 people personalities:
-retards from mississippi (god I hate your accents)
-hicks from Boston who are the most stupidest people I've ever have the "pleasure" of speaking with
-white women with sassy attitudes you can just easily mentally picture them in your mind
-any man named scott every man name scott every single one named scott will become a soup call
-people your age group who are stupid and clueless and or trying to troll you because they have nothing better to do
-chinese who you can't understand their accent and you get in trouble if you can't assist them
-spanish people
The list goes on anyway you get the point. Yes, it might pay more than flipping burgers, but most people who work at call centers are already 30+ year olds who have no career or no skills and have kids to take care of. Chances are you have no responsibilities--you have no need to be making a huge amount of money. Any part time job will do, and go to school. Listen to your daddy and mommy and go to fucking shcool

Don't end up like me. Actually....don't take >>2872384 noseshittters advice. Stay away from call centers you like your sanity.

>> No.2872440

Not OP, but you helped me a lot with your post as I was considering going the call center route, thank you.

>> No.2872441

I live in Canadia though, but your fucking 4 first points made me lose it laughing more than i have laughed online in a LONG time. Mississippi > Quebec outside of cities (french).

by the way since you're one of us. Did you know Cx means "Customer Experience" and not "Customer" . Recently googled it, thought it was mildly amusing.

>> No.2872442

we live in the house of our parents and do our payment check to see if we can afford a pair of socks this month

>> No.2872445

>Listen to your daddy and mommy and go to fucking shcool
I didn't finish school and got jobs as an engineer for a few years. I have no intention of getting another job as an engineer though.

My main obstacle in making art my full-time gig is simply that the quality of my art needs to go up and the rate at which I finish works needs to increase. I have friends who are professional artists who don't think paying for art school will help me with my current state. They feel that continued practice, receiving critiques, and occasional mentoring will best achieve making art a full-time job, not school.

I do plan to attend school to finish out a degree (likely in mathematics) as cost-effectively as possible since that opens me up to a huge number of international jobs (which require a degree for legal reasons). But I'm only getting the degree as a pre-req and not to actually "better myself".

>> No.2872446

>we live in the house of our parents
It's culturally unacceptable for me to do this at my age in my country. Again, >>2872417 .

>> No.2872449

I did not know that. My hats off to you for surviving in this "field" of "work".

irrelevant stuff: For every bad thing I can think of there is a good thing; like browsing the internet on off time, slow days where I can surf internet (not really supposed to), free lunches etc. But yeah, it does suck. It depends which company though with most being terrible. Since I'm now in health industry it's not THAT bad since I finally can feel like a dick being the gate keeper to peoples health if they decide to be bitchy to me.

I don't think at any call center I was able to draw stuff, because you're dealing with credit cards. So you're lucky to be able to draw much less browse the internet.

>> No.2872450

>So you're lucky to be able to draw much less browse the internet.
That's a real big bummer. Someone I'm on a Skype call with mentioned that I should probably tutor math or some engineering specific topic since he feels confident in my knowledge.

>> No.2872451

lmao where i work right now i see snapchatting at work, a big leap from my first place where looking at the time on your phone gets you insta-fired. It depends company to company really.

There's this one guy where I work watching THE ENTIRETY OF ONE PIECE. And multiple people with their handheld consoles. I don't know if it was a slow decent, but it's been like this since ive joined/

im not getting anything from drawing at work though, because as soon as i draw a page or 3 at work that means i wont draw once im home.

>> No.2872542

Why would you abandon engineering for art? Wtf?

>> No.2872555

Because I've done it for a few years and can't face the things I've actually made with it any longer.

>> No.2872560

Industrial design? Im traing for it and theres drawing involved

>> No.2872561

Why don't you just become a programmer

>> No.2872623

>easy to find
Wrong. Unless you are white,have a degree, or some poofinger with an H1B1 Visa, no one is going to hire your ass.
t. unskilled worker trying to land a call center/IT job for over a year and got rejected by everyone.
>growth opportunity
From what I hear its not really that much
>good pay

>Why settle for a literal dead end job?
Gee idk, man. What losers amirite? Its not like its the best they can find in this shit economy that has nothing for unskilled workers!

>> No.2872632

But they are easy to find and easy to get. Most don't even background check you even if they proclaim they do.
>Unless you are white
Bullshit. Diversity is strong these days. You have a much higher chance to get a job being colored/minority.

>> No.2872691
File: 12 KB, 720x271, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they are aren't.
Im a nonwhite and have been applying to those jobs all year going by advice from white guys that got hired without any experience or education.
Maybe its because I live in AL idk, but they sure as fuck are NOT easy to get for non whites without a visa. If I want a job like that, id have to go back to college.
>You have a much higher chance to get a job being colored/minority.
The biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women in America, not minorities so you can drop that excuse.

>> No.2872709 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 884x573, DUDE ART DEGREE LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should try getting a visa you dumb ass. Minorities are actually over represented as working artists vs their having a degree or not whereas whites are slightly underrepresented.


post your work

>> No.2872710

I heard Trump is hiring 10k people to kick out spics, so you could try that.
Unless you're a spic.

>> No.2872715


I'm a nonwhite too and probably more social autistic than you could ever imagine and here I am.

You don't have one because you need to apply yourself. And lie...don't tell the truth, lie about your experience. These people don't check your history at all. Don't be stupid, they need those seats filled. Lie but lie cleverly so it's not obvious.

>> No.2872716
File: 74 KB, 884x573, DUDE ART DEGREE LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should try getting a visa you dumb ass. In either case "minorities" are actually over represented as working artists vs their having a degree, in some instances by a factor of 2


post your work

>> No.2872721
File: 298 KB, 1366x768, f0WYTpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2872722

Listen cocksucker, ive applied nonstop to IT companies and call centers because my livelihood literally depends on it. If I don't have a job soon Im going to be on the streets.
Don't tell me I haven't applied myself dumbass. Ive been to interviews, ive answered all the stupid questions, and 50 applications later, im still unemployed.
Good for you, you got lucky and landed a position.
>lie on your resume
Im a terrible liar, and that's illegal. You'll be in serious trouble if you get caught.

>> No.2872723

We aren't talking about art jobs you humongous cocksucker.
Artists are such idiots

>> No.2872725

You must be Asian.

>The biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women in America, not minorities so you can drop that excuse.
And who do you think it has hurt the most? Virtually all affirmative action comes at the expense of white men.

>> No.2872726


>> No.2872727
File: 2.14 MB, 320x218, 1475805717819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And lie...don't tell the truth, lie about your experience
>mfw I've been telling the truth the entire time
>left wondering why no response
>not even a courtesy email

Not that non-white anon but damn, I feel so stupid right now. Absolutely hate this facet of my personality.

>> No.2872728

Don't lie unless you are extremely confident in doing your job you applied for.
You'll be fired and probably face legal charges

>> No.2872734

>And who do you think it has hurt the most?
Certainly not white men if that's what you're implying.

You will always be considered for a position over a minority even if you don't meet the qualifications simply because people have more positive associations and stereotypes with whites. Ive literally seen minorities with degrees being rejected in favor of some white kid freshman college student for jobs where you just sit at a desk and answer phone calls all day, get weekends off and paid vacations.

>> No.2872735

Are there any whites here at all?

>> No.2872737

4chan's user base is mostly white males between 15-26 so yea

>> No.2872738

I lacked confidence in even the most basic server/cashier positions, don't think I could fake a call center one either. I'm a terrible liar.

Thanks anon I feel desperate sometimes. Don't want to go to prison in fucking Texas for a job that pays less than 15 dollars an hour.

>> No.2872739

>Maybe you should try getting a visa you dumb ass
An American can not get a work visa to get a job in America. Visas for getting get cheap labor out of foreigners...

>> No.2872745

>Certainly not white men if that's what you're implying.
Are you insane? White men are underrepresented at every single Ivy League college because of Affirmative Action. It's basically impossible to get in if you're a white man. The same thing applies for a lot of different jobs as well. White men have to work twice as hard as a non-Asian minority to stand a chance of getting a decent education or job.

>> No.2872758

I can lie because I can put I worked at daddies company and my dad lies for me so I get away with it. If you have friends you can make a makeshift company, set up a website and use each other as reference. Get it on the BBB and all that and it's smooth sailing. Everybody* lies.

>> No.2872761

Maybe try being less picky about what jobs you're applying for cunt. Particularly if English isn't your first language a call center job might not be for you.

>I've literally seen

Seeing as how 99% of call center jobs are online applications only (just as the email in your screenshot suggests) I doubt you've 'seen' shit. How do you know who they hired if they didn't hire you anyway? Did you call them after the fact and ask the name of the person they hired instead of you and look them up on facebook or something? Not believable.

>> No.2872788

what kind of engineering?
as far as ideal work if you want to study will be the one that allows you the freedom to actually do whatever u want during it, jobs like that are usually security positions like guards, control rooms operatives, even night shifts in hotel reception.
idk what's the wage ull get at them, but u can take freelance jobs on the side to bump up ur income.
i've been living like that for years. it pulled me through college studying mechanical eng. ive kept that job after graduation so i can study art on my own. did some freelance in solidworks and surface finishing while im at work also

>> No.2872790

Caracture Art in a theme park.

Get gud, make money, go home and then get gudder

>> No.2872803

You have an engineering degree and decide to quit engineering to work in a dead end 40 hour a week job? Also, haven't you saved up money?

>> No.2872848

What about those fancy name things? Or even those Disney ones.

>> No.2872849

Become a stagehand

>> No.2872859

I mean I did a 1 of 3 years in programming, but I hate it. I could always finish the last 2 I guess.


I literally got hired at my second job in a call center.

> no references
>told them i got fired from my dishwashing job for being too slow
>told them they should pick me because " I don't do drugs, i arrive on time, I don't have anger issues, i'm a safe pick"
> Literally was asked whether this was my first interview
>confidently said no

I mean I don't know how hard of a time you can possibly be having, currently with experience I get a callback for half the places I apply to within 5 days.

Theres a ton of blacks on the low ends, only banks and insurances are white dominated

You don't need to lie, and it's quite easy from your second job onward.

>> No.2872860

>too slow
>at dishwashing
>also no drugs and doesn't get angry
>always on time
Why is Nosebro so based?

>> No.2872862

>21/hr Domino's


>> No.2872864

Live in a higher income city m8

>> No.2872867

The other faggot wasn't washing the backs (plates fucking stack retard) and was letting burn marks accumulate. I'm too autistic to be skimping on quality dishwashing

>> No.2872868

There are website you can use to calculate the demographic of a given neighborhood. Look for a take out/delivery restaurant in an area that's predominantly white. White people tip better even if they're not higher income. Food delivery guys can easily make between 15-20 an hour in cash.

>> No.2872879

Interesting to see other people who did engineering trying to find a way to balance it with art. Same boat.

>didn't finish school and got jobs as an engineer for a few years
How the fuck did you manage that?

I've seen tons of visa holders forced to go back to school because their foreign degrees didn't mean shit. It's not always an advantage

Good one

>> No.2873012

Grow a pair and strike a deal.
My father wasn't living off his pension, he had already pawned or sold half his shit when I went back home.
I wasn't living off my shitty "competitive" wages, it doesn't matter what you are, when there's 12 million people in your city nobody gets a raise.
Living together we're the comfiest we've ever been, I've even got him back most of the stuff he pawned off. And we can afford to go hunting for the first time in 15 years this season.

People get ruined because they let themselves be ruined.

>> No.2873017

>Bullshit. Diversity is strong these days. You have a much higher chance to get a job being colored/minority.
lol nope. Those jobs are no longer for local minorities, they're for the "refugees".

>> No.2873022

>How the fuck did you manage that?

I bet it's more like an "Engineer"

"Engineer" isn't a protected profession like "Doctor" or "Lawyer". You can be a trashman and call yourself and your job "Sanitation Engineer". You could be fixing pools and shagging MILFs and call yourself "Aquatics Engineer" because you get pools and pussies wet again.

>> No.2873024

When will people learn smdh


>> No.2873093

If youre in the US

nursing or OT or Xray tech

>> No.2873096

Nursing is one of the worst jobs in the world, why would you recommend that.

>> No.2873173

>You have an engineering degree
No degree. Just jobs.

>> No.2873211

>Good one
Look up the stats, you brown rat.

>> No.2873336

>people not being able to get a job

>have resident visa
>decide to get a job
>no experience in my own country, let alone this one
>uni dropout
>CV is a literal meme about being a caoabke, hard worker, no experience, no credentials
>show up for interview
>never had one before
>speak English with a Slavic accent so thick everyone keeps asking me how much I like vodka
>no real experience communicating in english , barely understand the guy
>give him a firm handshake, smile a lot
>tell him I don't know jack, but am willing and able to learn
>tell him about random shit I did like laying bricks for a friend's wall
>tell him about interests
>sell him a spiel about wanting to learn from my superiors about handling business and shit
>guy asks if I have any expectation s regarding pay
>just tell him I expect a fair pay
>guy asks if I have time to talk to another guy
>next guy is less bs more specifics about the job
>get hired for only job I applied for
>2 weeks later realize I'm getting paid better than the guys I work with, who were born here
>they all think I have some retarded contract and work for free
>keep playing a gullible friendly russian
>not even Russian
>don't even like talking to people
>mfw I'm their boss in 6 months
Literally just don't be an autist

>> No.2873340

>just tell him I expect a fair pay
Just imagining a russian guy saying this, I think you would want to hire this guy.

>> No.2873350

how much experience do you have as an engineer? I'm surprised you haven't thought of saving money for a year or two then immigrating to some eastern country and work there.

the strong currency conversion should keep you afloat for longer than you've saved for (living expenses wise) and companies there are always looking for experienced engineers for their shit. your years of experience could give you the upper hand and demand less time working. meanwhile, you can take advantage of big name universities to learn some other college course.

take your pick with singapore or philippines. those are english speaking countries but their art/animation programs are shit

>> No.2873356

btw OP, what kind of artist do you want to be?

>> No.2874318

I keep imagining a young Niko character

>> No.2874322

You want him to move to the most expensive city/country in the world?

>> No.2874386

Jesus Christ get that chip off your shoulder you fuck. I don't wanna debate race and society with you but you seriously need to reexamine your outlook on life if you think whites have to work twice as hard to get the same shit. If you're having issues finding a job or getting into a good college it's cause you're a stupid fuck who can't apply himself. Just accept that and don't blame muh minorities boogeyman. Don't worry anon I'm a dumb fuck too, just accept who you are. For real tho, stupidest shit I've read all day.

>> No.2874387

>if you think whites have to work twice as hard to get the same shit.
Are you white or are you just taking a guess based on your "fake news"?

>> No.2874392

It's okay, every race likes to feel victimized and oppressed. Just realize that most of it is bullshit and you are responsible for what happens in your life 99% of the time. Not your race.

>> No.2874395

You might want to pull your head out of your ass, and stop believing the left-wing propaganda which claims that anyone who opposes your insane, anti-white racism is simply a bitter loser.
I got my EE degree years ago, and own my own house.

Doesn't really change the fact that white men are getting fucked up the ass in modern society, and have to put in twice the effort compared to minorities. Thankfully, working twice as hard as a non-Asian minority isn't particularly hard.

>> No.2874396

This isn't an issue about feeling oppressed. This is the objective reality. Affirmative action and gender quotas exist, and they almost exclusively target white men. The only other group that's also affected, at least when it comes to college admissions, are Asians.

>> No.2874401

>anti-white racism
See this is what I mean about victimizing yourself. I didn't say anything anti-white at all and I didn't say that I agree with left wing politics or msm. You're no better than the black dude who pulls the race card over every little thing.
I don't deny that there are things that put white men at a disadvantage in society. But there are things in place that also put others at a disadvantage. My point isn't that white people aren't oppressed, it's that they aren't being fucked as hard as people like to say.

>> No.2874406

>You're no better than the black dude who pulls the race card over every little thing.
Are you actually retarded? The US literally has racist laws that specifically target white men. How is this difficult to comprehend?

>But there are things in place that also put others at a disadvantage
No, there aren't. It's literally the opposite. Minorities get preferential treatment. If a minority performs at or slightly below that of a white male, that minority will get chosen almost every time.

>> No.2874419

I work for a small website that sells prepaid cards for $8 an hour, since they're out of the country, and I sell my artwork on shirts. If multiple small jobs dont help out, try doing art contests.

>> No.2874526

Currently in training for basic ass medical job that doesn't require 12 years of training (more like 2 months to get cert)

Long story short I'm pretty much sure to find work and a 30k a year salary in any city I'm in and can work 3 shifts of 12 hours a week and get paid like it's 40 hours. That means I get 3 days of busting my ass and then I have the rest of my week to chill and work on art

>> No.2874660

>If a minority performs at or slightly below that of a white male, that minority will get chosen almost every time.

Minorities are shit performers though, whether you want to blame this on pigment, social status or being poor. If you can't +1 an average non-white ( excluding asians of course), even with all the resources you've been given (may it be financial, pigment based or due to social interactions with other whites). That just means you're a shitty white.

And honestly, that's your fault.

>> No.2874668
File: 34 KB, 1168x339, NiggerStats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the incompetent nigger doctor who cuts your heart out, because he got in through affirmative action.
Or the Ivy League schools full of minorities and women that got in with shitty grades.

>> No.2874671

I get that, however, you do get that's not a personal excuse but a general problem right?

" It's basically impossible to get in if you're a white man. The same thing applies for a lot of different jobs as well"

is categorically false when you factor in minorities score lower across the board. I disagree with it too, but you're just complaining you can't be mediocre because you're white.

>> No.2874673

You needs lots if free time to practice and develop. I was doing really well with high end restaurants. Like or 4 or 5 shifts of 5 or 6 hours. The work energized me and left me with 4 or 5 good hours in a day to paint and draw. I think getting good sleep and working when you are rested is essential.

>> No.2874677

> you do get that's not a personal excuse but a general problem right?
This isn't personal. As I already stated, I have my EE degree and own a house. I'm set.
That doesn't excuse the extremely racist policies that only affect white men and a handful of Asians, though. Particularly not when the western world acts as if white men are the root of all evil, and that they have some kind of magical privilege because they're white.

>> No.2874685

sorry if i quoted someone as you, this is why we need trips ( not biased)

>> No.2874712

I work from home. I make my own hours. I am a web programmer. I hate it. I hate it so fucking badly. I got a degree in Informatics, and keked around at IBM for a while and it was even more soul sucking. Now I am at a small company with like 10 people and they are letting me do more design stuff which is cool but I just can't even bring myself to code anymore.

My work has been slipping because my work ethic is just shot. I am not even capitalizing on doing art while I am home. I am just stupidly chasing serotonin boosts with video games.

I am only making 45 k but I was making 42k where I was living before and cost of living there was around 40% cheaper or more. (I am also supporting my girlfriend who is a neuro-scientist about to get her masters) I am basically living pay check to pay check though.

I so desperately need a change of career. Something tangible but I have no clue what to do.

I am 26 and a transwoman too, which doesn't help with finding jobs. At least I pass so *MOST* people just think I am a chick in IT which does help because the industry bends over backwards to hire women.

Suggestions anyone?

>> No.2874713

I should add that my contract is up March 31 with my current job and I am pretty sure they are not going to renew it sooo that is extra scary.

>> No.2874717




>> No.2874720

Is welding a meme? I hear people who say they're welders are living the life man. It's like seriously? As a fucking welder? I don't even know a single welder.

>> No.2874728
File: 247 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-02-25-00-11-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in welding school right now. I posted the comment you are replying to.

I listed Uber and lyft because anyone can do it and it seems like a decent side job. Carpentry is similar to welding.

Welding is nice because it's artistic in a way. If you're and artist you can weld. Especially tight welding. It's like drawing in a way.

Work is all over if you are within am hour of a major city. You can travel internationally for work too. Starting pay is a minimum 12 dollars and hour. Minimum. Most start at 15 to 25 an hour.

Pipe welding earns you anywhere from 35 to 100 an hour depending on the job plus you can make sculptures.

That said....it's hot and hard work. If you're and artsy fag in tight jeans with dyed hair forget about it. No one will hire a fag. Sorry. I'm not anti gay or anything but it's a rough neck trade with sailor mouthed 200 pound gorillas.

If you want to know more watch weldingtipsandtricks on youtube. He's an old guy named Jodie who used to work for airlines. His vids got me into welding.

>> No.2874730

>I am 26 and a transwoman too, which doesn't help with finding jobs.

just switch back between jobs then

>> No.2874731

Tig welding not tight welding. Sorry. Phone auto correct is retarded.

>> No.2874732


Kill yourself you mentally ill monster.

>> No.2874734

My dad's a welder. It's a tough job. He's in his early 50s now and it's already taking its toll on him. I'm hoping to make something of myself so I can support him and my mom as they get older. I don't know if I'd recommend a job like that because as an artist you want something that doesn't wear you out too much so you can draw when you get home or ideally you can draw while you're at work in between customers or clients.

>> No.2874736

>I don't even know a single welder.

there you go, supply and demand at work.

>> No.2874737

Lots of guys are retiring too

It destroys you if you smoke and drink yourself to death and don't wear a respirator. I'm guessing your dad has been smoking weld fumes his whole life.

Safety is very important these days. My school harps on it non stop and we all wear respiration protection.

>> No.2874741

Sounds like your dad is a real man and you're a pussy who wants to drink wine and paint worthless garbage.

If you want it bad enough you can do physical work and draw at home. Stop watching sex in the city all night and draw you Mary.

>> No.2874746

Nah, neck problems. His lungs are fine as far as I know. That is something that can perhaps be alleviated with better working conditions and equipment than are found in the old fashioned warehouse he works, but considering it even happens to artists welders are certainly at risk as well.

>> No.2874751

He should have stayed in shape. It's a field for disciplined people. The guys in school are fat fucks who smoke and drink and dip tobacco or guys who are shredded and run and hike and hunt and fish.

No in between. I would say more are fat fucks in general. So yeah. If you take care of yourself you will be fine.

Lots of artists stay hunched over all night and never do core workouts or lift and run as they chug coffee and rip cigs.

>> No.2874758
File: 1.12 MB, 1987x1436, mah neck, mah back, mah pussy and mah crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong again, my old man is in good shape for his age because of the demands of his job. Nobody in my immediate family is overweight or physically unhealthy, but wearing a heavy ass iron mask on your face while welding for 30 years or whatever can potentially have an adverse affect on anybody. If he's guilty of anything it's of working too hard and not taking enough breaks which is a problem with artists as well even though I'd scarcely call drawing work in comparison but it does involve lurching over in less than anatomically ideal positions for long periods of time.

>> No.2874761

Casual reminder /ic/ is scared of trans people. Their books only teach them how to draw cis men/women, so transpeople literally break the artistic mould. (unless they have actually learned their fundies then they should be able to draw a trans person anyway, but the animu ones won't know what to do with you)

Seriously though no one has actual advice?

>> No.2874762

A welding helmet weighs maybe 10 to 14 ounces so shut the fuck up. An auto darkening hood weighs maybe just over a pound. It's never on your head all day.

Welding masks/hoods are not made of iron. Do you live in fucking Africa? The hoods are made of nylon metal fibre, fiberglass, or plastic.

You're a retard and lying.

>> No.2874764

Scared of trans people? Just draw a man with long hair and ugly orangutan tits. Problem solved

>> No.2874767
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, 16583222_1658930117734253_2001965766554943488_n[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as in the parking garage for National/Alamo at the airport. Fridays and Saturdays are slow enough that I can draw. Sunday and Monday arent, then I get 3 days off every week while working full time.

Ive never tried to sell my art but a lot of people seem to like it and I am living a satisfied life.

>> No.2874769

What, this is like pro work, anon.

>> No.2874773


Thank you! That means a lot to me... Its hard to know where you stand when you are so far away from the art world. Lucky I have the internet

>> No.2874776
File: 1.92 MB, 236x224, le jacksonville jaguars face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 'lying' because I wrongfully assumed the heavy-duty looking mask I'd never held in my hand or wore was heavy in addition to whatever posture related problems might be involved

seek help


>> No.2874778

>Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real
>About 0.3–0.7% of people are affected by schizophrenia during their lifetimes.
Is it really that rare.
It almost makes me unsure if I have it or not.

>> No.2874781

You're dad has been a welder for 30 plus years and you have never touched a welding mask or been to work with him? What kind of son are to that you never spent time in the garage with him or welded with him?

You must be a disappointment.

Your excuse is a joke. If you have never even researched your dad's job you're a piece of shit. My dad is a parole officer and he has taken me to jail to see it and to his office to see what he does. We spent lots of time in the garage working on motorcycles and fishing and talking about his people on parole or in jail.

Who the fuck doesn't know their parents job?

>seek help

The only person who needs help is you. Start being less of a piece of shit child and go help your dad you cunt and learn about his life.

You're disgusting.

>> No.2874791
File: 2.74 MB, 320x240, sneaky computer man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try but I'm not derailing this thread for your sake bud. Here's your last (You) you pedantic downy, now don't talk to me or my father's son again!

>> No.2874798

Yep. Knew you were lying. Go to bed and never post again. You're a retard. It's obvious you're making stuff up and trying to make welding seem bad or too hard for dainty artist vaginas.

You dudes reading. If you need money. Go to welding school. Work hard. Enjoy your life. Build metal work and draw.

Don't listen to this pussy.

>> No.2874809

>tfw want to become an artist because I suck at drawing right now but I also need to get on with my life because I'm 20 years old and I live with my dad and deliver pizzas

What do?

>> No.2874810

Go to trade school. Draw in your down time.

>> No.2874815

I actually can't. There's a local electrician school but you need proof that you passed one year of high school algebra and I didn't (not that I couldn't, I just skipped school a lot and eventually dropped out), and a GED doesn't count. I was thinking of going to school to become a teacher.

>> No.2874818

>skip school a lot
>want to become a teacher
But why?

>> No.2874819

So you are you're own worst enemy? Enroll in community college and take a few classes to get your pre requisites for trade school.

Make more excuses though. That will go well for you.

Enjoy delivering pizzas forever.

>> No.2874820

Because I was (am) depressed I wanted to sleep all day. When I was at school I usually enjoyed it and I really appreciated the teachers I had and I thought that that might be something I'd like to since I have no other interests besides art and music.

>> No.2874821

Im wholesaling amphetamine and hash

>> No.2874822

What you are really saying is that you're a piece of shit who won't help himself. Stop sponging off your parents and go to community college and get into a trade school you scum bag.

>> No.2874824

Yeah, I agree with you there. Yesterday was the closest I've been to committing suicide but a friend kinda talked me out of it but I guess I'll just have to disappoint them because there's really no point moving forward when you already know you're a failure. Bye, Anons.

>> No.2874826

Like I said....go to school. Fix your life.

Killing yourself is for fags. If your actually a homosexual lots of tradesmen like dick so whatever it's fine.

Welding saved my life.

>> No.2874829

How did he talk you of it though

>> No.2874831


And she didn't really talk me out of it per se, she just let me vent and gave some input. I also love her but she doesn't love me the same way, so it's kind of funny to me that one person makes me want to live but at the same time makes me want to die even more.

>> No.2874835

What do you really want then? A reason to live? Attention? A relationship? Are you carrying too large a burden of stress that's been locked deep within you all this time?

>> No.2874836

Jesus dude. Go to school. Workout a bit. Stop being such a pussy.

People who shoot themself or hang themself in their closet are so stupid.

You have the tools to get your life straigh. Become an electrician, hvac guy, welder, carpenter, or construction worker. I left my state for school and took loans. Welding saved me. You will meet good people.

Don't destroy your life over pussy. Pussy is easy to get when you have a job.

God damn man. Find your balls.

>> No.2874840

I heard over a period of years looking at the arc will have some amount of permanent damage to your vision (even with protection).

>> No.2874841

I don't know what I want. I've been depressed my whole life and I really wanted a relationship with her but that's out the window. I can still be friends with her but it hurts. I'm aware of what oneitis is but that's not this. We have a lot in common and she actually makes me feel like I could potentially be happy but it's whatever now.
I couldn't care less about sex. I just want to be loved by someone I love but that's not going to happen. I don't care if it's fucking stupid but even if suicide won't make me happy, at least I won't be fucking miserable.

>> No.2874843


>> No.2874844

If you kill yourself I'll kill myself too so don't do it please thanks

I love you anon

>> No.2874846

Probably not.
Just pretend that I will never kill myself and you won't have to kill yourself.

>> No.2874848

No. If you wear safety glasses you should not get arc flashed. Cursory exposure with safety glasses rated for it are fine. Get glasses with safety gaskets.

The helmet/hood darkens the light and filternuv. Safety glasses filter cursory uv light.

Read about it. You will be fine. Watch welding tips and tricks on YouTube

>> No.2874849

Well you sound like a bitch fag so yeah kill yourself I'm not going to coddle a baby who won't grow up and help himself.

Jesus. Pathetic.

>> No.2874850

how bout you don't kill yourself and fucking gesture battle me you queer?

>> No.2874851

I work security for a casino. It isn't 2400 a month but I get at least 2 hours of drawing time at work and the work bullshit stays there.

>> No.2874852

Do you love yourself, anon?

>> No.2874853

Why did you choose security over something else like a tech job or call center?

>> No.2874858

Because they take literally anyone and there's a lot of downtime that i can take advantage of. I am extremely comfortable in the job. Most mornings as I am getting off I can just grab a root beer and watch the sun come up

>> No.2874859

Do programmers even have downtime? Aren't they just always stressed from work so even in their free time, it's basically just doing nothing but stressing? Or is it perhaps actually good to get the money and then take 4 years off to do art.

>> No.2874867

I am a programmer. I pretty much am always stressed because my knowledge is perpetually going out of date. The concepts can be the same but you have to always be learning new syntax etc. Like it is utter shit and deadlines are intense.

Don't do it. Do any other job than programming.

That being said there will always be work, and the salaries can be really good. (Just not mine.. :( )

>> No.2874870

i work as an assistant teacher in a school 42 hrs a week. i can get 4~5 hours of drawing out of that during detention and office time.

I teach figure and live drawing to voluntary children (11~14 yo) at work and sometime help a friend and replace her when she can't teach. she's a graduate of "emile cohl" school and like my work, i take that as a compliment.

but seriously, i'm feeling that any type of work or living style holds you back. I stop everything next year to go to a public art and design school. (free of charge, fuck yeah, socialism) just to meet a lot of artist, be criticized more ant meet the right people, like publishers...

>> No.2874902

>gesture battle
one of /ic/s greatest but fastest dying meme

>> No.2874906

Ur mum?

>> No.2877105

you're my hero anon

>> No.2877129

>Do any other job than programming
I'm programmer too (I'm this anon >>2872411).

New syntax / APIs are like week of work. Worst part is rewriting code bases and drivers for the Nth time that do the same thing... Or implementing a USB or BT stack to spec... Programming is probably the least inspirational work on this earth.

If your soul is up to it, stick with programming. I was able to decouple my work and achieve a solid work-life balance. High pay, flexible hours, and minimal effort.

In fact, I became so good at minimizing my work and hours that they made me manager, and now I just watch other people work...

>I am 26 and a transwoman too, which doesn't help with finding jobs
It's not in my place to meddle here, and I don't want to suggest something insensitive, but I would try to get a job at a large tech company. Not sure where you currently live, but large companies in Bay Area or New England have quotas to fill for equality. And once you are hired you cannot be fired because the fear of lawsuits that would be bad for publicity. As I mentioned previously, big companies would rather carry dead weight than deal with bad PR.

>> No.2877271

my parents keep trying to get me into bloodletting. They say it pays well, and only takes about 4 ot 5 months to learn.

>> No.2877278

This belongs in a frame on my wall.

>> No.2877789
File: 327 KB, 834x870, IMG_0050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, if/when you get put in prison you'll have a ton of time to get good.

>> No.2877854

get fired, go on benefits. move in with your parents and freelance.
do not get a girlfriend. do not buy clothing. do not get a tattoo. get to work. that's the punchline for fucks sake. get to fucking work. if your friends are trying to distract you and make you play vidya, cut them out. cut out anything that stops you from being creative. get as far as fucking possible away from anyone who tells you what you can or can't accomplish. don't buy a car. you don't need to go anywhere, you need to be here and work. a 9 to 5 job will crush your soul and fuck you up if you want to do anything creative, just freelance, be homeless for a bit and graffiti walls to practice, but don't settle for a 9 to 5


>> No.2878952

How much DO you like vodka?

>> No.2879152

fucking why are the bathroom and kitchen not the same height?

>> No.2879154

The water would overflow then.

>> No.2879174

The water is not supposed to leave the shower at all, that's why there's a wall around it.

>> No.2879184 [DELETED] 
