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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 676 KB, 1200x1600, AuIrJAPgELnQQaiHIM6v1DMKHVLostfQZ5HzBwZZaoQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2866902 No.2866902 [Reply] [Original]

i just got done with pic related for someone for 10 bucks. beforehand i did the same character in a different outfit for free.

it just feels like someone who has a waifu, keeps requesting the same character, same shit, how could i not feel "guess they didn't like the first attempts :\"

I'm not doing this because i need the money, i like using my


to make people who can't draw happy. but i don't see the point in doing something redundant, even if they paid me. it makes my work feel like meaningless fodder.

am i just an asshole ? or naive? i get in animation you have to draw the same character over and over again, but there's a necessity, rhyme and reason.

maybe i'm not cut out for this hm

>> No.2866907

[ - ]

>> No.2866910

the fact that someone even paid for that makes me want to shoot myself. fucking disgusting.
your art is disgusting
if you are so fucking whiny about comissions then you should give up either way. but seriously, your art is fucking vomit inducing. please stop posting.

>> No.2866918

Honestly they most likely just wanted to see the character in different outfits. I do porn commissions, and it's the commissioner's waifu[s] 98% of the time (1% are husbandos and 1% are OCs).

If you don't want to be repetitive, don't do commissions. Like... if you're giving someone money to draw for you, you're gonna commission what YOU like. That's the whole point.

>> No.2866922
File: 2.32 MB, 2000x902, dsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well sorry i don't think pic related is the be all end all of art

i get my art sucks, but please explain what is so great about pic related.

i'll wait.

technical skill? check.
makes money? cool so does my mine.

but what's the point of doing the same fucking shit that's been done by asians 10x to death ? and better?

are you simply so uncaring about meaningful work or just poor so you're willing to suck /ic/'s dick because you are an artist, like me? don't insult me and please stop wasting my time.

your critique reeks of an uneducated moron. i may be a shit artist, but LORDY LORDY it's only because /ic/ is fucking abysmal at critique. it takes two to tango, maybe I'd give a shit about your opinions if you gave me a reason /ic/.

>> No.2866928


>> No.2866944

this is fucking cringeworthy mate
you draw sloppy anime shit with giant tits, without even caring to render anything or even make decent lines and basically just shit your drawing onto a canvas and you call me "uneducated"
how arrogant can you get about drawing bad weebshit? holy crap. it just looks unappealing, not just the subject matter but also stylistically and skill-wise. the anatomy is complete crap (intentionally exaggerated proportions ASIDE)
and the worst thing of all is how fucking smeary and lazy your linework is.
also "im a bad artist because /ic/ isnt good at criticizing me and isnt making me into a great artist!" that right there is fucking WEAKNESS. getting good at drawing is your fucking responsibility and if you release your garbage onto a public forum and someone says something ~mean~ about it then you have to fucking live with it you baby.

"whats the point of doing the same fucking shit thats been done by asians 10x to death and better"

NIGGER you are on such a high horse. "im just new and fresh and original and u dont get it"
there is GOOD weeb art
there is GOOD realistic art
there is even ACCEPTABLE tumblrina art. because you know what? they learn their fucking fundamentals and dont blame other people for their failures.

>implying pic related is something i find great

its really not. its better than your shit for sure, but its still really not my thing. the rendering isnt great. (i mean yeah its better than what i can do, but hey, you dont need to be a cook to see that someone PISSED INTO THE SOUP)

so now go and learn how to draw, stop drawing disgusting shit (in every possible way) and stop fucking whining to anonymous chinese cooking forum posters because you have personal issues.

>> No.2866971

It's not that bad, OP. But people will wreck your shit if you don't post it in the drawthreads.

>> No.2866975

you have really low standards

>> No.2866978

you mean /beg/ anon

>> No.2866981


>> No.2866996
File: 151 KB, 788x691, 1479041590532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those white lines along the tits and neck
for what purpose

>> No.2867000

> $
$ 1 0
> 0
>People are paying 10 fucking $ for this
I could point out so much shit that the algorythm would think it's flood
>i like using my >talents to make people who can't draw happy
Then you should do it for free, that will make them sooo happy
>am i just an asshole ? or naive ?
Naive who doesn't know about spacing of expressive punctuation, apparently

Huh, maybe both?

>maybe i'm not cut out for this hm
If you bitch and moan about a person giving you money to draw something twice (Wich is practice divided by 10,000,000,000), then you're not cut out for it.

Any further questions?

>> No.2867003

underrated post tbqh

>> No.2867138

hahahaha, shit, GET HIM /ic/

/ic/ didn't tell you loomis so you could rip people off this bad of course "fools and their money are easily parted" so i'm not sure who is more at fault you are the idiot who paid you.

>> No.2867213

This guy needs to blend his shit way better. He made a sci fi backround, some knight, and photobashed some people into the foreground. He's below his own skill cap.

>> No.2867249
File: 81 KB, 1080x1063, 1484967238759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious how you've triggered these miserable d/ic/ks, OP. I mean your drawing is shit, you didn't even draw hands, but at least you did something in the style you wanted and got money out of it. Some of these faggots actively want you to fail, it validates their own fear of failure; they even fantasize about people who've made it lose their fanbase

>> No.2867251
File: 102 KB, 712x719, 1485621140026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fucking paid you $10 and you couldn't even bother to line it properly? Oh, it's not that you didn't want to, you probably can't draw a clean line for shit in the first place.

My god, the rest of your post is just pretentious garble. Making people happy with your "talent"... fucking kek.

>> No.2867252

Satan a cute

>> No.2867253
File: 477 KB, 600x600, 1487113648278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 taste, friend.

>> No.2867257

What dis stupidass thread. Fuck outta my niggernet

>> No.2867276

Nigger, you make it sounds like 10$ is a big amount, in what kind of 3rd world shithole are you?

>> No.2867277

$10 is a lot for your own art, yes. People probably draw hundreds of sketches and get nothing for them. $10 is a gold mine in comparison.

>> No.2867289

Oh for fuck's sake.
People don't get anything for them because that's their own personal work. A carpenter will do hundreds of tiny stools for practice to become a competent craftsman, but try to hire the fucker to make something for you and he'll charge you for every minute of his time.
Because he's not a dumb faggot like some artists are.

>> No.2867292


>> No.2867358
File: 349 KB, 615x750, 42916785_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god Is that Akari? I never understood why people request their waifus with so many changes to the point that they stop being the same character anymore.

>> No.2867414

I'm not saying it's great art, but probably at the level or a bit higher than average in the porn thread. It certainly isn't more cringe-worthy than this anon:

>> No.2867420

People pay for this garbage? Guess there really is hope for anyone here

>> No.2867468
File: 183 KB, 463x464, ml;mm,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone actually paid $10 for this.

>> No.2867517

10$ is literally nothing. Because of fucks like you and everyone in this thread artists will always make dog shit money

>> No.2867535

$10 it's a metric fuck ton if you consider what the op pic looks like

>> No.2867538

>10$ is literally nothing
If it means nothing to you, will you give me 10$ for nothing?

>> No.2867546
File: 72 KB, 189x189, choo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it nothing to you because you paid for this generic deviantart drawing dogshit.
hell i don't want this even for free lmao

>> No.2867766

You did something for free and then the same person comes back and pays you to draw for him again? And you complain?

Also you got 10$ for this? You're not really skilled, you definitely need practice, but someone comes to you twice and even pays you, and then you do this quick sketch-thing and you complain??

If you don't feel like you do something thats ~worthy~ for the world to see, then don't do it, but don't waste time lamenting on those things.

>> No.2867769

make commissions if you want to
it's not your job unless you make it

it's never stupid to ask for money, it's stupid to give it at worst
draw more things than just someone's waifu but keep making quick buck if you can as long as you can if you ask me