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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2865902 No.2865902 [Reply] [Original]

if you actually put in a lot of time? People look at it like most people don't succeed as professional artists, but most people don't put expensive hours into honing their craft or networking.

If you think about it, putting in 8-10 hours a day and then working your ass off meeting as many art-connected people as possible, you're already in a tiny minority. You can't be considered in the same discussion as the average fucktard looking to start an art career.

Now the real million dollar question to me is, if you're that kind of entity who focuses on improving his draftsmanship and nothing else, what are your realistic chances of making it? Does it ever reach a point for you where it becomes a practical pursuit, rather than a gamble?

>> No.2865903


I doubt anyone here is an accurate answer, at least I don't.

>> No.2865905

I would say it only becomes a practical pursuit if someone notices you, because you can improve all you want, but if no one sees your work, then your chances are practically zero of becoming a professional.

I like your first two points though. It seems, you're one of the few who understand that we are a minority and a very small one at that and because of that, we can make it almost 100%.

>> No.2865906


*extensive not expensive

fuck me I'm tired

>> No.2865907

Here's another interesting couple of questions to think about before I fuck off to bed:

How many people do you know who actually practice/learn art 8-10 hours a day or something extreme like that?

Now ask yourself: How many of those people have failed in their pursuit?

>> No.2865908

I know literally zero people who does anything like that.

The only people who fail are those who lie and make it seem like they did work hard and complain when things don't work out.

Someone who actually tries will not fail their pursuit.

>> No.2865911
File: 44 KB, 520x780, MuTG7py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's it OP, you've convinced me to do Meth all day everyday. Seize me, for I've become the means of production.

>> No.2865916

>if you're that kind of entity who focuses on improving his draftsmanship and nothing else, what are your realistic chances of making it?
What do you want exactly, a number? no one here can give you that.

ever been to those cringe threads. where deviantart retards train their shitty style 8 hours a day for years and never improve? practicing 8 hours a day doesn't guarantee anything other than the fact that you practiced that thing 8 hours a day. but yes assuming you have half a brain if you practice a lot you will improve, but that's all GOOD practice can guarantee.

I can't tell you how many people have failed even with extreme practice, but I can tell you that number is NOT zero. There is always a chance of failure in making it, the chance of not making it is never zero. there are things out of your control. you can walk out one day and you're so burnt out from drawing 8 hours a day like a retard that you don't notice an incoming truck.

you have to be okay with that and try anyway, if you feel its something you have to do.

this guy is probably a boomer. this mentality is awful cause you become entitled just for putting in the work. you can make all the right moves but sometimes things don't work out, that's just life. just keep that in mind OP.

>> No.2865944

>the chance of not making it is never zero
I guess to say it another way, the chance of making it is never 100%, for anyone. but there are ways to maximize your chances, of course. practicing a lot is one and making connections is another. I'm just saying, don't obsess about looking for a guarantee cause there is no guarantee besides death and taxes. the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, as they say.

>> No.2866666

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2866673
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>> No.2866681

We're all gonna make it :')

>> No.2866688


>> No.2866708

what a get.

>> No.2866709

"fuck you lava" is now a meme

>> No.2866718
File: 370 KB, 2000x1333, Landscape_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of us wish we can put in 8-10 hours a day, but we have school, jobs, and family.

If you have 8-10 to practice (and just not fuck around), then yeah you have a very good chance of making it simply because most people don't or can't.

>How many people do you know who actually practice/learn art 8-10 hours a day or something extreme like that?

Yes I did and it works if you have your shit together. I dated an artist who practiced at least 4 hours a day. I don't remember if he did 8 hours, he probably did since he didn't have a job after graduating art school. He came into art school not knowing how to draw, but came out with decent work (not pro-level, but definitely not bad) within 4 years. He works at Riot now, which isn't bad for 6 years starting from being totally shit-tier. I would post his timeline here, but I don't want him coming onto /ic/. I would probably still be dating him if he wasn't fucking crazy.

Anyway, this is what he did:

He carried around a sketchbook with him everywhere, watercolor, gouache, anything portable. And he drew from life - landscapes, people at the mall, cars.. He'd suck my dick and then go back to drawing.

He also had a huge library, both in his computer and on the shelf. Stacks and stacks of books from industry professionals, and artists he admires.

He'd also take classes when he can from ateliers - on anything. Perspective, painting, whateverthefuckelse is out there. He'd INVEST in himself, both time and money wise.

For 6 years, his progress isn't bad at all. He fucked me up so bad that I stopped drawing for 4 years myself, but I did get to witness someone improve really fast and know how to accelerate my own improvement. But still, fuck that guy.

>> No.2866720

You're a woman aren't you

>> No.2866773

shut up. this is now a get thread. see >>2866666