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File: 49 KB, 1280x600, trumpclinton_election_main-1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2866118 No.2866118 [Reply] [Original]

So, how many artists do you follow have ruined their own blogs with politic talk and virtue signaling?

I count about five that I enjoy who I now unfollow and just save their art to my computer.

>> No.2866124

why shouldn't one express their opinions through their art? isnt that the point really?

>> No.2866135

These people aren't doing it via art, they're just bitching and reblogging echo chamber opinions, or otherwise making posts like, "This blog will always support Muslim refugees."

If it was actually stuff like pic related, I would still enjoy it.

>> No.2866137

>through their art
OP didn't say that.

They most likely mean artists who keep posting/reblogging politics/social justice shit/etc and not keep their art separate. Meaning that if you want to follow them, you're forced to bear through that garbage as well.

>> No.2866142

>expressing any opinion that doesn't line up with my autistic /pol/tard beliefs is virtue signaling

>> No.2866144

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi

>> No.2866146

>Anyone who disagrees with me is an ESHYEDUBLYEW

>> No.2866147


Just out of curiosity. If their political views matched your own, would you have unfollowed them as well?

Do you have a list of people with specific jobs that ARE allowed to share their political beliefs? Or, even though we live in a democracy, only politicians are allowed to share political opinions and everybody else should shut up?

>> No.2866148

If the artist matched my political views, they wouldn't be saying anything at all since my political views are mostly, "Just wait and see what happens cause it's probably shit that's already happened before and politics is just one big revolving door".

I certainly don't need people posting the Woman's March going "Very inspiring! Reblog if you support this!" and I also don't need Trump supporters responding to every single Tweet that pisses them off in some e-drama fueled rampage.

>> No.2866153

Karla Ortiz shares too much politics posts on facebook : (

>> No.2866154

Oh look, an angry SJW. How original.

>> No.2866156


Nailed it. Absolutely 100% true.

No matter what political "person" you support(why even support a person? why not ideas, actions?) it's generally going to alienate 50% of your audience. there's not really a good reason to go balls to the wall if you're running your brand like a business.

Now if you don't care and just use your accts as personal that's another story. But if you treat your art like a business then your name, your brand, is an extension of that business. Tying yourself publicly to any ideology will hurt business. Especially if it's repeated ad nauseum for every little topic or talking point repeatedly with no purpose other than to share "muh opinions" which most people don't care about anyway

>> No.2866161

+1 buzzword inflation

>> No.2866165

> it's generally going to alienate 50% of your audience
Not really. The problem with the current political landscape is that the liberals are acting like Trump is the second coming of Hitler.

Celebrities, artists and the media have been majority left-wing for decades, and most people didn't care or let it influence their choice of entertainment. It's the current hysteria, violence and hardcore virtue signalling that's the problem. Combine this with the fact that the left has always been much more likely to boycott and ostracize people for being conservative, and you can't really blame people for being fed up with this bullshit.

>> No.2866170

>talks about buzzwords
>autistic /pol/tard
Well, it's not like SJWs are know for being particularly self-aware.

>> No.2866171

Or, it might have a lot to do with the fact that Trump objectively IS the most retarded president is US history.

>> No.2866172


>> No.2866173

On the flipside, that controversy can end up boosting your exposure.

Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, for example, was already pretty popular and had a very active fanbase pre-Trump. But ever since he started making right-wing thought pieces every other post, the activity on his website has doubled.

Hell, fucking PewDiePie gained 1 million followers almost immediately after the "Death to all Jews" scandal with news sites calling him a racist.

>> No.2866175

I only follow people that exlusively post their stuff, the moment i start to see reblogs of either other artists or things that have nothing to do with the reason people looked them up in the first place into the trash they go.

>> No.2866176

>In office less than 30 days
Do you also get bored with books if the table of contents doesn't grab your interest?

>> No.2866177

So that's 2-0 for me.

>> No.2866179

>the most retarded president is equivalent to the next Reich complete with USA Schutzstaffel

I do not support Trump but I agree the liberal comparisons are legitimately insane. It's almost like 20-somethings have no idea what literal fascism is like, or how terrible a truly fascist regime can be.

Is Trump shit? Most likely yeah. Is he the next Hitler? In no possible way whatsoever. And the people virtue signalling by even comparing the deportation of mexicans to the rounding up of Jews in 1930s Germany is a horribly offensive comparison for people who actually survived that era of totalitarian fascism.

>> No.2866181

Nice substance there, sport.

>> No.2866190

well, thats one of the points of the table of contents, isnt it?

>> No.2866191

>a horribly offensive comparison for people who actually survived that era of totalitarian fascism

Many of these survivors were warning about Trump during the campaign so no one actually cares

>> No.2866220

I don't think there's anyone dumber than Trump supporters. Literally all of them are genuinely stupid people.

>> No.2866233

Literally all muslims are terrorists.
Literally all black people are gangstas.
Literally all women are hormonal bags of emotion.
Literally all white men have power and money.
Literally all chan posters are virgins who live with their parents.

See how awesome blanket statements are?

>> No.2866237
File: 50 KB, 256x256, Smug Emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking implying

>> No.2866247


All those statements are true though.

>> No.2866256
File: 80 KB, 224x230, eyerub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So edgy

>> No.2866257

I did it myself during these last elections, I really don't give a fuck if people who want to support stupid ideas they don't need to follow me or my art, Artist are community leaders and are often a source of light and different thought, thats one of the reasons we are great. almost all artist through out time were influenced by politics and the world around them. Velazquez - Banksy and everything in between inb4 your not banksy or famous. yeah but either were they at one point it's the hardcore fans who supported them for their specific view point that pushed them to greatness.

don't be afraid to not be original op.

>> No.2866264

You seriously give people who whine about Trump in their liberal hugbox way too much credit.

And no, I don't support Trump either. Blogging on their shitty Tumblr or Twitter about how Trump is the next Hitler because of massive fear mongering isn't influential to one's art at all.

>> No.2866268

none. They usually tag their shit

>> No.2866280

Seeing shit for what is is and saying it isn't fear mongering. but i see what you are saying i'm independent who has views on both sides because i'm clairvoyant i see things a lot clearer than the average dem/rep/ or whatever seeing the bullshit on both sides allows me to think instead of follow.

>> No.2866289
File: 90 KB, 640x640, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seeing shit for what it is isn't fear mongering
>Literally thinks Trump is the next Hitler
>Literally thinks Trump will attempt to mass genocide a race of people
>Literally thinks Trump will attempt to confiscate all firearms like WWII Germany
>Literally thinks the US will have death camps under Führer Trump

>I'm clairvoyant
>I see things a lot clearer than most

I guarantee you sit around smelling your own farts knowing you're the best. Not thinking, knowing.

>> No.2866292

>because i'm clairvoyant i see things a lot clearer than the average dem/rep/ or whatever seeing the bullshit on both sides allows me to think instead of follow.
You really may want to reconsider that if you actually agree with what I said in regards to the fear mongering part.

You either don't know how bad Hitler/Nazism actually was or you overestimate how bad Trump is. Which one is it?

>> No.2866312

Anyone defending the idea of artists posting about politics on social media, consider this. James Gurney has arguably one of the best art blogs on the internet and posts interesting things to his facebook. Would his social media presence in any way be improved if he talked about his political stance? The answer is pretty clear to me.

>> No.2866313

>art is a popularity contest
lol by all means go chase those likes and watchers

>> No.2866318

Trump isn't that bad. However he does have an extremist fan base. im just waiting.

>> No.2866320

So did Obama.

You think Black Lives Matter would exist in the same format if Obama hadn't self-inserted himself in Zimmerman and similar cases and said the way police handled things stupid?

>> No.2866321

>Literally all muslims are terrorists.
>Literally all black people are gangstas.
>Literally all women are hormonal bags of emotion.

YASSSSS you are not far off from the truth brother.

>> No.2866324

I like how you dodged answering the question.

Why are you bringing up his supporters? No body is talking about that.
You, on train tracks, sleep, etc.

>> No.2866329


well, i tumblr and my blog as a place to get good reference/a e s t h e t i c stuff, so i've done my best to curate the sameface shit out and follow artists that know how to reblog.

additionally, if an artist every know and again reblogs something about a muslim or whatever, its a read. id rather know both sides of an argument, even if its wrote to appeal to muh liberalism

>> No.2866333

Popular artists make more money. So yeah, if you're doing this for a business then you should treat it like a business.

Your artistic brand, your artistic social media, it's all for your business.

Does fucking IKEA tweet about how they love muslims? Maybe, but that would be a terrible PR move. Same if they tweeted about hating muslims.

Professional artists who make a living as freelancers & contractors need to be known. They're known by building a following and getting their work out there online(t. through social media). Mixing professional portfolio work samples with your opinions & feelings is not a great approach if you want to build mass popularity and appeal to a wide audience.

>> No.2866346

I don't think OP means people who do political cartoons. There's a couple artists I used to follow on facebook but had to unfollow because they keep spamming up my feed with virtue-signaling clickbait trash opinions. Eric Fortune, Karla Ortiz, Anthony Jones, etc. All good artists but I didn't exactly follow them for their shallow surface level analysis of why republicans are poopy.

>> No.2866360

I've actually seen political cartoons making fun of BOTH candidates and loved them. I think a great political cartoon is more than fine--but let the art speak for itself.

Don't go on random twitter rants about how all white ppl are the devil or how Trump is 100% the next Stalin. It's disgusting virtue signalling and the childish tweets like "[insert political stance] is poopy" that gets old instantly.

>> No.2866363

I like Karla's work. I'd friend her on facebook, but then I'd have to unfollow her anyway. Just unfollowed Max Gon for whining about ebil white males all the time.

>> No.2866373

So who did you vote for; the geriatric socialist with the beachfront summer home, or the political royalty who had the DNC rigged, the debate rigged, polls and media opinion rigged...

>> No.2866482


There are many artists whose art has nothing to do with their political ideology, but still cram their ideology into their blogs.

>> No.2866495

So, how many boards do you browse that have been ruined by /pol/ seeping over with their political talk and virtue signaling about virtue signaling?

I count about five that I enjoyed that I now don't browse and just spend my time being more productive on my computer.

>> No.2866502

You can't virtue-signal anonymously because anonymous posts don't translate into social capital. At best you can circle-jerk.

>> No.2866514

this is one of the most idiotically reductionistic viewpoints you can hold, at least try to have an opinion other than "i don't like opinions" otherwise you're very literally asking to be taken advantage of

save for all the trips and /pol/s favorite tryhard social media heads that help tell them how to think

>> No.2866534

Trump won white males age 18-34 by a huge margin. Guess what's the biggest demographic on 4chan. There is no /pol/ spilling over, at least not in any coordinated or significant manner. You just happen to be the minority on most boards outside of maybe /co/ and /lgbt/, you just never realized this before this election.

>> No.2866542

human beings love sharing their personal opinions on everything, and most of the time, they're pretty retarded.

just enjoy the stuff you're interested on, and learn to ignore the bullshit, in pretty much the same way you already do with your loved ones.

>> No.2866564

dog that was my point, i was making fun of OP ya dunce
(tho this site was a lot more tolerable back before moot unbawleted /pol/ cause something something containment which in reality turned out to just be sugar to attract more ants)

>> No.2866706

The 'le funny pepe meme man' crowd were the worst of his supporters.

>> No.2866732

If your point is that "/pol/ was always here" and that it isn't just people who prior to now were only contained within /pol/ spilling over on other boards you are right.

But if you seriously don't see that you can barely post anything on any reasonably large board without it turning into a political shitfest within 20 posts you're being intellectually dishonest. Boards weren't this politically infected by default until 2016.

>> No.2866859

I dont follow blogs, i just follow them on their website or artstation.

>> No.2866869

Every IKEA commercial I've seen over the last few years has featured one or several interracial couples so I do think they intentionally politicize their commercials. But it doesn't affect their sales negatively because they've cornered the market very well with what they do and the consumer base that would get upset about this is too small to matter to them.

>> No.2866870

Mmm, I think the key to success is keeping a clean nose.
I'll never understand why people can't keep work and play separate. I have opinions, too, sure. Everyone does. But I also like having a job and making money. And those who have the spotlight of fame or popularity shining down on them should know better than anyone else that it's not everything that you feel that you should say, especially if you're not you're own boss. All it takes is one mindless tweet/blogpost/etc. for the rug to be taken out from under you. (And pardon my English.)

>> No.2867015

personally, I don't follow art blog that post politic talk as I already have blogs I follow for that.

>> No.2867029

I don't really mind if it's at least in a funny joke or through a one-off caricature drawing. That's whatever.

It does get annoying when it's frequent enough to clog up what was once mostly just a feed of images, but that's what unfollowing is for in some cases. And then I can check in once a month or so for new art. If I wanted to hear someone ramble specifically about politics, I wouldn't go to an artist for it. There are people who dedicate a lot more time to being well-read and informed on those kinds of things (or even make it their job) who I can seek out. In the reverse, I wouldn't go to politics/commentator guys to get more insight on anything art related.

>> No.2868546

Somebody got stabbed a year ago in the ikea by a muslim refugee.. Of course ikea loves muslims

>> No.2868548

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_IKEA_stabbing_attack here is an article about it.

>> No.2868686
File: 72 KB, 189x189, choo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the holohoax was real

>> No.2868785

acornfriend on twitter.
Her style is kinda cute but she's next level pandering

>> No.2868795

They sure are warning us right?

>> No.2868811


What the hell are you talking about? I'm referring specifically about the quality of his content. Gurney constantly puts out high quality information on his blog. Politics would not improve it by any means.

>> No.2868816
File: 1.83 MB, 450x450, 1472124839122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off cuckhold op.

>> No.2868834

this is the level of intelligence of your average /pol/ poster

>> No.2869613

Not him but yes.

I'm fucking sick of it. Just draw.

>> No.2869639
File: 84 KB, 500x500, Pakled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call me crazy, but >popular opinion. And if you don't like it then I don't need you following me anymore!

I just don't want anything to do with this shit.

>> No.2869762

I know one who retweeted Anti-Trump stuff but she's not who I would describe as an SJW. Helps that it was at least a drawing.

>> No.2869766

> The perpetrator, Abraham Ukbagabir, a 36-year-old Eritrean Christian
Explain this.

>> No.2869835
File: 25 KB, 600x578, 5896585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know it's true that media drones are major cuckholds.
Why try to hide it.

>> No.2869917

Because that isn't what that word means, underage.

>> No.2869947

spoken like a true cluckhole

>> No.2870017

you know it's called "cuckold", right?
"cuckhold" is not a word

>> No.2870026

replied like a true cockadoodledoo.

>> No.2870036

I'm going to clockhull you right upside your crankmold.

>> No.2870058
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started voicing my opinion on these things myself. I'm a conservative Trump supporter and I got sick of the liberal echo chamber and started posting shit about red-pill politics. I got blocked by a B list artist I knew but other than that, a lot of my far Left~classical liberal mutual followers started asking me questions about it. Not even the dipshit "why you support fashy?" shit (which I don't support btw even though I main /pol/ ). In fact, I found out that a few of my mutuals that I've known of for years were also conservative/right leaning and made some new friends.
I on that other hand have unfollowed people who were calling for riots and violence and shit but nobody just for being vocal about their candidate. That's Leftist shit and I don't do that.

>> No.2870086


I just unfollow, they don't stick out and they're not sincere about their grievances.


It was always political, it's just that they criticized the WBC/religious right instead of the progressive left.

What happened is that leftists managed to become more obnoxiously stupid and hypocritical than conservatives in a very short amount of time. It's a very difficult thing to accomplish, but they've managed to outdo them somehow.

>> No.2870133

Oh boy one of these people

>> No.2870138

If it looks like a nazi and talks like a nazi

>> No.2870147

>isnt that the point really?
Most artists and their art followed by those here have no meaning (and any art done as a political commentary is not worthy of being called "art" in it's truest sense) behind them, it's just done for show.

>> No.2870149
File: 61 KB, 505x839, gon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Max Gon
>have no idea who that is
>look him up on fb

And the next post before that was him proud that Bill Bye was btfo'ing creationists or something.

>> No.2870150


>> No.2870156


>Less than 30 days in the office
>Has done too retarded shit.
>But somehow, it's not retarded.

I ain't talking about muh illegal beaners or muh islamic terrorists. Keep them away.

>> No.2870195

can you post some examples? i dont use fb for obvious reasons

>> No.2870200

kek. What a bunch of made up horse shit, this dude is insane. Another Manveer Heir in the making.

>> No.2870215

Not only does this dude's story sound fake as fuck but:
>I saw American flag and tried not to assume the worst
The fuck? Does he also try not to assume the worst when he passes by banks and during all of Fourth of July?

Guy needs to die.

>> No.2870225

It was always political, but not to the extent where a thread about Super Mario or Naruto or whatever fucking asinine subject you want to discuss will consistently derail into twitter screencaps and political shitflinging.

>> No.2870381

I'll take bullshit for 1000, Alex.

>> No.2870383

trump makes a mockery of actual conservatism, both social and economical, he embodies the worst aspects of hollowmen, so either you're stupid, this is fake, or you're stupid and this is fake

>> No.2870390

because when someone shares too much about himself he risks people realizing how disgusting he truly is

>> No.2870394

>he is against wellfare even if its white people reciving it
>thats racist
why are most artists so stupid?

>> No.2870398
File: 241 KB, 1520x1920, max-gon-sanjuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Max Gon
>this is a professional artist at Riot

>> No.2870543

t. cuckhold

>> No.2870713

one of the responses was an asian saying asians are racist as fuck. Maxy boy is like "yeah, totally, I keep telling my asian lady friend she shouldn't prefer dating white boys." And thus his problem with white men is exposed. He was crushing on an asian qt and she overlooked him for some white chad. kek. Fuckin evil white males and systemic racism keepin me from gettin muh qt asian grillfriend!

>> No.2870779

Stupid is so subjective these days, I swear to god people like you just live to drain words of their meaning. You don't even have anything but ad homs you little pussy, so why would I care what you think?

>pointless post gets a (you)

>> No.2870793

To be fair the image you posted was is signed 2012, which was 5 years ago.

>> No.2870805

Looked up his art. It's good, am I suppose to think it's bad or something?

>> No.2870812

an you're stupid so why should i care what you think lol

>> No.2870819

Why is it on his artstation portfolio?
I wouldn't even show that to my own mother.

>> No.2870893

if you say everything looks and talks like a nazi

>> No.2871712


This site would be so much better if they enforced the 18+ age limit.