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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2862872 No.2862872 [Reply] [Original]

Is Deviantart fixable, or is it beyond saving? How would you try to make Deviantart a great website? Or at least less of a shitty website....

>> No.2862882

how about you draw instead of judging the art of teenagers?

>> No.2862884

Come on, it's Thursday night, let's have some funposting.

>> No.2862885

it's not broken.
Use it as a hosting site and a portfolio and you'll find it's quite useful.

>> No.2862888

I'm wondering what will replace Tumblr and Instagram in two to five years.

>> No.2862901

It's Wednesday.

>> No.2862907

You're right, it is. I'm too tired for this shit.

>> No.2862927
File: 184 KB, 1119x905, what are they doing wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2862929

>doing wrong
>highest ranked out of the three

>> No.2862960

Do something about groups. As it is it's a monumental pain in the ass to find and apply to groups suitable for your art, and half of them are dead and don't check applications.

Rework the algorithms so that rather than just drawing all the site traffic to your top 100 artists through a feedback loop, have it recommend art in a more intelligent way.

Use the registration information to send death squads to the homes of 80% of their users.

>> No.2862962


Is there a way to see a longer view than just a few months?

>> No.2862964

>have it recommend art in a more intelligent way.
But that's exactly what DA has already, it's the one for mysterious users or whatever. It's full of complete unknowns.

>> No.2862996

that's my point!
I couldn't find a way, but maybe you could

>> No.2863013

exactly, it's such a pain to submit artwork to groups

>> No.2863063

There's nothing inherently wrong with deviantart, it's free file hosting that supports massive files and can be shared to every popular social media website in existance.

Thinking da is only for furry donut steels is like thinking 4chan is only for cheese pizza.

>> No.2863067

Funny thing is, I don't know what DA did, but I don't see furry art at all anymore. It's like they somehow managed to block it. I go there and only see fantasy and highly rendered artwork as well as anime.

>> No.2863154
File: 1.02 MB, 776x1000, 1486684052887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is a problem with DA? It's an art site catered to amateurs, Artstation is for pros.

>> No.2863156

I think /ic/ doesn't like DA because it's a hugbox and that people there actually draw.

>> No.2863283
File: 38 KB, 800x600, denny_by_itzfurryda-daz8t2h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went and hit "sort by newest" and this was the fourth down.

They've not gone anywhere.

>> No.2863284 [DELETED] 
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fuck you

>> No.2863286

The last three times I tried to go to deviant art it gave my computer a virus. After I got rid of the last one I stopped even trying to go there.

>> No.2863288

Not that deviant art you dumb ass

>> No.2863633

Came to /ic/ to see if there was a DA thread, because I just came from there and it's just furries/ ponyshit and shitty, scratchy sketches scanned from lined notepads.
Is it even a legitimate platform anymore? Was it ever?

>> No.2863640

The only thing that's really broken are groups. Nobody uses groups to grow sub-communities, they just use them to spam their artwork to gain exposure. Because of this most groups end up dead, there's just no motivation to keep them growing.

It's difficult to form communities and network with other artists when everyone is just their for their own benefit. Doesn't help that the critique feature requires membership.

>> No.2863648

Membership is cheap anyways.

>> No.2863667

DA is full of great art if you aren't a fucking retard about it and expect to find it on the front page.

>> No.2863672

I'd ban the fuck out of vore, inflation, farts, and scat.

>> No.2863702

Fair enough. Doesn't help that their tag system is one of the most unintuitive pieces of crap I've ever worked with, though.

>> No.2863705

is it too late to make a DA account?

>> No.2863942

It has its place in the art world and it does a good job.
It can be a nice platform to gather following, just ignore the autists using it like elderly people use facebook.

>> No.2864594

A few years back they "ranked" the categories so that categories that don't get as many hits are promoted more. They must have set anthro to really low. (They also set fanart to be really low, leading people to put fanart into other categories.)
Coincidentally, design and interfaces as well as photography are ranked very highly. It's why the frontpage is filled with things that are miscategoriezed--especially people taking pictures of their work and calling it "photography". It takes about 30 favorites to show up on the front page in the desktop wallpapers category or some of the stranger ones.

>> No.2864612

Honestly, DeviantArt has quite good UI, it's pretty intuitive. I don't know, maybe search system could be better?

I really can't see much wrong with it from technical point of view. You might not like community, but...yeah.

>> No.2864616

All art communities tend to become shitty once they hit a breaking point.

That's the one good thing about /ic/, the default anonymity. But even here you see egos namefagging.

Once the fans of an artist starts hanging out a place and policing/white-knighting the comments then it become less about learning a skill and more about promoting individuals.

>> No.2864625

But what's the point showing up on the frontpage in a category no one browses anyway? The real trick these days seems to get into undiscovered, which is the default when you click on the front page now, even before Daily Deviations. Does Undiscovered operate on any kind of algorhythm or is it just some DA mods handpicking new images with less than ~100 favs?

>> No.2864627

Undiscovered is probably algorithm operated because it's actually got good stuff.