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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 53 KB, 212x259, 2017-02-09 01_48_07-Andrew Loomis - Fun WIth a Pencil.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2852224 No.2852224 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't know where to start, read the sticky.

>>1579290 → →

For critiques about your work, go to the corresponding thread.

>>2850876 Beginner Thread
>>2849591 Alternative Art/Stylization General
>>2842118 Draw Thread

Please refrain from making your threads if you only have a single question.

>> No.2852229

Whats the point of drawing those poses in just a few minutes like the websites want you to? I hate having to rush. Can't I just take my time?

>> No.2852232

is there good charcoal and bad charcoal, or is it all the same?

first time using (compressed) charcoal and it seems scratchy as hell

>> No.2852284

Anything else besides "Just draw what you like" And Loomis meme?

>> No.2852288

There's literally no reason to rush, especially early on. I have no idea why these websites have such short timers. I always take as long as I need when it comes to practicing figures/anatomy.

>> No.2852327
File: 93 KB, 950x1100, nerfnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything else but drawing what you like and drawing to learn fundamentals
Making really fucking awful-looking webcomics.

>> No.2852364


Can you snap to the perspective ruler while keeping it hidden in clip studio?

>> No.2852377

It's to do gestures or to warm up. You don't need more than 2 minutes to do a gesture drawing and those sites usually have a "class mode" where they build you up to longer poses through shorter poses. I.e. 10 1 min poses, 5 3 min poses 2 10 min poses and then 1 30 min pose or something like that. Plus they're just suggestions, if you wanna spend longer than hit pause on the thingy and draw for as long as you like.

>> No.2852523

Fuck. I meant as a beginner what should you focus on learning/ doing when you have next to no art skill

>> No.2852530
File: 67 KB, 600x337, cryingotacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People tell me I'm good at drawing but I just feel like everyone is just an idiot. I feel like I'm terrible at it. All the time.

>> No.2852533

You are good.
In comparison to them.

>> No.2852539

You're probably alright, but you're right that most people don't know shit or have really low standards.

>> No.2852540

Yep. My mom and sister tell me that my art is good all the time. Those stupid cunts.

>> No.2852552

i think you're being pretty autistic desu. they're just trying to be nice m8

>> No.2852563

Could anyone please spare some tips on brush work? Like how do I hide strokes or how do I show strokes for the sake of composition and such or maybe anything I should know. I've only been using pencils for most of the past 6 years.

>> No.2852564

It all comes with experience, so get painting.

>> No.2852566

here's a question, is 4chan still banning my ISP?

>> No.2852568


>> No.2852571

they actually are partially, I can't make any threads.

>> No.2852572

You shouldn't be making threads anyways Chum.

>> No.2852573
File: 40 KB, 408x365, 1484522509736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you nigger
I hope your bucket of KFC gets taken away

>> No.2852618

Welp, I'll get to it then, thank you.

>> No.2852619
File: 89 KB, 364x410, girl5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have the potential to draw porn someday?

>> No.2852622

you have the potential to draw this dick BITCH

>> No.2852623

Yes, already looking good. Keep at it.

>> No.2852707

I see. Thanks

>> No.2852753

>be me
>grandpa has shakey hands
>like parkinsons-level tremors
>I kinda look like him

Should I be worried?

>> No.2852828

Hey belfast, any good lifedrawing events around?
I fucking hate this city for art, no courses nothing fuck

>> No.2852965

How do I draw with my eyes and not my head

>> No.2852970

In terms of Youtube/Twitter/DeviantArt and so on, what are some good rules for composition of user icons?

>> No.2852976

Drawing basic shapes and perspective. Perspective is pretty easy to understand and even if you're not going to use formal grids in figure drawing you'll have learned why the world looks the way it does.

Then once you've learned to draw good cubes and cylinders in perspective you start learning the figure. Afterwards it's all practice.

>> No.2852977

It's agreed upon that you should

1) use the largest brush you can use for the task at hand
2) think very well about the contribution of the stroke (color, edges, etc.) before making it
3) leaving the brushstroke alone after you've made it

>> No.2852978

Depends on if they're essential tremors or not. If his tremors are caused by a disease, then look into the genetic links for it. If not, then you don't have more to worry about than someone with a grandpa who doesn't have them. Essential tremors are almost completely random. No one knows what causes them.

If it makes you feel any better, you'll be getting ready to die by that point anyway.

>> No.2853063

Any recommendation to upload drawings to twitter? I already have a tumblr but I want to use my twitter as a tool to get more exposure
Do you need to uses tags there too?

>> No.2853066

>getting ready to die

>> No.2853067

This one is Clip Studio Paint specific, so hopefully some of you anons use it. Because I'm lazy/bad, I've been adding line weight by using an Overlay layer on top of the original line layer to darken the lines where I want to, instead of adding weight the old fashioned way. This works fine for the most part, but I've recently tried colour and, of course, the Overlay layer darkens that as well, and that looks awful.

So is there a way to selectively control what layers Overlay applies to? I've tried folders, but since all the layers in a folder have to be the same blend mode, it doesn't work. Alternatively, is there some other way to manage the stupid lineweight process I have? Clipping the layers together and drawing on top doesn't do it, since that locks the transparency as well and there's just no effect with black on black.

>> No.2853445

Thank you, anon, will take notes

>> No.2853484

So I just started drawing a month ago. I've done some drawabox exercises and wanted to get into some books. I want to draw comics. Should I go through fun with a pencil or figure drawing for all it's worth or maybe even something else?

>> No.2853502

You should start drawing comics to be honest desu.

>> No.2853504


>> No.2853510

what are some good free clipstudio assets? I have a hard time navigating the JP site, and a lot of the stuff is behind a paywall

>> No.2853553

It's a game of lenses, yeah? The people telling you often don't have a point of reference, and your self-loathing ass would probably hate just about anything you made because your eye's further along than your hand.

How good you are doesn't fuckin matter. Hating and loving yourself are both forms of unneeded self-importance. What matters is how good you are today relatively to where you were yesterday. The less self-based thoughts you have in life the happier you'll be, anon

>> No.2853575

hey, I don't use tags but I do link my twitter from my tumblr. once you get a few followers on twitter, sometimes they can retweet things and boost you.

>> No.2853594

In Clip Studio, is there no way to copy merged? This is really annoying

>> No.2853697

anybody got that picture about which art books to read in what order?

>> No.2853698

>tfw an anon asked for this a week ago and I forgot to give it to him
>I bet this is that anon

>> No.2853710

im sorry anon, i think you've got the wrong anon. but if you still have it then i'd be very thankful

>> No.2853716

is this actually honest advice? In a similar boat but not sure if trolling

>> No.2853720

If you want to draw something, just draw it, pal.

>> No.2853762
File: 360 KB, 802x1920, tumblr_o7qsujxiMR1v4xf82o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever the fuck happen to ketteiii? Somebody bring him back

>> No.2853797

Is Plague of Gripes a fraud?

Is Kazerad's Khajiit thing a shit?

How do I draw a "real" Khajiit?

>> No.2853798

how do I obtain levels of detail like Gustave Dore?

>> No.2853894

To become proficient at drawing with a tablet, should one exclusively draw traditionally first, or is it okay to practice working in both media at the same time?

>> No.2853927
File: 69 KB, 1239x1000, 1485473567879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you don't have studies and references to use, is getting better a matter of mileage and simply drawing more from imagination?

In other words, shouldn't drawing from the head help because it forces us to apply what we know so far without having to keep going back to reference? Like taking a math test without a sheet full of formulas.

>> No.2853928

You should work on both at the same time, but from anecdotal experience, it seems people have a harder time moving from digital to traditional than vice versa.

No, you shouldn't draw exclusively from traditional when you can have the best of both worlds at once.

>> No.2854074


How can I make my brushes appear in the tool preset window instead? I used to have it that way but now every time I load the brushes in, they won't appear in the tool preset window?

>> No.2854076

Yeah, but you'll learn as you accumulate a visual library that it's very hard to pick out just one book. You always call up a whole shelf. It's TOO much information.

>> No.2854440

What do you guys do to get yourself back into gear? I haven't drawn I weeks due to lack of enthusiasm and I want to change that.

>> No.2854445


Caffeine, Modafinil, amphetamines, self loathing, crippling anxiety. The usual.

>> No.2854463

My sides!

Simple cardio exercises.
Contrast showers.
Enough sleep. Mid day naps if needed.

I would recomend you to seek madical attention, because lack of enthusiasm is never without a reason. Usualy physical reason. Which then causes psychologycal disfunctions.

On the other hand most doctors, even high paid ones, are hacks and your life is routine for them, so they throw you into gutter in a hartbeat.

>> No.2854650

Where do you guys go for natural pose reference? Poses that actually show purpose/story. Most of the reference I see online are too "posed for the camera" if you know what I mean.

>> No.2854684

That's the thing that boggers my mind. My two uncles were really good painters, I'm the only one who draws out of my direct family. Yet everyone, included my uncle keep saying I have ''so much talent''.I might have participated in some small magazines and collectives, but I ain't worth shit compared to nearly everyone on here, the bar is also set pretty low where I'm from.

>> No.2854688

>participated in small magazines and collectives
I hope you're fucking joking. No normal person would have done that. That's pretty abnormal and worthy of "talent".

>> No.2854701
File: 90 KB, 345x251, Tulric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you're fucking joking. No normal person would have done that.
Anyone that know where to apply, regardless of ''talent'' can do that. Well that especially goes to where I live. If you would see some of the stuff, I'd say most peoples in this thread are further ahead than one of those proclaimed ''professionnal artist''. Then again, we're talking about comics.

>> No.2854999

Anybody know of any artists that specialize in retro-futurism?

>> No.2855030

you have about as much potential as everyone else in this thread, which is to say, all of it, assuming you're physically capable of drawing and mentally capable of disciplining yourself. Ya dig?

>> No.2855090

Do you think buying art books is worth it?

I've been thinking of buying a few books I use a lot for studying from Amazon, but I'm not so sure considering I already have it for free. At the same time, it is hard to read on the computer sometimes and I figured having it on my shelf instead of hidden in my computer would motivate me to study more.

What do you think /ic/?

>> No.2855107
File: 298 KB, 1280x657, tumblr_ohq6mu9qW41s61q16o10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Simon Stålenhag is the obvious pick that comes to mind. Alex Jay Brady also does some retro futuristic stuff

>> No.2855114

Thanks anon, appreciate it.

>> No.2855122
File: 560 KB, 1024x481, mead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moebius and Syd Mead

>> No.2855125

I've been slowly getting through Erik Olson's perspective series (the one on CGPeers) and have a hit a slight snag. Lecture 6, video 12 cuts off suddenly in the middle of him teaching something. Can anyone refer me to what method he was trying to do? I'll keep watching it in case he repeats it, as he often does, but thought I'd ask here on the off chance I find the answer sooner rather than later.

Charcoal is just scratchy. There are other kinds of charcoal besides the kind made from willow but they aren't for drawing, being much finer but also much harder.

>What do you think /ic/?
Not to sound harsh, but to me it sounds more like an excuse than a real concern. "I need X even though I already have Y", that's like saying you need a tablet to draw on instead of paper. I'll agree having a book in front of you can be more convenient and trying to make good use of it so it's not wasted money can be a motivating factor, but you just don't need it bro. And thinking that you might or that it could help I think comes more from how people justify putting things off than actually setting up for doing it right.

Just my two cents.

>> No.2855158


Well it's not really retro since their work isn't contemporary, I love those artists though.

>> No.2855183
File: 324 KB, 1024x647, bilibin-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious as to what kind of paints/techniques art noveau artists like Ivan Bilibin and Mucha use. Or even someone like Moebius' flat and textured colours. They look like watercolour to me but I cant tell.

>> No.2855402
File: 114 KB, 1012x790, first_surface_pro_2_sketches__by_firez_da-d946bul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need an on-the-go computer/tablet for notes and drawing, I'm not a fan of stand alone graphics tablets, and carrying one device is so much easier when sketching and note taking on the go.
I'm using an x220 tablet and it's decent, but it's heavy as fuck as a tablet, gets really hot, 2.5 hour battery life, chugs in basic Photoshop and clip studio tasks, and the motherboard has had some issues and I'm ready to retire the thing.
With a budget of around $450-$500 (trying to come as low under that as possible), I'm trying to find something with a 1080p or better display, wacom digitizer (n-trig digitizers, like on the surface pro 3, have a fair number of issues), and is able to run Photoshop CC.
Right now I'm looking at the Surface Pro 2 or a thinkpad helix, they're reasonably priced and use wacom digitizers, but the size of the SP2 and the performance of the helix concern me.
>Anyone know of any better devices with built-in digitizers that meet these criteria without being TOO cheap?
The cube i7 is also out since it's a non-serviceable tablet with almost no company support, so if something happens, there's not a lot that can be done.

>> No.2855422

I like to reblog other artists work that I enjoy and share their work with my scant number of followers.

However people keep thinking that's my artwork even though it clearly shows the reblog symbols and sources.

Is there a way to make the homepage of your tumblr not include reblogs, or any other solutions aside from not reblogging?

>> No.2855429

You say you like it with your reblog, if they miss, then well, no harm done anyways.

>> No.2855441

Hm, this isn't too accurate, but I thought you could redirect your url to another one? Like anon.tumblr.com -> anon.tumblr.com/myart, or something.

>> No.2855501
File: 445 KB, 1531x715, ss+(2017-02-11+at+02.47.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you're really looking for, but I use flickr. There's a lot of great candid photography there.
I was using photos like this recently to help me practice drawing multiple figures in an environment.
Not exactly sure if this is the sort of thing you're looking for, but it's what I use.

>> No.2855656


My question is, besides doing exercises in books, what else can I do, thats really gonna help me ?
Draw from life? Master Studies?

>> No.2855658

Fuck you too, Brian.

>> No.2855706
File: 551 KB, 1440x1335, nai-ga-asdfsadfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am itching to start a project. Been throwing around ideas in my head and I think I got somewhere that I like.

But, I'm scared it's over ambitious and I won't even get past 50% of it.
So my question is, how do you know if an idea for a project is overly ambitious? I just want to make something that is finished but big enough to be considered a stepping stone in my artistic journey. But I'm not sure how big is too big...is there any way to gauge the scope of a project?

>> No.2855711

get used to the idea of preliminary work if you haven't already. Do a couple thumbnails to map out your composition, decide if there's anything you need to study beforehand and explore a couple different options for each problem.

Basically you want to try and eliminate as many potential problems you could encounter before you start, do your research. This will make the idea of a big project a lot less intimidating.

>> No.2855787


Managed to redirect my home page to a myart tag page with help from this link.


thanks for the suggestions

>> No.2855794

Are there any diagrams on stretching to alleviate spine, and neck pain? Every time I draw for multiple hours I get the worst back pain.

>> No.2855798

Yeah. Those two things exactly.

Every single important artist in art history has three things in common. (although the conceptual artists are a little different).
They had a master (If you read Mortimer Adler's How to Read A Book you will find out why this step can be replaced with a book), they drew from life very very often, and they studied the masters. Monet would draw Manet, Manet would ask Delacroix if he could copy The Bark of Dante, Delacroix would constantly refer to Ruben's as God in conversation. All of these people and all of their contemporaries would spend their off days in the Salon or the Louvre copying the works of former Masters. Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer, Velasquez, Goya, Courbet, Matisse, Picasso.
All copied and all were copied.

Always remember,
Only a fool thinks he can pick up where Cezanne left off, One must begin where Cezanne began.

Hell Picasso learned to draw in exactly this way. Have you seen his drawings? The man was a master draftsman! He drew like an angel!!

>> No.2855806

Would there be any use in making a blog if my art is not that great or interesting? There are plenty of people I want to make connections with, but if I don't really have art worth posting, is that reason enough to make a blog? When is the appropriate time to start posting on social media, anyways?

>> No.2855846

start blogging now, people enjoy seeing artists evolve and improve, look at all the improvement threads and memes.

And yes posting your own work (good or bad) and having a blog will help you connect with other artists.

>> No.2855863

start blogging. Just do your part (draw) and let other people decide if you're great and interesting or not.

>There are plenty of people I want to make connections with

There's nothing wrong with that. Go talk to people! People like being talked to, especially other artists who are secretly too shy to reach out to others.

>> No.2855879

Thank you for your advice. I'll start as soon as I have the time. On a related note, is forming connections with other artists really just as easy as going up and talking to them?

>> No.2855901

Hey I want some advice on filling out a planner. I used a sharpie and a notepad to make a makeshift planner with 4 lines of space per day for the next two weeks. It is supposed to begin tomorrow. I do plan on trying to continue planning further than two weeks, but I'm also probably going to start looking for a job in two weeks so I can start saving up money for stuff in general. I'm hoping that using a planner will introduce some format into my life again and give me a physical reminder of things I should be doing to git gud. I guess I mainly want to plan for fundamentals, and I've been thinking of trying to start with perspective but I'm not sure what exactly. I've also thought of trying to fill the planner along the lines of that one "troll-proof guide" by Aguri from all those years ago. Any advice on how I can plan this out would be greatly appreciated, and I'm hoping to at least have a start on it today so I can start fulfilling the planner tomorrow.

>> No.2855914
File: 36 KB, 778x512, 1485212526621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just as easy or difficult as talking to anyone else, really. Some people will be receptive, some will not. It's nothing personal. Usually if you guys draw similar subject matter and in the same field they're likely to talk to you more, but not always. You can build rapport over other things.

I usually start by asking them questions about their work or process, or tell them what I like about their specific piece and then ask questions. It starts a conversation. People fucking love being acknowledged and being asked about themselves (and their art, which is extension of themselves).

And of course, talk to people because you're genuinely curious about them and want to hang out with people, not because you want to climb up the social ladder.

>> No.2855917

What do you want to draw?

>> No.2855975

I'd like to be better at art in general, but I'd like to get into character animation or concept art/digital painting.

>> No.2855984

I'm not expecting there is some secret to it but might as well ask anyway
How do you guys deal with having to draw after coming home from work? Maybe I just need to get used to it, but the last thing I want to do while being tired and a little sad is put effort into learning how to draw
Sorry if this post comes off as whiny

>> No.2855989

A lot of us unwind with drawing because it's the only thing we've got left in our lives.

>> No.2856076
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1480312723124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, bro.

>> No.2856079

how am i suppose to posture my arm and hand when drawing?

i usually push the side of my hand into the paper because my hands are so shaky

is that bad?

>> No.2856081

Do whatever works for you

>> No.2856085


Anyone used the Huion 220? Is it worth the money? Seems like about the best I can do if I don't want to break the bank but want a decent sized screen.

>> No.2856105

How do you improve freehand digital line work?

>> No.2856108

By drawing a lot

>> No.2856113

Yeah but like, my traditional lines are way better, even though I draw 99% digitally
There's a huge gap I have no idea how to close

>> No.2856115

Maybe you need to adjust your sensitivity or use a different brush

>> No.2856119

where to start with animation

>> No.2856120

The squishy ball animation
Also animation thread

>> No.2856137

how are the books by karl gnass?

>> No.2856188

How often should I be posting on social media? And how much art per post?

>> No.2856190

all the time, lots of art per post

>> No.2856198

Is once a day enough?

>> No.2856200

needs at least twice a day if you want to make it

>> No.2856204

just think about what you'd like to see from your favorite artist and do that

>> No.2856205

But I'm incapable of producing presentable art even on weekly basis. How do I make enough decent art at such a pace?

>> No.2856209


>> No.2856211
File: 146 KB, 900x1168, 1486808167249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw anime like pic related

Do I learn how to paint or do line work?

>> No.2856212

I don't care about making it, what does that even mean

>> No.2856214

Next question.

>> No.2856217
File: 474 KB, 1400x1050, jjjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last question
if I keep practicing realism by constructing like this, keep doing it, will I eventually get gud?

>> No.2856220

No, you will not. Practice is useless without application. You need a goal, anon. Whether it's to draw cute anime girls or to draw monsters that crawl within caves. You need a sight at the end of the tunnel or else you're just going to keep chipping away at rocks. Once you have that goal, you will eventually git gud with that kind of practice.

>> No.2856222

sorry, I mean like is there something wrong that I'm doing?
I've been here for a few years actually and in the recent years I haven't gotten good because of not drawing (sad syndrome) and also I don't really have any guidance of how to practice or what to do.
I'm poor and can't afford online classes let alone have the time

>> No.2856226

what's an example of an art goal for a beginner like me?
sorry, I just need an answer for this because I never really heard of an art goal before.

>> No.2856229

Nah, nothing wrong at all pal. Instead of studying, you should just draw what you want to draw even if it looks horrible and have fun. Once you're back to your old drawing self, you can start to look upon that work and see what you need improvement on and that's where you head next.

>> No.2856238
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 1308867383962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I want to earn 10k by the end of the year. How good should my artwork be? Does anyone have any examples?

>> No.2856241

It's not how good, it how well can you market yourself.

>> No.2856262

Get a part time job if you want money and have to ask this question.

>> No.2856289

not that anon, but i take break from practicing to study pro artists i admire. try to find the logic behind a piece based on what you've learned. with a digital setup it's easy to try tracing a simpler construction over an image.

>> No.2856323

If you don't care about making it why do you care about social media?

>> No.2856771

How do I go about making a finished piece? How do I know if it's something worth finishing or if I'm polishing a turd? How do I come up with ideas for finished pieces?

>> No.2856856

Poorfag here. Is it possible to draw nice pictures with a office mouse alone?

>> No.2856862

If you're too poor to afford a tablet, you should just draw on paper.

>> No.2856878

Ok another question. I have a mechanical pen with 0.7mm lead. The problem is the lines become wider if I don't regularly rotate my pen from time to time. Is this normal?

>> No.2856880

Yes. Lead dulls as you use it. That's why you have to break it or do as you said, rotate it. Sometimes wider lines are good though.

>> No.2856891


>> No.2857395

all the copy layer for some dumb reason, have to be aligned with one another. they just cant just be all over the place

>> No.2857463
File: 5 KB, 250x154, Px2BSx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get better at perspective? I'm just not getting it, my drawings look terrible. By perspective I mainly mean interiors. My proportions are always off; the objects in the room don't look like they belong in the same picture

>> No.2857465

1 draw a cube
2 erase the front facing plane
go watch some Vandruff, he managed to explain how to draw ellipses and shit in perspective even to a retard like me

>> No.2857466

That list is kinda terrible, you should really start with some observational drawing like what Keys to drawing or Drawing on the right side of the brain teaches. Or just do some bargue plates

>> No.2857471

Thanks, I haven't heard of that guy before. Buying his videos now.

>> No.2857479

you're good people, he deserves his buckaroonies

>> No.2857490
File: 69 KB, 960x540, First Render attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone know a good tutorial on the best brush or tool to smoothly blend paint in Photoshop? I am having trouble blending smoothly and not getting lost and fucking up the values

Pic related is where I kinda am right now

>> No.2857491

Hard Round Brush is the best brush to smoothly blend paint in Photoshop. Just pick up all the values and do the transitions super smoothly.

>> No.2857506

I use Sam Nielson's smudge tool blending brushes. The closest thing I've found that's like SAI's blending tools

>> No.2857509


Thanks for the advice, I am going to try out the Sam brushes and test the Hard round brush too in one of those palette mixing exercises.

>> No.2857511

Try tinkering with the mixer brush and a spacing of 6.

>> No.2857512
File: 18 KB, 364x84, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to keep the brush opacity slider in PS perpetually open?

Like in Sai. I find it more intuitive to move my pen to it instead of looking for the numbers on my keyboard.

>> No.2857639

What is the best scanner that can pick up light grey pencil shading?

>> No.2857650
File: 100 KB, 200x361, Power_Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls someone help. I can draw good on paper but how to draw smooth lines with graphic tablet. Any suggestions? I search and find something called "Lazy Nezumi plug-in" Are professionals using it?

>> No.2857668

Lazy Nezumi is great if you use Photoshop, since Photoshop lack line stabilization. It can be used for more than just stabilizing lines too.
Programs like Paint Tool Sai and Clip Studio Paint has line stabilization built into the program. So if you want to draw smooth lines you can do that in those programs, then maybe do coloring in Photoshop if you prefer that.

>> No.2857677

wow thank you. How popular this programs are?

>> No.2857759


Pretty popular, but if you want smoother lines you could always, slow down and get that shoulder working.

>> No.2857775

how do you know when you've mastered the fundamentals?

>> No.2857778

When you get called a genius and the next Da Vinci

>> No.2857845
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, Webber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. This is most likely the best shitty thing i drew that i have record of. (I threw my school sketchbook away like the dumbass i am) I'm still trying though. If you have any criticism please post. The inspiration is from RaventheClaw comics.

Right>Quick Redraw

I really appreciate you all mates.

>> No.2858213

Did you ever met good, but retarded artist?

>> No.2858248

No, but I've seen artists with great art that are huge cunts.

>> No.2858324

What you should be doing is your lineart on a vector layer. When you're done drawing you take the vector manipulation tool and choose the increase lineweight option. Go across the image blasting the lines to your desired appearance

>> No.2858329
File: 205 KB, 467x630, Portrait of the Model Giulia Leonardi, 1910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the hell do i find a qt model that will pose for free?

>> No.2858349


I haven;t drawn in a while because of IRL circumstances, even though marginally decent. I have the time to get back into drawing. Should I start back up from basics or should I try from where I left off?

>> No.2858351

Just draw whatever and get back. It's not like you rust that much.

>> No.2858355

What would be the best way to clean artifacts from jpg line art?

>> No.2858364

I'm trying to learn how to draw straight lines but my fucking hand jerks slightly or I bow the lines a little and I don't know how to stop it I'm losing my fucking shit is it possible I just have some incredibly small tremor or something

>> No.2858366

That's called shitty motor control.

>> No.2858389

you know the answer to this:
get a girlfriend

>> No.2858437

Calm down. Take a deep breath. Do some pushups.

Come back to your drawing board, pick up your pencil in your FIST. Draw big lines from one end of the paper to another by moving your entire arm from the elbow or shoulder joint. Do this for a couple of minutes.

Then go back to holding the pencil normally. Don't change any of the mechanics or any of the movment for drawing the line. To do this you need to learn to lock your hand and wrist so they don't move at all.

If you have a tendency to curve your straight lines a certain way, you have to consciously compensate against that tendency. It should feel as if you are putting a consistently small amount of force in the opposite direction of your tendency. So if your lines tend to veer towards your body, you need to put a consistent force in your arm going away from your body. Do this enough and it should recalibrate how your arm tries to draw straight lines. Remember to latch onto the physical feeling of drawing a straight line. You want to grasp and hold onto that feeling as much as you can. Even if only 10% of your lines are true and straight, if you grasp onto that feeling and try to replicate that movement exactly your percentage of good lines will improve.

>> No.2858475

what books should you read when loomis is to advanced
>inb4 not gonna make it

>> No.2858476

how advanced are you?

>> No.2858477

You can't escape it. Loomis is the beginning and the end. Do it every single day and you will get better.

>> No.2858486

I got stuck half way threw "fun with a pencil"

>> No.2858489

Keep going. Or pick up one of Loomis's other books. They're all good and will last you literally decades.

>> No.2858490

Try Glenn Vilppu's drawing manual.

>> No.2858496

perhaps read keys to drawing as well.
keep at it. it's going to be hard until you realize "oh it's kinda less hard now" then it's still going to be hard because you're going to challenge yourself to learn more

>> No.2858639

what order do you do loomis in?

thinkgen of skipping fun with a pencil since everyone says its too simplistic

>> No.2858643

Whatever order you want

>> No.2858739
File: 143 KB, 540x368, fucking ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a certain seating/arm/hand position that I should be in to draw? I'm using a tablet for getting online commissions done, but I can't draw for 1~ hour without straining my arm or feeling like its about to fall off.

>> No.2858752

If I wanted to fuck around with gouache to try it out and see if I like it before spending 10$ a tube, should I just get a pack of 12 for $20 or is this a bad idea? Whats the quality difference like

>> No.2858765

draw him smaller and more on model, take screenshot from game and compare

>> No.2858767

Draw with your shoulder for long strokes and your wrist for small details I guess? Having nice posture helps too.

>> No.2858792
File: 160 KB, 640x480, 1486967134699[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this gouache?

>> No.2858796

nope its watercolor

>> No.2858845

Depends on where it hurts. If it's in your palm/wrist, put a thin wooden board (from Ikea or smth) under your tablet and tilt it against the table, so there's no bending going on in your wrist. I do this and can draw easily for 6 hours (then my eyes get sore).

>> No.2858850 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 478x214, og_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ArtPact still a thing? The latest article is two years old.

>> No.2858852 [DELETED] 

Don't bother. It was pretty active when it first released but since then it's been kind of dead.

>> No.2858867

>never gonna make it

>> No.2858871

What a coincidence, I just tried replicating SAI's watercolor brush in Photoshop. I think I came pretty close actually.


Don't know whether it comes along with this file but I created a hard brush tip at 80%~ opacity or so to make it softer. You might have to create your own tip and save the brush with the new tip selected.

Since there is no opacity jitter for this kind of brush I couldn't make it blend at low pressure and apply color at high. You have to toggle "Load the brush after each stroke" if you want it to apply color.

>> No.2858885


>> No.2859158

Anyone got a good inking brush pack for CSP?
I tried messing with the pens settings but parts always looked blurry in the middle no matter how I fucked with it, and I could never get lines as good as in Sai.

>> No.2859178
File: 102 KB, 237x219, 873464386738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I better understand how pinches and folds on skin work?

>> No.2859193

hw so you turn a cube into a head?

>> No.2859366

Compression makes pinches. Think about that Proko bean exercise. One side is extended and a smooth curve, the other side is a sharp intersection of two curves, you add pinches and folds to that sharp intersection to make it look more intense.

I don't know what that is a picture of you got there but there is barley any compression so the pinches make no sense.

>> No.2859722
File: 1.07 MB, 284x210, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all my art from this month on psd
>open it it's just a black background layer
>says its 77,800 kb so it must be still there
Please help, i saved it left it, oblivious brother logged me out and now its stuck like this

>> No.2859879

Try opening it with another program that can view .psds for example SAI.
There should be a demo version you can download in case you don't have it.

>> No.2859906 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2859958
File: 3 KB, 1220x416, Line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently doing the line lessons from drawabox.
My lines drawn with the shoulder look like pic related. How do I fix this?

>> No.2860045

by drawing more lines, not too quickly or too slowly

>> No.2860090

Do any of you use a photo viewer besides the one that came with your computer?

>> No.2860102

Try finding the optimal speed and lightess of your grip, the cool thing about this exercise is that it just doesn't work if your hand is stiff.

>> No.2860106
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, dd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to find Design Doll crack? Looked on bunch of sites but the links are all dead.

>> No.2860165
File: 193 KB, 1000x957, sai_2017-02-14_09-45-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently trying to line a bunch of stuff in SAI to get into the habit of inking again, and had the sudden feeling that my lines feel lacking or doesn't flow well. Does anyone know what I should try differently? Pic related is the line work of something I drew a few months ago.

I usually try to tie multiple strokes together to make one line, but it seems to make things look sloppier than intended.

>> No.2860181

Thanks for responding, anon. I didn't think about using vector, since I actually haven't used those at all. I'll give it a try, though.

For reference right now I've sort of worked around it by doing the Overlay thing and the merging the lineart layers together with it before painting.

>> No.2860194

try different stroke weights, as opposed to using the same one and just going over it a few times. usually brings it closer to dip pen or brush-pen inking

>> No.2860196

>try different stroke weights, as opposed to using the same one and just going over it a few times. usually brings it closer to dip pen or brush-pen inking

reposting - forgot to reply

>> No.2860210


>> No.2860225

That's obviously the shoulder and neck anon, can't you tell by the hair?

>> No.2860233

Wish I could help you m8, I want it too. CGPeers doesn't even have any DesignDoll cracks

>> No.2860243


It's cluttered atm, but I'll fix that later.

>> No.2860255
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1536, 20170214_133115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exercise says that I should use a ballpoint pen if I dont have a fancy pen, but man Im fucking up the paper.

>> No.2860258


>> No.2860262

Nah anon it says use a technical pen
Also you're complete shit but good luck

>> No.2860264


I dont have access to a store that sells those sadly

>> No.2860265

Seriously? You can get an art pencil but not a pen?

>> No.2860267


You can find those pencils anywhere. No such luck with the technical pen where I live

>> No.2860275

I'll try this. Thank you!

>> No.2860341
File: 924 KB, 2560x1536, 20170214_141904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way. Should I save loomis for later? I dont know where he is right now, but hes probably fucking pissed

>> No.2860348

I'm good at drawing but I'm very bad at digital painting, what should I study to get better ?

>> No.2860352

There's a lot of guides on how to draw but I very rarely find any on how to color

What's the best book or video on learning to color above the base level

I tend to fuck around with the blur tool and get horrible meshes that ruins everything about the base color

>> No.2860358


>> No.2860363


Legit question, I feel like even loomis is too much for me at this stage

>> No.2860366

If you feel it, it's probably true. Draw from life.

>> No.2860533

Still the same

>> No.2860574

Fun with a pencil is okay to get the jist of ball and cross construction. Just keep going at it, Anon. Draw simple stuff around the house. You're in a phase where results are not important, just draw things by breaking them down into simple shapes.

>> No.2860591

If you're forced to use a ballpoint pen, draw very lightly so you make as little of a groove in the paper as possible. Any fineliner or felt-tip pen is better than a ballpoint pen, though. Where do you live that you can't even get a Papermate Flair or any cheap fineliner?

>> No.2860644
File: 988 KB, 2560x1536, 20170214_170445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smallass town, thankfully I found this on a goddam gas station.

>> No.2860675

Haha holy shit
You must live in the middle of nowhere
Do you want to escape through art or are you just doing drawabox for "fun"?

>> No.2860728


To be fair Im only stuck here during summer, I go to university on a bigger city that actually has dedicated art stores, malls, mcdonalds and all that good shit

>> No.2860730

Have you been there so long you forgot it's not summer anymore?

>> No.2860743


You assume we live in the same country

>> No.2860829

Guys, I'm really worried about my past drawings. I laid off for half to a month on drawing and now I'm picking back again, but I was looking at old drawings I just thought it was completely horseshit and they seem... Okay?

Does that happen to any of you? Am I just being tolerant to shit or what? What could I do to regain my /ic/ levels of criticism?

>> No.2861411

For figure drawing, if I measure my reference to be X heads tall, how do I divide my page into X equal parts? For 8 I can just divide the page in half 3 times. For everything else I just have to guess.

Is there a quick accurate method of dividing a line into equal parts without getting out a ruler for my sketchbook or a yard stick for big newsprint sessions?

>> No.2861423

Read Roberts' How to draw

>> No.2861432

Can you order stuff online? Jetpens is a good online shop for pens and such.

>> No.2861520
File: 22 KB, 291x136, clop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What're these landmarks for? It feels I'm missing on something important by not understanding them.

>> No.2861575

i agree with this

perspective and form, basics shapes in different angles
the basics stuff you need to know above all else

basically turn your 2 dimensional sheet
into a projection of a 3 dimensional world

>> No.2861577

>basically turn your 2 dimensional sheet
>into a projection of a 3 dimensional world
If only it worked like that.

>> No.2861580


It's about what you're trying to do, gestures are more about the flow a body is expressing and stepping out of your comfort zone to lose stiffness. On the other hand, when you're trying to become better at proportions you should obviously take your time and analyze

>> No.2861721
File: 40 KB, 496x596, vvd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I put bodies into vivid poses or perspective (coming towards or receeding from camera)?

I don't even know where to find references for those perspectives apart from other artists or /e/

>> No.2861747

is it alright to start gesture drawings from photos? i haven't found life drawing sessions near me yet, and before i find one and attend i kinda want to warm up to the gesture concept

>> No.2861749

google > foreshortening photos

>> No.2861752

ask your mommy to pose for you or just draw her while she's busy around the house.
but yeah it's ok, tho it's maybe hard to understand what the person is doing and where the weight of the body is.

>> No.2861822


thanks! didn't know what it was called

>> No.2861827

I've found that with practice my hands have gotten much steadier, but if you really need to rest your hand on the paper put something under your hand to avoid smudging.

>> No.2861829

There are certain mechanical pencils that have an automatic rotating mechanism in them, and some are pretty cheap, although it might be best to just use some old fashioned pencils and a razor

>> No.2861964

hi can somebody PLEASE upload that image with the weekly drawing schedual (Monday is character day, Tuesday is enviroments etc.)? I saved it somewhere a week ago and can't find it anywhere anymore

>> No.2862015
File: 25 KB, 446x362, CIt4qP4VAAA_7GK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I draw sexy dudes without coming across as gay?

>> No.2862019

I don't think you can. To normies you can't even draw nudes of young men and women without looking like a perv. So I just wouldn't worry about it. if your so insecure about it then hide it. You shouldn't care what normies think about it when it comes to art tho, they know nuthin'

>> No.2862023
File: 30 KB, 657x527, 1481158101879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what normies think, they think anything = perv, but what do other artists think? I don't want my followers and my discord friends thinking I'm a flaming homo

>> No.2862029

Tbh a good portion of them prolly jerk it to futa or traps. I wouldn't worry about it at all famalam

>> No.2862034

if you are really that worried about what other artists think of it you can always pretend your doing it for the dosh cuz its a niche your trying to get into.
Me personally as an artist I wouldn't bat an eye to anything fetish related let alone just drawing beautiful people unless it's straight up gore/pedo shit. To each their own and I'm in no position to judge. I wanna draw generic knights and dragons, my tastes aren't exactly refined either.

>> No.2862056

What does it mean to have refined taste

>> No.2862068

I suppose.. more noble goals in art. Like if your in a discord full of people who are trying to be the next da vinci your futa drawings will probably be looked down upon there and considered shit taste artwise

>> No.2862086


As a man is it even considered possible to appreciate something's beauty without wanting to stick it in it?

Just because I draw something doesn't mean I get off to it, but I do draw a lot of sensual males

>> No.2862095

How to become more popular in the "industry" or in the internet, facebook, anywhere?????
The more I see, on facebook at leat, is that it doesn't matter how good you are, all that matters is how well know you are. So, how to increase popularity on the web? How come people as "good" as Noah Bradley land jobs? For fucks sake!

>> No.2862167
File: 30 KB, 358x213, cone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the cone on its side section of Perspective Made Easy? I just can't get my head around the part where it says: "Turn this whole arrangement so that the surface is again level and the cone remains resting upon it" - Page 129

>> No.2862193

I believe it is. I am not a man but I highly doubt that men are complete slaves to their dicks. It is surely possible, is it the majority of the time? Maybe not, but I don't know. I draw a lot of beautiful women because I appreciate their beauty and elegance, I have no sexual feelings towards them, at least I don't think I do. Surely a man can appreciate the beauty of another man as entirely platonic as well.

>> No.2862196

why is Vilppu so cute?

>> No.2862325

any resources on drawing emotions?

>> No.2862367
File: 338 KB, 911x1200, Ck0WXP4VAAEB39A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if there's a torrent or something of Dave Rapoza's Eyeball Knight? I checked CGpeers, CGpersia and other download sites I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.2862449
File: 54 KB, 442x367, 73635353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. So is a pinch like this realistic?

>> No.2862474

Is sketchbook pro good?

>> No.2862476

I'm trying to get into digital drawing but I'm not sure which software to use. I read the sticky (the improved one too) but I'm still not really sure, Photoshop is kinda out until I get a PC with more RAM.
Also I'm using a small(ish) Wacom tablet.

>> No.2862483

an idea is overly ambitious if you cant make a complete plan for it. if you cant muster the will to think about what you are doing start to finish, its too much for you. it doesnt mean you shouldnt try, but keep it realistic. dont put all your eggs in one basket and such.

>> No.2862533

please respond.

>> No.2862536

paint tool sai

>> No.2862835

what did they use to fixate charcoal drawings before hairspray and shit like that was invented?

>> No.2862843


>> No.2862851

interesting, thanks.
I use one of those spraycvans for my charcoal drawings, i wonder what the long term effect will be.

>> No.2862899

Is it worth it to learn to draw so that I can bust a nut to my art ?

>> No.2862903

No, not really. The cost you give up is greater than the benefit, but hey if you're willing to pay up then go for it.

>> No.2863135


Chapter two of Scott Mccloud's "Making Comics" has a section entirely about facial expressions and it's fantastic. It's aimed at illustrators/cartoonists rather than, say, painters, but the theory behind it can be applied to anything.

Essentially, ethnographic studies have found that there are six universally recognizable human facial expressions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust. By studying the facial muscle contractions involved in each one, along with how to combine them, you can create a near infinite palette of very convincing and impactful expressions.

There are other variables, too, like asymmetry and pupil dilation, but it's a wonderful start. A quick google search should turn up some scans of the relevant pages.

>> No.2863196
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, 2017-02-16 00-39-23.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was done in Sai.

Is there any way I can do this with the Pen tool in Photoshop?

I mean clicking a point and let the line bend itself.

It's just so much faster to do it this way than using the pen levers.

>> No.2863197

You could just use SAI and Photoshop.

>> No.2863200
File: 132 KB, 380x496, 1483120933824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want to use it mid painting to define my edges. And painting in Sai sucks.

This single feature is the reason why I can't fully migrate to Photoshop.

>> No.2863201

Define your edges and then export it back

>> No.2863203

Lasso tool maybe.

>> No.2863204

In a bit of a bind: I have a Wacom Intuous 5 and my pen is recently acting up (eraser will activate when I'm only hovering, it stops when I push it down until I hear a pop). I'm looking for a replacement so I tried looking up their site to find out Intuous5 has been discontinued. I haven't given them a call yet so I looked up amazon and they only have a pen for Intuous4 but it looks exactly like the pen for Intuous5. Can I use the pen from 4? What are my options?

>> No.2863232
File: 351 KB, 838x882, Chrom_Masked_Lucina_Concept_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know a place to download a brush for ps that gives this texture for lines?

>> No.2863362

Nerfnow makes me so angry dude.

>> No.2863363 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do tou think

>> No.2864412
File: 525 KB, 2048x1700, 1486277073809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaight so a couple questions
For women, is there a certain way to determine realistic boobs on a figure? Like it wouldn't make sense to have tiny boobs on a really fat girl, or visa versa.

And then, why do women's oblique flanks not bunch up like men's do? Men usually have that little C curve right before the iliac crest, whereas women (not ALL women) have oblique flanks that just smoothly swooce right in creating the hourglass figure? Is it due to pelvic width? Ribcage size? None of these? Am I totally wrong?
Pic related kinda shows what im talking about.

>> No.2864413

omg I have that same legging. I got it from etsy :)

>> No.2864422
File: 49 KB, 600x920, 63b02209a119c163416941af65a7af37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another image might help

>> No.2864429


It doesn't look exactly like that but Kyle's animator's pencil is the best sketching pencil I've ever used in photoshop. You can download it for free so ya don't even have 2 pirate

>> No.2864431


post legs in leggings

>> No.2864457

About to make a jump and buy a cintiq but I'm on the fence between 2/3 of the types and what I'd get for the ones I'm paying for. Not sure which one would benefit me the most since I've no experience with any of them.
My laptop's black levels are awful and colors show up oddly on my screen.

>Cintiq 22HD
>Cintiq 21UX
>Cintiq 13HD Hybrid

Are there any significant differences between these besides the obvious size?

>> No.2864763

>For women, is there a certain way to determine realistic boobs on a figure?
Nothing that's very precise. While there's a correlation between fat percentage and relative breast size, there's a huge genetic variation in how much of a woman's fat goes to her breasts and the size of her mammary glands.

Your best bet is to look up loads of reference of people at different heights and weights to get a sense for it.

>> No.2864891

does clip studio support multicore? I tried a very heavy processing and can only see one core working fully max and clip studio doesn't touch the other 3.

>> No.2865044

1. I've been throwing around the idea of an illustrated story as sort of another way to deal with "webcomics." As if it was just like an online picture book... Would that be interesting?
The way I would format it is by having a two spot/half-page illustrations followed by a full page illustration. So every three weeks would be a full page, and a spot/half each week. Do you think that would catch on if the art/story was good enough?

2./vg/ has an amateur game dev thread, and often they have specific "Jams" (I'm not sure the frequency of these jams).
There's usually a theme and a couple of guidelines, and people have like two or three weeks to make a game and submit it to a website. I know a couple of devs personally who have actually gotten recognition and even streamers to play their games.
I bring it up because it might be a cool idea to have an illustration jam. We vote on a theme, and have three weeks to make an illustration, posting progress in threads and such. Not a dick-size competition, rather a competition to see if you can finish something. And at the end, maybe we post on Artstation or any other art viewer under one account.
Idk if it's a good idea, but it might bring back what made this board good.

>> No.2865052

>As if it was just like an online picture book... Would that be interesting?
If you happen to be good at writing picture books, I'm sure people would read it. IIRC Homestuck had frequent text-only segments, and that was pretty popular.

>> No.2865065
File: 53 KB, 571x448, 1466381770053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4chan is my only solace

>> No.2865148
File: 526 KB, 650x863, tracer_and_emily___youtube__by_rossdraws-dazbt5r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get gud at anatomy. So I saw this drawing by Ross and I just wanna make sure that the girl on the rights lower body isn't correct right? Seems the connection from the ribs to the pelvis on the back side seems a bit long or off.

>> No.2865262

Protip; it's faster and more educational to look things like that up on google ("female anatomy profile view"), rather than asking us.
That said, I agree with you.

>> No.2865272

How nice of a white will cheap ass guache get me?
I just want it for adding white to toned paper, so I don't want to get an expensive brand if dollar store shit will still give a nice white.

>> No.2865500

What are some good perspective books with exercises?

>> No.2865502


>> No.2865504

I wanted to know if there were more but alright, PmE it is then. Thank you anon.

>> No.2865509

I want to draw manga. I've only been drawing for 2 months. How should I go about getting better. Should I focus solely on the fundamentals or should I draw manga that looks like shit but will better my ability at understanding how panels flow, etc.

>> No.2865541

2 months is probably too early to worry about that. Trying to draw a short comic (like, 5 pages) every few months might be a good way to get an idea of your weak points and what needs work the most, but worrying about page composition would probably be making things more complex than you need right now.

Also, unasked-for advice; don't try to draw manga. Japan's got that market cornered, and they're not even trying. Draw in a way that resonates with YOU, and leave it to others to try and classify it. That's not to say you shouldn't liberally steal manga techniques if you feel like it, but never do something just because that's how the Japanese do it.

>> No.2865549

Draw manga that looks like shit but will better your ability. Fundamentals are a fucking meme. If you want to get good at manga draw manga.

>> No.2865556

Thanks. I should probably just call it comics but the reason I wanted to do manga is more because of the perticular way of story telling that appeals to me rather than the specific artstyle. I definitely don't aspire to work in Japan or anything. Just write and draw what I like with no boundaries.

>> No.2865569

Tons of people have followed this advice and their manga looks like shit. They never learn their fundamentals and you can see it a mile away. Eyes don't follow perspective, mouths sliding completely off from where they should be, everything flat as fuck.

You want to see what manga looks like when it's made by shitters? Go ahead. Take a look.

You can draw manga, but you need to keep working on drawing and learning outside of that. To learn to make convincing, 3d drawings, you'll need to dedicate time outside of manga to become a good draftsman/illustrator.

>> No.2865629


>> No.2865733
File: 24 KB, 400x758, 7e856a73488d3aee558bac0dba1e6976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have 3d models like these, or a place to get a replica that doesn't cost 90 bucks?

>> No.2865755

Something like this?

>> No.2865759

how exactly do you go looking for a job in art,particular, in magezine illustration ?
are there job agencies or do i have to just get lucky and hope someone see me

>> No.2865788
File: 14 KB, 396x303, 2cejdj9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which platform is the best for me to dump images I draw and actually get some attention?
It also should allow any kind of drawings because I am a lolicon degenerate, although that's not what I mainly draw, but maybe once in a case of 30-50?
So what would be the best one?

Deviantart obviously is not an option, but what else are there?
My friends say that the lesser evil of them all is Tumblr, but I am afraid of the moderation of this said website, whether it allows some of my content or whether there's a risk of bans and losing that image dump.

>> No.2865793

how to better understand my jawline?

>> No.2865804

Twitter and Tumblr are your best bet, if not use Pixiv.

>> No.2865805

You could try the magnetic lasso tool. Does basically the same thing you're describing, I think.

>> No.2865807

How often do you guys attend figure drawing classes with actual models? How often do you think is necessary? Can studying with photo references suffice?

The reason I ask is because I've taken figure drawing at my school, but I didn't improve because I slacked off. Anyway, I'm only allowed to take it once, and I don't know when's the next time I can join another one. I'd still like to practice in the mean time with what's available to me, like photos.

>> No.2865821

but isnt pixiv some sort of nippon site and your works literally drown into the pile?

>> No.2865822

It is, but no, you'll get noticed no matter what.

>> No.2865829

How the hell do people even find your shit on twitter?

>> No.2866080

Honestly, the more you can study live models without getting sick of it, the better.
Photo reference like pixelovely or sketchdaily is definitely better than nothing if you can't find anything near you, but I'd be very surprised if your school's formal classes are the only people drawing live models in your area.

>> No.2866138

With gesture drawing which matters more, quality or quantity?

On average I do like 80 30sec gestures daily, but now I've decided to do 40 2 minute gestures to shake it up.

>> No.2866208

desu familia I wouldn't recommend you take ross as a source of knowledge. I was his patreon for a short while and he's not rly knowledgable. If you take away his color dodge and particle effects everywhere his drawings are rly shit and he avoids drawing a whole lot of things.
I look at his stuff for finishing touches only, it's what he does best.

>> No.2866210

>Is it due to pelvic width?
for the most part. There's other factors but long story short women are designed for different things than men. So their body is different accordingly, there isn't any greater rocket science here other than the fact that they are different than men in that way by nature.

>> No.2866218
File: 48 KB, 800x436, 7b9d9e9aa6a7c954465107b9c694cd3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also don't forget the sheer size to wich they grow when they are pregnant, that is also a big factor as to why. I don't think a male could physically expand to such measures due to this anatomical difference.
pic example. Can't find a better one for the life of me that's not a social media meme

>> No.2866275

How does one draw from imagination? Being a reference fag i dont know.

>> No.2866317

why the fuck does cgpeers go down when I ACTUALLY need it?

>> No.2866584

Practicing fundamentals with watercolors?

Any book or exercices I could use? Tips?

>> No.2867211

What are the exercises in drawing on the right side of the brain the only one iv'e encountered is the upside down one in the sticky

>> No.2867363

What are some light-weight painting programs aside from Paint Tool SAI? I have to work on a really shitty PC for a while and Photoshop won't run on it.