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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 73 KB, 600x690, merry_christmas_babe_2015_by_markuscreation-d9jzuyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2849941 No.2849941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Hey you guys, i am a teacher for art u see and i want to share my knowlege with the lot of you guys on here so if interested check ut my site

>> No.2849952

How much do you charge?

>> No.2849956


>> No.2849977


>symbol drawing


>chicken scratched lines


> shit colors


> giant watermark on shit drawing


You're not even fit for the regular draw threads and you want to teach? Fuck off to /beg/ and read the sticky you colossal faggot.

>> No.2850012

I don't appreciate your insults. I am a professional artist who's been teaching for 2 years.

>> No.2850016

I'm a big fan of your work.

Would you mind sharing some advice on discipline and motivation?

>> No.2850020
File: 46 KB, 431x300, 1486464409722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are nothing, and we will treat you like notjing. Just every other nothing that tries to show us shit.the difference is you are shilling out your nothingness in a place you obviously don't belong!

Go fuck yourself. Chunbum is better than you. Somebody set you up to come here. We dont want you!

>> No.2850026





>> No.2850038

Sure, the most important thing when it comes to drawing is to continue pushing yourself as hard as you can and doing it consistently until it becomes a habit. I have been drawing for a decade now and at first it was hard but over he years i have gained tremendous progress and knowledge and I wish to share that with you people

Sir, I think you need to calm down.


>> No.2850039
File: 37 KB, 400x333, 1256055468391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefagging this hard...

>> No.2850051

jesus, there is no fucking way it took you a decade to still be this bad. And i mean it, the drawing in your first post is really really fucking bad. How dare you to even watermark that shit.

>> No.2850061


>implying anybody would believe somebody legitimately posted '"i'm a big fan of your work' before believing you're samefagging

>> No.2850065

Anon is obviously baiting him, not samefagging.

>> No.2850067
File: 165 KB, 910x780, MarkusCreation_ConceptArt_Landsknecht_small_NoText.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is more work i did... maybe u guys will like this more?

>> No.2850068

I hope to god thats true

>> No.2850072

... Are you srsly that oblivious of your actual skill? i've seen beginners better than you, and its oke to be slow. Just don't preach about it as if you're not bad,while making an actual fucking website.

>> No.2850076

Just because i'm not kim jung gi doesn't mean i am bad...

>> No.2850079
File: 32 KB, 500x501, taking the bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread.

It's actually kind of impressive that he hasn't improved at all in over 2 years, yet clearly updates his site, so he thinks any of this horrendously amateur work displays any knowledge worth paying for.

I'm guessing you happened upon this retard's work on deviant art and decided to chum the waters?

>> No.2850080

Thank you, this insight changes everything.

But what about dealing with feelings of inferiority towards outstanding working professionals like yourself? It feels like there's something else besides hard work. Its like some people have an innate predisposition towards art and its hopeless trying to compete with them.

Once again, thank you for taking your time to answer these questions, we have very few professionals coming to /ic because of its toxicity and its people like you who give a glimmer of hope to aspiring artists like myself.

>> No.2850082
File: 49 KB, 456x376, le basketball face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850083

No, everybody starts bad. you just stayed that way.

>> No.2850084

Dude, come one. That's just cruel.

>> No.2850087
File: 66 KB, 800x504, contest_entry__beauty_of_spring_by_markuscreation-d9w5xxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, your terrible artwork is what means you're bad.

>> No.2850088
File: 157 KB, 792x892, kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even blend colors

What a noob.

>> No.2850090
File: 763 KB, 200x150, oh shit burn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chunbum is better than you.

>> No.2850092
File: 6 KB, 250x187, smiling amuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that store
>that price

>> No.2850096
File: 109 KB, 900x561, medieval_village_mood_by_markuscreation-dafp576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> i want to share my knowlege with the lot of you guys

I'll pay you negative money for a lesson on how to fuck up a basic one point perspective.

>> No.2850100


You guys are very rude and disrespectful. I am a respected professional who's taught many students.

well it is to be expected. Even sycra on here gets a lot of hate, even though he's better than me not by much though.

>> No.2850101

low level bait

sage, report, hide.

>> No.2850104

No one could be this delusional.

Do you know this guy IRL? Is that why you want people to bully him? Did he steal your lunch at school?

>> No.2850106

Btw, how does it feel to be so insecure about your art that you make fun of people like Markus?

Not gonna make it and you know it.

>> No.2850111


What? First you guys say I suck and now i am delusional and now this isn't me? what? you guys are very toxic.. okay maybe sycra is a lot better than me but i am still good enough to teach.

>> No.2850116
File: 143 KB, 1198x1200, youre-taking-the-bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious questions for you:
How much do you charge? What could should I expect to gain from your lessons/how will you make me a better artist?

What do you mean by "professional"? What companies have you worked for professionally, or where's your gallery of commissioned works, or your finished profitable solo projects? Or do you mean that you've taught professionally, and if so, how many students?

>> No.2850117

instead of impersonating an autist online, do something with your life, idiot.

>> No.2850120

You misspelled his name.

>> No.2850124

I charge 10 euros an hour. In my lessons I will be going over the fundamentals of drawing including proportion, perspective, anatomy etc.

Now , a lot of people here tell me i am not that good at drawing but here is the thing. You don't need to be a great artist to be a great teacher. I am very good at explaining concepts so that people can understand.

By professionally, I mean I have taught students online who have send me email.

>> No.2850130
File: 73 KB, 618x618, chosen bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low quality bait all aboard the sage

>> No.2850137

>proportion, perspective, anatomy etc.
Followup question:
Why would anyone pay you to teach them when your own work doesn't demonstrate an understanding of any of the concepts you just mentioned?

I mean, seriously, look at this >>2850096 There's no coherent perspective here at all, and one point perspective is the easiest fucking thing in the world. You clearly don't understand the concept, so how could you teach it to someone else?

>> No.2850141

what is wrong with my one point perspective? one point perspectivef can have more than one vanishing point as long as it converges to the same horizontal line, just because you don't understand advanced perspective doesn't mean it's wrong

I will also not respond to any trolls. Thank you

>> No.2850159

Could any of you stop giving attention? This board doesn't need anymore shitting up aside the regular posting.

>> No.2850167
File: 66 KB, 500x491, bait just for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is wrong with my one point perspective?
Are you fucking serious? How could you possibly not see how fucked up it is?

Is that why you haven't improved at all in over two years, you're just literally blind?

I'll point it out for you momentarily.

I agree with you, but I'm going to post one more thing for this guy, a last shot in the dark to hopefully show this poor misguided soul the error of his ways.

>> No.2850175

I want to believe this is a troll but looking at your website has given me a really great chuckle. I've never seen stagnation quite this hard in my entire life. You've made me realize that my own slow artistic growth is still better than whatever I just looked at. Kudos my friend

for anyone curious, >>2849941 is current, he made this the most recent, and this >>2850067 is from 2015. Look at them anon, look at them and compare. you've come so far. Feel better about your own work and keep going

>> No.2850191
File: 155 KB, 900x561, fucked-perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clear that you drew the first building in perspective, then you just eyeballed everything else (or maybe tried to place people vaguely similar to a reference image, and failed). You just eyeballing the buildings in the back is obvious because the door is even shorter than the midget in the foreground. And I know he's a midget because he's slightly less than 5 heads tall, and the guy in the background is more than a full head taller than the midget. Your shit proportions obfuscate things a little, but not enough to make that anything less than obvious.

You possibly meant to put hobbit doors on your buildings, but you didn't put one on the foreground building to make that apparent to the viewer, so all anyone (anyone who isn't blind) is going to think is, "hey that door looks small." And maybe you meant to have your people come in all shapes and sizes from fairies to giants (and you meant for the bricklayer to be in a hole in the ground), but that means you don't know how to present information to your viewer in a sensible and easy to understand manner. Which just reiterates that you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

This is what I meant by "one point perspective is the easiest fucking thing in the world." You could have drawn the guidelines and placed everything properly, and you didn't, BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE DOING.

I'll repeat my thesis here: It's obvious from your work that you don't understand these concepts. You can't possibly teach a student perspective, because you don't know how to do it yourself. Any misguided kid who gets a lesson from you will only be worse off when you teach them incorrectly.

Wake the fuck up, your work is disgustingly ugly.

The good news is, you CAN get better, but you have to start by accepting that your work is incredibly terrible right now.

Read the resources in the sticky: >>1579290
Afterward, ask questions in the beginner thread: >>2848511

>> No.2850209

Stagnation? My friends have told me that I've made a lot of progress just this part year. You're just hating on me.


You are being very rude and disrespectful. I am not going to listen to that because it is bullshit. I didn't come here to get critique i came here to help and teach people who are in need of mentors. My work is very appealing to me, if you find it ugly then that's your problem

>> No.2850215

i really dont know if this is a great troll or if its actually you.

i really just dont know any more.


>> No.2850287
File: 105 KB, 756x1100, bait of the black swordsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started out not believing you're a real person, but I suspended my disbelief just in case there actually was a person who might need to be set straight. But I do really hope you're a troll, a person being genuinely this delusional is just too sad to consider.

>> No.2850371


You know what, i'm done. You guys are jerks. I come here to help and instead I get ridiculed. Now I feel depressed and I don't want to draw. Thanks a lot. I hope you all feel better.

>> No.2850403

>paying for lessons and art critique when all of this is available online for FREE.


>> No.2850426

having an experienced mentor will make you improve faster