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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2845057 No.2845057 [Reply] [Original]

Feng Zhu says being surrounded by positive motivation is important to improve. Why is /ic/ a bunch of assholes most of the time. So is hugbox actually a meme? is that why tumblrinas are better than most of /ic/?


>> No.2845058

Because we're anonymous. Guaranteed 70% of you are on some form of IRC with a name attached to your work changes your attitude quick. But when you're on the eyesore you be as asshole you truly meant to be.

>> No.2845062

honestly "is that why tumblrinas are better than most of /ic/?" is the most asshole thing I've said in anon...

>> No.2845063


Of course, you will be encouraged to stick with it. Meanwhile, people here hate every moment of drawing, want to give up and kill themselves. This place is a toxic shithole

>> No.2845067

where should I look for an art community? I've done gaia when I was younger... but nowadays most artists are bad on there.

And I have one art friend but... her art is really... cartoony and she doesn't want to improve so i don't really want to draw with her anymore. Whenever I'd try to get us to practice fundamentals or something she'd rage and go on about muh style.

>> No.2845098
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>tfw no artist friends
>tfw no friends at all

>> No.2845107

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2845110

I'd really love some art friends too..tumblr isn't really a hugbox for artists, more like “your characters arent fat enough“ or no one ever sees your stuff.

>> No.2845115

>haha, time to share my art with fellow artists on /ic/ and get some helpful advice on how to improve!
>shit/loomis/sticky/kys/crit-sounding buzzwords
>fuck these autistic assholes, I bet half of them can't even draw, I'll show these fucking niggers
>improve while telling all of /ic/ how shit their work is
>haha, I have come so far, time to show those fags what's what
>shit/loomis/sticky/kys/crit-sounding buzzwords

>> No.2845125

Too bad all other art-related communities are either dead or have turned into shit.

-DA is a hugbox for autists
-Conceptart.org has turned into shit
-Permanoobs is dead

>> No.2845137

For me it is a meme. I like negativity and harsh critique. It motivates me.

>> No.2845146

All I want in life is to be part of a positive community. I thought I'd find that in art.
Nope, eight years later and I still don't have any friends. It seems like most artists, who are seriously trying to become pros, have the impression, that the industry is a jungle and everyone's out to get you, so they treat you like competition and are only as friendly as the etiquette demands.
Why are serious artists this way?

>> No.2845150

Post your work or you deserved it

>> No.2845152


Probably because they're so ego-invested in art that it's become a pillar of their sanity. The thing about the life of a person who sells art for a living is that its a life of seeking validation. You're always dependent on someone's opinion. Living to have your creativity praised by other people is honestly no healthier than living for Facebook likes, but it's been a way of life for centuries.

You'll find it easier to be friends with people who like to do art on the side than "arteests" who do it to live. Not that it's impossible, but it's just the nature of the beast

>> No.2845157

People who end up serious artists are often uninterested in other people to begin with. Friendly sociable people grow up to be useless vapid twats. Go to a bar or a club or something.

>> No.2845161


>Friendly sociable people grow up to be useless

Yes, charcoal drawings of old man fingers made by bitter neets are much more useful for society than the goods and services provided by businesses owned by sociable people who network and make deals

Come on man, I'm a basement dweller but even I'm not that delusional

>> No.2845163

>I'm a basement dweller
Then you obviously don't have much experience socializing with other artists. What he says is true.

>> No.2845164

>Feng Zhu says being surrounded by positive motivation is important to improve.
>Feng Zhu says being surrounded by positive motivation
>Feng Zhu being surrounded by positive motivation
>Feng Zhu
>positive motivation

some anons haven't heard the news yet

>> No.2845171 [DELETED] 


>What he says is true

The part about serious artists mostly being autistic loners, for sure

Everyone knows that

>> No.2845178


>What he says is true

The part about serious artists mostly being autistic loners, for sure. Obviously.

But you're not gonna sit there and argue that people who sit alone and waggle pencils are more useful than people who go out and cooperate with others to make society function

That's silly

>> No.2845198


Not every extrovert is some high-flying businessman, most of them work minimum wage as cashiers, salesmen, customer service or baristas. Well paying professions often require an autistic dedication to the craft.

>> No.2845204

Well, as self-procclaimed basement-dweller you of all people should greatly value the work of artists because they are pretty much the only reason why you haven't killed yourself yet. You probably couldn't go a day without consuming some form of entertainment that was created by artists.

>> No.2845223

>This place is a toxic shithole
Honestly I know this and yet I still come back here

No fucking idea why.

I think it's because, while this community is toxic, it's also brutally honest. People here are real and they speak freely. Most artists pat each other on the back: oh ur little stick figures are sooo cute I love your """""style"""""

The people here might be assholes and miserable pieces of toxic shit with horrible attitudes and bleak outlooks on life... but at least they're honest.

>> No.2845249

>sociable people who network and make deals
these are called psychopaths, anon

>> No.2845270

I am currently studying Fine Arts in Montreal (the tuition is excellent and art is my passion) which has a pretty big fine arts scene. I call myself an introvert, but I have made a lot of friends. I'm not saying you should go to an art school. But surrounding yourself with people with the same likes, and don't stick to this garbage negative shit hole, you will be happier than ever. And if you want honest critiques from people in real life, say that. And don't ask some normie because they don't know a thing about art. I don't know what help this really provided but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

>> No.2845273


I meant to write in the last post, you should try getting to some model sessions and see if you can meet people there. Or look up if there is anything like an artist club in your area. You'll be a lot better off with some positive people around you, who give you truthful opinions rather than some negative vacuum that which is /ic/.

>> No.2845293


Of course not every extrovert is a winner. It depends on how they leverage their skills. Any blanket statement like that would be retarded. Such as saying that sociable people are useless, for example. A ridiculous statement made by a ridiculous person.


Good art is good thing. We should appreciate good artists for the sutff they make. Things that keep communities running and streamline our way of life are much more important than art, so people who make that possible are much more valuable than artists.That's just reality. But that doesn't mean art is worthless. You gotta know your lane and be real about it.

>> No.2845295


Hey, sociable doesn't -have- to mean kindhearted. Just good at socializing. Sometimes with a nice payout.

Psychopaths can be pretty based when they're in their "I'm gonna give you something nice to try and build rapport with you as insurance" mode. It's a little sad to see that little twinkle in their eyes dim out when they can sense that you're onto their shit, but they'll move onto someone more naive anyway. In the meantime, free stuff.

>> No.2845301
File: 312 KB, 1280x1024, dontloseyourgaaaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successful people don't always know "why" they're successful, and it's blatantly obvious, when positive reinforcement is their given reason.
Positive reinforcement is a cancer in all that it touches. It created a generation of walking Faberge eggs. Ornate on the outside, perfectly hollow on the inside, and oh-so-fragile.
You obviously don't want to be outright mean to someone, but it's more valuable to tell them what they're doing wrong than gushing over their abilities.
>is that why tumblrinas are better than most of /ic/?

>> No.2845316

I'd say both negative and positive is important
but the key thing is to have both at the same time when giving out a critique.

sometimes /ic/ has reasonable adults that will respond to you, but other times it has edgy kids who shitpost or just give out a critique but insult you while doing so.

what I'm saying is at least at the end of your critique, say "keep going"; and then you can bash on the drawing all you want.

>> No.2845358

>Things that keep communities running and streamline our way of life are much more important than art, so people who make that possible are much more valuable than artists.

Maybe on an idealistic, humanitarian level they SHOULD be valued the most, but that's certainly not how things go in the real world. Usually those useful people that keep things running are amongst the lowest paid and least appreciated people. The ones who are both the highest paid and most appreciated tend to be the most useless ones as well, i.E. musicians, entertainers, actors, athletes etc.

>> No.2845657

what do you mean?

>> No.2845663

but they aren't. Even if you are improving or progressing you are still belittled and called shit. And god forbid you are actually good then you just get BTFO'd.

>> No.2845747

that is truly horrifying.

>> No.2845868
File: 28 KB, 1316x229, Self absorbed artists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's also brutally honest.
No, its pointlessly hostile. There's a fine line between telling something that they've done something wrong, and being an abrasive cunt and telling them they've done something wrong, though /ic/ rarely bothers with the last part. Being clear and concise is the former, and dancing around the point while telling someone to kill themselves because their art is shit is the former. /ic/ prides itself for not being a "hugbox", and while it isn't, it is a bucket full of crabs, and that's just as bad.

>People here are real and they speak freely.
People here are also unskilled and generally moronic. Its why time and time again you get anons trying to redline or critique work that is fundamentally sound, and do so love to talk down the work of any industry professional who clearly only got their job through nepotism.

>Most artists pat each other on the back:
As though /ic/ doesnt do this, just in a different manner.

>...but at least they're honest.
No, no they arent. They're bitter anons, who mistake acerbic "wit" for truth.

>> No.2845924

you don't come back here because the people here are brutally honest, you can't leave because you're here forever

>> No.2845954

>goods and services provided by businesses owned by sociable people
people trading rocks, sticks and back rubs. big fucking deal.

>> No.2845980

>you're never gonna make it if you keep up this retarded bullshit anon you fucking suck kill yourself to improve the worlds artistic genepool
>good job anon keep drawing those awfully anatomically incorrect and proportionally directly wrong animuus, it's perfectly fine to make up your own style immediately whatever the masters say are just guidelines anyway artistic skill is up for interpretation modern art is real art by the way

>> No.2845986

why does it have to be either extremes. Honestly I think if /ic/ were to become a hugbox most people would improve. We come here to improve or at least try to right? So if we get positive feedback and keep humble and just keep at it we'd improve no? Ofc there would be those who are delusional and think they god tier but who cares. Let them live in their delusion less competition right?

>> No.2846128

The only good communities cater to furries unfortunately which automatically makes it a no-go.

Maybe /ic/ should come together and make one? If it's a site with usernames people won't be as openly autistic.

Sadly i know jack shit about making websites so won't be me.

but i can dream

reddit has a few okay boards but they're slow as balls

>> No.2846134

Reddit format sucks balls for art/images imo

>> No.2846141

You realize neither of those two options point out the problems in the hypothetical work, right?

The first one is impotent venting at random people on the internet that makes you doubt yourself and hate sharing your art, the other one at least encourages you to keep drawing.
You literally learn nothing in either case.

>> No.2846143

You need both encouragement and criticism. There are plenty of places to get encouragement, because its apparently illegal to attach any negativity to your name. /ic/ is one of the few places you can get actual criticism. Its pretty shit most of the time obviously, but its better than nothing.

>> No.2846148

the first one tells me my art is shit and something has to be done, and insults are usually broad but not that broad, they'll say
>holy fucking shit anon those lines are hairier than your mom's ass, that fucking anatomy made me grow additional bones and my fucking god what kind of gymnastic lights did you imagine?
that tells me three things already, but if you just say everything looks pretty good or okay then i've truly learned nothing

>> No.2846158

>that tells me three things already
It tells you the person posting that is a beginner with a severe case of dunning kruger that is incapable of pointing out your actual mistakes.

Assuming your work actually does have those problems, you will see them yourself when you look at the work again in a week anyway because you will be drawing more in the meantime, the "critique" is literally useless.
And if you don't see it, vague allusions to the actual problem won't make a difference.

I understand what you're saying, but there is 0 difference between the two extremes, much like any two extremes. Both are shit and lead to a shitty place.

Why do you think everyone that knew how to paint on /ic/ fucked off?
/ic/ is good for finding resources when you have no idea what the fuck you are doing and shitposting, that is it.

>> No.2846176

where did they go? I wanna go to!

>> No.2846185

When you are ready, the url will come to you in a dream. That is how you know you have made it.

>> No.2846201

a dream brought me to /ic/ what does it mean?!

>> No.2846864

No. Once again the world is not black and white as people here seem to whimsically believe it to be. A hugbox is bad and the opposite is just as bad. You need a healthy amount of positive reinforcement and hard critique.

>> No.2846946

>Honestly I know this and yet I still come back here
>No fucking idea why.
I come here because every time someone looks at my stuff and makes a positive comment I think they're lying. Here I feel like I get what I'm meant to hear

>> No.2847004

you are lying. I post my art in draw thread sometimes. Sometimes my art just ignored but sometimes i get over paint or just people telling me what's wrong with the painting. No one never said that my art is shit without telling me why its shit.

>> No.2847018

This. People don't usually get shit on here too bad unless they

>have the audacity to say their art is good (even if it is, though 99% of the time it's not)
>make their own thread

I've personally submitted hundreds of critiques to this board and I've never been an asshole about it. If someone's work is too crappy to be critiqued to begin with then I either ignore them or just try and guide them to a topical beginner's resource and let someone else post Loomis at them as is tradition.

>> No.2847022
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>but at least they're honest.
But what's the value of honesty in art?

We are making illusions in a canvas. Artistic tools like composition and color palettes exist to persuade and influence the viewer, not to tell him the truth.

The public doesn't wants the truth. No artist is good enough to be completely honest.

Why not just circlejerk? Isn't that human society? Isn't that our economic system? Just a giant circlejerk?

When you see someone and say good morning as a reflex, you might not really mean it. You might be lying. But isn't that better than just calling them an asshole to their face?

What the hell do we win from trying to be honest?

If you tell an artist that his work is good even when it isn't, you gain a friend and he continues practicing.

If you tell an artist that his work is shit, and it's honestly shit, you don't get anything back. Your hands are empty. You gain an enemy. He either stops drawing or grind and grinds and grinds until he gets good and then becomes your market competition, who will take your jobs.

What's the end game /ic/?
Do you really want the truth or do you want a prosperous life?

>> No.2847027
File: 103 KB, 960x639, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a saying in business.
>"Suckers try to be right. Non-suckers try to win"
They don't care about being right. Even if they get everything wrong, they will have more friends, game and social security than you.

Do you think that birds will suddenly fall to the ground because they don't understand the physics of aerodynamics?

They don't need to know why they are successful. They just will be because their system labels them so.

This system, "/ic/", what does it labels you as?

>> No.2847031


He fucked Ben Mauro and dozens of other artists as well , also probably their love interests too just to rub it in.

>> No.2847049
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>in business
Do they say that before or after they jerk off alone in bed?

>> No.2847077

You can critic someone's work without being an asshole, tho

>> No.2847105

The rest of the board is atrocious but I've found the drawthreads to be pretty positive

>> No.2847108

Actually most successful artists have been encouraged by their family and friends throughout the years.

>> No.2847111


>> No.2847119


I like to mention something I like and something I think the work could use as an improvement.

Ex: I like the lineweight because of how much movement it adds to the character, but the eyes seem a little too high on the head and could be better balanced.

Something like that. Think about what you would want to hear about your own work. You'd want someone to encourage your good habits and help you curb your bad habits. Reflect that in your critiques and remember that everyone starts somewhere.

>> No.2847127

I mean, I've never seen it, but I'm sure it can be done.

>> No.2847129

I can't really prove it, but you can prove it to yourself anon. Maybe you can be a good guy. Just believe in yourself.

>> No.2847164

/ic/'s aversion to "hugboxes" has lead to a culture where complimenting someone, or even delivering critique in a gentle way, is derided. People on here mistake being an asshole for being "brutally honest" and somehow think that delivering critique in a malicious fashion is somehow superior to delivering that same critique with a positive tone. Then there's the people who don't even bother with the critique part and still have these delusions that they're some expert critic because they belligerently shit on everyone. The reality is that anybody can say art is shit, many less can say why it's shit and how to fix it.

>> No.2847190


You have to open your eyes and perceive that /ic/ is a joke.

I just come here to laugh.

When you can outlast the bitterness of this place, everywherelse feels like heaven.

>> No.2847361


Fuck so why even bother coming here? It seems like such a time sink where nobody will ever help me improve... wtf is this board? why even bother?

>> No.2847365

Maybe I could find a pro artist who I could pay for critiques... that would almost be a better option without all the salty banter

>> No.2847637

I dono it's like shoveling thru mountains of shit just to get that one 5$ bill occasionally. Like you get shit on constantly belittled and told to kys but sometimes you actually get good advice or a compliment and it makes you feel good. At least that's how it is for me. Until i cultivate my own little circlejerk fanbase i guess.

>> No.2847638

feng zhu said that most pros would say the same things when looking at a amateurs work. Study fundamentals. It's pretty much the study loomis of the professional art world.

>> No.2847652

Pretty sure anon means specifics
Not vague stuff like /ic/

>> No.2847654


People are desperate to find like minded people and share what they've created with them.

But /ic/ offers no kind of community and is proud that it doesn't.

Every single board here is a circlejerk of people being dickheads to one another and acting like retards while offering nothing in return.

>> No.2848197
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>Why is /ic/ a bunch of assholes most of the time.
Biggest issue with this board. Bunch of chidrens trying too hard to be edgy because 4chan.

>So is hugbox actually a meme?
Positive reinforcement and reward-based cognitive behavioral training is definitely the best way to be intrinsically motivated. of course positive prosocial environments are better for creativity and growth.

>is that why tumblrinas are better than most of /ic/?
theres way more of them.

>> No.2848204

just fucking join one of the discords loser

>> No.2848209


>> No.2848211

There is only one open to everyone, afaik

>> No.2848227

I don't have it anymore, I got banned for manually linking everyone to show I could @all

>> No.2848254

Positive motivation probably means exposing yourself to superior artists and feeling inspired by them to do better.

Hugboxes like DA encourage stagnation and ego masturbation.

>> No.2848917


i thought there was only one server.

>> No.2849332

there was only one in the sticky, however suidice, natp, etc. there are many others with groups.

>> No.2849441
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x1646, d64ae641-9ee6-4a97-bb75-e61528427717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ is full of kids, beginners and people who shitpost instead of drawing. It's a pretty motivating experience when you realize it's an example of what happens to you when you waste your time on shitposting instead of drawing.

>> No.2849463

This is where all the thirsty nobodies come to hang out so everyone is just bitter they aren't sakimichan and pretend they are better or their sense of art is somehow superior to anyone one who is successful

>> No.2849489

Why is it a meme that /ic/ is bad? Most of the stuff I've seen on here is original and somewhat competent. Tumble people are mostly art students who got gud but then decided to draw cutesy anime derivative blandness because 'muh silhouette, muh simplicity, muh efficiency'. Ok, cool but it looks boring.

>> No.2850528

Some of the posters here need to harden up, I never take the insults here seriously because it's 4chan for fuck's sake. I haven't found any other community where people aren't afraid to critique your work, arsepats might be nice but they don't teach you anything and every critique I've recieved here has helped me, even if that help was just the decision to throw it in the bin and start something new

>> No.2850601
File: 24 KB, 602x204, Me thinks the Anon doth protest too much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like you didn't bother to read the thread. No one has an issue with the general insults here, its the insults without any substance that get passed as critique, its the general stupidity and incompetence that anons hold while being far worse than they think they are. Being an unpleasant cunt for the sake of being an unpleasant cunt will make people call you a cunt, doubly so if you try to act like a professional when your own skill is shit.

Like other anons in this thread have said, /ic/ holds this mentality that being artists, they've got to be these tough, hardass art critics, and that any form of praise is babying and hugboxing and this just leads to the board being cesspool of bitter, shitposting cunts.

>> No.2850614

>Hugboxes like DA encourage stagnation and ego masturbation
and yet one can easily find better artists on DA than on /ic/

>> No.2850625
File: 26 KB, 600x375, come-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every critique I've recieved here has helped me
>every single one

>> No.2850784


>> No.2850976

>They're bitter anons
No, you are. Someone was mean to you and you've been crying bitch tears over it ever since. You even have screencaps of people that agree with you to feel better about yourself.

Maybe the reason why people keep telling you to kill yourself is because of what an obviously resentful, bitter beta you are?

If you hate /ic/ so much why are you here?

That picture also, lmao. It is about as cringe as people saying "I am not a gamer, just someone who plays games" Speshul snowflake in the extreme.

>> No.2851249
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well, how many good things in life come by in a method that isn't "shoveling thru mountains of shit just to get that one 5$ bill occasionally"? eating, sleeping, masturbating... that's about it. maybe some other places have it marginally more frequently, or maybe you're wading through a hugbox rather than a sea of piss, but about the same.

can't join it if i dont have a link

THIS is why I come to /ic/.

>> No.2851272


Obviously I'm generalising but yes, even the ones that are just

>that X is fucked, kys my man you're never gonna make it

let me know that I should just bin the work rather than try to continue it


Personally I like 4chan's negativity and cynical nature, it makes any praise you do get feel like it's worth something.

>> No.2851347

I haven't even read the thread and I know this is the /thread post.

>> No.2851361

>Personally I like 4chan's negativity and cynical nature, it makes any praise you do get feel like it's worth something.

Some real puritanical shit right here.

>> No.2851394

>70% of you are on some form of IRC


>> No.2851402

>they've got to be these tough, hardass art critics, and that any form of praise is babying and hugboxing and this just leads to the board being cesspool of bitter, shitposting cunts.

I see a lot of praise on here though. Like whenever an actual decent artist posts something, the number of nice comments and "blog?" replies vastly outnumbers the people who feel insecure and angry about it. Mediocre artists are often ignored, but also get encouraging comments here and there and once you look past the "it's shit" icebreaker, I've never seen a bad artist who is genuinely looking for advice getting trashed by anyone either.

>> No.2851404

I agree with that statement. It doesn't happen often, but when anon drops the mask and lets you know your shit is good, it really sticks with you. I love this place. If people don't like it, they can fuck off.

/ic/ is like being in an abusive relationship lol, but in a good way. Doesn't work for everyone, but suits me perfectly. I need critique, the harsher the better.

>> No.2851410

discord w/e it's the same shit

You'll all migrate back to IRC when it gets bought out by Facebook VR INC. My dad works for Facebook, don't tell him about it.

>> No.2851591

Sorry that your abuse filled childhood gave you a fetish for degradation, but how many of the greats talk about their days spent posting on 4chan looking for validation from anonymous jackasses who can't do better themselves?

>> No.2851654

Give it some years, this place might not even be here by that time. A lot of young people on this board still finding themselves.

Yes I honestly believe some of us will make it.

>> No.2851656

We are all going to make it

>> No.2851658

1. the key to success is balance, both extremes are detrimental to improvement
2. /ic/ is filled with tumblrinas, not many of them are worth following

>> No.2851671
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Yes we will anon

>> No.2851693

I work well with negative emotions.

>> No.2851702
File: 50 KB, 960x960, 16388020_812504878901102_2666476576599869583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw everyday :) i draw like this today but tomorrow it's gonna get better and so on and so on and so on

>> No.2851703

>They don't care about being right. Even if they get everything wrong, they will have more friends, game and social security than you.
Being right is its own reward, to be honest. I rather live like an ascetic than to pretend modern life is the way to go.

>> No.2851705

also artist friends will only drag you down , if you get better they will find ways to fuck everything up for you , trust me , i worked in a tattoo studio

>> No.2851836
File: 9 KB, 233x200, 5434534653423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too much self respect to pander to Steven Universe fans

>> No.2851879

I think /ic/ is much more helpful than any other site is.
I honestly enjoy harsh critique and constructive criticism i get from anons as a /beg/.

If your argument is going go be that tumblr is better than /ic/ when it comes to drawing i'd just say that's incorrect.

/ic/ has it's fair share of great artists but so does tumblr, whose numbers are larger than /ic/'s. What tumblr has is a bunch of people who get their art nowhere because they are constantly being told that they are good and their art is good while most of /ic/ is constantly improving.

So there you go i think that covers it all.

>> No.2851882

Suck a bag of dick you nazzi niggerfaggot!

>> No.2851883

Pretty much. There's this really dumb idea in nerd communities that they're "above emotions" or whatever but it's just denial. Of course what someone says effects them on some level, and yeah, letting your brain soak in a piss mist of hostility all the time does in fact fuck with your head. People, especially when they're anonymous, assume the shape of their environment. Whoever you're around rubs off on you.

I was a neckbeard for a long time, got sick of it and actively sought out people I wanted to be like. Huge fucking difference. Now I mostly go on here to give art advice but moreso to remember who I don't wanna be.

>> No.2852042


No one's said they're above emotions, but spend any amount of time on 4chan and you'll quickly become desensitised to being called any name under the sun. You overblow how "hostile" /ic/ is anyway.

>> No.2852061

it seems to me that there's a short period of time in the budding artist's career in which the vitriolic donkey's arse of /ic/ is actually useful. It's good to get your head out of the clouds and think seriously about improving.

But as the skill level of the board is low, the feedback can only match that. Generally, the feedback is low-level, diffuse, poorly thought out or simply wrong. It's easy to tell a beginner that the pectoralis on their polished turd is wrong, but on anything above that level it's a coin toss whether the critique is useful or not. You're not guaranteed a reply, nor one that makes sense and comes from a good artist. People seem happy to throw "advice" at you regarding anything from foreshortening to color theory without seriously thinking it through.

So unless you're a literal beginner or complete retard, what's the appeal of this place?

>> No.2852065

You must be a retard, I assume? Or are you the beginner?

>> No.2852077

Yes, if you suck and want to get better, then buck up and take the critique. You have to sift through some shit most of the time!

"How do I tell what's good critique or not?"

if you can't tell the difference. You belong in the /beg/ thread. Most people, once they become a little bit more experienced, can see alot of their mistakes, and/or ask specific questions about what to fix/study/etc...

>> No.2852080
File: 163 KB, 900x887, DukeNukemForever-Feng-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feng Zhu says being surrounded by positive motivation is important to improve

That's a euphemism for getting paid to draw shit like this

>> No.2852082


I must be the retard since I'm not a beginner but keep coming back. Several months ago, when I was rusty, I got some useful paintovers and critiques that I worked hard to learn from. Since then, I haven't gotten a single piece of useful advice. I see other people getting poor advice all the time too.

>> No.2852084
File: 18 KB, 460x345, 1486546905401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less competition right?

Haha, until they market themselves to normal people who "think" they are good. And then what? They already have a large community supporting their shit art.

>> No.2852085

>But as the skill level of the board is low, the feedback can only match that. Generally, the feedback is low-level, diffuse, poorly thought out or simply wrong. It's easy to tell a beginner that the pectoralis on their polished turd is wrong, but on anything above that level it's a coin toss whether the critique is useful or not. You're not guaranteed a reply, nor one that makes sense and comes from a good artist. People seem happy to throw "advice" at you regarding anything from foreshortening to color theory without seriously thinking it through.

this x1000

>> No.2852088

Try as hard as you fucking can, and don't give up!

>> No.2852091

I second this!. Or I don't post it here, because I know it sucks to hard!

>> No.2852103

Hey, that's pretty good!

>> No.2852370

Honestly yeah the best thing you can do is befriend a bunch of artists you admire and do group chats and shit

>> No.2853135

Too much positivity spawns complacency, too much negativity spawns apathy.
I think ic and tumblr type sites are good in different ways, the trick is to not put all your eggs in one basket otherwise they'll malform one way or the other.

Being able to spot shitposting and weather insults and abuse from anonymous haters is a good skill too.

>> No.2853380

but i can get better hehe

>> No.2855029

oh my fucking god. do yourself a favor and don't watch feng zhu's shit. i knew he was full of shit but i didn't know he was one of those ''let me give you some feng shui therapeutic advice'' bullshit kind of guy.

>> No.2855031
File: 2.31 MB, 1716x1524, Screen_Shot_2017-02-11_at_01.50.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more interesting question... whats up with his homepage sketchgirls

>> No.2855146
File: 6 KB, 179x191, peter-griffin-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I must be the retard
>but keep coming back

One of us, one of us

Gooble Gobble Gooble Gobble

>> No.2855147

Isn't him the guy who is famous to put his stundants under a lot of stress, unecessary competition and psychological violence under his school?

>> No.2855159

Also, for fucking over other teachers and stuff?

>> No.2858478

It's true. You need a positive atmosphere to improve. That doesn't mean it has to be easy though.

Hugboxes won't give you honest feedback. That's a huge downside.

/ic/ is good for honest opinions, but is a pretty shitty place in that regard. People come here to vent. It's a cesspool for people with no confidence in their skills who take their frustration out on everyone else, and give skewed advice as a result.

However, /ic/ can be a decent place, but you should have another place you go to where people actually give a shit. A place that is legit going to try to help you get better. That's not to say that people here won't help, they will, but the negativity here is just going to drag you down in the long run.

>> No.2858482

Yup, the discord is pretty much like /ic/ but better! Go there.

>> No.2860141
File: 207 KB, 1280x1097, tumblr redraws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that why tumblrinas are better than most of /ic/?
Define better.

>> No.2860149

>But as the skill level of the board is low, the feedback can only match that.

I've noticed that. When I was showing off my art in a random meetup (with some really skilled as fuck people) all the critique was about design decisions and shit like that. In /ic/ all you get is anatomy nit picks. I find that anatomy is so stressed to death here that it's a meme. Then again it's probably one of the few things about art that's straight out objective so its easy to bitch about.

>> No.2860154

Learn humility, and stop trying to have expectations of others. What is a prosperous life when you can't be honest with yourself or peers? I'd rather be dead than live a lie.

>> No.2860223

Ironically this post is a great example of the worst of ic

>> No.2861434

what i learned from 4chan is to never take anything to the heart people say

>> No.2861553

the face when I want to hang out with you guys
but afraid to be bundled up with losers


>> No.2861555

Just join you fucking loser

>> No.2861559


>> No.2861583

I'm an 4chan user since 3 years now, but this is just since last week I came here.

In few days, I realised I like this board and his anons a bit. Threads are interesting and helpful, perhaps some anons are harsh with each other, but about this I just always saw meta-critism anons who claim this board is a circlejerk full of failed artists.

Few days ago, I wanted to quit my art studies but this board(and many other factors) kept me up and now I'm full of determination.

Bless you anons.

>> No.2861641

I kinda quit... I started taking comp sci classes in college. Might just try and be IT since I suck at calculus. Suck at art too...

>> No.2861644

But what do you want in life anon! You can't give up!

>> No.2861655

I don't have motivation or drive. I'm happy just existing. I been neeting it up for so long with nothing to show for. I'm just bored all the time and looking for things to fill the time. It's not like I'm depressed or anything. Atleast I don't think I am but I'm just fine with anything really. I just want to make enough money to buy what I want live in a nice area and chill at home.

No but seriously I'm not quitting art just was preparing myself for the compsci classes. Cause I'd be regretful if I failed my class cause I told myself "PRACTICE ART" but actually didn't and just meme'd myself.

>> No.2861801

Fuck you.

>> No.2861804

Love you.

>> No.2861813

Feng Zhu say, a wise man draw every day.
Feng Zhu say, supportive space makes for improvement at snappy pace.
Feng Zhu say, every time you masturbate, you kill your will to creatively procreate.

>> No.2861832

/ic/'s strength lies in its anonymity, which allows people to be brutally honest when giving critique without having it tied to their name. At least, that was the case back in the day.
The problem with /ic/ over the past few years is that we don't have any mods or janitors who care about this place. As much as 4chan is known for its chaos and anarchy, without some form of moderation, everything just breaks down.

I mean, the mods and janitors can clearly see the identity of the people posting, and know who's a regular shitposter and who's not. Yet they do nothing about it. As a result, they let a handful of assholes use this board as their playground and basically destroy any semblance of order.

>> No.2862664

twitter is basically a public IRC btw

>> No.2863381



>> No.2863382

oops, set it to never expire